Why do you dream about the crucified Jesus? Why have a dream about Jesus Christ? What other dream books say

    A dream for Christmas. I see the sky in the east on the southern side turning black. It has turned very black, there is panic among people... the end of the world! Two red frames (long) appear in the black sky. Then Jesus Christ appears in the frames to my left and the Most Holy Theotokos to my right frame. All people fall to their knees, cry and pray. Me, my husband and grandson also fall to my knees and pray .I cry and think. It’s not for nothing that I believed in God... and what a pity that the end of the world. At this time, Jesus leans towards the Mother of God and with a smile on his lips says something to her... They were wearing clothes - gold brocade and some round hats. Like Patriarch Kirill’s on Easter. A minute later they disappear, the sky slowly began to clear... but it hasn’t cleared up at all yet, because I woke up in tears and with joy that it was just a dream. This dream does not give me peace , because since 1996 I have been constantly seeing prophetic dreams that come true.

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    I had a dream, the sky turned black with dark crimson colors, but there was a bright glow. Panic. Everyone is running, screaming, praying, icons. There is such anxiety in my soul, I wonder where my whole family is... Everyone understands that this is the end of the world. The feeling I experienced in the dream cannot be explained. Feeling of fear. And the other day I had a new dream: the sky is in a gentle pink-peach light, we all ran out to admire it, and in the sky we see an angel in a cradle, for the whole sky, Everyone understands that this is Jesus Christ. And an unusual animal descends from the sky, beautiful, with a horn in front. And that's it, I woke up)

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    Dream from Saturday to Sunday: there is a small church on the shore. Not far from her she saw Jesus in a black robe. Christ does not look angry, but rather sad and sorrowful. And I knew why He was sad. Jesus did not speak to me, but he was sad because of the children with whom trouble happened (I think they were killed). When I saw the face of God, which expressed melancholy and sorrow, I immediately began to cry. I felt sorry for the children, I worried about them as if they were my own.

    I can’t understand what he wanted to tell me by this, Lord, help me explain.

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    I dreamed that God Jesus was preaching something to some person and I was sitting next to him, distracted by something. The voice was gentle and full of love, saying something comforting. Then I found myself in front of him and fell to my knees, I felt something very familiar, as if I had already met God before. I looked at Him and cried, and He responded with a smile and looked at me like I was the most valuable thing He had. A very impressive dream.

Find out from the online dream book why Christ dreams by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpretive authors.

Why does Christ appear in a dream?

Miller's Dream Book

Why does Christ dream in a dream?

Seeing Christ as a child, revered by the sages, denotes a calm period in your life, full of prosperity, joy and contentment.

If your soul was filled with sadness in the Garden of Gethsemane, you will be haunted by the desire to change your life, and also worried about the lack of love.

Seeing him in the temple dispersing merchants is a harbinger that your enemies will be defeated and justice will prevail.

Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

The meaning of the dream about God's son

Crucified, in heaven or active - to fateful happiness and deep spiritual transformation. Often the image of Christ is used by lucifags (to tempt the doer and turn him onto the path of black magic).

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

Christ is dreaming, what does this mean?

Symbolizes the help and protection that you need. Represents love for the world and self-improvement. This dream calls for spiritual rebirth, a pure life.

World of images: Antonio Meneghetti

Analyzing the vision in which Jesus dreamed

Christ – Every human being has its own individual path of becoming. True bright self-realization will never give birth to this image, since it is a reflection of a divinely destined program. The inner self unconsciously in the image of Jesus Christ reflects two negative aspects. Firstly, failed identity authentication along the path of life. Secondly, mechanical, erroneous adherence to authorities, ideologies, and society. This image denotes the situation of the subject losing himself, regardless of his greatness, virtue, compassion, justice, and integrity.

Azar's Dream Book

Why did you dream about the face of Christ according to spiritual sources?

Christ is a sign, great joy.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Yuri Longo

If the dreamer dreamed of Christ

You happened to see the face of Christ in a dream - heaven is sending you a sign that should make you incredibly happy: the heavenly powers encourage your life and hope that you will not turn away from the thorny path of virtue onto the high road of vice. If Christ smiles at you in a dream, then a joyful event will soon happen in your life, and the business that you started quite recently will bear rich fruits. In any case, the dream suggests that heaven is pleased with you and you can expect God's blessings. A dream in which you had the misfortune to see the stern face of Christ foreshadows an unpleasant event for you. It is also possible that this sign is evidence of higher powers’ dissatisfaction with your behavior and that a serious test will soon be sent down on you. If you are able to withstand and remain a worthy person even in misfortune, then your sins will be forgiven, but if all the basest instincts break out, then you do not deserve forgiveness yet. If Jesus Christ talks to you in a dream, try not to forget a single word, because such a dream is prophetic, and everything said by the Son of Man will come true exactly. If in a dream you see Christ being crucified, then you will have to sacrifice yourself, whether you want it or not - this is how the circumstances will develop. One consolation is that by your action you will bring considerable benefit to the person for whom you sacrifice yourself, perhaps even saving the person’s life. Taking part in the crucifixion of Christ or the persecution of him in a dream means you will betray a loved one for your own benefit or out of fear for your own life. In any case, your action will be unseemly and your conscience will torment you. To remove the crucified Christ from the cross - you will take on the role of comforter and defender of the suffering and unjustly offended. You may face serious dangers in this field, but this will not stop you, and you will fulfill your duty to the end. Seeing the baby Christ in a dream means that you will soon become imbued with a new, little-known idea and try to spread it among friends and acquaintances, but you will not find understanding, which will plunge you into deep despondency. Don’t give up - as you know, everything new made its way with difficulty, but thanks to the ascetics, to which you undoubtedly belong, it nevertheless entered our lives and became an integral part of it. Dare, and luck will be on your side, especially since the heavenly forces will help you in your mission.

Esoteric dream book

See Christ:

Christ and other saints and apostles - In a dream (not to be confused with a vision), under the sacred face, as a rule, demonic entities are hiding, from which nothing good can be expected. Be critical of your state of mind: your deviations are the reason for the visit of the seducer.

Mythological dream book

Interpretation of Christ

Christ (god-man) – A long period of suffering, which will become a great reward and blessing; the sacrificial part of the dreamer's personality. Often there is temptation from dark forces, lucifages (you cannot assume that you have seen God himself). The vision of the inner glow of Christ is characteristic only of saints.

Why do you dream of Christ:

Christ (as an archetype) – Associations: sacrifice, cosmic unity, love, compassion, ideal, ideal traits of the dreamer himself, spiritual knowledge, revelation.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation:

Christening - Seeing is joy; christening yourself is fun.

Unique dream book / Tatyana Radchenko

Christ see:

Christ in a dream is a great sign, help in all needs. The appearance of Christ is a warning of danger.

Christ - pray to Christ - for the well-being of life. If this is a prayer-request, then for a specific solution to the situation in reality.

To make Christ - to make peace, a truce, to make friends; to see Christification is to promote reconciliation.

Slavic dream book

Why does the dreamer dream about Christ in a dream?

Christ - a woman can take power over you.

Dream book for the whole family by E. Danilova

Why do you dream of Christ, how can you understand it?

Christ – great internal changes; need for parental love and approval; warning against errors; assistance in solving the problem; a feeling of oneness with all life.

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Christening - To an extraordinary, enormous joy that will affect not only you. but also your friends and family. Imagine that you are present at an Easter service and congratulate everyone present on the Holy Holiday.

Great Encyclopedia of Dreams by O. Adaskina

Why do you dream of Christ according to the dream book?

To be Christed - to celebrate Easter, to be Christed on Easter Sunday in a dream - to purity of thoughts, peace of mind, material well-being. Actually fortunately.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

The appearance of Christ (God, Christ) - This is a warning of danger.

For those born in May, June, July and August

Christ – The Appearance of Christ – The danger of deprivation of freedom, loss of power hangs over you.

For those born in September, October, November, December

Christ - The Appearance of Christ (Jesus Christ) - If you had any troubles before this dream, then this dream foretells that all the bad things will go away.

Jesus Christ, crucifixion - losses.

Jesus, Baptism is retribution for the evil done.

Jesus in the desert - renunciation of undeserved benefits is mandatory.

Jesus on a donkey - trade, management, success.

Jesus, Christmas is good, getting what you want.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Tarot

Dream Interpretation - Sky

The sky is the image of the soul, the picture of its life.

The sun in the sky is the center of the life of the spirit, your mind.

The balls flew into the gray sky - a temporary collapse of all hopes.

The daytime sky always symbolizes such phenomena in the life of the soul that you can clearly understand.

Seeing a clear, clean sky or light clouds without the sun means quiet hours and inner composure; can be used for spiritual development.

Beautiful clouds in the sky, their slow movement and play of shapes are the harmonious life of the soul.

Seeing one bright cloud in the sky is something good.

And above your head is honor.

Clouds rapidly running across the sky are a symbol of interference from the outside world to your spiritual development / unpleasant and rapid changes in mood, vanity, everyday troubles and worries.

Cirrus clouds are secret, soul-elevating sorrows.

Clouds piling up on the horizon and advancing are your concerns/fears; feeling of anxiety.

A gloomy sky covered with clouds is a call for patience / temporary difficulties.

Thunderstorms, storms high in the sky - disharmony in the life of the soul.

The sky is an unnatural color - strange, sometimes dangerous states in the life of the soul.

Red sky - quarrel, disagreement.

Yellow or greenish - anger, envy, etc.

To ascend into the sky is to live in constant labor.

Being in the clouds is news / new position.

The night sky symbolizes a phenomenon in the life of the soul that is beyond the limits of waking consciousness, which is a mystery to it.

The night sky is gloomy and without stars - a time of testing is coming, you have to live only in the “higher world”, a time unfavorable for calm spiritual work.

The sky with stars is the fulfillment of cherished secret desires, joy, a sign that your soul is in the hands of your higher self.

Brightly burning stars - a happy future.

Foggy, shrouded in a light haze - secret sadness.

To see the bright milky way is not the hope of the strength of the soul and help from above / the inextricable connection of external life with otherworldly existence.

Interpretation of dreams from

To understand why Jesus Christ dreams, analyze your feelings during this dream.

If you experienced peace, tranquility or joy, it means you are on the verge of a happy period in your life. The appearance of an image according to the dream book foreshadows some grandiose beneficial event that will soon happen to you.

If you are overcome by anxiety or fear during a dream, analyze your behavior and thoughts. In such circumstances, Jesus is a symbol of rebuke of your way of life or thinking. The subconscious experiences dissonance of moral principles and thoughts of an impartial nature.

By and large, you yourself understand the duality of the situation, and you know that you are acting contrary to your principles. This is where this image comes from - you are probably blaming yourself, experiencing dual feelings.

For a more accurate interpretation by the dream book of this vision and understanding of what Jesus dreamed about, we should consider it in more detail. It is necessary to accurately remember all the details and circumstances that accompanied the image seen.

Where did you see the image

1. If in a dream you saw the image of Jesus Christ directly above you, high in the air, this speaks of the purity of your thoughts and the correctness of your chosen path. Such a vision portends the successful achievement of all goals.

Circumstances will always work in your favor and help you move towards your dreams. Luck will accompany you exactly as long as your intentions are pure and do not pursue exclusively selfish interests.

2. Jesus, who was in human form and was on earth next to you, portends imminent material well-being. Such a dream shows that you will be able to satisfy simple human needs and desires.

But at the same time, this vision does not promise that all good things will fall on you from heaven. To achieve financial independence you will have to work long and hard.

In moments when it becomes very difficult and you want to give up, remember this dream. Rest assured, in the end, you will be able to fully enjoy the fruits of your labor.

3. If you saw God’s face on an icon, it means that you are the center of close attention of some person. Your actions are constantly monitored and every step is monitored.

Most likely, the purpose of this observation is the desire to harm you and disrupt your plans. This could be your competitors looking for an opportunity to beat you, or a person who holds a grudge against you.

Who else was in the dream plot

According to the dream book, persons or divine entities that were in your dream with Jesus can also help shed light on upcoming events. If you see several images, you should find out the meaning for each of them, and then identify a pattern in the interpretation of all the symbols.

If the icon with the image of God was in the hands of a clergyman, it means that you lack the support of loved ones in real life. You are looking for understanding and sympathy from your family, but you cannot break through the wall of indifference. This undermines self-confidence, and therefore you begin to seek support from complete strangers who have a similar worldview to yours.

Seeing a disfigured or distorted face on an icon of Jesus Christ symbolizes the dreamer’s feelings about some event. The dream book says that perhaps the sleeping person does not fully control the situation and therefore cannot make an adequate decision.

Someone is deliberately giving you false information to keep you in the dark. Take a closer look at your immediate circle; it may even be the closest person you trust the most.

Seeing several divine faces in the sky at once besides Jesus Christ, perhaps even belonging to different religious concessions, is explained by the dream book as the highest protection and patronage. The dream book also explains this dream as the correctness of your path and developed spirituality.

The picture where you yourself are depicted in the icon along with Jesus Christ reflects your ambitions. The dream book indicates that they are probably somewhat overestimated. You risk taking on overwhelming obligations. Having high ambitions and setting meaningful goals is good, but do not forget to compare your strengths with your plans.
Author: Ekaterina Volkova

You had a rather original dream, in which the creator of all things, Alpha and Omega, appears before you. It’s worth saying right away that this dream does not foretell manna from heaven or something transcendental for you; you should not treat it in a special way, especially if you are a believer. So, why does Christ dream? The dream book will give the necessary answers.

So, it’s worth telling you right away that all the necessary answers lie in the source of the dream - in your subconscious. All readings that go beyond the subconscious can immediately be called unreliable, since they cannot tell you the right direction in which you will have to think in order to bring all the information to the surface.

There must be a very strong personality in your life, whom I constantly follow, you do not notice your own needs, your authority is steadily sliding down an inclined surface. Naturally, you can get out of this situation, but it’s not so easy if you already have similar dreams. Again, this assessment is superficial; a lot can change depending on the details of the dream.

It is also necessary to highlight that in your dream there is a pronounced imitation, or your faith is so pure and piercing that even dreams follow such a plot and you cannot do anything about it, you even like such a plot. However, it is still worth following the “Will of God”, what exactly was the potential creator of our universe doing in your original dream?

It is worth highlighting such unusual cases as, for example, the coming on earth according to the Will of God in your dream, or quite the opposite - hell on earth. They are not such categorical harbingers of one or another phenomenon, that is, after such a dream, not everything in your life will necessarily be good or bad, here you need to think deeper.

Interpretation of dreams according to individual plots and circumstances

You need to synchronize with your own subconscious and understand that without the right attitude it is not possible to extract this information. In this case, you should not think out any details, since you risk immediately changing the dream and giving it a completely different shade, not the one that was in the original dream, the author of which was your subconscious and from which it is most useful and necessary to take information. No, in this case you will only analyze your own inventions, which is undesirable.

So, if you managed to remember the dream and pull yourself together with this information, if you have compiled an ideal narrative for analysis, then we can begin. All the information necessary for interpretation is provided by our website; you can do it yourself at home.

We advise you to approach the interpretation of dreams in a similar way - keep the general interpretation in mind, combine it in your own version of the dream and supplement all this raspberry with final advice or addition from a specialist; the interpretation will be most useful with this approach.

Turn your gaze down and carefully read each option, since any specialist, predictor or dream book is aimed specifically at helping the dreamer:

  • The Creator of all things has appeared before you and you are talking about something ordinary. Such a dream may seem rather strange, but it is the one that gives the most information - most likely, an unforeseen event or failure happened in your life, because of which you cannot start living as before and are constantly in fear of failure, your life has stagnated and now it is literally “waiting for a miracle”;
  • Jesus appeared before you suddenly. Such dreams can portend good luck in real life. It is also possible to fulfill secret desires that you have kept locked away. You constantly decide to do something not so important, as if postponing truly important things for later, so as not to interfere with your simple pastime;
  • The divine essence did not show itself, you simply felt its appearance. It is not a fact that something secret will happen in your life; rather, it is a shifting dream, and those factors that were quite secret in your thoughts will become a clear obstacle to the development of your professional activities;
  • Jesus came to you and told you about his life. Such a pleasant pastime with a person who has the title of alpha and omega takes place in the subconscious of that person who has rather high self-esteem. No, seriously, a dinner party with God, even in the subconscious, is a great honor, who knows what you demand from people in real life;
  • God came to you and began to accuse you of all mortal sins, a nightmare. Such a dream symbolizes new relationships in your life, new connections and new people. It is not a fact that all these new connections will become a rather pleasant event for you - cases of betrayal are quite possible that will not be pleasant to anyone in this world;
  • You were in a certain relationship with Jesus, somehow intimate with him before this. A dream in which Jesus acted as an ordinary person already familiar to you is a warning - in real life, someone from your environment may become an unpleasant companion of a black streak that can happen to anyone, but the likelihood that this will happen to you after the dream increases several times;
  • Floating Christ. Seeing God soaring in the sky in a dream is a symbol of happiness; in the near future you will be able to finally receive the fruits for all your labors, which will not keep you waiting. You will be able to constantly engage in your favorite activity, you will get maximum pleasure and will not be able to refuse the tempting monetary reward that will invariably come;

Interpretation of dreams from dream books, opinion of specialists, soothsayers and somnologists

  • According to the dream book of spiritual seekers. According to this dream book, such a dream symbolizes the highest happiness that a person can receive. You will be able to understand yourself, understand your own feelings and intentions of those around you;
  • According to Azar's biblical dream book. According to Azar, such a dream symbolizes modesty, for which the highest happiness will be granted to you;
  • According to Medium Hasse. Hasse also predicts a life full of happiness and love. It is possible that in the near future you will increase your level of well-being;
  • According to Vanga. According to the dream book of the Bulgarian seer, in real life you will face a series of tests sent from above, which cannot be ignored



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