How to raise your temperature to 39. How to cause a fever - tips

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If you have ever needed to feign illness, then you probably wondered how to raise your body temperature to 37.5 quickly and safely. After all, if you need to urgently issue a sick leave, then in 98% of cases it is impossible in the absence of fever. There are several ways to do this. It should be immediately noted that if you suffer from body temperature below normal, then it is better not to try to find a solution to the problem on your own. Since this may be a signal of the development of a number of diseases. Therefore, it is better to seek help from a doctor.

Proven methods

But if you are interested in how to increase your body temperature to 37.5 at home, then we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the methods described below.

Eating stylus

This is the simplest method, which is often used even by schoolchildren to skip classes once again. It is recommended to eat the stylus from a simple pencil. To do this, you need to break the pencil in half and remove small parts of the lead from it. Next, you need to eat it with a small amount of water. Keep in mind that if you chew it, your mouth will turn black and your secret will be revealed. Therefore, do not chew it, but take it like a tablet.


This method is popular due to the fact that in addition to increased temperature, you can also get cold symptoms such as consumption, runny nose. The glue should be the simplest, domestic one. Under no circumstances should you drink it. You need to take a small amount of glue and apply it to your nose.


Many people love this invigorating drink, especially in the morning when they need to cheer up. But few people know that with its help you can raise your temperature and go on sick leave. Only for this you need not to drink this product, but to eat it. It is enough to eat two to three teaspoons of regular instant coffee, and you will achieve the desired result.

Rubbing underarms

This is a very interesting method that will help to urgently raise your body temperature. Only you need to rub your armpits not just like that, but with the help of products such as:

  • salt,
  • pepper,
  • garlic.

However, when using it, keep in mind that there may be persistent bad smell. Therefore, it is not recommended for use in public places. Experts recommend one of listed products Rub your armpits for at least 10 minutes. Then the body temperature will rise to the level you need.

Climbers method

This method is used by climbers in cases where it is necessary to warm up, but movement is impossible. To carry out the procedure you need:

  • take four deep breaths,
  • then take air into your lungs,
  • tense your diaphragm and abs, as if you are trying to crush the air inside you.

Hold your breath for 40 seconds. This exercise must be repeated at least 5 times, then the temperature will rise.


In order to raise the temperature using this method, just drop a couple of drops of the product on the bread. Then you should eat this piece and wash it down with water. The effect after using this method lasts for several hours.

If the temperature measurement is carried out without anyone's control, then you can take a thermometer and lower it into warm water for a few seconds. The main thing here is not to overdo it.

No matter how safe these methods may seem, before artificially raising your body temperature, think about how much you need it. Since sometimes trying to simulate a disease, it can occur in reality.

Life is full of paradoxes. When some have to look for ways to lower the numbers on the thermometer to normal, others are trying to find out how to raise their body temperature. Perhaps someday you too will need some tips on how to quickly fake a fever. It is also necessary to know about methods of raising the temperature for those whose temperature is below 36 C. Shall we engage in “anti-treatment”?

Why raise the temperature?

Usually everyone is happy if the thermometer shows 36.6. But in some cases, a person dreams that the mercury column will rise to at least 37.1. An adult is looking for workarounds if he urgently needs sick leave, needs to leave work or stay at home for a couple of days. They are often sought out by students to have a reason to skip lectures, and by schoolchildren if they have a test coming up or a lesson has not been learned.

The reasons for the rise in temperature may be more compelling. One of them is if a person suffered from hypothermia (frozen or fell through the ice). The reason to urgently bring the indicators back to normal is their chronic decline, which continues for at least a week.

Depending on the cause, the method of raising body temperature is also chosen. What is important is this: is it necessary for it to be high only on the thermometer, or is it really necessary to have a real fever?

Temperature without temperature. How to fool a thermometer?

If a person does not plan to really get sick, but just wants to deceive the thermometer (and someone else), then the following manipulations will help:

  • Take a few napkins and put them in hot water. Squeeze out, put in plastic bag, using a patch, attach to the body in the armpit area. When measuring temperature, place the thermometer on warm wipes. Cons - if you have to sit in line for a long time, the napkins may wet your clothes or get cold;
  • buy a new thermometer, heat it to the required temperature and attach it in the armpit area. When the doctor gives you a thermometer, you just need to put it in your inner pocket and take out your own. Disadvantages - you will have to spend money on buying a thermometer (and it must be exactly the same), one of the thermometers may fall out;
  • so that the thermometer begins to show elevated temperature, just rub its head (where the mercury is located) on a blanket, sofa surface or other fabric for 10 seconds. If you are too zealous, you can break the thermometer or it will show 42. In this case, it will be difficult to guide the doctor, since he can simply touch the forehead. If he believes the thermometer, he can write out a referral to a hospital instead of a sick leave;
  • You can hold the thermometer on a hot battery for some time (lower it in hot tea or coffee), and then put it under your arm. But this cannot be done in the presence of a doctor.

All these methods will make the thermometer an “accomplice” in deception. But in order to put them into practice, you will have to show ingenuity (to distract the doctor) and caution (so as not to break the thermometer).

Imaginary patient: how to raise body temperature quickly and for a long time

If you need the temperature to be healthy person and the truth has risen, then the following methods will do:

  • "hot armpits" The essence of the method is to rub your armpits with salt, pepper, garlic or onion. This will lead to a local increase in temperature. Disadvantages - you can develop allergies, you will have to endure strong burning sensation V axillary area, it is impossible to cover up the smell of garlic and onions with the most persistent colognes and deodorants;
  • " ". Hazardous to health, but in most cases effective way- find a domestic simple pencil, remove the rod, grind the lead, eat 2 spoons. After 15 minutes, the temperature will jump to 37.5-38 and will remain this way for 3-4 hours. Cons - you can get severe poisoning or choke;
  • "iodine sandwich" This remedy is guaranteed to help those who are looking for how to raise their body temperature in 5 minutes. Take a piece of refined sugar or a slice of bread, drop 1-2 drops of iodine on it and eat. The temperature will remain for about a day. Caution: In addition to poisoning, this method may cause heart problems or fainting;
  • coffee on an empty stomach. For those who don't suffer high blood pressure, coffee is suitable as a means to provoke a temporary fever. Only it should not be mixed with water, but simply chew the granules. Flaws - disgusting taste, the method does not work for everyone;
  • hot bath. If long time sit in hot water, and then put on a warm sweater, socks, wrap a scarf around your neck and lie under a warm blanket, then the temperature will rise to at least 37.5%. What could go wrong? The pressure may rise sharply and arrhythmia will begin;
  • workout until you sweat. Serious physical activity can cause a short-term effect of increasing temperature.

Read also:

Fever on demand: 2 ways to get really sick

If you need a long vacation and have a question, how to raise body temperature to 38 degrees for two weeks, then you will have to get sick. We warn you right away: the consequences can be very sad!

If you don’t mind your health and no chronic diseases, then abuse your body in the following ways:

  • buy Rondo or Hols at the pharmacy, place it under your tongue, open the window and breathe through your mouth frosty air. 10 minutes is enough for the throat to start inflammatory process, and the temperature of 38.2 will not be long in coming;
  • pour ice from the refrigerator into a glass, add 1/6 part cold water and drink (the effect is guaranteed even if you swallow a glass of ice-cold milk in one gulp).

Other ways to get sick have been invented, but we strongly do not recommend using them.

Serious problem: low body temperature. How to lift?

If the decrease in temperature is associated with overwork, lack of sleep or hypothermia, then the safest way to bring it back to normal is to visit the bathhouse. Bathing procedures can raise the temperature by 2 degrees. After steaming, drink herbal tea with honey.

To improve your condition, you can drink hot tea with sugar, lie down under a blanket and get a good night's sleep.

A massage or contrast shower will help restore strength and raise the temperature to 36.6.

Most quick method, decisive question how to raise body temperature at home (if it has dropped to dangerous levels) - artificially warm the body by covering the person with bottles or heating pads with hot water. Then wrap him well and give him hot tea with raspberries or honey or a decoction of St. John's wort (1 tbsp per 1 tbsp boiling water).

To warm up while still, you need to take 4 deep breaths, tense your diaphragm and hold your breath for 40 seconds.

Why body temperature rises: mechanism

For a person, a temperature of 36 to 37 is considered normal. If an infection enters the body or inflammation begins, it actively reacts to this danger and turns on special mechanisms: increases blood circulation, stimulates the production of red blood cells, increases body temperature.

It is known that many pathogenic microorganisms die already at 38. Therefore, interfering with the activities of your body and artificially increasing or decreasing your temperature, especially unless absolutely necessary, is extremely undesirable and dangerous.

Read also:

  • How to bring down a fever without medication?

If you are thinking about how to independently raise the temperature to 38 C or other indicators, then remember that none of the listed methods is not safe. It's better not to joke with your health. Benefit from such dangerous games may turn out to be disproportionately small compared to possible consequences!

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Being sick, of course, is bad. What about pretending to be sick? Well, in this case, it all depends on the reason for which the person decided to resort to pretense. In principle, there is nothing wrong with faking illness and skipping work or school. How to raise the temperature to 38? Good question! In fact, the methods are different. Let us immediately note that we do not recommend experimenting with everything, as you can harm your body. Attention! The information is not a guide to action and is provided for informational purposes only.

First, you should pay attention to what body temperature is normal for a person. Of course, the norm for us is exactly 36.6. If it rises by even half a degree, the change will be noticeable. A low temperature is also a very bad indicator. Let's talk about elevated temperature. An interesting fact is that it is noticeable precisely slight increase, and in extreme heat we practically don’t see it. I only feel dizzy, weak, etc. Are you still interested in how to raise the temperature to 38? Then carefully read the material below.

How can pencil lead help us?

It should be taken orally. You don't need to eat too much of it. They usually start with small pieces, carefully analyzing the emerging symptoms. Can they get poisoned? In principle, there were no recorded cases, but is it necessary to take risks?

Glue is not just for paper

How to raise the temperature to 38? We take the simplest domestically produced office glue and lubricate everything in the nose with it. You don't need to drink anything! In this case, the increase in temperature will not be so significant, but other signs of a cold will appear, such as runny nose, red eyes, and so on.

How to raise temperature with iodine

It is used internally. Don't drink it, just place a few drops on a piece of sugar or bread. Eat this culinary miracle and your temperature will rise quite quickly. The result will last up to several hours.

Use coffee

In this case, you don’t need to drink it, but rather eat it. The dose is two or even three teaspoons. Note that this method seems more than doubtful, but some individuals claim that it really works. In addition to the temperature, your blood pressure will probably rise. Let's not forget that coffee is a very specific substance. It should under no circumstances be used in large quantities a person who has at least some heart problems.

How to raise the temperature to 39 degrees: other tricks

In fact, you don't have to lift anything. How then can one feign illness and skip an unnecessary and uninteresting event? To do this, just rub your armpits. For example, pepper. In certain cases it may occur severe discomfort, and you will ruin the whole “operation”. However, the game is still worth the candle, since in this case there will be no damage to health (we do not consider slight skin irritation). Remember that you need to be cunning skillfully. And if there is a way to avoid radical methods, then it’s better to use it.

The unnatural concept of body temperature is a way out of a situation when you don’t want to go anywhere at all. Many children used this trick, placing a thermometer briefly on a hot radiator.

Today there are many more ways to quickly raise the temperature to 38. Some of them are safe, others must be done with caution.

All the presented methods that help to artificially increase the temperature are not recommended, but can be used if necessary. They will help raise it to 38-39 degrees.

If a person low temperature, it is not recommended to use these products - it is better to visit a doctor to normalize the indicators:

Some believe that raspberries can raise your temperature. This is not true, because it is taken to lower the degrees. The berry promotes sweating, and contains acetylsalicylic acid has a detrimental effect on temperature.

Folk remedies

There are several not always pleasant, but effective methods raise the temperature. They are based on folk remedies, one of them is the use of salt.

To do this, take salt and rub it on your armpits. With this action it will be observed local increase thermometer readings, but this will be enough.

Onions raise the temperature equally, but they give off a specific smell that will be immediately recognizable to the nurse.

Pay attention! If you are confident that others will not use a thermometer to measure, then you can use another method that will briefly increase your readings.

To do this, you need to drink 2 glasses of warm tea in a row, and for greater effectiveness, apply a hot compress to your forehead.

Methods that help to safely raise the temperature in an adult’s body are based not only on internal use any component.

They are also associated with external means. Some of them immediately raise the temperature; for others to take effect, you need to wait at least half an hour.

Let's consider methods for increasing the degrees on a thermometer using folk remedies:

Pouring First you need to pour a bucket of hot water over yourself. After that, quickly wet yourself cold water. It’s worth measuring the temperature and if it hasn’t changed, stand near the battery for a while
Mustard solution Prepare a bowl of warm water, in which dissolve mustard powder. Keep your feet in the water for 20 minutes and you will soon notice an increase in the thermometer to 38 degrees
Vegetable oil Pour a few tablespoons of the product into a frying pan and heat it a little. As soon as the oil cools down a little, drink it. If you do not wait for cooling, there is a risk of getting a throat burn
Exercise As you know, sport warms up the body, so you need to actively squat for 10 minutes, run in place, and bend over. This method will not only increase the temperature, but will also help strengthen the immune system.
Glue The method is suitable for additionally simulating a runny nose. You need to lightly smear your nostrils with PVA glue, then the temperature will rise to 38 degrees and will be accompanied by sneezing
Breathing technique This method was borrowed from climbers who, in order to avoid hypothermia high in the mountains, perform special gymnastics for the lungs.

After 5 deep breaths It is necessary to sharply hold your breath and tense your abs and diaphragm. The exercise is repeated 7 times, then the temperature can reach 37.3 degrees

Fat This method will help maintain the elevated temperature for a long time. To do this, smear your body with fat and wrap yourself tightly under a blanket. The technique can cause fever, so it is important to be extremely careful

Another effective method, requiring manual dexterity - unnoticed to replace the thermometer. It is necessary to find out in advance what the thermometer will look like and artificially raise the readings on it at home. When you come to the clinic, place your thermometer instead of a medical device.

These methods are good in moderation. You should not resort to using the listed ingredients every day to perform tricks - it is recommended to do this once when necessary.

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If your temperature readings are very low or you want to miss work or school, you can try to artificially increase the thermometer readings. Before you figure out how to raise your body temperature, you need to understand that frequently using these remedies unnecessarily is dangerous to your health; many processes in the body can be disrupted.

How to increase without drugs

The normal body temperature of a healthy person is 36–37 degrees. The main reasons for the decline in indicators are addiction to strict diets, dehydration, salt poisoning heavy metals, chronic insomnia and lack of sleep, frequent stress, overwork. Prolonged hypothermia may be a sign of hypothyroidism, anemia, hepatitis C, sepsis, helminthic infestations, severe pathologies kidneys, adrenal glands.

The easiest way to quickly increase the temperature readings on a thermometer to 38, even 40 degrees is to heat the thermometer on a radiator, dip it in a cup of hot tea, or rub it with a woolen cloth. The human body temperature will not change.

Simple methods to increase temperature:

  • eat a hearty meal, preferably spicy food;
  • dress warmly, cover yourself with a blanket;
  • do some intense physical exercise;
  • pour mustard powder into socks and put them on;
  • take a contrast shower;
  • soak a small piece of thin cloth in boiling water and apply a compress to the forehead;
  • steam your feet in hot water with mustard powder added, essential oil eucalyptus, St. John's wort - the duration of the procedure is approximately 25 minutes;
  • Dissolve 50 ml of vinegar in 1 liter of water, wipe with the solution, and immediately wrap yourself in a warm blanket.

Such methods help to slightly increase the temperature, to about 37.5, if the decrease in indicators is caused by stressful situation, overwork. In case of severe hypothermia, a person should be taken to warm room, change clothes, rub with alcohol, put hot compresses in armpits, in the groin area.

Important! If the temperature in an adult has dropped to 35 degrees, in a child - 35.4, and there are interruptions in the heart rhythm, the pulse is difficult to palpate, you cannot try to raise them yourself, you must call ambulance, identify the causes of such a dangerous condition.

Enhancement drugs

Medicines to increase temperature - pyrogens - are most often used in a hospital setting. Most of them have many contraindications and side effects. At incorrect reception you can get seriously ill, the indicators will really increase significantly.

Medicines for fever:

  1. Pyrogenal is used in narcology, psychiatry, dermatovenereology, when pyrotherapy (hyperthermia treatment) is necessary. The medicine belongs to the immunomodulators, it is released in the form rectal suppositories and solution for intramuscular injections. If it is necessary to increase the values ​​in case of weakened immunity, the drug is used once every 2 days for 3-4 weeks.
  2. Tincture of valerian, motherwort, Adaptol - drugs are prescribed when the temperature drops due to stress, shock, nervous fatigue. By themselves they do not cause hyperthermia.
  3. Hormonal medicines prescribed for malfunctions endocrine system(hypothyroidism), they are selected individually, based on test results.

Important! Most safe medicines to increase low temperature at home - tincture of echinacea or St. John's wort. Good, long-term sleep is a great way to combat hypothermia.

Foods that raise your temperature

If the thermometer constantly shows low values, some products will help raise them at home without harm. It is enough to include them in your daily diet in not large quantities.

What foods raise your temperature:

  • cayenne pepper – contains a lot of capsaicin, accelerates metabolic processes, stimulates the functioning of the temperature center;
  • cinnamon – has a warming effect;
  • ginger - unique root, is able to raise and lower temperature, strengthens the immune system;
  • coffee - for rapid promotion temperature you need to eat 3 tsp. instant product, do not drink it with water; ground coffee beans do not have a similar effect;
  • brown rice - contains large quantities complex carbohydrates, their absorption requires a lot of energy, you need to consume 1 tbsp per day. l. product, you can replace it with bran.

It will help raise your temperature for a long time and strengthen your immune system. vitamin cocktail– mix 1 part beetroot and 2 parts carrot juice, drink 100 ml of the drink twice a day.

Other ways

If the temperature drops significantly, warming up will help. The procedure should begin from the heart area - rub chest use any alcohol-based product, use an electric heating pad. Additionally, it is necessary to give the person warm berry juice and tea with lemon.

How to increase the temperature:

  1. Rub the armpits mustard powder, pepper, salt, garlic – emergency method, allows you to increase the thermometer readings to 39 or more units in a quarter of an hour, but a burn may occur, severe irritation skin. This method is dangerous to health.
  2. Using an ordinary pencil, eat a small piece of lead as a whole, do not chew it, and wash it down with water. Colored pencils are not recommended because the pigments cause strong food poisoning. High temperature will last 3–4 hours. This method is often used by malingerers; doctors disapprove of eating stylus.
  3. Using office glue, apply a small amount to the mucous membranes of the nose. Indicators will increase to 37 degrees, it will appear severe runny nose. At the same time, the risk of intoxication is high, especially in a child.
  4. Stick a geranium leaf into each nostril - the temperature increases, the eyes water, and a severe runny nose appears.
  5. Drink iodine - dissolve 3-6 drops in a small amount of water or drop it onto a piece of refined sugar. In this case, fever may appear, sweating increases, the skin turns red, but abuse similar method This is not possible, since iodine in excess amounts disrupts the functioning of the thyroid gland.

If a child’s temperature drops, he needs to be wrapped warmer, put a heating pad under the blanket, and given warm tea. To improve performance immune system to eliminate iodine deficiency, you need to take a course vitamin complexes, Iodomarina (as prescribed by a doctor).

Important! You cannot raise your temperature yourself with coffee, alcoholic beverages, tea with honey or raspberries - these drugs have a pronounced diuretic effect. After a short-term increase in indicators, they will quickly decrease again.

Raise the temperature medicines It is possible only if there are serious indications; you should first consult a doctor. Folk remedies may cause the development severe complications. Most safe way combating low temperatures - moderate, regular use healthy products with a warming effect, good rest, long sleep.



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