How to prepare St. John's wort oil at home? St. John's wort oil: beneficial properties, use for treatment and cosmetology.

Guess whose name? Bloodbender, Healthy Herb, Herb from a Hundred Diseases, Youth Blood... This is the familiar St. John's wort. The names speak not only about the color of the oil of this plant - bright, blood-red, but also about the invaluable healing properties of St. John's wort. Today we will talk about the use of St. John's wort oil, this amazing and seemingly ordinary plant.

First, a little history. In Rus' he has been known and revered since ancient times. It was the main component of most healing preparations of ancient healers. “Just as you can’t bake bread without flour, you can’t cure a person without St. John’s wort,” they said. In addition to healing properties, many magical properties were attributed to the plant. For example, protection from witches, love spells, expelling evil spirits...

In Western countries, St. John's wort is called St. John's grass, since the plant blooms on June 24, the day of John the Baptist.

Soldiers who participated in grueling marches during military campaigns in past centuries were given to recuperate and regain vigor. And by throwing branches of the plant into water from an unfamiliar natural source, one could protect oneself from dysentery.

If you look at a leaf of St. John's wort, you can see holes - glands. They are filled with oil, the main active substance of this flower. It includes: nicotinic and ascorbic acids, hyperoside (reduces the excitability of the nervous system and cholesterol levels), hypericin (a mild antidepressant) and hyperforin (suppresses the growth of bacteria and improves microflora). They determine the beneficial properties of St. John's wort. The plant also contains tannins; they have an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect even on those that are resistant to.

How to collect St. John's wort for making oil:

St. John's wort should be collected during flowering, when the concentration of active substances reaches its maximum. Be sure to pay attention to the place where St. John's wort grows. You should not collect it near the road, since the ability to accumulate heavy metals is inherent in all plants. It is better to collect medicinal plants before noon, making sure to allow the morning dew to dry.

How to prepare St. John's wort oil:

To prepare the oil, we need fresh raw materials - blooming flowers and St. John's wort leaves. It is necessary to put everything in a glass jar and pour in any vegetable oil so that St. John's wort is covered two centimeters on top, close the lid and place in the sun. The longer the oil matures in the sun, the richer the product is. Be sure to stir every day. A month later we get our precious dark cherry-colored oil.

It is interesting that during this time the St. John's wort oil will separate into three parts: at the bottom there will be light-colored yeast, then there will be water, but on top there will be the very healing St. John's wort oil you prepared. Very carefully pour into a dark glass bottle and store in the refrigerator. There is no point in storing it for more than a year; the beneficial substances will only be active until the next season.

You can experiment with a base oil, the one you pour over the flowers and leaves of St. John's wort - it determines the content of fatty acids and other properties of the oil. Try infusing St. John's wort with olive, sunflower (better) or flaxseed oil - you will get a different healing result each time.

Application of St. John's wort oil

Cosmetology: using St. John's wort oil for the face

St. John's wort oil is an excellent soothing agent that promotes skin regeneration, one of the most powerful antioxidants, that is, substances that prevent skin aging. This is very important under heavy loads and stress. You can use the oil on both the face and hands; it is absorbed very quickly without leaving a greasy residue.
Even if your skin is prone to allergic reactions or is overly sensitive, St. John's wort oil will be a very good and gentle moisturizer that prevents moisture loss and the development of skin infections.

To relieve stress

To improve sleep and relieve depression, St. John's wort oil added to an evening bath will help (it is optimal if you also mix it with sea salt). Try it and healthy sleep will return!

Treatment of ulcers using St. John's wort oil

The following recipe works well for scarring an ulcer: a teaspoon of dry St. John's wort powder should be washed down with a teaspoon of St. John's wort oil. Repeat three to four times a day half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is three weeks.

St. John's wort oil: use for hair

To treat oily seborrhea and strengthen hair, you can make a nourishing mask from St. John's wort oil. You need to apply a sufficient amount of oil to your hair and cover with a towel to enhance the effect. Leave for half an hour and then rinse your hair well.

Apply once a week.

This is also an excellent remedy for enhancing hair growth.

Treatment of constipation

A teaspoon of St. John's wort oil twice a day will help normalize digestion processes and improve intestinal function. This remedy also works great for irritable bowel syndrome.

Treatment of cholelithiasis and cholecystitis

To treat these diseases, you need to slightly supplement the composition of St. John's wort oil. To do this, add St. John's wort raw materials (greens and flowers) to 300 ml of vegetable oil (preferably olive) and 100 ml of red wine. The mixture is infused for a week (don’t forget to stir!), then boiled for half an hour. Next, you need to wait another month for complete ripening, then filter. The course of treatment is three months, take a teaspoon once a day after meals.

Precautionary measures:

  • Try not to be in the sun during the course of treatment with St. John's wort oil to avoid burns. The active substances of the plant increase skin sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation;
  • If you are going to carry out a serious course of treatment with a drug containing St. John's wort oil, be sure to consult your doctor. This is necessary, since the active substances contained in the plant can weaken the effect of some medications.

St. John's wort will bloom soon - its season is coming... Take advantage of the moment and prepare red oil - healing, unique and essential for your home medicine cabinet.
Irina Inari especially for the Eco-Life website.

An article about the benefits of St. John's wort oil for skin and hair. Methods for preparing St. John's wort oil at home. Folk beauty recipes with St. John's wort oil.

St. John's wort essential oil has long been used in medicine and cosmetology. We will tell you how to make your own St. John's wort oil, as well as how to use it for skin and hair.

Beneficial properties of St. John's wort essential oil

  • Oil relieves pain, spasms and inflammation
  • Effective against edema
  • It is antibacterial, antiseptic and absorbable.
  • St. John's wort extract is an effective way to eliminate a variety of skin lesions: burns, wounds, cuts, boils, animal bites, abscesses, hematomas. The oil promotes rapid healing and regeneration of the skin. Use it for any skin rashes and dermatitis
  • The extract is used for varicose veins
  • When consumed internally, the oil strengthens blood vessels, improves kidney filtration and regulates blood flow in the periphery
  • This is an excellent diuretic. And given the presence of substances in the oil that fight bacteria, you will be deprived of the risk of cystitis
  • St. John's wort calms the nervous and mental systems, so it can be used in the treatment of depression

IMPORTANT: The maximum properties of St. John's wort extract are revealed in combination with cypress oil.

St. John's wort oil, contraindications

Oil is contraindicated:

  • hypertensive patients, as it causes constriction of blood vessels
  • with very long sunbathing
  • in case of possible contact with radioactive radiation (for example, if your work involves this)
  • when staying in a place with high temperatures for a long time
  • at elevated body temperature
  • while taking certain medications, such as AIDS drugs, artificial antibiotics, and contraceptives

St. John's wort extract is a slightly toxic substance. If a very large amount of oil is taken orally, you may experience unpleasant effects in the liver area and a bitter taste in the mouth.

St. John's wort for hair: St. John's wort oil for hair

St. John's wort is known for its positive effect on hair suffering from excess oiliness, as well as combination curls.

This is an effective remedy against itching, dandruff and other scalp problems. After using St. John's wort extract, hair remains clean and fresh longer, and also acquires softness, silkiness, and natural shine.

Here are some effective masks based on St. John's wort oil for hair.

Mask against excess oily strands. Combine St. John's wort and almond extract, a couple of tablespoons of each. Add up to 6 drops of patchouli oil to this mixture.

Distribute the resulting composition in a thin layer over each curl. After half an hour, use your regular shampoo to wash your hair.

IMPORTANT: To enhance the effect, use a decoction of St. John's wort flowers as a rinse.

Anti-dandruff mask. Combine 3 tbsp. St. John's wort and 1 tbsp. sesame extract. Add up to 6 drops of tea tree or eucalyptus ether here.

Since this product is designed to eliminate dandruff, there is no need to distribute it over the strands. Rub your scalp well with your fingers soaked in the resulting mixture, simultaneously grabbing the hair roots.

To enhance the effect of the oil mixture, it is best to cover your hair with a plastic cap, or just a plastic bag will do. After 40 minutes, remove the composition using your usual care products.

Mask for itchy scalp.

  • You will need 3 tbsp. St. John's wort, which should be combined with 1 tbsp. jojoba ether and 5-6 drops of mint extract
  • It is not necessary to coat your hair with the resulting mixture, the main thing is to apply it to the scalp, gently massaging
  • The longer you massage the skin with oil, the more you warm it up and thereby facilitate the penetration of the composition deeper
  • Put on a plastic cap for half an hour, then wash off the oil mixture with shampoo

Mask for strength and thickness of strands.

  • Combine equal amounts of St. John's wort and wheat germ oils
  • Add rosemary ether to the mixture at the rate of 1 drop per 10 ml of oil composition
  • Rub the resulting product well into the head and hair roots, massage the skin thoroughly
  • Cover your hair with a plastic cap for half an hour, then remove the oil using your usual hair care products.

IMPORTANT: St. John's wort extract leaves a light dark tint on the hair, so it is recommended primarily for brunettes and brown-haired women.

St. John's wort for face: St. John's wort oil for facial skin

St. John's wort ether is suitable for all skin types. In combination with other oils and other natural substances, you can get effective formulations for all occasions.

St. John's wort can fight acne, oily skin, soothe sensitive skin, rejuvenate and tone the face.

St. John's wort based facial toner.

  • This product is especially useful for very sensitive skin prone to redness and rashes.
  • The result will be a truly clean, radiant complexion without a hint of shine or redness. To prepare the liquid you will need pharmaceutical sage, from which you should prepare a decoction
  • Add up to 20 drops of St. John's wort ether to 200 ml of decoction. Wipe your skin generously with the resulting product every day.
  • After you have applied the toner, do not rush to use the cream. Wait 20-30 minutes and rinse off the composition, and only then resort to other cosmetic care products

Anti-acne remedy.

Soak a cotton swab in the oil and apply it pointwise to problem areas. The appearance of acne will significantly decrease within 10-14 days.

You can also use St. John's wort for preventive purposes; to do this, wipe the entire face with St. John's wort ether in combination with another oil, such as almond, three times a week.

Remedy for rosacea.

1 tbsp. Heat the St. John's wort extract in a water bath. Drop a couple of drops of cypress or rosemary into it and mix well.

Soak a cotton swab in the resulting mixture and wipe the skin in those areas that are affected by rosacea. After the procedure, be sure to moisturize your skin with a nourishing cream.

Pore ​​tightening mask. Separate the white from a raw chicken egg, add 1 tbsp. St. John's wort and up to 5 drops of tea tree extract. Leave the mask on your face for 20 minutes, then gently remove with water.

Remedy for inflamed skin. Prepare a composition of natural honey, St. John's wort and grape oils in equal quantities. Apply the prepared product to your face, wait a quarter of an hour and remove the mixture with water.

Mask to moisturize dry skin. 1 tsp Grind oatmeal into powder. Add them to 2 tbsp. watermelon pulp and 0.5 tsp. St. John's wort. Carefully combine all the components into a solid mass, which you distribute over dry facial skin and leave for a quarter of an hour.

St. John's wort oil for body skin

St. John's wort extract has different effects on different skin types. The herb treats epithelium prone to oiliness, inflammation and rashes, relieves excess sebum, redness, and rashes. Under the influence of ether, dry skin is filled with moisture and becomes more elastic.

  • External use of the extract is useful for various types of epithelial lesions. We are talking about skin injuries: infected wounds, cuts, abrasions, hematomas and other defects
  • The oil has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect; its use stimulates the body's own resources for skin regeneration
  • It is enough to lubricate the skin lesions with St. John's wort ether mixed with other oil, for example, almond, olive, sea buckthorn and even regular sunflower

IMPORTANT: St. John's wort oil, diluted in a base oil, is a solution for sensitive body skin, when an allergic reaction is observed to most ready-made cosmetics.

By varying the amount of St. John's wort ether in the base oil, it can be used to both achieve an even tan during sunbathing (in this case, only a few drops of the extract will be needed) and to treat sunburn.

How to prepare St. John's wort oil at home?

It is not difficult to obtain St. John's wort extract at home. There are several recipes for its preparation.

Recipe No. 1. You will need a fresh flower collection in the amount of 20 g. It must be placed in a glass of olive oil and left to infuse for a month. After the specified time, pass the mixture through gauze or a fine sieve. The resulting product will be that valuable St. John's wort oil.

Recipe No. 2. Place fresh flowers, as well as 100 g of St. John's wort herb, in a glass of almond, olive or sunflower oil. Leave the mixture for 20 days, then carefully squeeze out the grass and flowers, and pass the liquid through a filter in the form of gauze or a sieve.

Homemade St. John's wort oil does not contain preservatives or other additives. Therefore, experts recommend keeping the product only in a cool and dark place, and storing it for no more than 8 months.

  • Store the extract only in glass containers with the lid tightly closed. It is best to use tinted glass
  • Remember that in its pure form, St. John's wort ether is phototoxic and can cause burns. Be sure to mix it with other oils and ingredients
  • This is the only way you will achieve all the beneficial properties of the extract. Experts recommend adding St. John's wort in an amount of 10-20% of the total mass of the finished product.
  • The oil is not recommended for use by young children. There is also a rare intolerance to the substances that make up the St. John's wort extract.

Video: St. John's wort oil


Used for:

  • nettle fever;
  • allergic itching;
  • radioderma, erythroderma;
  • bite by animals or insects;
  • ulcers, ulcers, boils, carbuncles, barley, boils;
  • for bedsores, decubitus;
  • poor memory, atherosclerosis;

All these positive effects occur due to the content of useful substances in the product. Gipetsirin cleanses the walls of blood vessels and membrane cells, provokes the inactive hormone to activity. Helps the liver cope with large chemical loads on the body. It is capable of destroying viruses.

Medicinal properties

St. John's wort oil has the following properties:

  • antibacterial and antispasmodic;
  • disinfectant and diuretic;
  • healing and antiseptic;
  • anti-inflammatory.

Hyperforin, which is also contained in it, is the strongest source of antimicrobial action. Serotin carries the hormone of joy and has a relaxing and calming effect.
Instructions for use
Before use, you should consult your doctor. Consultation is important because it has contraindications:

  • persons working with radioactive elements and light radiation;
  • body temperature is higher than normal;
  • personal intolerance to this drug;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • high blood pressure;
  • taking contraceptives.

Depending on the disease, it is prescribed to be taken orally or externally.

How to make at home

You can not only purchase the oil at the pharmacy, but also prepare it yourself. There are several ways:

  1. 20 g of fresh herb flowers must be poured with 0.200 liters of olive oil, tightly closed, placed in a dark place and allowed to brew for 40 days. Then strain and pour into a convenient bottle with a lid;
  2. Grind 25 g of fresh flowers and put them in a liter jar, add 0.500 liters of olive oil to them, without covering them, let them stand for a week in a dark place. Then the bottle should be rolled up and placed in the sun for a month and a half. The result is the resulting red oil, which is filtered and poured into a bottle;
  3. 2 tbsp. l. Crush the dry mixture of St. John's wort, pour in 500 ml of heated almond oil. These steps must be performed in a glass container. Let stand for 3 weeks, shaking every day;
  4. 250 g of St. John's wort pour 1/2 cup of vodka and 1/2 cup of chilled boiled water. Then add 2 cups of any heated vegetable oil. Place in a dark place for 3 days. After this, pour into an enamel bowl and put it with the contents on the fire for an hour and a half. Then let the mixture brew for another 2 weeks in a cool place. When finished, strain and pour into a glass vial or bottle.

Use for diseases of the spine

Spinal diseases most often occur due to the lack of the required amount of lubrication. St. John's wort oil can in some way replace it. The cartilage located between the vertebrae dries out over the years. Before applying, you need to do an exercise: stretch from the sacrum to the legs 5 times. This facilitates the passage of oil to the intervertebral discs. After which you can start rubbing it in.
Such procedures should be performed for intervertebral hernia and osteochondrosis.
Effective recipe:

  • collect a half-liter jar of St. John's wort flowers;
  • Pour olive oil up to the lid (if not, you can use sunflower oil).

Let sit for a couple of weeks in the sun. Then squeeze out the resulting mixture and add the next portion of freshly picked flowers and leave for another 2 weeks. Store the resulting medicinal product in a cool place.


In our article you can learn in various areas.

In case of erosion, leucorrhoea, unstable menstrual cycle, it is necessary to make a cotton or gauze tampon, soak it in the product, and insert it into the vagina. Recipe:

  • 3 tbsp. l. chopped dry St. John's wort;
  • pour a glass of sunflower oil;
  • let it brew for twenty days.

Store the resulting mixture in the refrigerator.

Or one glass of dried St. John's wort flowers, fry a little in a frying pan (so that they break quickly), crush well into powder, pour in sunflower oil. Let it brew for twelve days. Then strain, you can soak tampons in the resulting product. Put until cure.

Important! Under no circumstances should this procedure be performed during menstruation, pregnancy or lactation.

Use for a runny nose

It is best to go to the hospital and determine the cause. But for relief at first, if it is not possible to visit your doctor, you can prepare your own drops based on St. John’s wort. This method cures rhinitis in 3 days. Necessary:

  • take 30 g of recently picked and not dried St. John's wort flowers;
  • pour 1 cup sunflower oil.

Place in a dark place for three weeks, turning it over daily. Then decant the liquid and pour into a convenient bottle. Store in a cool place. Apply the resulting product to your nose, if necessary, 2-3 drops.

Use for gastritis

Application for vitiligo

With vitiligo, pigmentation of the skin occurs. The reasons have not been fully studied to date. But it is known that factors such as acne, stress, metabolism in the body, heredity, medication, lack of vitamin C affect the manifestation of this disease.
To treat vitiligo, use the following recipe:

  1. Mix 100 grams of dry chopped herbs with 1 liter of olive oil.
  2. Place in a water bath for 3 hours, then cool and filter.
  3. Store in a closed bottle in a dark place.

Must be used externally. Soak a napkin or sponge in oil and apply for half an hour. To achieve better results after the procedure, you should sunbathe under ultraviolet light (increase the time gradually over the course of a month).

But even taking oil is better to combine with vitamins, eating foods that contain maximum nutrients (banana, pomegranate, raspberries, pears, apricots) and try to breathe sea air.

The result is not immediately visible. Treatment will take at least 3 months. You need to have patience and desire.

For ulcers

The oil is prescribed for use by a doctor, who must take into account the age and weight category of the patient. It heals wounds, erosions, destruction on the intestinal walls, and reduces the level of stomach acid production.
For treatment use the following recipe:

  • St. John's wort pour sunflower oil in a ratio of 1:2;
  • put in a water bath for 6 hours;
  • then strain
  • Take 1 tablespoon 30 minutes before meals.

For osteochondrosis

For osteochondrosis, it is prescribed to rub with St. John's wort oil, as it penetrates deeply and regenerates the vertebral cartilage, giving elasticity. But to achieve a better effect, you need to do several exercises before rubbing. It is useful to hang on the horizontal bar, bend in different directions, and stretch.

  1. When using the oil, the treatment period is 10 days.
  2. Place 0.5 liters of sea buckthorn oil in a water bath for 30 minutes.
  3. Add 150 g chopped herbs.

Let it brew for 3 days and express. Few are ready to use.

For hemorrhoids

St. John's wort oil is applied overnight. Recipe:

  • pour a glass of St. John's wort with sunflower oil;
  • put in a water bath;
  • boil for half an hour, then remove from heat and strain.

Keep refrigerated. Can be used as rectal tampons and microenemas.

Important! The oil has a positive effect in this way: it strengthens the walls of blood vessels and prevents blood from stagnating.

When treating joints

It will help reduce pain and is a substitute for synovial fluid, which joints lack with age. Oil recipe:

  • finely chop 500 g of fresh St. John's wort;
  • pour 500 ml of white wine and 1 liter of vegetable oil.

Let it brew for 3 days in a dark place. Then put the oil on low heat for 2 hours and let it steep for 3 weeks in a dark place. At the end of the period, strain.


It is forbidden to take oil for the following diseases:

  • glaucoma;
  • taking contraceptives;
  • taking antidepressants;
  • for hypertension and albinism;
  • children under 5 years of age and pregnant women;
  • lactation period.

If there is an urgent need for treatment with St. John's wort oil, you should consult a specialist. So that he correctly selects the recipe and describes in detail the method of use based on your individual characteristics.

St. John's wort is a completely unremarkable herb. Behind the “brutal” name are hidden harmless small yellow flowers on tetrahedral stalks up to 80 cm high. It blooms at the end of June, and it is at this time that the maximum amount of nutrients for which this plant is famous is found, so the collection of herbs is most often scheduled for the middle summer.

St. John's wort received its formidable name for certain reasons. The fact is that it contains substances that, when they enter the mouth of an animal, exhibit a photosensitizing effect. This causes the animal’s skin to become very photosensitive, leading to burns.

Healing decoctions and infusions are prepared from the plant, and used in various oils. St. John's wort oil is produced by oil extraction. At the end of the process, the extract turns out to be a beautiful wine color. It is used both as a medicine and in various cosmetic procedures.


Behind the inconspicuous appearance of St. John's wort lies a whole bag of useful compounds that benefit the body, and, of course, all the beneficial properties of St. John's wort are also inherent in the oil prepared from this ingredient.

It contains such an element as cineon. Thanks to it, St. John's wort oil helps with prolonged depression, fatigue, nervous tension, and migraines. Cineon improves the functioning of the nervous system and stimulates tissue repair.

Hyperoside and saponins fight edema, having a diuretic effect. Rutin strengthens vascular walls, and vitamins C, P and B strengthen the immune system, prevent the development of viral diseases and strengthen the heart muscle.

Beneficial features

As can be seen from the composition of St. John's wort oil, it is rich in elements necessary for a person for the normal functioning of his nervous, digestive, urinary and immune systems.

It perfectly suppresses depression and has an analgesic effect. The elements contained in St. John's wort regenerate tissue, fight swelling, and help with alcohol addiction. In addition, St. John's wort oil is an excellent antiseptic and has anthelmintic properties. In addition, it has a hemostatic effect and is often used in folk medicine to treat wounds.

Anti-inflammatory properties are also inherent in this plant. That is why St. John's wort extract is widely used in gynecology to treat erosion, adhesions, inflammation, amenorrhea and infertility.

The list of problems that St. John's wort can combat is quite long:

  • depressive states;
  • joint pain;
  • heart diseases;
  • diseases of the stomach and digestive system;
  • bladder diseases;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • infectious diseases;
  • loss of elasticity of the facial skin, wrinkles;
  • problematic skin, acne;
  • neurological problems.

Possible harm and contraindications

The oil has a number of contraindications that must be taken into account when using it.

  • The product is not recommended for use in its pure form. First, it should be mixed in any other vegetable oil so that the share of St. John's wort extract is 15-20% of the total volume of the mixture. Of course, it is allowed to be used in its pure form.
  • This product should not be used before sunbathing due to its phototoxic properties.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as individual intolerance are also contraindications to the use of this product.
  • At elevated temperatures and pressure above normal, the use of St. John's wort oil is prohibited.
  • Laboratory technicians who use radioactive elements in their work are strongly advised not to use St. John's wort oil.

Methods of application

St. John's wort oil is a universal remedy that is applicable in various fields of medicine and cosmetology.

In cosmetology

St. John's wort works well in solving cosmetic problems in the form of rashes, redness and acne. In addition, St. John's wort oil is suitable not only for oily and inflamed skin, but also for dry, dehydrated skin, restoring the hydrolipid balance in the epidermis.

St. John's wort ether has powerful regenerating functions. It rejuvenates epidermal cells, restoring elasticity to the skin and protecting it from premature aging.

There are many ways to use this oil on the face to solve many cosmetic problems.

Remedy against rosacea of ​​the skin


  • St. John's wort oil – 10 g;
  • rosemary ether – 3 drops.

To prepare the product, you need to heat the oil and add rosemary ether. Then, using a cotton swab, wipe the entire surface of the face with the composition and leave the product on the skin for 30 minutes.

After the procedure, the oil can be washed off with a cleansing gel and a cleansing mask applied, or simply apply cream.

Mask against dryness


  • crushed oatmeal flakes – 5 g;
  • watermelon pulp – 20 g;
  • St. John's wort oil extract – 5 g.

To prepare the mask, you need to mix all the ingredients until smooth and apply a thick layer over the entire surface of the face for 25 minutes. Finally, the mask can be removed with a damp towel.

Banana and cream mask


  • banana – 1 pc.;
  • cream – 1 teaspoon;
  • St. John's wort extract - 2 tablespoons.


  • Use a blender to puree the banana;
  • combine puree, cream and plant extract;
  • Apply the mixture to your face and leave for 20 minutes;
  • At the end, rinse off the remaining mask with warm water.

For skin with signs of dryness

For skin with signs of dryness in the form of flaking, a gelatin mask is suitable.


  • gelatin – 10 g;
  • St. John's wort oil – 5 g.


  • Dissolve gelatin in warm water;
  • add the oil extract to the gelatin and mix the mass well;
  • Apply the mask onto your face using a cosmetic brush and leave until dry;
  • The mask should be removed after half an hour by pulling one end of the resulting film to the side.

Mask to improve complexion

  • sour cream – 10 g;
  • lemon juice – 5 drops;
  • tomato – 1 pc.;
  • St. John's wort oil – 5 g.

To prepare the mask, you need to peel the tomato by dousing it with boiling water first. This will make the skin easier to remove. Then mix all the components of the mask into a homogeneous substance using a blender in one bowl and apply the mixture to a cleansed face for no more than 8 minutes. Then its remains are removed with a damp cloth.

Mask for dehydrated skin


  • dried chamomile flowers – 20 g;
  • St. John's wort extract – 10 g;
  • milk – 300 g.

To prepare the mask, you need to take a small saucepan, pour milk into it, add chamomile flowers and put on low heat. Boil the flowers for no more than 10 minutes. Then the broth should brew for 2 hours, then it is filtered through a sieve to remove flowers. Add the plant extract to 2 tablespoons of the strained broth, mix and apply this mixture to the face. After 5 minutes, wash your face with the remaining broth and rinse it with plain water.

Mask against irritation on the face


  • grape seed oil – 10 g;
  • St. John's wort oil – 10 g;
  • honey – 10 g.

After mixing all the components, the mask is applied for 15-20 minutes to cleansed facial skin. Afterwards it is washed off with warm water using a small amount of foam for washing.

To tighten pores

If the pores are enlarged, then to solve this problem you can use a mask based on St. John's wort and tea tree oil.


  • St. John's wort oil extract – 5 g;
  • tea tree oil extract – 4 drops;
  • chicken egg white – 1 pc.

All mask ingredients are mixed and distributed over the entire surface of the facial skin, avoiding the area around the eyes, for 10-15 minutes. At the end of the procedure, remove the remaining mask with a damp cloth and wash with foam and gel.

This oil is also among the top best remedies for deep wrinkles on the face, which clearly deserves attention from the fair sex who are struggling with the signs of aging.

Mask for facial skin elasticity

  • St. John's wort oil – 2 tablespoons;
  • cucumber pulp – 1 pc.;
  • starch – 1 tablespoon.

All components of the mask are mixed in one bowl using a blender. Then the mask is applied to the face, avoiding the area around the eyes. Leave it for 20 minutes and then wash off with warm water.

Hair Mask

Using St. John's wort oil on hair helps strengthen hair follicles, prevents brittle and dry hair, helps with hair loss and eliminates dandruff. It also enhances the natural shine of hair and helps combat itchy scalp. It is recommended to use it only on oily hair, as well as on combination-type hair, since St. John's wort extract dries hair well and can aggravate the situation with lack of moisture that those with dry hair suffer from.

The usage procedure is very simple. The oil is rubbed into the roots of the hair, left for a while and then washed off with detergents. To see visible results, repeat this process every 10 days for 3-4 months.

Masks with St. John's wort oil are often used in combination with other components that have a beneficial effect on the hair structure and follicles.

Firming mask with egg and honey


  • St. John's wort oil – 10 g;
  • honey – 10 g;
  • chicken egg – 1 pc.

All components are mixed together and the resulting mixture is applied to the hair roots and along their entire length. Covering the hair with film and then with a towel, leave it on the hair for 1 hour. Afterwards, the mask can be washed off with shampoo.

Mask against hair loss


  • shampoo – 10 g;
  • St. John's wort oil – 10 g.


  • mix the mask ingredients;
  • wet your hair a little;
  • apply the mask to the hair roots and along the entire length and leave for 10 minutes;
  • After the time has passed, wash off the remaining mask with shampoo.

Anti-dandruff mask


  • honey – 5 g;
  • St. John's wort oil – 20 g.

To prepare the mask, you need to mix honey and oil and apply the mixture with massaging movements on the scalp. For best results, you should perform a five-minute massage and then leave the mask on your hair for 1 hour. Then it is washed off with water and shampoo.

Oily roots and dry ends

If your hair is oily at the roots and dry at the ends, then a mask with olive and St. John's wort oil will moisturize the ends and dry the scalp.


  • St. John's wort oil – 20 g;
  • olive oil – 10 g;
  • burdock oil – 20 g.

To prepare the mask, you need to mix all the ingredients and apply the oil mixture to the scalp and hair from roots to ends. The duration of action of this mask is 2 hours. Then it is washed off with shampoo, several times if necessary, since oils are not washed off from the hair immediately.

A mask with St. John's wort oil and kefir will help with excessive oily hair.


  • kefir – 200 g;
  • St. John's wort oil essence – 20 g;
  • honey – 10 g.

Before performing the mask, remove the kefir from the refrigerator and leave it on the table until it reaches room temperature. Then oil and honey are added to it, the mixture is stirred well and applied to the roots and hair, leaving the mask for an hour under a film and a towel. Then the remnants of the mask are washed off with warm water and shampoo.

In gynecology

The use of St. John's wort oil in the treatment of gynecological problems must be approved by the attending physician. Only after consultation with a specialist is it recommended to use St. John's wort ether in the fight against female ailments of various origins.

St. John's wort oil is used in the treatment of cervical erosion. To do this, use ordinary tampons, which are dipped into a container with St. John's wort oil to fill them with this product. Then use these homemade phytotampons at night for 10 days.

As a folk remedy for treating ailments

Due to its antiseptic, antiviral, healing, regenerating properties, St. John's wort oil extract is used to treat many diseases, and also in complex therapy of various diseases as a folk remedy.

  • Sore throat, stomatitis, pharyngitis. For treatment, 1 teaspoon of oil is dissolved 5 times a day.
  • Burns. St. John's wort extract is used to lubricate the affected area of ​​the skin.
  • Stomach ulcer. Treatment with St. John's wort oil occurs for 40 days in combination with celandine oil.
  • Vitiligo. Treatment is performed by soaking gauze in oil and applying it to problem areas for 30 minutes. The course of treatment is 40 days.
  • Rheumatism, dislocations, spinal diseases. Treatment is carried out by lubricating and rubbing oil on painful areas.

Home cooking options

Anyone can make St. John's wort oil at home. To do this, you will need 30 g of freshly picked plant flowers and olive oil. You can use other vegetable oils, for example, almond, flax and sunflower oil.

200 g of oil is poured into a glass container (preferably with a lid) and flowers are added. It is closed and placed in a dark place, for example, in a closet. After 45 days, the readiness of St. John's wort oil can be checked by its color, which should change from yellow to reddish. The oil is filtered through a fine strainer, the finished product is poured into a dark glass storage jar.

The butter can also be prepared in an unconventional way using white wine.


  • 500 ml wine;
  • 500 g St. John's wort color.

The ingredients for the product being made are mixed in a glass container and left in the cupboard for 3 days. After this infusion is placed on the stove and the liquid from the mixture is evaporated over low heat. The resulting substance is filtered and stored in a dark glass container. The resulting product effectively relieves redness and treats frostbite of the skin.

You can also use the dry material to make an oil essence. Flowers are dried after being picked at the dacha, and in urban areas they buy the finished product at the pharmacy.

To prepare oil from dried flowers, take 1 part of the plant and 2 parts of your favorite oil (olive, corn, almond). After mixing the ingredients, place the mixture in a bowl, place it in a water bath and leave there for 3 hours. After such heating, the mixture is put away for 3 weeks in a dark place and then, after straining the oil, it is used for its intended purpose.

And finally, a few more tips on using this amazing and useful product, which were tested in practice by people who used it and confirmed their effectiveness.

  • St. John's wort oil works better and gives good results when heated, so before using it directly, you should warm it to body temperature, but not more than 40 degrees.
  • If the balsamic herbal smell of St. John's wort turns out to be unpleasant, you can correct this by adding a few drops of ylang-ylang or orange essential oil. The citrus aroma covers any specific odors well.
  • St. John's wort oil, like any oil product, is not washed off immediately, so there is no need to wet your hair before using detergent. First, you should apply shampoo to the roots of your hair, massage your scalp well, go through all your hair, and only then direct a stream of water onto your hair.
  • St. John's wort is a good assistant in the treatment of many ailments that a person faces, but it cannot become a panacea. You should never give up modern methods of treating a particular disease, which are indicated by your attending physician, giving preference to herbal treatments with St. John's wort oil.

You will learn more about St. John's wort oil in the following video.

The herb St. John's wort has been known for its medicinal properties for a long time. Even in the times of Ancient Rus', every home necessarily had dried St. John's wort and tinctures from it.

They believed that St. John's wort protected the home from evil spirits. Nowadays, this medicinal plant is still actively used in medicine. And the essential oil that is obtained from it is used in aromatherapy and cosmetology.

Characteristics and useful properties

St. John's wort oil, which is extracted from the stems and flowers of the plant, has a primarily yellow or reddish tint and a pleasant herbal aroma. It gained its popularity precisely because of its active composition, which includes flavonoids, vitamins, natural antibiotics, cholines, anthroquinones, carotene, resins, hyperforin, mineral and organic substances, hypericin, fatty acids and tannins.

Beneficial properties of St. John's wort oil:

  • Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory.
  • Antimicrobial.
  • Immunomodulatory.
  • Healing and restorative.
  • Strengthening.
  • Calming.
  • Protective.

St. John's wort oil is used in various areas:

  • St. John's wort ether is used in medicine. This component is included in some medications, and is also indicated as an independent remedy for the treatment of dental problems, mastitis, various types of facial skin lesions, hemorrhoids, colds, kidney stones and gall bladder, and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • This is a well-known remedy for aromatherapy sessions.
  • The beneficial properties of St. John's wort oil allow it to be used in home cosmetology to care for the skin of the face and body, and hair.
  • The use of this ether in domestic conditions is no less useful.

Aromatherapy properties

The aroma of St. John's wort oil is fresh and herbal. It reminds of warm summer and fragrant meadows.

Adding just 2-3 drops of this ether to a special aroma lamp can affect the psycho-emotional sphere of a person: it simultaneously relieves fatigue, anxiety and gives strength after a busy day, returning a positive attitude. This is a real natural antidepressant, as well as a good aromatic remedy against insomnia and irritability.

Medicinal use

For the treatment and prevention of many diseases, it is not recommended to use this oil in its pure form. It is imperative to combine it with base oils. The most effective compositions are obtained by dissolving St. John's wort in linseed oil, and also by combining St. John's wort and cypress esters.

  • To treat gastritis and ulcers, ingest a mixture of flaxseed and St. John's wort oils an hour before meals, at least 1, maximum 3 times a day.
  • For hemorrhoids, make a mixture of a spoonful of flaxseed olein, cypress and St. John's wort esters (5 drops each) and chamomile ether (3 drops). Use the resulting oil mixture for an enema.
  • Baths and applications with this ether are good for burns and frostbite. Properties enhance the effect on burns.
  • For dental problems, you need to take any vegetable oil (half a teaspoon) and drop 2-4 drops of St. John's wort into it, and then soak a cotton swab in this mixture. Then apply the cotton wool to the sore tooth or gum.
  • To prevent and treat colds, St. John's wort oil is mixed with flaxseed (a couple of teaspoons of flaxseed and 3 drops of St. John's wort) and instilled into each nasal passage. Or do a massage with this mixture. And during the cold season, you can use this ether in an aroma lamp, which will help cleanse and disinfect the air.

Preparation of oil:


  • Baths: 4-5 drops of ether must first be dissolved in salt or a dairy product (milk, cream, yogurt), and then stirred in the bath.
  • Applications: Apply a mixture of half a teaspoon of base oil and 2-3 drops of St. John's wort ether onto a napkin.
  • Massage: 2 teaspoons of flaxseed and 3 teaspoons of St. John's wort oil.
  • Inside: add 2 drops of ether to 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil.

Application in cosmetology

St. John's wort ether is an effective regenerating substance that can rejuvenate the skin of the face and hands. It quickly relieves inflammation and treats scars and marks that appear on the face after acne. This cosmetic product also helps fight stretch marks and cellulite, accelerates hair growth, strengthens roots and helps against dandruff.

For facial skin

  • Recipe for acne: take pure essential oil and apply it to the acne.
  • Facial rejuvenation: combine a tablespoon. flaxseed olein and a couple of drops of ether, then spread the mixture over the skin.
  • In order to reduce oiliness and tighten the pores of the facial skin, make a mask of egg white and a couple of drops of tea tree esters and St. John's wort.

Using oil to combat freckles:

For body skin

  • A mixture of cypress and St. John's wort esters (3 drops each), diluted in any base oil (teaspoon) will help against cellulite. The oil mixture must be rubbed quickly into areas with cellulite.
  • For stretch marks, take a teaspoon. wheat germ oil, drop 4 drops of St. John's wort ether into it and rub the problem areas.

For hair


The effectiveness of the resulting product depends on the correct mixing of essential oils. St. John's wort oil combines harmoniously with esters of chamomile, cypress, rosewood and yarrow.


  1. The ether tends to increase the photosensitivity of the skin and is not recommended for those with increased skin sensitivity to solar radiation.
  2. Individual intolerance.
  3. Pregnancy and lactation.
  4. It is prohibited to use it internally in its pure form, as well as during a course of antibiotics and antidepressants.

Other uses of essential oil

Due to its high antibacterial properties, St. John's wort oil can be used for cleaning rooms and washing floors. In this case, be sure to emulsify it first. This natural remedy will not only kill all germs in the air, but also clear it of unpleasant odors and fill the house with a pleasant aroma.

How to choose?

  • Buy it only from trusted manufacturers.
  • Pay attention to the price of ether. A high-quality natural product will not be too cheap, so do not buy a product with a suspiciously low price.
  • The ether should be in a dark glass container.
  • The product packaging must indicate its place of production and composition.
  • Buy only 100% natural essential oil. Be sure to carefully study the ingredients listed on the label.
  • After purchasing, do not forget to check the product for authenticity at home. To do this, drop a little of it onto a sheet of paper or a paper napkin and wait 20-30 minutes. If after the specified period of time there is no greasy stain left on the paper, then you bought a quality product that was not diluted with vegetable olein.


St. John's wort ether is sold in pharmacies, specialty stores and online stores. On average, the price is 10 ml. quality product - from 100 rubles.

It is not recommended to buy products with a lower price.


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