How to trim a kitten's claws at home. Cat's claws - rules of care and prevention of possible problems

Having decided to have a small kitten at home, you must be prepared for the fact that he will scratch: furniture, wallpaper, sofas and armchairs. To prevent this from happening, you need to know at what age to trim a kitten’s claws.

A small cat scratches everything around because of its natural instinct. He does not understand that this is bad and cannot be done this way. Thus, the baby even marks his territory. To avoid damage to your property, you need to periodically trim your pet's claws.

How to trim a kitten's claws correctly

The best option would, of course, be to see a veterinarian. In this case, you will be sure that everything will happen well, correctly and with minimal shock to the animal. But sometimes it happens that it is not possible to take the cat to the clinic for a variety of reasons.

The claw trimming procedure does not cause any pain to the cat, but the discomfort that is present still pushes her away from it, and she begins to resist. The conclusion suggests itself: the sooner you start accustoming a kitten to trimming its nails, the better for it. As an adult, it will be easy for him to undergo such a procedure.

Necessary conditions for the procedure:

  • you need to choose a quiet and very bright corner of your home;
  • There should be no loud or sharp sounds so as not to frighten the furry one;
  • a playful form of claw trimming improves the procedure and puts the pet closer to the person;
  • Special pliers are required for circumcision. You can buy them at any pet store;
  • Having sat the kitten on your lap, you need to take the paw in your hand, securing one nail between your index and thumb, and cut it off. Carry out such manipulations with all marigolds;
  • After you have trimmed one paw, you can pet the cat a little and praise him, treat him with any tasty treat, and move on to the next one.

Special nippers are needed to straighten the edges of the cut nail. Also, you must strictly ensure that you do not damage the nail pulp - the place where all the capillaries and nerve endings are located. That is, you only need to cut the transparent edge of the nail, and do not touch its pink triangle.

When to start cutting your kitten's nails

Adult cats are more aggressive towards various hygiene procedures: bathing, cutting nails. Therefore, it is better to get used to such procedures from the first months of life. You need to start cutting your kitten’s nails as soon as they have grown to the point where they are bothering him. Early age is not a hindrance for this, but only a big plus. While the pet does not understand very well what is being done to it, its mind perceives everything as a game. And until his claws have had time to become well and completely stronger, he needs to be accustomed to regular and necessary hygienic procedures.

Kittens will have to trim their nails once or twice a month. This is not very common, and any owner can cope with such a procedure.

At the age of 3-4 months, kittens’ claws are trimmed, as they are already beginning to interfere with active running and movement..

All instruments must be kept sterile clean and treated with alcohol before performing the procedure. You can also let the kitten get acquainted with the wire cutters for him; the baby will be curious to sniff and examine them. If, through negligence, you still injure your pet and the nail begins to bleed, then the wound needs to be treated with hydrogen peroxide.

A furry pet should be clean, washed and tidy at any age. A loving owner will always carry out all the appropriate procedures on time and follow all the rules for caring for his beloved animal.

By purchasing a fluffy kitten, each owner takes responsibility for caring for a new friend. In addition to feeding, bathing and combing the fur, the pet needs to periodically trim its overgrown claws. We will tell you how to trim a cat’s claws at home correctly and painlessly in our educational article!

Many owners of furry pets wonder why they should trim their cat’s claws at all and how important is this procedure? Any female cat's claws grow throughout her life.

Yard animals independently adjust their length by scratching against the asphalt and tree bark. But it is not easy for domestic cats to do this, so to create the optimal length of their claws, a caring owner and a special tool - a nail clipper - are involved. There are also silicone claw covers for all cat breeds.

If the claws are not trimmed, the consequences can be quite unpleasant, both for the animal itself and for its owner. Too large claws disturb the animal, and there is also a risk of them growing into the pad of the paws, which will cause pain. It will be difficult and quite painful for the cat to move on its paws.

In addition to tormenting the animal, overgrown claws can significantly spoil the appearance of furniture in the house. The British or British Fold is patient with this procedure, as he has a calm nature by nature, but can fight back. A fluffy kitten, obeying its natural instinct, will definitely find a suitable surface for combing them.

This could be the owner’s favorite sofa, walls with new wallpaper, the door of a stylish cabinet, etc. Do you want to avoid such unpleasant consequences? Then don’t be lazy and regularly trim your beloved pet’s overgrown nails! There is also a special anti-scratch that helps prevent damage to your furniture or you from the animal.

How to trim a kitten's claws correctly?

This procedure is quite unpleasant for the animal, so kittens often resist and do not allow their owner to perform a neat trim without unnecessary problems. If the kitten has long hair that completely covers the nail, then trimming becomes more difficult. In addition, it will constantly break out.

Let's look at expert advice on how to trim a kitten's claws without hurting him or yourself:

  • It is better to start trimming from an early age, the kitten will gradually get used to it and will more calmly endure this unpleasant process;
  • when you caress and stroke your furry pet, apply slight pressure to the paw pads so that he gets used to such a touch and does not resist when trimming;
  • This procedure should not be carried out when the animal is hungry or too active; choose a moment when the cat is drowsy or sleeping;
  • If the animal shows aggression, it is better to postpone the planned care activity for a while.

4 stages of nail trimming:

  1. feed the kitten and try to calm it down;
  2. stroke and cuddle your beloved pet;
  3. Gently press on the pad of the paw and trim the tip of the claw using special clippers for this purpose. After trimming, it is recommended to smooth the cut area. A scratching post is used for this;
  4. If during the procedure you accidentally injured your pet's paw, treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide;

Convenient accessories for caring for animal claws

To trim nails at home, purchase special tools in advance (you can buy them at any pet store). In this case, pruning is painless and almost unnoticeable. Do not use ordinary nail scissors or other accessories for personal use. Your pet must have its own grooming accessories!

How should you properly trim overgrown claws on a long-haired or short-haired cat? You should have the following tools in your arsenal:

  • special scissors for cat claws (claw clippers), the cost of such an accessory starts from 230 rubles. up to 800 rub.;
  • forceps (guillotine or crescent-shaped);
  • a practical nail file for filing nails;
  • cotton swabs + antiseptic agents for treating damaged areas (just in case).

All pet manicure accessories must be kept clean. After trimming, antiseptically clean the surfaces of the instruments using regular medical alcohol. This will prevent the cat from becoming infected during the grooming procedure.

Where is it better to trim your pet’s nails – at home or in a special pet salon?

It is impossible to give a definite answer to this question. It all depends on the individual capabilities of the owner and personal desire to participate in such a responsible event. Some owners find it easier to take their pet to a pet salon to have its nails trimmed by an experienced professional. This procedure is carried out on a paid basis.

Do you want to save costs? Then purchase all the necessary tools and perform this care procedure in the comfort of your own home. After all, we have already talked about how to trim a kitten’s claws and why this is done. Over time, you will gain experience, and the cat itself will get used to such an unpleasant but necessary process. Simply put, after a few months this procedure will not cause any difficulties.

  • Declawing should be done in good light (preferably near a window in daylight);
  • the animal must be in a comfortable position;
  • claw cutting is performed on the front and hind legs;
  • before trimming, be sure to press down on the pad of the paw so that the claw appears;
  • Only keratinized tissue (approximately 1-2 mm) can be cut; be careful not to touch the pulp;
  • do not scare the animal, do not use force, try to gently negotiate with your beloved cat, attracting affection and kind attitude;
  • if you can’t hold the pet on your own, involve another family member in this procedure, one will hold it, and the second will carefully trim the claws;
  • experts recommend antiseptic treatment of cut surfaces after the procedure;
  • When finished, treat your beloved pet to something tasty, he will definitely appreciate such a reward!

If you managed to accustom your kitten to trimming its claws from an early age, be sure to carry out this procedure regularly. It is not advisable to take long breaks, as the cat may lose the habit, which will cause new difficulties the next time you leave.

How often should nails be trimmed?

This procedure must be performed as it grows. Experience shows that owners have to trim their beloved pet’s nails 2-3 times a month.

At what age does a pet need to be declawed?

What tools are best to use?

Choose high-quality manicure tools for animals. Very easy to use and practical for cutting scissors, made of stainless steel with rubber lining on the handles.

Is it possible to cut while the animal is sleeping?

Is it possible to trim cats' claws when they are sleeping? Not only is it possible, but even necessary! Many owners of purebred cats claim that grooming while the cat is sleeping is the most convenient and safest.

The pet is relaxed, does not show aggression, allowing its beloved owner to perform even and high-quality pruning without accidental injuries. Therefore, our tips on how to properly trim your cat’s overgrown and sharp claws without effort will definitely come in handy. Put them into practice and you will succeed!

What to do if blood appears on your paw due to an accidental injury?

The main thing is not to panic in such a situation! Nothing bad happened; the wound cannot be serious if you used special tools for animals. What should I do? Simply treat the bleeding area with hydrogen peroxide. Such wounds heal quickly. But still try to be careful and not cause pain to your beloved pet!

How to trim a fluffy cat's claws?

Some cats of elite breeds have too long fur, covering their paws and claws. In such cases, cutting should be done after preliminary cutting of the wool tufts on the paw, which prevent free access to the animal’s claws.

Dogs and cats' claws grow continuously throughout their lives. Under normal conditions, dogs wear down their claws when walking on hard surfaces (for example: asphalt). Cats most often sharpen their claws on hard surfaces (tree bark, special scratching posts).

When are dogs' nails trimmed?

  • Long claws interfere with the normal movement of the animal.
  • If the animal mainly walks on soft surfaces (grass, snow, sand).
  • If the claws are too long, the finger joints are overloaded, which can lead to finger dislocations.
  • In case of claw injury.

When should cats' claws be trimmed?

  • If an animal, being constantly at home, sharpens its claws on inappropriate objects (furniture, carpets), I ignore places specially equipped for this purpose, for example: claw points.
  • If the animal is inactive or lazy, sharpen its claws on its own and the claws grow too long.
  • If a claw grows into the fingertips.
  • If the animal behaves aggressively towards any family member.
  • If a claw injury occurs.

How to trim your pet's nails?

To trim the nails of a dog or cat, it is not advisable to use ordinary scissors. The structure of a cat or dog's claw is not similar in structure to a human claw; it is easy to split or break off. For these purposes, it is best to use special nail clippers for dogs and cats. Now there are a large number of them on sale in different sizes and shapes.

For example: small scissors for trimming the nails of cats, medium-sized scissors for trimming the nails of small and medium breeds of dogs, large scissors for large breeds. And also scissors in the form of a guillotine. Here you choose those that are more convenient for you.

Trimming cat claws has many benefits not only for people, but also for cats themselves. In addition to the fact that trimmed claws cause less damage to human skin and your favorite sofa and carpet, they will save your pet from such troubles as an ingrown or broken claw. Nail trimming can be completely painless for both you and your furry pet. What secrets do you need to know? How to trim a cat's claws successfully and without nerves? Our article will help you cope with this task with ease.

A little about cat claws

Cats have 18 toes and 18 claws, five on each front paw and four on each hind paw. Polydactyl cats can have 6 or more toes. This is a genetic defect that can occur in any breed, but is quite rare. The structure of a cat's claw should be noted. This is keratinized epithelium, and inside the sensitive part are blood vessels and nerves. No matter how many toes your cat has or how well she wears them down, you need to provide proper care to maintain healthy cat claws.

Cat's claws

Choosing the right tool

This is very important! Before catching a cat and getting down to business, make sure you have everything you need. Nail clipper, cotton wool, hydrogen peroxide (don’t worry, this is just to be on the safe side, especially if you are cutting your nails for the first time). If your pet has a lot of hair on its paws, for convenience you can trim it a little (with regular scissors or a clipper). There are several types of pruning tools. In principle, they are not much different. It is very important that the tool is sharp. Dull nail clippers will lengthen the procedure and may make it painful and less than successful. Let's look at tools for trimming and trimming cat nails:

  • Nail clippers - usually available in small and large sizes. The small ones are perfect for trimming the ends a little. The larger ones are designed for trimming large and tough nails. Equipped with a special recess for the claw. Very convenient.
  • The tongs are comfortable and safe; they have a so-called blade lock. It is designed to ensure that you cut only the necessary part without touching anything important.
  • Guillotine - works in the same way as the mechanism for which it is named. It has a minus - you will not be able to fully see exactly how much of the claw you are cutting off.
  • Electric Trimmer - Most electric trimmers have a cap that lets you control how much of the claw is exposed. This is a convenient and important feature, especially for safety.
  • File - designed to file and make the surface of the trimmed claw softer and smoother.

If you have a small kitten, it is best to purchase nail clippers or scissors. For other ages, any instruments are suitable.

The cat shows his claws

How often to trim a cat's claws

Here you should take into account the individual characteristics of each pet, for example, the rate of growth and lifestyle. Active cats grind off some of their claws on their own, but lazy sofa kings do not. Consequently, the latter need manicure procedures more often. Observe your cat and choose the optimal trimming frequency.

The cat's claws are trimmed

Step by step instructions

How can we trim our cats’ claws so that it is painless, quick and successful? We have prepared complete instructions for the most wayward pets. If your cat takes many things lightly, you can skip the first few steps:

  1. Most cats get very nervous and scared when someone does something to their paws. Therefore, let your pet relax: stroke its paws a little. The cat can get up and leave. Let go: don't force her to do anything, but continue to gently stroke her paws when you have the opportunity. Reward your pet with treats to help create positive associations.
  2. Your task is to let the cat get used to the fact that its paws are in your hands. You must ensure that the cat does not become nervous or react in any way even when you press on the pads to examine the claws. Don't make sudden movements, be nice and friendly. And, most importantly, don’t be nervous yourself – our pets feel everything.
  3. It is important to choose the right moment - choose a time when the cat is as relaxed as possible. For example, after eating. Or when she's getting ready to take a short nap.
  4. You should take a comfortable position. It should be comfortable not only for you, but also for the cat. This way she will panic and resist less. If you have someone who can help, ask them to hold the pet and calm it down.
  5. Gently press the paw to reveal the claws. Take a tool prepared in advance. If the cat starts to protest, meow and try to scratch you, rule out any aggression on your part. And don't try to finish everything quickly, you may hurt her and scare her even more. Try trimming one or two claws first. Give a rewarding treat. Continue trimming until you are finished.

A cat's claws are trimmed with pliers

What to do if something goes wrong?

First of all, don't panic. If you hit a sensitive part and have hydrogen peroxide on hand, go to the kitchen and grab some cornstarch or flour. Apply a small amount to the tip of your nail - the starch and flour will act as a coagulant. This should stop the bleeding. Stay with your pet for 30 minutes to make sure he doesn't lick the wound. If you cannot stop the bleeding within 30 minutes, you should contact your veterinarian. But in the vast majority of cases everything ends well.

Cat before claw trimming procedure

Many cat owners often wonder whether it is necessary to cut their animal's nails. At home, pets live in special conditions - they move on the floor and carpet, which are gentle on their paws. Scratching posts are also not as effective compared to natural conditions.

Is it possible to trim a cat's claws?

Often the procedure of trimming a pet's claws becomes a necessity. This must be done taking into account the fact that in cities cats often do not walk outside, and growing claws have nothing to grind against. Side claws on the front paws can become ingrown and cause severe pain.

The condition of the marigolds also depends on the breed of the animal. Sphinxes and Persians more often encounter the described problems. Persians are prone to excessive growth and detachment of the horny part of the claw if there is not enough vitamins B and D in their diet.

Their claws need to be trimmed periodically. They also often develop mats of fur between their toes, which are recommended to be removed.

Abnormalities can occur in all cats over time.


It is important to trim Scottish Fold cats. If they get caught, they can cause serious injury to the corneal process. This breed is characterized by playfulness and therefore can easily get hurt.

Do you need to cut your cat's nails?

If a cat spoils furniture, does not want to use a scratcher, shows aggression towards people, or its claws do not grow properly (this happens quite often), then it is better to trim them.

Sometimes, even while playing with the owner, the cat cannot control the dangerous weapon, clinging to surrounding objects and injuring the person, risking simultaneously injuring himself.

If there are several cats in the house, they are constantly running around, fighting, hurting each other, you should trim their claws.


Many people do not immediately notice that the animal's claws grow into the pads of its paws, which can result in blood remaining on surfaces throughout the house. In such a situation, trimming is definitely required.

Anatomy of claws

A cat's claw is a complex system consisting of muscles, joints, tendons and ligaments. This allows the animal to release it and hide it again.

The visible part of the claw consists of 2 parts: the cornea and the pulp - the living part with blood vessels and nerve endings. Only the upper cornea can be cut off; touching the pulp is strictly prohibited. To do this, it is enough to remove only 2 mm of the tip of the claw.

Periodically, the old layer in the form of a cover is removed from the claws. The fifth claw on the front paws is located on the back side and is never worn down. Over time, it can curl up and grow into the skin.


You should regularly check the length - it is shorter on the hind legs than on the front legs.

In what cases is it necessary to cut your hair?

When a pet lives in the house and does not go outside, it does not need protection. He has everything for a comfortable life - housing, food, water, attention. In this regard, the cat's most dangerous weapon is often used for other purposes, causing harm.

A strongly overgrown claw bends and hurts the pads of the fingers when the cat walks. Breeders are recommended to introduce kittens to nippers from childhood, then problems will not arise in the future.

If the cat is an adult, and the claws need to be trimmed for the first time, you need to be patient to accustom him to grooming. Regular pruning does not require complex skills and it is quite possible to do the procedure yourself at home.

Anomalies: detachments, bifurcation of the claw

When there are no irregularities in the pet’s diet and the claws are cut when necessary, a scratching post is placed in the house, but the claws continue to split or bifurcate - this is a reason to worry about the health of the animal. If a cat periodically limps and does not allow its paws to be touched, this indicates defeat.

In case of injury or improper pruning, infection can penetrate into the soft tissue. This inflammation is called paronychia, and when suppuration forms, it is called pyongychia. In this situation, the most correct decision is to visit a veterinarian in order to:

  • getting your pet tested;
  • making an accurate diagnosis and prescribing treatment.

Often, an infectious lesion requires a course of antibiotics, or even an operation - opening and draining the infected wound, removing the claw.

Another reason for split nails is their abnormal growth. As a rule, this happens in old animals when the thyroid gland produces too many hormones.

Pathologies should also include fungi. They arise under the influence of injury or improper haircut. The main signs of fungal infection:

  • unnatural color;
  • compaction and thickening;
  • swelling and hyperemia around;
  • pain in the paw, causing the cat to limp;
  • The cat often licks and bites his paw.


The fungus is treated with special ointments as prescribed by a veterinarian; sometimes oral treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs is additionally indicated.

What to do if the claw is in the way?

If the owner constantly notices the cat’s discomfort when claws cling to the carpet, upholstered furniture, etc., you need to check the pet’s claws. Perhaps this is a sign of their excessive growth and the need for trimming.

Other reasons

There are other reasons for trimming a cat's claws. For example, a pet damages furniture and shoes, does not respond to scratches, and can scratch the owner or other residents of the apartment, especially if there are small children in the house.

If nails grow abnormally, trimming them is necessary.

How to trim a cat's claws?

After checking that you have all the necessary tools, you should start processing the nail - first set up the cat itself for the process.



The owner must purchase and use a special nail clipper, and have a hemostatic agent and antiseptic on hand, just in case. Under no circumstances should you use regular scissors!

Nail clippers come in several forms:

  • special scissors – suitable for cutting ends;
  • guillotine type - required for trimming too long nails (nail clippers).

The shape is selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the animal. The main thing is the sharpness of the tool, so as not to injure the animal or deform the nail with blunt nippers.

How to carry out the procedure correctly with special scissors or a guillotine?

To ensure that the procedure does not cause pain to the cat, you need to carefully examine the claw, study its structure and understand where the pulp ends. Often the claws are clearly visible in the light. It is forbidden to touch the pulp, otherwise severe bleeding will occur, causing inflammation.

  1. The pad of the foot is squeezed tightly between the thumb and index finger.
  2. The very tip is carefully trimmed.
  3. During trimming, the tweezers are positioned perpendicular to the claws.
  4. After the procedures, the cut sites can be smoothed with a soft nail file to prevent peeling later.

Haircut lifehacks

The growth of each animal's claws is individual; the owner must pay attention to this process to determine the frequency of trimming. Here are a few rules and tips that will make the procedure less complicated:

  1. For young pets, trimming is carried out once every 3 weeks, from 2 years old - once a month will be enough.
  2. If the claws are peeling and severely broken, you need to cut them off urgently.
  3. It is recommended that older cats' paws be examined more often, as their claws are thinner and can dig into the pads, causing severe pain.
  4. If you have an ingrown claw, you should take your cat to the veterinarian rather than take any measures on your own.
  5. Some cats do not accept the procedure; in such a situation, an assistant is needed to hold the animal.
  6. Immediately after cutting, you need to give the animal something tasty so that it thinks that it was tortured.
  7. It is important to remember that cats have a good memory, and they can be vindictive, there is no need to offend them for no reason, try to carry out the procedure as loyally as possible when the pet is in a good mood.

How often (when?!) should you cut your cat’s nails?

The frequency of trimming is individual for each animal. It is set in accordance with the growth of the claws. As a rule, the procedure is carried out once a month and this is quite enough.

What should you do if you hurt your cat in the process?

In the event of a cat injury, it is advisable to keep peroxide, iodine and baby powder at the ready while trimming its claws. The wound is treated with peroxide and sprinkled with talcum powder. It is important to know that a cat’s blood can flow in the pulp area for quite a long time – at least 2 minutes.

Preparing for the first procedure


Before the first procedure, you will need to seize the right moment, especially for adult cats. It is better if the pet is well-fed, tired, and sleepy.

It is normal if your pet resists and does not give you its claws - that is why it is important to “catch” the moment.

It is not recommended to interrupt him while he is playing and start trimming his claws. Some owners swaddle the animal to prevent injury to themselves and their animal. You should start by lightly stroking the paws, moving to the pads, which you gradually press down a little until a claw appears.

If you start doing this from a young age, the kitten quickly gets used to it and perceives nail trimming as a necessity. In any case, you should be patient.

When a small kitten appears in the house, you need to immediately think about trimming its claws. It is important to do this from childhood, so that as your pet grows up it will not be afraid of unfamiliar tools.


The procedure is carried out only when the cat is in a good mood and is being caressed.

At first she will walk away and pull her paws away - there is no need to interfere. Accustoming is required gradually, without resorting to violence.

When your pet allows you to pet his paw pads, you need to give him a treat. After a while, the kitten will like this massage, and he will expose his claws himself.

At what age should the procedure begin with kittens: from 2.5 months?

In fact, there is a simple rule here - the sooner you start, the less painful the procedure will be perceived over time. Therefore, from 2-3 months you can begin to calmly cut your kitten’s nails. The main thing is to try to be as careful as possible and follow our instructions.

Useful video

How to trim nails with a guillotine?

You can learn more about how to cut a haircut with a guillotine and not injure your pet in the video below.

And scissors...

And for lovers of scissors, we have selected the following video.


Raising a cat primarily depends on the owner and his methods. A healthy animal with proper upbringing will not need to trim its nails. In other cases, this is an urgent need, the main thing is to carry out the procedure carefully, and be sure to praise and encourage the cat afterwards.



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