How to clean sunglasses at home. How to clean glasses and what cleaning products are suitable

Of the huge number of people who wear corrective glasses, most commit a serious crime almost daily: they wipe their glasses with the sleeve or edge of their clothing after breathing on the lenses. This method is not only not the best, but in principle it has no right to exist.

The simplest solution to the problem

Optical stores sell various liquids and special wipes for cleaning glasses lenses. in fact, regular dish soap is sufficient for this procedure!

Place literally one tiny drop on the glass, lather and rinse with warm water. Then wipe thoroughly with a clean piece of cotton cloth.

Don't use the hem of your shirt, even if it's 100% cotton. There is probably dust on it that can scratch the lens.

How to properly clean plastic lenses

Glass has almost gone out of fashion. Glass lenses are heavy and break easily. It's either light plastic! But not everything is so rosy. The plastic is soft and therefore there are often scratches on it, which significantly impair visibility. By the way, these scratches cannot be sanded out later.

A popular method of wiping especially contributes to the appearance of flaws: breathe on the lenses and wipe with whatever is at hand (even if it’s clean paper napkins). The same wipes contain coarse fibers and will scratch the lens very easily.

During the day, it is good to use microfiber cloths for dry wiping, but this procedure is not a substitute for regularly washing your glasses with soap.

About caring for lenses with protective coatings

If you have purchased more expensive plastic lenses that have some kind of coating (anti-reflective, anti-UV or anti-scratch), then you must remember: never allow the glasses to come into contact with ammonia, bleach, vinegar or cleaning fluid. glass cleaning These substances will simply destroy the coating.

If you've already tried any of these, then take a look at your lenses. Do you see small bubbles? This is the result of your efforts.


Every day in the evening, the effectiveness of your lenses decreases, as oil from your hands and face remains on them. And if, while washing your face, you put your glasses somewhere on a shelf in the bathroom or leave them on your head like a headband, then microdrops of soapy water, splashes of hairspray, and something else like that will settle on them.

Glasses need to be washed every day.

Sometimes patients complain of a significant deterioration in vision, but it turns out that they do not need vitamins and drops, but just soap, warm water and a clean cloth.

We live in a time when glasses have become an integral part of our lives. And it is natural that with constant or even rare wear, dust will settle on them and leave greasy fingerprints. There is not a single person on earth who has not at least once thought about how to clean glasses so well that the cloudy spots in front of the eyes disappear, while keeping the lenses in perfect condition. It is for this reason that we decided in this article to analyze in detail how to wipe glasses so that you do not have to clean them again every half hour.

Spray cleaners

Every time you notice cloudy glasses, you wonder how you can clean your glasses lenses. One of the most reliable and yet easily accessible methods is the regular use of a spray cleaner. Purchasing such a product is quite simple; for example, special liquids for cleaning glasses can be purchased at a pharmacy or optical store. These sprays contain special chemicals that can easily erase all marks on glasses. The companies Good Look, Optinett, and LensCleaner are pleased with high-quality cleaning sprays. It should be borne in mind that often the manufacturer is not written on the spray, but, for example, “Universal” is indicated.

Disposable alcohol wipes

People who wear glasses every day constantly ask themselves the question: “How can I clean my glasses?” For those who are often outside the home, a convenient and easily accessible way is to use special disposable wipes soaked in an alcohol solution. They can be purchased at a pharmacy or optical store. These wipes easily clean your glasses from dust and grease stains, and leave absolutely no streaks. In addition, they are so soft that they cannot scratch or otherwise damage the glasses. Another advantage of alcohol wipes is that each wipe is individually packaged, so you won’t need to take the whole pack with you to clean your glasses, just a few wipes will be enough. Profissimo DM, Autas, Flink & Sauber, Sidolin napkins are popular.

Home method

If you're late for a walk or a meeting, but as luck would have it, you've run out of sprays and wipes, and you don't know how to clean your glasses frames and lenses, don't worry. Go to the bathroom or kitchen and grab some shower gel, shampoo or detergent. Such means will be no worse than those we discussed above.

In order to properly wash your glasses, you need to apply a drop of the product to the lenses of the glasses and gently foam, distributing the product from side to side, but do not press hard so as not to damage the glass. Also carefully apply the product to the frame. Afterwards, the glasses should be thoroughly rinsed under warm water, without leaving any foam (otherwise there will be streaks), and wiped with a cotton cloth. We do not recommend using the edge of your shirt or T-shirt. Glasses are extremely easy to damage due to invisible dust on clothing.

And if you are not late for anything and just want to clean your glasses well, then move on to the next step: wiping small gaps with a cotton swab. A lot of dust usually collects in such places. You should apply a little alcohol to a cotton swab and wipe these same gaps. Remember to take a new swab for each side of your glasses. After this procedure, place the glasses on a towel and let them dry. If desired, dry the glasses on a towel with a hair dryer on low heat. Never wash your glasses under hot water, and do not use circular movements when cleaning.

How to properly clean sunglasses

Remember: when cleaning sunglasses, do not use products containing alcohol or any solvents, because they will easily damage the glass surface and sun filters. So how to clean sunglasses? To do this, use neutral soap. Wet the glasses under running water, then apply a small amount of soap to them using a napkin and wipe with light movements without pressing. At the end of the procedure, rinse the glasses with water again and wipe with a dry cloth. Also, if your sunglasses get dirty, you can wipe them using special cloths or brushes with a microfiber sponge. But never use anything like vinegar, bleach, or glass cleaner. Before using the glasses, make sure that there are no substances left on them. Otherwise, particles from the cleaning products may get into your eyes and cause severe irritation.


In order to keep dust to a minimum, it is advisable to purchase a case for glasses. Many people put their glasses next to them, not realizing that they will collect dust again or that someone will drop them and have to order new frames or lenses. Also, the effectiveness of lenses usually decreases in the evening, so you should clean your glasses every day. Unfortunately, many people do not understand how important cleaning their glasses is, so they look for the reason in something else, without thinking about the fact that sometimes you just need to know the secrets of how to clean dirt from sunglasses.

Of the huge number of people who wear corrective glasses, most commit a serious crime almost daily: they wipe their glasses with the sleeve or edge of their clothing after breathing on the lenses. This method is not only not the best, but in principle it has no right to exist.

The simplest solution to the problem

Optical stores sell various liquids and special wipes for cleaning glasses lenses. in fact, regular dish soap is sufficient for this procedure!

Place literally one tiny drop on the glass, lather and rinse with warm water. Then wipe thoroughly with a clean piece of cotton cloth.

Don't use the hem of your shirt, even if it's 100% cotton. There is probably dust on it that can scratch the lens.

How to properly clean plastic lenses

Glass has almost gone out of fashion. Glass lenses are heavy and break easily. It's either light plastic! But not everything is so rosy. The plastic is soft and therefore there are often scratches on it, which significantly impair visibility. By the way, these scratches cannot be sanded out later.

A popular method of wiping especially contributes to the appearance of flaws: breathe on the lenses and wipe with whatever is at hand (even if it’s clean paper napkins). The same wipes contain coarse fibers and will scratch the lens very easily.

During the day, it is good to use microfiber cloths for dry wiping, but this procedure is not a substitute for regularly washing your glasses with soap.

About caring for lenses with protective coatings

If you have purchased more expensive plastic lenses that have some kind of coating (anti-reflective, anti-UV or anti-scratch), then you must remember: never allow the glasses to come into contact with ammonia, bleach, vinegar or cleaning fluid. glass cleaning These substances will simply destroy the coating.

If you've already tried any of these, then take a look at your lenses. Do you see small bubbles? This is the result of your efforts.


Every day in the evening, the effectiveness of your lenses decreases, as oil from your hands and face remains on them. And if, while washing your face, you put your glasses somewhere on a shelf in the bathroom or leave them on your head like a headband, then microdrops of soapy water, splashes of hairspray, and something else like that will settle on them.

Glasses need to be washed every day.

Sometimes patients complain of a significant deterioration in vision, but it turns out that they do not need vitamins and drops, but just soap, warm water and a clean cloth.

10/18/2018 1 4,253 views

In order for the optics to serve for a long time and not deteriorate from mechanical stress, you should remember how to wipe your glasses at home, and what not to do if contamination occurs. We often make mistakes that damage our lenses. Such oversights have a detrimental effect on health.

You can clean the surface without damaging the protective layer. To keep your glasses neat, it is better to use special products. There are several ways to gently clean glass.

How often should you clean?

The main thing is to clean your glasses lenses regularly, at least once a day. It is optimal if this procedure is carried out in the morning. Over the course of a day, residue from protein reflections and a lot of dust accumulate on the glasses. Each incorrect cleaning with the edge of a hem or sleeve adds at least one scratch. Over time, the optical capabilities of the product may decrease by a third. This has a negative impact on health. You will have to strain your eyes. Redness forms on the cornea. The signal of fatigue is transmitted to the brain, and from there the alarming impulse travels throughout the body.

It is important to clean your glasses correctly and regularly using special products or using gentle techniques.

How to clean your glasses at home?

Modern technologies constantly optimize things that have been known for a long time, making them more functional and safe. So they came up with the idea of ​​making glasses not only from glass, but also from plastic. This material does not break, is less fragile, but more vulnerable. It needs to be cleaned doubly carefully. During the day you should wipe with a special cloth called microfiber. Once a day you need to wash it using a soap solution. Dry cleaning does not replace full cleaning.

They can be purchased at specialty stores that sell optics. The products replace wet cleaning and do not harm the coating. Some sprays are not recommended for use on plastic lenses, as they can corrode the material and ruin optical quality. Usually the recommendations are described on the bottle. They should always be read carefully before use and the directions should be followed.

Dishwashing liquid.

This substance can be found in every kitchen and there is no need to spend additional money, as is the case with sprays and napkins.

Apply a drop to each lens, lightly foam and rinse under a gentle stream. Afterwards, leave it to dry out of the sun.

  • glasses should be rinsed well without adding any product;
  • beat foam in clean water;
  • Apply it to wet glasses, rubbing thoroughly.

You can further clean the frame. To avoid streaks from washing in this way, you need to rinse the glasses thoroughly and leave them to dry on a towel out of direct sunlight.

Soft napkins with a coating that attracts dust.

They have been in demand for a long time. Helps in cleaning different surfaces. This method replaces everyday dry cleaning. Microfiber can be easily taken with you, but it is better to place a dust-attracting cloth in a bag.

Special means include moistened wipes.

It is better to purchase the product in the same place where the glasses themselves are sold or at other specialized outlets. They are made from fabrics that are soft to the touch, so they do not harm glass and plastic surfaces.

A more modern product is considered to be glasses in a high price category with a special film coating on the lenses. This additional material must also be protected from exposure. Keep away from ammonia, vinegar or other corrosive substances. These also include glass cleaner. Under their influence, the film becomes covered with small bubbles and cannot be restored.

What should you not use to clean your lenses?

  • cloth, part of clothing, handkerchief;
  • alcohol, ammonia;
  • acetic acid;
  • mirror cleaner;
  • bleach;
  • rough paper towels.

Such methods guarantee the formation of scratches and, as a result, microcracks. Caustic substances disrupt the integrity and uniformity of the structure of the coating layer.

Video: how to clean vision glasses at home?

How to protect your glasses from getting dirty?

To reduce the risk of damage to lenses from mechanical influences and substances not intended for cleaning glasses, you need to follow a few simple rules.

Over the course of the day, glasses become covered in dirt and grease, so they need to be cleaned regularly. To maintain good visibility and not damage the glass, it is important to choose a good method for cleaning them. Let's look at the most effective options.

Spray cleaners

There are liquids designed to clean spectacle lenses. They contain special substances that easily cope with greasy stains. Such sprays gently and accurately remove even the largest stains without damaging the glass surface. During the cold season, it is recommended to choose products with anti-fog components. To protect yourself from low-quality products, purchase such cleaners only in official optical stores. Don't forget to pick up special dry wipes for wiping.

Microfiber cloth

Soft microfiber cloths have been in good demand for a long time. They clean glass perfectly and do not leave streaks on them. This item is convenient to carry with you and wipe your glasses throughout the day. A microfiber cloth removes dirt without the use of detergents. But it also requires care - store it in a special case. Otherwise, it will quickly get dirty and lose its value. Don't forget to wash it from time to time. You can also use a piece of ordinary suede. Suede wipes are sold in some optical stores.

Disposable wipes

Many opticians sell packs of disposable cleaning wipes. They are created from special fibers that gently remove dirt from glass, including micropores. The surface of the lenses is not damaged. Each napkin is impregnated with a special solution that leaves no streaks and makes cleansing quick. The advantage of disposable wipes over other cleaners is their antibacterial properties. This allows you to use them in any situation where you need to wipe your hands or any object with a delicate surface.

Warm soapy water

Use a detergent without harsh chemical ingredients. Shampoo or shower gel will also work. Dissolve it in water at room temperature and stir well. Apply the resulting foam to the spectacle lenses. Rub them using a side-to-side motion (instead of a circular motion). Next, remove any dirt that has accumulated between the lenses and frame. We recommend using cotton swabs to clean the various frame mounts. When everything is ready, rinse your glasses well under running water, then blot them with a dry soft cloth to avoid streaks. The disadvantage of this method is that it is inconvenient to use outside the home. Regardless of the chosen cleaning method, soapy water should be used twice a month.

What not to clean glass

Never wipe your glasses with tissues that happen to be at hand, for example, a handkerchief, a rag, the edge of clothing, etc. They may seem soft, but in any case they will leave micro-scratches on the glasses. With repeated use of such fabrics, the visibility of the glass will simply become cloudy. Also, do not clean lenses with ammonia, bleach, vinegar, or glass and mirror cleaner. These products clean glass well, but are only suitable for washing windows. When cleaning glasses lenses, the protective coating that filters out ultraviolet radiation and leaves only safe light can be broken.

How to protect your glasses from dirt

To keep your glasses safe and protected from dirt, carry them in a case. There are many different cases, of any shape and material. It is recommended to give preference to a rigid and tightly closing option. There are cases with locks. Before purchasing them, check that the lock closes securely. Remember to keep the case clean. Clean it in a timely manner from crumbs and dust, which can render your glasses unusable.



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