What impact does the Internet have on a person's life? Abstract: “The influence of the Internet on the life of a modern person

Algeeva Camilla

Research work on the impact of the Internet on frequent Internet users.



MBOU Secondary School No. 2 in the village of Alexandrov Gai

Research work on the topic:

“The influence of the Internet on modern society”

Grade 10


Klochkova Tatyana Vasilievna,

Teacher of Russian language and literature

village Alexandrov-Gai


I. Leading.

II. Main part.

III. Conclusion.

IV. Applications.

I. Introduction.

The relevance of research.

Nowadays, the Internet is becoming increasingly important. The Internet is everywhere, on your mobile phone, on your home and school computer, in the library, on your TV, in the store, and even in your car.

The most important thing on the Internet is wireless and wired networking. Nowadays, it will not be difficult for an Internet user to write any report, abstract, article, essay, research work, because all the necessary records that should be used in the work can be easily found on the Internet.

The global database is a great time saver, but do not forget that excessive use of the Internet can affect our psyche. It’s not for nothing that there is a saying:"everything is good in moderation". Excessive interest in the Internet can have a detrimental effect on the everyday, educational, social, work, family, financial and psychological spheres of our lives, as well as cause a disorder such as Internet addiction.

Practical significance:introduce students to my age group with the influence of the Internet on their livelihoods, using clearly illustrative pages of the site. This material can be used in extracurricular activities.

During the work, I put forward the following hypotheses:

1. Universal accessibility of the Internet within reasonable limits will only benefit any person.

2. The Internet has a detrimental effect on the younger generation.

Research problem.

What impact does the Internet have on a frequent network user, what consequences does it cause?

Purpose of the study: positive and harmful influences of the Internet on humans.

Object of study: electronic resource the influence of the Internet on humans.

Subject of study: sites as an electronic resource.


1. Study scientific views on the positive and harmful effects of the Internet on people in Internet articles.

2. Interview real users of my school about how the Internet affects them.

3. Systematize and classify the collected material.

Research methods: analysis, synthesis, systematization, generalization, survey.

II. Main part.

2.1. Internet in modern society.

The Internet appeared quite recently, and if we take the ratio of the adult and younger generations, we can say with complete confidence that the majority of Internet users are people aged 15 to 45 years; the older generation today is just getting used to learning the basics of using the World Wide Web. Modern society today lives by new rules, a large number of people today run successful businesses online, today they sell and buy a large number of different goods online that are not available in certain cities, Internet resources provide us with valuable information that is not on the shelves of our libraries, today people have access to communicate on the Internet with relatives, meet new people, create your own online communities. We will not list all these communities, since their number is increasing every day. We can say that the life of a modern person today largely depends on activity and the Internet provides such an opportunity, we can send a letter that will instantly reach the recipient, we do not need to wait a week or two weeks as before.

2.2. Survey results.

We can talk about both the positive and negative influence of the Internet on human life, let’s try to outline all this and separately consider the positive and negative aspects of the Internet that affect modern society.

To identify the positive and harmful effects of the Internet on humans, I looked through several scientific articles on the Internet. And based on them, she developed a survey questionnaire, which she conducted among 50 students and teachers.


1.How old were you when you first logged on to the Internet?

2.For what purposes do you use the Internet?



Social network

Online games

For work

3. Do you consider yourself an Internet addict?

4.How much time do you spend at the computer?

5.What physical discomfort does your body experience when working at a computer for a long time?

Eyes hurt


Muscles of the body

Sleep disorder

Survey analysis.

1. To question 1, the guys in my age group answered that they started using the global network 2-3 years ago. Older people said that 1.5-2 years ago.

2. For question 2, first place was shared by social networks and news, second place by online games and communication, third place by “for work”

3. More than 60% answered with honesty - “yes”, the rest - “no”

4.70% responded that they spend almost all daylight hours looking at phone and computer screens.

15% answered that they spend 2-3 hours in the evening for work.

10% answered that they go online 2-4 times a week.

5% come once a week.

5. More than 45 survey participants answered that their eyes hurt when they are stuck on the phone and monitor for a long time. There is also fatigue in the shoulders and swelling in the muscles of the arms.

2.3.Positive influence of the Internet on a person.

Let's look at the positive the influence of the Internet on humans. The Internet has given people the opportunity to receive the latest news, gossip, and information about idols. Play very interesting and exciting on-laine games.

Video conferences have become very popular. With their help, people can not only hear each other, but also see. Thus, they can solve important issues without changing their workplace and saving both their money and time.

On the Internet you can find a job that will be highly paid and bring pleasure. You can quickly transfer documents to a partner, receive a newsletter, quickly find out the latest news, for example, from the stock exchange, and this is very valuable in business.

The Internet makes shopping easier. They are cheaper in electronic form. When ordering goods and services, you can view the description, photo in detail, and check reviews for this product. Sell ​​a car, buy a pet, find entertainment for the weekend, pick up a tour.

Communicate online via social networks “VKontakte”, “Odnoklassniki”. This way, former classmates, old acquaintances and childhood friends who have not seen each other for many years can communicate again, look through photos and give each other gifts. There are dating sites where lonely hearts can find each other and live a long and happy life if they are lucky.

We should not forget about disabled people, sick people, people who do not have the opportunity to have real contact with other people. The Internet allows you to communicate with real compatriots and other people living in other countries. This makes it possible to study the culture, customs, and history of other states. The Internet provides enormous opportunities for education, because you can find sources of information that are not available in any library. The network allows you to quickly find an answer to your question.

2.4. Negative influence of the Internet.

How disastrousinfluence can the Internet bring to man? Due to the impossibility of tracking user actions on the Internet, a person is faced with unwanted, obscene information that harms him. It would be nice to filter out all negative information, but this is not yet possible.

Mainly, a person becomes Internet dependent on modern computer technologies, and psychotherapists were the first to face this problem in 1996. Internet addiction is compared to drug addiction - physiological dependence on drugs.

Internet addiction has manifested itself in the fact that people prefer to live on the Internet, actually abandoning real life, spending most of the day in virtual reality. Thus, a person avoids solving the problem “here and now”, and chooses a more comfortable psychological state, postponing existing problems “for later”. Avoidance of reality begins to dominate the mind, and a person not only fails to solve problems that are important to him (for example, everyday, social), but also stops in his personal development.

I will give examples of several types of manifestations of Internet addiction:

Virtual dating - redundancy of acquaintances and friends online, constant new acquaintances;

Obsessive need for the Internet - playing online gambling, constant shopping or participating in auctions, participating in various discussions on forums;

Endless travels on the Internet - searching for information in databases and search sites;

Gaming addiction is compulsive playing of online computer games.

According to various studies, about 10% of users worldwide are Internet addicts today. Russian psychiatrists believe that there are currently 4-6% of them in the country.

The risk group includes, first of all, users who have problems with work or study, family or friends, experience difficulties in communication, and seek to escape from real life. The incognition of Internet users provides them with an excellent opportunity to create online personas, escape from emotional problems or from simple life difficulties.

At the initial stage, Internet addiction can manifest itself in the fact that a person feels emptiness, depression, and irritation when away from the computer. May lie to others about his activities. Due to the increase in time spent at the computer and feeling good online, I do not have time to do any household chores. There is an obsessive urge to constantly check email. Inability to stop spending money online.

Staying at a computer for a long time also provokes physical symptoms: overstrain of arm muscles, dry eyes, headaches, migraines, back pain, irregular nutrition, skipping meals, sleep disorders, changes in sleep patterns, neglect of personal hygiene.

At the initial stage, it is important not to scold the “patient,” which will only lead to increased addiction, but to consult a psychologist. Today, on the Russian Internet there is an Anonymous Help Service for Internet users, offering psychological support online using ICQ - a network analogue of the “helpline” and the “Virtual Psychological Service”.

Treatment of Internet addiction is similar to treatment of any other addiction (for example, drug addiction, alcoholism, gambling addiction). It consists in switching a person to the joys of the real, not the virtual world.


Universal accessibility of the Internet within reasonable limits, subject to the rules and recommendations for working with it from various specialists (for example, a teacher, parent, psychotherapist) will only benefit any person.

An educated, cultured person will independently “filter” negative and unwanted information. In educational institutions, parents at home must take measures to block access to this kind of data. You just need to be more careful and not give in to provocations from other Internet users. It is a selective approach to the operation of the Internet that will allow us to avoid its harmful effects on people.

As a result of my work, I developed the design of the site pages, structured information in the form of diagrams, tables, diagrams on the topic under study.

The goals that I set for myself were fully realized.

IV. Applications

During my research, the following applications were used:

word processor Word,

PowerPoint presentation,

browsers Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome,

search engines Yandex, Google.

Increasingly, a child receives as a gift not a car or a doll, but a game console, disk or computer. The Internet and websites for children have taken over the free time of our younger generation. What, exactly, is the problem if the child plays with pleasure and at the same time learns computer literacy?

Positive influence

“It’s not that bad!” — say psychologists from Case Western Reserve University (USA). From 1985 to 2008, research was carried out: having distributed toys to children aged 6-10 years, they asked them to come up with stories about them and recorded them on video. Having compared the results, we came to the conclusion that modern children are more relaxed and fantasize more than 20 years ago. Their characters were more diverse and vibrant, more details appeared, and the stories themselves contained less hidden aggression, fights and arguments. Researchers note that although today's children play little in real life, they have excellent imagination. And the same sites with video games, the Internet, as well as, in total, the entire diverse modern world, stimulate it, develop memory, attention and coordination.

Bad influence

It is not easy to explain to a child that if he sits at the computer for a long time, this can affect not only his health, but also his social adaptation. As psychiatrists explain, computer technologies are designed for the brain of an adult, while a child’s brain is just being formed and cannot simultaneously recognize the virtual and real world. Up to 3 years old, the baby should actively smell, touch, feel; up to 6 years - develop fine motor skills of hands: cut, sculpt, paint, lace. After 6 years, a child should be able to play and occupy himself with the screen off and without the help of websites.

The lack of live communication in family and society is the main reason for screen addiction. Losing communication skills in life, the child also loses interest in the real world, and the virtual one seems brighter and safer to him. For example, a child, upset because of failure at school, visits and, immersing himself in the virtual world, forgets about the problem. The most interesting thing is that research proves not only psychological dependence on computer games, but also physiological. Video game sites stimulate the central nervous system and promote the release of adrenaline. If a person needs more stimulation, then he needs more adrenaline. What happens next is the same as with alcohol and drugs - the need arises to increase the dose to satisfy the body.

Another negative aspect of the influence of websites and computers on a modern child is a lag in speech development, the inability to think logically and quickly, and the lack of adequate communication with others. The result of this is poor learning of school material and a poor social position in the future.

It has been scientifically proven that a child does not acquire virtually any new abilities by studying on a computer. Carrying out one of the experiments, we created three groups of equally developing six year olds. We taught one group computer programs and games for a whole year, another group to play the piano, and a third group nothing at all. A year later, it turned out that children from the second group achieved the greatest mental development, and children from the first and third groups were not particularly different from each other.

Mom, can I play on the computer?

Having analyzed all the pros and cons of playing on a computer, let’s still protect the health and fragile minds of our children from debauchery and violence on game sites and videos that a child can come across on the vast expanses of the Internet.

How to do it?

  • Agree with your child about the time spent at the computer - up to 7 years old, this can be no more than 15 minutes four times a day.
  • After playing on the computer, discuss new characters, their actions, and feelings caused by the new game.
  • Do one-minute visual gymnastics with your child 7-8 minutes after starting to work on the computer and after finishing it. For example, imagining a butterfly flying under the ceiling, the baby needs to follow its flight from one corner of the room to another with his eyes.
  • Organize a workplace that is appropriate for the child’s age:
  • the chair must have a back;
  • you need to sit no closer than 50-70 cm from the computer;
  • the gaze should rest perpendicular to the center of the screen;
  • the presence of free space (5 cm) between the body and the edge of the table;
  • hands lie freely on the table;
  • legs are bent at the hip and knee joints at a right angle and stand stably under the table;
  • The table with the computer is located in a well-lit place so that there is no glare on the screen.

For parents there is a simple rule “3-6-9-12”:

    up to 3 years - no computer;

    up to 6 years - no consoles;

    up to 9 years old - no Internet;

    under 12 years of age - use the Internet under adult supervision.


Perhaps today's children shouldn't be judged harshly for their online gaming interests. Sometimes they don’t even know how to occupy their free time, and the characters on the websites replace Cossack robbers for them, and football simulators replace real football in the yard.

Let’s not discount parents’ busyness, indifference and indifference, inattention to the child’s problems, and reluctance to play. But it is in real play that the child experiences his fears, doubts and grievances. And if you only knew how important your opinion, your presence and your love are for the baby!

Actually, allow children to visit sites with games, but only within reasonable limits. When a child sits at home at the computer and does not go outside, this is already bad.

We all know how important the Internet is, that we can’t live without it and “how we used to live without the Internet.”

It can with full confidence be called one of the most significant inventions of man. And, like all global discoveries, it is capable of having a significant impact on the development of society, having both a positive and negative impact.

It's good to live with him! Positive influence of the Internet

So, let's consider the questions of how the Internet affects a person, why the global Internet is so popular today and whether it is possible to imagine life without it today.

1. The Internet and money are now at the same time.

There is an opportunity to earn money without leaving your apartment. Just 50 years ago, this was only possible thanks to manual applied labor. Now, as practice shows, many programmers, designers, and specialists in other fields earn large sums of money via the Internet, using their mental abilities and skills that they have trained, again, thanks to the Internet. Some run completely legal and profitable businesses exclusively online. But, if you don’t want to sit at home alone, then on the Internet you can find a huge number of sites with lucrative job offers in offices in different cities and countries. Today, the influence of the Internet on people is practically unlimited.

2. Possibility of purchasing goods or services all over the world.

Modern people, unlike previous generations, can afford it, even if it is not sold in the city where they live. Thrift stores and selling from under the counter have long since sunk into oblivion. Nowadays you can buy absolutely everything on the Internet, from paper clips individually to large equipment or uninhabited islands. And in order to take advantage of this opportunity, it is not necessary to spend a huge amount of time on the road, stand in traffic jams or go to another country to negotiate. All you need to do is connect your computer to the Internet, open the website and place an order.

3. The Internet expands your social circle.

The Internet offers users the opportunity to show themselves and their talents to the whole world. Newspapers and bulletin boards at bus stops have now been replaced by social networks, forums, discussions and comments under current news. This is how the Internet influences a person: it simplifies all processes, including finding company for the evening, friends with narrow interests, or a partner for life. This is a great way to find new acquaintances and profitable contacts. Undoubtedly, it can fill people’s lives with new emotions, and even save some from loneliness.

4. Stay up to date with the latest news.

The Internet always publishes the latest news from around the world. Today, users can not only learn about global events and incidents, but also view the air temperature outside the window in their city or check the traffic conditions on the roads.

These are just the main advantages of how the Internet affects a person. But, do not forget that people's needs are different. Someone goes online to download a new software application, someone selects documentation related to their professional activities. You can find an incredible amount of information on the Internet. And this is undoubtedly the positive impact of the Internet on people. But where there is an opportunity for growth, development and knowledge, there will inevitably be a place for danger, deception, and psychological problems.

Negative influence of the Internet

Whatever one may say, the Internet has many advantages, otherwise it would not have gained such popularity. Unfortunately, in addition to the advantages, the Internet has brought many negative aspects to the lives of modern people.

1. The main disadvantage of the Internet is the creation of illusion.

The essence of people online very often comes out. Therefore, on the Internet you can easily find anonymous clubs for suicides, drug addicts and other dysfunctional individuals. In such clubs you can learn to take drugs or create weapons. And, unfortunately, the participants will not get anything for this. Such communication via the Internet will only bring problems and disappointment.

2. Banned films.

Another negative impact of the Internet is the huge number of pornographic sites. These videos should not be confused with erotic films for adults, which can be purchased in city stores. We are talking about perverted videos that are not always adequately perceived by teenagers and people with mental illness.

3. Impunity.

According to psychotherapists, people who spend most of the day on the Internet experience difficulties with communication in life. They have low self-esteem and are very shy; they do not adapt well to society. Such people feel completely safe on the Internet. They know that they will not be punished for thoughtless comments or for using obscene language with opponents. As a result of such actions, the Internet has a negative impact on society as a whole.

4. Health.

When listing the negative aspects of the influence of the Internet on a person, we should not forget about health. Regular users of the global Internet always suffer from vision, hearing, and the cardiovascular system. Virtual communication, games and watching entertainment videos have a negative impact of the Internet on society. Especially when it comes to children.

5. Internet addiction.

And yet, the Internet is “addictive”. Some people lose interest in life if they do not have an Internet connection. There is a feeling of emptiness, irritability and depression. Arises. People who spend a lot of time on the Internet may begin to lie to family members, colleagues or friends. They feel a sense of euphoria and pleasure only when they open their favorite sites or launch games.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the influence of the Internet on modern society cannot be assessed unambiguously. Each person is responsible for his own life, therefore he must independently control his behavior and, in case of negative symptoms, pay attention to this influence.

The Internet, which has firmly entered our lives, as a fairly new, massive and large-scale phenomenon, cannot help but reshape us to suit itself. There are many widespread opinions about exactly how the Internet influences human consciousness, and they range from the idea of ​​general dullness to the development of superpowers. What do psychologists tell us? How does the Internet really affect our minds?

It turns out that hours spent online affect, first of all, our habits and abilities to remember and search for information within ourselves. What is this impact?

Firstly, psychologists say, the Internet information that we absorb during lunch breaks, short smoke breaks or simply out of immediate necessity is cut up like a salad. The texts on the Internet are short, the thoughts in them are expressed succinctly: read, swallow, move on. Therefore, the expression “mnogabookaf”, which came from the network and refers to it, perfectly reflects our slightly contemptuous reluctance to read something voluminous. For what? All the same, only the essence will remain in your head, the meaning that fits in five lines - quite enough to write on Twitter.

Secondly, when reading such small texts, we often do not pay due attention to them. As a rule, it takes us no more than five seconds to read the same status on a social network, and therefore we absorb information hastily, in parallel with other things and not at a special time allotted for this, but between work, before negotiations or during lunch. As you know, when you do several things hastily, you do not do any of them well. Therefore, it is not clear how Caesar managed to do a hundred simultaneous tasks and, perhaps, it is for this reason that employers are blocking our access to social networks.

Thirdly, this very information, so short and easily accessible, becomes like a drug for us. We cannot live without access to the Internet, it seems to us as if the Stone Age has returned especially for us, and while all other people lead a civilized life, we drag out a miserable existence, cut off from social networks, psychological tests, horoscopes, business advice and other things.

Fourthly, we are replacing real communication with the Internet. It seems to us that since he gives us so much information, he is quite capable of replacing the interlocutor. That’s why we often go to the Internet, to strangers, for advice, replacing our friends, mother and boss with them. And this is unfortunately. Once upon a time, the world-famous Mark Zuckerberg “moved the party online,” but modern psychologists insist on its return to real life! Where do we spend the most time? At work! This is why the psychological climate in a team is so important: communicate with colleagues - Don't let the Internet suck you in!

At the same time - and this is fourth - the Internet creates only the illusion of communication. Changing your status on a social network, sending a tweet or comment seems like a lively activity to us, and two or three messages written to a childhood friend found on the Internet is a real conversation. But is this really so? Not at all.

Fifthly, the Internet is a kind of reserve for our brain. We know that we can always resort to it if necessary. So why bother and remember something? The route can be viewed on maps, and small details can be recalled in memory using Wikipedia. All our knowledge is fragmentary and fragmentary, we do not analyze information, we simply absorb it according to the requirements of the moment and nothing more. Is it good? I think no. This process occurs unconsciously for us; we don’t even concentrate on it.

What assessment can be given to these conclusions? Psychologists say that all this simply exists and, apparently, this is humanity’s adequate reaction to the development of digital technologies. On the other hand, if awareness of all this gives us rather discomfort, then we are free to break the statistics! Of course, you can’t work without the Internet, but personal communication is a completely different matter. Let's communicate more in person, share impressions, meet more often. For work advice, contact your manager, and for help, contact your colleagues. Show photos to friends pasted into a paper album and read books. Then we won’t be afraid of any dents!

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Municipal secondary education establishment

"Secondary school No. 6"

O. Murom, Vladimir region

Interim certification
2010 – 2011 academic year year

Abstract on the topic:

“The influence of the Internet on the life of modern man.”


student 8 "G" Klimova Yulia



Korchagina Elena Nikolaevna



Every person has a computer at home, every second person has a computer connected to the Internet. Nowadays you can't do without a computer. Its influence has a detrimental effect on us, from the simplest games to electromagnetic radiation.

Today, the computer is an integral part of everyday life. People spend most of their time (including free time) on the computer, and there is no hiding from it. Computers surround us everywhere: at home, in stores, in offices. Without a computer it will be extremely difficult for a person.

Usually it all starts with a simple thing: a person logs onto the Internet for the first time, he wants to find out what he can find there, what it is all about. There is an interest in everything that happens there - the thirst for information leads to more and more sites, chats, etc. Next, a person learns that the Internet is not only a “book with pictures.” At any time there are millions of people on it, and the Internet is like a subworld - an alternative. You can participate in it and influence it. Thus, about a quarter developed addiction after six months of communicating with a computer, and half after a year. Everyone gets hooked on their own. Many people “hang out” in chat rooms and chat for hours about nothing with virtual interlocutors.

It is especially easy for teenagers to get hooked on the Internet (according to my own communication experience, the majority of “Internet travelers” suffering from this addiction range from 15-23 years old).

Do you, a person who spends hours on the Internet, ever wonder: does an at first glance harmless computer network do him any good or harm? My job is to reveal to people the whole essence of what this Internet really is.

What is the Internet?

The Internet is, first of all, a huge variety of computers and programs. Among the latter, you will find not only those who can solve your specific problems well, but also many more whose abilities you will probably find it difficult to even imagine at first. Today the Internet has about 112 million subscribers in more than 150 countries. Every month the size of the network increases by 7 - 10%. The Internet forms the core, as it were, and ensures the connection of various information networks belonging to various institutions around the world with one another.

The Internet itself has been around for quite some time. However, only quite recently - around 1990 - the Internet finally gained the critical mass of users and resources necessary for the network revolution taking place before our eyes. High-speed modems, allowing ordinary users of personal computers to enjoy all the benefits of the Internet without restrictions, appeared even later.

However, this is only part of the answer to the question “what is the Internet.” The Internet today is not only a huge number of computers, but also an incredible number of people , for whom the network is a fundamentally new way of communication, which has almost no analogues in the material world. Man is a social being, and communication with others like himself is one of his primary needs. Perhaps, until now, not a single technical invention (except for the telephone) has produced such a revolution in this activity as ancient as the world - human-to-human communication.

So, one of the important dates in the history of the Internet can be considered 1957, when a separate structure was created within the US Department of Defense (DOD) - the Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). In the 60s, DARPA's main work was devoted to developing a method for connecting computers to each other. It is very important that he headed the first research program dedicated to the global communication system, launched by DARPA on October 4, 1962, J. Licklider (see Appendix No. 1), who published the work "Galactic Network". Also, one of the important people who are directly related to the discovery of the Internet is Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) researcher Lawrence Roberts (see Appendix No. 2)

There is no doubt that the explosive growth of the Internet would have been unimaginable without the World Wide Web. In 1989, at the European Particle Physics Laboratory (CERN, Switzerland, Geneva), Tim Berners-Lee developed hypertext document technology that allows users to access any information located on the Internet on computers around the world.

Why do you need the Internet?

The Internet provides services to people. There are thousands, if not millions, of all kinds of services on the Internet. The main Internet services are:

· Access to the information.

· Communication.

Access to the information.

Before the advent of the Internet, traditional sources of information were:

· mass media (both paper (newspapers, magazines) and electronic (radio, television));

· journalistic literature;

· scientific and specialized literature;

· documents of official institutions;

· materials of conferences, round tables and other forms of direct public discussion - text, audio and video;

· analytical research, marketing reports, market reviews;

· directories, catalogs, personalities, data banks, encyclopedias;

· interview;

· graphics, video and audio recordings.

The Internet suggested the following sources:

· online media;

· online literature;

· chats, forums, sites whose content is formed according to the forum principle, and other forms of indirect public discussion;

· web statistics collected and processed by specialized sites;

· online directories, catalogues, personalities, data banks, encyclopedias;

· video and audio podcasting.

Communication via the Internet.

Features of communication via the Internet:

· Anonymity. A person online can and does show greater freedom of speech and action (including insults and obscene language), since the risk of exposure and personal negative assessment by others is minimal.

· Voluntariness and desirability of contacts. The user voluntarily makes contacts or leaves them, and can also interrupt them at any time.

· Difficulty in the emotional component of communication and, at the same time, a persistent desire for emotional content in the text, which is expressed in the creation of special icons to indicate emotions or in describing emotions in words (in parentheses after the main text of the message).

· Desire for atypical, non-normative behavior. Often, users present themselves from a different side than in the conditions of the real social norm, and play out roles, scenarios, and non-normative behavior that are not realized in offline activities.

If you stop and think for a minute about how many means and methods of communication there actually are in the world today, you will have to admit that there are quite a lot of them and, most importantly, a considerable part of them are in one way or another connected with modern technical capabilities and, in particular , with the Internet. Agree that e-mail, all kinds of forums organized in the network space, numerous Internet magazines, etc., and the Internet itself, for many, have become no less important aspect of everyday life (and the communication inherent in it) than television or telephone, and sometimes they (the Internet) completely displace their “backward” brothers.

The influence of the Internet on humans.

The first thing to consider is the impact of the Internet on human health.

Internet – human health.

Internet and vision.

In fact, it is not the Internet that has a bad effect on vision, but the computer, but the Internet is definitely to blame for this. Let's look at the statistics of whose vision deteriorates more. (see Appendix No. 3)

This means that those users who communicate on the computer are more likely to worsen their vision. Such users communicate using the Internet, which means the Internet negatively affects our vision. Vision deteriorates due to greater fatigue, when a person sits at the computer for a very long time and continuously, vision weakens. Vision also deteriorates when reading from a monitor screen.



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