How to quickly get rid of a cold: ways to get rid of it. Ways to quickly get rid of a cold

A cold is inflammatory disease upper respiratory tract, most often caused by a virus. She has a very small incubation period, and the virus activates faster in the body after hypothermia, which is why they say that a person has a cold.

Colds are also often called rashes on the lips caused by the herpes virus. This virus, once it enters the body, remains there forever. He may not show anything

yourself, but with the slightest decrease immunity or hypothermia, the virus is activated, which is why people also call its manifestations a cold.

Often, with an exacerbation of the herpes virus, the usual chills, cough, sneezing, runny nose, sore throat and muscle pain are observed.

How to quickly get rid of a cold?

It often happens that in the evening you get your feet wet or are very cold, and in the morning you wake up with feeling unwell, fever, and my lips were covered with transparent itchy blisters.

Many people are concerned about the question of how to quickly get rid of this.

do if you take antiviral drugs, for example, "Arbidol" or "Anaferon", and immunostimulants to boost immunity. But best medicine, acting specifically on external manifestations virus is the drug "Acyclovir" and its derivatives: ointments "Pharmciclovir", "Zovirax". They will help you quickly get rid of a cold.

These medicines can be taken orally, and the bubbles are lubricated with ointments 5-6 times a day. Usually this method can cure a cold on the lips in a few days.

How to quickly get rid of a cold using traditional methods

There are also traditional methods getting rid of colds. Most often, an exacerbation of the virus can be noticed in advance: at the site of the future appearance of the bubbles, itching, pain, and redness begin. It is advised to immediately lubricate this area with tincture of calendula or propolis, garlic juice, Valocordin or toothpaste. The same cauterization of colds with onion juice, aloe or

How to quickly get rid of a cold with proper nutrition

When a cold begins, you need to take care of strengthening your immune system. Drink rosehip, lingonberry and cranberry juices, lemon and black currant juices, herbal tea with honey. Good effect has the following mixture: stir a teaspoon in the juice of half a lemon and add two teaspoons and


It is not recommended to take common medications like Coldrex to get rid of colds. More healthy drink You can prepare it yourself: dissolve half a gram in a liter of hot water ascorbic acid and a teaspoon of salt. Then squeeze the juice of half a lemon into it. This drink should be drunk at night.

There are many different advice how to quickly get rid of a cold. If you have a cold, it is not advisable to overwork and overcool, because the body needs strength to cope with the virus. You need to rest more, eat vegetables and fruits, drink herbal teas and berry fruit drinks. It is not recommended to do the usual inhalations for treating colds when rashes on the lips; on the contrary, apply ice cubes in place of the bubbles.

At work, you feel a sore throat, heaviness in your head, a warm forehead and a stuffy nose. Why do such troubles constantly await us in bad time? In order not to disrupt an important project at work, in order to pass a test without debt, in order not to give up an interesting trip on the weekend - you need to know how to quickly recover from a cold.

There is no time to regret that cold prevention was not done. It is necessary to quickly take time off from work or school and start taking emergency vitamin C in combination with folk remedies.

In order not to lose performance for a long time, know: only effective emergency treatment colds on early stages diseases.

Emergency measures at the first sign of a cold

An adult will be able to recover quickly from a cold only if they take the following measures at the very first symptoms: emergency measures. Take advantage the following tips Only those people can do this who understand that their health deteriorated precisely because of simple neglect of it: the immune system was not strengthened in time, the body suffered from hypothermia due to inappropriate clothing and shoes.

If there is a suspicion that you have become a victim of a flu epidemic, immediately call a doctor at home, go on sick leave and do not self-medicate! Don't joke with serious illnesses!

These tips cannot be applied if your child is sick. You are responsible for the lives of children, but it is not for you to judge what they are sick with. Only a specialist will be able to make a correct diagnosis: among childhood diseases, there are many diseases with symptoms like a cold, but treated in a completely different way.

How to quickly get rid of a cold as an adult:

  1. If you have light form colds, then going to the doctor for a sick leave is fraught with standing in long lines at the clinic and real opportunity get a complication. Therefore, we definitely ask for time off from work: we take a day off or a vacation at our own expense for several days. Never get sick at work; your sacrifices will not be appreciated by anyone, since you still won’t be able to work productively.
  2. We begin home treatment for colds by measuring the temperature. Those who, at the very first signs of malaise, try to drink advertised food, are doing the wrong thing. expensive product to stay on your feet. Reducing the temperature below 38 degrees means actually delaying the disease for a longer period.
  3. An effective remedy for colds is vitamin C, it should always be in your home medicine cabinet in the form of dragees or tablets. Reception loading dose ascorbic acid is very important for initial stages treatment. If you don’t like medications, you can replace them with citrus fruits: about five oranges or two lemons with honey - this is both tasty and healthy.
  4. Treating a cold at home will be quick if you take a lot of liquid: absolutely any liquid, but warm. This is necessary for the rapid removal of toxins from the body. Try the following recipes for great drinks that taste good and can quickly cure a cold.
  5. The best remedy for a cold is sleep. After taking warm tea, covering yourself with a soft blanket, try to fall asleep. Warm socks and comfortable clothing will help promote good sweating - an essential step in treatment. It is possible that when you wake up in the morning, you won’t even feel the slightest sign something that seriously bothered you last night.

Anyone who wants to know how to get rid of a cold should tune in to quick result and don’t become limp. And definitely do not abuse alcoholic beverages.

If you feel excessively sorry for yourself: that, even after being practically cured, you will not go out fresh air, then the disease can become protracted.

Short walks for all patients who do not have a fever are useful and should be done. If you didn’t manage to recover quickly - traditional medicine offers various methods treatment of runny nose, cough, sore throat.

What to drink when you have a cold?

Treatment of colds with folk remedies is a must drinking plenty of fluids, helping to remove toxins from the body. What liquid will help effective recovery? Not cold, but not hot either, so as not to cause complications for a sore throat.

Choose the drinking option that is most suitable for you:

  • Rosehip infusion is a storehouse of all possible vitamins.
  • Tea with raspberries - the old way lowering the temperature, the berries can be frozen, dried or even jam.
  • Chicken broth - when you don’t particularly feel like eating during an illness, this dish will fill you up, give you something to drink, and reduce symptoms.
  • Lemon infusion made from several lemons and honey. These products are boiled in two to three liters of water. The broth cools and you get a wonderful compote with high content vitamins
  • Fruit drink made from cranberries, currants, and viburnum is a traditional Russian drink made from berries valued for their healing properties.
  • Warm milk with honey, butter or soda.
  • Regular tea with added honey. To preserve it beneficial properties To strengthen the immune system, you need to eat honey with a spoon and only then drink it with tea. Dissolved honey in hot liquid will no longer be healing.
  • Ginger tea for colds - popular remedy V recent years. A well-known spice that improves the body's metabolism, it is also famous for its expectorant, analgesic, and wound-healing properties.

How to prepare medicinal ginger tea? For 0.5 liters of boiling water, take one teaspoon of green tea and about three spoons of grated ginger (approximately a 3-4 cm section of the root), squeeze out lemon juice and honey is added. After infusion and cooling, the drink is ready for drinking.

Such folk remedies for colds can be prepared without problems, you should not forget about them, but relying only on them is also reckless. Of course, it’s not entirely right to bother a doctor with minor ailments, because at this time a seriously ill patient may need him, but are you sure that your health is not in danger of problems?

When should you not treat a cold at home?

If for a day or two the symptoms of the disease do not decrease, remain unchanged, or even increase, be sure to call ambulance or your local doctor.

What you should be wary of:

  • the high temperature stays at 39 degrees for more than three days;
  • appeared severe cough accompanied by severe wheezing;
  • you have difficulty breathing;
  • it is impossible to take food and water due to swelling of the throat;
  • headaches torment without stopping;
  • there is pain in the paranasal sinuses and eyeballs;
  • I'm worried about brown or green sputum mixed with blood.

This is no longer simple cold, A serious illness. To avoid bad consequences– immediately begin the treatment prescribed by your doctor.

Do not refuse necessary hospitalization. Every second you lose while you thought you had a simple, mild cold counts. Never self-medicate and be healthy!

When you have a cold, you feel tired and low on energy. Your throat is sore or sore, your nose is clogged; sometimes you feel hot and may even blush; at other times you may have chills, body aches and tremors. Experiencing all these cold symptoms can be very unpleasant as they cause discomfort and interfere with your everyday life.

Getting rid of a cold is also quite difficult, since most doctors prescribe only medications that lower high temperature body or, at most, bed rest.

So, how to quickly cure a cold at home in a day? In this article we will discuss 16 natural methods and remedies that can help you get rid of a cold. All of these time-tested remedies work effectively and quickly, so you can feel better the next day.

What is a cold and how does it develop?

Every person gets a cold sometimes. Children typically get colds up to 6-8 times a year due to weaker immune systems. We get colds because of microscopic microorganisms called germs that we introduce into our bodies from contaminated surfaces such as doorknobs, or even by shaking hands with infected people.

ColdThis infectious disease which can spread from person to person. Coughing and sneezing that occurs with a cold spreads the bacteria and viruses that cause the disease, causing the infection to spread further (especially in the fall and spring).

Viruses also enter the body through phlegm, saliva and nasal secretions.. If you touch your face, eyes or mouth with infected hands, these microorganisms enter your body through these openings. The main type of pathogens that cause colds are rhinoviruses.

Our bodies have the ability to fight most pathogens quickly; however, in some cases they cannot immediately cope with the infection, which causes cold symptoms, such as:

  • headache
  • chills (shivering with fever)
  • runny nose
  • nasal congestion
  • sore throat
  • cough
  • increase in body temperature
  • general malaise
  • muscle pain
  • fatigue

Sometimes a cold can get worse and turn into a bacterial infection. such as ear infections, pneumonia, or streptococcal infection throat. These infections must be treated with antibiotics. Cold symptoms may appear 12 to 72 hours after exposure.

Who can catch a cold?

Almost everyone suffers from a cold from time to time. However, people with weaker immune systems are more likely to become infected. Children school age They are also more likely to get colds because they are in close contact with other infected children. Elderly people with more weak immunity They can also get colds up to 3-4 times a year.

Standard treatment for colds

Most health officials generally recommend drinking plenty of fluids and sticking to bed rest to get rid of a cold. You or your child may also be prescribed a fever-reducing medicine. If the cold caused a complication in the form bacterial infection ear or sinusitis (frontal sinusitis, sinusitis, etc.), the doctor may prescribe antibiotics.

How to quickly cure a cold with natural remedies at home

Let's now discuss how to treat a cold at home quickly and effectively.

1. Increase your vitamin C intake

Vitamin C is antioxidant vitamin, which boosts immunity and fights damage caused by free radicals caused by toxins and pollutants. Regular intake of vitamin C can help fight colds, flu and other chronic infections.

Research has shown that high dose up to 2000 mg of vitamin C per day can help fight bronchitis. Take vitamin C at the first sign of illness and continue to take it for several days, even though you feel better. If you develop diarrhea, reduce your dose and take up to 1000 mg per day until you feel better.

2. Drink lemon juice

Lemon juice is one of the best natural remedies for treating colds. Drinking vitamin C-rich lemon or lime juice will help you cure a cold quickly.

  • At the first sign of a cold, squeeze a whole lemon into a glass. warm water and add some honey there. Drink this drink at least 6 times a day until you feel better. Lemon juice reduces toxicity in the body and strengthens immune system, which begins to fight bacteria and viruses more effectively. This helps reduce the duration of your cold and you will begin to feel much better.
  • You can also use roasted lemons to cure a cold in 1 day. Simply roast 2-3 lemons in a hot oven until the peel cracks. Once this starts to happen, extract the juice and sweeten it with honey. Drink a teaspoon of this remedy before meals and again before bed to quickly cure colds and coughs. At very severe cold Take sweetened lemon juice 3 times daily.
  • For chills and elevated temperature body, cut half a dozen lemons. Add the slices to the boiling water. Boil the mixture for at least 30 minutes. Strain. Drink a teaspoon of lemon juice every two hours until the chill subsides.

3. Consume hot soups

If you don't know how to cure a cold in 1 day, you can use this time-tested method. You can have any homemade hot soup you like, but garlic and chicken soup work best.

Garlic soup

Garlic has antimicrobial properties, which helps you suppress pathogens, causing colds. Garlic also has antiseptic and antispasmodic properties. Its use reduces the aches and pains that usually occur at the onset of a cold. Here is the garlic soup recipe:


  • 2 liters chicken or vegetable broth
  • 8-10 peeled and chopped garlic cloves
  • 2-3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 3 medium onions (finely chopped)
  • 2 cloves (spice)
  • ½ teaspoon ground smoked paprika
  • 5 sprigs of thyme
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 3 medium tomatoes (chopped)
  • sherry vinegar

Cooking method:

  • Heat oil in a saucepan. Add the garlic and fry it until it turns brown. You can now remove the garlic from the oil.
  • Now add onion to this oil. Fry it until it turns brown. You can re-add the garlic at this point after pureeing it using a spoon or blender.
  • Add the remaining spices and tomatoes and fry.
  • Once the tomatoes have softened, add the chicken/vegetable broth.
  • Boil for 30 minutes.
  • Add a little sherry vinegar to the soup for extra flavor.
  • Drink this soup 3-4 times a day to get rid of cold quickly.

Apart from eating garlic soup, you can also include garlic in all your dishes. If you can tolerate its taste, you can also consume raw garlic.

Chicken soup

You can also drink chicken soup at the onset of a cold. In fact: chicken soup is one of the best folk remedies for fighting colds and coughs. This remedy has even been used in Ancient Egypt to prevent fever and colds. Although consuming it cannot directly cure the condition, it will definitely help you feel better.

The thing is, when you're sick, you don't feel like eating anything. Drinking chicken soup can help keep your blood sugar levels up normal range. This will help you feel better and also give your body energy to fight the infection. You can make chicken soup a cold cure by adding other ingredients such as ginger, garlic and hot pepper, which improve blood circulation and get your white blood cells moving.

4. Ginger

Like garlic Ginger is another great one. natural remedy which may reduce the duration of a cold. Ginger will also help you if you have a sore throat or cough. Chop fresh ginger root and add it to a cup of hot water. Add a little maple syrup, honey or stevia to sweeten the tea. Drink this wonderful cold tea 3-4 times a day until you feel better. Ginger not only fights cold symptoms and acts as a decongestant; he is also an excellent remedy forgiving indigestion.

5. Steam inhalations

How to cure a runny nose and cold in one day? Together with other means listed in this article, steam inhalation will help you with this. This Fantastic remedy for nasal congestion, which usually accompanies a cold. To do this: boil water, add 2-3 drops eucalyptus oil into boiling water, tilt your face over a pan of boiling water, cover your head with a towel and inhale the hot steam for 10 minutes. Inhaling steam will help you get rid of a sore throat, runny nose, and persistent nasal congestion.

6. Drink plenty of fluids

Your body uses fluids to fight infections. Therefore, drink at least 8-10 glasses of fresh, clean water every day and even more on days when you are sick. This will help you get rid of bacteria and viruses through sweat and urine. Avoid drinking sweetened carbonated drinks and fruit juices . Sugar lowers your immune system, which will further weaken your body. You can also drink herbal teas, which should be decaffeinated.

7. Take Echinacea

If you want to learn how to treat a cold with folk remedies that also work flawlessly, try echinacea. Echinacea is one of the best herbal remedies to fight colds, coughs and flu viruses. Today, Echinacea is available in several forms, such as tea, tinctures, or tablets. Do not take echinacea for more than 12 weeks.

Patients with autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus or multiple sclerosis, must avoid taking echinacea. Also Avoid using products based on this plant if you have allergy to chamomile or other similar plant families.

8. Sleep with your head elevated

When you have a stuffy nose, it can interfere with your sleep.. Sleeping with your head elevated can help you breathe much easier. You can also use a humidifier in your bedroom to keep your nasal passages from drying out, which will also help clear mucus and speed up recovery. Use two or three soft pillows or raise your bed a couple of inches to help mucus leave your nose more efficiently.

9. Gargle with saline solution

This the best remedy to get rid of the sore throat that accompanies a cold. Boil some water and add a teaspoon to it sea ​​salt. Dilute boiling water cold water to saline solution It turned out warm for rinsing. Gargle with this solution three times a day - this will help eliminate phlegm, reduce pain and inflammation of the throat. However, if the infection has penetrated deep into the tissue of the tonsils, then gargling will not be of much use.

10. Use a neti pot

To relieve nasal congestion and the accumulation of mucus and pus in the sinuses, you can use neti pot, which is used as a nasal rinse. Fill the neti pot warm water and add a teaspoon of salt to it. Tilt your head in right side, place the spout in your left nostril and start pouring water into it. The water should come out of the opposite nostril. Do the same procedure on the other side. You may need practice correct use neti pota. After a few tries you will become an expert! Use a neti pot regularly to help your nasal respiratory tract and sinuses were cleared of mucus.

11. Drink herbal teas

Many herbal teas can quickly relieve cold symptoms.

  • Licorice tea. A fantastic remedy for helping to quickly cure a cold. Licorice has a sweet taste, but its natural sugars increase energy, reduce sore throats, and suppress the cough reflex. To make licorice tea, boil water, pour it into a cup and add a teaspoon of licorice root. Let the tea steep for a few minutes, after which you can drink it. Drink at least 2-3 cups of this tea in one day.
  • Tea with thyme (thyme). This is excellent herbal remedy also helps fight cough. Thyme is rich in antimicrobial compounds and also has an expectorant effect that removes phlegm and mucus. It relaxes the airways and throat muscles, thereby reducing cough. To make thyme tea, boil some water. Add ½ teaspoon of dried thyme leaves to water. (Make sure you buy medicinal thyme and not the spice you can get at regular grocery stores!). Cover the cup with a lid, let it brew for 10 minutes and strain. Drink this tea three times a day for three days or until your cold goes away.
  • Peppermint tea. Great for treating colds and flu.
  • Sage tea. This is an old German remedy for quick recovery for a cold. Boil some water and pour it into a cup. Place a pinch of dried sage in water, cover the cup with a saucer and leave for 5 minutes. Sweeten with honey and drink this tea hot before bed. Despite the rapid relief of cold symptoms, do this for 2-3 nights until the illness has completely passed.
  • Tea with yarrow. Another amazing tool for quick treatment colds.
  • Tea with tansy. This is a very good natural remedy to combat colds and coughs, especially at night. Take a teaspoon of tansy, put it in a glass and pour boiling water over it. Let the tea steep for 10 minutes. Drink hot.
  • Strawberry leaf tea. This tea also helps quick elimination cold symptoms.
  • Tea with monarda. This remedy has been used for centuries by the native Indians. North America to fight colds and coughs. Pour 2-3 teaspoons dried leaves monarda with a glass of boiling water and let it brew. Drink a cup of this tea 3 times a day.

12. Use baking soda

To the best natural remedies which can help you get rid of a cold quickly include baking soda. You can use baking soda to fight colds in various ways . For example:

  • You can add some baking soda and salt to warm water and use this solution as a nasal rinse. Simply fill a clean syringe with this solution and rinse your nostrils. This will help you get rid of allergens such as mold and dust that can cause cold symptoms.
  • You can also drink warm water with added baking soda to do internal environment the body is more alkaline. When your body's pH shifts toward the alkaline side, it helps it fight inflammation and infections more effectively.
  • You can also gargle with water containing a teaspoon of baking soda and 2 aspirin tablets. Gargling with this solution at least 3-4 times a day helps to quickly get rid of colds, coughs and flu.

13. Make a breast rub using essential oils

Buy high quality essential oils such as camphor, eucalyptus and menthol oil. These are natural decongestants that can help those suffering from chronic colds. Make your own rubbing solution chest with the addition of these essential oils. If oils are highly concentrated, they can irritate the skin; so first try putting a small drop on your wrist and wait for 30 minutes. If there are no signs of irritation on the skin, then you can safely use these oils. Before applying the mixture to your forehead and chest, you can also dilute the oils using a little base oils such as coconut or corn oil. Also apply to your temples, under your nose, pulse points and neck.

14. Use a bow

Onions and onion juice are excellent remedies for treating colds quickly at home.

  • You can make an onion poultice by frying it in a little oil and drying it first. Apply the poultice to your chest. Keep your body warm while using this product. Change the poultice frequently. You can also apply onion juice on your forehead and chest. Frequent use onion juice also verified in a natural way prevention of colds.
  • Another way to use onions for quick relief from colds is to do onion inhalations. Add the crushed pieces to hot boiling water and boil until onion smell will not start to come out of the water. Make up water from the stove. Lean over a pot of water and cover your head with a towel. Inhale the onion vapor for 10 minutes. This remedy will help you sleep well at night and quickly get rid of cold symptoms.

15. Use vinegar

Vinegar is an excellent remedy for clearing sinus congestion.. Inhale the vinegar vapor while heating it in a saucepan. This will immediately clear the blockage in your sinuses. You can also have a drink apple cider vinegar, mix 1 teaspoon of this product with a glass of warm water and honey several times a day to get rid of cold quickly. Make sure you choose only organic, unfiltered, and raw apple cider vinegar. This will balance the body's pH and get rid of inflammation.

16. Use turmeric

Turmeric helps fight inflammation, prevent colds and coughs, and even prevent Cancer. There are several ways to use turmeric to fight colds:

  • Take ¼ teaspoon of turmeric and mix in a glass warm milk. You can sweeten this mixture with sugar or honey. Drink this remedy before going to bed to get rid of cold and cough overnight.
  • You can burn a piece of turmeric root and inhale the smoke emanating from it. This remedy helps clear phlegm and mucus, reducing nasal congestion caused by a cold.
  • Eat some honey mixed with a teaspoon of turmeric every few hours to relieve coughs, colds and flu. This remedy eliminates the accumulation of mucus in the bronchi.
  • Make a chest rub consisting of ground turmeric, ghee and black pepper. Apply this mixture to the chest and throat area. This will quickly cure irritation in the bronchi and clear the accumulation of mucus in the chest.

If everything is done correctly at this stage, the signs of the disease recede quickly, and there are practically no complications of the disease.

The only condition is to know the rules that will help you quickly get rid of discomfort and apply them in practice.

Where to start?

Every person with a cold should avoid carrying the disease “on his feet”, continuing his usual labor activity. If your body temperature has increased, you should normalize it by taking antipyretic medications.

There is a nuance to this point: a temperature below 38.5 degrees indicates that the body is successfully coping with the virus on its own. Therefore, it is advisable to take medications only when the thermometer shows higher numbers.

  1. pharmaceutical tablets;
  2. fruits rich in this vitamin (lemons, oranges).

The next step is to drink plenty of fluids. Berry fruit drinks, juices, herbal teas, warm water with honey, and milk are excellent. If you drink a lot of liquid during a cold, you can count on quickly flushing out waste and toxins.

An important point: the drink should be warm, not hot. Otherwise, there is a risk of harming the throat and aggravating the inflammation.

In the first days of the disease, it is useful to give up fatty and protein foods, because the body requires a lot of energy and strength to digest them. You should bet on food that:

  • quickly digested;
  • does not linger in the intestines.

Proven effectiveness chicken broth in the fight against colds and viral diseases. Such liquids are characterized by powerful anti-inflammatory properties.

The broth will help quickly ease breathing if your nose is stuffy. This is explained a large number special compounds that stop the production of mucus in the nasopharynx and throat.

Facial massage

Are there any other methods to quickly get rid of a cold? Certainly! It has been scientifically proven that a properly performed facial massage will be an excellent remedy for illness. Moreover, massage can be performed at home. By the way, we invite the reader to familiarize yourself with the information on how to carry out.

The procedure technology is simple:

  1. bend index fingers, massage the wings of the nose with them, make several circular movements;
  2. massage the skin under the eyes with two palms, make circular movements from the nose to the corners of the mouth;
  3. move to the forehead area. During this, the skin is massaged with fingertips, smoothly moving towards the temples;
  4. complete the session by rubbing the skin on the chin.

Folk remedies

As mentioned above, during a cold, vitamin C is simply irreplaceable. It triggers the immune system, forcing the patient’s body to fight the virus with all its might.

Has an antiviral effect ginger root. You will need to cut off a small piece of ginger, pour a glass of boiling water and let the drink brew. When ready, add honey, sugar, and sweetener to taste to the infusion.

Natural aromatic oils have a beneficial effect on the body during colds. They can be used in an aroma lamp or dripped on the wrist instead of eau de toilette or perfume, in any case they are very effective.

Ideal for viral diseases oils:

  • cardamom;
  • pine trees;
  • lemon.

Cardamom an indispensable tool against colds, and it is cheap and accessible to every patient. If in black or green tea adding this spice helps relieve the first symptoms of pharyngitis, calm inflammation, and eliminate hoarseness.

You can prepare an infusion, its recipe is simple: pour 8 cardamom boxes with 500 ml of water, bring to a boil, simmer over low heat for 5 minutes. The drink is infused until it cools down. Then consumed with milk, honey, lemon.

In addition, fake and chamomile infusions. If your body temperature has increased, it is better to pay attention to viburnum and raspberry berries. Having cooked warm drink With these fortified berries, you can bring down your temperature.

For sore throat, runny nose

Almost always a cold is accompanied by a runny nose and lacrimation. It is quite possible to get rid of these symptoms at home. The following tips will help:

  1. rinsing the nose with a salt solution (it is possible to clear the nasal passages of mucus and bacteria;
  2. nasal drops beet juice(the liquid is diluted 1 to 1 with water and 3 drops are dripped into each nostril);
  3. warm compresses (warm boiled eggs are used for these purposes).

You can relieve discomfort in the throat using infusions of pine buds. Prepare a remedy from 1 tablespoon of kidneys, 2 cups of boiling water. The components are mixed and left for 1 hour. It is advisable to use a thermos for this.

The finished decoction is taken 3 times a day, a quarter cup. If there is no allergy, taste qualities The drink can be improved with bee honey.

You can drink beet juice for a sore throat. It is useful to separate it from carrot juice in equal proportions. You can also gargle with this drink, but add a tablespoon of vinegar (preferably natural apple cider vinegar).

Another recipe that helps you heal quickly. Every 2 hours you need to gargle:

  • herbal infusions (sage, chamomile);
  • iodine-salt solutions (for every 200 ml of warm boiled water take 3 drops of iodine, 1 teaspoon of kitchen salt).

Egg solution helps relieve pain. It is prepared like this: stir the whites of 1 egg in half a glass of warm water. After this, add 1 teaspoon of soda and salt into the solution and stir thoroughly. Then you will need to bring the liquid to 200 ml using hot water. Gargle with the resulting solution.


You can quickly get rid of a cough due to a cold thanks to honey and radish juice. You can get the medicine in 2 ways:

  • radish is grated, the juice is squeezed out, mixed with honey;
  • Make a depression in the vegetable, after cutting off the top, pour honey into it and wait for the juice to release.

The resulting juice should be drunk 3 times a day, without drinking anything.

It is also useful to drink hot milk diluted with alkaline for cough. mineral water. For example, it could be Borjomi.

Traditional medicine advises using for cough onions. It should be fried butter and eat it with honey. Received during heat treatment gargle with vegetable liquid.

Another medicine is made from onions: chop 2 onions, boil in a glass of milk, leave for 4 hours and drink 1 tablespoon every 3 hours.

A decoction of 10 onions and a head of garlic will help you overcome a dry cough during a cold as quickly as possible. Add honey and dog mint juice to the drink and consume a tablespoon every hour.

What should you not do if you have a cold?

In order for a cold to go away as quickly as possible without causing complications, you need to know what not to do. Yes, one of the most common mistakes– the habit of tightly closing the windows at the first signs of illness, preventing hypothermia.

Naturally, if you have a cold, you should stay warm. But staying in an unventilated area for a long time has a detrimental effect on your health. Viruses released by the patient:

  1. present in the air in high concentrations;
  2. interfere with recovery.

The correct thing to do in this situation is to leave the room and ventilate the room. Clean cold air will help dislodge the infected.

One more typical mistake– refusal water procedures during illness, unauthorized use of antibiotics. When the patient takes a shower daily, the waste products of viruses that are on the covers are washed away, and the healing process is accelerated.

As for antibiotics, they are useless for colds and can cause harm! Such drugs are not able to fight viruses. It is recommended to connect them only if:

  • the cold progresses;
  • a bacterial infection has occurred.

In addition, when the body temperature is elevated due to a cold, you should not steam your feet or put on mustard plasters. These procedures will further increase the fever.

You should try not to use vasoconstrictor drops. Despite the fact that at very severe congestion nose, they help alleviate the patient’s condition; nevertheless, such drugs are not able to eliminate its main source. If such a medicine is used for too long, a so-called rebound rhinitis develops. In this state, the drops are not able to perform their functions, but the patient can no longer do without them.

Well, in conclusion, it should be noted that if a cold is not treated, you should not count on getting rid of it quickly. If you start treatment as early as possible, you can recover within 2 days. Otherwise, the disease will drag on and there is a possibility of complications developing.

ABOUT folk remedies quick disposal for colds in the video in this article.

Among them herbal infusions and teas, rinses, compresses and much more.

Helps effectively initial stage colds mulled wine. Big percentage Vitamin C and spices accelerate and warm the blood. To prepare this magical drink you need to take:

Dry red wine;
- a glass of water;
- 7-8 cloves;
- a little nutmeg;
- 2 ;
- lemon or orange;
- a little ginger;
- sugar (optional).

All ingredients (except citrus fruits) are added to boiling water. Bring to a boil. Remove from heat. Add lemon or orange slices. Heat the wine and mix it with the prepared mixture.

You can enrich the drink with raisins, dried apricots, cardamom or add a little black pepper.

At cold symptoms Hot baths help to warm up well. But not for the feet, but for the fingers. IN hot water Dip your fingers for a while. Pull it out and repeat the procedure several times. The body quickly warms up, blood flow increases.

Lemon will help relieve sore throat. To do this, you just need to suck the slice. The inflammation goes away very quickly.

Extraordinary tea

A good remedy for preventing colds is. This drink is prepared from hibiscus petals and is sold in regular stores. To cook healthy tea you need to take:

One teaspoon of dry petals;
- a glass of boiling water;
- a teaspoon of sugar.

Hibiscus petals are poured with boiling water and infused for 5-10 minutes. Sugar is added to tea.

Hibiscus is not recommended for use by patients with gastritis and ulcers due to great content citric acid.

Salt water

One of effective ways The treatment for colds is to gargle and rinse the throat and nose with salt water. To prepare the rinse, you need to take:

A glass of boiled very warm water;
- a teaspoon of salt (preferably sea salt);
- a teaspoon of baking soda;
- from 10 to 20 drops of iodine.

Stir the solution and rinse every one and a half to two hours.

To rinse the nasal cavity, you need to prepare a weak brine and inhale it, closing first one nostril, then the other. When the salt water gets into your sinuses, it will clear out any accumulated mucus.

The solution irritates the nasal mucosa. Therefore, we must try to make it not very strong, so as not to burn the mucous membrane.

Compresses and wraps


Inhalations have a good effect aromatic oils: fir, eucalyptus, lemon and many others. They can be used to refill an aroma lamp or lubricate the earlobes or the area above the upper lip.



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