What types of bath brooms are there? Broom for a bath - the benefits and beneficial properties of brooms

All lovers of bath procedures know very well that not a single bath is complete without a good broom. A good broom will help you give a wonderful massage, get rid of extra pounds, improve your health and get a lot of positive emotions.

The most common is birch broom. It is flexible, comfortable and durable. Birch leaves They are a little rough, so when they stick to a wet body, they absorb sweat well, and the essential oils and carotenes released from the broom open the pores and remove toxins. People with diseases of the bronchi and lungs benefit from steaming with a birch broom.

Professionals know that a pine broom must be steamed in boiling water in advance so that it becomes soft. But still people with sensitive skin Coniferous brooms are not recommended to avoid injury. Otherwise, it is an excellent natural antibiotic that treats rheumatism, joint pain and radiculitis.

This type of broom is in no way inferior to a birch broom; its leaves are wide and dense. Thanks to its tanning properties it helps against diseases skin, perfectly massage the skin, make it elastic and toned, and help get rid of cellulite.

I have known for a long time what medicinal properties linden has. Linden brooms also help perfectly with colds, headaches and respiratory diseases. Linden massage has a positive effect on genitourinary system and kidney diseases. It is best to prepare a linden broom during the flowering period.

Such a burning broom must be dipped first in cold water, then in hot water, so as not to burn your hands before the steam room. This disposable broom will help you with rheumatism, joint pain, arthritis, and arthrosis. Of course, it will burn a lot at first, but no blisters will appear.

A maple broom is in no way inferior to a birch and oak broom. It also has an anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect, disinfects and heals wounds on the skin. It's stiff, comfortable and whips well.

Bird cherry broom. This broom is best mixed with other branches. It is very aromatic, the water in which there were bird cherry leaves is considered purified and healthy, thanks to the bactericidal properties of bird cherry. It is useful to steam with such a broom for colds.

Eucalyptus broom. The name alone already speaks for itself, eucalyptus leaves are the best way to cleanse, cure and clear phlegm from organs respiratory tract, they are used for inhalation, it is a diaphoretic and antipyretic. For convenience, it is better to add a few birch branches to such a broom.

Oak brooms have antiseptic and astringent properties. Oak brooms are good for skin diseases, but they are more massive and heavier than birch. Oak brooms can be used by people suffering excessive sweating. Oak brooms are harvested in August. An oak broom is much more difficult to use due to its weight. Oak brooms produce much more steam than others. We recommend that you read


In Russia, the linden broom was very popular in ancient times; even bathhouses were mainly built from linden, including shelves and sunbeds. Linden kvass and honey are very valued, which should always be in the bathhouse, or even better in the sauna, and after visiting the Russian bathhouse they consumed linden mead and tea. But the smell of linden in the bathhouse gives the feeling and fragrance of an apiary. Lipa is dedicated to the god of love called Lada. Healing properties Linden benefits are to heal the respiratory tract, soothe and strengthen our body. Linden decoction used to whiten skin, treat skin diseases, and this broom can also cure sore throats and colds. Linden brooms are harvested in the spring during the linden flowering period.


A juniper broom can disinfect. It is recommended to steam with a juniper broom at skin rash, intestinal and liver diseases. This broom is rough and sharp and requires long steaming before use. We recommend that you read


This broom is very fragrant and when used in a steam room, the aroma of bird cherry appears, but not everyone likes this aroma. Infusions and decoctions of bird cherry are used as anti-inflammatory agents. Bird cherry broom helps with hair loss, it strengthens the roots, helps make the skin velvety and clean. You can wash your hair with the water from steaming the broom.


Poplar broom fights fungal diseases and gives a bitter taste and aroma in the steam room. Poplar bathhouse brooms are made from fluffy branches. The water after such a broom is used to treat the scalp. We recommend that you read


A maple broom is used to relieve pain and speed up the healing of scratches from wounds. This broom absorbs sweat well, promoting more active development. chemical processes and more quick cleansing body. When used in a sauna, a maple broom produces a lot of steam due to its large leaves.


Such brooms are very rarely used in baths, since not everyone can steam with them; a broom made of pine needles can leave wounds on the body. These brooms are not recommended for use for skin diseases. Steaming such a broom is very difficult and takes a lot of time. Coniferous brooms are used for tuberculosis, inflammation of the eyes, headaches, and stress. We recommend that you read


This is an exotic type of broom; it is very difficult to find such a broom due to its rarity. And considering that only the twig-shaped variety of eucalyptus is suitable for a bath broom. Such a broom costs a lot of money. When used in a sauna, such a broom helps cure respiratory diseases.


In mixed brooms, not only twigs with leaves are used, but also medicinal soft herbs. For example, nettle or mint.

Boost immunity, improve skin condition, calm nerves, relax - a bath will help with all this! For many centuries all over the world it has been considered the best procedure cleansing and healing, but in addition to this it also gives beauty, and this is especially important for us women.

Due to the high temperature of the air in the steam room, the skin heats up, the pores expand and cleanse, and after going out into the air, they cool and narrow, that is, a kind of skin gymnastics occurs, thanks to which the acne, wrinkles are smoothed out, the firmness and elasticity of the skin is maintained longer. It is believed that the bathhouse is an excellent alternative expensive creams and various salon rejuvenation procedures .

However, it is not for nothing that Russian proverbs say: “Without a broom, a bathhouse does not steam, and steam does not fry,” “In a bathhouse, a broom is more valuable than money.” This means that a broom in a Russian bath is a mandatory attribute, without it it is difficult to achieve maximum benefit. the site advises which broom to choose depending on the desired effect, how to prepare it and use it correctly.

Top 10 brooms for Russian baths

The most popular broom - birch, it can rightfully be considered a symbol of the Russian bathhouse. Birch is a miraculous tree; its leaves contain useful essential oils, tannins, vitamins A and C. Volatile substances, secreted by the leaves, kill pathogenic microbes and disinfect the air, and this property is enhanced when heated.

Do you want to improve the condition and color of your skin, reduce rashes and wrinkles? Do you have lung disease or smoke? Your immunity and general tone weak? Then choose a birch broom! By the way, an infusion of birch leaves helps strengthen hair and get rid of dandruff.

The second most popular broom is oak. Choose it if you have oily skin and inflammation; oak “antiseptic” will help make it clean and matte. Such brooms are indicated for hypertensive patients and athletes as they lower blood pressure, relax and calm. Due to the presence of tannins in the leaves, steaming with oak brooms is especially useful for those who are prone to sweating .

An oak broom is larger and heavier than a birch broom, especially in wet, but it produces more steam and is more durable, it lasts for several trips to the bathhouse.

The broom is very popular in Russian baths. lime. Linden is known to have anti-cold, anti-inflammatory, and immune-strengthening properties - that’s why linden tea is always recommended as one of the best folk remedies.

The same applies to steam from a linden broom, and they help with headaches and sleep disorders. Using a linden broom in for cosmetic purposes, you can get rid of acne, various rashes and even whiten the skin, for example, removing freckles and spots after pimples. Linden decoction is useful for brittle, split ends.

Very useful and pleasant to steam Cheremukhovoy with a broom. It's gentle on the skin and has an amazing scent. Anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties also inherent in bird cherry leaves. The substances contained in them help fight pimples, treat wounds and ulcers, strengthen hair and expel cold .

Very soft and fragrant cherry and currant brooms. They have less pronounced medicinal properties, but steaming with them is a pleasure! But, unfortunately, these brooms are very fragile.

Conifers (fir, cedar, spruce) brooms are less popular, although no less useful. The fact is that they are quite “rough”, and it is better to use such brooms only for experienced steamers who are able to withstand possible scratches during impacts. Put this broom aside if you have delicate skin and especially if there are skin diseases.

For the rest, such brooms are indicated for treatment pulmonary diseases(including tuberculosis) and rheumatism, frequent colds, headaches and toothache , to calm down nervous system. One of the advantages of brooms made from coniferous trees is that you can use a fresh broom at any time of the year.

What is the best bath broom / shutterstock.com

If you still want to go to the bathhouse with pine broom, try to reduce its “prickliness” a little by steaming it longer and adding branches of deciduous trees around the perimeter.

“Coarse” brooms include juniper. It should also be used with caution, but it can help with liver diseases, intestines or lichen.

Brooms from nettle They rarely take it with them to the bathhouse. But in fact, after steaming, the nettle no longer “bites” so much, but only tingles slightly, leaving a slight redness on the skin without the formation of blisters. And yet, such brooms are more often used by sophisticated bath lovers, in the process of steaming they get rid of rheumatism and muscle pain, improve the condition of the skin with furunculosis and acne, and help the body with liver and kidney diseases.

One of the most exotic brooms is considered eucalyptus, and only the leaves of Eucalyptus twig are used. Its leaves are dense, bright and fragrant. It is believed that 2-3 trips to the bathhouse are enough to get rid of many pulmonary problems using this broom.

The eucalyptus broom is also indicated for those who have neurological diseases, joints hurt, sometimes frequent colds. However, a eucalyptus broom is quite expensive and it is not very convenient for them to build up heat, so it is easier to add eucalyptus leaves to another broom - for example, a birch or oak one.

By the way, brooms do not necessarily have to consist of the leaves of one plant. They can be combined with each other, and you can also add leaves of ash, maple, tansy, poplar, wormwood and other plants.

How to prepare a broom

Brooms are most often harvested in the spring, when the trees are covered with young healing foliage. In the old days, they focused on the Trinity Day (approximately the end of May - beginning of June).

It is advisable to cut branches in dry weather and in the afternoon so that the leaves are dry. This will guarantee that they will not deteriorate or crumble. Choose healthy, disease-free trees.

Using a knife or pruning shears, cut branches about 50 cm in length. Remove the lower leaves and tie the branches with wire, twine or strong thread. The thickness of the broom should be such that it is comfortable to hold in your hand, but it should not be thin or too heavy (a steamed broom is twice as heavy as a dry one). Store brooms in a dry, cool and well-ventilated area.

What could be better than a Russian bathhouse? The Slavs visit the bathhouse to cleanse the body, provide moral relief and relaxation, and an integral attribute of the procedure is a bathhouse broom. Of course, you can buy a broom in a public bathhouse, but experts prefer to prepare birch, linden, oak or nettle brooms themselves. About when and in what time frames the procurement is carried out bath brooms, we will tell you in this article.

When are birch brooms prepared for a bath?

The brooms are prepared depending on the type of plant from which the bath accessory is planned to be made. Traditionally, harvesting begins on Trinity Day, the date of which is floating:

  1. In 2015 it falls on May 31st.
  2. In 2016, Trinity Day is celebrated on June 19th.
  3. In 2017, the holiday falls on June 4th.

Birch broom

The first 2 weeks after Trinity, as it says folk wisdom, are most favorable for the procurement of raw materials. The leaves on the trees and plants have accumulated juice and concentrated high concentration useful substances.

Depending on the plant species, the broom has a number of distinctive characteristics.

Linden bath broom and nettle broom: beneficial properties and preparation time

The linden broom can be diluted with branches of alder, rowan or willow. Such a broom is prepared from the first days of July to the beginning of August, choosing trees that grow away from the industrial zone. A linden broom strengthens the skin, improves sweating, and helps relieve headaches.

Linden broom

The nettle bath broom is truly healing. It is used to treat joint pain, salt deposits, skin diseases and muscle weakness. Nettles are harvested before or during flowering - this is approximately mid-summer. Remember that nettle broom can be used once; if you want to treat radiculitis with it, then stock up on medicinal herbs during the season.

Advice! To prevent the nettle from stinging, give the broom a contrast bath by immersing it in boiling water for 3 minutes, then in cold water for 3 minutes, repeating these steps 2-3 times. To enhance the effect, steam the broom in boiling water and use immediately.

When are oak brooms prepared and what are they used to treat?

An oak broom is a magical remedy for oily skin, reducing the number of rashes and reducing the intensity of skin secretions. Regular use of an oak broom in a bath will give the skin matte and freshness.

Oak broom

Proper preparation allows you to use a broom from this breed 3 times. The procurement of raw materials begins in mid-August, continuing until mid-September.

Advice! For oak bath brooms, trees are selected under which burdock grows. It is believed that the leaves will not fall off during use.

How and when to harvest birch brooms

For the procurement of raw materials, birch trees growing in wet lowlands are selected. The preparations begin to be collected after Trinity until August 2 (Ilyin’s Day). It is better to cut branches from a young birch tree that has not yet had time to become covered with buds. The branches should be young and flexible, and their length should be about half a meter.

1 birch broom takes about 20-30 branches, which are folded in the shape of a fan so that the leaves lie in the same direction. At the base, the broom is tightly tied with natural rope; remember that the branches will dry out and must initially be firmly fixed. It is best to tie the broom in two places.

Broom has restorative properties, relieves muscle pain after a long workout, heals wounds and soothes skin irritation. Using a birch broom, lung diseases are “knocked out”, which is especially useful for smokers.

Fans of bath procedures tie brooms as needed, and the collected raw materials are stacked in layers so that upper branches defended the middle ones. Such a sheaf is placed in a barn or on a warm balcony, covered with hay or natural fabric. Direct knitting is done as follows:

Tie the broom tightly before drying

  • The branches are selected according to length and laid. Thicker branches are placed inside, thin ones frame the broom. Where the handle will be, the branches are leveled, sharp branches are removed from them.
  • A cord is applied and the broom is pulled together.
  • Next, a knot is knitted and a handle is formed. The handle is made using twine, then the ends of the branches are additionally wrapped with fabric, which will protect the bathhouse attendant’s hands from calluses.

The size of the broom is a matter of taste, but it should not be less than 40 cm and no more than 80 cm. Otherwise, using the broom will simply be inconvenient.

How to properly dry finished brooms?

Drying is done outside, but the brooms are hung in the shade. Under straight lines sun rays the leaves curl, wither, lose their color and aroma. After steaming an “overheated” broom, all the leaves will fall off and empty vines will remain.

It is most preferable to hang brooms on the veranda or under trees on a simple rope. Note that drafts also have negative impact on the branches of a broom. After drying, the brooms are removed, folded tightly together and sent for storage. As a result, the broom becomes flattened and during bathing procedures one gets the feeling that it is “hugging the body.”

How to steam bath brooms correctly?

Steaming determines the hardness of the broom, and it is carried out well. hot water, but not in boiling water. To obtain rigidity, the broom is dipped in a basin of water for 15-20 minutes, and for lovers of soft brooms, it recommends 40-50 minute steaming. After this procedure, the broom is slightly dried by hanging it over the stove. Bathhouse attendants recommend holding the broom for about 20 minutes. cold water, and then sharply immerse it in hot water.

Important! The water in which the broom is steamed receives some of the beneficial properties, so it is used for aromatic steam in the bathhouse, rinsing hair and bathing.

If you have overdried the broom, then before using it you should cover it overnight with a damp towel or put it in a container of cool water.

Storage rules

Places with low humidity and temperature are selected for storage. A barn, garage, or insulated balcony are suitable, because under the pressure of high temperatures, the broom loses its freshness and leaves.

Steaming a broom

You can also store a broom using Finnish technology, subjecting it to shock freezing at temperatures above -40 C. The brooms are first packaged in sealed bags, for example, cling film.

The preparation of bath brooms must begin within the specified time frame, otherwise you will receive a broom with too young or old leaves that will fall off the branch on the way to the bathhouse. Properly prepared brooms will give you a boost of energy and health until the next season!

Oak broom for a bath: video

Bath brooms: photo

In the Russian bathhouse, thanks to which everyone becomes beautiful and healthy, the broom rules! And a sharp broom is worth more than money. Choose for yourself what to whip you with in order to get maximum pleasure and maximum effect.

Birch broom

Birch broom is a triple force medicinal properties leaves, birch buds and sap. Birch leaves contain tannins, essential oil, vitamin C, carotene, and resins. Effective for aching muscles and joints after physical activity and exercises. Cleanses the skin well, accelerates the healing of wounds and abrasions, has a calming effect, and improves mood. It helps improve lung ventilation, therefore, in fact, it is indispensable for asthmatics and experienced smokers. If you knit a broom yourself, knit it from curly birch, because its branches are flexible and lush.

Oak broom

Oak is a symbol of longevity, strength and physical health. Its bark and foliage are rich tannins, so a massage with such a broom is better than any body wrap. If bath procedures are carried out regularly, it can be normalized blood pressure. It is best to prepare oak broom in August or September: it is durable and has fairly wide leaves, which makes it easier to generate steam.

Linden broom

A bathhouse with a linden broom is prescribed at the first symptoms colds. Linden leaves contain huge amount essential oils and bactericidal substances. Its aroma will help get rid of headaches and have a soothing, relaxing and antipyretic effect.

Eucalyptus broom

The eucalyptus broom has two main advantages. Firstly, it acts as a stimulant, tones and promotes concentration. Secondly, eucalyptus is an excellent antiseptic. By putting eucalyptus infusion on a heater and inhaling the vapors, you get an inhalation effect on the larynx, trachea, and bronchi. By the way, it is not replaceable for bruises and sprains. Do not rush to steam with a broom consisting only of eucalyptus branches, because they still have quite pungent odor. It is better to mix several branches of eucalyptus with birch, linden or oak. This should also be done because the eucalyptus branches are too thin and when swinging, a lot of effort is spent on generating steam. The broom is harvested in August.

Willow broom

Willow broom - for women: has a very good effect on the skin, stimulates regeneration processes, helps maintain youthful skin, a proven remedy for colds, sore backs and rheumatism. A willow broom cannot be stored for a long time for future use - it must be used within a year, otherwise the willow wood will lose its freshness.

Viburnum broom

A bonus to the viburnum broom will be viburnum juice. Viburnum with its action is capable of mobilizing internal forces body, so this broom is good for long-lasting colds or coughs.

Branches for brooms were harvested in late spring or summer, when the leaves had fully blossomed, but the berries were still small. Only the youngest and thinnest branches were taken onto the broom, dried quickly, in a well-ventilated cool room to store in leaves useful substances. But the best, of course, are fresh viburnum brooms.

They steam with such a broom in a special way. First, the broom is soaked in a little warm water and keep it in the dressing room until the very moment of soaring. Secondly, they steam with a viburnum broom during the second and third passes (at the very end of the steaming), lying on the lowest shelf. All this is necessary in order to preserve beneficial substances in the branches and leaves, which are very quickly destroyed when high temperatures. And after the procedure - vitamin viburnum juice!

Elderberry broom

When steaming with an elderberry broom, try to heat the bath not hot, otherwise it will disappear healing effect. This broom will help you get rid of migraines and colds forever. Fragrant brooms (as well as brooms made from currant or cherry branches) are not brewed, because there is a high probability of getting burned - the leaves will instantly cook, become sticky and heavy.

The most important thing is to organize the bath procedure correctly, then it will take place with maximum comfort and the desired effect.



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