What calcium is best to give to a child per year? Symptoms and consequences of calcium deficiency

For every baby normal height and development requires complete age-related nutrition, which takes into account his needs for fats, proteins and carbohydrates at a certain period of life. However, not only the caloric content of food, but also its vitamin and mineral composition contribute to the proper maturation of all organs and systems.

The most common deficiency in children in the first year of life is hypocalcemia. A lack of calcium in a baby’s body can lead to very serious consequences - spontaneous fractures, convulsions, delayed development of bone and nervous systems.

In order for the level of calcium in the child’s body to remain sufficient, his daily diet This microelement should be present in a dose of 500–1000 mg. Babies on breastfeeding receive it through mother's milk, so it is worth eating well and additionally receiving vitamin and mineral complexes throughout the entire lactation period. A critical decrease in the level of calcium in the blood causes rickets and its complications.

Infants receive calcium from their mother's milk, so a woman who is breastfeeding should take it with food. sufficient quantity this element.

In the first year of life, calcium deficiency in children develops not only when its intake into the body is low, but also when it is involved in the absorption of the microelement. According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization, every child infancy, feeding on mother's milk, in the autumn-winter period must additionally receive a water-soluble form of vitamin D3. In the spring and summer, it is synthesized in the baby’s body independently under the influence of sunlight, so its excessive administration during this period leads to hypervitaminosis, which is much worse than a vitamin deficiency.

In older children, hypocalcemia can be caused by diseases digestive tract(gastritis, colitis, etc.), reception medicines that interfere with the absorption of substances in gastrointestinal tract(antacids, sorbents).

Calcium norms depending on age:

  • from birth to 6 months – 400–500 mg;
  • from 7 months to 1 year – 500–700 mg;
  • over one year and up to 10 years – 700–900 mg.

It is impossible to create an excess of calcium through nutritional means; all of its excess is eliminated from the body through the kidneys and intestines. Additional intake of the microelement in ready-made tablet form very often leads to the accumulation of calcium salts in the kidneys.

Clinical manifestations of hypocalcemia

In young children who are not yet able to move independently, only a doctor can often suspect a calcium deficiency. The first signs of deficiency of this microelement in infants are:

  • excessive sweating skin, especially in the back of the head;
  • rolling out hair in areas of prolonged contact with the pillow;
  • tremor (shaking) of the chin when crying;
  • flinching at loud noises.

If calcium deficiency is observed during the development of spinal curves and walking, then the baby develops curvature of the bones of the limbs and poor posture. At older ages, hypocalcemia leads to increased fragility bones, peeling nails, cracks in the corners of the mouth, cramps, increased mobility joints.

Suspicions about a lack of calcium in the body and increased convulsive readiness can be confirmed using certain tests:

  • If you lightly tap the baby’s cheek in the area of ​​the corner of the mouth or cheekbone with the tip of your finger, and a twitching occurs in this area, then there may be a calcium deficiency in his body;
  • if, when squeezing the baby's hands in your hand, middle third Shoulder and fingers cramp, then the likelihood of calcium deficiency is high.

Consequences of low calcium levels

Calcium is necessary for normal growth and functioning of the skeleton of a child and an adult.

Insufficient intake of this microelement into the body or impaired absorption in the intestine in childhood leads to the development of rickets. There are several stages of the disease, each of which has its own manifestations.

On early stage rickets in a baby, all the symptoms of calcium deficiency appear - skin hyperhidrosis (increased sweating), hyperexcitability (shuddering), hair rolling due to prolonged compression or friction of the head on the pillow. At this stage of the disease development, no bone deformations are observed.

Absence adequate therapy leads to the progression of rickets, and it enters the peak stage. Dyspeptic symptoms (vomiting, poor appetite, stool disorder) and bone changes. The muscle tone of the anterior muscle also decreases. abdominal wall, it takes the shape of a frog's belly.

Among the bone disorders in the first year of a baby’s life are:

  • flattening of the back of the head;
  • asymmetry of the skull;
  • softening of the edges of the fontanel;
  • formation of frontal or parietal tubercles;
  • deformation of the sternum (keeled or funnel-shaped);
  • curvature of the spine (kyphosis, scoliosis);
  • X- or O-shaped deformation of the lower extremities.

Ignoring the problem by parents can lead to disability of the child, delay in his physical and mental development. Frequent consequences suffered severe rickets in childhood are:

  • gross deformity of the spine or lower extremities;
  • tower skull, pronounced parietal or frontal tubercles;
  • improper bite in the mouth;
  • curvature of the legs, interfering with normal walking;
  • deformation of the sternum, preventing normal operation lungs and heart;
  • a flat pelvis, which does not allow women to fully bear a baby and give birth to him independently;
  • visual impairment (myopia).

In children of preschool and school age, calcium deficiency manifests itself as frequent fractures, joint hypermobility, long-term anemia.

Diagnosis of calcium deficiency

When the first signs of rickets or convulsive twitching appear, you should immediately consult your doctor. Similar conditions require mandatory correction after examination.

Passing is required general analysis blood, in which the level of hemoglobin is determined. A urine test using the Sulkowicz test can detect calcium deficiency in young children. It shows the level of calcium excretion in the child's urine. The level of calcium in the peripheral venous blood. In children under 6 months of age, this figure is normally 2.25–2.5 mmol/l.

Treatment and prevention of hypocalcemia and rickets

The diet of a pregnant woman, and later (after the introduction of complementary foods) of her baby, should contain a sufficient amount of calcium-rich foods.

Prevention of rickets in children should begin in utero. Each pregnancy should receive vitamin D3 daily for 6 to 8 weeks.

After birth, healthy children should also take vitamin D3 in a prophylactic dose (from 2 months to 3 years). In the autumn-winter periods, each full-term baby should be given 500 MO of vitamin D3, with the exception of children who are on artificial feeding. The selection of drug doses should be carried out by a local doctor, taking into account all indicators and risk factors.

For the prevention and treatment of rickets, it is necessary to adjust the diet of both the nursing mother and her baby after the introduction of complementary foods. Vitamin D3 is only relevant when the body receives enough calcium. A child’s diet must include fermented milk products(hard cheeses, yoghurt, whole milk), dried fruits, milk chocolate (by age). High content natural vitamin D is in butter, beef liver, egg yolk.

Also, when treating rickets, do not forget about increasing muscle tone and normalization of intestinal function. During this period, children are prescribed various types baths, walks fresh air, physical therapy and massage. It is necessary to treat intestinal dysbiosis, if any.

If nutritional correction does not allow you to increase the level of calcium in the blood, then you need to resort to the introduction of synthetic calcium-containing drugs, but only after consulting a doctor. For better absorption of calcium, you should use fish oil, which is available in capsule form according to age. Self-treatment hypocalcemia can lead to various problems: constipation to severe renal failure, and as a result to urolithiasis at an early age.

In order for your baby to grow healthy and cheerful, it is better to visit monthly in the first year of life. family doctor For preventive examination and vaccinations!

The program “About the Most Important Thing” talks about calcium and its preparations:

The importance of calcium for young children is difficult to overestimate. This macronutrient is part of cell membranes and is responsible for electrolyte balance. A lack of calcium in a child is manifested by disturbances in the formation of the skeleton and the development of rickets.

If children don't have enough calcium, they get sick more often colds, suffer from fractures and impaired dental growth. The functioning of the heart and muscles, the functioning of the nervous, digestive and endocrine systems.

Magnesium and vitamin D are well absorbed in the presence of this element. Everyone knows the role of phosphorus and calcium in the work of the heart and skeletal muscles. Phosphorus can perform its functions only with a sufficient supply of calcium.

Daily calcium intake according to age

The calcium intake rate for a child is determined according to his age. For newborns it is lower, and by three years daily norm almost doubles. The older the child gets, the more his daily requirement in calcium.

Daily norm calcium for children depending on age, mg:

Daily dose calcium for teenagers is determined by the doctor depending on how violently the hormonal changes body. It is permissible to receive up to 1300 mg of this macronutrient per day.

Natural sources of calcium

However, modern scientific evidence suggests that other foods with high content Calcium is absorbed by children no worse than dairy products. Therefore, it is useful to eat seeds, nuts, and other foods rich in calcium.

Sometimes parents, concerned about the problem of how to increase calcium in their child, resort to consuming peeled and ground eggshells. Egg shells are 90% calcium carbonate. This compound dissolves hydrochloric acid stomach. But children have lower acidity than adults. Taking calcium from the shell means increasing the child’s risk of milk-alkali syndrome with disturbances in heart rhythm and kidney function. If the calcium in foods does not meet the body's needs, the doctor will prescribe additional pharmaceutical drugs.

Symptoms and consequences of calcium deficiency

A lack of calcium in a child can be caused by both insufficient supply of the macronutrient from the outside and its poor absorption. With a lack of calcium, babies have problems sleeping. They fidget so restlessly in bed that irritation appears on the back of their heads and their hair breaks more and more. These areas of worn hair are considered one of the manifestations of rickets, a disease caused by a lack of calcium in the body.

Signs of calcium deficiency in a child:

  • night sleep disturbances;
  • muscle spasms;
  • growth slowdown;
  • brittle nails and hair.

Severe calcium deficiency can cause seizures. Increased risk of developing nervous attack against the background of increased excitability. Prolonged lack of calcium in the body causes heart rhythm disturbances. The consequences of calcium deficiency can be sad: this multiple sclerosis, heart failure.

When a child does not have enough calcium, he is more likely to suffer from allergies. Allergens are toxins that enter the intercellular space through vascular walls. Additional calcium intake for allergies in young children can strengthen vascular cells and improve the child’s condition.

Reasons why calcium is poorly absorbed

The reasons for calcium deficiency may lie not only in dietary errors, but also in the digestibility of the substance. The macronutrient may be poorly absorbed against the background magnesium deficiency, taking diuretics, some antibiotics.

Why calcium is not absorbed:

  • regular peritoneal dialysis is carried out, when the peritoneum and a large amount of fluid passing through it are used to purify the blood;
  • the pancreas does not function well, as judged on the basis of the creatinine index;
  • kidney function is impaired and regular hemodialysis is performed;
  • impaired ability small intestine absorb macronutrients.

To improve calcium absorption, your doctor may recommend additional vitamin D in the form of drops.

Indications for taking calcium supplements

World organization health care recommends appointment additional drugs calcium starting from the birth of the child, if necessary. The doctor determines whether to give extra calcium to the child based on laboratory tests. Calcium in the blood serum is examined - free, bound to proteins and with low molecular weight anions.

General summary result of calcium content (normal):

Calcium supplements are prescribed for bone fractures. The macronutrient is necessary for the bone to heal quickly and correctly after a fracture. Typically, calcium supplements for fractures certainly contain vitamin D so that the macronutrient is better absorbed.

Types of calcium-based drugs: which one to choose for your child

Choosing together with your doctor good drug based on calcium for a child, usually take into account its shape and composition. Syrup or suspension is preferred for babies as they are easy to swallow. They usually contain calcium carbonate or citrate. But, for example, calcium glycerophosphate is not suitable for children, since they cannot cope with the tablet. Tablet and chewable forms are suitable for children over 3 years of age.

Vitamins with calcium for children in different forms:

The doctor decides which calcium is best absorbed in each specific case, taking into account the child’s condition and his age. If calcium is needed by infants, choose Complivit calcium D3, which is allowed from the first days of life. If there are problems with calcium absorption, complexes with cholecalciferol and phosphorus are preferred.

Review of calcium products for children

Children's vitamins containing calcium are selected by the doctor, taking into account the age of the child and the level of deficiency of the substance. The easiest to digest preparations are those based on calcium lactate and calcium citrate. However, calcium lactate is only available in tablets and therefore has age restrictions. The most commonly used calcium carbonate is in the form vitamin syrup. Children of senior preschool and school age Calcium gluconate is recommended, and if there are problems with the absorption of the element, combining it with phosphorus.

Review of some calcium preparations:

Dental vitamins are not usually prescribed to children. The timing of their eruption depends on many factors, including hereditary ones. Delay in the appearance of teeth may be associated with a general lack of calcium in the body, and the solution to this problem will be complex. Unpleasant sensations When a baby is teething, it may be softened by taking calcium supplements, since this element slightly reduces the itching.

Features of the use of drugs with calcium

The use of calcium supplements by children depends on the reasons for the prescription and the composition of the specific drugs. Many experts believe that it is better to give calcium at night, since at night the deficiency of this element in the body is better compensated. bone tissue. If the medicine must be taken several times a day, then calcium is given between meals, and not at the same time as it. It is recommended to take calcium gluconate preparations with milk or water. Other forms of calcium salts are better absorbed when combined with citrus juices.

Iontophoresis can be used to introduce calcium into the body. At the same time, the bioavailability and digestibility of the substance increases significantly. Electrophoresis with calcium and phosphorus is popular if a significant violation of the absorption of the macronutrient is diagnosed. Calcium chloride is administered using electrophoresis. In this form it is safer for children.

The course of calcium treatment usually lasts several weeks, as directed by your doctor. Next, you should take a break for several months, and then repeat the course if necessary.

Calcium gluconate for common childhood diseases: does it help or not?

Many parents are concerned about how to compensate for the lack of micro- and macroelements in the child’s body if the baby is often sick. Calcium gluconate is often the drug of choice for a child. Some consider it almost a panacea for any disorders and diseases - be it bad dream, injury, infection or cold.

Treatment of allergies using calcium gluconate most often coincides with the exclusion of the allergen from contact with the child. Therefore, the baby’s condition improves. Calcium gluconate does not treat colds, acute respiratory viral infections, allergies or other childhood diseases.

Contraindications, side effects

The doctor recommends calcium supplements, taking into account concomitant conditions and diseases, so you cannot choose a medicine for your child on your own due to high risk side effects. When taking calcium carbonate, the risk of stool disorders, bloating, and stomach problems increases. Calcium is absorbed better and faster in the form of lactate or citrate, but these forms are more likely to cause allergies.

Taking calcium supplements is contraindicated for diagnosed hyperparathyroidism, phenylketonuria, and renal failure. Calcium products should be chosen with extreme caution when diabetes mellitus, because many of them contain glucose.

Excess calcium: how it manifests itself and what it entails

An excess of calcium in the body is no less dangerous than a lack of the element. We can talk about excess calcium based on laboratory tests, when ionized calcium is elevated (in newborns the norm is 1.03-1.37 mmol/l; for children under 16 years of age, values ​​of 1.29-1.31 mmol/l are considered normal). The child may owe excess calcium to overly anxious parents who uncontrollably give him drugs high in the element.

Symptoms of a calcium overdose do not appear for a long time, and only when a sufficient amount of it accumulates in the body does vomiting, diarrhea appear, blood pressure may rise and renal colic may develop.

The cause of an excess of calcium can also be a violation of its absorption. This condition is fraught with serious complications, including cardiac arrest and coma.

Dr. Evgeniy Komarovsky believes that sufficient calcium in a baby’s body is very important for his harmonious growth and development. During breastfeeding Babies usually get enough calcium if the woman eats a nutritious diet while breastfeeding.

The child needs additional calcium intake during periods active growth. This is usually the age of three to five years, entry into adolescence. But this is individual for all children and is discussed with the doctor. If necessary, to support a growing child's body, medications containing calcium are prescribed.

Dr. Komarovsky’s opinion on the benefits of calcium for children can be seen in the video below.

A child's body is very similar to a house under construction. To successfully build this house, you need the strongest bricks, namely calcium. Calcium is important trace element for the baby's health.
First of all, it is a variety of microelements, protein, biologically active substances and vitamins. Let's figure out whether to give calcium to children.

Calcium for children.

If the amount of any component decreases or the relationship between these components is disrupted, this will lead to the loss of the integrity of the body’s structure, which means overall health.

One of important substances for the body is calcium. Everyone knows that calcium is the basis of bone tissue. A lack of calcium can lead to brittle bones, deformation of bones, and can also negatively affect the condition of teeth.

The topic of calcium recent years is given the most attention. Experts are actively discussing calcium diets that are enriched with this element, drugs and regimens for taking these drugs. In pharmacies, in turn, new forms of calcium appear, that is, a very important microelement necessary for the health of the baby. But the number of questions is not decreasing. For example, how can you create the right menu for your baby’s health, while also taking into account a sufficient amount of microelements? When should you start sounding the alarm about micronutrient deficiencies? Is it necessary to give calcium for prevention? various diseases? At what age should you start giving calcium?

Calcium is an important trace element necessary for the health of the baby; it is needed for the formation of teeth and bone tissue. IN skeletal system up to 90% of calcium is actually used. Calcium ensures the hardness and strength of the musculoskeletal system of adults and children. But beneficial properties calcium doesn't stop there. Calcium is also involved in the implementation of complex blood clotting reactions, muscle contraction, and also with its help transmits impulses along nerve fiber, hormones are released and have an effect. The amount of calcium in breast milk does not depend on the mother's diet. The calcium content in milk is a kind of constant.

Scientists conducted research on the composition of a lactating woman's milk and found that when consuming from 600 mg to 2400 mg of calcium per day, this composition did not change significantly. But this, of course, is not a reason to neglect your diet, as the mother’s body will be squeezed like lemon. The consequences will affect teeth and hair, feeling unwell and muscle weakness.

As soon as calcium enters the child's body, it rushes into the bones. Gets into the blood and is the first to react to its deficiency hematopoietic system. The regulation of calcium metabolism is no less complex. Responsible for calcium levels in the blood endocrine organs, as well as the kidneys and digestive organs. With chronic calcium deficiency, various pathological conditions which often require long-term treatment. Calcium can be “leached” from bones by endocrine glands to replenish blood reserves. If it's the other way around high level calcium is retained long time, That certain hormones promote its deposition in bone tissue and soft tissues body.

In the first year of life, the child’s body uses calcium, which is received from the mother during pregnancy.

Some evidence suggests that a nursing mother can provide calcium to a child up to three years of age. But there are some nuances. For example, premature, low birth weight and twin babies especially need regular calcium intake into the body, as they have smaller reserves. Also at risk are babies who have limited mobility for any reason, for example, children who were born after previous pregnancy after a short period of time, or babies with birth injuries.

The main thing is not the amount of calcium “eaten”, but the degree of its absorption. The degree of absorption depends on the baby’s health and age. For this, it is important that the diet is balanced, since calcium in some compounds is absorbed well, while in others it is worse.

Breast milk is the baby's main source of calcium. In mother's milk, the amount and form of calcium is optimal for absorption. A vitamin D in mother's milk not enough, so it is recommended in the autumn-winter period additional introduction. If the baby is bottle-fed, it is very important to use age-appropriate formulas. They balance and take into account essential microelements.

Calcium deficiency in children's bodies.

Feeding children of divorced people cow's milk(unadapted mixtures), late or early introduction of complementary foods can subsequently provoke a calcium deficiency.

Low birth weight and premature babies suffer from calcium deficiency much more often. In the last trimester of pregnancy, more active transfer and deposition of calcium occurs in the fetal skeleton. Accordingly, the little ones who were born ahead of schedule, they do not receive their share of the substance. The higher the degree of prematurity, the more calcium deficiency the baby will have. Therefore, such infants are prescribed vitamin D earlier than others, since it is a calcium conductor. For children under 12 years of age, calcium should only be prescribed by a doctor. Please note that not all complex vitamins contain calcium.

There are a number of diseases that require the use of calcium supplements. Such diseases include: rickets, osteoporosis in low birth weight and premature babies, serious illnesses endocrine glands and kidneys. Babies with allergic reactions, as well as children with forced restrictions certain products, provided that the baby exhibits a lack of this element (bone deformation, thinning of tooth enamel, late teething), they need additional sources of calcium.

Taking certain medications (for example, anticonvulsants) contributes to the removal of calcium from the body. Of course, giving a child a pill is much easier than feeding him properly. But another question arises, whether this pill will benefit your health.

Calcium is an important element for every person. Certain processes occurring in our body are simply impossible without it. With its participation, cellular regeneration processes are ensured, protein synthesis occurs and tissue structures are formed.

In order for the child to be healthy, develop normally and not have serious problems health, it is necessary to control the processes of calcium entering his body. If there is a deficiency of this element, it threatens serious consequences for the health of the baby, as well as certain malfunctions in the body.

Daily consumption rate

The optimal amount of intake of this element into the body largely depends on:

  • gender;
  • age;
  • health status.

Age standards for children are as follows:

  • up to 6 months - 400 mg;
  • up to 1 year - 600 mg;
  • up to 10 years of age - 800 mg.

Symptoms of calcium deficiency in children

Hypocalcemia is not a rare phenomenon in children. It is a condition in which there is a lack of this element in the baby’s body. You can determine that your child has it based on several symptoms. Parents should pay attention to their little one. In this case, they will quickly understand whether he has a calcium deficiency. The main signs of this unpleasant condition are as follows:

In children early age the appearance of such a problem provokes slowdown in growth, and also kit excess weight . All this ensures favorable conditions for the development of a disease such as rickets. Hypocalcemia is often the cause slowing down processes normal development internal organs And mental functions in a child.

If he develops hypocalcemia, this negatively affects the muscles and leads to the active development of spasms. In order to determine calcium deficiency in a baby, it is enough to squeeze his arm with one hand between the joint of the shoulder and elbow. When performing this action, the baby’s fingers will cramp.


If a baby has a calcium deficiency, then parents should help him eliminate the lack of an important element. To do this, you can give him children's vitamins. They should not be prescribed arbitrarily. Parents should consult a doctor who will determine suitable drug. IN present moment most popular means The ones containing this element are the following:

  • Dolomite;
  • Piimaks.

Inexpensive drug is sodium gluconate. It has been time-tested and has long been prescribed by pediatricians in situations where the baby has a deficiency of this microelement in the body.

It should be noted that this remedy is prescribed not only for calcium deficiency, but also in cases where certain diseases are being treated.

Means Kaltsinova has easy digestibility. Experts often recommend it to compensate for calcium deficiency in toddlers.

The main disadvantage of the drug is that the shell contains sugar and dyes, so it is not prescribed to children who suffer from allergies or have diabetes. Along with vitamin complexes, to compensate for the deficiency of an important element, a child can be given a variety of dietary supplements. Natural products are also a source of calcium:

  • cowberry;
  • blueberry;
  • apple;
  • carrot.

You should know that you should give your child a vitamin preparation only V evening time along with food. In this case, the food should not be fatty. Also on the table there should be no products that contain phytin compounds. In particular, they are present in oatmeal. If they are present, it becomes difficult for the body to absorb calcium. It should be said that vitamin preparations can be given to a child not only to eliminate the deficiency of this element, but also as a preventative measure, especially during the period of seasonal decrease in the substance in the body.

Calcium for children under one year old

If, when caring for a baby, you follow everything basic rules, which pediatricians talk about, then you won’t need to give your baby vitamins at that age. If the nursing mother observes all the norms of proper nutrition, and when artificial feeding uses a high-quality adapted formula, then the baby’s microelements will not have any deviations from the norm. If the baby does not have enough calcium in the body, then the first thing that should be done is to examine the baby.

Based on the results, the specialist will prescribe treatment. In most cases, elimination of a deficiency of a significant substance is carried out using means. This powder is an active additive that is used to prepare a solution. Most often it is prescribed for children aged two years and older. However positive reviews information about the drug on the Internet allows it to be prescribed to children under one year of age. A solution is prepared from the powder, which must be added to food. It is best to include it in children's cottage cheese. It already contains vitamin D3, which ensures easier absorption of the substance.

Calcium for children from 1 year

For babies over the age of 1 year, doctors recommend using the same vitamins as for infants. Additionally, you can give your child calcium lactate. This vitamin has been prescribed by doctors for a long time and has proven its effectiveness. However, it can only be used if the child has an obvious deficiency of this element in the body. The drug should be taken under strict supervision by a pediatrician.

Liquid calcium

Studies conducted in recent years have shown that the content of microelements in the soil has noticeably decreased. Therefore, it is not surprising that vegetables and fruits contain important elements not much. Even with a varied diet, children are often diagnosed with a lack of calcium in the body. The consequence of this problem is the appearance of reduced immunity and allergies. Therefore, in developed countries, dietary supplements are actively used in order to make the body stronger and more resistant to diseases.

Fashion for proper nutrition originated in the USA and has now reached our country. Today in pharmacies and also on the Internet you can purchase various biologically active additives, which allow you to fill the body with vitamins. Preparations containing calcium are offered in pharmacies in the form of tablets and syrup. Doctors recommend liquid calcium for children. It is absorbed better by the child's body.

Manufacturers produce it in citrate form. The liquid complex contains vitamin D, as well as microelements such as magnesium and zinc. These vitamins provide better absorption calcium. In addition, they allow you to enrich it. When a baby takes such a drug, the body’s resistance to various pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

Side effects and contraindications

Taking a vitamin complex does not harm the child’s health, since such drugs are safe. However, there is still a small chance of certain side effects. Any carbonates, when consumed, have negative impact on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, so taking them, there is a high risk of conditions such as constipation, diarrhea and bloating. When citrates are taken, the risk of such unpleasant symptoms noticeably lower. Some children may experience problems when taking calcium tablets. allergic reaction, so you should be prepared for this.

Dosage of vitamin complexes for children

If hypocalcemia is detected in a child, then the doctor’s main task is to eliminate the deficiency of this element. Only a doctor has the right to prescribe a drug that compensates for the lack of a substance important for the body. He also determines the optimal dosage of the drug.

  • Children under 1 year – 1 tablet.
  • Baby from 1 year to 4 years - 2 tablets.
  • Children 4–7 years old - up to three tablets.
  • Schoolchildren primary classes- 4 tablets at a time.

Before giving your child a pill, it should be carefully grind.

When the drug is taken in crushed form, its absorption into the blood occurs noticeably faster.

Calcium gluconate should be given to the baby 1.5 hours before meals. Drug taken must be taken with water or milk.


If a child's hair has become dull and his nails have become brittle, this means that he has a lack of calcium in the body. In order to eliminate this problem, you can increase the amount of foods containing this element in his diet. However, more effective measure is a visit to the doctor. He will examine the child and prescribe children's calcium. Taking the drug in dosage determined by the doctor, will allow parents to quickly eliminate the unpleasant condition in their child.

Daily calcium requirement depends on age:

For babies from birth to 1.5 years best source calcium serves breast milk. However, the mother is unable to provide the influx of vitamin D3 necessary for the absorption of calcium, and therefore this vitamin is prescribed for preventive purposes. Those children who are older need to eat required quantity foods containing calcium (more on this below) and spend more time in the sun. Walking in the fresh air helps normalize metabolism; moreover, under the influence of sunlight, vitamin D2 is synthesized in the skin ( naturally).

Often children do not like cottage cheese, kefir or milk. It is generally accepted that these products contain greatest number calcium. My daughter is no exception: if I manage to slip her milk or kefir, she immediately spits it out and cleans her tongue with her fingers. Both funny and scary. It was until I found it useful information! I'd rather share it with you.

It's time to dispel the myth about dairy products.

The record-breaking calcium content products are:

Poppy – 1450 g per 100 g of product

Parmesan cheese – 1300 g per 100 g of product

Hard cheeses – 1000 g per 100 g of product

Sesame – 780 g per 100 g of product

Calcium is extremely important for child's body(however, as for an adult).

Calcium deficiency can lead to the development of diseases such as rickets, occurring with impaired bone formation and insufficient mineralization.

Manifestations of rickets include:

  1. Delayed teething or more long period closure of the fontanel
  2. The flat bones of the skull soften, the back of the head flattens; in the area of ​​the parietal and frontal tubercles, layers are formed (" square head", "Socrates' forehead").
  3. Deformed facial skull(saddle nose, high Gothic palate).
  4. Are twisted lower limbs, the pelvis may become deformed (“flat pelvis”).
  5. Shape changes chest("chicken breast").
  6. Sleep disturbances, sweating, and irritability are observed.

With calcium deficiency in the body, the baby's growth slows down. The child may begin to get sick more often, since calcium is necessary for development immune system body. If there is a calcium deficiency, the child may experience general muscle weakness, because he is the one who plays important role during muscle contraction. Did you know that calcium is a factor in the blood clotting system? I think that no one needs to be convinced of the importance of calcium for a child’s rapidly growing body.

Let's get back to vitamin D. Natural sources vitamin D are parsley and nettle, egg yolk and fish oil, caviar, cheese, dairy products and butter. However, the content of vitamin D even in these products is small, and in non-sunny seasons it is recommended to still give your child this vitamin for preventive purposes (consult your doctor; our pediatrician always prescribes Vigantol drops (an oily solution of D3 - easier to digest)

Particular attention to products containing calcium large quantities should be given in summer and during holidays in hot countries. The fact is that when a baby is in the sun, more and more things happen in his body under the influence of sunlight. intensive education vitamin D naturally (while tanning).

If the child is in the hot sun or gets absent-minded sun rays, mom or dad gave the child the recommended drops of D3, and there is not enough calcium in the blood (there was no influx with food), calcium begins to “wash out” from the bones and is transferred to other organs and tissues (arteries, heart, liver, kidneys, lungs, etc. ) is nothing more than the process of ossification.

The topic we have chosen today is very important, but not all pediatricians in clinics take the time to tell young parents about all this. Be attentive to your child’s diet, do not exceed the norms prescribed for vitamin consumption. Walk more with your baby. And everything will be great!

Photo: ivona.bigmir.net, healthy-zone.ru



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