Which blood groups are susceptible to cancer? Diseases according to human blood types

Diseases based on blood type – is it a myth or reality? Human blood consists of plasma and formed elements. Plasma includes proteins and minerals such as chlorine, magnesium, potassium, sodium and others. Formed elements are called platelets, leukocytes and erythrocytes. Thanks to constant blood circulation in the body, tissues receive a sufficient amount of oxygen and other useful substances. Depending on the characteristics of the composition, 4 blood groups are distinguished. Scientists were able to find out that this feature can indeed influence predisposition to certain diseases, and this fact has long been proven in practice.

What blood types are there?

There are 4 blood groups. Each of them is designated by a number or a Latin letter. In accordance with this we can distinguish:

  • 0 or (I) – first;
  • A or (II) – second;
  • B or (III) – third;
  • AB or (VI) – fourth.

Determination of blood group is based on the classification of organ-specific protein structures - antigens. This concept should not be confused with antigens, which are discussed in various oncological pathologies or infectious diseases. Group-specific antigens A and B, also called agglutinogens, contain polysaccharides and protein and are associated with red blood cells, but have nothing to do with hemoglobin.

Human red blood cells contain antigens A and B. They can be combined or occur separately. Antigens always form a pair - AA, AB, AO, BB, BO or OO.

In addition, agglutinins α and β, the so-called globulin fractions, are found in the blood. They are compatible with antigens and are classified as natural antibodies. In the table you can see group affiliation depending on the combination of antigens and antibodies in a person’s blood.

Blood groups depending on the characteristics of the composition

Predisposition to diseases

Scientists believe that due to such characteristics, people with different blood types may be more or less susceptible to various diseases. For example, patients with group I (0) are more often diagnosed with thyroid pathologies, infectious and allergic diseases. Diseases of the digestive system, skin dermatitis, and blood diseases are often observed. Cardiovascular pathologies are less common. Conditions such as heart attacks, thromboembolism, and thrombosis are not typical for group I. According to statistics, it is among representatives of this group that long-livers are more common.

Those with blood type A (II) are often diagnosed with skin infectious diseases, oncology, diabetes mellitus, pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, and liver diseases.

People with group B (III) often suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome, diabetes, and respiratory diseases of a viral or bacterial nature.

Representatives of the AB (VI) group are susceptible to pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, cancer, and skin diseases.

It cannot be argued that, having a certain blood composition, a person will necessarily suffer from one or another disease. We are talking only about predisposition to various pathologies.

Digestive system diseases

Many patients suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. According to the results of scientific research, it was found that people with certain blood groups are more susceptible to pathologies of the digestive system.


A disease associated with damage to stomach tissue. Gastritis is accompanied by an acute or chronic course, causing symptoms characteristic of the disease - heartburn, pain, flatulence, etc.

Patients with A and AB blood groups are predisposed to gastritis, characterized by the reflux of gastric juice into the esophagus, as well as to anacid gastritis, characterized by atrophy of the gastric mucosa. Gastritis caused by the bacterium H. Pylori is common among people with group O.


An ulcer is a disease that spreads to the area of ​​the stomach or duodenum. It leads to the appearance of wounds on the mucous membrane, called ulcers in medicine.

An ulcer causes damage to the walls of the stomach and intestines

People with blood type O have high stomach acidity, so ulcerative damage to the walls of the organ occurs most often in them.

Important! It is people with blood type O, in addition to ulcers and gastritis, who often suffer from gastrointestinal diseases of unknown etiology. These include various disorders of digestion, intestinal patency, and the process of defecation.

Thyroid pathologies

The thyroid gland plays an important role in the normal functioning of the human body. It produces necessary hormones, enhances energy metabolism, and controls calcium metabolism.


Sometimes a malfunction occurs in the thyroid gland, which leads to excessive production of hormones. This negatively affects the central nervous and cardiovascular systems. The pathology most often occurs in people with blood type O.


Cretinism is a congenital deficiency of the thyroid gland. The disease causes neuralgic disorders, severe physical and mental retardation. The pathology can occur in all people, but is most often diagnosed in patients with group O.

Graves' disease

When the thyroid gland produces excess amounts of hormones, it causes pathological changes in tissues throughout the body. The condition is accompanied by an enlarged thyroid gland, excessive sweating, chronic fatigue, irritability and other symptoms. People with group O most often suffer from this disorder.

Allergic diseases

Blood type diseases of an allergic nature also have a certain relationship. Allergic diseases include bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, bronchitis, skin dermatitis - eczema, furunculosis, urticaria and others.


Allergic rhinitis is provoked by irritants of various types. The disease is accompanied by difficulty breathing through the nose, mucus secretion, sneezing, swelling, and itching in the nose. Rhinitis affects patients of all age groups, with young children most susceptible to the disease. It is believed that inflammation of the nasal mucosa affects people with blood groups O and A more often.

Allergic rhinitis causes symptoms such as sneezing, swelling of the mucous membrane, mucous discharge

Bronchial asthma

Chronic inflammation of the respiratory system is called bronchial asthma in medical practice. The pathology is accompanied by periodic attacks of suffocation, which can be stopped with the help of special medications. Symptoms of bronchial asthma include:

  • whistling in the lungs when inhaling;
  • night cough, chest discomfort, difficulty breathing;
  • deterioration of health depending on the season;
  • colds, in which the infection immediately spreads to the bronchi and lungs.

After taking antiallergic and antiasthmatic medications, the condition usually improves. Studies have shown that patients with group O and A are susceptible to asthma.

Allergic arthritis

Pathological changes in the joints caused by the body's allergic reaction to foreign antigens are called allergic arthritis. The causes of the disease can be irritants such as food, animal hair, medications, pollen, cosmetics and household products. Arthritis is accompanied by a general feeling of well-being, increased body temperature, increased heart rate, tearfulness, and inflammatory damage to large and small joints.

Patients with blood groups O and A are most predisposed to the acute course of the disease. In other groups, a chronic course is more often diagnosed.

Hematological diseases

Pathologies related to hematological diseases are associated with a violation of the composition of human blood. We are talking about the qualitative and quantitative composition of leukocytes, erythrocytes, platelets and other blood elements.


A hereditary disease accompanied by a blood clotting disorder is called hemophilia. The pathology causes a person to be prone to internal and external bleeding, hematomas, and hemarthrosis. In such patients, bleeding begins at the slightest violation of the integrity of the vessels. In children, it is observed during the eruption of baby or molar teeth, with the slightest trauma to the oral mucosa, scratches, or injuries. Bleeding can be caused by any medical procedures or household injuries.

In hemophilia, any injury can cause bleeding

A predisposition to hemophilia is observed in people with group O. In patients with group A and B, on the contrary, diseases accompanied by blood thickening are diagnosed. In the group of people with blood type AB, excessive or insufficient blood clotting is diagnosed extremely rarely.

Important! A characteristic feature of hemophilia is that bleeding after injury can take 10 hours or more to develop.


Anemia is a disease in which there is a deficiency of hemoglobin or red blood cells in the human blood. Patients with group A and AB are more susceptible to posthemorrhagic and hemolytic anemia. In addition, people with group AB are often diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia.

Skin diseases

Diseases of the dermis are of a very different nature. These include pathologies such as eczema, psoriasis, urticaria, and atopic dermatitis. We will consider the predisposition to them depending on blood type below.


Psoriasis, or scaly lichen, is an autoimmune disease accompanied by the appearance of plaques and papules on the body that are very itchy and flaky. The rashes vary in size and appear as round or oval spots. Most often, lichen planus occurs in people with blood type O.


Skin rashes occur due to the consumption of certain foods or medications. At the same time, many small pimples appear on the human body, the process is accompanied by itching and inflammation. The rash can affect large areas of the body, manifesting itself in the form of blisters and ulcers.

People with A and AB groups are predisposed to urticaria.

Atopic dermatitis

A skin disease accompanied by alternating periods of remission and exacerbation. Symptoms of dermatitis include dryness and redness of the skin, irritability, itching, discomfort, and a feeling of tightness. People with group A are most predisposed to this disease.

Atopic dermatitis appears as red patches on various parts of the body


Eczema is one of the most common pathologies. The disease is characterized by the appearance of red spots on the body, on which blisters and pustules are clearly visible. Eczema has a chronic course with periodic exacerbation of symptoms. People with groups A and AB have the highest predisposition to eczema.

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels

Pathologies of the cardiovascular system are dangerous conditions, the lack of treatment of which often entails serious consequences and death.

Congenital heart defects

Disorders of intrauterine development of the heart muscle occur mainly at the 28th week of pregnancy. Defects can be severe or minor. Some disorders require urgent surgical treatment, as they are sometimes incompatible with the patient’s life.
Scientific studies have shown that defects of the heart and blood vessels have no connection with the composition of human blood.


An aneurysm is a bulging of blood vessels in the brain or thinned tissue of the heart muscle. This condition entails the following symptoms:

  • decreased vision;
  • migraine;
  • double vision;
  • frequent dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • weakness and others.

Most often, aneurysms in the left ventricle are found in representatives of groups A and AB.


Rheumatism is a disease associated with systemic damage to connective tissue, which affects the cardiovascular system. Such patients experience weight loss, severe sweating, muscle and joint pain, and increased body temperature. It is believed that people with groups A and AB suffer more often from rheumatoid arthritis.

Important! Representatives of group A often suffer from diseases of non-rheumatic origin.

Respiratory tract pathologies

Respiratory diseases are caused by viruses and bacteria. Such diseases include sore throat, flu, pneumonia and others.

Respiratory diseases are caused by viruses and bacteria


A viral disease that is easily transmitted by airborne droplets. Influenza affects the upper and lower respiratory tract, causing severe intoxication of the body with characteristic manifestations. It is believed that people with groups A and AB are more resistant to the influenza virus than patients with groups O and B.


Sore throat affects a person’s tonsils, which entails a strong inflammatory process, increased body temperature, pain, and swelling in the throat area. The disease is caused by streptococci and other pathogens. People with group B are most susceptible to the disease.


Pneumonia often develops against the background of other viral and bacterial respiratory tract diseases. More often, the disease acts as a complication, has a severe course, and sometimes leads to the death of the patient. The risk group for pulmonary diseases includes people with A and AB blood.

It cannot be said with certainty that, having a certain blood type, a person runs the risk of developing one or another pathology. Attentive attitude to your body, proper nutrition, sufficient physical activity and timely visits to the doctor will help maintain health and prevent many diseases.

Nowadays, human blood is classified according to the AB0 system and the Rh factor. According to this classification, four groups are distinguished: first (0), second (A), third (B), fourth (AB). Each of them can be Rh positive or Rh negative, which means there are 8 types of blood. The question may arise as to which one is the best. Some blood can be considered better than others only if its owner can always quickly find a donor in case of significant blood loss. Thus, we can conclude that the best group is the most common.

What blood is most common?

According to statistics, about half of all inhabitants of the planet have blood of the first group, about 40% are carriers of the second, approximately 8% of the population have the third group, and only 2% of people have the fourth. The vast majority (85%) are owners of Rh-positive blood, and only 15% do not have a specific protein on the surface of red cells - the Rh factor. From this we can conclude that the best group is I positive, and this means that such blood can always be found, unlike the fourth negative.

The best one is universal?

Group 0 (first) blood is called universal because it is believed that it can be transfused to everyone. The fact is that it does not have antigens A and B on red blood cells, which means that the recipient’s body will not begin to produce antibodies against them. Thus, the first group can be considered the best, since its carrier can save any person in case of blood loss.

On the other hand, AB can be transfused only to owners of the same one, and to no one else. At the same time, anyone can become a donor for a person with IV, since AB blood plasma does not contain antibodies to antigens A and B.

You should know that such compatibility exists only theoretically. In modern conditions, it is forbidden to transfuse another group and with a different rhesus. The donor and recipient must have the same blood in both respects. An exception to the rules can be made only in case of urgent need.

Blood type and predisposition to disease

There is an assumption that, depending on the blood, people are prone to certain diseases, but this has no scientific basis.

I (0)

These people are considered to be mentally stable. As for diseases, they are predisposed to arterial hypertension and diseases of the digestive system. Due to the increased acidity of gastric juice, they may develop gastritis, peptic ulcers, and colitis. They suffer from influenza and ARVI more often than others, they have a tendency to form stones in the urinary system, and have poor blood clotting. With negative Rh, skin pathologies may be observed.

II (A)

These people are not very resistant to stress. Their weak point is the thyroid gland (insufficient production of hormones). They are prone to dental diseases. In addition, they are advised to be more careful about their heart: diseases such as ischemic heart disease, hypertension, and heart attack cannot be ruled out. They are susceptible to gastritis with secretory insufficiency, cholelithiasis and urolithiasis, osteoporosis, and diabetes mellitus. It is recommended to monitor your weight and keep it normal, quit smoking and lead an active lifestyle.

Blood type may indicate predisposition to certain diseases


Among the carriers of this group, neurasthenics and people prone to psychosis are most often found. There is a high risk of developing hypertension, pancreatitis, rheumatism, and Parkinson's disease. Women are especially susceptible to genitourinary infectious diseases. It is believed that people with group 3 are less likely than others to have a heart attack. They are advised to give up bad habits, move more, and eliminate fatty foods.


Those with this blood are resistant to ARVI, influenza, bronchitis, and pneumonia. They do not have skin problems, they can boast of healthy teeth, and kidney pathologies are rarely observed. There is a tendency to hypertension, atherosclerosis, obesity, hepatitis, and anemia. These people's blood clots quickly, hence thrombosis and thrombophlebitis.


In fact, there is no better or worse blood, and many more factors influence the development of pathologies or, conversely, good health. Even if the tendency to illness depends on it, then, as a rule, while there are strengths, there are also weaknesses. Thus, if we consider that there is a best group, then this is the most common.

On book trays you can find the book “Diseases Based on Blood Type” and other literature on this topic. Probably, this name will make many people smile, and literature will be mentally classified as esoteric, along with the advice of astrologers and fortune-tellers. But this would be a mistaken opinion, because modern research has proven the connection between blood type and predisposition to certain diseases. Before considering disease susceptibility, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the differences between groups.

Difference between groups

The difference in blood groups is due to different combinations of agglutinins (a and b, contained in plasma) and agglutinogens (A and B, located on the surfaces of red blood cells).

A total of 4 such combinations are possible:
  1. AB - present in type I, while agglutinins are not detected in plasma, designated in medical documents as 0 (I). This combination occurs most often.
  2. Ab - the erythrocyte contains only A, but the plasma contains component b. Usually denoted by the symbols A (II).
  3. Ba - contains B and a, respectively, denoted as B (III). Combinations of Ab and Ba occur in approximately the same number of people.
  4. Ab is the rarest combination when there are both types of agglutinins in the plasma, but there are no agglutinogens on the erythrocyte. Written in medical documentation as AB (IV).

The combination of agglutinogens and agglutinins is constant and is formed at approximately 3 months of fetal development. Diseases based on blood type (more precisely, only a predisposition) are formed, perhaps, during the same period.

A, B, a and b, different in structure, depending on their combinations, constantly in contact with cells and tissues, exert their influence on nutrition, oxygen supply and metabolic processes. This influence begins from the moment the embryo develops basic blood parameters and continues throughout a person’s life.

Reasons for the emergence of different groups

It is believed that previously all of humanity had only 0 (I). But under the influence of various factors, agglutinogen A turned into its antagonist a. The same thing happened with agglutinogen B. The combination of the same agglutinins and agglutinogens in human blood is impossible - massive agglutination (gluing) of red blood cells immediately occurs with their subsequent destruction, which leads to general hypoxia of the body and toxic shock.

There are 2 theories of the occurrence of agglutinogen mutations:
  • opportunistic;
  • infectious.


The theory is based on the fact that progress does not stand still and the following gradually happened:

  • migration to areas with a warmer climate;
  • improvement of living conditions.

It is believed that these factors caused the mutations that resulted in the appearance of the agglutinins of the same name.


Among our ancestors, medicine was poorly developed; under the influence of various infections, mutations occurred that contributed to greater resistance to diseases characteristic of a particular area.

The infectious theory that blood type and disease are closely related is supported by the following fact: some pathogens have a structure similar to that of agglutinins, and when these infectious agents enter the body, the necessary immune response does not occur.

But so far these theories of the emergence of different groups have not been proven, but a connection has been identified between blood type and predisposition to certain pathologies.

Relationship between groups and diseases

What diseases in the group correspond to each type? Before specifying specific diseases, it is worth clarifying: blood type only indicates a predisposition to a particular pathology; not all of the listed diseases will necessarily occur in a person.

Depending on your blood type, people have an increased risk of developing certain pathological conditions:
  1. I - there is a tendency to diseases of the digestive system, breathing problems (COPD - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - and asthma), and there is also a high risk of developing various allergies. And it has also been proven that, according to statistics, most strokes occur in first-graders. But in general, people of this type are distinguished by good health and resistance to stress.
  2. II - there is a predisposition to diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disorders and inflammatory processes in the respiratory system (pneumonia, bronchitis), and there is also a very high risk of oncology. A person of this type, if the work and rest schedule is not followed, is prone to chronic fatigue syndrome and insomnia.
  3. III - the main target organs for this type are the urinary system and ENT organs. It is in these systems that inflammation most often occurs, which can become chronic. Of the neurological pathologies, spinal diseases are more common, and there is a tendency to Parkinson's disease.
  4. IV - considered the most susceptible to various diseases due to low immunity. And also among representatives of this species there is a very large percentage of people suffering from anemia and arterial hypertension, accompanied by surges in blood pressure.

There is a medically proven connection between blood components and predisposition to certain diseases.

Blood group represents a description of the individual characteristics of red blood cells. Medicine today can determine the most common diseases based on blood type that worry patients. Blood group analysis is done by determining the amount of proteins and carbohydrates found in the membrane of red blood cells. Every person should know which one he has. This is important for his health.

You can determine and find out his taste preferences. A person cannot predict in advance what kind of group he will have. One can only guess. It happens that it’s dad’s or mom’s, and sometimes another one altogether. Plasma is necessary in order to perform the function of a protector. Each human blood group has its own number of protective reactions. The absence of which leads to illness ensures diagnosis. Let's look at diseases based on blood types.

For the first group

There are the most people on Earth with, which is considered the most ancient. These include unusually strong-willed individuals. The goal of primitive man was to survive in the most difficult conditions. Therefore, such a person’s body will be more resilient and adapted to any situation. But, they are also susceptible to some diseases, such as stomach ulcers.

Common diseases:

  • gastritis, colitis, various types of allergies, asthma attacks, rheumatism, thyroid dysfunction, and inflammation of the gallbladder were diagnosed in the first group of patients who applied to medical institutions.

Second blood group

It appeared as a result of changing conditions of existence. There was some kind of change in the composition of the plasma. They happened quickly. People wait patiently and adapt. Thus, the second type of blood is not characterized by strong and stable features, like the first. Women are more likely to suffer from cancer, in particular breast cancer.

Diseases of 2 blood groups, which include:

  • pneumonia, disorders of the cardiovascular system, heart attack, gout, liver disease, mastitis are common in people with the second blood group. They are familiar with symptoms such as fatigue and drowsiness.

Occurs due to high stress on the body and the release of adrenaline, which leads to its exhaustion.

3 blood type

In the process of climate change, changes occur in blood plasma. Therefore, it differs from the previous two by even greater weakness. Research data suggests that carriers of blood type 3 seek help from doctors with complaints of sore throat and ear pain caused by infection. They are tormented by inflammatory processes in the kidneys and urinary system.

It’s bad, and the wounds take a long and painful time to heal. Among the diseases diagnosed by the third blood group, Parkinson's symptom is noted. But despite all this, representatives of this group are long-livers.

Foods with omega 3 - fish, nuts, all dairy products, meat - will help support their nervous system.

4 blood group

There are the fewest people on the planet. Their immunity is reduced and therefore they are more likely to catch a viral infection. The cold haunts them at every corner. People with this type of blood plasma experience constant blood pressure, which leads to hypertensive strokes.

Representatives of the first group can also suffer from this kind of disease, but their recovery process is much faster. As noted above, this is due to endurance to the vagaries of nature:

  • sinusitis, flu, bronchitis, anemia, skin diseases of the fourth blood group can be diagnosed in patients.

Representatives of the fourth blood group can eat everything, but not in large quantities. The only thing I want to pay attention to is the meat dishes. They should be limited so as not to harm the stomach.

Thus, it should be said that the circulatory system plays a special role in human life. And all diseases can be determined in advance by blood type.

We must not forget that each person is individual. Therefore, you should not blindly trust everything that is said and written. It is better to prevent a disease than to take a long time to treat it or for it. A healthy diet, adherence to a work and rest schedule, daily walks in the fresh air are excellent prevention of any disease.

Determining a disease by blood type cannot be called a panacea for all ills.

More than a hundred years ago, the main human blood groups were discovered. Among them, the prevalence of the first group is the highest, and the fourth, on the contrary, the lowest. However, a person himself is not able to predict the group affiliation of his blood determined by genetics. This determines his interest in understanding which blood group is the best and which is the worst.

The formation of group membership in the main biological environment of the body is essentially the result of a long process of transformation of the human digestive, endocrine and immune systems, accompanied by modification of the genetic composition of the population and its adaptation to various environmental conditions.

Blood group affiliation is directly determined by parents. Inheriting a blood type is a rather complicated process. Some believe that it can be passed on from parents, but science has proven that this is not entirely true. Like any hereditary trait, blood group is inherited according to the laws of gene transmission described by classical genetic science.

There are cases when it occurs in the fetus and mother. This applies to various Rh factors for pregnant women. If the fetus's red blood cells contain a Rh-positive factor, which he inherited from his father, the so-called pregnancy may occur. Antigens in the baby's blood begin to be perceived by the mother's body as foreign and are destroyed by antibodies generated in response to this.

Blood for donation

The most common are 1 and . Almost 80% of all inhabitants of the Earth have them. As a rule, there is no shortage of donors of these blood groups. The third and fourth groups are less common.

You can try to determine which one is and which one is bad based on its compatibility. People with the first blood group are considered universal donors; no antigens are present on the membrane of their red blood cells. Such blood of the first group is compatible with all other groups.

Holders are defined as universal acceptors. They can be transfused with any blood type, because there are no antibodies on the surface of their red cells. The situation is somewhat different with blood transfusion for Rh blood. only with a matching Rh factor.

Positive qualities of blood types

Considering that blood carries important genetic information, we can talk about certain character qualities inherent in all its owners. The positive qualities of the blood types of the most common groups are considered to be the strength, integrity, stability and endurance of the nature of their owners. They are leaders by nature, quite confident and purposeful.

Carriers of the third () and fourth have excellent health, but are more cautious, insinuating, and have a calm, gentle character. They love home peace and comfort, are hardworking and economical.

Negative qualities of blood types

The negative aspects can be considered. Carriers of the first and second groups are more susceptible to injuries and serious somatic diseases. The negative qualities of blood types for the third and fourth groups boil down to an increased likelihood of viral diseases, stomach and intestinal diseases.

To reduce the likelihood of developing these blood type diseases, scientists recommend eating according to your blood type. So, for people with age, a variety of meat foods are suitable, for people with age, on the contrary, plant foods are suitable. The third group should not abuse dairy products, and the preferred diet for people in the fourth group is fish, seafood and vegetables.

Having knowledge about your blood type, you can discover a lot of new things about yourself. However, it will still not be possible to clearly identify which blood group is the best for health. After all, the best blood type is the one with which a person was born.

Knowing the characteristics and properties of each blood group and following the simple rules of nutrition and lifestyle dictated by it, you can feel great and maintain excellent physical shape.



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