How to remember your past lives on your own. Listen to your bodily sensations

Is it possible to dive into past incarnations alone?

As a regressologist, people often send me letters with questions: “How can I remember my past life? Is it possible to do it on your own? Is it possible to dive into past incarnations alone?”

I’ll tell you right away that it is possible! But how bright, effective and understandable it will be depends on many factors, which we will now try to analyze.

It is worth mentioning that each person has his own special nervous system. As a result, entering the alpha and theta states brain activity It will go differently for everyone. For some, it will be enough to simply immerse themselves in meditation to remember their past life, but for others, they will need to work hard and strain their entire concentration.

But one condition is the same for everyone who wants, one way or another, to see their past incarnations and this is complete trust in themselves. Only by trusting everything that comes to you at the moment will you see the desired picture.

In general, to begin with, you must answer yourself the question, for what purpose do you want to go into a past life? This applies to both those who travel with a guide (regressologist) and those who decide to try it on their own. Out of curiosity, I don’t recommend doing this, especially alone, since it’s unlikely that anything will work out.

But if you are constantly haunted by the same tasks in life, which you cannot answer logically, then you really can and should look for the cause of these difficulties in past lives. In this article “” I just show the cause-and-effect relationship with an example.


  • We set a goal and ask why we are going to a past life (to find out the reasons for fears, resentments, anger, difficulties, etc.). You can even write it down on paper.
  • We ask our Mentors or Guardian Angels (preferably before going to bed) to show you the most relevant moments from your past life upon your request.
  • Before starting practice, be sure to set the intention that you are going to home of your soul, where they will show you what you should see.
  • We purposefully begin to practice meditation, immersing our consciousness in the alpha state. In my opinion, it is best to do this simply with calm, favorite music, without words.
  • During meditation, you relax your body as much as possible and simply ask your subconscious to show you an album with photographs from your past lives. And you start flipping through it. At the pace at which you can remember pictures and images. When you look through the entire album, just close it and wake up as if from a dream in the morning.

Of course, this is the simplest and easy way, which will be more accessible to those who have well-developed visualization. I still don’t recommend entering a past life on your own, being in those events and “wandering” there, since this can cause some discomfort to an inexperienced traveler.

For example, you will see some scene with physical pain and feelings can take you by surprise. You simply won’t know what to do about it or how to react further. Of course, you will come out of the trance, but an unpleasant aftertaste may remain.

Therefore, no matter how much you would like to remember your past lives on your own, I still recommend having a session with an experienced guide, a specialist in this field.

What are the advantages of working with a regressologist?

  • Are you under reliable protection a specialist who always knows what to do in a given situation and how to get you back in the most comfortable state.
  • Traveling with a guide always gives you more relaxation, both physical and conscious, and as a result, a greater flow of information comes to you.
  • The specialist always goes beyond one client request and asks a lot additional questions during the regression session, which leads to a better understanding and awareness of all areas of a person’s life. With his questions, the hypnotherapist seems to be unraveling a large tangle of causes, pulling out thread by thread.
  • Each person has their own, both you and your specialist. Therefore, very often the degree of quality of incoming information depends on what level of spiritual development your guide is at. The specialist simply feels which direction to go, which is the best question to ask you, and where you need to “dig” deeper. The intuition of a specialist is important here.
  • Well, together it’s always more fun and interesting.

Therefore, I am more inclined to believe that independent entries into past lives are possible when you already have some experience of immersion. You can imagine what it is and how it works. When you have very well developed visualization and intuition.

The concept of reincarnation reminds us of how we lived and who we were in our past life. After birth, we cannot remember all our past lives for the simple reason that if we were born with memories of it, we would be born with emotions, suffering and trauma, and therefore our such memories are kept under a big lock in the depths of consciousness.

Our past lives can also influence our present self. Sometimes we carry old patterns from our past without even knowing it.

Why do you need to remember this?

Memories of this kind will not only raise our level of consciousness, but also allow us to better understand ourselves. We will be able to address our weaknesses, especially if they are a consequence of a past life. This will also help us if we are seeking healing. Knowing who we are will allow us to live in peace and harmony with our past and true selves.

According to the writings of Patanjali, the founder of the Yoga Sutras, when we go through several lives, our souls are burdened with the accumulation of impressions. So that our souls are free from this burden, so that we pay attention only to current problems, we must go through a process he described as reverse birth. It involves uncovering our past lives through hypnosis and is commonly known as a technique called past life retrieval.

First Step: The Basics of Hypnosis

To perform self-hypnosis, you must find a quiet, calm place without distractions. You should also perform self-hypnosis while your mind and body are awake. Begin this process as if you were meditating. You must completely relax, your mind and body are completely calm, you are completely protected from unnecessary or negative thoughts. Please note that self-hypnosis is best done while lying down.

You can find out about negative energy or impressions when you unblock your past life, so it is important to protect yourself before you begin the process of immersion in hypnosis. Visualize yourself surrounded by white light. This white light will protect you from any negative energy you encounter along the way. This will calm you down when you feel weak. May it envelop you in love, warmth and enlightenment. Now calmly say: “White light, you are my protector. Keep me safe." You can create your own similar mantra.

Step two: get rid of fear

When you feel that you are completely safe, consider that you are now ready to begin your hypnosis. Imagine as if you are walking down a corridor. It doesn't matter what the place looks like. It's up to you to decide what it will be like. It can have white walls, large windows, antique jewelry or whatever you prefer. Imagine that in the past there was a large door at the end of the wall. This door opens your past life.

The moment you open it, the memories of who you were in your past life will be revealed to you. Think about this as you approach the door. As you approach the door, be sure to prepare yourself for what might happen behind the door. It's normal to feel afraid, but before you turn the dial, you must first deal with that fear. You must realize that everything you see will bring you only the best. If you want to be in the future happy man, don't forget that to do this you will have to face your past. Relax and start thinking in the right direction. This will allow you to recognize your memories more effectively.

Third stage: write everything down

When you open the door, you will be filled with impressions and memories from your past. Sometimes they can be abstract and all you can see are colors or even just bright images. In any case, try to carefully recognize and remember everything you see. You will also encounter negative impressions or memories. They can bring you out of hypnosis, and you will return to awareness of what is happening. When this happens, do not attempt hypnosis again. Instead, take your journal and write down everything you saw or experienced during self-hypnosis. You will still be forced to make a note even if you fail to enter self-hypnosis.

Important note: do not perform self-hypnosis for several days in a row, do not get carried away. This will lead to inaccurate results. Every time you undergo hypnosis, be sure to write everything down and include the time and date. Analyzing your notes after several sessions will give you a better understanding of your past life. You will be able to identify everything and connect impressions and memories.


When we find out everything about our past life, the most important thing is to believe everything we see. If we do not believe all those facts, then no matter how hard we try, no matter how precisely we follow every step and record everything, we will not be able to get any results. Skepticism will get you nowhere, but your faith will lead you to a new and happy life.

I immediately want to ask: “Why do you need this?”

Why break the lock on the door to the past, which Nature carefully placed there during your incarnation in the current reality?

Out of curiosity or out of necessity?

In this article, we will take a closer look at the question of how to remember your past life and explain why past life regression is a very unsafe activity for those who seek to look into Pandora's Box simply out of curiosity.

Past life regression. Access passwords to past incarnations

First, let's understand a little about the physics of past incarnations and understand where information about a Person's past lives is recorded and stored, so that in the future we can better understand how to remember a past life, and in advance eliminate any doubts when answering the question whether there is life after death. So, pay attention to Figure 1.

Rice. 1. Past life regression.
Where is information about past incarnations stored?

As can be seen from Figure 1, a person is not just physical body, but a set of subtle material structures belonging to different planes of sustainable existence of matter.

As it spreads into outer space at the speed of light C, a person (like any other living object) retains the so-called “memory body”, a mental body (also called the Soul in Esotericism and Religion), which stores all records about the states of a person’s shell structures and his mental activities over time.

Rice. 2. How to remember your past life. Structure of the 4th Dimensional Memory Body - Human Souls

Using certain techniques, it is possible to take a detailed graphic description of a person’s memory body in the current incarnation from the point of birth to the present moment of life and identify the moments when subconscious control stresses are activated with an accuracy of up to 5 minutes. (More about this -)

Also from Figure 1 you can clearly and clearly understand what a past incarnation is, and where exactly information about a person’s past life is recorded.

Thus, when regressing into past lives with the help of a special setting, the center of a person’s consciousness from the present time moves into the memory body of one of the previous incarnations and begins to read from there, like a needle from a record, all the records made there by the brain and body of a physical object previously living in that incarnation (who, by the way, could not necessarily be a person; moreover, it is not necessary that this incarnation, into which the center of consciousness can fall, was on Earth). Therefore, the visual answer to the question, who was I in a past life, obtained during regression, can be quite unexpected, and sometimes downright frightening!

Rice. 4. The principle of the gramophone. Setting up the center of a person’s consciousness to read records of past incarnations, which occurs during the process of regression into past lives

How to remember your past life?! Safety precautions

Past life regression can happen in 2 ways:

  1. With the help of regressive hypnosis with a complete immersion of a person’s center of consciousness into the distant past into one of the previous reincarnations of the Spirit.
  2. Using Infosomatics techniques with partial recall (highlighting) of individual “faulty” areas from any of the past lives without losing touch with reality and the point “here and now”.

When using the 2nd type of past life regression, in front of a person’s mental screen, with a special setting, only those sections of the “film” of the past begin to flash in front of a person’s mental screen, where there are some unresolved problems that affect the person’s present. Thus, when working with past lives using Infosomatics methods, it becomes possible to “add up” and partially rewrite unresolved programs of the past with the help of broadcast corrective programs from the present.

In this sense, the 2nd type of regression, which allows you to remember and work through only selective “faulty” areas of your past life, often turns out to be more environmentally friendly, effective and safer for a person’s consciousness than the 1st type of regression, in which immersion and recollection of a past life is more reminiscent of viewing full-length movie!

It is not by chance that nature seals the door to this cinema of past incarnations at the birth of a person in the present, so that past experience does not have a DIRECT impact on the consciousness of a person in the current reality.

Rice. 5. Sealed door to past incarnations

But nevertheless, the consciousness of a newborn is not a blank sheet of paper! The experience of past lives, as well as problems/tasks unresolved in past lives, have an INDIRECT impact on the events that happen to a person in a new incarnation, on his choices, outlook on life, and the people he meets on his way.

Thus, through the events of the current incarnation, Nature helps a person carefully correct, complement and harmonize the experience he received in past lives.

The date, place and time of the Spirit’s incarnation into a new physical reality, the gender of the biological body, as well as the family (with its problems) into which this Spirit comes in the form of a newborn child are also not accidental and are predetermined in advance by the experiences of past lives and the tasks that the Spirit must work in the current incarnation.

Past life regression, of course, can shed light on all these cause-and-effect relationships of incarnations, making a person’s life in the current incarnation as conscious and “interesting” as possible with an additional understanding of what will happen after death. But at the same time, past life regression can invite into the present such monsters and skeletons from the closet that an unprepared human consciousness may simply not be able to cope with. It is no coincidence that Nature keeps this door to past lives locked! And having been opened at least once, this door is very difficult to close!

Rice. 6. “Stream” memories of a past life

Rice. 7. Final shots of the previous incarnation

So, in search of an answer to the question of how to remember a past life, one should not forget about safety precautions and irresponsibly violate the access control regime at the border between the current and previous incarnation, which Nature has established here!

No matter how curious you may be about what is on the other side of the closed gate to the distant past, remember: this is not a tourist area and you need a special permit to enter it!

AND key factor to receive it is your true intention, your true goal, why are you actually striving to remember your past life!

If you have any problems (psychological, personal, eventual) that greatly bother you, and you have not been able to find a solution (explanation) for a long time. standard methods, then in this case, regression into past lives can be justified, since with the help of this regression technology one can identify the cause-and-effect relationships of any problem and, instead of working with the consequences of this problem in the present incarnation, try to eliminate the real reason in one of its previous incarnations, rewriting selected “problem” frames on film from the distant past.

And only such a motivation for access to past lives can be approved by the Heavenly Office! And in this case ourselves Higher powers will be the guarantor of your safety and support service behind these large doors to the distant past.

If you are trying to remember your past life out of simple curiosity or you believe that past life regression will make you stronger, more spiritual and powerful - then with such motivation it is better not to stir up your past!

Because not everyone will smell like an expensive French cologne!

Almost everyone who is interested in esoteric topics knows about reincarnation. Even central television channels tell us that a person lives many lives on Earth, as a result of which he becomes spiritually mature. But according to cosmic laws, we move into a new earthly incarnation with an absolutely pure memory of our past life. These are the Rules of the Divine Game: cases where people remember who they were before birth are so unique that they create a sensation.

However, even ordinary person there is an opportunity to lift the veil of secrecy.

In this article

Factors indicating previous incarnations

Life gives us clues about who we were in our previous incarnations. Of course, these are just hints and not specific information. But they indicate what the person did, what country he lived in, and even how he died.

Natural abilities, inclinations

Let's start with the fact that every person chooses what to do in life. Sometimes the choice is determined by spiritual inclination, sometimes by ambition, and sometimes by coincidence.

In the first case, interest in the profession has roots in a past life. A person is subconsciously drawn to what was once familiar. Perhaps he was even a true master in this matter.

It is believed that a talented person receives his abilities at birth. But how did he acquire them and when? What does it mean to be a born poet or a born racer? Mozart wrote his first pieces of music at the age of 5, and by the age of 9 he was the author of a symphony and an accomplished composer.

Creativity tends to indicate a past life occupation

Why does one person spend decades acquiring mastery, while another seems to come into this world with honed skills? The phenomenon can only be explained by the experience of previous incarnations. If a person has been a sailor throughout his life, then next life he will again be drawn to the ocean expanses.

Children's imagination, favorite games

In the minds of children, intellect does not yet dominate, so impressions from other stays on Earth are alive in them. Parents usually mistake echoes of the real past for children's fantasies, although in these visions traces of previous incarnations are clearly visible. The same can be said about the games that a child chooses for his leisure time.

Try to remember what you dreamed of as a child, what you loved to play. And then a window will open into the era to which you once belonged.

Favorite books, films and music

Our artistic tastes also point to past incarnations. It is quite obvious that when choosing books, films and music, a person shows his individuality. Some gravitate towards French culture, others are passionate military history Germany, still others like to watch films about residents of the Far North, and still others adore Italian opera. Undoubtedly, tastes are formed by the environment, but sometimes addiction has completely different origins - from a previous life.

It happens that the content of a film or book is taken to heart. We seem to be experiencing the events described, and in the most literal sense. This phenomenon can be explained by a tendency towards sentimentality, but sometimes it is a reaction of the subconscious to actual events of a past life.

Sometimes, when reading a book, spontaneous memories of previous incarnations arise.

Travel, ease of learning foreign languages

Not everyone finds it equally easy foreign languages. This is also connected with past incarnations, or more precisely, with their geography. Let's say in one life a person lived in England and spoke English. Appearing in his next life on the territory of Russia, he will communicate in Russian. However, the former native language will remain in deep memory. Access to it will open in a situation related to English. When you hear the sounds of English speech, you will feel something incredibly familiar, and learning the language will not arise any difficulties, since you will not have to master it from scratch.

Visiting an unfamiliar place can awaken deep memory

Deep memory also awakens during trips to foreign countries. Finding yourself in an unfamiliar place, a person suddenly feels that he has been here before. Memories that arise spontaneously create deja vu effect. The traveler actually visited this place, only it was in a past life.

Strong emotions, fears or attachments

Events from a past life are often indicated by a person’s phobias and fears, the origin of which cannot be explained rationally. Our affections also contain similar hints. Phobias usually arise as conditioned reflex to a traumatic event. For example, a person survived an accident and after that he is terrified of driving a car.

Unexplained phobias may be related to tragic past life events

But if visible reasons for such emotions are missing? This means that the roots must be sought in a previous life. Why does one person have a fear of heights, while another becomes nervous at the sight of water? We can offer the following explanation: the first one in a past life could have died by falling from high mountain, the second drowned in a river or sea. The direction of the search has been identified, and specifics can be found out using special techniques.

Dream magic

Dreams are doors that can lead us to the world of our past lives. This is especially true for dreams that repeat from time to time, as if they want to remind you of something important. At the same time, the surroundings of the dream are extremely realistic, and you are faced with a choice situation. Such dreams are messages from a previous life. They talk about actions that they later regretted. The dream shows you that you can avoid making mistakes.

Exists a whole science about how to work with dreams. Diving into past incarnations is just one of many tasks that can be solved by exploring your own dreams.

In dreams, people often see episodes from past lives.

The problem is that memory works differently when you're awake and when you're asleep. After waking up, the brain switches to a different mode, and the memories of what happened in the dream seem to be erased from memory.

We must learn to remember dreams. And for this it is better to record them on paper (or in a computer file). Immediately after waking up, write down in a notebook everything that you can remember from the dream of the previous night. Don't miss the details; attention to them stimulates memory processes. Over time, you will find that your brain retrieves dream content much more easily in the morning and stores information more reliably.

It's time to start the second stage. Before going to bed, ask your subconscious to show you past lives in your dreams. Don't be discouraged if you don't get the results you want the first night. It is important to continue to analyze your dreams, and at some point you will begin to distinguish which dreams show a past life and which are a figment of the imagination or echoes of current events.

People who practice are more effective lucid dreams. They do not hope for luck, but purposefully form the content of their dreams. They have the opportunity to set the desired route and get there at the desired time.

How to look into your past life through meditation

If you practice meditation, then you can easily connect to the cosmic data bank or the Akashic Chronicles. It contains all human experience, including your personal one, which is associated with previous incarnations.

For the ritual, you will need a secluded room with a comfortable temperature. Electronic devices(telephones, TV, radio, stereo) must be turned off. Warn your family not to be distracted.

Make sure that your physical condition neither hunger nor thirst had any effect. You should also not overeat before meditation. The light in the room should be dim. Choose the body position that is most comfortable for you. You can sit or lie down, the main thing is to be comfortable.

Closing your eyes, imagine white light completely enveloping your body. This shining cocoon will protect you from dark energies subtle world where we have to go. Imagine a huge hall and a door in one of its walls. Don't rush to approach her. Get comfortable with it first large room, presenting in detail the interior, lighting and decoration. Keep the image of this hall in your memory and slowly head towards the door, carefully listening to every step.

When you reach the door, do not open it immediately. Hold the handle, press it, listen to the lock turn. Consider the handle and the door itself. Realize clearly that the door leads you to a place where you can gain knowledge about your previous life. Cast aside all doubts, they will render your efforts useless.

An imaginary door hides the secret of your past life

Confidently open the door and use all your powers of observation. The images you see carry information about past incarnations. The information may be sparse the first time, but with experience you will begin to learn more about your past.

The first images are vague: for example, a colored background, which may be a fragment of a building in which you once lived. The quality and detail of the images depends on the energy potential of the individual. If there is a lack of energy, it will not be possible to achieve a clear picture.

To complete the meditation, return to the hall and close the door behind you. Stand in the place where the journey began and mentally say: “Now I will open my eyes and return to the present, retaining the memory of everything I saw.” Then open your eyes.

Meditation alone is not enough to produce tangible results. Having gained experience, you will learn not only to obtain information, but also to sort it. After all, a person has more than one past life, and different incarnations can be mixed in the same session.

Fortune telling by mirrors, water and magic ball

It is considered a complex technique. In addition, such an attribute is not always available to the average person. As a replacement, you can take a mirror or a container filled with water. A glass or jar is suitable, but provided that there are no drawings, inscriptions, depressions or bulges.

There should be no distractions during the procedure. Turn off the intercom and mobile phone. Warn your family not to disturb you.

The water must be clean; its origin does not matter. Pour the liquid into the container and watch the surface closely. Focus on your intention to see your past life, driving away extraneous thoughts. Some time will pass, and images associated with past incarnations will appear before your eyes.

You can use a mirror in the same way. It is better to practice immersion in a past life in a darkened room under the light of a candle or night lamp. In the mirror you should see a flat, monochromatic surface or a blank sheet of paper.

It is important that there is no reflection of you in the mirror, since it is associated with your current life and will distort the information. In a past life, your appearance could have been completely different.

Look at the mirror relaxingly and think only that you will soon see events from your previous incarnation. You will notice a foggy area in the center, and then images of your forgotten life will begin to emerge through the fog.

Coincident Event Methods

This method does not require special skills and is available to everyone who wants to learn about their previous incarnations. All you need is patience, since the technique may not give results the first time.

For the procedure you will need mechanical watch so that they make a ticking sound. Close your eyes, enter a relaxed state and listen to the clock ticking. You need to remember any fragment of your life where the ticking of the clock took place. For example, you are reading a book or doing homework, and an alarm clock is ticking next to you. Replay this piece from the past in your mind several times, paying attention to the details.

The ticking of a clock will be a signal to awaken deep memory

Now complicate the task and tune in to a memory from a past life, where you also heard the rhythmic knock of a clock. Don't make an effort, just let your memory generate images accompanied by sensations.

This method is based on the fact that the sound of a ticking clock is familiar to all of us. This is what accompanies us every day. With a high degree of probability, the ticking of a clock was also present in a past life, and this sound will serve as a signal to activate deep memory.

Help from professionals

If independent attempts to awaken deep memory are unsuccessful, contact specialists whose field of activity is related to the work of consciousness and mysticism. Perhaps this path is more convenient for you personally.

Under hypnosis

There is a proven option for looking into the very distant past. This is hypnosis. A professional hypnotherapist is able to put a person into a state of deep trance and help him remember any day in the smallest detail. It is believed that a person remembers his life until he is three years old.

During a regression hypnosis session, access is not only given to memories. early childhood, but also to the memory of the prenatal (intrauterine) period. Further movement reveals the memory of past lives, both in the human body and in the body of an animal, such as a bird or a moth.

How to remember by date of birth

With the help of numerology, you can also get information from your past life. Using the numbers contained in your date of birth, you can create, for example, a Pythagorean square, from which an expert can understand your character, energy potential and destiny. An experienced numerologist will determine whether the soul is young, coming to Earth for the first time, or wise, having many incarnations behind it. He will even name his occupation in a past life.

Tarot cards, astrology, fortune telling

It takes a lot of time to master this art. Mastery is acquired over years. The same applies to astrology.

Professional Tarot experts have several layouts that provide information about past incarnations of a person. As an example, we give the simplest type of fortune telling “My past lives”, consisting of 4 positions:

  1. Who the person was in a past life. This position will give information about your personality in a previous life, tell you about your character and what you did.
  2. Gift of past incarnations. The second card speaks of karmic merit, highlighting the best traits and talents that you brought from your previous incarnation.
  3. The burden of past lives. The third card, on the contrary, indicates your past misdeeds, for which you will have to answer in this life.
  4. The purpose of this incarnation. The last card of the layout tells why you came to Earth now and what you must achieve in terms of personal evolution.

Example of a Tarot card layout “My Past Lives”

If you would like to read My Past Lives Tarot online, go here.

Tarot fortune telling is based on a random arrangement of cards, but astrology relies on accurate data. Tarot is, rather, an occult practice, whose experience is 500-700 years old. Astrology is an ancient science, whose history goes back at least five thousand years.

A modern astrologer operates with natal charts, compiled taking into account the exact time (preferably down to seconds) and place of birth. Such a map shows the influence of which celestial bodies accompanied the birth of man. Based on this, the astrologer can trace both the previous path of the Soul and its future. He sees all these connections in the natal chart.

Of course, personal free horoscope can be obtained by clicking .

Astrological science provides quite extensive information, including information related to past lives. Detailed analysis natal chart will reveal the karmic legacy of your incarnations, both positive and negative: merits, noble deeds, as well as mistakes and unpaid debts. An astrologer can also create a horoscope married couple, determining what these people were connected with in previous incarnations.

Reiki sessions

This is a technique where the healer touches the patient with his palms. Reiki masters claim that during sessions the patient experiences flashes of memory of past lives. As a rule, events related to the disease being healed pop up in the mind.

During the session, memories of your previous life may spontaneously emerge.

The energetic influence coming from the Reiki master activates the patient's subconscious and evokes spontaneous memories. These pictures may be complex for the average person, but understandable to a specialist. Therefore, a good solution for searching for information about a past life would be to combine a Reiki session and work with a reincarnation consultant.


This is the author's method with which anyone can take a tour of their past lives under the guidance of an experienced trainer. The authors of the method promise that in one hour a person will be able to remember his previous incarnations and harmonize his current life based on the knowledge gained. Representatives of the Institute of Reincarnation guarantee that the method works in 85 cases out of 100.

The session takes place in the form of a game, without using complex terms. Despite its simplicity, reincarnation shows impressive results.

Those interested can take a 4-month course to master the innovative method. During their studies, the authors claim, some students manage to remember 40 of their incarnations.

Before you start exploring past lives, think carefully about whether you are ready to face the truth. Previous incarnations may turn out to be completely different from what you expect. This is not an adventure film where you play the role of a hero saving the world.

  1. Some memories can be shocking or painful. You may see yourself as a criminal, an executioner, a fallen woman, or a traitor. You may witness the loss of loved ones or a global catastrophe. These terrible events don't be afraid. You've been through a painful experience, but it's a thing of the past.
  2. Whatever method you use to immerse yourself, be diligent about recording your memories. The more data you record, the more accurately you can determine your past path. Don't ignore little things that could be very important.
  3. Be patient and take your time. Excessive zeal does not speed up the learning process. A meditative mood is more suitable here.
  4. Don’t get hung up on it; if a method doesn’t produce results for a long time, it’s better to try another technique. Perhaps things will go faster.


The Creator, perhaps, showed the greatest wisdom by depriving the ordinary person of the memory of previous incarnations. Therefore, if you fail in your attempts to find out who you were in a past life, you should not fall into despair. In the end, it doesn't really matter who you once were. Become more aware of who you are present moment, HERE and NOW.

A little about the author:

Evgeniy Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the key to success in the perfect ritual. I will provide you with information, but its implementation is directly up to you. But don’t worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

Among people involved in self-development, you can often hear conversations about past lives. This topic is of genuine interest to many, regardless of age, status and other characteristics. People often ask this question because they are unable to find an objective explanation for what is happening in real life, faced with such oddities, difficulties and problems that seem not to be related to what is happening in the foreseeable past. And the most interesting thing is that, indeed, many find answers and solve their problems by gaining the experience of their past lives. We will look at how to gain this experience in this article.

Before talking about specific techniques, we need to clarify one very important point. Past lives are in no way connected with a person’s current personality, they are connected exclusively with his soul. To understand this point, you only need to imagine and describe for yourself who for you is a person with a soul and who is soulless. Obviously, when you plunge into thinking about a person from this point of view, you don’t think at all about how he looks or speaks, but his moral characteristics and qualities clearly emerge. Especially when you think about the soulless. Therefore, I repeat, past lives should not be considered and adjusted to fit your current personality. Personality from the word “mask” is a mask, that is, personality can manifest itself exclusively when interacting with someone, but when a person is left alone, he takes off all these masks and becomes himself, and at this moment one can understand what the soul really is , and this is the first stage in knowing yourself.

How to remember past lives on your own: methods

So, there are several ways to remember past lives. Some people have spontaneous instances of such memories. This can happen in a dream; after a severe shock; upon loss of consciousness. But the purpose of this article, of course, is to talk about conscious methods, among which are: regressive hypnosis and yogic practices such as retreats.

It really gives results, however, there is one significant nuance here - immersion occurs through an intermediary. Why is this bad? Because it is extremely difficult for a third party to remain uninvolved in what is happening, and our attitude towards the leader of the session, and most importantly, his attitude towards us, can leave its mark on the result obtained. Therefore, we will take a closer look at the most effective and affordable way- retreat. A retreat is a practice of solitude with the goal of immersing oneself. The most famous is the Vipassana retreat. On at the moment the most famous technique is Vipassana according to Goenko, there is also Vipassana according to Mahasi Sayadaw and a third technique, which is increasingly gaining momentum in Russia, is Vipassana “Immersion in Silence”, conducted by the club site. What all these practices have in common is complete silence for 10 days, i.e. maximum disconnection from external interactions. Now let's look at how they differ?

The Goenko retreat involves staying in a motionless state for as long as possible, about five sessions of 2 hours a day. Participants are given recommendations on concentrating their attention, immersing themselves, tracking their condition, thoughts, and experiences.

The retreat method according to Mahasi Sayad is based on a change of statics and dynamics. Conscious sitting alternates with conscious walking, and one of the recommendations is to stay awake as long as possible. If, nevertheless, the practitioner falls asleep, then the duration of sleep should not exceed four hours a day.

Vipassana “Immersion in Silence” with the club site combined all the best from the two previous methods and added hatha yoga and the Om mantra to them. Meditations alternate with mindful walks, hatha yoga, pranayama and mantraping. These practices allow you to clear the channels, calm the mind and dive deep into yourself, which promotes remembering past lives and gaining subtle experiences. At the same time, meditation is still key, and all other practices are auxiliary.

It must be said that when high level practice, a person can go on a solitary retreat with the goal of learning about past lives. But this requires really good, consistent practice and a high degree of awareness.

What does knowledge of past lives give us?

When a person receives a subtle experience, his consciousness expands, his perception of reality changes, becomes clearer, his awareness increases, he manages to move from a dead point and change his life for the better.

First of all, knowledge of past lives gives an understanding that if there was a past life, then there will be a future one. That is, firstly, this is confirmation of the existence of such a phenomenon as reincarnation. And, secondly, the fact that the past life influences this one, which means this one will influence the future one. There are often cases when people in retreats are visited by not the most pleasant memories of past lives, but this brings the realization that there were reasons for this created by the person himself, and, leaving the retreat, he changes his attitude towards the world so as not to provoke rebirth in similar circumstances again. Or a clear understanding arises of why in this life certain difficulties are encountered in some business or with some person.

In addition, memories of past lives often explain why a person in this incarnation has certain qualities, uncontrollable addictions or character traits. And here everyone decides for themselves whether to change their further strategy of behavior or, on the contrary, they need to accept something in themselves.

Past lives can remind a person of the path he chose long ago, along which he walks for many, many lives. In this case, the problem of finding a destination is solved.

Undoubtedly, the request with which a person goes inside himself is extremely important. This is precisely what determines the result obtained, since most of us have lived an incredible amount of time. different lives on different planets, in different eras, in different worlds and bodies, and what kind of life we ​​will see from this set largely depends on the request.

About special training for remembering past lives

If a person decides to take a serious approach to the issue of knowing his past lives, then preparation will not hurt. It is expressed in the development of long-term, deep, conscious concentration on internal processes. At first glance, this is not difficult, however, when we try to sit for at least a few minutes, we discover that the body may not be at all ready for this. Most common problem is pain in the legs when sitting in Lotus poses, Turkish (these poses are most favorable with energy point vision to immerse yourself and obtain the necessary results). Also, many find it difficult to sit with a straight back and not move. The fact is that every movement of the body provokes fluctuations in the mind, and this greatly interferes with gaining subtle experience, because it returns you to the present moment. And, of course, herself big problem It turns out that a person is unable to maintain concentration on one object for a long time, especially an internal one. The key is slow breathing than longer breath and exhale, the slower the thoughts flow, the easier it is to maintain concentration and get closer to gaining subtle experience.

To prepare for the practice of remembering past lives, it makes sense to start doing hatha yoga. Yoga will improve the condition of the body and develop the ability to hold the body motionless for a long time. Try to sit with your legs crossed and your back straight as often as possible in everyday life; this is a very effective practice. At the same time, it would be good to start practicing anapanasati pranayama. In a simplified version, the execution technique is as follows. We turn all our attention to breathing, maybe to the tip of the nose, feeling how cool air the warm one comes in and comes out, and we gradually deepen our breathing. We start by inhaling, say, for 4 counts, then exhale for 5 counts, then inhale for 5 counts and exhale for 6, etc. We find our limit at which we feel discomfort, but we can maintain this level, for example, 15 counts inhale and 15 - exhale, and stay at this level as long as possible. When we decided to finish, we go to reverse order, i.e., reducing the range so as not to abruptly switch to the normal breathing rate. Inhale 15 - exhale 14, inhale 14 - exhale 13 and then somewhere up to 6-5 counts, after which we proceed to normal breathing. An excellent practice for developing calmness of mind and concentration. There is also a wonderful opportunity to practice meditation and pranayama with Andrey Verba without leaving home through online classes. Perhaps, by studying at home, you will already be able to gain some experience; such cases also occur.

It is worth noting that in modern world A common problem for many is the habit of continuous social life, i.e. be in touch 24 hours a day, receive attention through social media, messages, etc. And the difficulty for such people may be to stop broadcasting their lives, monitoring someone else's and non-stop interaction and communication. Therefore, it makes sense to arrange days of silence for yourself, turning off all means of communication and spending time with yourself, without trying to tell anyone about it.

But even if you failed to prepare, this is not a reason not to visit Vipassana. For example, I did not do yoga or pranayama before visiting. However, the program offered by the Club allowed me to get very important experience, a lot has opened up and worked out. Therefore, with a clear conscience I can recommend this event, it actually promotes remembering past lives.

Knowledge of past lives explains existence so different approaches and attitudes towards life, difficulties that even very young children can face. There comes an understanding of colossal responsibility for one’s actions, thoughts, words, which, of course, cannot but affect later life person.



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