How to treat herpes with folk remedies. Garlic in folk treatment

Herpes is often called a “cold on the lips,” but this disease has nothing to do with a cold. Herpes on the lips is caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1. It is believed that this virus affects from 55% to 90% of people. The herpes virus can remain in a latent state in a person’s body almost until death. If the immune system is weakened, then the flu or a cold can serve as a trigger for the development of infection. Those. the disease manifests itself at the moment when a person has a cold.

In addition, herpes can appear on the lips for the following reasons:

1. damage to the mucous membrane of the lips;
2. trauma, surgery, exposure to wind or sun.

How and with what to treat herpes (colds) on the lips at home?

Symptoms: the presence of ulcers and blisters in the corner of the mouth and on the lips, the diameter of the blisters is 1-4 mm. The disease is accompanied by itching and burning; the ulcers heal within a week.

Maintain good hygiene: the virus can spread to other parts of the body.

Quick treatment of herpes Kalanchoe or aloe.

Take a leaf of aloe or kalonchoe and cut it off, remove the skin, apply the pulp of the leaf to the cold on the lips for a few minutes. Then refresh the cut and again wipe the rash with the juice of the leaf. You can secure the fleshy leaf in the form of a compress using an adhesive plaster. This folk treatment for herpes will quickly reverse the disease and restore the skin.


Herpes on the lips can be treated very quickly and effectively at home with garlic. To do this, you need to crush the garlic, put it on gauze, make a tampon and apply it to the sores. You can secure this tampon with an adhesive plaster. In folk medicine, garlic is also used in a simpler way: simply rub the sores with a cut clove of garlic.

How to get rid of herpes on lips

A very unusual, but very effective way to quickly treat herpes on the lips. In addition, the medicine is always at hand, or rather in the ears. For many, this method helps quickly - in 2-3 procedures, especially if you apply it at the first signs of illness. You need to remove wax from your ear and apply it to the rash.

Traditional treatment with paper soot.

Despite all the strangeness, this folk remedy is very common and effective. You need to roll a bag out of newspaper and place it on a large porcelain plate, and place the plate in the sink or bathtub. Set the paper on fire. When the newspaper is almost burnt out, quickly brush away the ash and remaining paper. There will be a yellow coating on the bottom of the plate. While the coating is warm, you need to quickly lubricate the cold sores on your lips with it. Do not wash the plate, do the same procedure the next day, there will be more plaque.
Such folk treatment will greatly speed up recovery. If the procedure is carried out at the very beginning of the disease, then herpes may not enter the active phase at all.

How to cure herpes with valocordin.

In the folk treatment of herpes, the cardiac drug valocordin has recently been often used - it is used to lubricate rashes on the lips every 1-2 hours. The disease begins to subside within a day.

Boosting immunity at home.

Since the virus begins to worsen due to a decrease in immunity, in addition to external means of treating herpes, it is advisable to use drugs that increase immunity. Drinking vegetable juices, especially beetroot and carrot, has a good effect; these juices not only improve immunity, but also restore skin damaged by disease. Juice can be squeezed not only from root vegetables, but also from their tops.
To strengthen the immune system, it is advisable to drink infusions of Rhodiola rosea root, Echinacea, nettle, and decoctions of rose hips and hawthorn. With a strong immune system, you can get rid of herpes symptoms for a long time, if not forever.

Pharmacy drugs

In the treatment of herpes on the lips, fir oil, propolis tincture, tea tree oil, and sea buckthorn oil are effective remedies. It is recommended to lubricate the affected areas with one of these preparations every 2 hours.

How to quickly get rid of a cold on your lip using a hot spoon.

Dip a teaspoon into hot, strong black tea; when it warms up, apply it to the cold sores on your lips. It is recommended to do this procedure several times a day. An even greater effect will be if you drop a spoon into a hot soda solution: 1 tsp. soda pour 1 tbsp. boiling water In the folk treatment of herpes, this remedy is used quite often - at high temperatures, the herpes simplex virus quickly dies, this method greatly inhibits the development of the virus

Treatment of herpes with folk remedies - recipes from the newspaper Vestnik ZOZH

How to treat herpes (colds) with celandine

1 tbsp. l. with a top of celandine for 1 tbsp. boiling water Leave for 1 hour, strain, wipe the sores with a cotton swab every 2 hours. They will dry out in 2-3 days. (recipes from the newspaper Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2000, No. 14, p. 13)

Calendula and meadowsweet.

1 tbsp. l. dried calendula flowers and 2 tbsp. l. meadowsweet flowers pour 500 g of vodka. Leave for a month. For herpes, apply cotton wool for 15 minutes 3 times a day. For a more complete cure, take the tincture orally – 1 tsp. per 100 g of water 3 times a day. (recipes from the newspaper Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2001, No. 24, p. 14, recipes from the newspaper Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2002, No. 18, p. 6)

Traditional treatment with onions

Cut the onion and apply to the rash. Then cut off the layer and apply a fresh layer again. This folk remedy will not allow the herpes virus to develop further and will quickly dry out the blisters (2002, No. 3, p. 20)

How to treat illness with steam

Boil the potatoes in their jackets and hold your face over the steam. The development of herpes will slow down, and the disease will decline. You can also warm your face over the steam of a decoction of medicinal herbs (take one or more of the following plants: calendula, birch leaves, eucalyptus, St. John's wort, celandine, plantain, string). (2002, No. 9, p. 18)

Egg film

Remove the film from the inside of a fresh chicken egg and apply the sticky side to the sore; when the film dries, moisten it with your tongue. Change several times a day. If you feel pain and twitching, don’t be alarmed, it means the product “works” (recipes from the newspaper Vestnik ZOZH 2003, No. 6, p. 17)

Oil treatment

Take ghee and heat it until it turns brown. Cool, and smear the rashes with this “fried” oil, they quickly go away (recipes from the newspaper Vestnik ZOZH 2004, No. 3, p. 28)

Aloe, garlic, yogurt

Herpes will quickly subside if you drink 1 tsp of aloe juice. 2-3 times a day before meals. And also lubricate the areas affected by herpes.
In folk medicine, this method is also used: 1 tsp. natural unsweetened yogurt, 1 tsp. instant coffee, 1 tsp. garlic pulp, 1/2 tsp. honey, 1/2 tsp. corn flour (cereals ground in a coffee grinder). Mix everything, apply this mixture to the rash, the ointment will dry out, the crust will fall off on its own, and at the same time the herpes wounds will heal. (recipe from the newspaper Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2004, No. 5, p. 14)

Creolin or tar.

Herpes formed on the buttock. Drug treatment and physical therapy did not help for four months. Then the reader decided to treat herpes with folk remedies. I applied creolin to gauze folded eight times, squeezed it out and made a compress overnight on the affected area of ​​the skin, securing it with an adhesive plaster. In the morning the itching subsided, and by evening it disappeared completely. I did not change the bandage for 3 days, then I repeated it again and the herpes disappeared. Instead of creolin, you can take birch tar. (recipe from the newspaper Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2006 No. 23, p. 33)


Wipe the sores with a freshly cut piece of aloe. (2007 No. 19, p. 32)

Potato sprout tincture

Potato sprout tincture is a very effective folk remedy. Should always be at hand. This tincture can cure many diseases, including herpes, toothache, abscesses, boils, and lichen. This tincture is also taken orally in small doses to treat various tumors, fibroids, adenomas, cysts and polyps, and cancer. To prepare the tincture, you need to break off the sprouts of the potatoes (they usually appear after December, if you put the potatoes in a warm place, in the summer you can use potato flowers), rinse well and dry them from moisture. Place the sprouts in a jar and pour vodka just above the level of the sprouts, leave for 21 days. To get rid of herpes, you need to moisten a cotton swab with the tincture and cauterize the sores on your lip. (recipe from the newspaper Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2010, p. 38, No. 22)

How to treat colds on the lips with propolis

If you have herpes, apply propolis tincture and menovazine more often to the rash that appears. It will sting a little, but the disease will quickly pass (recipe from the newspaper Vestnik ZOZH 2010, p. 38, No. 23)

Treatment with burnt paper

In her youth, a woman had a cold on her lips every spring. She lubricated the sores with brilliant green, but it didn’t help at all. This went on for 10 years, until an unfamiliar woman sat down next to her in the dining room and, pointing to her green lips, said that a cold on the lips could not be treated like that. You need to put a clove of garlic on it, or even better, burn a bag of newspaper on a plate, and lubricate the sores with the resulting droplets. She performed this procedure right in the dining room, the next day the sores began to heal, and for 20 years now a cold has not appeared on her lips. recipe from the newspaper Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2010, p. 18-19, no. 19)

How to treat herpes with toothpaste

This is an effective and affordable method of treatment - you need to apply a thick layer of toothpaste to the herpes and around it, dry it until a crust forms. It's better to do this before bed. The symptoms of the disease immediately subside, and the growth of the sore stops. (recipe from the newspaper Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2005, p. 39, No. 2)

Egg and vodka

Hard-boil a chicken egg, peel it, and put it in a glass. Fill to the top with vodka and leave in a warm place for 24 hours. Then drink 20 ml of vodka and eat an egg. Herpes can be cured in 2-3 procedures. The same remedy will help cure Herpes on the body (shingles) (recipe from the newspaper Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2005, pp. 27-28, No. 8)

Folk remedies for colds on the lips

Remedies for the first symptoms when there is only itching on the skin
1. Squeeze the juice from the garlic and lubricate the sore spot with it.
2. Lubricate frequently with Corvalol
3. Wipe the sore with a slice of lemon 8-10 times a day.
4. Lubricate with calendula tincture several times a day.
5. Rub onion juice onto the sore spot on your lip

Alternative treatment for the mature (vesicular) stage of herpes:
1. Mix honey and apple cider vinegar 1:1, lubricate the sores 2 times a day.
2. Oxolinic ointment - apply several times a day
3. Golden mustache juice
4. Propolis tincture - cauterize the sore several times a day, then lubricate it with St. John's wort or sea buckthorn oil for quick healing.
5. Tincture of poplar buds
6. Oil infused with dandelion flowers.
7. Celandine juice – 2 times a day. Promotes disinfection and rapid healing.
(recipe from the newspaper Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2005, pp. 27-28, No. 8,)

Treatment with soap

If your lip is just itchy, then immediately lubricate the itchy area with laundry soap - herpes will not appear (recipe from the newspaper Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2011, p. 30, No. 21)

What to do if you get frequent herpes

If a cold on your lips often breaks out, wormwood will help: you need to take 5-10 dry wormwood flower balls. Three times a day before meals. It is necessary to take dried flowers, not a decoction. (recipe from the newspaper Bulletin 2011, p. 32, No. 10)

How to cure herpes for a long time at home - An integrated approach

With persistent herpes with frequent exacerbations, treatment of herpes should proceed in two directions:
1. It is necessary to transfer the disease from the rapid stage of development to the “dormant” form, to suppress its activity.
2. Increase the body's defenses.
They cope with the first task in the traditional treatment of herpes plants with antiviral effects: Kalanchoe juice, calendula, pine resin, leaves and buds of birch, eucalyptus, St. John's wort, celandine, plantain, string, sweet grass.

These plants increase immunity, such as eleutherococcus, Rhodiola rosea, aloe, lemongrass, echinacea, which are widely used in folk treatment.
The drug alpizarin was created from the aerial part of the yellowing kopek plant, which is used to treat herpes of the skin, mucous membranes, and genitals. Therefore, kopeck is widely and justifiably used in the treatment of this disease.

Complex treatment of herpes involves external, local treatment of the rash, as well as taking various decoctions and infusions to suppress the herpes virus and increase immunity.

How to treat herpes from the inside:

Infusion No. 1
Prepare a mixture of lemon balm, raspberry leaves, juniper fruits, thyme, oregano, wormwood in a ratio of 4:4:3:3:3:2. 1 tsp. pour a glass of boiling water over the collection, leave for 30 minutes and drink in 2 doses. The course of treatment is 2-4 weeks. For three weeks, take 0.1 g of alpizarin three times a day. Take 40 drops of Eleutherococcus extract twice a day.
Infusion No. 2
Prepare a collection of burdock root, kopeck root, string, immortelle, meadowsweet, meadowsweet, black poplar buds, gravilat roots and licorice (all equally). 1 tbsp. l. collection, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. Drink 1/3 glass three times a day. Course 1 month. Treatment of herpes with this mixture is also used for prevention before a seasonal exacerbation or after an acute period for a more complete cure.

Infusion No. 3
Prepare a mixture of walnut leaves, woodruff grass, linden flowers in a ratio of 1:4:5. 2 tsp. collection, pour 1 glass of boiling water, leave and drink during the day in two doses. Course – 30-40 days
Infusion No. 4
2 tbsp. l. lemon balm, pour 400 g of boiling water, leave. Drink 100 g 4 times a day. Course – 30-40 days. This folk treatment for herpes will suppress the activity of the virus in the body and help avoid frequent relapses of the disease.
Infusion No. 5
1 tbsp. l. pour 200 g of boiling water over sweet clover and leave. Drink 100 g 3 times a day. Course – 30-40 days.

Folk remedies for external use.

To lubricate the skin affected by herpes, in folk medicine they use an alcoholic tincture of lemon balm, propolis, and tricolor violet juice.
Making applications from a mixture of sweet clover herb, marshmallow and mallow leaves, chamomile flowers and flax seeds (20 grams in total). 2 tbsp. l. The mixture is boiled in 50 g of water. Poultices are made from the resulting pulp, wrapped in gauze. The poultices must be hot - then the healing powers of the plants will act together with high temperature, which is very destructive for the herpes virus
Erosive lesions and ulcers lubricate with a mixture of calendula tincture with olive oil (1:10), juice of celandine, ivy, onion, milkweed, wormwood, which are diluted with water 1:1.
Make compresses with grated garlic, apple, and potatoes. (recipe from the newspaper Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2007 No. 23, pp. 12-13)

This disease is viral in nature, its sign is pimples or blisters on the skin, which during the healing process form a crust on the extensive ulcer. Herpes on the lips is a common disease; it brings discomfort, pain and itching to a person. People who suffer from herpes can recognize its symptoms almost from the very beginning of the virus. A slight tingling in the area of ​​the oral mucosa and more pronounced along the contour of the lips serves as the first sign of the development of the disease.

Why is herpes on the lips dangerous?

Often herpes brings its owner only cosmetic inconvenience, but if a person’s immunity is weakened, the presence of the virus can develop into a serious problem. Thus, in cancer patients, patients with HIV, or those who have recently undergone an organ transplant, the infection can infect the entire body. The most severe cases involve damage to the nervous system with the simultaneous development of encephalitis and meningitis. In addition, herpes is not harmless for children, since the virus can cause complications. Therefore, it is very important to immediately treat the disease.

Is it possible to cure the virus completely?

Many people with chronic herpes are interested in how to cure herpes quickly at home? They know that it is impossible to completely suppress the infection in their body. The herpes virus lives on gene cells and, when dividing, passes on to its “neighbors”, so it cannot be completely suppressed, however, it is not so difficult to fight foci of infection, preventing its further reproduction.

A person who feels the primary symptoms of a cold on the lips (tingling, itching) should immediately see a specialist. The doctor will determine the degree of infection and prescribe appropriate medications. Treatment at an early stage of the disease can prevent further rashes, and the problem will resolve itself. However, in order to cure herpes on the lips, you need to know what medications can be used.

How to get rid of herpes on the lips: treatment regimen

  1. If primary signs of herpes occur on the lips (itching, slight tingling), a special ointment should be used. People with a chronic disease should always keep this remedy in their home medicine cabinet. Such ointments have a common component - acyclovir. This substance is an analogue of the human DNA element that is inserted into the virus cell and destroyed by it. The ointment should be applied to the rash using a cotton swab. When the product is absorbed, lubricate your lips again. A quick reaction and use of the drug will prevent the formation of bubbles.
  2. If the time of the initial stage of the virus is missed, blisters appear, and later ulcers in the corners of the mouth and on the lips. It will not be possible to cure them in 1 day, since the process of tissue destruction has begun. During this period, you should use acyclovir-based tablets or external agents (creams, ointments). The advantage of local drugs is their gentle effect on the human body, since the medicine does not penetrate into the blood. Ointments or creams can be used even by pregnant or lactating women. However, tablets are considered more effective - they suppress the virus from the inside.
  3. Once the cold blisters open, it will not be possible to quickly cure the virus, since it has already reached its apotheosis. Scars on the lips are not a rare consequence of neglected herpes. The patient’s task will be to help his body, including the immune system. Take vitamins and immunoglobulin along with ointments for herpes. The latter are necessary to prevent the spread of infection to surrounding people. In addition, it is worth using folk remedies that dry out the skin, for example, alcohol tinctures of calendula or celandine.

What drugs should be used

Tablets, ointments, gels and creams affect the speed and intensity of infection development within the human body. Such drugs slow down the multiplication of the virus and reduce the severity of symptoms. allowed from the age of two, however, the side effects of such drugs should be taken into account. Sometimes taking them leads to a slowdown in the removal of fluid from the body, so it is up to the doctor to decide whether it is advisable to undergo a course of treatment with tablets.


The drug penetrates viral cells and destroys them from the inside. The dosage for adult patients is approximately 0.25-2 grams, and the frequency of taking tablets and the duration of the course of treatment are prescribed by the doctor, depending on the degree of herpes on the lips. For people with impaired renal or liver function, doses are adjusted in a special way. Elderly people should increase the amount of fluid they drink when taking pills for herpes on the lips.


After taking the tablets by a person who has herpes, the active substance famciclovir is quickly absorbed into the blood, transforming into the active penciclovir. It effectively fights pathogenic herpes cells in the body. The drug is taken regardless of food intake. The average dose is 0.25 g three times a day for a week. Depending on the severity of the viral infection, the doctor may change the treatment regimen.


Once inside, it integrates into the viral DNA chain, blocking its synthesis. The drug penetrates perfectly into all human tissues and organs, including the skin and brain. A five-day course of treatment is prescribed with tablets for adults and children over 2 years of age, 0.2 g 5 times a day at four-hour intervals. For more advanced forms of herpes, the course of treatment can be extended by the doctor until the patient recovers.

Zovirax ointment

The local drug prevents the synthesis of viral cell DNA without damaging healthy human cells. Children and adults are prescribed the use of ointment in the form of a 1 cm strip, which is placed on the affected area of ​​the lips. Zovirax is used up to five times a day with a time interval of 4 hours. Treatment should continue for another three days after the patient has recovered. A doctor may prescribe the drug to a pregnant woman infected with the virus if she considers that the threat to the fetus will be minimal.


It is an antiviral drug of plant origin. It is used as a component of complex therapy for various types of herpes, including the genital strain. The injections are given slowly, 200 mcg each. The number of injections per day and the duration of treatment with Panavir is determined by the doctor. During pregnancy and herpes, the drug is used in limited doses; during lactation it is contraindicated.

Effective folk remedies

  • Aloe juice. To treat a disease on the lips, dilute 1 teaspoon of aloe juice (Kalanchoe juice is also suitable) with 0.5 teaspoon of honey and take orally once a day before meals. In addition, the plant itself helps to cope. Cut a piece of aloe, peel the skin and place it on the wound, securing it with a band-aid for 20-30 minutes. After 3-4 days the virus will recede.
  • Earwax. Lubricate herpes sores with earwax twice a day, the positive result of treatment will be noticeable on the second day.
  • Ice cubes. Apply ice to the affected skin for 20 seconds 2-3 times a day. Since the virus is afraid of low temperatures, ice cubes will help cure herpes on the lips by drying out the wounds.
  • Fine salt. Salt is often used to treat herpes. Apply fine table salt to your lips 3-4 times a day. At night, make a salt compress by dissolving a spoonful of salt in 1/3 glass of water and soaking gauze in the solution. You can secure the compress with a bandage.
  • Toothpaste. Apply a thin layer of paste to the affected area of ​​the lip, wait until it dries and rinse. Together with the toothpaste, the ulcers gradually dry out. Repeat the procedure until recovery. If you start using the paste before bubbles appear, they will never appear.
  • Chamomile decoction. The infusion should be drunk during herpes and lubricated with it on the affected skin of the lips. Pour a glass of boiling water over a tablespoon of herb, cover and let steep for at least 30 minutes. Strain the broth, add a tablespoon of propolis alcohol tincture to it. Moisten the ulcers on your lips with this infusion and drink it twice a day, a tablespoon.
  • Freshly brewed tea. Strong black tea is effective in treating herpes on the lips. Brew a drink, dip a cotton swab in it and apply to viral sores or blisters. Carry out the procedure 3-4 times a day until complete recovery.
  • Ash from burnt paper. Prepare an ointment for herpes on the lips by mixing ½ tablespoon of honey, chopped 3 cloves of garlic and a tablespoon of burnt paper ash. Apply the resulting ointment to the virus-affected skin twice or thrice a day.
  • A bulb or clove of garlic. Cut an onion or clove of garlic and rub the blisters or sores on your lips with the cut side. It is better to do the procedure before going to bed to avoid an unpleasant odor. After this, it is recommended to lubricate your lips with honey or zinc ointment.
  • A mixture of honey, instant coffee and flour. To treat herpes, prepare the following ointment: 5 grams of coffee, 10 grams of flour and honey, 50 grams of kefir and 2 cloves of garlic passed through a press. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and apply to the sores, leaving the ointment to dry. Then cover your lips with a second layer of ointment and after half an hour, rinse with warm water. Herpes will go away after several procedures.
  • Burning the bubbles with a heated spoon. How to cure herpes that appears on the lips in 1 day at home? This can be done using this effective remedy: heat an ordinary teaspoon (you can use a cup of boiling water) and apply it 3-5 times a day. The next day, the symptoms of the virus will disappear.

How can you cure colds on the lips during pregnancy and lactation?

In women, the risk of infection increases because during this period the immune system is weakened. It is not advisable for pregnant girls to take any medications to treat the virus, but it is still necessary to fight the infection. To do this, you should follow a diet (exclude baked goods, increase the amount of protein foods), sleep more, and take. During pregnancy and lactation, it is possible to use ointments against herpes, which should be prescribed by a doctor. They should be applied to the lips only according to the instructions.

What to do to heal skin after illness

With proper treatment, the disease period averages 3-4 days. After this, a wound remains in the corner or on the lip itself. To speed up its healing, it is necessary to use aloe or Kalanchoe juice, sea buckthorn or fir oil. As a rule, the ulcer heals over the course of a week. And the entire process of recovery from herpes is 10-18 days, depending on the effectiveness of treatment. If you manage to suppress the infectious virus at the first stage of development, herpes recedes quickly and without external manifestations.

is a viral disease that affects millions of people from all over the world. To treat it, you should equally actively fight both external and internal symptoms. There are many effective drugs and folk remedies against herpes, which provide the opportunity to quickly overcome the infection. However, pharmaceuticals should be used only as prescribed by a doctor. With the help of the video, you will learn how it is possible to cure herpes on the lips and protect yourself from relapses.

Herpes on the lips is a disease that people know firsthand. But few are aware that herpes is a manifestation of not only external disorders, but also internal ones. The presence of frequent recurrent rashes on the lips indicates a malfunction of the human immune system. Such rashes are a consequence of a viral infection hiding inside the body. Treatment of herpes using folk remedies is possible. Each person individually selects treatment methods and preventive measures for himself.

Is herpes dangerous?

The main danger of the herpes virus is its negative impact on the immune system. The virus penetrates the body, remaining there for a long time if not treated in a timely manner, disrupts the functioning of the entire body, and often recurs.

A frivolous attitude to treatment provokes the development of dangerous diseases and complications:

  • disrupts the functioning of the digestive, respiratory, reproductive, and central nervous systems;
  • pregnant women lose a child in the early and late stages of pregnancy, the virus affects the fetus;
  • leads to the development of oncological processes;
  • contagious to others.

The appearance of herpes on the lips threatens the close circle of the sick person.

Herpes is transmitted in the following ways:

  • by airborne droplets during communication, conversation;
  • direct contact with the patient, through kissing, sexual intercourse;
  • when using common household items, cosmetics, dishes, clothing.

A person with herpes must take precautions to avoid infecting others: use separate dishes, bath accessories, and isolate themselves from others.

Preventing herpes yourself

The virus on the lips manifests itself as a blistering rash that causes burning and itching. Herpes on the lips is quickly prevented by treatment with folk remedies. Having discovered the first signs of the virus, the inflamed area is lubricated with onion juice, garlic, calendula, and lemon juice. Traditional medicine can overcome this insidious disease no worse than pharmaceutical medicines.

It is better to prevent illness than to treat it.

Effective methods of preventing the virus:

  • lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • eliminate hypothermia and fatigue;
  • Healthy food;
  • give the body moderate physical activity;
  • spend enough time in the fresh air;
  • take vitamin complexes to support immunity.

The disease occurs in autumn and spring, when the body experiences an acute lack of minerals and vitamins, the majority of the population suffers from colds and viral infections, and the risk of infection is high.

A balanced diet will help the body cope with the virus if it has already entered, support the immune system, and enrich it with vitamins and minerals. It is recommended to consume meat dishes, legumes, grains, eggs, dairy, fermented milk products, fresh fruits, and vegetables. Food rich in zinc is healthy - it activates immune and metabolic processes, helps the body fight viruses. The microelement is found in large quantities in nuts, pumpkin seeds, mushrooms, and blueberries.

Treatment with traditional recipes

Treatment of herpes with folk remedies helps to quickly remove a cosmetic defect, internal infection, itching, and irritation.

Useful recipes, invented and tested by different generations, helping to get rid of annoying problems for a long time:

  1. Lubricate the inflammation site with Valocordin. Dip a cotton swab into the drops and gently blot the area of ​​the blisters. The remedies help some people get rid of the problem very quickly. The procedure is carried out every 2 hours. This treatment method will reduce the appearance of inflammation on the lips in 1 day.
  2. Usage kalanchoe, aloe, lemon juice, calendula. Plants have antiviral properties and help in the treatment of herpes on the lips. Aloe is applied to the inflamed area, and freshly squeezed juice is applied to the damaged skin. Squeeze 2-3 drops of plant juice onto a cotton swab, apply and hold.
  3. Tincture of calendula, propolis. An affordable remedy used in the traditional treatment of herpes. The product is purchased at a pharmacy and is inexpensive. The cotton swab is moistened and the blisters are cauterized. The procedure is carried out every 2 hours. Alcohol tinctures of propolis and calendula are prepared independently or purchased ready-made. To make your own calendula tincture, you will need to pour the dried flowers with a glass of vodka, alcohol, diluted in half with water. The mixture is infused for 2 weeks. Propolis is filled with 70% alcohol and infused for 7-8 days. Moisten the affected area with the resulting tinctures every 2 hours.
  4. Celandine. The celandine tincture is prepared as follows: pour boiling water over a tablespoon of the plant and leave for 2 hours. Must be used every 2 hours. Helps reduce the manifestations of the virus in one day.
  5. Chamomile flowers. Chamomile is a universal remedy for many diseases. The main property is anti-inflammatory. Dried chamomile flowers are poured with boiling water and infused for 2 hours. Wipe the inflamed area or take the infusion orally.

These recipes are proven folk methods for treating herpes and combating infectious and viral processes.

Use of improvised means

No less well-known methods of treating herpetic infections are the means used in everyday life:

  • Toothpaste. Apply the paste to herpetic pimples and leave overnight.
  • Laundry soap. Helps prevent the appearance of herpes. The first symptoms are relieved by lubrication with simple laundry soap.
  • Regular salt. It is a natural antibiotic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory agent, and a folk remedy for herpes on the lips. It is enough to apply salt to the inflamed area.
  • Medical alcohol. Alcohol is used to cauterize existing wounds or blisters that have not yet burst.
  • Burnt newspaper. A small piece of newspaper is set on fire. The charred edge of the paper is applied to the site of inflammation.
  • Egg . Boil an egg hard and peel it. For treatment, use a film inside the egg - apply it to the sore spot, periodically wetting it. Change the film several times a day.
  • Baking soda . 1 tablespoon of baking soda is dissolved in boiling water. Moisten the affected area of ​​skin with the resulting solution until a soda film forms. Leave for a while, then rinse with warm water.
  • Hot spoon. A metal spoon is dipped into hot tea. The heated one is applied to the site of inflammation. The virus does not tolerate high temperatures, so it is quickly eliminated. The procedure is carried out throughout the day. The method is painful, but very effective against herpes.
  • Garlic mixture. Garlic is a local antiseptic. Pass the garlic through a garlic press, mix with sour cream and honey. The resulting mixture is applied to the affected area for several days until the symptoms disappear.

Treatment of herpes on the lips with such folk remedies will help get rid of the virus and prevent its recurrence.

Herbs and essential oils

Previously, serious illnesses were treated with herbs, teas, tinctures, and natural substances.

Still used to treat

  1. Mumiyo. Effective in treating infections. It has antispasmodic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial properties. It is also used to treat herpetic manifestations. The tablets are pre-dissolved in water, and the resulting solution is moistened with the affected area of ​​the skin. Powdered mummy is also used. The finished powder is applied to herpetic rashes.
  2. Echinacea. An ancient folk remedy that replaces antibacterial pharmaceutical drugs. Teas with the addition of echinacea, tincture, and dry leaves of the plant are used in treatment. Treat the inflamed area. Important! Long-term use causes a number of side effects, caution should be exercised!
  3. Licorice. A well-known anti-inflammatory drug used to combat viral diseases. It is also used as a folk remedy for the treatment of herpes. The root of the plant is poured with boiling water and left for 2 hours. Used internally.

Essential oils known for their effectiveness: fir, bergamot, eucalyptus, tea tree. They are mixed, made into alcohol tinctures, and applied to the sore spot. Oils are also used separately: a few drops are applied to a cotton swab, and the affected area of ​​the skin is lubricated.

Treatment of herpes from the inside

Each virus is not only external manifestations, the main problem lies inside the body. Folk remedies for herpes on the lips and in other areas of the body are also used for internal treatment of the problem.

The following recipes are widely used:

  1. A mixture of medicinal herbs: lemon balm, juniper berries, thyme, wormwood, raspberry leaves. The plants are mixed, poured with boiled water, infused for half an hour, and the infusion is drunk in 2 doses. Treatment is carried out for a month.
  2. Infusion of medicinal herbs: immortelle, burdock root, kopeck, string, meadowsweet, meadowsweet, licorice, black poplar buds. The herbs are also mixed, poured with boiling water, and infused for half an hour. The infusion is taken one third per day for one month. The preventive course is carried out seasonally, before an epidemic of viral diseases.
  3. Separately infuse lemon balm leaves. Consume 100 g per day.

Such remedies not only help get rid of herpes on the lip, but also prevent the appearance of the virus, recurrent manifestations of infection, and strengthen the immune system.

Herpetic infection requires treatment of external and internal manifestations. Traditional medicine helps suppress bacteria and activate the immune system.

You can strengthen the immune system with the following folk remedies:

  1. Ginseng, licorice. The leaves of the plants are dried, crushed, poured with boiling water, left to boil for 15 minutes. The resulting decoction is cooled and consumed throughout the day. The treatment course lasts 2 weeks.
  2. Kalina. The berries of the plant are poured with hot water and infused for about 4 hours. Take 4 times a day.

There are many immune recipes that help fight viruses and microbes. Folk remedies for the treatment of herpes are an excellent solution that helps prevent the disease, prevent it from spreading throughout the body, restore immune defense, and overcome viruses that have already entered the body.

Many people periodically, especially in cold and damp seasons, develop herpes on the lip. It is an insidious virus that immediately begins to manifest itself against the background of a general decrease in immunity. How to properly treat herpes on the lips at home is a question our readers often ask.

Causes of herpes on the lips

The causes of the herpes virus include:

  • somatic, chronic diseases;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • stressful situations, overexertion;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • drugs, alcohol, nicotine;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • period.

In some cases, its appearance is influenced by prolonged exposure to sunlight and unlimited consumption of coffee. Herpes is easily transmitted through household contact and sexual contact.

Also, herpes on the lips can be transmitted through kissing and or other human contact. It is enough for the virus to get on the mucous membrane or a microtrauma or a crack in the skin for infection to occur. Even if the patient’s scabs have already dried up, and for some reason you decide to touch them or touch them, and then do not immediately wash your hands, viruses remain on them, which you spread to all objects and the body.

For prevention, you need to follow simple hygiene rules:

  • do not contact people with herpes;
  • use hygienic lipstick;
  • increase immunity;
  • avoid stress;
  • don't get too cold.

Which doctor treats

The choice of specialist depends on the area where the rash appears. You can contact a therapist, he will give you a referral to a specialist. If a rash appears on the skin, a dermatologist will be able to prescribe the correct treatment. For herpetic rashes on the genitals, women should contact a gynecologist, men - a urologist or andrologist. If the virus has infected the oral cavity, consultation with a dentist is necessary. An immunologist will help you choose the right medications to restore your immune system.

Treatment of herpes on the lips at home

Home treatment for this type of cold on the lips should be carried out comprehensively. Strengthening decoctions, natural antiseptics and even some medications will help. You shouldn’t just lubricate herpes with one, even the best, composition and think that it will go away as quickly as possible, use several methods.

The use of natural biostimulants - folk remedies

It is quite possible to cure herpes in one day, provided that therapy is started in the first 12 hours. During this period, the symptoms are not yet sufficiently pronounced, slight tingling and slight swelling occur. If you apply Gerpevir, Zovirax or Acyclovir to your skin at this time, the symptoms will disappear in one day. You can also use Corvalol alcohol lotions, they are effective and leave no traces. Traditional healers claim that you can get rid of herpes by applying a hot spoon to your lips. However, this method is not safe.

Aloe leaf juice

In this folk recipe, it is recommended not just to use it for lubrication, but to drink the liquid. You need to drink a small spoon for seven days. Squeeze the juice right before drinking, take a quarter of an hour before meals. Aloe juice perfectly strengthens the immune system, and the disease does not manifest itself for a long time after treatment.

Echinacea tincture

Herpes on the lips appears due to weakened immunity, so many methods of traditional treatment are aimed at strengthening the body's protective functions. Echinacea purpurea tincture is often used for quick treatment. You can buy it for pennies at a pharmacy. Take a small spoon three times a day a quarter of an hour before meals. It is important that the last appointment does not occur later than 18.00 pm. The course of treatment lasts from 2 to 4 weeks.

Hydrogen peroxide

Using hydrogen peroxide, you can only eliminate the symptoms of the disease, but not eradicate the virus from the inside. The ulcer must be treated with peroxide 2 times a day. Perform this procedure until the rash disappears completely. To treat herpes on the labia, you can use exclusively 3% hydrogen peroxide for a week.

Colloidal silver

If formations on the lips appear frequently, then use colloidal silver for treatment. You need to drink half a teaspoon orally. Do this twice a day between meals, dissolving in 0.2 liters of regular cold water. The course of treatment should not last more than 10 days.

Arnica infusion

Add 0.25 liters of boiling water to a large spoon of dried arnica flowers. Leave for 120 minutes, then strain. Lubricate the wounds with infusion every two hours. The plant helps relieve symptoms and promotes speedy healing.

Aspen leaves

If you can collect aspen leaves in a clean area, they will help get rid of a cold on your lips. You need to pass them through a meat grinder, put the pulp in bandages and squeeze out the juice. Apply the resulting juice to the wound up to three times a day. Healing will come quickly.

Egg white

It is better to take the whites of homemade chicken eggs. The store-bought product simply does not have enough of the necessary beneficial components that actively fight herpes. Separate the protein, beat into foam and lubricate the herpes several times a day. By the way, if it is not possible to get chicken eggs, then it is better to use the white of purchased quail eggs.

Sea buckthorn or amaranth oil

Or amaranth oil is sold in pharmacies. They can lubricate the formation up to seven times a day. This is a simple and accessible folk method.

Tea tree oil

Calendula and zinc ointment

In this case, you need to moisten the rash on your lip with alcohol tincture five times a day. After a couple of minutes, lubricate the formation with zinc ointment.

Validol tablets

These inexpensive pills are taken to prevent heart disease, but will also help with herpes. The tablet should be ground into powder and sprinkled on the lips in the area of ​​herpes formation. Place the second tablet under the tongue until completely dissolved. According to reviews, the inflammation should go away within a few days. Carry out the procedure in the morning and evening. Doctors dispute the effectiveness of Validol in the treatment of herpes.


One of the effective methods of traditional medicine to combat herpes is garlic. It is important that its juice gets on the bubbles. First, a clove of garlic is peeled, cut into 2 parts and rubbed into the affected area. When tingling occurs, you cannot immediately wash off the juice; you must leave it for a while. Perform the procedure 3-4 times a day.

Swamp cinquefoil

This herb provides enhanced resistance to herpes. You need to collect fresh grass and grind it to a paste. Then apply several times a day.

Tincture of calendula and oleoresin

This method of folk treatment for rashes on the lips is recommended if they bother you too often. You need to find resin in the pine trees in the forest, place it in a jar and fill it with alcohol tincture of calendula (buy at a pharmacy). Leave for ten days, shaking. Then lubricate the wound.

Laundry soap

When a person feels that herpes will appear on his lips, he needs to take laundry soap. Rinse the area on your lip where itching occurs. Do not wipe, but simply blot with a paper napkin. Apply baby powder to the affected area, do this three times a day.

Try to choose methods that are easier to implement and with which you can complete the full course of treatment.

Treatment with medications

To get rid of blisters on the lips, various preparations are used: ointments, creams, gels and tablets. For more effective treatment for advanced forms, it is necessary to apply a topical agent and take the drug orally. The most common medical pharmaceutical drugs:

  • Valaciclovir (destroys viral cells from the inside);
  • Famvir (has a rapid effect against the pathogenic herpes virus);
  • Zovirax ointment (does not damage healthy cells);
  • Panavir-gel (herbal-based antiviral drug);
  • Acyclovir (blocks the synthesis of the viral DNA chain).

When the tablets enter the body, they are distributed throughout all areas, therefore they have a strong effect, but have a greater number of contraindications. The modern market for antiherpetic drugs is quite large.


Acyclovir successfully relieves the disease and its symptoms. Available in two forms:

  1. Pills. Before use, you should consult your doctor and inform him about other medications you are taking (if any). You also need to indicate chronic diseases, since the medicine has contraindications. Tablets are more effective than ointments. They are used not only for treatment, but also for prevention.
  2. Ointment. It is important to use at the first symptoms of herpes. Before use, the affected area must be treated with a cotton swab dipped in warm water. The ointment is applied with a cosmetic stick so as not to spread the virus. Perform the procedure every 3–4 hours.

Tetracycline ointment

The ointment is a bacteriostatic antibiotic. Used for the prevention and treatment of secondary bacterial infection. Apply a thin layer to the affected area 4 times a day, covering 1 cm of healthy skin around the resulting cold. If the bubble bursts and a wound forms, avoid getting the drug into this area. When treated from the first symptoms, the result will be visible the next day; if the disease is more protracted, it will take 3-4 days.

Contraindicated for use: with low leukocytes in the blood, mycoses, individual intolerance to components, impaired liver function, stomach ulcers.

Fenistil Pencivir

The drug is based on penciclovir, which helps fight herpes. A local drug, an analogue of Famvir, has an antiviral effect, reduces itching, pain and other signs of the disease. Used every 2 hours for four days.


This ointment will cure a bacterial infection in advanced forms of herpes. Levomekol is used when an abscess forms on the skin. The drug acts only on the desired areas. Symptom relief is felt within an hour. But the drug must be used correctly. If you are taking antibiotics, it is better to discuss this with your doctor, since taking drugs in parallel leads to candidiasis.


Viferon is available in the form of candles. They are prescribed mainly for the rectal form. The drug has an antiviral effect and helps improve immunity. It is allowed to be used even by newborns, premature infants and expectant mothers during the second and third trimester. Contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy.


If treatment with Corvalol is started immediately, without waiting for foci of inflammation to appear, the disease will go into a latent form. By cauterizing the resulting ulcers, the process of recovery and healing will be accelerated. Using Corvalol, make lotions, moisten cotton wool in the preparation and hold for several seconds. Perform the procedure every 3 hours.

Ointment and gel

A wide range of ointments have been developed for the treatment of herpes rashes. The most popular are:

  • Zovirax (based on Acyclovir);
  • Vivorax (prohibited for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding);
  • Fenistil-Pentsivir (contraindicated in children under 12 years of age, expectant and nursing mothers).

The most effective drugs in gel form:

  • Viru-Merz Serol (based on Tromantadine, non-addictive);
  • Panavir (contains a hexose glycoside, increases immunity, fights the virus);
  • Gerpenox (reduces swelling, relieves pain, accelerates healing);
  • Infagel (stimulates the immune system, suppresses the virus).

Herpes patch on lips

There are antiherpetic patches (Compeed). If they are used at the initial signs of the disease (mild tingling, twitching, redness), then they can prevent the further appearance of herpes. The patch has several positive properties:

  • makes the wound invisible to others;
  • maintains an aesthetic appearance;
  • reduces symptoms;
  • prevents infection;
  • promotes healing.

How can you cauterize

Common and effective cauterizing agents are tincture of propolis, calendula, valocordin, and corvalol. They are safer than using iodine. But it is worth remembering that all alcohol tinctures relieve symptoms, but do not remove the virus from the body.


Paste for herpes is used in two ways.

  1. Apply a thin layer to the affected area and leave to dry. Apply to the rash until the paste falls off along with it.
  2. During the day, smear the sore every 2 hours (apply the paste for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water).

It should be borne in mind that these methods are not absolutely safe, as they can cause an allergic reaction.

Features of herpes treatment

During pregnancy

Since many drugs are contraindicated for women during this period, you can use folk remedies that are safer:

  • make lotions with Corvalol;
  • lubricate the inflammation site with Forest Balm toothpaste;
  • lubricate with oils (sea buckthorn or rosehip).

It is still not advisable to self-medicate; you should seek advice from a doctor. Zovirax is often prescribed to pregnant women. Never take antiviral pills without consulting your doctor.

In children

Treatment of herpes in children should be comprehensive: destroying the virus, strengthening the immune system, and following strict instructions for using medications. The sooner you start using ointments, the better and faster the results will be. In traditional medicine, the following are most often prescribed: Acyclovir, Valacyclovir, Penciclovir, Famciclovir.

Therapy using antiviral ointments lasts up to 5 days. The medicine must be applied in a thin layer to the affected area every 3-4 hours. The following drugs are suitable for immunotherapy: Cycloferon, Viferon.

On the labia

They use antiviral and antiherpetic drugs in ointments and tablets (Acyclovir, Gerpevir, Zovirax). The tablets are distributed in the body, destroy the virus and block its development. Ointments are used to get rid of unpleasant symptoms (itching, burning, pain). Together they demonstrate a pronounced effect. Treatment must be supported with immunomodulators. The first thing you should do is consult a specialist; the course of treatment will be determined by your doctor.

Herpes is a common infectious disease that can cause serious complications.

Among the main symptoms that occur 2-5 days after infection are blisters filled with liquid.

Most often, herpes affects the face and genitals. Is it necessary to use medications or are folk remedies for herpes also effective?

The use of folk remedies in the fight against herpes is very popular. How do doctors view the use of traditional medicine?

Experts have nothing against such a fight against herpes.

In order for alternative medicine to be as effective as possible, you must remember the following:

  • It is recommended to start treatment immediately after the appearance of itching (primary symptoms).
  • In advanced cases, alternative treatment should be combined with.
  • Do not use components that cause allergic reactions.

Treatment of herpes with folk remedies does not relieve the need for prior consultation with an experienced doctor.

Important: Only a qualified specialist can confirm the diagnosis and develop effective and safe therapy against the infectious disease.

Herpes treatment with folk remedies quickly

Signs and symptoms of herpes

The sooner treatment for an infectious disease is started, the greater the chance that it will be successful and no complications will arise.

The main sign of infection is the appearance of blisters filled with clear liquid. The lips are most often affected.

Among the main symptoms of herpes are:

  • redness and itching;
  • characteristic tingling sensations;
  • pain;
  • malaise, chills and weakness.

Important: Similar symptoms of herpes can appear against the background of overheating or hypothermia of the body. Herpes can develop in response to stress.

Among the most common causes of the development of an infectious disease, contact with an infected person should be highlighted.

Treatment of herpes with traditional methods - antiviral herbs

Treatment of herpes with folk remedies involves the use of medicinal plants.

They contain irreplaceable components with which it is possible to cure an infectious disease.

Traditional treatment for herpes involves:

  • the use of decoctions and tinctures of medicinal herbs;
  • application of ointments based on antiviral components.

Non-traditional therapy is carried out comprehensively. It is mandatory to apply products that have a pronounced local effect to areas affected by herpes.

To strengthen the body's defenses, folk remedies are used, which are taken orally.

Before applying the film, treat the bottle with vodka. This allows you to increase the effectiveness of the procedure.

How does eggshell work? Everything is quite simple - the film prevents the flow of oxygen, which is the cause of the death of herpesvirus infection.

Garlic against herpes

This vegetable is widely used to combat various infectious diseases as it contains flavonoids.

Methods for treating herpes with garlic:

  • grind 2-3 cloves to a paste and apply to the blisters several times a day;
  • Chew or swallow 3-4 cloves of garlic whole at least every 4-5 hours.

As a rule, garlic eliminates the symptoms of herpes and suppresses the activity of the infectious disease within 7 days.

Shilajit in the fight against herpes

The natural remedy has unique healing properties. It has long been used to treat infectious diseases, including herpes.

Mumiyo has the following qualities:

  • eliminates pain and has a fungicidal effect;
  • regenerates epithelial cells and has an antibacterial effect;
  • prevents the development of allergies and has protective properties.

In order to cure herpes, you should take 20-25 g of mumiyo powder. With this product, you can simply powder the areas affected by herpes, drying them.

This allows you to relieve the symptoms of the disease in 2-3 days and prevent the progression of the infectious disease.

We use Valocordin

A few drops should be applied to gauze and applied to the affected area. For these purposes, you can use already brewed tea bags.

General advice - strengthen your immune system! No virus can overcome a strong protective barrier.

In order to restore immunity, you can take tinctures prepared from medicinal herbs such as echinacea, eleuthero, Kalanchoe and licorice root.

If therapeutic measures are taken late, then there are great risks that herpes will spread to internal organs and cause serious dysfunction in the body.

Do not hesitate to start therapy, but consult a doctor. The specialist will conduct a diagnosis and prescribe effective drug therapy.



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