How does infection occur? Video - Dr. Komarovsky details about dog bites.

First aid for a dog bite should not only stop the bleeding, but also prevent infection by bacteria contained in the saliva. A common dog bite can lead to an abscess, osteomyelitis, septic arthritis and meningitis. The most dangerous infections are tetanus and rabies. The consequences can be dire, including death.

A dog that has bitten should be tried not to be left out of sight, since the state veterinary service is obliged to establish surveillance of the animal and find out how dangerous the dog is to others. If the dog is not a stray, you need to find out from its owner whether the animal has been vaccinated against rabies within the last 2 years. This information is extremely important.

The situation is more complicated if you are bitten by a stray dog. It is not always possible to independently determine whether an animal has rabies. External symptoms– aggressiveness, gait disturbance, increased salivation, drooping tail, hoarse and shrill barking - appear only a few days after infection. Therefore, in the event of a dog bite, you need to consult a doctor as quickly as possible, but first, provide first aid to the victim.

Local wound treatment

If the tissue damage is deep and extensive, first of all, you need to stop the bleeding, but not immediately: the dog’s saliva comes out of the wound along with the blood. You must also be prepared for the fact that if the veins and arteries are damaged, a person may experience painful shock.

First aid for a dog bite is to thoroughly wash the wound with soapy water

First, the wound, as well as all places where the animal’s saliva has come into contact, are washed generously with soapy water ( ideal optionlaundry soap), then the wound is treated with hydrogen peroxide. This measure will prevent rabies infection by 90%. The edges of the wound (namely the edges, but not the wound itself!) should be treated with 5% tincture of iodine or brilliant green.

After disinfection, a cotton or gauze swab, lightly securing it with a plaster or bandage so that the bandage is not airtight. If the bleeding is profuse, a pressure bandage is needed.

Medical assistance is necessary!

Then you should urgently seek medical help. Doctors must give rabies injections: 6 injections in the shoulder over 3 months, prescribe necessary antibiotics, and also find out when you received a tetanus shot. Conduct surgery They should not be put into the wound during the first 3 days.

As you can see, providing first aid for a dog bite is extremely important, therefore, in the event of an animal attack, you should not neglect these measures and risk human life.

And one more important point. In no case should the owner of the dog get away with everything that happened, who is obliged to compensate for the damage caused. If he is in no hurry to do this on his own, seek help from a lawyer. To do this, you need to submit an appropriate medical certificate, file a written claim addressed to the dog owner, draw up statement of claim to court and, of course, provide testimony.


Dog bites are quite common. Despite the fact that a person has long tamed an animal and a dog is deservedly considered a friend of a person, the likelihood of being bitten always remains. Due to certain circumstances, even a domestic dog can attack, and even more so a stray dog. Therefore, every person should know what to do in such cases and what assistance to provide to the victim, since quite often bites can have serious consequences.

How dangerous is a dog bite?

In addition to being traumatic, a dog bite is also dangerous because it can lead to a disease such as rabies. It is dangerous because there is a huge risk fatal outcome. The rabies virus is transmitted from a dog to a person through saliva that gets into an open wound. Therefore, it is important to take appropriate measures in a timely manner to avoid severe consequences and reduce the likelihood of infection to a minimum.

In addition, it is necessary to distinguish between the severity of bites. They are:

  • punctured, characterized by damage to the skin, while soft fabrics remain intact;
  • torn, in which the epidermis is damaged, as well as muscle and connective tissues. Such wounds require immediate medical care, as suturing.

But no matter what kind of wound is formed after a dog bite, you need to consult a doctor.

And so, rabies is a disease, the virus of which, entering the human body, quickly penetrates into nerve cells, and after and up to the brain. Then the following appear, indicating the development of pathology:

  • convulsions;
  • hallucinations;
  • increased salivation;
  • fear of water and photophobia.

In the absence of proper medical care, respiratory paralysis develops. It should also be noted that once the disease is discovered, it is almost impossible to save the person; treatment in this case only alleviates the condition and does not save life.

In addition, from a dog bite you can become infected with sepsis, tetanus and a number of other infectious diseases.

After receiving deep lacerations, there is also a risk large blood loss, receiving psychological trauma, state of shock.

First aid

When providing assistance to a victim of a dog bite, first of all you need to understand what kind of animal committed the attack: domestic or stray, and it would also be good to observe it in the next few days. Now as for the victim himself. In case open wound and bleeding from it, then it is necessary to give time for the animal’s saliva to come out along with the blood, since it may contain pathogenic microorganisms and infectious bacteria. Then you need to wash the wound with a warm soapy solution (you should use laundry soap or hydrogen peroxide), and then treat it with an antiseptic. Skin around the bite, you should treat it with hydrogen peroxide or brilliant green; if you don’t have anything on hand, then alcohol will do. After this, apply to the wound gauze bandage. To relieve pain and prevent shock, you can take analgesics and sedatives. If the wounds are serious enough and there is a possibility of bone damage, then the injured area must be immobilized and immobilized.

After providing first aid, the victim must be taken to the hospital, and if the wounds are numerous and quite serious, then ambulance call immediately.

In the hospital, the wound is treated and, if necessary, stitches are applied.

After a dog bite, the victim is prescribed special rabies injections, which are given on certain days and their number is six injections, which are absolutely safe and have no contraindications.

If a dog bites a child

Children are more likely than adults to be attacked by dogs. There are many reasons for this, but the most important thing, after the fact, is timely and the right help. Lack of panic (which is very difficult to expect from adults whose children have been injured) helps to avoid serious complications, and in some cases even save the child’s life. Therefore, it is very important to remain calm and the right actions provide first aid.

First of all, the wound is examined and its severity is determined, especially dangerous lacerations in the head and neck area, where there is a real risk of bleeding and closed fractures. Therefore, the child should be helped and taken to the clinic.

First aid includes:

  • washing the wound aqueous solution from laundry soap;
  • treating the injury site with an antiseptic;
  • treating the surrounding skin with iodine;
  • applying a sterile dressing.

If the wound is not too serious, then after examination by a doctor and stitches (if necessary), it is recommended to apply antiseptic ointments to its surface. You can use Levomekol or Betadine.

If necessary, if there is a risk of infection in the child’s body, he is also prescribed a special vaccine. In this case, you shouldn’t be scared; it’s easier to get several injections of serum than to deal with serious illnesses, which in most cases medicine is not able to cope with, especially since modern science I took a good step forward and now instead of forty injections, six are quite enough.

In addition to administering the vaccine, a course of antibiotics may also be prescribed; this is necessary if there is a real threat of infection.

Children who have been bitten by a dog may develop psychological problems, such as panic fear of animals, stuttering, sleep disorders and other symptoms. In this case, a big role is given to the parents, who must restore emotional balance to the child, and if they cannot cope on their own, it is necessary to contact a specialist.

Usually dogs attack people during the mid-season periods, especially in spring and autumn. Everyone should know what to do if bitten by a dog.

If very large area bite, especially if there is a lot of blood flowing and it is difficult for you to move - first of all, urgently call an ambulance or ask someone to call one.

If you can get home, go to the bathroom, where you should thoroughly wash the wounds with water and (this is not a typo - with soap!). Expensive soap not advisable - household grade is better, it has more alkali.

Be patient and rub the surface of the bite for a few minutes. Try to wash away all the dog's saliva from the surface of the wound.

You can pour hydrogen peroxide on the wound and treat the skin around the wound with iodine. Stopping the bleeding is not the main task. It is better to wash the wound thoroughly, as the infection is washed away along with the blood.

Then apply a gauze or cotton swab to the wound, do not press too hard, wrap it with a bandage or plaster.

Whatever it is, you definitely need to visit a doctor! Usually this is a traumatology center at the place of residence. Naturally, you can go to any other place. Medical assistance bitten by a dog is needed to prevent rabies.

Know everything: rabies is a deadly infection!!! Not only dogs can be contagious, but also foxes, cats, wolves and, in general, any warm-blooded animal. Rabies can be treated with a vaccine, sometimes for several months.

How to avoid a dog attack in general? Why get treatment then? Well, from simple tips- don’t look her in the eye, don’t wave your arms and legs, don’t shout to the whole street, and don’t even smile (there’s no time for smiling here).

It's clear that some dogs don't care what you do and may attack you regardless.

If the danger is too close, try to somehow avoid a collision. You can use the entrance of a house, a gate, a store, a telephone booth, or some high place where an evil animal cannot reach. But just don’t run towards the obstacle, walk at a calm pace, most importantly facing the dog.

As soon as you run, the dog will immediately catch up with you. You can lean against a wall or a bus stop. Take off your outer clothing, wrap it around your hand, and pull it forward.

In some cases, you can try to seize the initiative. You can command the dog “No!”, “Ugh!”. This often helps.

Dogs are very afraid of opening an umbrella. If he is with you, use him. The sudden opening of an umbrella has a deterrent effect on any dog. Sometimes ordinary sand under your feet helps - throw it in the enemy’s face.

If you have already had problems with dogs, then you may need a psychologist. Or maybe classes in special groups with dogs. There you will learn not to be afraid of dogs at all, understand their nature, and maybe you will again love and understand these very kind and most importantly loyal animals.

One of common reasons going to the emergency room is a domestic bite or stray dog. Unfortunately, our country has not developed clear mechanisms for controlling stray animals, which is why a walk past a landfill or a deserted alley can end in meeting, well, one stray dog.

In a situation where you are bitten by a dog, whether domestic or stray, you cannot hesitate. You need to provide first aid and consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Dog bite - what to do

If a dog bites on the street, it is most likely a stray (unless its owner is nearby), in which case there is a possibility that it is infected with the rabies virus.

In this regard, such a bite requires a mandatory visit to the emergency room, as well as to the veterinary service, because if the dog is not caught, it may bite someone else. That is why, no matter how strange it may sound, it is necessary to remember the signs of the dog that bit you.

What to do if bitten by a domestic dog

If the dog that bit you is a pet, contact its owner or ask him on the spot whether the dog has been vaccinated against, what vaccine and how long ago ( different vaccines operate at different times).

Remember that if you are bitten by someone's dog, you have every right demand compensation from the owner for the damage caused to you. In this case, you need to seek legal assistance to file a lawsuit.

First aid for a dog bite

Many people do not know how to treat a dog bite, which is why they often do it incorrectly. The first rule is that before treating a wound with an antiseptic, it must be thoroughly washed using water and soap, and it is better if the soap is laundry soap.

This is because it contains many times more alkali, which prevents bacteria from entering the wound. This should be done in any case, even if the dog did not bite until it bled, because it may leave marks on the skin. invisible to the eye scratches, which are also a “gateway” for infection.

You should not use alcohol, vodka, brilliant green, etc. to treat the wound. You can resort to such antiseptics only if you do not have hydrogen peroxide on hand. It is with its help that it is better to treat a bite. And the antiseptics listed above can slow down wound healing due to tissue burns.

After this, it is advisable to apply a tight gauze bandage to the bite site and consult a doctor. Well, if there is heavy bleeding at the wound site, do not waste time and call an ambulance.

Dog bite - treatment

Animal bites should not be treated at home! Firstly, bite wounds can often be lacerated and accompanied by severe blood loss, and secondly, a mass enters the bloodstream with the animal’s saliva pathogenic microorganisms, which can cause suppuration and infection; thirdly, the bite of a stray dog ​​in most cases requires treatment, which is carried out only by a doctor.

And don't be afraid. Rabies vaccination today is not 40 injections in the stomach, but only 6 over 3 months (1, 3, 7, 14, 30 and 90 days after the bite), and even then in the shoulder, which is transferred to times easier.

When deciding how to treat a dog bite, doctors evaluate the severity of the bite, its location, the presence of dead skin around it, signs of inflammation and suppuration, etc. Beforehand, the surgeon may even remove some skin around the injury to avoid infection.

After this, the wound is washed and thoroughly cleaned, the patient is prescribed a course of antibiotics, the purpose of which is also to prevent suppuration. With all this, the wound may not be sutured during this time in order to prevent infection and other complications. Instead, they put it on her sterile bandage, and only after a few days are they stitched up.

Also, the doctor may refer you to it if you have not had this vaccination, because in addition to rabies, the animal’s saliva also threatens this dangerous infections. Fortunately, vaccination against is just one shot, not 6.

A child was bitten by a dog - what to do?

If a child has been bitten by a dog, you shouldn’t even think about how to treat a dog bite at home! The child’s body is even more susceptible to infection, and if the wound is lacerated, it requires a neat suture that will not leave scars.

The first thing you need to do if a child is bitten by a dog is to calm him down. IN in an affectionate way stop the child's crying, explain that everything will heal, that the doctor will treat the wound and there will be no trace left of it.

If she bit domestic dog, the child may need it, since there is a high probability of fear of dogs and other pets, fear of betrayal, etc.

First of all, of course, it is better to avoid fights altogether. Be courageous - lead your beloved and adored friend on a leash. Even if it's the size of a cat. Even if “it never bites anyone.” If he bites, a dog is a dog! And after that, it doesn’t matter whether she’s protecting you from “enemies” or she just didn’t like someone’s new collar with rhinestones. So, keep your dog on a leash; an aggressive dog must be muzzled. Please respect yourself and others!

If the dogs do get into a fight, you need to act quickly, sensibly and calmly. Screaming loudly and kicking dogs is useless - it will only irritate them, and you will waste precious time. It is highly not recommended to separate your opponents by their collars or pull their ears - in this case there is every chance of being bitten by your own dog! In the heat of battle, your beloved dog simply won’t have time to tell where your hands are and where the enemy’s neck is. You can try to pull small fighters away by their tails or hind legs. If your lapdog is being held by the neck by a neighbor’s pit bull, or the dogs are quite large, you need to try (preferably with the help of a neighbor-owner) to unclench the teeth of a stronger opponent using a stick. By the way, the “peacekeepers” themselves often start a verbal altercation, or even a fight. This is not an option! You will sort things out later - and it is better not to become like dogs.

Let's assume you are already at home. Calm down and get on with your inspection. As a rule, if the fighters were approximately the same size, everything is limited to bite wounds. Most often this is the area of ​​the neck, shoulder blades and root of the tail. The fur around the wounds must be cut (or shaved)! There is no point in pouring hydrogen peroxide (or any other miraculous remedy) onto the fur: if fangs get under the skin (that is, it is bitten), microbes will inevitably get in as well. And then you don’t have to tell the doctor when you bring your dog with an abscess ( purulent inflammation subcutaneous layer) that you treated the wound.

After cutting, the wounds must be washed. To do this, you can use chlorhexidine or miramistin (they, by the way, are available in convenient syringe bottles), but “potassium permanganate” will also work. The solution is injected from a syringe without a needle (or from the aforementioned syringe) directly into the subcutaneous “pocket” through the wound holes. They look like “punctures”. The dog has four fangs, so you need to look for “paired” holes - from upper canines and from the lower ones. All wounds must be treated. Further, such treatments are repeated daily until the wounds are completely healed from the inside. Usually, starting from the third day, anti-inflammatory and wound healing ointments(for example, “Solcoseryl” or “Levomekol”). Once again, wounds must heal from the inside.

Superficial damage (abrasions) are treated with brilliant green or iodine. You can use sprays (“Terramycin”, “Alu-spray”). The dog should not “lick” the wound! To protect damaged areas, a “Catherine’s” collar is used - a plastic cone placed around the dog’s neck and preventing it from “self-medicating”, since your pet’s tongue is not sterile (there are more bacteria in the mouth than in the rectum).
In case of extensive gaping wounds, visible heavy bleeding or traumatic shock(shortness of breath, dilated pupils, howling, or, on the contrary, a state of prostration) is necessary immediate help specialist It’s up to you: you can call a doctor at home or go to a clinic. But you need to keep in mind that the time is counted in hours, and sometimes in minutes. It is better to store the addresses and telephone numbers of the veterinary services closest to you in the dog’s documents so that, if necessary, help can be provided as soon as possible. Veterinarian will hold antishock therapy, will treat the wounds and apply stitches if necessary.



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