How to get everything done in a day. How to manage everything and live life to the fullest: practical advice


To understand how to learn to manage everything, you need to know what exactly needs to be done during the day. To do this, you will need to organize your household, as well as carefully plan your time. The day should follow a well-established pattern, then you will understand how to keep up with everything at home and at work.

If you can plan out a week or even a month, that’s great, you’ll be less nervous and save more time.

Planning the day:

  • write down all the obligatory time-bound tasks in a column;
  • arrange the execution time;
  • place small temporary gaps;
  • add important tasks that are not time-sensitive;
  • mentally “live” this day;
  • make the necessary adjustments.
You shouldn’t write down those things that you do every day automatically - it’s enough to mention them in your daily schedule and set aside time for them. For example, you need an hour and a half for a morning shower, exercise and breakfast - are you unlikely to forget to brush your teeth? Feel free to put an hour and a half into your schedule, and call it “morning routine.”


To understand how to keep up with everything and not get tired, carefully plan your workload. You need to plan your day so that you can do the things that you can do. I advise every person to try to group tasks according to workload and live like this for several days.

Then make a new plan, alternate difficult and energy-consuming tasks with easy and easy ones, and also live for several days. After this, it will become clear which mode is right for you.

How to keep up with everything at work? Create a schedule and stop wasting time on those who don’t value it. You should plan your day and organize your work process so that you do things one after another - this should be natural. If you fuss, nothing will come of it. Think over your schedule, do things comprehensively. I do something like this:

  • One day a week I do planning, efficiency calculations, setting new tasks and assessing productivity for certain projects. During this day, I need to make a list of tasks for each project I am dealing with, and if I need the help of colleagues, then some of the powers and responsibilities need to be delegated to them.
  • I devote one day to each project, so I can get more done and not be distracted.
  • Among my tasks there is one cross-cutting one - in particular, texts. I have a text day in my work week - I write letters, write chapters in my book, fill out the waiting list on the blog (posts will appear on their own throughout the week), write everything that is needed for both projects.
How to keep up with everything at work:
  1. Assess your own productivity and maximize it.
  2. Plan your time (you can use the 45/15 system - you work for 45 minutes, rest for 15 minutes or radically change your activity);
  3. If you are nervous, then there simply won’t be enough resources for everything.
  4. Do each task to completion before taking on another.
  5. Keep records of completed tasks.
  6. Be always and everywhere on time (according to your schedule).
  7. Take breaks during the day (a cup of coffee, fresh air, gymnastics in the relaxation room - choose something that helps you both relax and invigorate).

Several life hacks

How can you manage to live and work if there are only 24 hours in a day? Something will have to be given up. It's impossible to do everything. Even the most talented person will not be able to plan the amount of time that is enough for a certain number of tasks.


  1. Do what you are really interested in - feel free to give up what you don’t like, life is short, don’t waste it on boring activities.
  2. Keep a record of those things that you like and that you want to try when you have time - life is changing rapidly, and if just recently you had no time to knit, then, for example, on sick leave, you can easily devote time to this.
  3. Be a good conversationalist, but don’t let anyone waste your time (I think everyone understands - we all have those at work who love to whine and take up our time? Learn to refuse them!).
  4. During the day, mark what you have accomplished, and be able to stop in time - for example, after I turn off my work computer, I no longer think about work, I don’t do it, my life begins to change.
  5. How to get more done and get tired less: a good idea during the day would be a glass of water and breathing exercises, they will help you stay in good shape.
  6. How to get more done when you don't have enough time? Plan the actual amount of work for the remaining time, and delegate the rest. It is also important to calm down - if you are nervous, nothing will work out.
  7. How to get more done in the same time: you can take advantage of the good practice of American lawyers and plan every six minutes of your life. Six minutes is enough for one small task (just what we can concentrate on).
This will shed a little light on how to manage to live and work. Try to do what you want and like - you will be surprised how easy it is.


Try working systems. This is what saves me. First, take up Japanese cleaning and declutter your own home. It is easiest to be a good housewife where there is nothing superfluous. Optimize your household, throw away what you don’t need, buy what you need, and be happy.

Within a day or two, you can declutter a Khrushchev building; an apartment with an improved layout will take no more than a week. Housekeeping after this procedure will require no more than one day every ten days, and it will become much easier to manage.

To do household chores twice as fast, buy yourself good household appliances. Several cleaning robots can make life a lot easier - a vacuum cleaner and floor polisher, as well as a garbage collection robot and a small electronic window cleaning baby will keep your home clean.

Get several vacuum cleaners. Remember the basic truth of how to be a good housewife - if you feed the well-fed, they will never be hungry, and if you clean clean, it will never become dirty. A good housewife also knows that a happy home is where it is calm and cozy, and not where everything sparkles and the woman looks like a scrubber.

To become a good housewife, enlist the support of other family members. Remember - it takes no more than a day a week to clean your house. If you divide this time among all family members, it will be several hours. If you divide several hours into seven days, you get twenty minutes a day (of course, I think roughly, but you can come up with your own numbers).

Each family member should spend twenty minutes a day on household chores. It's not that much, right? If you learn to run a household together, it will be wonderful. In the eyes of your loved ones, you will be a good housewife - after all, you managed to organize this process.

I told you how to get more done when you don’t have enough time - I have this process streamlined. I have eliminated boring activities from my life (either completely abandoned them or take help from someone), I have a plan for every day, and I do not allow anyone to waste my precious time. I think you will succeed!

Do you know what has the greatest value in the modern world? Do you think it's money? In fact, it is information and time. The paradox is that modern man has a lot of devices that allow him to save time, but at the same time he constantly lacks time. How to manage everything - this is the question asked by every person who does not know time planning methods.

See for yourself. Today we don’t always need to spend time meeting with business partners. All you need to do is call or connect via Skype. Increasingly, we shop online. In the kitchen, the most difficult work is done for us by smart appliances - a food processor or blender, microwave, multicooker, dishwasher. And it also happens that we buy semi-finished products, or even ready-made dishes. And we are stubbornly short of time. There is no time to communicate with family, take care of yourself and personal hobbies. The availability of information also turns against us, since we simply drown in it.

How to plan your time correctly

It would seem that what could be simpler - to distribute your own time? However, not everyone knows how to do this. If you also sometimes ask yourself the question of how to manage everything and not get tired, you also need to learn how to manage time. The first thing to understand is the three basic principles of time.

  • Time is limited. There are 24 hours in a day, 7 days in a week, no more than 31 days in a month, and only 12 months in a year. And we can't change anything.
  • Time does not stand still. We cannot slow it down or speed it up.
  • Time moves in one direction, it is impossible to turn it back. This means that you cannot change or correct what is in the past.
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5 rules for those who want to do everything

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1) Make a clear plan

As trivial as it may seem, in order to be able to do everything and not get too tired, you need to plan your time at least a week in advance. Buy yourself a beautiful organizer or diary. The purchase will immediately lift your mood, you will immediately want to write something down in it. The main advantage of the organizer is that you can immediately see which day is busy and which is more or less free. In addition, you will teach yourself discipline, and this is the main quality of a person who spends his time wisely.

It should be noted here that matters vary in degree of importance. There are urgent and important things that need to be done first. There are simply important, but not urgent matters. They need to be done after the important and urgent ones. There are urgent but not important matters. These are the ones that can be sacrificed altogether or done after more important matters. And finally, there are things that are not urgent and not important. You can safely cross them off the list.

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2) Don't accumulate small things

One well-known rule of time management is called the “two-minute rule” (five, ten, whatever). There are small tasks that, if not completed on time, accumulate and hang over you as a significant burden, like the sword of Damocles. If you don’t want to be buried under this pile of tasks, learn this rule: work that takes no more than 10 minutes is better done right away. Reply to an email, make a phone call that has been put off for a long time, tidy up your desk, finally wash the dishes or clean the sink.

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3) Don't let them steal your time

How to manage everything when during the day you correspond with several people on Odnoklassniki or ICQ, watch funny videos and photos, follow the plot of some TV series and hang on the phone with a friend for about an hour? All these things steal your time, and how much of it they steal from you depends on you. If you don’t have time to do anything, you will have to reduce the time you spend daily on such activities. How to do this? Set yourself a rule: log into social networks not several times a day, but once every 3-4 days. And don’t hang on the phone with your friend, it’s better to meet her on your day off.

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4) Try to maintain order

If you are regularly tormented by the question of how to manage everything, try to keep everything in order. Every thing in your home, on your desk, in your purse should have its own place. Anything that has served its purpose and is no longer needed must be disposed of. If you devote at least 10 minutes a day to this, in a month everything will be in order. Well, or two, if you haven't supported it for too long. On the first day you will sort out the contents of your purse, on the second you will put your cosmetics in order, on the third you will start working on your desk or at least one of its drawers. Throw away a bucket of all the rubbish and be happy with yourself.

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5) Introduce new habits

Don't know how to get everything done in a day? Try to find yourself a new hobby. It can be any hobby: fitness or yoga, bead weaving, embroidery, sewing, learning a foreign language. Remember what it was like after the maternity hospital: at first we didn’t have time to do anything, and then we learned to do even more things at the same time than we could before. What's the secret? Within strict limits. When we have no other choice, we don’t think about how to get everything done, we just do it and get it done. Decide how much time per week you can give to yourself personally, and start right from tomorrow. Have you decided to run in the morning? Wonderful. Put aside excuses and postponements of this event. The main thing is not to abandon your decision within six weeks. During this time, according to psychologists, you will form a stable habit, and you will subsequently not be able to give up your new hobby.

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Main principles of time planning

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How to keep up with everything at work

If you constantly have to interrupt your work because you need to do other equally important things, it is better to combine similar tasks into blocks. After all, breaks, as already mentioned, require additional “acceleration”. Carry out tasks that are small in volume and similar in nature one after another: resolving official issues over the phone, discussing tasks with employees, sorting out correspondence. Then you will appreciate the time savings.

Complete large tasks in small parts, not forgetting to set intermediate goals for yourself. When the result of work is distant in time, people willy-nilly “shirk” tasks, putting them on the back burner. It’s not for nothing that Albert Einstein noted that many people like to chop wood only because the result follows immediately after the action. If the project is large, work on it little by little, but constantly.

The number of tasks completed during the day, meeting deadlines, as well as the consumption of internal resources is given to different people with varying degrees of difficulty. And if the question arises of how to manage to do everything, then the answer is not always in the area of ​​excessive stress and lack of breaks and entertainment. Anyone who is late everywhere, is stressed and does not have time to do anything, most likely cannot devote an extra minute to entertainment and relaxation. The problem here is not the number of responsibilities and tight deadlines, but the ability to determine your capabilities.

The possibility or impossibility of having time to complete what is necessary is regulated by external factors, that is, the number and duration of necessary tasks. Naturally, this cannot be completely ignored, but punctuality and efficiency are also internal habits, similar to waking up early, maintaining cleanliness or intolerance to lies. Everyone has the same amount of time in a day, only someone is able to use every allotted minute. It is possible to learn techniques on how to manage to do everything in a short time, however, this will require significant emotional and volitional expenditure.

The best assistant when starting changes is a task list. It is optimal to create a diary or program on your phone, which will describe tasks for the upcoming day, but also the week and month. The more detailed the days and tasks are described, the greater the chances of fulfilling your own wishes on time. For example, if next month or six months later you are writing down a reminder about a colleague’s birthday, then a couple of weeks before the event, you need to make a note about the need to buy a gift, and a few days before that you need to enable the pre-selection item. The larger the event, the more entries regarding it should appear in the planned schedule - the ability to decompose the process into component actions will help you get rid of the rush and do everything systematically.

Many people divide such a diary into personal and work matters right on one page, some keep several different notebooks for different areas, some are highlighted by colors or by time. There is no clear advice here – the main thing is convenience. The technique of highlighting tasks by urgency and importance, as well as indicating the time, works well. At first, you can write down all the little things, including wiping shoes, washing dishes, sending correspondence - these small things can eventually take up the lion's share of your time if they are not included in the daily structure and calculations.

The to-do list needs to be checked every evening and those items that have not been completed today or have suddenly appeared must be added. Tasks that have arisen again are set in accordance with the deadlines for completion, and overdue tasks are set as priority for the next day. In general, you need to strive to ensure that everything planned for the day is completed. It’s better to sit until midnight than to postpone it until tomorrow or the end of the week. This approach helps avoid the accumulation of unfinished tasks, and also encourages speed and quality so as not to finish at night. In addition, thanks to this approach, it becomes possible to feel your capabilities. Some problems with deadlines are not due to laziness or planning. If you notice that, despite making every effort, you cannot keep up with the responsibilities of your main job, freelancing, and still have time to go to the gym, then the optimal solution would be to redistribute the load or give up something instead of constant night vigils. When you begin to notice that you have completed everything on the main list of tasks and there is still time left, then you can start looking for additional activities.

To make it easier to navigate, you need to periodically check the list throughout the day. You can answer a couple of emails while the meeting is delayed. Every day has similar pauses that can be filled with idle chatter or completing part of the list.

How to manage everything and live life to the fullest? It is necessary to take into account all areas of your life, because pauses can be filled not only with work moments.

For example, you can have time to make an appointment with a doctor or hairdresser, drink a cup of coffee, or send a funny picture to your loved one. It is important to understand the difference between using time effectively and wasting it. So, if you reply to an old friend on Facebook while riding in the elevator, this is rational. If you’ve been scrolling through your feed for an hour instead of following through with your plan, you’re putting yourself in stress mode for the evening.

Daytime can be structured so that it is more than enough for everything, but for what is planned, a routine is needed. This should apply to the beginning of the day - the alarm clock must be set so that you have enough time to get ready, when you can not only get ready thoughtfully and calmly, but also solve sudden force majeure situations (the need to iron a shirt or replace a burnt-out hair dryer). Discipline, which begins with exercising in your free time, begins to shape your entire lifestyle. For example, you can stop setting your alarm clock after it rings to get some sleep, or you can learn to end an empty conversation with a friend when you need to write a project or log off from social networks when it’s time to go to class.

Leave the house at the appointed time, go to a meeting in an unfamiliar place with a reserve so that you have time to orient yourself in the situation. All decisions can be optimized, many actions can be omitted. The fact that you miscalculated the time, didn’t prepare the night before, or fell asleep in the shower is only your fault, not the people who will have to wait for you. The association with a plane that will still take off at the specified time works well, whether you arrive at the landing or not - a similar attitude should appear to all life events.

To minimize the physiological factors of fatigue that reduce productivity, include taking care of your well-being into your daily routine and routine. These include regular medical examinations, adequate sleep to ensure vigor and physical activity to help replenish emotional costs.

How to manage everything in 24 hours? Distribute tasks not according to the principle of ease of completion or pleasantness, but according to their importance or proximity to deadlines.

If your filling has fallen out, then it is important to make an appointment with the dentist in the morning, and not wash yesterday’s dishes or prepare a project presentation. Start with the most important and difficult, reducing the level of responsibility of tasks towards the evening. If you put routine tasks in the first half of the day, then the main energy will be spent on this, and then in the evening it will be quite difficult to take on work that requires creativity or emotional participation. All projects and events that influence the future course of life must be completed as quickly as possible, but dusting and putting together puzzles can be postponed to the evening, because doing or ignoring such things does not change the picture of life much.

The day should be filled not only with useful and necessary plans, but also with periods of rest. A specially designated time period for lunch, coffee, a walk, viewing offers from online stores or chatting with friends. If at work you are distracted by your colleagues’ offers for a snack, and in the middle of dinner with your companion you give work consultations, then you will not be able to express yourself effectively, and your time will be wasted. Such behavior, which maintains boundaries, evokes respect, and the desire to act to please others ceases to be admired quite quickly.

There is no need to try to do everything at once in one go; this usually only leads to exhaustion. The importance of periodic breaks affects both the efficiency of work and the speed of execution. During physical work, you can lie down or sit down; if the work involves mental stress and constant sitting, then it is worth including periodic walks. You can go buy bread from the store near your house, water the flowers in the office, go to the next department if they wanted to talk to you, or just get up to stretch. For some, it is easier to take scheduled breaks once an hour; for others, they help separate the meaningful parts of the tasks being performed. Even when thinking about how to manage everything with a small child, the rule of the need for breaks is the main thing for maintaining an adequate perception, instead of an insane immersion in the problems of a newborn.

How to keep up with everything at work

Everyone’s work involves a lot of different features, from the duties performed to the place of residence. But there are universal rules that help optimize the work, and sometimes complete it earlier. It’s worth starting with putting things in order - this applies to both the office and your own home, and is important for those who travel or are involved with technical support. Ideal order and organization of space initially helps to tune in to the work process and concentrate. For example, the problem of all freelancers is the lack of an organized workspace, while the presence of soft pillows, cute toys and constantly running children or pets makes it difficult to concentrate on the process. But this is also true for those whose workplace is outside the home - the lack of systematization of files on the computer, the chaotic storage of consumables ultimately takes a lot of time.

Look for ways to optimize and simplify the work process, using the latest developments, and monitor the emergence of new products in your field. It is stupid for an engineer to draw everything by hand when AutoCAD is available, for a surgeon to operate with a scalpel when he can use a laser, and for an accountant to use an abacus instead of 1C. Devices that make life easier and save time are available even for creative artists and musicians. You can use lighter, more ergonomic tools or order supplies online without wasting time on personal trips to the store.

Set silent mode or disable notifications from social networks. Set restrictions on incoming calls or use special incoming call control features. The less you are distracted by external stimuli, the less time it will take to return to your work process. Discuss this point with your loved ones, agree on a method of communication in case of unforeseen situations.

Look for new ways to solve situations not only with the help of gadgets. It may turn out that the inconvenient work of the printing house, which makes you wait a long time for an answer, can be solved by changing the printing house itself or opening a printing center. You don’t have to do automatic work if you once ask someone to write a corresponding program for you, and you can not worry about timely congratulations to your colleagues if you pay for classic gifts indicating dates and delivery in the required service. Try to automate or delegate the routine as much as possible.

The psychological aspect is the fear of appearing incompetent when a person tries to do everything on his own, even if he is really overworked. At such moments, it is quite possible to ask your colleagues for help - this will relieve your personal schedule and improve your relationships. You don’t need to transfer absolutely everything, but you can ask the person who goes to the printer to answer the call or take your documents for printing.

If colleagues often take advantage of your reliability, increasingly shift responsibilities, or have even made it a habit, then it is necessary to stop such violations. Familiarize yourself with your responsibilities and henceforth refuse to fulfill those of others. The exception is when you yourself are not overloaded with work or have managed to finish everything, and a good person asks you for help. Don’t refuse out of principle, otherwise when you need help, there will be no one to turn to.

Start working with the most important tasks, and complete current ones as you go or if you still have the strength and desire. Human nature is such that the results of activities depend on the point of application and the quality of use. Here it is important to monitor the dynamics of your personal activity so that, knowing the hours of your highest performance, you can plan important or difficult moments during them. If you are a night owl by type of activity, then in the morning, scheduled mail sorting, planning for the next day, automatic data entry or template actions will suit you, but then you can start calculating important trajectories or making appointments with difficult clients.

You can keep up with everything at work when you feel your rhythm and work with. The desire to squeeze results out of oneself by any means, without taking into account internal motivation and state, can turn into apathy that lasts for weeks. Having rested well, the body itself will show excellent results, and a half-hour walk can help you.

How can a woman manage everything?

A woman’s life is very diverse, and the desire to do everything at the proper level and be on time can sometimes lead to a nervous breakdown. The question becomes especially acute of how to manage everything with a small child. The basic principles repeat the techniques of time management, but there are also several absolutely feminine tricks for saving time. It is important to initially decide what you don’t have enough time for and what you need to do. After all, if all the time is spent on unnoticed matters, because of which important areas of relationships and development suffer, then this situation is corrected completely differently than when a woman is late due to her unwillingness to come.

The more responsibility and responsibilities appear, the harder it is to cope, and if at first this is still a manageable level, then at a certain stage you can become so overwhelmed that an independent decision becomes simply impossible. It is important for a woman to learn to ask for help, and it can be anyone - a husband can look after a child, a colleague can bring in documents, a friend can help choose equipment. This will save time needed for rest and replenishment.

There should be breaks and time dedicated to self-care. Rest does not always mean lying down - this is where you need to include all the activities that fill you with energy and motivation. The more effective the process of recuperation, the faster you can cope with regular workload, the more strength you have in life to fulfill your desires.

Making a list helps you not forget anything, but the peculiarities of female psychology are such that desires are more readily fulfilled. You can play on this if you replace the list of necessary and obligatory things to do for tomorrow with a wish list. Even if it is a planned trip to a car service, written as “I want to go to a scheduled maintenance” already gives a lot of pleasant emotions and includes a creative adaptation. For example, you can drink delicious coffee in your neighborhood or read a chapter of your favorite book.

How to manage everything with a child? Combine several activities. You can not just walk with your child, but combine it with your own yoga classes in the fresh air, and even engage in physical education for the child. Cleaning is also perfectly combined with physical activity, as well as listening to audio books, and if you transfer communication with friends to a beauty salon, the number of positive emotions soars enormously, while saving time.

Hello friends! Ekaterina Kalmykova is with you. The situation when you don’t have time to do anything is known to most women. Few people can boast that they manage to work, feed their children, and please their husband.

Modern girls are concerned about moving up the career ladder and forget about family values. Meanwhile, with age, it is the family that will become a reliable support, and work will fade into the background.

How can you keep up with everything around the house if you work and are chasing high social status? How to find this balance between home life and work life? You will find answers to these and other questions below.

You say, “Oh, it’s all planning again, it’s getting nowhere!” It really does, I’ll tell you. Thanks to planning, you can clearly structure your work and not worry about lack of time.

The first rule of time management: have a plan.

To make it more pleasant to organize your day, you can buy a beautiful diary. Isn’t it so important for us girls to write in a special notebook?

Things to do for the day should be divided into urgent and important, and into secondary and distant ones. Things that can be put off - put them off, don’t overload your time with them.

The second rule: things that take less than 15 minutes should be done right away.

By collecting quick tasks, you clog up your free time and leave no chance to complete them. How can you keep up with everything at work and at home in this situation? Just don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Wash dishes immediately without piling up. Make calls to clients immediately, and not when you have nothing to do. Then the phrase “I don’t get anything done at work” will not apply to you.

Don't be alarmed, no one is telling you to give them up completely. Just set aside a special time to look at your Instagram feed and others. No more than 15 minutes twice a day outside of working hours. If you want to get distracted by your VKontakte feed while writing a report, just remember that the report will not disappear and will have to be completed after work. But you can look through the feed on the way home or during a break, if you really want to.

Is there a child in the house? Surely, disorder and chaos reign, and the ability to find the right thing is practically non-existent? Do you recognize yourself? Then the next planning rule is for you.

Fourth rule: try to maintain order in everything - in your notebook, in your diary, in your clothes, in your dishes, in your emotions.

A woman who manages to do everything is, first of all, mentally and physically collected. She does not allow herself to be excessively lazy and tries to take responsibility for her actions.

Fifth rule: having new interests.

Get yourself an interesting hobby that you don’t mind spending at least an hour a day on. This could be anything: learning a new language, going to the gym or taking a driving course. A new business is a powerful incentive to put things in order in life and at work.

Work and family - let's live together: how to remove chaos at work

How to manage everything at work?

This is a difficult question, especially if you hold a responsible position. Nowadays, many work-at-home jobs have appeared, but this has not solved the problem of academic performance in the frantic pace of life.

Many working mothers ask: I don’t have time at work, what should I do? At the same time, it seems to them that they are geniuses, and failures are associated with other people. When working at home, it is especially important to maintain discipline. often have a lot of work to do, but are constantly distracted by something at home. Then, like at work, a strict boss will obligingly give you a kick for the slightest deviation from business.

How can a working at home mom manage everything?

First of all, you need to make a list of small tasks for the day and start doing them. The same advice applies to office workers. Do small, quick things first, like making calls at work, discussing a project with colleagues, sorting work emails and responding to important ones.

Having completed quick tasks, you can proceed to more global ones. Big things need to be done in several stages, which should be reflected in your diary. This will eliminate the idea that a project that should be ready on November 1st can be started on October 30th.

Don't be afraid of large tasks, because once you break them down into several small subtasks, it will be easier for you to perceive them.

Many people are told the phrase “work less, accomplish more.” Of course, when a person works, he has practically no time left for himself, his loved one, his family. If the job disappeared, he would build his own business, and finish the garage, etc. No, I would not have built it and would not have completed it.

Because a person who does not know how to build his time together with work will not build it without it.

How can you manage everything after work?

The answer to this question is simple - finish your work on time! According to statistics, people who leave half of their tasks for the second part of the day are twice as likely to be late at work than those who try to get everything done in the first part of the day. Want to leave work early? Don't be lazy during the work process and you will have more time for your family.

How can you keep up with everything at work and at home if work and home are the same place?

If you are the mother of a schoolchild or kindergartener, the best opportunity for productive work is provided while the child is in kindergarten or school. Take advantage of this time, do not be distracted by unimportant matters, communicate with friends, etc.

Decide clearly how much you will work and how much you will do housework. Identify what exactly distracts you from work and try to get rid of it. If you live with your family, ask them to take on some of the responsibilities, at least for a few days a week. And remember, nothing slows down the workflow more than a mess.

Keep things and thoughts in order, then you won’t have to waste precious time looking for things and remembering necessary events.

How to manage to live and work?

The secret is to learn how to properly manage your time; you need to remove everything from your life that prevents you from moving up. Remember that those around you are not to blame for your lack of success.

Learn to manage your time so that you have enough for friends, work and family. There are 24 hours in a day, so at least three hours of them can be devoted to family or a favorite activity (person).

How to become a master of your time

To finally become a pro in the matter of time management, pay attention to the author’s course by Evgeniy Popov "Master of Time".

From the course you will learn how to properly organize your life so that work and family become friends forever. Everything about time management, time monetization, and a lot of other interesting information is contained in the course and is waiting for you to study it.

After spending very little time, you will learn to build your schedule in such a way that every day will bring you profit and a sea of ​​positive emotions.

Maybe you like to sit at the computer and dream that your hobby will bring you income? "Master of Time" will tell you how even the most useless activity can bring you dividends. The planning approaches that are described will open your eyes to many things.

Having carefully studied the information and applied it in practice, you will forget what a lack of time is. They won’t talk about this at school or college. You won't find such information on the Internet. All the secrets, all the tricks of time management are outlined in this course and are looking forward to you using them.

Friends, our conversation today has come to an end. Dear readers, share your rules and secrets, how do you manage everything? I will look forward to your answers.

See you again!

Ekaterina Kalmykova was with you,

Take just 10 minutes of time for self-development and find out how to keep up with everything and be on top!

It has the amazing ability to stop in place when we are doing something boring and unloved, and literally the next day fly at a speed of several hundred kilometers per second if we are having fun or need to cope with a lot of things... unfortunately...

Few people would not want to acquire such a valuable ally and learn.

So imagine that there are people who have tamed the clock and no longer need to worry about how to manage everything.

Well, how can you learn to keep up with everything?!

I once had a former work colleague, Nastya.

Smart, active, efficient - a good girl, in general.

But she has one huge drawback that hinders both her and her entire team: lack of punctuality in doing things.

Zapara is actually her middle name, and neuroses from piled-up tasks are constant companions.

At the same time, it cannot be said that she is simply lazy and does not want to do anything; this would explain Nastya’s situation.

She is constantly busy with something and seems to be trying to do everything, but something is always missing to get everything done!

I believe that my colleague's main problems are due to the fact that she:

  1. Doesn't know how to plan his time.
  2. Constantly distracted.
  3. Unable to concentrate on one thing.
  4. Doesn't know how to keep a personal success diary.
  5. Takes on more than he can handle.

How to keep up with everything: the beginning!

Learning to complete all tasks on time is as simple as programming your life for success.

People don’t even realize that they create most of the problems and obstacles in their lives themselves.

All you have to do is put in a little effort and everything will turn out even better than you expected.

Of course, lazy people who do not want to work on themselves will never understand how to manage everything, and will continue to flounder among unfulfilled tasks without hope of seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

As you know: “You can win any battle only by choosing the right weapon!”

So, you need to start taming your time by buying a beautiful notebook, pen and watch.

The expense is small, but the benefits from this acquisition will be enormous.

“To begin with, imagine that an hour is not just a unit of time. This is a commodity that can be exchanged for money, education, pleasure, health and other resources. You just need to determine what exactly you need.”

But the most important thing is that you must understand that a person who feels tired and unhealthy will, in principle, not be able to work productively.

Therefore, make it a rule:

    Get enough sleep:

    The cherished rule about 7-8 hours of necessary sleep was not invented by fools.

    Eat right:

    not only because it is tasty, but also because it is healthy.

    Fresh vegetables and fruits should be regular guests on your table.


    physical activity not only improves immunity, but also gives a boost of energy.

    To-do lists are your everything!

    I hope you have already bought a nice notebook and pen to keep your success diary?

    So: make it a habit in the evening or in the morning to write to-do lists that you plan to complete during the day.

    Moreover, do not write them out of the blue, but next to each item indicate the time required to complete it.

    Did you get the job done?

    Cross it off the list.

    You can also create separate lists of global plans for a month or a year.

    Before you finish work, resist the urge to go on Facebook or the UNIAN website, reject a phone call from a friend, refuse a mug of coffee.

    All this can be done during a break.

    Don't pile on more responsibilities than you can handle!

    Each person has a limit to his capabilities: for some it is very small, for others it is very impressive.

    Your task is to determine yours!

    Colleague Tanya can write 5 articles in a day, but you can only write 3, no matter how hard you try?

    Then you shouldn’t beg your boss for 5 tasks, then sit until midnight, not have time, get nervous and get a scolding the next day.

    Better complete your three tasks on time and efficiently!

    Keep your workplace tidy!

    Even if your workplace is your own apartment, there is no need to turn it into a dump.

    Firstly, unnecessary objects are distracting, secondly, you waste time trying to find something you need in this rubble, thirdly, the clutter dampens you and prevents you from getting into a working mood.

    Optimize your workflow.

    Every task, including homework, can be simplified and the time it takes to complete it reduced if you show a little ingenuity.

    For example, the files that I need for work on a daily basis are copied to a separate folder, although I store all electronic documents in thematic and chronological folders.

    Use modern gadgets.

    When preparing dinner, you probably enjoy using a food processor, multicooker, electric meat grinder, etc., rather than doing everything manually, wasting your time and energy.

    The same principle must be followed in any business!

    Reward yourself for success.

    We did one thing quickly and efficiently - drink tea with a delicious cake, another - look at the news feed on Facebook, a third - go for a walk, etc.

    Don't mark time in one place.

    People can drive themselves into hysterics in search of perfection that only they understand.

    Remember that the best is the enemy of the good.

    You shouldn't get hung up on some stupid ideals if it slows down your progress.

    Don't accumulate unfinished tasks.

    Forget about the phrase: “I’ll do it tomorrow!”

    Today is today, and you must finish everything planned before midnight.

    If you put something off every day, sooner or later an avalanche of unfulfilled tasks will cover you.

    Don't be afraid to ask for help.

    Sometimes, due to pride (or stupidity?), we are afraid to turn to even the closest people for help.

    If you don’t have time, then ask your mother to cook dinner, your husband to pick up the child from kindergarten, a friend-colleague to answer a call from a client, etc.

from the famous video blogger Pavel Bagryantsev:

“How to keep up with everything and manage many projects at the same time?”

You can try them all and choose the most optimal ones for yourself, you can combine these tips, or you can come up with something of your own.

The main thing is to start acting, and not just moan every day: “ How to keep up with everything?!».

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