How to make vodka from alcohol (ethyl or medical). Profitable business: alcohol production

Alcohol drinks are quite easy to make at home. This is an interesting and exciting process. To implement it, you will need recipes that contain the necessary ingredients in the correct proportions. The final result depends on their quality and type. Manufacturing technology is very important. Knowing all the subtleties and secrets, you can get a masterpiece even better than on store shelves. It is quite easy to make liqueur, cognac, vodka, wine and other alcoholic drinks at home.

Recipes for making wine at home

Wine is a refined and pleasant-tasting alcoholic drink. In addition, its moderate consumption is beneficial for the health of the entire body. An alcoholic masterpiece can be prepared not only from fresh grapes. It is easy to make at home even in winter.

To do this you will need:

  • 4 liters of regular grape juice;
  • 1 kg sugar;
  • 1 liter of alcohol.

First, mix the juice with sugar and put it on low heat. When the sweet ingredient has dissolved, remove the liquid from the stove and cool completely. Then you need to install a water seal, placing the wine stock in a warm place for fermentation for two weeks. It is very important to add sugar once every few days and stir it thoroughly.

After the expiration date, you must pass the drink through a sieve or cheesecloth. Add alcohol to it in an amount not exceeding 20% ​​of the total volume of liquid. The resulting mixture should be placed in a dark, cool place for 14 days. It is easy to get rid of sediment accumulated at the bottom using a special hose. This alcoholic drink must be infused for five months.

As a base, instead of classic grape juice, you can use a raspberry or cherry substitute. The resulting wine will have an original and pleasant taste.

Recipes for vodka from alcohol at home

Vodka is the most common alcoholic drink throughout the world. It is not difficult to prepare it at home. And the cost will be an order of magnitude lower than the store price. To create it you will need: water, alcohol, glucose.

The preparation method is quite simple:

  1. Water. You will need clean liquid. Boiled, distilled water containing large amounts of salts and other minerals is not suitable.
  2. Alcohol. You only need ethyl or medical. It is poured into water.
  3. Glucose. It is added at the end. You can get the ingredient at home. To do this, mix sugar and water 1:1 and boil until white foam stops appearing.
  4. The final stage. The mixture in the container must be shaken thoroughly. Then put it in a cool place for several hours.

Vodka can be prepared with nuanced flavors. For this, various spices are used: anise, mint, ginger.

To make lemon vodka, citrus is doused with boiling water and the peel is removed. It and the squeezed juice are placed in two different vessels and filled with vodka already prepared from alcohol. Seal and place in a dark place for 14 days. After the expiration date, both liquids are poured into one bottle.

Cognac recipes at home

Cognac, like any other alcoholic drink, can be made with your own efforts. There are various recipes.

For one of them you will need:

  • one liter of vodka prepared at home from alcohol;
  • a couple of teaspoons of oak bark;
  • 10 dry rose hips and hawthorn berries each;
  • a tablespoon of sugar or honey;
  • a pinch of nutmeg;
  • a teaspoon of black tea;
  • a little vanilla.

First of all, you need to quickly prepare the oak bark. Pour boiling water over it and leave for about 10 minutes. The bark is then filtered, washed in running water and dried in the sun. This helps rid the drink of the unpleasant odor and taste that tannins have.

Place all dry ingredients in a glass or wooden container. Pour them with vodka prepared with alcohol. Then use a wooden spoon or stick to mix everything well. Seal the container tightly and put it in a dark place for a month, shaking the cognac periodically.

Strain the resulting drink through cheesecloth and cotton wool, pour into bottles and seal tightly. The shelf life of such alcohol reaches five years.

Recipes for making liqueur at home

Liqueur is usually a sweet alcoholic drink with pleasant, alluring aromas. It's easy to make at home. A sweet elixir is made from fruit or berry juices with the addition of sugar, alcohol and water.

To create raspberry liqueur you need to do some simple manipulations:

  1. Rinse the berries thoroughly. Place them in a glass container and fill with alcohol.
  2. Place the workpiece in a secluded place for two weeks. Shake the mixture lightly every five days.
  3. Mix sugar and water in a 1:1 ratio. Boil the syrup from the ingredients until white foam stops appearing.
  4. Cool the syrup to body temperature. Then pour it into raspberries that have been brewed for 14 days.
  5. Place in a dark place for two weeks. After the expiration date, strain the liqueur, pour into clean bottles and seal tightly.

A pleasant and aromatic liqueur based on coffee. To prepare it, the finely ground ingredient is combined with water and brought to a boil. Infuse it in a hermetically sealed container for 24 hours. The strained coffee liquid is combined with sugar and vodka. The mixture is heated until the crystals dissolve. The liquor is cooled and passed through cheesecloth several times. The drink is bottled and infused for several days.

Recommendations for making strong homemade drinks

Making your favorite alcoholic drink at home is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. There are various recipes for this that simplify the entire process, eliminating the rule of “trial and error.” If you follow the proven instructions exactly, the result will exceed your expectations.

It is very important to remember the basic rules for preparing strong alcoholic drinks:

  • the water must be clean, without any foreign impurities;
  • You can only use food alcohol;
  • follow the recipe strictly;
  • do not neglect production techniques;
  • add fragrant herbs in moderation so as not to spoil the taste of alcoholic drinks;
  • wash all ingredients thoroughly and submit to the necessary processing;
  • The dishes for infusion and pouring must be made of natural material and perfectly clean.

Alcoholic drinks made at home are cheaper than in stores. In addition, everyone will try to use only high-quality and natural ingredients, making it less likely to get poisoned.

Well-known recipes will teach you how to make booze, and over time you can experiment and create your own masterpiece. The main thing is to adhere to the correct technology for creating each individual drink.

Attention: the information is provided for informational purposes. Remember the dangers of alcohol!

Vodka is a multifaceted product; it is made at home using all kinds of raw materials - sweets, jam, potatoes, grapes, etc. Let's consider the traditional technology for preparing an alcoholic drink from sugar and yeast.

Feedstock: purified water, sugar, dry yeast

Equipment: container, moonshine still

The initial stage includes preparing sugar mash at the rate of 1 kg. sugar per 5 liters of water. Water is poured into a large container and sugar is added.

To speed up the process of dissolving sugar, it is recommended to heat the water to a temperature of 30°C (you can use a boiler). After thoroughly stirring the sugar in warm water, add dry yeast (about 100 grams).

After the specified time, the ripened sugar mash is poured into a distillation complex (moonshine still) to further produce raw alcohol. Next, a steam chamber and a so-called refrigerator are installed.

The device has thermoelectric heaters at the very bottom, so constant monitoring of the liquid will prevent them from burning out.

Connecting the tubes will determine the supply and exit of water and the finished product. In this case, the water outlet tube must be immersed in any container.

Modern distillation complexes provide for the connection of automation; temperature sensors are also connected directly to the apparatus. Thanks to this device, managing processes becomes much easier.

After starting the device, the mass heats up, and when the temperature reaches 98°C, the device will automatically turn off. You can periodically measure the alcohol content in the water leaving the machine. Most often, at the extreme temperature it will reach less than 5%.

In the end it worked out raw alcohol, and to produce pure alcohol you must go through a rectification process. To carry out rectification, it is necessary to replace the nozzle of the device; to do this, it must be disassembled. The raw spit is carefully drained, the sediment is removed, and the container is washed. Then the alcohol is again placed in the installation and the addition of additional elements begins - a stainless pipe, inside of which there is a spiral-prismatic nozzle.

It is also necessary to attach a start-stop system, as well as a silicone tube at the outlet of the reflux condenser (to discharge heated water).

The operating principle of a distillation column. The raw alcohol boils in the installation tank and the vapors begin to rise up the pipe. The vapor also contains harmful fractions that need to be gotten rid of. In the dephlegmator, the steam cools and begins to flow back into the pipe, ending up in a spiral-prismatic nozzle. When the nozzle is hot, the vapors begin to evaporate again and enter the reflux condenser.

Such repeated cooling and evaporation will contribute to the alignment of substances in the vapor state in the following sequence:

  • at the very top there are light ether-aldehyde fractions;
  • Below are the low-boiling fractions (pure alcohol).

To gradually remove the top layer, open the clamp of the “start-stop” system, as a result of which a slow selection of harmful alcohol fractions begins (no more than 120 milliliters per hour).

It’s easy to determine this speed; just set the amount of alcohol flowing out in 1 minute and multiply by 60.

Through this selection, the temperature of the installation is reduced or increased. Ultimately, 10% of harmful fractions should come out of the installation (for 5 liters of alcohol - 500 ml).

The total operating time should ideally be 8 hours, but it is generally practiced to operate the column for 3-4 hours. It should be noted that the lower the selection speed, the better the quality of the finished product.

Many of us know what a mini-distillery is and what function it performs. True, not everyone can afford to purchase such a unit and produce highly purified alcohol at home. Fortunately, you can avoid spending large sums of money and make the design yourself. Let's consider the operating principle of a home mini-distillery, as well as the algorithm for its self-assembly at home.


Of course, most of us know how much quality homemade alcohol costs these days. In addition, the composition of the drinks that we buy in stores may not correspond to what is written on the packaging. In order not to take risks and not overpay, you can go the other way and use the simplest household mini-distillery right at home. With its help, you can not only produce highly purified alcohol and all kinds of drinks. Perhaps he will help you open your own business and produce alcohol at home not only for yourself and your loved ones.

To understand how a mini-distillery works, you need to understand the components and basics of making alcohol at home.

Mini-distillery for making alcohol at home

The main ingredient when creating alcohol with your own hands is considered to be plant fibers. These include juice from berry crops, grain, potatoes, sugar beets and waste from its processing.

A one-time distillation of this raw material at home only provides preliminary separation of the primary mash. The latter contains many components, including not only alcohol, but also many harmful products: ethyl acetate, acetaldehyde, ethyl methanoate. The presence of all these components is extremely undesirable in any food product.

To get rid of these impurities, the mash undergoes repeated cleaning, called fractionation. This process guarantees the production of highly purified homemade alcohol, which can be used not only for making drinks, but also for any household purposes.

It is important to know!

The easiest way to recover from alcoholism without pills, injections or doctors with a 100% guarantee of results. Find out how our reader, Tatyana, saved her husband from alcoholism, without his knowledge...


Extracting pure alcohol at home is completely similar to industrial alcohol production. This can be judged by the equipment of modern mini-distilleries. Their design includes the same elements as in factory installations, only much smaller in size. It is worth remembering that the presence of certain parts determines the price category of units for the production of alcohol - the more expensive the device, the more components it includes. An average-cost household mini-distillery consists of the following elements:

  • unit for water-thermal processing of the mixture;
  • pure culture mixer;
  • fermentation vessels;
  • unit for distilling the mixture;
  • rectification device;
  • installation for re-cleaning mash;
  • device for absolutization - the final stage of mash cleaning.

Equipment for a modern mini-distillery

The unit, which includes all these parts, works according to the following principle. First, the mash enters the heat treatment unit. There it is exposed to high temperatures, and also undergoes crushing with a hammer crusher in specially created conditions. Then the crushed mash is mixed with water and alpha-amylase, a special enzyme preparation. After this, the resulting mixture is exposed to a powerful steam jet and treated with enzymes. This is how the mini-distillery produces high-quality and chilled alcohol, which can then be mixed with plant components. As a result of this, folk craftsmen receive medicinal or alcohol and other natural medicines.

It is important to remember that in order to achieve a good result when processing mash at home, the latter must be mixed correctly. To do this, it is necessary to strictly observe, all components of the mixture must be added in optimal proportions and fermented under certain conditions.


Having understood the principle of operation of the unit at home, you can begin making it yourself. We will use the simplest materials that can be found at home. As a result of this, we will be able to save a good amount of money. To make it yourself you will need:

  • galvanized bucket with a capacity of up to 8 liters;
  • 2 meters of copper pipe;
  • clamp and a pair of bolts;
  • cold welding;
  • aluminum pan or can;
  • 3–4 nuts;
  • silicone gasket;
  • several screw ties;
  • 2–3 meters of steel wire;
  • drill.

Before you start assembling it yourself, we recommend making an approximate drawing in which you need to indicate the dimensions and locations of connections between the elements. In addition, in the drawing it is worth noting the number of fasteners used and the volume of vessels. This way you won’t get confused when assembling the device at home.

Drawing of a home mini-factory for the production of alcohol

First you need to make a coil. To make it at home, you can take any cylinder and wrap a copper tube around it. Both ends must remain open so that couples can enter and exit the coil without obstruction. Next, take a drill and drill a small hole in the wall of the bucket. The hole size must be calculated depending on the diameter of the copper tube. It should fit right into the hole and not dangle in it. We pass the lower part of our coil through the hole, while we secure the upper part in a standing position using a clamp and bolts. It is important to pay attention to the tightness of the lower end of the tube. It is best to coat this part of the coil with cold welding.

The next step in making the device yourself will be preparing the distillation cube. To do this, take a can or pan with a sealed lid, and then connect it to the apparatus. If the lid does not fit tightly to the vessel, it is best to use a silicone gasket. Remember, do not use rubber under any circumstances, as this material will simply spoil the alcohol with its smell.

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Alcohol is often used to make various homemade alcoholic drinks. But it can be difficult to get a quality product, so you can make it at home. The basis for making alcohol is wheat, potatoes, corn, and cereals are used to create malt.

Malt for making alcohol

Cereal grains must be sprouted in a small and shallow container. Grains should be scattered at the bottom, but not more than 3 cm; before this, the grain will need to be moistened in a manganese-potassium mixture. Next, the prepared grain is moistened with water and left on the sunny side. It is recommended to cover the grain container itself with glass or film. As water is absorbed, it should be added to the dishes, and also ensure that the cereals are constantly in the water.

After the first shoots appear and are 3 cm long, you can proceed to the next step. This length of sprouts indicates that the malt is ready. To obtain this length, it takes about a week, perhaps a little longer.

Starch for alcohol

When the malt is prepared, you should use any type of starch that is diluted in water. You can buy the starch itself or make it yourself, for example, from potatoes. Even potatoes that have begun to spoil can be used to remove starch and create alcohol. The root vegetable should be finely chopped and water should be poured into it at a ratio of 1:1. It turns out that for 1 kg of potatoes you will need 1 liter of water. After this, the contents are placed on low heat and everything is cooked for about 2 hours until a glue-like substance is obtained.

If corn or wheat is used to remove starch, then the grains will need to be initially crushed and ground, most importantly, the shell of the grains will need to be crushed. For grain you will need twice as much water, and the ratio will be 1:2, for 1 kg of grain 2 liters of water. Cook the ingredients until the porridge is thick, but not very dense.

Now you need to extract the starch from the resulting mixture. Initially, you need to let the finished mixture cool to about 60 degrees. While the mixture is cooling, you can grind the malt using a meat grinder or blender. Next, malt is added to the starch mixture and the temperature will need to be kept at 60 degrees. To do this, you need to put the container in hot water for an hour or simply wrap the container in a blanket. After this, the container is taken out and left indoors for final cooling and separation of starch.

Fermentation and distillation

After the mixture has completely cooled, yeast is introduced. For normal fermentation you will need a temperature of 18-20 degrees, but a little more is possible. The higher the temperature, the faster the fermentation will be. As a rule, 3 days will be enough for room temperature. At a temperature of 18 degrees, fermentation will take about a week.

When the mash is ready, you need to distill it, and for this you need a distillation apparatus. By the way, the strength of the final product – alcohol – depends on the distillation device. In order to get 1 liter of alcohol at home, with a strength of 60 degrees or more, you will need 100 grams of yeast per 2.5 kg of cereals.

After distillation, homemade alcohol is usually cloudy and not very pleasing to the eye, so it can be clarified. To purify alcohol, you can add a little potassium permanganate and mix the contents, then leave everything for a day. Next, the alcohol is drained so that the sediment is not agitated, and then everything is filtered through cheesecloth.

To improve the smell, you can put activated carbon in a bottle of alcohol and leave it for 14 days. Periodically, the container must be shaken and then filtered.

Other methods for making alcohol at home

There are different ways to make alcohol at home, using different ingredients:

  1. Sugar beet. It is best to remove the juice from the beets and ferment it, but you can go the other way. The beets are washed, then grated, malt is added to it, which can be used from the recipe described above, and hot water is added. The contents must be boiled until the beets become soft, then grind them through a sieve. The wort must be cooled to room temperature and the yeast must be added without removing the grounds. To create such a mash you will need 500 grams of malt, 5 liters of water and 10-15 kg of beets. Before obtaining alcohol, you need to squeeze out the grounds. The output is 1-1.5 liters of the finished product.
  2. Fruits and berries. Berries or other types of fruit can be used to create alcohol. They need to be crushed, then add 5% malt, counting from the total mass, and add water. Next, water is added and everything is thoroughly mixed. Boil the contents over low heat, then grind using a sieve and leave to cool and ferment. When creating homemade alcohol, it is recommended to use unripe fruits and it is better that they are tart, since green fruits contain a lot of starch, which will turn into sugar only at the ripening stage.
  3. Bread. Alcohol can be obtained from bread mash; for this you need to put 10 loaves of black bread in 10 liters of warm water and leave everything to cook until the bread is completely dissolved. Next, the contents are cooled to 60 degrees and 3.5 kg of malt is added. The ingredients must be left for 3 hours, maintaining a constant temperature of 60 degrees. Next, the mash is cooled to room temperature and 350 grams of yeast is added to it. Everything needs to be left for a week to ferment, and after distillation you should get 2 liters of alcohol.
  4. Sugar. Sugar mash will allow you to get up to 4 liters of alcohol. To prepare it, you will need to use 30 liters of water, about 7 kg of sugar, and 500 grams of yeast.
  5. Jam. If the jam has already been candied and no one wants to eat it, then alcohol can be made from it. To prepare you need 6 kg of base, 30 liters of water, and 200 grams of yeast. This amount of ingredients will yield approximately 3 liters of alcohol.
  6. Candies. If you have candies with filling, you can also make alcohol from them. To do this, you need to dilute 1 kg of sweets in 5 liters of water and add 40 grams of yeast. This amount can yield 500 ml of alcohol, which will have a delicate and unusual taste.
  7. Wild pears. It is from such fruits that the maximum amount of alcohol can be obtained. To do this, it will be enough to boil 2.5 buckets of pears, then add 1.5 kg of malt and 2.5 kg of water. The prepared contents must be supplemented with 2.5 kg of sugar, as well as 100 grams of yeast. The output from the resulting raw materials will be 3 liters of alcohol.

Using such simple recipes, you can make alcohol at home and the better the distillation apparatus, the larger, stronger and better the alcohol will be.

As already mentioned, to obtain moonshine you will need three components: raw materials, on the basis of which alcohol will be prepared, water and starter culture.

Moonshine made from cereals - rye, wheat, oats, buckwheat or barley, etc., as well as potatoes and sugar beets is considered the highest quality. In addition, berries, fruits (especially apples, plums and pears), beer, starch, sugar, honey, halva, jam, molasses and even candies are used as a base. However, rye grains are still in the lead, since the moonshine obtained from them tastes the most pleasant and does not give a severe hangover.

If you want to get a pleasant, mild-tasting alcohol, place high demands on the second necessary component - water. Its hardness should not exceed 4 mg/eq. For example, in Moscow before the revolution, water intended for the production of alcohol was delivered exclusively from certain, proven places, which were springs in Mytishchi, in the upper reaches of the Klyazma and Moskva Rivers.

The third component is no less important. The quality of the prepared product also largely depends on it. Previously, rye sourdough was used, then brewer's yeast, and later they began to use artificially grown yeast cultures. If yeast is not available, you can replace it with ripe hop cones, from which a decoction is prepared, then added to the starter.

The initial stage of preparing alcohol is to obtain mash, for which all three of the above components are combined in certain proportions. Here are some tips that are useful for both beginners and professionals in the “art of brewing.”

– How do you know if the mash is ready? To do this, bring a lit match to the container. If the match goes out, it means the product is not ready yet. Another way is to taste the mash. The sweetish mash has not yet “reached its condition.” A bitter taste indicates the product is ready.

– Braga should be infused in wooden or enamel containers.

– Quality also depends on temperature. Fermentation must take place in a warm place. The optimal temperature is considered to be 50–60 °C. In villages, the vessels in which the mash is prepared are usually placed on the stove.

– To obtain vodka with a pleasant taste, smell and color, you can add galangal root to the starter before starting to prepare the mash. The resulting vodka will be light brown in color, pleasant in taste and smell. For the same purpose, you can add bison grass, a dried mint sprig, and ripe red pepper to the starter.

– Never throw away waste. Everything necessary to start a new fermentation is added to the used mash. Vodka obtained from such mash is always of the best quality.

To prepare alcohol, the mash that has reached readiness is subjected to distillation. Note that alcohol produced by single distillation is significantly inferior in quality to alcohol obtained by triple distillation.

And now we will give recipes for making moonshine for every taste, because the basis (raw materials) can be a wide variety of products.

Bread moonshine

This is the highest quality moonshine and, perhaps, the most popular. Quite strong, it nevertheless has a mild taste. There is no severe hangover after drinking it.

Ingredients: grain (rye is preferable) – 4 kg, yeast – 50 g, water – 30 l.

Preparation: pour 10 liters of water into a sufficiently capacious container. It should be hot and not hard (remember, water hardness should not exceed 4 mg/eq.). Pour the grain into the water and mix well, then add another 10 liters of the same hot water, and after a while pour in the same amount of cold water. After adding the yeast, close the container and let the mash brew. After 3 days, the finished mash can be distilled.

Potato moonshine

Ingredients: peeled fresh potatoes – 1 kg, rye flour – 1 kg, rye straw – 50 g, water.

Preparation: Finely chop the potatoes, then mash them with a rolling pin and place in a container. Add boiling water to obtain a mixture with a volume of 20 liters. Add rye flour and straw, let it brew for 2 hours. After this time, you will see that a cloudy sediment has appeared in the container. Carefully drain the liquid, and again add water at a temperature of 50 °C to the resulting sediment. Mix everything well. Wait a while and drain the liquid again, combine it with the liquid from the previous drain and place the fermentation container. Distill the finished potato mash. As a result, you will get soft moonshine with a strength of no more than 20%.

Moonshine bread with potatoes

Ingredients: malt (sprouted, dried and ground rye, wheat, barley, millet, corn and peas) - 2 buckets, potatoes - 4-5 buckets, yeast - 0.5 kg, water.

Preparation: Boil the potatoes and mash them in the water that remains after cooking. Place in a tub. Sprinkle malt flour on top. Pound again until you obtain a smooth, jelly-like mass. The mixture should be very hot during cooking. Sprinkle the mixture again with the remaining flour and leave overnight. After 10–12 hours, stir, pour into a barrel, add yeast. Leave to ferment for 5-6 days. Afterwards you can distill it.

Moonshine with hops

Ingredients: rye or wheat grain – 1 bucket, boiled potatoes – 2 buckets, boiled hops – 3 l, mashed – 1.5–2 l, water.

Preparation: Sprout wheat or rye in a wooden trough. Boil the potatoes and remember them well. Add boiled hops to the mash, that is, the mash left over from last time. Next, thoroughly mix the grain, potatoes and mash. The grain can be ground or passed through a meat grinder.

Place the mash in a warm place. When the fermentation process is over, you can begin distillation.

Sugar beet moonshine

Ingredients: finely chopped beets (to fill a 10-liter container), Poltava cereal - 2 kg, water.

Preparation: fill the container with beets, then fill it with water, close the lid and put on fire. Boil the mixture for 1.5–2 hours, then drain the water into a separate bowl, and boil the beets in the container again, adding new water. Repeat the operation again.

Pour 5 liters of the resulting beet water into the cereal and place the mixture in a warm place. After 5 days, add 15 liters of the same beet water and leave the mash to steep. After 2 weeks, the finished mash can be distilled.

Sugar moonshine

Ingredients: sugar – 6 kg, yeast – 200 g, water – 30 l, dry branches of currants or cherries and/or dry dill.

Preparation: Dissolve sugar in warm water and add yeast. Place in a warm place. To obtain a pleasant smell, you can add currant or cherry branches or dry dill. After 6–7 days, the mash is ready for distillation.

Moonshine from chokeberry

Ingredients: ripe berries – 1 kg, fresh kvass (bread) – 10 l, yeast – 50 g.

Preparation: thoroughly crush the berries, add kvass and yeast. Leave the resulting mixture for fermentation (the temperature should not be lower than 17 °C). Once the fermentation reaction is complete, distillation can begin. It is good to carry it out 3-4 times to obtain higher quality moonshine.

Moonshine from syrup

Ingredients: syrup (any) – 6 l, yeast – 200 g, water.

Preparation: dilute the syrup in water, add yeast. After a week, the mash can be distilled.

Moonshine from apple juice

Ingredients: apple juice – 35 l, sugar – 3 kg, yeast – 200 g.

Preparation: chop and grind the apples, squeeze out the juice. Add sugar and yeast. Let the mash brew in a warm place, after a week you can start distilling.

Moonshine from plums

Ingredients: plums - 3 buckets, sugar - to taste.

Preparation: Mash the plums and leave to ferment for 2 weeks. No need to add water. If you add sugar, the product yield after distillation will be greater.

Moonshine from pears

Ingredients: boiled garden pears - 5 buckets, sugar - 2 kg, yeast - 200 g, water - 5 l.

Preparation: Add pears, sugar and yeast to the water. Place in a warm place for a week. After this time, distill the finished mash.

Moonshine from grapes

Ingredients: grapes, yeast – 100 g, sugar – 5 kg, water – 30 l.

Preparation: crush the grapes, leave the juice for wine, and add yeast and sugar to the grapes (1 bucket). Dilute in water. Leave for 1 week, then distill.

Moonshine from starch

Ingredients: starch - 10 kg, yeast - 500 g, sugar - 1 kg, water - 2 buckets.

Preparation: add starch to water and brew like jelly. Then add yeast and sugar. Infuse for 3-5 days, then distill.

Moonshine from halva

Ingredients: halva – 10 kg, water – 15–20 l.

Preparation: dilute the halva in warm water. Let the mash brew for 8 days and distill.

To prevent moonshine from smelling like sunflower oil, add a sprig of mint to it.

Moonshine from candies

Ingredients: candies (with filling) – 5 kg, water – 2 buckets.

Preparation: Dissolve the candies in warm water. Leave for 4-5 days, then distill.

Moonshine made from tomato paste, sugar and beer

Ingredients: tomato paste – 250 g, beer – 1 bottle, sugar – 10 kg, water – 30 l.

Preparation: Pour water over the mixture of tomato paste, beer and sugar. Stir, let ferment in a warm place, then distill the finished mash.

Moonshine "medovukha"

Ingredients: honey - 4 jars of 700 g (that is, 2800 g of honey), syrup (any) - 3 l, yeast - 300 g, water - 27 l.

Preparation: mix honey, syrup and yeast, add water. Leave in a warm place for a week and distill.

Moonshine “ready in a day” (method 1)

Ingredients: peas – 1 kg, sugar – 5 kg, yeast – 500 g, fresh milk – 1 l, water – 15 l.

Preparation: mix peas with sugar, add yeast, add warm water. Add fresh milk. Let stand for a day, then distill.

Moonshine “ready in a day” (method 2)

Ingredients: sugar – 5 kg, yeast – 500 g, medium-sized raw potatoes – 25 pcs., milk – 3 glasses, bread – 4 loaves, water – 25 l.

Preparation: combine all ingredients, add boiled water, mix well. The mixture ferments within 24 hours. After this time, distill the finished mash.

Moonshine “ready in... 2 hours”

Ingredients: sugar – 10 kg, yeast – 1 pack, milk – 3 l, water – 3-4 l.

Preparation: very unusual. Pour sugar, yeast and milk along with water into the washing machine. Spin for 2 hours, then let it sit for a while and start distilling.



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