What pills can speed up brain function? Effective medications to improve brain function and memory

The human body, unfortunately, tends to lose vitality over time. So, under all kinds of pressure external influences Not only the body’s systems weaken, but also mainly memory, as well as brain activity. Of course, almost everyone can notice periodic forgetfulness, but when it is permanent, the loss of fragmentary memory is not at all unreasonable.

This is where regular mental training and adherence to correct mode day and special medications - drugs to improve memory and brain function in adults and children, focused on stimulating brain activity. At the same time, it is important not to rely on self-medication, but to receive advisory support from a competent specialist who will be prescribed the appropriate treatment and medications in the required dosage.

It is important to note right away that there is no magic remedy that instantly improves memory. But regular use of properly selected medications can normalize brain activity, which will make it much easier to complete all kinds of assigned tasks. Now you can begin to study the list of medications that help normalize concentration and restore memory:

  • – suggests a synergistic effect due to the presence of vitamins A, B, C, E, P.
    Relevant during the recovery period after illness, course treatment ( monthly intake, 2-3 tablets per day);
  • – ampoules prescribed for ischemic stroke and Alzheimer's disease. The action is aimed at preventing free radicals and recession negative influence glutamate. Course treatment (6-12 weeks, 60 mg daily);
  • – syrup or capsules plant origin stimulating brain activity.
    Often prescribed for nervous tension, stress, chronic fatigue, depression and decreased concentration.
    Course treatment (monthly intake
    1 capsule twice a day
    after eating);
  • – stimulates performance, blood circulation in the brain, as well as metabolic processes that are disturbed in the nervous tissue.
  • – tablets of herbal origin, prescribed when the speed of thinking and attention declines.
    Activates the supply of oxygen to the brain, which is especially important against hypoxia, and normalizes blood circulation in the brain.
    Supposed course treatment(monthly intake, 1 tablet twice a day);
  • medicinal product in the form of pale yellow tablets, aimed at stimulating the psyche. Used for memory loss caused by trauma or alcohol addiction(morning appointment, only after completion of treatment courses). Increases the body's resistance to stress and the quality of blood supply to the extremities. Course treatment (monthly dose of 100-200 mg twice a day);
  • – effective in treating problems with concentration and brain performance.
    It is not a psychostimulant drug.
    Prescribed for children aged 3 years and older with dyslexia;
  • – a drug for normalizing brain activity and metabolic processes in it. Helps increase the body's energy potential and improve memory. It is often prescribed for diseases of the central nervous system, dizziness, depression and sclerosis. Course treatment ( two-month appointment 150 mg/kg per day, divided into 2-4 applications);
  • – prescribed for oligophrenia, delayed development of speech function, presence epileptic seizures and mental disabilities. Its use is not prohibited for children;
  • – the prescription is relevant in case of disorders of the blood supply to the brain, the presence panic attacks and excessive irritability.
    Strengthens protective properties body to stress (mental, physical). Course treatment (6-12 weeks, 60 mg daily);
  • new drug to normalize blood circulation in the brain, improve concentration, thinking, memory and intellectual abilities.
    It is also prescribed to patients with nervous disorders, And healthy people for preventive purposes;
  • - a potent drug
    containing Ginko Biloba,
    In view of this, it is not without contraindications.
    Increases concentration and memory quality;
  • – the most popular drug for activating brain activity and normalizing sleep. Acts as a vitamin for the brain, so it is relevant among students during the session. It is often prescribed in a monthly course (1 tablet three times a day);
  • – presented in capsule form (80 mg twice a day), prevents migraine and kinetosis.
    Has a beneficial effect on brain metabolism.
    It is prescribed for a decline in intellectual abilities, as well as manifestations of intoxication.
  • – drug medicinal action, aimed at normalizing blood supply to the brain and dynamics nervous processes. For diabetics, it guarantees a decrease in glucose levels and is effective for traumatic brain injuries. Long-term use helps eliminate toxins, improve the quality of memory, thinking, concentration and speech function. Often prescribed as a course for developmental delay in children (two-week or monthly intake: children aged 1-3 years, 1-2 g, 4-6 years, 2-3 g, over 7 years, 3 g three times a day before meals) ;
  • – normalizes cerebral metabolism and blood circulation in hypertensive encephalopathy, vascular atherosclerosis. It is not without contraindications: use is prohibited for pregnant women and minors. Course treatment (12 weeks, 5-10 mg three times a day);
  • – with a decline in intellectual functions and an increase in fear and anxiety. Restores microcirculation and oxygen delivery to peripheral tissues brain Course treatment (12 weeks, 1 capsule three times a day).

Important: almost every drug is characterized by the presence of side effects, not all of which have external manifestations, but can have a negative effect on internal organs.

There are an incredible variety of ways to increase your intelligence level. These include taking medications to improve memory and brain function, such as “nootropics.” Thanks to it, not only the improvement of the emotional background is observed, but also an increase in the ability to learn, clarity of consciousness, and improved memory. The following list presents food additives, drugs and products that promote the rise of intellectual development.

You should first familiarize yourself with the rules for taking each of the nutrients; you can not strictly limit yourself to eating dark chocolate. Although the recommended supplements are relatively safe, it is a good idea to make sure your body is ready to take them to avoid negative effects. drug interactions, allergies and side effects. The same applies to dosage. Despite the recommendations presented regarding it, you should not neglect the instructions for use.

You should also not act unwisely by resorting to taking multiple medications at the same time. All scientific works, which are indicated in the article, are focused on studying the impact of only one nutrient on cognitive processes. The combination of even a couple of drugs may either not work or give the opposite effect to the expected one.

If you want to independently monitor the results of taking nutrients, it is worth remembering the individuality of each specific organism, which does not guarantee a 100% effect. Based on the observations recorded in your diary, you can choose the most effective substances or products for yourself:

  • . The presented amino acid is actively involved in the regulation of the formation of cellular energy and affects carbohydrate metabolism. Acetyl-L-Carnitine keeps energy and brain activity up high level, is characterized by a cardioprotective effect. And for men, taking it will be useful by increasing the endrogenic synthesis of testosterone. In the Bulletin National Academy US Science published a study showing that those who added Acetyl-L-Carnitine to their diet had an easier time remembering information. The nutrient improves mitochondrial function in brain cells;
  • .
    Chinese medicine has been using it for thousands of years. This product is truly unique in its effect on each of the processes of brain activity. It is responsible for improving short-term memory and attention, finding peace, getting rid of fatigue and raising general mood. The presented plant is perennial and slow growing, characterized by the presence of a fleshy root system. Taking it on an empty stomach normalizes blood sugar levels and improves the quality of cognitive work. The dosage is 500 mg twice daily.
  • .
    The presented food additive is an acid, which is nitrogen-containing and organic, found in the body of animals. Its intake activates the building of muscle strength by increasing the flow of energy directly to the cells and supporting muscle growth. Scientists have established a significant influence of creatine on the conservation of energy balance in the brain, being a kind of buffer of energy reserves in mitochondria and cytosol. Daily dosage the presented drug is approximately 5 g;
  • .
    They are rich in: fish oil, including in capsule form, meat of herbivores, legumes, walnuts, flax seeds. Omega-3 is already considered an essential food for the brain. They are often used as nutritional supplements to avoid cognitive decline associated with aging, as well as NDDs (for example, Alzheimer's disease).
    The latest published research suggests the following: the mental abilities of healthy people also improve. Healing effect Omega-3 acids (DHA, EPA) cover both increasing concentration and normalizing emotional background. Daily intake should not exceed a dosage of 1200-2400 mg, which is equal to 1-2 capsules fish oil;
  • , or flavanols.
    More precisely, it means cocoa, which is the main ingredient of chocolate. It contains many flavanols and phytochemicals that stimulate the building of mental “muscle” and have a positive effect on health cardiovascular system and mood. This is achieved through the mutual connection of antioxidant molecules that activate brain perfusion and stabilize neurophysiological processes in those centers responsible for memory and learning.
    The presented nootropic – dark chocolate – is the least powerful among the others, but the most appetizing and budget-friendly. You should not give preference to sugary bars, choosing exclusively chocolate with 90% cocoa in the composition, since sugar can neutralize the benefits of the product. Daily norm consumption may vary within 35-200 g, but it is recommended to eat a little;
  • .
    The action is aimed at raising the overall mood and level of mental focus. Among other things, it is impeccable in preventing pathology endocrine system(diseases thyroid gland, pituitary gland).
    Important: when undergoing drug treatment for the thyroid gland, it is necessary to consult a doctor in order to avoid negative interactions of the drugs used;
  • .
    Extracted from a unique (living fossil) Chinese tree called Ginko. The extract is rich in terpenoids, namely bilobalides and ginkgolides, as well as flavonoid glycosides. They have pharmacological properties that improve memory and concentration. Ginko Biloba is relevant for those with dementia syndrome, but its confrontation with Alzheimer's disease is unlikely. Recent studies have demonstrated an increase in concentration, which is fully evident 2.5 hours after consumption in healthy people.
    Cognitive benefits also include improved concentration, memorization, and memory quality. However, a number of experiments demonstrate the lack of a stimulating effect of Ginko Biloba directly on mental activity. The dosage is of paramount importance: if the daily intake of 120 mg is insufficient, as research shows, it would be rational to raise the dose to 240 mg, and, if necessary, to 360 mg. Among other things, Ginko is good in combination with the Bacopa monnieri nutrient - Indian coryllium. However, no evidence of their synergistic effect has been presented.
  • .
    The presented combination is used most in demand among fans of nootropics. Piracetam, or Nootropil, Lucetam, helps to increase the functional activity of receptors and neurotransmitters, or acetylcholines. Doctors often prescribe it for those who suffer from depression, schizophrenia and Alzheimer's disease, but also healthy enhancement acetylcholine activity will not harm.
    For the full effect of improving spatial memory, clarity of consciousness and brain activity, Piracetam should be supplemented with Choline. The latter, being a valuable water-soluble substance, levels possible consequence taking Piracetam - headache. This, by the way, is one of the reasons why a preliminary consultation with a doctor is mandatory. Piracetam + Choline are taken three times a day, 300 mg each, with breaks (at least 4 hours);
  • .
    Helps not only normalize perception processes and improve memory, but also acts a powerful tool in the fight against fatigue and anxiety, which has a beneficial effect on performance. Radiola is distributed mainly in Arctic regions, in cold climates, and is distinguished by the presence of beneficial phytochemical compounds. By inhibiting the enzyme monoamine oxidase, Rhodiola regulates the concentration of serotonin and dopamine in the central nervous system. According to research, the presented plant has a positive effect on mental abilities: short-term memory, speed of visual and auditory perception, calculations, associative thinking, concentration skills. The daily dosage can vary between 100-1000 mg and should be divided into two equal portions;
  • Caffeine in combination with L-theanine.
    Caffeine alone is not a panacea for enhancing cognitive function. Among other things, it has been experimentally proven that there is no increase in results in the process of processing and memorizing information when taking it. Periodically stimulating it can in the best possible way affect mental abilities and mood, but this effect does not have a long-term effect, but a short-term nervous excitement sharply gives way to a decline in performance.
    However, in combination with L-theanine, which is an amino acid found in green tea, the effect of caffeine will be noticeably more active and longer lasting. This will manifest itself in speeding up the processing of visual information, improving memory and switching attention, which implies a decrease in distractibility. This effect is achieved due to the penetration of L-theanine through the blood-brain barrier and blocking the negative stimulating effects of caffeine, including anxiety and increased blood pressure. Studies have shown that the effect can be achieved with the following dosage: L-theanine in an amount of 100 mg and caffeine - 50 mg (a cup of coffee). There is no more than 5-8 mg of L-theanine in green tea, so you can use nutritional supplements, or you can drink a cup of coffee (2:1) after drinking two glasses of tea.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that if there are any disturbances in attention, sleep, memory or mood, no drugs can eliminate the causes of their occurrence. Their primary task is to minimize negative manifestations and symptoms. And the abuse of pills, as well as their illiterate administration, are fraught side effects directly to the body.

Therefore, it is initially necessary to understand the causes of the problems that have arisen, which may include: psychological trauma, addictions, lack of oxygen, poor nutrition, insufficient physical activity and irregular sleep. And only after identifying them will it be possible to confidently begin treatment.

To have excellent memory, as well as attention, it is simply necessary to improve and reinforce mental activity. After all, attention, as well as memory, depend on the state of health and activity of the brain.

This is necessary and useful not only for specialists, but also for students, students, and the elderly.

So memory, is it failing you?

Sometimes we forget times, dates, numbers, names, sayings. And we come up with the excuse “I forgot.”

To improve memory, you can train your memory and attention, eat right and rationally, lead a healthy and healthy image life, but a number of different drugs can also be useful.

There is a large selection of such drugs in pharmacies; let’s look at the most effective ones.


Release form: syrup, capsules.

Purpose: Brain activity stimulator. Used for weakening memory, for stressful situations, nervous tension and fatigue, with impaired concentration, developmental delay in children, dizziness and tinnitus, depression.

Children from three years of age and adults can be admitted. Not recommended for pregnant and nursing mothers.

Side effects: insomnia when taken at night.

Contraindications: diabetes mellitus Types 2 and 1, exudative diathesis, increased sensitivity to the components.

3. .

Release form: 20% solution, 5 ml in ampoules, capsules, granules for children, tablets.

Purpose: Improves blood circulation in the brain and metabolic processes, increases the body's energy reserves. Improves memory, attention, improves memorization during the learning process. It is used for diseases of the central nervous system, atherosclerosis, after injuries, intoxication, and depression.

Taken after meals. Suitable for children over 1 year old and adults. Not recommended for pregnant and nursing mothers.

Side effects: insomnia, irritability, anxiety; in elderly patients, sometimes there is an exacerbation of heart failure and gastrointestinal disorders.

Contraindications: in the presence of allergic reactions from eating essences, fruit juices, acute renal failure in children with diabetes.

4. .

Release form: pills.

Purpose: The drug is similar to piracetam, and also has a psychostimulating effect. It is used after injuries that are accompanied by a decrease in intelligence, memory and attention. For learning disorders, depression, alcoholism, hypertension. For the treatment of memory and attention disorders, it helps to increase resistance to stress, preventing the development of fatigue.

Adults are welcome. Not recommended for pregnant and nursing mothers. Taken after meals. Hours of taking the drug in the first half of the day.

Side effects: increased blood pressure, insomnia, hyperemia of the skin.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Release form: pills.
Purpose: With decreased attention, memory, deterioration of intellectual abilities, speech, vision. Cerebral circulation improves, which ensures a better supply of brain cells with oxygen and glucose, metabolism is controlled, and blood properties are improved.

Take after meals, preferably at certain hours.

Side effects: possible - skin rashes, mild nausea, headache with dizziness.

Contraindications: acute cerebrovascular accident, peptic ulcer, erosive gastritis, acute coronary syndrome, hypotension, pregnancy and the entire period of lactation, sensitivity to components.

6. .

Release form: solution, tablets.

Purpose: Ginkgo biloba preparation. It is used for encephalopathy with decreased intelligence, attention and memory, for dizziness, ringing in the ears, blurred vision, and asthenic conditions.

Take after meals, preferably at a certain time. Admission from 18 years of age.

Side effects: nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea, itching, eczema, headache with dizziness.

Contraindications: pregnancy and the entire period of lactation, gastritis, peptic ulcer, acute coronary syndrome, blood reactivity disorders, acute cerebrovascular accident, sensitivity to components.


8. .

Release form: pills.

Purpose: Helps normalize all processes in the brain, improves memory, enhances thinking, and has a psychostimulating effect. Helps restore speech after acute cerebrovascular accidents. Widely prescribed in pediatrics for children with mental retardation.

Side effects: possible – feeling of heat, vomiting, insomnia.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.


Release form: tablets, syrup.

Purpose: Used in children with mental retardation, mental retardation, speech delay, and epilepsy. For neuralgia trigeminal nerve, subcortical hyperkinesis.

Take after meals. Can be taken from the age of three.

Side effects: possible – allergic reactions: rhinitis, conjunctivitis, skin rashes; sleep disturbances or drowsiness, tinnitus.

Contraindications: spicy serious illnesses kidneys, pregnancy, lactation, sensitivity to components.

10. .

Release form: pills.

Purpose: It is used for acute disorders of cerebral circulation, for vegetative-vascular crises, for anxiety states with a feeling of fear, irritability, as well as to increase the body’s resistance to mental and physical stress.

Use the drug at certain hours, regardless of meals.

Side effects: possible - nausea, irritability, agitation, anxiety, headache with dizziness, rash, itching.

Contraindications: for acute and chronic kidney diseases, with intolerance to the components of the drug.


Release form:
Pills; oral solution in a bottle with a 2 ml pipette attached. 1 tablet contains: alphadihydroergocriptine – 2 mg, caffeine – 20 mg. 2 ml of solution contain: alphadihydroergocriptine – 2 mg, caffeine – 20 mg.

Indications for use:

Indications for use:
Cerebrovascular insufficiency (mismatch between the need of brain tissue for oxygen and its delivery), including due to cerebral (brain vessels) atherosclerosis; residual effects after cerebrovascular accident; decreased mental activity, memory impairment regarding recent events, decreased attention, orientation disorders; preventive treatment migraines; cochleovestibular disorders (dizziness, tinnitus, hypoacusia) of ischemic origin (developed due to insufficient blood supply to the cochlea inner ear); retinopathy (damage to the walls of blood vessels in the retina), in particular diabetic (associated with increased content blood sugar) and Raynaud's disease (narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels in the extremities); chronic venous insufficiency.

Directions for use:
Prescribe 1-2 tablets or 2-4 ml (1-2 pipettes) 2 times a day. The drug should be taken with food, not a large number water.

Side effects:
IN in rare cases– nausea, pain in the epigastrium (the area of ​​the abdomen located directly below the convergence of the costal arches and the sternum). Itchy skin, rash. Possible decrease in blood pressure. Vasobral does not have a long-term hypotensive (lowering blood pressure) effect, therefore, when it is prescribed to patients with arterial hypertension(persistent increase in blood pressure) does not exclude the need to use antihypertensive (blood pressure-lowering) drugs. With the simultaneous administration of Vasobral and antihypertensive drugs, the development of arterial hypotension(a decrease in blood pressure below normal values) and fainting.

Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Safety of use in pregnant women has not been proven. Prescribing vasobral to nursing mothers can lead to a decrease in lactation (milk production).


Biotredin is combination drug, which is designed to improve tissue nutrition and respiration, mental activity, mood.

Active active ingredients of this medicine are L-threonine and pyridoxine, which, when entering the body, are converted into glycine and acetic acid.

The resulting substances significantly affect brain function and, among other things, reduce the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal.

As a result full cycle transformations, the components of the drug decompose into water and carbon dioxide - therefore, human health cannot suffer even from the use of an excessive dose.

Biotredin is produced in the form of sublingual tablets, which, according to the instructions for the drug, begin to act ten to fifteen minutes after administration. Dosage, scheme and duration of use this tool- depend on the reasons for which it was prescribed.

To increase concentration and relieve fatigue syndrome in adults and children, maintenance therapy is carried out in small doses. For alcoholism, the dose and frequency of taking Biotredin may be significantly higher. To enhance the effect, manufacturers recommend combining the use of this medicine with Glycine.

Biotredin should not be taken when alcohol intoxication and together with tranquilizers, antipsychotics and antidepressants. While using this product, you may experience dizziness and sweating.

Biotredin has an anti-alcohol effect, reduces the manifestation of symptoms that occur in patients with alcohol dependence upon cessation of alcohol use. There are reviews about Biotredin that say that its use increases mental performance and normalizes metabolism. Release form Biotredin is produced in tablets.

Indications for use According to the instructions, Biotredin is prescribed if the patient has a pathological craving for alcohol, which is accompanied by decreased mood, irritability, hunger, and internal discomfort. Biotredin is used for chronic alcoholism, in a state of withdrawal syndrome (a condition against the background abrupt refusal from alcohol).

Eat positive reviews about Biotredin, the effectiveness of its use by adults, adolescents, and children with reduced concentration and mental performance.

10 foods that improve memory:

  1. Whole grains - (wheat - used as the main raw material for making bread, muffins (products), vermicelli, khinkal and lavash; rye - used as the main raw material for making bread and crackers; oats; corn; brown or brown rice; spelt; millet ; triticale; amaranth; buckwheat and others.)
  2. Nuts,
  3. Blueberry,
  4. Fatty fish,
  5. Tomatoes,
  6. black currant,
  7. Breakfast cereals,
  8. Sage,
  9. Broccoli,
  10. Pumpkin seeds.

Finally got around to telling you about drugs to improve memory and brain function that will help you move through life by leaps and bounds. Any person is full of ambitions, but unfortunately, the capabilities of our body are limited, and we cannot think, remember, create, and even just move forward as much as we like. Fortunately, modern medicine gives us more opportunities and opens borders! For everyone active people, no matter what you do, medications and means have been created to improve brain function and memory, significantly increasing your capabilities - these are nootropics! Nootropics are necessary in almost any type of activity, since human brain and the nervous system are not always able to respond to your needs as efficiently as possible. Whether you are a designer, a lawyer, an athlete - in any type of work you need a clear mind and concentration! Therefore, pills to improve memory and brain function will help you become more efficient and successful.

What are pills to improve brain activity and memory?

Many people don’t even think that in most cases our success depends on the proper functioning of our brain, breadth of thoughts and clarity of mind. Yes, a factory worker assembling, say, bases on a conveyor belt does not put much strain on the brain, but rather works more with his hands, automatically. But even with poor concentration and brain fatigue, he will do his work more slowly and with much more waste. So even in the most seemingly “non-mental” work, nootropics are needed.

So how do drugs and pills to improve memory, attention and brain function work?

Improving mental activity, improving cortical-subcortical connections, stimulating learning and memory, increasing the brain’s resistance to damaging factors - all this specific effect nootropics for higher integrative functions of the brain. Thus, modern pharmacology has made it possible for a person to speed up all the processes occurring in the nerve center of our body. Nowadays, about 10 effective nootropic ingredients have already been synthesized, and new developments in this direction are regularly carried out.

Drugs that improve memory and thought processes can be divided into two types:

  • With dominant mnestic effects;
  • Influencing the improvement of memory, and with broad action.

The latter completely improve everything brain processes. In medicine, such drugs that improve brain function are prescribed to patients with disorders of the functioning of this organ, as well as the nervous system. And healthy people can improve the functioning of their body not only with the help of nootropics purchased at the pharmacy, but also with the help of special supplements that include complexes of similar drugs.

What pills should I take for memory and brain function?

If you want to do any task with 100% motivation and the desire to get better, then we advise you to give preference to complex drugs, for example (the list is made simply in alphabetical order, and not by effectiveness):

Unlike pharmaceutical drugs, the effect of these supplements is felt much more pronounced! You will not only get relief from headaches and good mood, but also real drive, motivation and nervous relaxation!

Pills to improve brain activity and memory are also an option for athletes who want a more powerful focus on training, for more sophisticated muscle pumping! But if, on the contrary, you are tired of stimulants and pre-workouts and want to give your brain a little relaxation and help restore the central nervous system, then special sleep books and relaxers are what you need! They will plunge you into sweet, serene dreams, and in the morning you will get up rested, as if you slept on a cloud and woke up in paradise. They are great for restoring and relieving stress!

Nootropic drugs that improve blood circulation in the brain

The best relaxants for the brain and central nervous system

One of the most incredible sleep and recovery stimulants! It contains a bunch of innovative components that will literally make your body grow during the rest period:

Insulin-like growth factor, growth factors for fibroblasts, nerves, epidermis and connective tissue – these ingredients will accelerate the natural renewal of body cells, giving you faster and better recovery.

Glycine and Valerian Root– have a calming effect on the nervous system, helping to relax.

Phenibut– regulates natural falling asleep and also improves sleep quality.

Phenylalanine– improves mood and well-being.

The composition also includes other components that may surprise you!

The most effective sleep stimulants and relaxants are included in this product:

Phenibut and Gamma-aminobutyric acid – reduce nervous excitability and calm the central nervous system.

Taurine– removes muscle spasms and has an anticonvulsant effect.

Tyrosine– relieves you of mental and physical fatigue.

Valerian– provides sedative effect, reduces heart rate, makes it easier to fall asleep.

Mucuna– stimulates the production of testosterone and growth hormone.

A simple composition will allow you to get a calm and deep sleep for quality restoration.

Natural falling asleep, relaxation and deep sleep - that's what this stimulant can give you! One more, no less important function, – vigor and fullness of strength every morning! The composition includes two natural sleep regulators and other components:

Phenibut and Melatonin– are natural neurorelaxants and sleep stimulants. Help regulate circadian rhythms.

Mucuna– enhances the production of growth hormone and testosterone.

Valerian and Hops Flower Extract– relax the nervous system and have a sedative effect.

Picamilon– relieves nervous and muscle tension, allows you to recover faster after physical and mental stress.

With this stimulant every morning you will feel cheerful and toned!

Ask any pro bodybuilder what the secret of success is and everyone will unanimously answer only one thing - good sleep. No matter what you do in training, without decent recovery, all the results of your work will go to waste! This will not happen with Intel Pharma's Comatose complex. It contains all the components that will not only improve the quality of sleep and allow you to fall asleep faster even on the most stressful days, but also improve brain function, strengthen the immune system and the central nervous system. In addition, Comatose contains Mucuna Pruriens, a plant that accelerates the production of own testosterone and growth hormone!

List of the most famous nootropic drugs

To begin with, we told you about complex nootropics, and now we will give the names of drugs and vitamins for the brain and memory, which, in fact, are single-component substances. By the way, the products that we described above necessarily include one or even several of these substances:

  • Piracetam is a classic drug that reaches its maximum concentration in the blood 30-40 minutes after administration;
  • Aminalon - taken orally, quickly absorbed into the blood, reaching maximum concentration 60 minutes after administration;
  • Phenotropil is a drug that is not metabolized in the body and is excreted unchanged. The bioavailability of Phenotropil is 100%, with a maximum concentration in plasma 1 hour after administration;
  • Oksibral - the drug is metabolized in the liver. Almost instantly absorbed by the body from the digestive tract;
  • Melatonin is instantly and completely absorbed by the body, and is almost completely excreted unchanged;
  • Modafinil – the most powerful drug on the nootropics market, which is not available in Russian pharmacies;
  • Vinpocetine is a drug metabolized in the liver and determined in the tissues of the central nervous system;
  • Picamilon is quickly absorbed and can be taken in any form. Picamilon is known for its uniform distribution in tissues;
  • Semax is a nasal drug that significantly improves memory and intellectual abilities human brain;
  • DMAE is a dietary supplement that improves mood and mental processes in the brain;
  • Coffee and tea are natural nootropics that also have a certain degree of effect on the brain and improve the speed of the nervous system.

There is an even larger group pharmaceuticals related to nootropics: nicergoline, pentoxifylline, nooglutil, nimodin, cinnarizine, glycine, pyriditol, noopept. Herbal medicines also have a nootropic effect: ginko bean extract and Huato boluses. As we said, all of these single-ingredient additives are usually included in sports nutrition and make up whole powerful complexes! If you recommend harmless pills to improve memory and attention for adults, you can even start with single-component pharmaceutical preparations, and then move on to complex ones (this is in case you are afraid to immediately try more strong drug). But the point is that even complex nootropics with a super composition cannot harm you - these drugs are as harmless as possible and only bring benefits).

Since now there is a special fashion for creative people(designers, managers, programmers, and ordinary students) for drugs that improve brain function, we decided to tell you how to take them with maximum efficiency.

It is advisable to take medication for memory in courses (although a lot depends on age). For example, older people are advised to take them constantly, but if you are young, then your brain is still able to take care of itself) Nootropics will only help it become a little... More perfect) So, these drugs are taken in courses: at least 2-3 weeks ( because during this time it develops healing effect), then it is advisable to take a break for a month.

Brain function can also be improved if therapy is carried out comprehensively, adding:

  • drugs that improve cerebral circulation;
  • vitamins;
  • amino acids;
  • stimulants;
  • other dietary supplements.

Let's take a closer look at them.

Brain drugs that improve blood circulation

Action nootropic drugs will not be expressed if they cannot be delivered to your brain. Sometimes the reason bad memory and slow reactions are hidden in the poor condition of blood vessels and blood circulation, respectively. In order to restore this function, the following drugs are used:

  1. Tiklid;
  2. Nicergoline;
  3. Complamin;
  4. Clonidogrel;
  5. Actovegin;
  6. Heparin;
  7. Acetylsalicylic acid, etc.

CNS stimulants

Stimulants have the fastest and most noticeable effect, but they must be taken with caution, as the nervous system adapts and gets used to it over time. In addition, abuse of stimulants can overload the nervous system and brain, which will only worsen memory and reaction speed.

If you take stimulants too often, we recommend taking them in courses, and between them use relaxers to restore the nervous system (we talked about them above).

The most effective and safe stimulants of the nervous system:

  • Coffee;
  • Chocolate;
  • Cocoa.

Vitamins and fatty acids

Some substances are especially necessary for the proper functioning of our brain and are required in increased dosages. This may include:

  • Choline – necessary for transmitter production nerve impulses acetylcholine (normal: 0.5-2 g per day);
  • Omega-3 – taken in combination with vitamins in a dosage of 1-2 capsules per day.

Amino acids

These substances are necessary for the production of neurotransmitters, proper cell renewal and renewal of energy reserves. The most necessary of them are:

  • L-Carnitine – promotes the release of cell energy;
  • Tyrosine – increases endurance and mental concentration due to the production of dopamine;
  • Glycine – normalizes sleep and improves recovery;
  • Creatine – regulates energy in tissues.

Other dietary supplements

Some plant extracts are often used as preparations for rapid improvement memory and other systems related to it indirectly or directly:

  • Ginkgo Biloba – normalizes blood circulation and protects cells when there is a lack of oxygen;
  • Vinpocetine – improves blood circulation in the brain;
  • Biocalcium for the brain – contains a complex of vitamins, minerals and other substances for proper brain function;
  • Ginseng – improves resistance to stress, increases blood flow to the brain;
  • Rhodiola Rosea – enhances the production of dopamine and serotonin, which improves concentration and memory.

Well, now we have figured out what to take to improve memory and attention. All drugs for the brain, including nootropics, are created to help the brain work more productively, expand your capabilities and provide motivation. Some drugs to improve brain function have proven effective in preventing many diseases, improving memory not only in children, but even in adults, and even reducing the ravages of Alzheimer's disease! So we advise you to give your brain quality nutrition and... get creative!)

Discussion: 20 comments

    Once I took drugs for the brain in the combination Phenotropil + Glycine. The first week I noticed an increase in performance, and then it began to decline. Maybe I got used to it so quickly, but I didn’t experiment anymore.

    The best drugs I still took it from sports nutrition to pump up my brain! I consulted with a consultant after reading the article for free. I didn’t really want to take something from the pharmacy, so he asked me to recommend something to improve brain function. He chose a complex nootropic for me. Since I need stimulation not only for work, but also for training, I found a soft pre-workout supplement for me and at the same time decided to take a relaxer to restore the central nervous system. I will say that after a week I felt like a completely different person! I was full of strength and motivation!

    Is melatonin a drug for the brain and memory? I was once prescribed it to improve sleep...

    Melatonin is not a drug for memory and brain function, well, not directly. it will speed up brain recovery deep phase sleep, which can improve its performance. but usually melatonin is taken in combination with something.

    Thanks to Peter for choosing not only medications for the headache, but also a bunch of additional sports nutrition)) this is the first time I’ve seen them do this for free)

    I completely agree! Only in combination does it work! I took nootropics to improve brain function, as I started to just freeze sometimes. I thought it would help. but no. I took two courses and the result was almost zero. I decided to go to the doctor and it turned out that the problem was vasoconstriction. so they prescribed a set of drugs to improve cerebral circulation, and a little later with the doctor they added noopept, glycine, omega-3 and vitamin B complex. Now everything is great!

    Can I take drugs to improve my brain if I'm under 18? what happens if you drink?

    for those who are under 18, most things are possible only with the permission of parents or a doctor))) so turn to the first, and then to the second)

    Relaxers are a great thing! Sometimes the problem is that the brain is tired and the nervous system too. Comatosis helped me with this the best. After it you fall asleep super quickly, and in the morning you are like a cucumber. In a week of this quality sleep I fully recovered and began to work as before, and maybe even better.

    Comatosis didn't suit me very well. I took two - Mental Trigger + Fade Out. The mentality is wonderfully stimulating, gives some kind of motivation and desire to create) all day long as usual. and before going to bed I drink Fade, I quickly relax and fall asleep, when I wake up there is no feeling of aching bones and no desire to sleep more. So I liked these preps more!

    I noticed a deterioration in my memory and a decrease in concentration. At first it wasn’t noticeable, just little things, but over time it got worse. At first I thought that this comes with age and that this is normal. but the condition greatly influenced the workflow. and I decided to take a course of glycine from Evalar, on the advice of a friend. I got my memory back, ugh ugh ugh. I became more collected. Another amazing bonus was that I began to sleep better. This is my personal treatment experience.)

    Coffee and Tea are the best drugs!

    What if you drink harmless glycine? I know that for many people 1-2 tiny tablets are not enough and this is why they do not believe in the drug. But there is glycine forte with high content active substance(300-500mg). There are also B vitamins for brain activity.

    I agree about glycine forte. This is generally universal remedy for me. I have problems sleeping when I’m nervous or overtired. And it calms the nerves and brings sleep back to normal, and it’s also good for brain activity - there are vitamins for the brain.
    And the price suits me. I read that it is even available in the form of chewing gum. Very interesting to try, thanks!

    I work and study in the evening. When the session is just a bust, I disconnect from everything just study and work. I take Evalar carnosine and always take dark chocolate before an exam or test with strong tea, it helps my brain work and concentrate.

Active brain function is very important for a person to function normally: study, work, proper development. The modern rhythm of life places a huge burden on us, so cerebral circulation stimulants become especially necessary. Memory improving pills will help you adapt to large amounts of work, while maintaining brain performance at the proper level.

What pills to take to improve memory and concentration?

Drugs for memory and attention are in great demand on the drug market, the most popular of which are:

  • Nootropics. These include: “Nootropil”, “Piracetam”, “Phenotropil”, “Lucetam”, “Noopept”.
  • Drugs that help improve blood properties (Trental, Vazonin, Flexital, Agapurin, Cavinton, Telektol)
  • Herbal preparations based on the gingko biloba plant (“Vitrum memory”, “Memoplant”, “Gingko Biloba”, “Gingkoum”, “Doppelgerts”).

When choosing medications to improve cerebral circulation, memory, attention, you need to remember contraindications, side effects. To avoid problems associated with taking medications, you should consult your doctor. The specialist will assess the characteristics of your body and give his recommendations. Medicines can be purchased without a prescription, but in a particular case they may be ineffective or harmful.

For adults

Working people need to fuel their brains just as much as anyone else. Adults over 40 years of age and those whose work involves mental work are especially at risk. Large loads on the brain lead to memory deterioration, decreased concentration, increased fatigue, stress, and other symptoms. To restore performance, activity must be taken various vitamins, medications. Suitable for adults: “Glycine”, “Phesam”, “Vitrum Memory”, “Nootropil”, etc.

Children and teenagers

At this age, the body needs additional nutrition, because children and teenagers are very active. To become mental processes everything was going well, the children had enough energy to study and play, additional nutrition was needed. Girls and boys can get the missing elements by taking Glycine. The medicine has a calming effect. In addition, it will help cope with school curriculum, improving memory and attention, reducing fatigue during nervous and mental stress.

For students

Students experience great stress, both mental and psychological, during the session. They have to process and assimilate large amounts of information, so memory and attention must be at a productive level. Nootropic drugs will produce the desired effect. You should start taking brain stimulants 2 weeks before the start of the session, so that the effect of the pills to improve memory begins during preparation.

Elderly people

This age group needs additional brain nutrition the most. A person over 60 years of age often experiences sleep disturbances, dizziness, increased fatigue caused by vascular diseases. Elderly people need to use drugs that improve cerebral circulation. Such medications include, for example, Tanakan and Cortexin.

The best medications to improve memory and brain function

The most common, and best from the point of view of specialists, pills for improving memory are:

  • "Glycine"

Ingredients: microencapsulated glycine, magnesium stearate, water-soluble methylcellulose.

Indications: reduces mental stress, improves mood, normalizes sleep, increases brain performance, is used for vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Application: you need to take the drug sublingually, 1 tablet 2-3 times a day. The dosage may vary depending on the disease.

  • "Phenibut"

Ingredients: aminophenylbutyric acid, lactose, starch, calcium stearic.

Action: affects cerebral circulation, improves brain condition, mental indicators, relieves anxiety, tension, normalizes sleep.

How to use: dose for adults – 20-750 mg, for children – 20-250 mg. The dosage depends on the disease and the age of the patient. The drug must be taken orally.

  • "Noopept"

Ingredients: noopept, starch, lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose.

Indications: the drug improves memory, learning ability, and develops brain resistance to damage.

Application: orally, after meals, 10 mg 2 times a day.

  • "Piracetam"

Ingredients: piracetam, calcium stearate, starch, povidone K-25.

Use: used for problems with memory, concentration, metabolic processes in the brain, learning disabilities, and chronic alcoholism.

Dosage: adults – 30-160 mg/kg per day (2-4 doses), children – 30-50 mg/kg per day (2-3 doses). The tablets are taken orally.

  • "Nootropil"

Ingredients: piracetam, silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, etc.

When to take: to strengthen memory, for dizziness, decreased concentration, activity, changes in mood, behavior, and dyslexia.

Instructions: Take tablets for brain activity and memory orally with meals or on an empty stomach. The dosage depends on the disease and characteristics of the body.

  • "Phenotropil"

Ingredients: phenotropil, lactose monohydrate, calcium stearate, starch.

Indications: disruption of learning processes, diseases of the central nervous system, deterioration of memory and attention.

Application: dosage is individual, take after meals, orally.

Where to buy and how much they cost

Many pharmacies in Moscow offer products to improve memory and brain function. Medicines are available at all points of sale medical supplies.

  • "Samson-Pharma" at the address: Altufevskoye sh., 89, has all drugs in stock (Glycine, Phenibut, Noopept, Piracetam, Nootropil, Phenotropil). Prices: 35.85-442.15 rubles.
  • The “Solnyshko” pharmacy (Shipilovskaya str., 25, building 1) has all medications at prices ranging from 29.00 to 444.00 rubles.
  • Planet Health does not sell only Piracetam. Other medications are available. Prices: 31.60-455.00 rubles. Address: st. Suzdalskaya, 34a.
  • Online resources (Eapteka.ru and Apteka.ru) have each of the drugs at prices ranging from 13.60 to 427.00 rubles.


The ability to think logically, notice and remember facts, and build chains of conclusions is what distinguishes humans from animals. The work of the brain is a subtle biochemical and electrochemical process. Attention, memory, freshness of perception primarily depend on the state of nerve cells - neurons and their nutrition. It is common to think that enhancement drugs are only needed by older people, but this is not the case. Memory and thinking disorders are possible at any age and are due to a number of reasons.

Causes of brain disorders

Doctors do not recommend self-treating even minor weakening of brain function, primarily because this may be a sign of a serious illness. Memory, attention, and learning ability may deteriorate for the following reasons.

  1. Poor blood circulation in the brain - long-term awkward position, atherosclerosis, osteochondrosis, hypertension, vascular thrombosis, ischemia, stroke.
  2. Improving brain function is problematic when smoking and drinking alcohol, since nicotine and alcohol are strong vascular poisons. When they enter the body, the brain is the first to suffer - after all, it needs sufficient blood supply more than any other organ.
  3. Traumatic brain injuries, general intoxication of the body, past infectious diseases.
  4. Stress, lack of sleep, lack of rest.
  5. General exhaustion of the body, malnutrition, dietary restrictions. In this case, the body develops a chronic deficiency of vitamins and minerals necessary for brain function.

In order for brain function to improve, it is necessary to normalize the regime active work and rest, eat right and do exercises to normalize blood circulation cervical spine spine and head. It is useful to do exercises that stimulate mental activity: master new activities, solve crosswords and puzzles, etc. In case serious violations memory, you should consult a doctor. Currently there are various drugs to improve brain function, but they must be prescribed by a specialist. The doctor will conduct an examination, select the optimal medicine, dose and determine the course of use.

Memory tablets

All medications to improve brain function can be divided into several categories.

  • Nootropic drugs are drugs that regulate metabolism in the brain and increase its resistance to oxygen deficiency.
  • Drugs that improve blood flow to the brain.
  • Vitamins necessary for biochemical processes in the brain.
  • Amino acids involved in the transmission of nerve impulses and the production of biologically active substances.
  • Herbal remedies that have a stimulating effect on the body as a whole and higher nervous activity in particular.

It should be borne in mind that of all of the above, only vitamins and amino acids are relatively harmless. All other drugs have contraindications and can only be used as prescribed by a doctor. Many of them are used for serious mental disorders, organic brain lesions and have side effects.

All drugs, with the exception of stimulants, must be taken in long courses. It is wrong to think that memory and attention will improve immediately after taking the Piracetam tablet. The duration of treatment ranges from several weeks to six months. Sometimes it is necessary to conduct several courses, taking a break between them.


These are drugs to improve brain function, belonging to the group of psychotropic drugs. The mechanism of action of nootropics has not been sufficiently studied. It has been revealed that they have the ability to facilitate the transmission of nerve impulses, stimulate blood supply to the brain, improve energy processes and increase the body’s resistance to oxygen deficiency. As a result, memory improves, learning ability increases, mental activity is stimulated and the brain is resistant to aggressive influences.

Unlike other psychotropic drugs, nootropic drugs are characterized by low toxicity and do not cause circulatory problems.

The most famous representatives of this group are drugs:

  • "Piracetam" ("Nootropil"),
  • "Picamilon"
  • "Phenibut"
  • "Aminalon" ("Gammalon"),
  • "Pantogam"
  • "Acephen."

For treatment chronic conditions tablets to improve brain function are prescribed 1 tablet 3 times a day for 2-3 weeks to 2-6 months. Therapeutic effect observed two weeks after the start of treatment.

Drugs that improve blood circulation

In case of reason poor condition blood and blood vessels, antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants are prescribed to improve brain function. Antiplatelet agents include the following:

  • "Nitsergolin"
  • "Xanthinol nicotinate" ("Complamin"),
  • "Ticlopidine"
  • "Tiklid"
  • "Courantil"
  • "Pentoxifylline" ("Trental"),
  • "Acetylsalicylic acid"
  • "Clonidogrel."

For anticoagulants:

  • "Solcoseryl"
  • "Heparin"
  • "Cerebrolysin"
  • "Actovegin"
  • “Vazobral.”

Drugs to improve brain function in this group have side effects.

Nerve stimulants

Stimulants have an undoubted advantage - the result of their use is visible almost immediately. Unfortunately, you have to pay for everything. When stimulants are abused, improvement in brain function occurs for a short period of time; over time, addiction develops and all is required. high dose. It also depletes the brain, which can lead to extreme fatigue and headaches.

The most accessible stimulants are found in food.

  • Coffee contains caffeine and L-theanine, which improve blood flow to the brain and stimulate transmission
  • Chocolate and cocoa. The antioxidant flavanols contained in cocoa powder improve biochemical processes in the brain and protect it from the effects of stress factors.


With increased mental activity, it will be useful to take vitamins to improve brain function.

  • Choline. In addition to improving the digestibility of fats in the liver, choline is involved in the production of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which is necessary for the transmission of nerve impulses. To stimulate mental activity, choline is taken 0.5-2 g per day, depending on individual tolerance. Overdose may cause headaches.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids are used by doctors for complex therapy age-related depression of brain functions. They are found in fatty fish, legumes, and walnuts. Daily consumption 1-2 capsules of fish oil completely covers the body's need for Omega-3 acids.

Amino acids

In addition to vitamins, a number of amino acids are needed to synthesize neurotransmitters and supply brain cells with energy:

  • Acetyl-L-carnitine is involved in carbohydrate metabolism and releases intracellular energy.
  • Tyrosine. Use with caution for diseases of the thyroid gland.
  • Glycine improves brain function, increases efficiency and normalizes sleep. Relieves nervousness, normalizes mood.
  • Creatine regulates energy processes in brain tissue.

There are medications that include several vitamins and amino acids that are aimed at improving brain function and memory.

Complex drugs

  • The drug "Biotredin". Tablets to improve brain function containing threonine and pyridoxine (vitamin B6).
  • Brain Booster - colloidal preparation complex composition, containing plant materials and a number of neurotransmitters - substances that improve the functioning of neurons.

Dietary supplements and herbal remedies

For minor mental disorders, tablets based on plant extracts are used to improve brain function.

  • Ginkgo biloba product - flavonoid glycosides and terpenoids from the Chinese Ginkgo tree. Normalizes microcirculation, has a vasodilating effect, prevents fat oxidation and has the ability to increase tissue resistance to oxygen deficiency. Do not use simultaneously with other drugs that improve blood circulation during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • The drug "Vinpocetine" is an alkaloid of the periwinkle plant. Improves blood circulation in the brain and has anticoagulant activity. Contraindicated in children, pregnant and lactating women, as well as in cases of cardiac dysfunction, in acute phase stroke.
  • “Biocalcium for the Brain” product is a set of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants.
  • Asian ginseng has a general stimulating effect on metabolism, improves blood circulation and glucose metabolism. Recommended for improving brain activity during fatigue, bad mood, increased nervousness.
  • Rhodiola rosea affects the production of dopamine and serotonin in the central nervous system, which has a beneficial effect on general condition body, memory, attention, ability to concentrate and visual perception.

All of these drugs to improve brain function can be taken for preventive purposes. Just like for others herbal remedies, the course of treatment is long - at least 3-4 weeks, and on average - 2-3 months.


Deterioration in brain activity can be caused by a disease that requires examination and serious treatment. Therefore, before taking pills, consult your doctor for advice. For preventive purposes, medications are taken for plant based, and amino acids. Stimulants are used to quickly short-term improve thinking processes. They should not be abused because long-term use gives reverse effect and consumes brain resources without recovery.



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