How to get rid of wen on the head using medical and folk remedies. How to get rid of wen on the head using folk remedies? How to remove a wen on the head

A fatty tissue is a lipoma or atheroma, a benign tumor that can develop on any part of the body. But it is precisely in such a place that this, in principle, painless formation, causes discomfort to the patient. Firstly, it is not aesthetically pleasing, and secondly, it interferes with washing and combing your hair. The wen is also dangerous because it is easily injured, turning into a source of inflammation and infection. Naturally, people faced with this problem rush to remove the growth as quickly as possible. But in this case, only surgical intervention will be required, since lipoma cannot be dealt with on its own.

Causes of lipomas: where do the bumps come from?

The cause of the tumor must be determined individually, since there are many provoking factors. In most cases, a lump on the scalp appears as a result of blockage of several sebaceous ducts, or due to improper metabolism, genetic predisposition, or disturbances in the structure of lipid cells.

The list of provoking factors also includes:

  • Vascular malformations.
  • Slagging of the body.
  • Reasons for changes in the cells of the fat layer: diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, poor peristalsis and problems with absorption.

The wen does not hurt if it is not injured, but it can appear not just once, but multiple times. That is, lipomatosis develops. The larger the lump on the scalp, the harder it is to treat and the more problems it causes. There is always a risk of catching the formation with a comb, which will cause infection, and infection and bacteria are the causes of sepsis. If the wen has burst, it is better not to try to squeeze out its contents yourself; the degenerated fatty tissue and capsule can only be completely removed through surgical excision.

How to get rid of fatty seals on the scalp

If you find even a small lump on the scalp, you need to consult a doctor; lipomas in this area tend to grow quickly. Even taking into account the fact that this is a completely safe fatty formation, a biopsy and differential diagnosis will still be required. You can try to cure small lipomas immediately after their occurrence using traditional methods, treating the lump with ointments with a thinning effect. The contents of the capsule are then easily sucked out with a syringe on an outpatient basis. But no medicine will help if:

  • The fatty area (and the skin of the part of the head next to it) began to hurt.
  • The surface layer of skin around the lump is inflamed, and when pressed, pus or ichor comes out.
  • The formation suddenly began to change shape, color and diameter.
  • There is discomfort, the lump not only hurts, but also swells.
  • A large wen has cracked and fatty contents are oozing from it.

Patients should be aware of all the risks, since lipomas can transform into liposarcoma, which is a malignant tumor. An injured seal increases the likelihood of degeneration. At the slightest suspicion of a change in the density or color of the formation, you should contact not only a surgeon, but also an oncologist. Symptomatic complications are manifested by headaches, general weakness, lethargy, loss of appetite, hair loss at the site of the tumor.

Treatment of lipoma: sequence of actions

After a patient with a lipoma comes to the clinic, treatment begins, as a rule, with the collection of biological material for cytological and histological analysis. Puncture is needed to differentiate lipomas from malignant tumors. It is especially important to establish the reasons if the wen hurts. When malignancy is confirmed, the patient comes under the control of oncologists, who offer specific treatment: radiation, antitumor drugs and radical excision. From now on, the priority is to prevent metastasis.

If the puncture confirms that it is benign, then the wen can be removed according to another scheme. For example, to get rid of it with a syringe: the doctor can make injections directly into the capsule, and special drugs are injected designed to absorb fat. After several injections, the seal will decrease in size. Lipomas that are large or have penetrated deep into the tissue layer are subjected to several courses of similar injections. The formation will be completely resolved only after a few months.

If it hurts and there is discomfort, doctors offer only one option to solve the problem - surgery. Cones localized on the scalp are removed only by surgeons under general anesthesia. The operation itself does not last long and does not have any characteristic features. A small incision is made and fat deposits that have accumulated under the skin are removed through it. Usually it is an elastic, elastic ball, which is not difficult to get rid of along with its capsule. A soft, fatty substance also occurs, and then the area of ​​excision becomes somewhat larger.

Alternative treatments: laser therapy, liposuction and endoscopy

What to do if the patient refuses surgery? The doctor can resort to an innovative, but no less effective method - laser correction. The surface of the tumor is treated with a laser beam, and this allows the compacted fat layer inside it to be destroyed. Why is this removal method considered the most convenient? It is quick and virtually painless. And besides, there are no scars or cicatrices, which is very beneficial for the patient from an aesthetic point of view.

In rare cases, fat from the lipoma cavity can be pumped out endoscopically. This way, the surgeon can view the tumor from the inside before performing surgery. This is very important if the bumps are located in potentially dangerous places on the head, for example, near large vessels or close to the eye. It is necessary to understand whether the tumor has grown through the vessels and nerves. If so, then you need to remove such a lump in another way: make a cut not in the center, but slightly to the side of the base.

Liposuction is also used to remove fat from the surface of the head. A thinning agent is injected into the tumor cavity, and then the resulting pulp is sucked out using an aspirator. Why is this method convenient for patients? There is no need to shave the hair at the site of the operation, there are no scars, scars and the whole procedure takes only a few minutes. But aspiration also has a significant disadvantage: the capsule, built up by the body from connective tissues, will remain under the skin. And this in some cases leads to relapse and the development of multiple lipomatosis.

None of these methods have serious contraindications, so they are used for patients of all ages. The recovery and healing process, on average, takes no more than 14 days.

Treatment with traditional methods

If there is no desire to resort to surgical medicine, and the tumor is just beginning to form and does not cause discomfort, the patient can try to get rid of the lump using traditional medicine.

  • You need to eat at least 3 g of freshly ground cinnamon per day, which has fat absorption properties.
  • Locally use cold compresses soaked in juice or infusions of medicinal herbs. For example, freshly squeezed aloe juice, diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2, is suitable. If there is no aloe, then the patient can use coltsfoot juice according to the same principle. This treatment is especially helpful for skin covered with hair. The course duration of such treatment is at least a week, two compresses per day.

Contraindications for treatment of lipomas

As mentioned above, treatment of lipomas has virtually no contraindications, no matter which method the doctor chooses. However, there is a certain list of caveats:

  • The possibility of an allergy to anesthetics should be assessed before surgery.
  • In case of increased sensitivity of the skin, in addition to general anesthesia, local drugs with a similar effect are also used.
  • In the presence of open wounds or fungal infections of the skin, when the growth is inflamed, surgical treatment is postponed until complete healing.
  • Relative contraindications to excision of the tumor body include problems with blood pressure and vegetative-vascular dystonia. In this case, additional consultation with a cardiologist is required.

All other contraindications apply to a greater extent to situations where treatment is carried out according to the principles of traditional medicine. If the patient chooses such therapy, he must first make sure that he does not have an allergic reaction to certain components of the prescription. To avoid complications, it is better to consult with your doctor in advance about the advisability of using homeopathy and traditional medicine.

It is strictly forbidden to try to squeeze out the growth yourself, exert mechanical force on it, or quickly open it at home. A patient who is not knowledgeable in medical matters cannot even be sure that the formation that appears is a wen, so an attempt to get rid of the lump will certainly lead to blood poisoning and complications. Even if sterility is maintained, adipose tissue remains inside the capsule, which causes the growth of new tumors.

Sometimes fatty growths, at the initial stage of their formation, can be easily confused with boils, carbuncles or simply large subcutaneous pimples. These are no less problematic diseases, but they should be treated not by a surgeon or oncologist, but by a dermatologist and trichologist. Like lipomas, these formations also indicate metabolic disorders. Any seals, bumps and bumps are quite unpleasant from an aesthetic point of view. But the patient gets the opportunity to get rid of them quickly enough if he seeks medical help in a timely manner.

A wen, or lipoma, is a formation that resembles a small pimple. It consists entirely of adipose tissue. This formation can appear in people of any age and gender, so everyone should know how to remove a wen on the head.

Fats do not appear without a reason, and the main one is improper or too slow functioning of the sebaceous glands. Despite the fact that the nature of these formations has not been fully studied, the following factors provoke their occurrence are identified:

  1. Metabolic disorders. This occurs due to poor or irregular diet, lack of sleep, insufficient physical activity or chronic diseases.
  2. Presence of toxins in the body. It can also happen due to poor diet, stress or digestive problems.
  3. Excess or, conversely, insufficient amount of vitamins.
  4. Problems with the functioning of the nervous system.
  5. Pathologies of the thyroid gland.
  6. Hormonal changes in the body. This can happen during adolescence or in women during pregnancy.
  7. Hereditary factors play a significant role.
  8. Insufficient adherence to personal hygiene rules.
  9. Problems with the digestive system.

Regardless of the cause of the lipoma, it is necessary to get rid of the formation, as it can cause complications.

Possible complications

Wen is a benign tumor. If left untreated, in very rare cases it can become malignant. It is better to discuss how to get rid of a wen on your head with your doctor.

If the pathology is ignored and there is no treatment, the following can happen:

  • the formation gradually increases in size;
  • the lipoma changes in color and becomes heterogeneous in shape;
  • the skin becomes inflamed;
  • liquid emerges from the formation;
  • chronic severe pain appears;
  • the person feels dizzy and constantly weak;
  • Constant nausea may occur.

You cannot self-medicate. The neoplasm is also dangerous because it may not be visible behind the hair. Wen on the forehead is much easier to notice, which means treatment will be started earlier.

Possible treatment options

Before starting treatment for a wen on the head, the doctor must make sure that the tumor is benign. As a result of the examination, a decision may be made to remove the tumor in one of the following ways:

  1. Standard excision, in which the affected area is surgically dissected, the tumor is removed, and then stitches are applied. As a rule, this method is not used to remove wen on the forehead for aesthetic reasons.
  2. Liposuction – pumping out excess fat. In this case, the affected area is punctured and a special medicine is injected into it to liquefy the fat, which is later sucked out using surgical instruments.
  3. In the case of endoscopic intervention, it is not the tumor itself that is cut, but the area next to it. This method is used when extreme precision and caution are needed.
  4. The laser method is the most gentle. It leaves no scars.

It is forbidden to cut skin at home.

In addition to surgical intervention, wen can be combated using traditional methods.

Traditional medicine in the fight against lipoma

The question of what are the causes of wen on the head and how to get rid of them is not for nothing considered so important. The fact is that it is prohibited to remove large tumors at home. At best, this will not bring any results, and at worst, it will cause complications.

However, if the wen was noticed at a very early stage, when it reaches only a few millimeters in diameter, you can use folk remedies.

Below are some tips on how to remove wen using traditional medicine:

When is it necessary to visit a doctor?

You need to urgently contact a specialist if:

  1. The forehead or part of the head where the wen is located hurts.
  2. Noticeable signs of inflammation appeared around the formation.
  3. The wen suddenly changed shape or color.
  4. The patient feels significant discomfort.
  5. The lipoma began to secrete fluid.

It is possible to get rid of lipoma, but it is strictly not recommended to delay treatment. The problem will be resolved most simply if the formation is noticed at the initial stage and eliminated with the help of folk remedies. But if these methods do not help, you will have to resort to surgery. The main thing is not to be idle under any circumstances.

A lipoma on the head is a benign subcutaneous neoplasm that looks like a spherical tumor. Wen are formed in areas with a large number of sebaceous glands. In men, these formations are most often found on the face, in women - on the scalp. Tumors are also found on the head in small children. Their development does not lead to pain; they are only cosmetic defects. Wen can have different sizes - from a few mm to 5 cm. Lipoma in the head: what is it and what causes contribute to its occurrence?

Factors that have a direct impact on the formation of these benign neoplasms have not been identified. It is believed that the wen occurs due to blockage of the excretory duct of the sebaceous gland, which is why it begins to increase in size. The following factors contribute to this:

  • failure to comply with hygiene rules;
  • poor nutrition;
  • decreased immunity.

The causes of lipoma on the head may lie in metabolic disorders or hormonal imbalances that have genetic causes.

Most often, wen forms on the scalp and forehead. These are elastic formations that move under the skin. If the tumor contains connective tissue fibers, it has a denser consistency. The nature of lipomas on the head is determined by the reasons for their occurrence, as well as the depth of their occurrence. Wen, which contains blood vessels, are considered the most dangerous. Neoplasms can also be detected in children of the first year of life. They are easy to notice due to their short hair. The disease is subject to mandatory surgical treatment, and it is necessary to eliminate the cause of its occurrence.

Wen is a neoplasm that has the ability to rapidly increase in size. It can compress surrounding tissues, which leads to pain. These are the reasons for wanting to get rid of this problem. Despite the fact that lipoma is a benign neoplasm, in rare cases it degenerates into liposarcoma. You should consult a doctor immediately after detecting a suspicious lump under the scalp. Diagnosis begins with examining the patient and performing a puncture to determine the composition of the tumor. True wen contains a viscous yellow mass, which includes fat and epithelial cells. If the tumor is large, an ultrasound scan is performed. Treatment is prescribed only after a final diagnosis has been made.

One of the ways to remove a lipoma from the scalp is to administer a drug that dissolves its contents. This procedure is effective only in the presence of small tumors. The tumor shell is pierced with a thin needle, through which the agent is then injected. The result can be assessed only after 30-60 days. The most common are classical surgical interventions. A small incision is made in the skin through which the tumor is brought out. If there are a large number of wen, the operation is performed under general anesthesia. This treatment also has undesirable consequences in the form of scars. It is extremely rarely used to eliminate lipomas on the face.

Currently, other, no less effective methods of removing benign tumors are used. One of them is laser exposure. It has no contraindications or side effects, has a good cosmetic effect and a short recovery period. The operation is performed on an outpatient basis, after its completion the patient can go home.

Endoscopic surgical interventions are also used to get rid of wen. A puncture is made in the skin through which instruments are inserted to remove the tumor without damaging healthy tissue. The safety of the procedure is enhanced by the presence of a camera at the end of the instrument, which feeds the image onto the monitor. An incision may be made in an inconspicuous area of ​​skin near the lipoma. Tumors located on the scalp can be eliminated without prior hair removal. The risk of relapse of the disease after such an operation is minimized.

Liposuction is the removal of fat tissue through a flexible tube inserted through a small incision in the skin. The procedure has a good cosmetic effect. After any surgical intervention, the contents of the wen are sent for histological examination. The recovery period lasts about 14 days, during which time the patient is under medical supervision.

Traditional methods for removing wen

For lipoma on the head, treatment with folk remedies is aimed at eliminating the cause of its occurrence - hypersecretion of the sebaceous glands. The most effective method is to remove the tumor using egg film. It is applied to the wen and replaced with a new one as it dries. Treatment must be continued until the lipoma disappears. Compresses made from aloe leaves help relieve symptoms of inflammation and reduce the size of the tumor. They need to be applied to the affected areas 1-2 times a day.

A paste is prepared from the leaves of the golden mustache, which is applied to the tumor and covered with plastic wrap. Compresses are applied at night for 10-14 days. Applying hot lamb fat is also considered effective. The procedure is carried out for 7 days, after which they take a short break. If the tumor decreases in size, treatment is continued until it disappears completely. This method must be used with extreme caution. Traditional methods of getting rid of lipomas are not always effective, and removing lipomas at home is dangerous. They provoke the development of inflammation and accelerated growth of tumors.

Wen on the scalp is not dangerous to health, but causes a lot of inconvenience. During styling, you have to make sure that the swelling is not noticeable, and when combing this soft tubercle can be scratched very painfully.

Small wen sometimes resolve on their own, but large formations must be removed. To do this without risking your own health, you need to find out what removal methods science offers.

Reasons for the formation of wen on the head

It is impossible to clearly indicate the reasons for the growth of lipoma. A neoplasm is equally likely to appear in both an adult and a child. Here are some of the most likely factors that can trigger the proliferation of subcutaneous adipose tissue cells:

  • - blockage of the sebaceous glands. This is caused by any disease accompanied by metabolic disorders: diabetes mellitus, thyroid dysfunction, pathologies of internal organs, etc.;
  • - genetic predisposition. Wen on the head is often located in the same place in father and son;
  • - frequent stress. In general, any disorder of the nervous system can lead to a malfunction of enzyme proteins. And this entails a deterioration in metabolism inside fat cells;
  • - unhealthy diet. Frequent snacking, non-compliance with the regime, consumption of large amounts of spices, sweets, and foods with artificial fillers lead to the formation of lipomas in the scalp.

In most cases, treatment is carried out without identifying the reasons. If the lipoma grows rapidly, becomes inflamed, or there are numerous formations, the doctor will prescribe the necessary tests to determine the nature of the tumor and will be able to suggest the root cause of its appearance.

How to remove a wen on the head

You can carry out any manipulations with the tumor only after making sure that it is really a lipoma. In the hospital they do a puncture for this. The analysis should show fat cells in the contents of the capsule. Removal of wen on the head can be done in several ways:

  1. 1. Administration of the drug. The technique is used if the size of the capsule does not exceed 3 cm. Using a thin needle, the doctor pierces the wen and injects a substance that absorbs the adipose tissue inside. If necessary, the procedure is repeated after 10 days. The neoplasm decreases in size or disappears within 1.5-2 months.
  2. 2. Surgical excision. In case of a large tumor, the operation is performed under general anesthesia. The surgeon makes an incision directly above the capsule and removes it with all its contents. The method is quite effective, but small scars from cosmetic stitches remain on the skin. It can be done on the back of the head, where the scars will not be so noticeable.
  3. 3. Laser removal. The area where the lipoma is located is treated with a laser, causing tissue destruction. The method is painless and leaves no marks on the skin. But sometimes capsule particles remain inside, so a relapse is possible.
  4. 4. Endoscopic removal. The operation is performed under the control of an endoscope with a miniature video camera at the end. The surgeon can see everything that is located under the skin in the area of ​​lipoma formation. The incision is made not at the top of the tumor, but away from it. This is convenient, since when the wen is located on the forehead, an incision can be made in the scalp, where the scars will be invisible.
  5. 5. Liposuction. Through a puncture, a drug is injected inside to liquefy the contents of the capsule, and then the liquid is pumped out with an aspirator. The good thing about this method is that you don’t have to shave the hair at the location of the lipoma, and there will be no visible marks after the operation. But the dense membrane of the wen remains under the skin, which can provoke re-growth of the tumor.

It is possible to cut out a lipoma on the head for almost all groups of people; the operations do not have any special contraindications. The recovery period lasts no more than 2 weeks, even with surgical excision (healed wounds can be seen in photos and videos of former patients). The main thing is not to let the tumor grow too much and consult a doctor in a timely manner.

Treatment of wen on the head with folk remedies

If the bump on your head is still small enough, you can try to remove it using one of the traditional medicine recipes:

  • - the inner film from a fresh chicken egg is placed on the wen and replaced after drying. The procedure is repeated until the tumor completely disappears. In the first days, there may be slight swelling and redness in the area of ​​the compress;
  • — consume cinnamon internally, chewing thoroughly. The daily norm is 1 tbsp. l. spices;
  • - compresses from medicinal plants: aloe, Kalanchoe, golden mustache, coltsfoot leaves. This is the simplest recipe, and heads;
  • - red clay is mixed with kefir and a pinch of salt is added. The mixture is used as a compress under the film at night. The course of treatment is 7 days;
  • — melted lamb fat is thoroughly rubbed into the wen, 1 teaspoon per day. After 7-10 days you need to take a daily break. Treatment is continued until the tumor is completely resolved;
  • - Wheat grains are thoroughly ground or chewed. The pulp is spread on gauze and applied as a compress under the film. If possible, it is better to wear the compress for several days, and then apply fresh gruel. After the lipoma breaks through, treatment is continued until the wound heals.

A wen has appeared on your head, what to do - it’s not clear? Traditional medicine recipes do not help everyone. If the tumor grows or causes serious discomfort, it is better to go to the hospital. The surgeon will spend about 30 minutes on removal with a guaranteed positive result.

A wen on the head is a compacted subcutaneous formation of a certain diameter, inside of which there is a sebaceous ball. Until now, all the reasons for their appearance have not been studied, but in any case, removal using traditional or folk methods is required. This is due to the fact that wen not only spoils the appearance, but also causes discomfort when washing your hair and combing your hair.

  1. Pathology of fat cells.
  2. Disturbance of metabolic processes in the body.
  3. Some hereditary diseases.
  4. Diseases of the digestive system.
  5. Vegetative-vascular irritations.
  6. Slagging of the whole body.
  7. Poor nutrition.
  8. Frequent stressful situations.
  9. Blockage of sebaceous ducts.

Neoplasms can be single or massive in nature and also vary in size. Density largely depends on the depth of penetration. In itself, a wen on the head does not pose a serious health hazard, since it does not hurt; troubles arise when the integrity of the ball is accidentally damaged. Various bacteria and infections easily penetrate through an open wound, which lead to negative consequences.

Very often, a wen appears on a child’s head, affecting the hair growth area or the frontal part. In boys, it is easier to notice the occurrence of a neoplasm, since they have short hair through which the skin is visible. It is important to note that a wen in a child’s forehead cannot be treated surgically (removed) until the age of 5. After the examination, the doctor will tell you how to reduce the wen at home, what you can do on your own in order to reduce or completely get rid of it.

Signals for immediate contact with a specialist:

  • the appearance of painful sensations even with light pressure;
  • redness of the skin around the wen;
  • sudden change in color, size or shape;
  • discharge from the neoplasm cavity.

Against the background of these signs, other changes often appear: general weakness, fatigue, lethargy, loss of appetite, and others. If you do not get rid of the wen in time, it can develop into a malignant tumor (liposarcoma). It is better to play it safe and visit a doctor to find out the reasons, rather than then waste time and money on long-term treatment.

Is it possible to remove wen and how is it done?

At the initial stage, a wen on the head does not cause any unpleasant sensations, since it is an elastic or even soft formation directly under the upper layers of the skin. This cosmetic defect can affect both adults and children. Diagnosis of the disorder is carried out visually when examining the patient, using ultrasound, x-rays. For a more detailed picture, it is necessary to do a cytological analysis of the material taken to exclude more serious diseases.

Surgical intervention

This is the most common treatment that allows you to get rid of the problem with a large area of ​​damage. Experts advise removing a large wen on the head using endoscopic technology or by cutting the formation and then extracting the accumulated fat.

Fat can be in the form of a hard globule or a soft substance. The procedure does not take much time, but before it it is necessary to exclude the presence of contraindications in order to avoid various complications. Also, before the operation, you should study the location of nerve endings or blood vessels so as not to harm the body. After the procedure, various medications are prescribed that allow the body to quickly recover and normalize metabolic processes.

Injection administration

This method allows you to get rid of a benign formation by introducing a special drug that penetrates into the cavity and leads to resorption. As a result, the size begins to gradually decrease, and after a few weeks it completely disappears.

If the wen is large enough, then the procedure must be done several times to completely remove it and get the effect. Advantages of the procedure: absence of scars, speed of action, after the procedure the site of treatment does not hurt. But it should be noted that such treatment leaves the wen membrane under the skin, which increases the risk of re-accumulation of fat-like fluid.

Laser exposure

This is a fairly modern and effective method in which the affected part of the skin is treated with a laser beam. After this procedure, the process of destruction of fatty contents begins. This treatment has a number of advantages: it takes little time, is easy to use, does not leave any marks, does not cause pain, and therefore can be used to remove a wen in a child.

Traditional methods

You can get rid of an unpleasant illness at home using folk remedies. Very often, folk remedies are used for small wen that do not cause discomfort. Do not make homemade formulations and apply to the scalp without consulting a specialist. Some components that folk remedies contain cause serious disturbances, aggravating the development of the disease and further treatment. Also, many recipes are not suitable for children, since the child’s body is more sensitive to various substances.

The most common recipes:

  • chew cinnamon thoroughly (daily dose should not exceed 1 tsp);
  • compresses from decoctions of medicinal plants, aloe or Kalanchoe juice;
  • egg film compress;
  • lotions made from pulp of golden mustache leaves;
  • lubricating the wen with “Star” balm;
  • rubbing with hot (but not scalding) lamb fat;
  • mask made from chewed wheat grains;
  • compress of kefir, table salt and red clay.

Prevention: what to do to prevent them from appearing again

Even effective treatment of a wen with traditional or folk remedies is not a 100% guarantee that in the future you will not have to treat the cosmetic defect again. No modern drugs or methods can permanently get rid of this problem. But by eliminating certain factors, the risk of relapse is significantly reduced.

First of all, it is worth reconsidering your lifestyle. Bad habits, unbalanced diet, frequent snacking, lack of physical activity, overwork, stress are the main factors that provoke the occurrence of various tumors and changes in the functioning of the sebaceous glands. It is recommended to take vitamins regularly, do light exercises in the morning, get rid of the original cause, remove provoking factors in a timely manner and undergo treatment for various diseases.

Also, we must not forget about personal hygiene. Simply keeping your hair and scalp clean reduces the risk of wen formation. Moreover, you should choose the right cosmetic or folk care products, taking into account your skin type, hair condition and other characteristics of the body.

If you have the slightest suspicion, you should not start treatment at home with folk remedies. An experienced specialist who takes into account all the individual characteristics of the patient will help to effectively get rid of the defect in adults and children.



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