How time distortion works. Time distortion or mysterious space

My working day is very clearly scheduled, literally minute by minute. I don’t like to be late, and I work with older people, many of them are still from the Soviet era, they like order in everything, and value punctuality.

For the sake of my beloved charges, I try to be as precise as a clock. I took my daughter to kindergarten, the bus arrived on schedule, and I arrived at the first granny’s place at exactly 10 am. As usual, I started cleaning. I have already studied the apartment, what is expected of me, I also know, the entire site is already set up and memorized.

I must note that you can’t spoil this client of mine, she always watches her work very carefully, so it’s impossible to leave her even a minute early. After the third remark, I understand that something is wrong with me today - I forgot to do one thing, then another.

By the end of the third hour I estimate that I won’t make it in time, I’ll definitely stay 20 minutes over time. In principle, it’s not that scary, I’ll have time to pick up my daughter from kindergarten at exactly two o’clock, feed the children lunch, lie down for 20 minutes to relieve my back, and run to the next granny. I have to travel with two transfers: a bus, a train and a bus again. On the train I blinked for a long time and passed my stop. All! Now there is definitely no time. For me this is a disaster. I grab the phone to call my son, let him go to the kindergarten site for a small child, and then call the kindergarten to let my daughter and brother go home.

But at the station where I jumped out to board in the opposite direction, there was only an emergency call. I don’t need the police and the ambulance, they won’t provide assistance in picking up the children from kindergarten and they won’t quickly rush me home either. I’m already on the verge of hysterics waiting for the train, trying to calm my nerves. I convince myself that everything is fine, well, I’ll pick you up half an hour later, it happens to everyone. Well, if I don’t have time to eat and lie down, I’ll take a painkiller, chew a sandwich on the way, and warm up pizza for the children. It was in these thoughts that I arrived at the kindergarten. I’m running, formulating an apology for being late. I notice that there is no longer the usual bustle near the entrance; of course, everyone has already left.

In the hall I run into the headmistress, say hello, and put a smile on my face. She asks so sympathetically that something may have happened to me, the site. I, slightly embarrassed, say that it’s okay, I just have a problem with transport today. And then she says, and it dawns on me, like a giraffe, for a very long time: “Oh, I’m holding you back. You're in a hurry. Since they came for the child so early, something important. Run, they just came out into the street.” Children go outside around one o'clock in the afternoon. I came to the garden exactly at one o'clock! At one o'clock in the afternoon I should have left the client's place if I had not been late and left 20 minutes later. Exactly an hour earlier than she should have arrived if she hadn’t missed her stop and was driving normally. At what point do I

Scientists and ordinary researchers are haunted by other dimensions... They constantly wonder if the past and the future really exist and if so, is it possible to move there?

As you know, the basis of everything that exists is two quantities - space and time, inextricably linked with each other. The properties of space are such that it can remember what is happening, that is, it acts as an information carrier. Such a feature could help to look at least into the past, but so far scientists still cannot unravel the nature of this phenomenon and therefore we can only observe.

Scientists have guessed about the existence of parallel worlds since ancient times. And after Einstein’s work, what was previously discussed unofficially began to be stated openly. So what kind of phenomenon is this, what is its nature, and where do various objects suddenly appear out of nowhere, resembling a nebula with an image inside?

Scientists believe that in so-called parallel dimensions there may be countless twins of planet Earth. Each of them, albeit slightly, will differ from the others, which is associated with a cause-and-effect relationship and many options for the consequences that can occur from one cause. For example, if you throw a ball on the floor, there will be quite a lot of options in which direction it will bounce, and each of them could happen in a parallel reality, which means that there will be exactly that many parallel worlds. Events in these worlds can develop differently, despite the fact that the time for each of them is the same. In one case, humanity may not exist there, due to some cataclysm or event that prevented the origin of life. In another, civilization could go far ahead of us today and, among other things, find a way to move between worlds.

The most common phenomenon reported by eyewitnesses is when people see various objects appearing out of nowhere. Moreover, these can be both people or creatures similar to them, and inanimate objects. Cases have been recorded in which the appearance of entire cities was observed, and according to eyewitnesses, in some cases these were megacities with modern infrastructure, while in other evidence, on the contrary, ancient buildings and residents in appropriate clothing are mentioned. Experts have come to the conclusion that these visions may demonstrate the past or future of a given area, or that two parallel realities are layered on top of each other. In this case, according to researchers, this phenomenon should not be confused with the appearance of phantoms - cities that once existed and disappeared due to various circumstances.

The appearance of these objects is recorded in places with anomalous geophysical data, for example, in zones of tectonic faults. As a rule, in such an area there is very sparse vegetation and almost no birds. Cracks in tectonic plates are characterized by excessive magnetic field activity, which in turn can lead to parallel worlds being layered on top of each other. Each of us could encounter a similar phenomenon, and at home, watching TV. When receiving an analog signal from a TV tower, you can often see how the image of one TV channel is superimposed by another; the same can happen when using analog radio communications. The fact is that people still do not know all the possibilities of the magnetic and electromagnetic fields, so a complete solution to this phenomenon is still far away.

If tectonic faults are not very frequent, then intersections of the Earth’s magnetic lines occur constantly and most often the size of the area does not exceed several meters in length. They are also sources of magnetic anomalies, but in most cases they generate small objects. You can find such a zone even in your apartment, using a simple magnetic frame; in addition, for some reason cats simply adore the intersection points - they constantly sleep there. It should be noted that, unlike a fault, the intersection has almost no negative effect on the energy in the room. If a residential building is built over a fault, then its residents will never have peace and most often do not stay in this place.

At the same time, some researchers argue that highly developed alien civilizations that periodically visit our planet may well have knowledge that allows them to move between worlds. And who knows, maybe they themselves are residents of the same Earth, but located in a parallel dimension. As evidence, we can cite the fact that there is still no consensus on what exactly alien guests should look like. The common stereotype of elongated, large heads, small mouths and completely bare skin may be nothing more than fiction. Although it cannot be ruled out that these are actually inhabitants of that other Earth, but significantly evolved.

The fact that this may well be the case is confirmed by artifacts left over from ancient civilizations that existed more than ten thousand years ago. The drawings that have come down to us, left on the walls of the Egyptian and Peruvian pyramids, as well as written sources, mention gods who came from heaven. Particularly noteworthy is the fact that these creatures could instantly disappear and appear on their aircraft, and each time this was accompanied by a bright light. Such signs are very characteristic of spatial portals, so it is possible that the ancient races of the Atlanteans and Hyperboreans that once existed did not die, but simply moved to another dimension.

Perhaps this also explains the activity of UFOs in anomalous zones. The Bermuda Triangle, fault zones of tectonic plates and many other places with anomalous properties always have the same signs - here any electronic devices refuse to work, and the action of mechanical ones ceases to obey common logic. This is explained by the presence of super-powerful magnetic fields, which means that this is where the entrances to parallel worlds can be located.

The visions that appear often have the same character and, in fact, resemble a recording saved on some medium and constantly played. The fact that space is capable of remembering events and then reproducing them has been known for a very long time. For example, scientists were able to use special ultrasonic equipment to read the conversation of two priests from the walls of an ancient Egyptian tomb. This is precisely what can explain the appearance of such pictures in anomalous magnetic zones, because in fact, any type of information is stored on a magnetic medium.

Often, pictures of events that happened in the past also appear in places where there are rocks; experts have proven that in this case they act as a carrier of information on which the event is recorded.

Experts believe that optical illusions, called mirages, are of a similar nature, although it is generally known that this is just the effect of refraction of sunlight between layers of air having different temperatures. This could be taken as an explanation, but how to explain the appearance of objects that were in this place for a long time? Eyewitnesses have more than once encountered situations where, after several days or even months, an object reappeared; some mirages exist for centuries. It is quite possible that the same effect is taking place here as in the case of distant galaxies, which may no longer exist, but we continue to see light reflected from them and reaching us after millions of light years. It is possible that photons, like a crystal structure, are capable of storing information about an event and periodically repeating it under certain conditions. Proof of this can be the fact that repeating mirages occur only in the same places, usually in deserts. In all other cases, this is truly an atmospheric-optical phenomenon.

Scientists still have to work to unravel the mystery of the appearance of paintings in the air, because the reasons for their appearance can be very different. Appearing views from the past at the site of various significant events or unknown and inexplicable visual effects, all of them still amaze the imagination primarily because of their silence. It is quite possible that we will one day be able to understand what kind of information they carry, and it is possible that then the veil will be lifted from the mystery of space-time movements.

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There's another facet of reality that we rarely think about: the brain's perception of time can be extremely strange. In certain situations, it seems to us that reality is moving either faster or slower.

When I was eight years old, I fell from the roof of a house, and then it seemed to me that I had been falling for a long time. In high school, when I was introduced to physics, I calculated that the fall lasted 0.8 seconds, and I wanted to figure out why time stretched out so much for me and what this says about our perception of reality.

Jeb Corliss, a professional skydiver using a wing suit, once experienced a time warp high in the mountains. It all started with a simple jump that he had performed before. But on this day, he set himself the goal of knocking down several balloons with his body. Jeb recalls: “As I approached one of the balls, which was tied to a granite ledge, I missed.” The skydiver hit a granite rock at a speed of about 200 km/h.

Jeb is a professional, and therefore everything that happened that day was filmed by several cameras installed on the rocks and attached to his body. In the video, the sound of hitting a granite rock can be heard. The jab flies past the cameras and over the edge of the ledge he just grazed.

A small miscalculation while jumping in the wing suit left Jeb fearing for his life. His internal perception of the event was different from what was captured on video cameras.

At this moment, Jeb's perception of time became distorted. This is how he describes his sensations: “Two thought processes were occurring simultaneously in my brain. One made purely technical calculations. You have a choice of one of two options. Or don't pull the parachute's pilot cord, and then you'll hit the rocks and die. Or pull the cable and open the parachute - then you will bleed while you wait for help.”

Jeb thought the selection process took several minutes. “The brain works so fast that everything else seems to slow down and stretch out. Time slows down and there is a feeling of slow motion.”

He pulled the ripcord and fell smoothly to the ground, breaking his shin, both ankles and three toes. Six seconds passed between hitting the rock and the moment Jeb pulled the ripcord. However, as in my case of falling from the roof, this period of time seemed much longer to him.

Subjective time dilation has been reported by many people who have found themselves in life-threatening situations, such as car accidents, or who have witnessed a loved one in danger, such as a child falling into a lake. What characterizes all of these stories is the sense that events unfold more slowly than usual and are full of vivid detail.

When the numbers on the perceptual chronometer change slowly, they can be read. With a slight increase in speed it is impossible to read them.

What happened in my brain when I fell off the roof, or in Jeb's brain when he hit the rock ledge? Does time really slow down when you're scared?

Several years ago, my students and I designed an experiment that would answer this question. We caused great fear in people by making them fly 50 meters in the air backwards.

In this experiment, a digital display was attached to the wrist of a falling person—we called the device we invented a perceptual chronometer. Subjects then reported which running digits they could read on a display on their wrist. If time really slowed down for them, they could read the numbers. But no one could do this.

Why did both Jeb and I remember that everything seemed to happen in slow motion? In all likelihood, the reason lies in the memory mechanism.

02.05.2014 Mysteries of Planet Earth : 38048 :

Even Academician Sakharov, in his work “Multi-leaf model of the Universe” and some other articles devoted to the properties of curved space, recognized that along with the observable Universe there are many others.

The idea of ​​parallel worlds is already widely accepted these days. And you can get there by “piercing” the space with a powerful energy blow, which is probably the case. But such “punctures” of the space-time continuum can occur not only as a result of the influence of electromagnetic and gravitational fields. Often similar phenomena occur during nuclear explosions.

Here is the testimony of military builder S.A. Alekseenko, who worked at the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site under the command of General Vertelov. Each time, military builders restored engineering structures destroyed by the next nuclear explosion. One day, in the summer of 1973, an explosive device located in a well at a depth of three kilometers went off very late: just at the moment when the builders approached the well itself.

Alekseenko describes his feelings at this:

“I felt like my leg was hanging in empty space. Something lifted me, the general and Ivanov, who were in front, suddenly found themselves below and somehow smaller. It seemed as if the entire globe had disappeared... Then a heavy, heavy sigh was heard from somewhere below, and I found myself at the bottom of the ravine. Ivanov disappeared, and Konstantin Mikhailovich found himself on the edge of a cliff, I saw him as if through a huge lens: magnified several times. Then the wave subsided, we were all again standing on a flat surface that was shaking like jelly... Then it was as if a door to another world had been sharply slammed, the shaking stopped, the earth's crust froze, and I again felt the force of gravity..."

The subjective description of what is happening is very reminiscent of the separation of the etheric “double”, which in itself is one of the ways to move into parallel spaces. Candidate of Technical Sciences A. Sviyash gives the following description of the etheric body, which is often called the “double” or “double” of the physical body:

“The first subtle body is the etheric, or energetic, body of a person. This body is an exact copy of the physical body. It exactly repeats its silhouette, extending beyond it by 3 - 5 cm.

This subtle body has the same structure as the physical body, including its organs and parts. It consists of a special type of matter called ether. Ether occupies an intermediate position between the dense matter that makes up our world and even more subtle types of matter than ethereal matter. In principle, in the Eastern tradition, the etheric body does not belong to the subtle bodies, but is considered a type of our dense body.

The bodies of many entities are made of ethereal matter, references to which we find in fairy tales and mystical literature. These are ghosts, brownies, various kinds of underground inhabitants - gnomes, trolls, etc.”

According to researcher V. Yartsev, the etheric body connects the cells of the body with energy and information into a single harmonious whole. Currently, in addition to the ethereal, scientists have also well studied the astral and mental bodies. Thus, Professor E. Borozdin notes the presence of these bodies in a huge number of objects: from single-celled to mammals.

As for Alekseenko’s story, as the researcher of anomalous phenomena I. Tsarev notes, the description of optical effects is very reminiscent of the curvature of light rays and space itself. As a rule, with such a phenomenon, the curvature of space leads to “contact” with parallel worlds. In addition, the theory of N.A. Kozyrev, already mentioned by us, connected thermonuclear reactions on the Sun with the energy of the flow of time.

From which we can draw a definite conclusion that nuclear reactions occurring during explosions cause a change in the course of time, which in turn leads to a change in the entire space-time continuum. Space and time are curved, and as a result, a “hole” is formed in our world, through which contact with parallel worlds, as well as with the past and future, is possible. It is no coincidence that the military of all countries note the presence of UFOs at nuclear test sites, shortly before the explosions.

Alekseenko also recalls an unusual illness that from time to time happened to workers at the Semipalatinsk test site and which was dubbed "Doctor Zharov's disease." While studying animals, mainly sheep, that were exposed to a nearby nuclear explosion, Dr. Zharov came across a strange effect reminiscent of some phenomena of Indian yogis. Some of the animals seemed to disappear from life for several days - they did not breathe, did not move, and then suddenly got up and continued to live as if nothing had happened. The sheep, of course, could not talk about their feelings. But the same thing began to happen to the landfill workers.

Similar cases with people, no, no, and yes, occur throughout human history. One such incident, which occurred in one of the remote villages of the Northern Urals during the reign of Khrushchev, is described, according to a witness, by S. Demkin:

“In one village, the local Komsomol leader Mikhail, an instructor at the local Komsomol district committee, “received a signal” that all the icons from the closed church had been taken home, and the main one, the “prayed one,” was taken by the old woman Alevtina. And now everyone goes to her to pray if someone in the family is seriously ill. Moreover, they say that the icon helps better than any medicine.

Of course, it was impossible to ignore such “blatant obscurantism.” The Komsomol members went to the old woman in a crowd, and Mikhail demanded to “return the loot.” Alevtina begged to leave her the icon, but the Komsomol leader was adamant. Finally, with tears, she gave the “prayer” and asked not to desecrate it, but to transfer it to the local history museum. The old lady turned out to be literate.

The brigade spent the night at the school there, and when the stove was lit in the evening, Mikhail decided to throw “this junk” into the fire.
“He opened the oven door, took the icon and was already starting to move to throw it, when he suddenly froze,” Yakov Ivanovich recalled. - At first we didn’t understand anything. Someone said: “Give it up, what are you waiting for?” But Mikhail was silent, frozen in a strange position, as if in a child’s game. Something incomprehensible was happening to him: his eyes were bulging, there was a half-smile, half-grimace on his face. And he can’t move his arm or leg.

All our attempts to bring him to his senses came to nothing. It was not even possible to remove the icon from his hands. Then we took Mikhail to the freshly heated bathhouse, undressed him somehow, but we couldn’t take off his shirt and undershirt because of the icon. So they put it together with the icon. They handed over the parka and began to caress with brooms. There's no point. Only the icon fell from his hands. To stay out of the way, they threw her under the bench.

At dawn, they wrapped our Mikhail in a sheepskin coat, loaded him into a lorry and took him to the regional hospital. And from there, since the local doctors could not help him, he went to some medical institute.”

According to one version, this was a typical case of remote energy-informational influence of an old woman who felt that the icon was in danger. But there is another version, which M. Hope suggested to me. The researcher believes that distortions of the space-time continuum are directly related to the violation of the Supreme Laws of the Cosmos, i.e. with what we call evil.

In this case, an action aimed at violating these Laws led to a distortion of the time field around a person and, as a result, to his temporary or partial “dropout” from our time.

Apparently, the prayed icon had a fairly strong energy potential aimed at “correcting” the distortions of space-time in our world, i.e. to fight evil. Therefore, any aggression (i.e. manifestation of evil) towards the icon was met with retaliatory measures: as a true “guardian” the icon tried to remove this evil from our space-time.

It is known that a similar incident occurred with one girl in 1956 in Kuibyshev, when, after a disrespectful attitude towards the icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant and the statement: “If there is a God, let him punish me,” an unimaginable noise arose in the room, a whirlwind appeared and lightning flashed ( distortion of space-time) and the girl “petrified”, i.e. “fell out” of our time for 128 days.

The phenomenon of “distortion” of the real passage of time is often observed during various kinds of contacts with UFOs and entities of parallel worlds. During such contacts, phenomena of partial “falling out” from our time are also possible. Here is the opinion on this matter of a recognized authority in the field of ufology (the science of UFOs), Doctor of Technical Sciences V. Azhazhi:

“A lot of facts have accumulated abroad and in our country that allow us to assert that in some cases unidentified flying objects, flying or hovering over people or animals, are capable of causing temporary paralysis of their motor system, which usually goes away after the UFO departs...”

This once again proves that whatever the UFO problem is connected with, it nevertheless directly points to the ability of these objects to change the course of time. It is no coincidence that at UFO landing sites, researchers note differences in chronometer readings. Similar experiments were carried out, for example, by Professor A.V. Zolotov, who recorded the acceleration of time with an ordinary marine chronometer.

A similar thing can happen when a poltergeist manifests itself. Here is the story given by A. Kardashkin, an expert at the “Ecology of the Unknown” association, about one of the recognized authorities in the field of anomalous phenomena, I. Mirzalis:

“...Mirzalis is professional. In July 1990, there was a case when there was a conversation with people who had experienced the horror of a poltergeist. The conversation was friendly and inviting... but when one of the survivors of the adventure stood up to leave the table, Mirzalis glanced at his wristwatch and automatically noted the time “20.10” in his notebook... He left, and the conversation continued there same calm spirit. Soon, after 15 minutes, he returned. Igor Vladimirovich Mirzalis looked at the dial again and wrote down in his notebook: “20.10.” At first he did not notice the strange coincidence; but then, returning home, when he compared the numbers on different pages of the notebook, he spent a long time checking the progress of his watch with the blinking lights of the electronic board above the entrance to the tunnel. His watch was running fine!”

Another similar, but no less interesting case related to the “compression” of time is described by Moscow resident D. Davydov:

“One day in the spring of 1990, I called my friend, who lived one bus stop away from me, and suggested we go for a walk. We agreed to meet at my entrance. As I remember now, it was exactly two o’clock in the afternoon. After hanging up, I immediately left the house so as not to sit in the apartment, but to breathe some air in the yard. Literally at that very second I saw that my friend was coming towards me. But this could not be because, as I already said, he lived quite far from me!

I moved towards him, when suddenly I was blinded by a flash of light, and when I blinked, I saw that I was alone in the yard.

Not understanding what was happening, I got on the bus and went to my friend. He opened the door for me and said in surprise: “Well, you’re just like a jet plane!” I just called and it’s already here! How did you do it?”

I looked at my watch - it was exactly 14.00, although, according to my feelings, about forty minutes had passed since my call. Maybe my watch is slow? But that means my friend’s clock is also slow, because it also showed two. So I still don’t know where those forty minutes went..."

In both cases, a distortion in the passage of time was noted, which often accompanies all kinds of anomalous phenomena. You can unnoticed for a short period of time find yourself in a very close and similar, but still parallel reality, and then also unnoticed return. During such “travels,” upon returning to one’s reality, one can find oneself at almost the same point in the time flow, and thus, for the “traveler,” “extra” time subjectively appears.

But sometimes it happens that time describes a certain “loop”, i.e. its distortion becomes so strong that the phenomenon of “doubles” begins to appear. A person can see himself performing some action, and then, after some time, see the same event now through the eyes of his “double,” while switching places with him.

This happens almost as the famous science fiction writer Stanislav Lem describes it in “The Star Diaries of Ijon the Quiet” with only one significant difference - in the writer’s work, a “time loop” was formed as a result of the influence of a “black hole” and this is already accepted by modern science. How can something like this happen under terrestrial conditions? There is no clear answer to this question yet.

Nevertheless, such cases, although they occur quite rarely, are still not an exception for our world. It is known for certain that the famous German writer Johann Wolfgang von Goethe in 1771, on the way to Drusenheim, met his double, riding on a horse towards him. The double was dressed in a gray and gold coat, which Goethe did not have. But eight years later he returned to his native place wearing exactly the same coat that he had seen on his double.

Here is how another such incident, which occurred in 1975, is described by a resident of the city of Nytva, Perm region, V. Savintsev, who was a student at Perm University at that time: “...One late evening I, my friend Alexander, a student of another faculty, and our His common friend Igor and he walked around the city with the intention of “reading” three “monographs.” In our jargon, this meant drinking three bottles of pretty lousy wine. To do this, we decided to go to Igor, who lived nearby. And then suddenly some kind of incomprehensible apathy fell upon me. I refused to go with my comrades. Despite their persuasion, I jumped on the approaching trolleybus and went to my hostel.

And then something unprecedented happened: when approaching the house where Igor was renting a room in an apartment on the first floor, the friends saw a light in the window! This surprised Igor, since he had the only key to the room with him, and no one could enter there without it. He left during the day, and remembered well that the light was turned off. The young man grabbed the window sill and, pulling himself up, looked into the room. A second later he screamed, jumped to the ground and stared at Alexander in a daze.

“There, there, you, just look what’s there,” he muttered in horror. My friend looked out the window and also came into indescribable amazement and horror. In the room, at the table, sat... himself and Igor! Their doubles looked like an exact copy of the guys and were dressed the same way as them. At the same time, they were holding glasses of wine in their hands and talking about something, but no words were heard. Then both doubles looked at the window, laughed, raised their glasses in greeting and drank wine...

Alexander was also shocked by what he saw. The friends ran away from the incredible sight. They walked the streets for a long time and discussed what had happened. Finally, both came to the conclusion that it was all their imagination. The hallucination of one was transmitted to the other - that's all. Encouraged by this idea, they again went to the apartment where Igor lived. This time there was no light in the window of his room. They carefully entered the apartment. The door to Igor's room was locked.

Friends entered the room and turned on the light. No one. This calmed them down. They took out bottles, poured wine into glasses, drank and, sitting at the table, continued talking about that incredible hallucination. And then Igor jokingly said: “Or maybe these doubles of ours are now clinging to the windowsill and looking at us?” Both looked at the window, laughed and, raising their glasses in greeting, drank wine. Alexander was stunned: he realized that they had now exactly repeated the actions of their counterparts seen in the window!”

Well, as for the “falling out” (partial or complete) from our space-time, then a similar thing, as we remember, has already happened with some members of the Elridge crew who “fell out of the real flow of time.”

Here's how Bob Frissell describes the "Philadelphia experiment":

“Whatever the results of the Philadelphia Experiment, it actually took place in real life and was carried out by the US Navy in 1943. The USS Eldridge was used for this purpose. Scientists wanted to make this ship invisible to radar, not completely invisible. During the experiment, colors change from red to orange, yellow and green (remember the characteristic “green fog” noted by witnesses of the experiment - author’s note).

This does not take too much time, but the experimenters were unable to achieve a different phase. This is about the same as raising a jet plane a few meters above the ground and then turning off the engine. In other words, the experiment instantly failed. The warship and its entire crew disappeared from view for about four hours. When he appeared, some of the crew members were literally crushed into the deck, two were found in the compartments, some were not found at all, and the rest alternately dematerialized and rematerialized. It goes without saying that all the survivors were completely disoriented.”

But the failure of the experiment did not stop the American military, and in the 80s another attempt was made (the Montauk Project), which created a time loop and linked the two experiments together: “Two of the team members rushed into the water in the hope of swimming to land. And they really ended up on land, but not in Philadelphia, but in Long Island (in one of the areas of New York) in 1983. They “surfaced” precisely at this time, since then a similar experiment was carried out, called the “Montauk Project”. He was associated with the 1943 Philadelphia Experiment. These two were brothers, their names were Duncan and Edward Cameron.

Both experiments were carried out on August 12. According to Al Bilek (who claims his real name is Edward Cameron and that he is one of the two who jumped into the water from the USS Eldridge), there are four biofields on our planet, all of which peak in intensity every twenty years (1943 , 1963, 1983, etc.), precisely on August 12. This causes the magnetic energy to also peak at this time. This energy is enough to create a hyperspace field and for a warship to enter this space in 1943.”

And here is another piece of evidence about the Philadelphia experiment, which the American mathematician and astronomer Morris Jessup received in 1956 from the physicist K. Allende, a former “friend of a friend” of A. Einstein: “You may be interested in the fact that the unified field theory was actually developed by Einstein in 20s. But he rejected it on moral grounds; the results obtained frightened him... Despite this, the calculations performed on its basis by my friend Franklin Reno were implemented and justified themselves from the point of view of physical phenomena...

The result of the experiment was the complete invisibility of the warship on which it was carried out and its entire crew. The field used was in the form of a spheroid, flattened at the poles and extended a hundred yards over the side of the ship. The persons inside the field saw each other as blurry silhouettes, but nothing was visible outside. Today very few people from that crew remain. Most have gone crazy. One simply walked through the wall of the apartment in front of his wife, child and two comrades and then disappeared. Several people are still in this field, where everyone can get help from their comrades if they suddenly “fall into the void.” “Falling into the void” means becoming invisible to everyone, regardless of your will. The only salvation is for other people to quickly touch it and instantly turn off the field.

When, during an experiment, someone “fell into the void,” his body and face seemed to become stiff and truly icy—the person actually froze there. Defrosting lasts for several hours, people replace one another, and, having become visible, having acquired normal mass and weight, most go crazy... Those to whom consciousness returned claimed that such a state is the worst thing that can happen to a person in this world."

At the end of the letter, Allende indicated his naval number and the names of the people who participated in the experiment. All these facts eventually leaked to the official press. It is no coincidence that the US military department allocated $2 million to refute all facts related to the “Philadelphia experiment.” And, as you know, money is not simply thrown away. And there is no smoke without fire.

However, most likely, “falling out of the real flow of time” in this case is associated not with moving into parallel space, but with moving into a certain zone of curvature of the space-time continuum, into a certain “time bag”, a “black hole” where even time. D. Andreev described in “The Rose of the World” a similar place in the Universe as the very “bottom” of the lower worlds of hell, a kind of “dump of the universe”, where space and time collapse into a point. This is the very first, starting point of the upward spiral of evolution.

Similar to the “Philadelphia”, illiterate experiments over time lead to the fact that in our three-dimensional space-time channels of communication with the one-dimensional world of the “universal dump” are opened, even bypassing the two-dimensional worlds of inorganic entities.

The essence of the upward spiral of evolution is to move towards multidimensional consciousness, towards inhabiting the multidimensional realities of the higher worlds. The path of degradation leads to a fall into the two- and one-dimensional demonic worlds of hell.

Now it becomes clear why A. Einstein destroyed his provisions of the general field theory and came at the end of his life to a deep and genuine faith in God. He understood the danger of such experiments for humanity, which could lead to its complete degradation. The path to the higher worlds lies through the creation of an internal, rather than external, “time machine”.

Dedicated to Tim

The only reason for time to exist is to prevent everything from happening at once.

Albert Einstein


Whenever Chuck Berry finds himself on a cliff, on top of a mountain, or on board an airplane, he feels the urge to jump. But if you think about the rock and roll star, I hasten to clarify - this is a completely different Chuck Berry, “the first in New Zealand in skydiving: long and from high-altitude objects.” You've probably seen him in soda commercials. For example, in the Lilt commercial he jumped from a helicopter on a bicycle, twice. His jumps are now sponsored by energy drink company Red Bull, but rest assured, the feeling he gets in the air when he opens his parachute at the very last moment is more powerful than what he gets from a heavy dose of energy drink.

For twenty-five years now, Chuck Berry has been navigating the expanses of the air: he flies on a trim glider, on an ultralight aircraft, and makes parachute jumps - regular and long (once he jumped from a tent specially stretched for this purpose). However, his strong point is jumping from high-altitude objects: as a rule, these are skyscrapers, antenna towers, bridges and mountain peaks. Among other sports, this is perhaps one of the most extreme: at least 136 people have died since 1981. It turns out that every 60th athlete gives up his life.

The secret to Chuck's luck lies in his ability to control his mind. Before the jump, Chuck presents in detail every action necessary for a successful landing. Put any of us on the edge of, say, the TV tower in Kuala Lumpur - one of the tallest buildings in the world - most likely we will imagine in vivid colors the worst thing that could happen to us: a strong wind blows us away and we crash about a neighboring building, the parachute opens too late and, having fallen from a height of 421 m, we turn into a bloody mess on the sidewalk... However, Chuck, determining the exact direction of the wind and calculating the optimal time for opening the parachute, imagines himself rushing down and landing at the exact designated point . Of course, it wouldn’t be out of place to say that he has been preparing for the jump for a long time – over several months.

With years of training under his belt, Chuck should have had no difficulty flying the ultralight Swift. Swift is a hybrid of a hang glider and an airplane; from the first he inherited such a magnificent ability as hovering, from the second - the ability to easily take off from the ground, accelerating from the mountainside, that is, the plane does not drag you into the sky, as if in tow. It also has one more advantage - when folded, it fits into the trunk on the roof of a car. The front part of the aircraft looks like a compact paper airplane with very long, streamlined wings, the body itself is very short, and there is no tail at all.

The pilot sits in a small cockpit that covers only his head, shoulders and arms, leaving his legs free to accelerate. Remember the episode from The Flintstones: Fred Flintstone, getting into his wooden car, sets it in motion, quickly moving his feet along the ground. The pilot acts in the same way - having accelerated properly, the Swift takes off from the rocky ledge and flies.

For the Swift flight, Chuck chose Coronet Peak near the city of Queenstown, popular for bungee jumping. It was a fine summer day; The mountain peak, clearly silhouetted against the bright blue sky, seemed unreal, like a theatrical set. The mountain was perfect as a breakout point. However, the slow soaring seemed too banal to Chuck, and he decided to spice it up with acrobatics in the air. Having caught the updraft, Chuck flew the hang glider up and at an altitude of 1600 m sent the car into a steep dive. Chuck had the following idea: to stop the plane from falling at the very last second, soaring into the skies again. It would seem, what could be simpler?

But no. When it fell, the structure shook violently; Chuck, as a former aeronautical engineer, understood perfectly well what was happening to her. In professional jargon, this is called flutter, trembling. However, the inventor of the term greatly downplayed the seriousness of the situation - the plane's wings don't just shake, they oscillate up and down, and eventually the plane collapses.

In a matter of moments, both wings broke off completely - the car, and Chuck with it, fell freely. Usually such an accelerating fall delighted Chuck, but this time he could neither slow it down, much less stop it - he could not do anything to prevent the rapidly approaching collision with the ground. But even at that moment, when Chuck was whistling down - the rescue team would later determine from the GPS tracker that the fall was going at a speed of 200 km / h - he did not lose the ability to think rationally, he retained a clear head.

Although now Chuck was hanging outside the cabin of the falling plane without wings, he raised his head, making sure that he was still firmly strapped in. His brain was working feverishly. Then he remembered every single thought that flashed through his head in those seconds:

“We need to climb back into the cabin. There must be a way! Maybe pull yourself up? Well, of course! What would James Bond do? Come on buddy, do something! I have to figure out a way out. Just don't look down. The ground is too close. No time. But there must be a way out. This is due to flutter, of course. Lever! Reserve parachute lever. Just to reach this lever. He must be there! Well of course he is there. How long have I been falling? It seems like an eternity. These are the same hills. There is very little time. The wind knocks you down and prevents you from thinking. This is the most important decision of my life. Do something! Save yourself! Grab the lever and pull!”

Now imagine that this internal monologue, these thoughts, calculations in your mind flashed in a matter of seconds. But Chuck thought differently. He understood that he had to react quickly, but he had enough time, and it seemed with more than enough time, to make a decision and act. To an outside observer, the seconds passed in the blink of an eye, but to Chuck they dragged on forever. The same period of time from the point of view of its flow was perceived in completely different ways. That New Year's Day, on which the abyss of eternity momentarily opened up before Chuck, can be called a classic, albeit extreme example, illustrating the main theme of the book - the subjectivity of the sense of time. In situations like the one Chuck found himself in, time stretches out in strange ways.

Each of us has had our share of moments in which the passage of time accelerated or slowed down. When our lives are threatened, as in the case of Chuck, time seems to slow down. When we experience joyful events, time flies. As you get older, you feel like life is moving faster. Before you know it, it’s New Year again. However, as a child, school holidays go on and on.

In this book, I ask the question: is this acceleration and deceleration of time really a pure illusion, or does our psyche perceive time differently in different situations? The perception of time - its subjective sensation, individual for each person - is an endlessly interesting topic. Time constantly surprises us; it is impossible to get used to its tricks. The vacation ends as soon as it begins: as soon as you check into the hotel, it’s time to head back. But once you return, it feels like you haven't been home for ages. How is it that the same time period is perceived so ambiguously?

This book is based on the idea that the sense of time arises with the active participation of our psyche. In this case, a variety of factors are of great importance: memory, ability to concentrate, emotions and the feeling that time is inextricably linked with space. It is this feeling that allows us to create miracles - in our minds we are able to travel through time, moving either into the past or into the future. When I talk about time, I'm going to be focusing more on psychology and brain science than on metaphysics and poetics, physics and philosophy, although it can sometimes be difficult to know where one scientific field ends and another begins.

Physicists say that the common idea of ​​time as past, present and future cannot be called correct. Time does not pass, it simply exists. John Ellis MacTaggart, a famous idealist philosopher interested in questions of time, was generally of the same opinion 1
McTaggart (1908).

; the same idea, when developed, reinforces the postulates of Buddhism and Hinduism. However, this book will focus not so much on the objective reality of time, but on its perception. I am sure that you, like me, perceive time as a flow, and not as stasis, immobility. We will dwell in particular detail on how the human psyche reflects the temporal relationships between the events of his life path, giving rise to a sense of time, the same thing that neuroscientists and psychologists call mental time. This time cannot be measured by external clocks, but it determines our sense of reality.

I will talk about some of the methods that have recently emerged in the psychology of time perception, which involve imagination and imaginative thinking and are used to study mental time. Scientists came up with all sorts of things: they asked subjects to name the dates of famous events, put them on the edge of a cliff, and even forced them to jump from a roof backwards. They were not afraid to experiment on themselves: one spent several months in an ice cave, where daylight did not penetrate; another assessed his ability to sense time every single day for forty-five years. Sometimes the veil over the mystery of time perception was lifted by accident: one man, after a car accident, lost the ability to imagine the future; another, a BBC journalist, spent more than three months in captivity, not knowing whether he would ever be released or not.

Such experience, as well as the results of the latest world research in the field of psychology and neurobiology, give us a unique opportunity to learn more about the nature of such a phenomenon as the perception of time. However, each of us can say something about the tenacity of time, and for this it is not at all necessary to repeat Chuck’s dangerous tricks. Psychologists have found that people who eat fast food become impatient. 2
Zhong and Devoe (2010).

: Those at the back of the line perceive time as moving towards them, while those at the head of the line see themselves as moving through the flow of time. For a patient with a high temperature, time passes more slowly.

So I have my own theory of the “vacation paradox,” which explains why a vacation that flies by like one day is then perceived by us as a rather long period of time. The fact is that we constantly observe time both as it passes at the moment and as already past. Most often, this duality of perception serves us well. It explains many of the mysteries of time. But when both types of perception do not fit in, it seems to us that something is wrong with time.

I will share with you the results of my own research into how we see time. You might be surprised to learn that one in five people picture days, months, years and even centuries in their minds as an accurate diagram.

It's interesting that we see time differently - for some, centuries line up like dominoes, decades twist like coils of a spring. Why does this happen and how does it affect a particular person’s sense of time? I also ask a question that has no clear answer, but which still divides us into two camps: is the future approaching us, or are we endlessly moving along the time axis towards the future?

Today, time is determined much more accurately - down to the smallest fractions of a second. An atomic clock using the cesium atom as the measurement standard is located at the US National Institute of Standards and Technology; they are so accurate that their error is no more than a second in 60 million years. And just recently it was a second in 20 million years. Our “internal clock” is much more difficult to comprehend. Although they are responsible for our sense of time, they cannot be touched. Scientists have been trying for decades to find at least some confirmation of the existence of an “internal clock” in humans. During the day, the clocks by which the human body lives are regulated by circadian, that is, circadian rhythms that are responsible for biological processes associated with the change of day and night - these rhythms coordinate human life during the day and night, responding to changes in lighting. However, humans do not have a separate organ that counts seconds, minutes and hours. And yet we measure time - our sense of the duration of a minute is quite accurate. We are constantly dealing with different time periods - a moment ago, middle age, the last decade, the first week of the semester, every New Year, two hours - which we juggle with ease in our minds. Over time, we develop the awareness that as years and decades of our lives pass, we begin to imagine our place in the history of mankind and the planet.

We still don't know exactly how we manage to sense the passage of time without the help of any organ, but recent research by neuroscientists lifts the veil of mystery; in chapter one I will discuss various theories on this matter. But you're probably more interested in something else: how does your concept of time affect the way you think and behave? According to the calendar, time moves in one direction, but in our minds we constantly make leaps in time: from the past to the future, from the future to the past. You can read this book in the same way. Although I've arranged the chapters in a specific way, you don't have to read them in that order. If you've always wondered whether you're capable of making long-term decisions, head straight to Chapter Five. If you have ever been through an accident and you have experienced how time slows down at that moment, you will find an explanation for this in Chapter One. If you can’t wait to understand why time flies faster over the years, why it seems as if this or that event in the world happened a year, or even two, earlier than it really did, you should look at chapter three.

Finally, I will talk about how the results of all kinds of research can be useful to us in our daily lives. Since we ourselves form our own sense of time, we are able to change what worries us: for example, slow down the rapid passage of years, speed up the “turtle pace” of time in a tiresome queue, start living in the present, remember how long ago we saw friends.

Time can be both our friend and our enemy. Wherever you are - at home, at work, in line for an appointment with an official - it is important to subjugate time to yourself, acting in accordance with your ideas about it. The ability to perceive time is of great importance - it is thanks to it that you do not lose touch with your own psychic reality. Time is at the core of not only how we organize our lives, but also how we live them.

And finally, a few words about the word “time” itself. It is clear that it occurs often - in such and such a book, which I would hardly be able to write if I were an Indian from the Amazonian tribe of Amondava. This tribe simply does not have an abstract concept of time; they do not have a separate word for time in general, nor for the month, nor for the year. There is no one-size-fits-all calendar, no clock. Of course, they build a sequence of events in their speech, but time as a separate category does not exist for them. But in English the word “time” is used more often than any other noun 3

Which demonstrates our keen interest in time - and this is one of the reasons that prompted me to write this book. “Time” is an incredibly common word—we use it all the time. Well, you understand me, right? To avoid confusion, sometimes, at the risk of being considered a pedant, I will stick to the terminology or professional jargon of psychologists. Some phrases, such as “the ability to imagine the future,” I can use several times in a row for the sake of accuracy. I hope for your leniency.

I bet you can't wait to find out what happened to Chuck Berry, who took off in a Swift and fell out of the cockpit hanging from his harness as a result of a steep dive; at the moment of his fall, time stretched out in an amazing way. We will have to be patient - we are faced with many other questions that need to be answered. However, at the end of the next chapter, using our ability to make mental leaps into the past, we finally learn about Chuck's fate.

Chapter one
The illusory nature of time

BBC correspondent Alan Johnston was captured in the Palestinian-controlled Gaza Strip. There was plenty of time at his disposal, but he could not keep track of its progress: he had no wristwatch, no books, no pen and paper with him; he guessed about the change of day and night only by the stripes of light breaking through the shuttered window, and by the slow movement of the shadow on the wall. At first he counted the days by the calls to prayer that came to him five times a day, but he soon lost count. “I started making notches on the door frame - this is what all prisoners usually do. However, after a while he stopped, afraid that the guard, seeing the notches on the door of his house, would get angry - he was often in a bad mood. I decided to put marks on my toothbrush, but since I wasn’t sure of the exact date, I soon got confused.”

Alan Johnston spent almost four months in that closet, and all this time he had no idea how long he would be kept locked up, or whether he would survive at all. “I felt time as if it were a living being, falling on me with all its weight, which is not easy to bear. And there was no end in sight to this, because you don’t know when you will be released or whether you will be freed at all.

Before you is an endless sea of ​​time, through which you swim and swim.” To somehow pass the hours, Alan tried to occupy himself with intellectual games. He set himself various tasks, for example, developing an impeccable strategy to refute the idea of ​​apartheid. He composed stories and poems. However, literary exercises without pen and paper remained exercises in the mind: “Having composed seven mediocre lines, you must first memorize them and only then take on the eighth. Having composed the ninth line, you suddenly discover that you have forgotten the first five.” In the end Alan came up with an idea to fill the free hours, and his idea was based on the concept of time itself; we'll talk about it later.

Alan's life was at the mercy of not only the kidnappers, but also time. In this chapter I will talk about conditions in which time bends and stretches for unimaginably long periods - as in the case of Alan Johnston. The fact that for him, sitting locked up without any connection with the outside world, it stretched out is not surprising. However, I will also dwell on other, more unusual circumstances in which time expands. It is this mysterious property that will interest us, but first let’s think: why is the ability to feel the passage of time so important: both for each of us individually, and for the whole society?

Accurate timing makes communication, cooperation, and relationships in society possible. Coordination of time is required for any activity in which more than one person is involved - a normal conversation is impossible without calculating the time with millisecond accuracy. When generating and perceiving speech, we calculate time down to one tenth of a second. The difference between “pa” and “ba” lies only in the delay time of the sound before the vowel: if the delay is longer, we hear “p”, if it is shorter, we hear “b”. Bring your hand to your neck in the area of ​​the vocal cords: when pronouncing “ba”, the lips open simultaneously with the vibration of the cords; when pronouncing “pa” the vibrations are delayed. Moreover, the delay is minimal - only a millisecond. Such a difference in the sound of syllables can turn the meaning of a phrase upside down. For example, instead of “My girl is blue-eyed,” we will hear “My girl with a blue eye.” For the coordinated work of the muscles of the arms and legs, a reaction speed of up to a millisecond is required. But to perform many actions, the accuracy of perception down to a second is enough: we distinguish the musical rhythm, hit the ball. We evaluate what will be faster: stand on the “treadmill” in the airport hall or walk next to it. (Answer: it depends. Scientists from Princeton University have found that we usually move more slowly on a treadmill - when we get on it, we tend to slow down or, worse, bump into people who, as soon as they step onto the treadmill, stops immediately. If the “treadmill” is empty, we will cross the airport hall faster than on our own two feet, but only on the condition that we continue to walk on the moving track.)

Our sense of time is not at all ideal, but most often the brain successfully hides this fact - in our picture of the world, time is a smoothly flowing stream. A poorly dubbed film has to be really bad for us to notice; studies have shown that if the discrepancy between speech and picture is less than 70 milliseconds, we follow our expectations. They consist in the fact that since the actor’s lips move and we hear the sounds of speech that coincide with the articulation, then these two actions occur simultaneously. But if we are warned about the discrepancy, we are able to distinguish whether the picture is faster than the sound track or is delayed. It turns out that the whole point is that our brain, without being warned, habitually perceives sound and picture as coinciding - this is exactly what usually happens in films. Sometimes our relationship with time depends on the senses with which we perceive information: it is much easier to remember a rhythm tapped out in Morse code than written down on paper using it.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs