Interesting group games for teenagers. What is he like, this Santa Claus? Guess what it was

Basket, picture, cardboard...
In between food and dancing, invite party guests to play a little. For example, compete in the ability to put the maximum number of things into a backpack or box. The competition will not only make friends among the participants, but will also amuse the fans.

We shared an orange!
Several couples are given the opportunity to test the speed of interaction and demonstrate erudition in their knowledge of the “orange” biography. The winners will deservedly receive a large orange as a prize.

Fate is the connecting thread
Ten participants must untangle a bunch of ribbons by holding their ends. Players help each other with advice, at first not yet knowing who has been paired with whom. The winner is the couple that gets out of the silk captivity faster than the others.

This pleasant game for lovers will be appropriate at a youth party. Guys kiss their girlfriends in those places that fall on the sides of the dice. Six different faces of the cube - six passionate kisses.

Diction defects
Guys are invited to compete. They have to say the text with candy in their cheek. The longer the text, the more candy you should have in your mouth. The winner will be the one who can boast of good diction.

Smart fashionistas
This competition gives cheerful and quick-witted girls the opportunity to demonstrate their sense of humor and artistry, acting as a fashion designer and a supermodel at the same time.

Call me, call me!
This competition requires precision and speed in performance. The winner is the participant who can correctly write down the largest number of phone numbers, having learned them from those present at the party. The winner is awarded a top-up card.

Everyone who wants to predict the future of the guests present at the party participates in the competition. The presenter and his assistants write down all the predictions and seal them in an envelope. And you can read what you wrote many years later.

Fashionable verdict
Not every designer is capable of creating a creative outfit. And when the material for it is old newspapers, only a young, proactive team can cope. Therefore, the won prize is divided among everyone!

With friends, paradise and in a hut
If you are going on a hike with a friendly large group, if enthusiasm and energy overwhelm you, competition between two teams will help you have fun. The teams are faced with the task of quickly and efficiently erecting a hut from improvised materials found in the forest.

Linked by one chain
A cheerful company and logical thinking are the main things you need to succeed in this game. The driver must unravel the thread entangled in a strange tangle. In the role of the naughty string are the rest of the game participants, holding hands.

Halloween: treat a kikimora
For the fashionable holiday of Halloween among teenagers, unusual competitions are needed. Choose two kikimoras and try to feed them something tasty from the festive table. It is best to give them unusual treats blindly, blindfolded.

Finding every single clothespin on your partner and removing every single clothespin with your eyes closed is the goal of this fun competition. Laughter and good mood for the audience are guaranteed. Clothespins must be attached so as not to injure the players.

Various small objects are suspended on a rope on threads. The contestants' task is to use scissors to cut the thread on which the prize hangs while blindfolded. Yes, yes, trophies obtained in the fight serve as prizes for those players who managed to cut them off.

A blizzard is spreading
The competition is simple and all party guests can participate. Believe me, there are enough props for everyone. The winner is the player who can hold a light cotton fluff-snowflake in the air longer than others.

One, two, three! Give me a kiss!
Walking in a circle singing is not at all difficult. And it’s also nice to drive in this fun, because you can break a kiss. You just have to choose the right way to turn your head. After this, the presenter takes the player’s place and the game continues.

Moment of glory
Artistry and the ability to depict objects, animals and popular artists will help participants complete creative miniature tasks. And true talent in this competition will receive a storm of applause from admiring spectators and earn a prize.

School of a young actor
This game for a friendly, cheerful company can be played anywhere - in an apartment, a park, a club. All participants take turns, like real mimes, portraying the hidden words, while the rest try to guess them.

Artist and muse
Several pairs are asked to draw a simple plot. One participant is given a pencil and blindfolded. The second player can only help the artist with hints that will guide the hand with the pencil in the right direction.

Come on, repeat!
Sitting in a circle, the participants repeat the funny movements shown by the presenter. Looking at how hard your neighbors are trying, it is impossible not to smile; it is even more difficult to complete the task correctly and maintain your place among the players. The participant who lasts the longest wins.

A jump into the future through the Star Gate will help stretch your muscles and have fun for everyone present at the festival. Participants, jumping up and down and answering questions, will demonstrate their good physical shape, sense of humor and imagination.

Sing, little light, don’t be ashamed!
In this group game you need to guess the song that the selected players will sing. This must be done in an unusual way, invented by yourself or suggested by the presenter. The game brings together players and spectators, because a prize can be won by both voicing a song and guessing it.

Dance relay
Pair dances attract the eye with grace and beauty. This fun takes the form of a dance relay race with a magic object. It will not only test the ability of the participants to move synchronously, but will also amuse all the party guests.

Catch me, my little fish
Trying to catch your beloved like a fish on a fishing rod is not an easy task. For boys and girls, ordinary forks are hung from the back of their belts on a thread. The winner is the couple that manages to “catch” each other first by interlocking the tines of their forks.

Tornado named Love
Why are tornadoes and hurricanes given female names? Perhaps they and women have something in common! The winner of this competition will be the couple who creates the most spectacular tornado by winding the silk ribbon that is wrapped around the girl’s waist onto the guy’s torso.

If your child wants to spend New Year's Eve with his friends, you should not dissuade him, saying that it will be more fun and calm at home. Better help him with organizing the holiday, namely, preparing an entertainment program for teenage children. This masterful approach will bring all the guys together like chicks and provide them with an excellent mood. Cheerful music, dancing, songs, various kinds of quizzes should be present in this event. Cheerful communication, cheerful ringing laughter and jokes should accompany your children throughout the festive part of the evening. So, if you don't know how these fun programs are created, then read our article. She will give you 7 ideas for cool scenarios on New Year 2019 for prepared teenagers. Our recommendations will certainly be interesting and useful to you, since we selected them carefully and with love!

Features of the New Year's holiday scenario for teenagers

Of course, it is much more interesting for children to celebrate New Year 2019 in the company of their peers. In this case, adults need to control some things for a number of reasons. With teenagers the situation is a little more complicated and there are several reasons for this. This is the so-called difficult age, and the unwillingness to put up with parental control, and the desire to communicate with peers. And here you need to remember a few important points:

  • Children in adolescence should not be left without adult supervision. I don't think there's any need to explain why.
  • The New Year's menu should not only be tasty, but also healthy and healthy.
  • Everyone knows that children at this age strive to experience adult life and not always the best moments. Alcohol and early relationships are not conducive to healthy maturation.

The entertainment program of the script developed by you or someone else should be fun, funny, but not too childish or adult. An excellent solution could be a themed party in some popular style. And don’t forget that they are still children who are still in school, which means they are waiting for their gifts!

Competitions for teenagers for the New Year 2019

  • "Who are you?". For this competition, held on New Year 2019, it is necessary to prepare signs in advance with various names (for example, the names of animals: dog, cat, crocodile) and attach them to the backs of teenage participants (they should not see them). The players' task is to guess what is written on his sign by asking leading questions to the other players, for example: “Am I big? Am I green? Do I have big paws? You can use characters from popular films as inscriptions.

  • "Stuck." This is a fun and funny competition that is popular among teenagers. To prepare, you need to write down specific parts of the body (ear, nose, foot, hand, finger) on different sheets of paper. For the game, two participants are called, who take turns taking out sheets and sticking or freezing with those parts of the body that are indicated there. Next, the presenter calls the next participant, and he, too, must take out the piece of paper and stick it with some part of his body. And so on, the number of players is not limited. You get very interesting figures from the “frozen” guys. If you include such a game in your script, everyone will simply be delighted.

  • “I’m going there, I don’t know where.” For this game, played on New Year 2019 with teenagers, you need to call at least 4 people, who are seated on chairs with their backs to the audience. The point is that on the backs of chairs there are signs (or pieces of paper) that indicate places (supermarket, nightclub, school). Then the facilitator asks each participant in turn: “How often do you go to this place? Do you like to visit this place? Who do you prefer to go there with? Players answer them without knowing which place is written on the sign behind them. Fun is guaranteed. Such a competition can be freely used at a party at school.

  • “Wrap it up.” For this game you need to call girls and boys in pairs. Girls have a ribbon wrapped around their waist. The boys' task is to rewind the tape onto their belt as quickly as possible. The one who does it first wins. What a good idea for a script!
  • "The most muscular." The presenter invites teenagers and divides them into two teams, each with two girls and one boy. A big sweater is put on the boy. Within a certain time, girls must manage to stuff a lot of balloons into their sweaters, creating the illusion of pumped up muscles. The team that manages to “pump up” as many balls as possible wins. Such a competition for the New Year 2019 will excite everyone!

  • "Guess the melody." For this modern game, the leader selects one participant and several singers for the choir. Next, the first child must leave the room. Meanwhile, the presenter distributes to the singers the words of a line from a popular song, that is, one word to each, after which he is returned to the hall. As soon as he entered, all the singers began to simultaneously sing a line of the song - each his own word. The player's task is to guess the song among this confusion!
  • "Alphabet". In order for your script to be rich and cool for the New Year 2019, you should include this competition in it. Its essence is as follows: Santa Claus, as an important character at the teenagers' holiday, informs everyone that he has prepared wonderful gifts for everyone, but they will go to the smartest and most educated children. In order to find out which of them is a super genius, it is important to play the Alphabet game. Santa Claus names any letter, and the participants take turns to come up with a word that starts with this letter, but is somehow connected with the New Year holidays. Whoever succeeds receives the coveted prize.

Here's a video on the topic - how to perform a dance for young people in an interesting way!


Our article has now come to an end, which has provided you with some ideas on how you can create a scenario for the New Year 2019 for teenagers with modern competitions and quizzes, with dances, songs and other entertainment. Put all your strength and humor into this matter to make the party a real success! More laughter, surprises and gifts, because this is what children need at this transitional age. Happy holiday, dear friends! Laugh until you drop!

New Year's games and entertainment for schoolchildren

The games proposed in the article will allow you to organize an entertaining all-around tournament for everyone remaining in the house or class. Competitions can be held according to the Olympic system: participants are divided into pairs, losers drop out of the game and become fans, and winners meet each other. With each round, the tasks become more complicated: the distance to the target increases, the number of objects that need to be remembered increases, the size of the throwing rings, the size of the targets decreases, etc. Everything necessary for the attraction games must be prepared in advance - this will make them more dynamic. The role of judges is usually performed by the owners of the house or those who prepared the evening.

And don't forget about gifts for the winners! Try to understand that a gift is not expensive, but attention is expensive. The “gift system” can be completely diverse. Much depends on your imagination.


"Game as a gift". A rope is tied across the width of the room, and paper bags with gifts are tied to it at a distance of 10-15 cm (the number of bags should be equal to the number of guests). All participants move 1-2 m away and use a counting machine to choose who will be the first owner of the gift. He is blindfolded, spun around himself 5 times and directed in the direction where the rope is stretched. His task is to tear off “his” bag. Then the next participant is chosen, and the game is repeated from the beginning until each of the guests finds a gift.

“What has changed?”. The game involves 3-4 people. Various objects are laid out on the table (toys, pencils, keys, coins, etc.), the number of which depends on the age of the players. Participants in the game are asked to remember the location of objects on the table within 1-2 minutes and, at the presenter’s signal, turn away or leave the room; In the meantime, some of the items are moved to other places or removed altogether. The winner is the one whose answer to the question “Are all the objects left on the table and which ones have been rearranged?” - will be more accurate. The game can be complicated by using chess, checkers, dice, dominoes, etc. for this purpose.

"Don't drop it." 5-6 people participate in the game at the same time. They sit on chairs 4-5 steps opposite each other. Each of them is given a prop: a small stick, a pencil or thick paper rolled into a tube. The players’ task is to stand up at the signal and hold the object vertically on the tip of their finger, walk to the “opponent’s” chair and sit on it, without dropping the object from their finger. If the object falls, then the participant in the game gives the host a forfeit and leaves the game. And at the end of the evening the forfeit “redeems”. The “ransom” should not be delayed; the task is given by the host of the evening. They should be simple and easy to implement. For example: sing one verse of a song, say a tongue twister, etc.

“Who has the most accurate eye?” The game involves 4 people. To play this game you need a ruler and several sheets of unlined paper. Each competitor is given a sheet of paper folded into 5-7-9 (necessarily an odd number) strips of equal width. The players’ task is to determine by eye the length and width of the strip and the entire sheet.

The presenter uses a ruler to determine the winner. Whoever has the most accurate readings wins. You can set other tasks: determine the length of the table circumference, the height of one of the players, etc.

“Who is more resilient?” 3-4 people participate. A ribbon is stretched on the floor from strips of paper or twine - a path along which you must walk with your eyes closed. In turn, each participant is blindfolded, spun around 3 times and directed to the track.

The one who takes the most accurate steps along the ribbon wins.

"Walk with binoculars". 3 - 4 people participate. A rope several meters long is placed on the floor; you need to put binoculars with wide lenses to your eyes (thereby the rope will move away from the player). The player's task is to walk exactly along the rope to the end.

The one who completes the task correctly wins.

“Determine without looking.” 4 people participate at the same time. Participants in the game can be asked to determine by touch the type of fabric, type of grain, material from which the item is made, and even the names of magazines. In the latter case, the competitors are first given the opportunity to look at the magazines (they should not differ significantly from each other in appearance). At the presenter's signal, the players are blindfolded. Their task is to correctly identify in 2 minutes the material from which the proposed items are made (their number should not exceed 5 pieces).

The one who gives the most correct answers wins.

"Basket with snowballs". Two players participate at the same time.

Two paper baskets are hung on a crossbar located at a distance of 1.5-2 meters from the floor. They are decorated decoratively with white corrugated paper. You can glue pale blue snowflakes onto paper.

The players are given 7-10 snowballs. Their task is to throw the maximum number of “snowballs” into a swinging basket. The winner will be the one who throws the most snowballs into the basket.

Making “snowballs” is very simple: sew small round bags from thick material and fill them with cotton wool.

"Take the Prize". 5-6 people participate. A prize (toy, fruit, candy) is placed on a chair or stool under a bright cap. The presenter invites one of the players to stand with his back to the chair, put on a mask with his eyes taped shut (or, if there is no mask, blindfold his eyes with a scarf), walk forward 5 steps, turn around and, returning to the chair, lift the cap in one motion. The one who lifts the cap wins. He takes the prize for himself.

“Nose to the snowman!” 3-4 people participate. A snowman the size of a person is made from gauze, cotton wool, papier-mâché and a wire frame. They put a hat on his head and give him a broom in his hands. Instead of eyes, coals are glued, and where the nose should be, a circle is drawn.

The player stands at a distance of 5-7 steps from the snowman, he is put on a mask with his eyes taped shut. They give you a carrot made of papier-mâché and ask you to go to the snowman and put the carrot nose on it. If the player hits the circle with a carrot, he is awarded a prize.

You can also make a flat snowman (from plywood or cardboard).

“Collect the cones.” Two people participate at the same time. Each player is given a basket in his hands and blindfolded. Cubes, balls, cones, pencils, etc., in the amount of 15 pieces, are placed on the platform. These are “cones” that, at the presenter’s signal, the competitors begin to blindly search for and put in the basket. One minute is given to collect the “cones”.

The one who collected the most “cones” wins.

"Soap Bubbles". 4 people take part in the game at the same time. Players receive a bottle of soap bubbles.

Assignment: blow as hard as you can.

The winner is the one who releases as many soap bubbles as possible at one time. The participant who has fewer soap bubbles leaves the game.

The second match involves three players. They need to blow one big soap bubble. The one with the biggest bubble wins.

“Crush the ball with your foot.” Two people are playing. They will have three balloons tied to their left leg.

Objective: crush the enemy's balls and protect your own. The one who has at least one ball left wins.

"Cockroach Races" 3-5 people take part in the game. You need ropes, skittles, cubes. Each player is tied with a rope around his waist so that its tip hangs down from the back, like a tail. A pin is tied to the tail. A cube is placed in front of the participant. At the leader's signal, players must guide the pin cube to the finish line without using their hands.

The one who reaches the finish line first wins.

"Reach for the prize." Two players grab each other's palms with their right hands. In front of everyone, two meters from him, a prize is placed on the floor. Each player pulls the opponent in his direction, trying to take the prize with his left hand.

The winner is the one who outweighs the opponent and takes the prize.

"Who's faster?" 4 people participate at the same time. Competitors are divided into pairs. Each person holds a book with a small prize on it, such as a chocolate bar. At the leader’s signal, the players get closer, each of them tries to take the prize from the opponent’s book. You can put the book behind your back, but if the prize falls to the floor, the player loses. The winner is the one who took the opponent's prize and did not drop his own.

"Pull the Prize". 10 people participate at the same time. 10 ribbons hang from a large box, the prize in the box is tied to only one of them, the rest of the ribbons are empty. Players take hold of the ribbons and, at the leader’s signal, pull out one ribbon at a time. Whoever had the ribbon with the prize won.

"Lump." 3-4 people participate at the same time. An unfolded newspaper or a sheet of paper is placed on the floor in front of each participant. The players place their right hand behind their backs, and with their left hand, at the leader’s signal, bending down, they begin to crumple the newspaper, trying to collect the entire sheet of paper into a fist.

The winner is the one who crumples up the newspaper the fastest and who has the smallest lump.

"Fishing rod". Three people play. The attraction requires 3 bottles and 3 fishing rods. Each player is given a fishing rod with a ring at the end - the rings can be made of wire, they should be of such a size that they can be put on the neck of the bottle. Bottles are placed in front of each participant at a distance of 1.5-2 m (depending on the length of the fishing rod). At the leader’s signal, each player begins to “fish.”

The one who puts the ring on the bottle first wins.

"Winders". 2 people play. A rope 3-4 m long is tied at both ends with a stick or a pencil, the middle of the rope is marked with a ribbon. Two players take sticks and move away from each other, pulling the rope. At the leader’s signal, everyone begins to quickly wrap the rope around the stick, moving forward.

The one who winds the rope to the middle the fastest wins.

“Put your tail in the bottle.” 5-6 people can take part in the game. You need bottles, ropes and pencils.

Each player is tied with a rope around his waist so that its tip hangs down from the back, like a tail.

A pencil is tied to the tail. Empty bottles are placed behind the participants. At the presenter's signal, each participant tries to put his tail into the bottle.

The winner is the one who gets the pencil into the neck of the bottle first.

"The most attentive". A small team of 6-7 people can take part in this game. The presenter, using the game “Who has the most buttons,” determines the driver of this game. It becomes the person who has the most or the fewest buttons. He leaves the room and changes something in his appearance. For example: unbuttons his jacket, takes off his tie, takes a newspaper, slouches unusually, etc. (there should be no more than 6 such changes). Having thus prepared, he enters the room where the players are waiting for him. Everyone tries to quickly see what has changed in their appearance, and immediately says out loud everything that they notice. The presenter records the players' answers.

The winner is the one who noted the most changes.

"Turning Hoops" 4 people play. They get four hoops. Participants in the game place them on the floor on their edges and, at the leader’s signal, begin to spin them. Whose hoop spins the longest wins.

"Get through the hoop." 3 people play. Each player is given a hoop and a box with children's cubes. At the presenter’s signal, you need to open the box, place all the cubes one on top of the other in a pile and carry them on one hand from start to finish, where the hoop lies on the floor (approximate distance - 5-6 steps). While continuing to hold the pile of cubes, you need to sit down, take the hoop in your hand and crawl through it without letting go or dropping the pile of cubes.

If the slide falls apart along the way, the player collects it at the place where he failed and continues the game further.

The winner is the one who completed this difficult task the fastest.

"Fun Boxing" 3-4 people play in turns. The balloon is suspended at chest height. A boxing glove is put on the player's hand. The player stands at a distance of 10 steps from the ball. He is blindfolded, spun 2-3 times and asked to walk 10 steps to the ball and knock it out of place with one blow of the hand.

The person who completes this task is awarded a prize.

"Hold the snowflake." Number of players - 10-15 people. The presenter hands out a small ball of cotton wool to those who want to play; it needs to be loosened so that you can blow it and it will fly like a feather.

The task is to prevent the “snowflake” from falling; you need to blow on it, keeping it in the air. You cannot pick up a fallen snowflake.

The game begins at the command of the leader.

The winner is the player who keeps the “snowflake” in the air longer than other participants.

“Find a clothespin.” 3-4 pairs participate. The leader blindfolds one player from each pair, and gives the other 5 ordinary clothespins, which he attaches to himself. The blindfolded player's task is to find the clothespins by touch.

The winner is the one who finds all 5 clothespins faster than others.

"Wrap yourself in a rope". Two people are playing. To play, you need a rope or ribbon 8-10 meters long. Players stand at different ends of the rope, wrapping it around themselves once. At the leader's signal, they begin to spin forward, wrapping the rope around themselves until they collide together.

The winner is the player who has wound the most meters of rope.

"Throw the lasso on the horse." Up to 4 people can participate at the same time. In American films, dashing cowboys of the Wild West throw a lasso on mustangs, and our players will have to demonstrate the same accuracy.

A lasso or lasso is made from a 3 m long rope. At a distance of 2.5 m they place a large playground or cut out a horse’s head from plywood and nail a stick to it.

At the leader’s signal, the players make 3 attempts to throw the lasso onto the horse.

Those who fail their throws are eliminated from the competition.

The one who makes the most accurate throws wins.


"Running with a burning candle." Two teams of 4 people each participate.

With the help of pins, the start and finish of the players’ movements are determined.

The host gives the players a plate with a burning candle glued to it. Competitors run to the finish line, making sure that the candle does not go out. The first numbers, having reached the finish line, return to the start and pass the plate with a burning candle to the next participant.

The winner is the team that finishes the game first and whose candle does not go out while running.

"Crush the ball." Teams of 2 people play. The presenter gives each pair one inflatable ball. Participants hold the ball with their stomachs, squeezing it on both sides.

At the leader’s signal, everyone should begin to press hard on the balls.

The winner is the couple whose balloon bursts, unable to withstand the pressure.

“Hurry up to get dressed.” Two teams of 5 people play. At the finish line, trousers, a fur coat and a hat are placed on a chair in front of each team. At the signal, the first players of both teams, having reached the chairs, put on the lying clothes, then run back, take off the clothes and pass them on to the next player.

He must put on trousers, a fur coat, a hat and run to a chair, undress there and run back, touch his hand to the next player who runs to the finish line, puts on clothes, returns, takes them off, etc.

The team that finishes the dressing run before the other wins.

"Chamomile". This game can be played by 2-4 teams of 5-6 people. You need to make a daisy flower out of paper and write assignments on the back of the white petals. Then a representative of each team approaches the daisy, tears off the petals and returns to the team, which must prepare the proposed task in 3-4 minutes and then show it. Task options:

1. You know that there is a “Sabre Dance”, and you come up with a dance

With felt boots;

With brooms;

With suitcases;

With mops, etc.

2. Perform the song “A Christmas Tree Was Born in the Forest” as if you:

Indians from the Mumba-Yumba tribe;

Gypsies from the camp;

Highlanders of the Caucasus;

Song and dance ensemble, etc.

3. Imagine that you have forgotten how to speak, and you can only bark, moo, and crow. So perform the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” or “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter” in animal language.

4. Compose “Burime”, that is, write a poem using the given rhyming words:

Winter - cold;

Snowflake - fluff;

Frost - nose;

Christmas tree - a needle.

"Bring in matchboxes". Two teams of 4 people each participate.

The presenter places matchboxes on the shoulders of the first players, like shoulder straps, one box each on the right and left shoulders. The task is to run to the specified place and back, trying not to drop the boxes. Players number one pass the boxes to the next members of their team.

The second participant does the same. If the box falls, the participant picks it up, puts it on his shoulder and starts moving from the place where he dropped the box.

The team that finishes the game first and has the fewest box falls wins.

"Tell someone else". This is a very simple and funny game, 3-4 pairs or two teams of 5-6 people can participate in it.

The upper part of the matchbox is taken and placed on the nose of the first participant. The task: pass boxes from your nose to the nose of another player without using your hands. If a box falls from the nose, the person who dropped it picks it up, puts it on his nose and passes it to the next player.

Those who complete the task faster and more successfully win.

There are several varieties of this game:

1. Participants are given an orange or an apple. The player holds the orange, pressing it with his chin to his chest, and tries to pass it to another without dropping it; another participant, without using his hands, also tries to grab the orange with his chin, pressing it to his chest.

2. Hold the pencil between your upper lip and nose and pass it to someone else without dropping it.

New Year is a magical holiday of childhood, love and warmth, which is celebrated with pleasure in many countries around the world. Children and teenagers are especially happy about the arrival of the New Year. They are looking forward to holidays, wonderful gifts, fulfillment of wishes and festive entertainment. This holiday and the memories of it evoke feelings of happiness and joy in people of all ages. Exciting and fun New Year's games and competitions for children and teenagers at school and at home will make the holiday unforgettable and give a lot of positive emotions and a great mood.

Round dance under the New Year tree

There are various active New Year's competitions for teenagers and children. It’s better and more interesting to start holiday events with them. To hold the “Round dance under the New Year’s tree” competition, you need to install a New Year’s tree in the center. In this case, a small decorative Christmas tree may be suitable, which can be placed on a stool or on a stand. Chairs should be placed around it, but there should be 1 fewer chairs than the number of competitors. In addition, you need to choose fun New Year's music.

While the music is flowing, the participants dance around the festive tree, and as soon as the music stops, everyone tries to quickly sit down on the free chairs. The heedless participant who failed to occupy an empty chair is eliminated from the game. After this, 1 more free chair is set aside, and the game continues until only one contestant remains. He is declared the winner and given a gift.

Snowball fight

There are fun New Year's competitions for teenagers, which you should prepare for in advance. For an entertainment called “Snowball Game,” you need to make a lot of “snowballs” - crumpled sheets of paper, newspapers or napkins - and select chairs according to the number of participants. Players must divide into 2 teams and line up in two lines facing each other on chairs. Each team selects a “shooter”. He takes snowballs and tries to hit the players on the opposite team with them, and they, in turn, try to dodge the “snow projectiles”. Then the host of the competition determines the number of hits. Over time, the teams participating in the New Year's competition change places. The team of players whose “shooter” hits the largest number of opponents with his “snow projectiles” within a set period of time is considered the winner.

Taciturn students

Teachers often come up with interesting competitions for the New Year for teenagers at school. The game “Tatuate Students” is a fun intellectual entertainment that both adults and children will enjoy. Before carrying out it, you need to write various tasks on pieces of paper. For example, proverbs, sayings, quotes from fairy tales or lines from your favorite songs. Then the sheets are laid out on the table with the tasks facing down. The presenter selects 4-6 participants who take turns taking out tasks, as in an exam.

After this, each of the competitors must use certain gestures or facial expressions to convey the meaning to the audience so that they can guess what was written on the “examination” sheet. The contestant who can most quickly convey to the guests the meaning of a given phrase with his magical gestures will receive a New Year's prize.

And the most liked and talented, although not winning, participant is awarded the Audience Award.

Competition "Shot put"

Simple New Year's activities for teenagers can also bring a lot of joyful emotions. To conduct the Shot Put competition, you need to place an inflated balloon on the edge of the table. The presenter blindfolds the participant with a scarf and places him with his back to the table. After this, the participant moves forward five steps and turns three times in place. His task is to return to the table and blow the ball onto the floor. It is likely that the participant will lose the right direction and begin to deflate the balloon from a place where it has never been. It will be fun and interesting!

If teenagers get together to celebrate one of their friends' birthdays, they'll probably be able to entertain themselves on their own. But they won’t mind playing something interesting. The main thing is not to load them with games, but to provide them with music and give them more freedom. We wrote about some aspects of organizing a holiday for teenagers in the article ““.

Teenagers are interested in everything related to music, dancing, cinema, and sports. So you need to prepare party games for teenagers in this vein. Boys, and many girls, are not against active and even sports games. And, of course, they will be captivated by everything connected with themselves and the birthday boy. We offer a selection of entertainment on these topics.

Fun and games for teenagers' holiday

Now a few lifesavers that will help maintain a cheerful mood in any teenage company. The props take up minimal space, and the games themselves always go with a bang.

1. Game “Big secret for a small company”

The presenter invites the children to tell about themselves by answering questions. To play, you will need two sets of cards: one with questions, the other with answers. The cards from each set are shuffled and placed in piles with their backs facing up. Children take turns drawing cards. First, a card with a question is drawn, the question is read out loud, then a card with an answer is taken, and the answer is voiced. The answers usually amuse the guys.


1. Are you always so impudent?
2. Do you love Dima Bilan?
3. You're cheating homework?
4. Do you fake grades in your diary?
5. Is it true that you are married?
6. Do you fall out of bed at night?
7. Do you pick your nose?
8. Do you write nasty things in the comments on YouTube?
9. Do you sing while sitting on the toilet?
10. Do you wake up in the middle of the night to empty the refrigerator?
11. Do you drink strong alcohol?
12. Is it true that the physical education teacher is your idol?
13. Is it true that semolina is your favorite food?
14. Is it true that you sleep in yellow pajamas with rabbits?
15. Do you brush your teeth in the morning?
16. Do you brush your teeth before going to bed?
17. Do you dream of acting in films?
18. Do you like to spin in front of the mirror?
19. Do you write poetry?
20. Do you like to cry?
21. Do you watch children's cartoons?
22. Do you ride on the bus as a hare?
23. Are you skipping classes?
24. Do you try to imitate the participants of House 2?
25. Do you write swear words on the wall in the entrance?


1. Of course, this is just the meaning of my life
2. This is not a politically correct question - I don’t answer such questions
3. This is my biggest secret
4. No, because I’m very shy
5. I'm afraid that answering this question sincerely will ruin my reputation.
6. Yes, especially after the bath
7. Yeah, especially when you don’t feel like cleaning the house.
8. Yes, especially when I want to go to the toilet
9. Yes, especially when you’re too lazy to do your homework
10. Did I blush? This is the answer to the question
11. Yes, especially in pitch darkness
12. How did you guess?
13. Very, very rarely, but it happens
14. This is my main talent
15. Yes, when there are no parents nearby
16. I have had a penchant for this since childhood.
17. Yes, Mondays are sacred to me
18. No, but I would really like to
19. Yes, but only once a year – April 1
20. Yes, but only for company
21. Yes, but don’t tell my parents, otherwise they’ll fight
22. I'm a pro at this
23. What a stupid question? Can't you see it from me?!
24. Who spilled the beans?
25. Not anymore.

2. Dance game “Hello”

Teenage girls like the game. Any genre of dance is selected - according to your mood or one that matches the style of the holiday: it could be, for example, hula dance, Indian dance movements at an Indian-style party, boogie-woogie or hip-hop at any teenagers’ holiday, etc. .

To begin with, someone conducts a master class: a well-dancing adult or a specially invited professional who will show the basic movements of this dance. However, you can just watch the video together and remember the dance moves. After this the game is played.

The appropriate music is turned on, the teenagers stand in a circle, and they choose who will drive first. The driver selects any person from the circle and says a greeting and the name of the selected participant, for example: “Hello Oksana!” At the same time, the driver shows any dance movement from those just learned.

The one who stands to the left of the driver exactly repeats both the movement and the greeting. And so do all the participants standing to the left of the previous one until the greeting comes to Oksana. Now Oksana becomes the driver - she greets any other participant, shows a new movement, and passes on greetings further counterclockwise. The game can be played until all participants in the circle receive a greeting.

3. Game “Recognition”

It is suggested to check how well the birthday person knows his friends. The birthday boy is blindfolded and mittens are put on his hands. The birthday boy's friends approach him one by one, and he, carefully feeling them, tries to guess who is in front of him.

4. Game "Film pantomime"

You need to prepare cards with the names of famous actors. One name on one card. The cards are shuffled, and the participants draw one card at a time, without showing its contents to anyone. One by one, the participants go to the center and try, without words, using only facial expressions and movements, to show what kind of actors are written on their cards. The rest are guessing.

The second circle may be different: the names of famous films are not written on the cards, but the names of the actors. And they also need to be demonstrated using only movements and facial expressions.

5. Impromptu theater

Impromptu theater is a popular entertainment in which both girls and boys participate with equal interest. Japanese-style impromptu theater can be found in our Japanese party scenarios , and an impromptu theater based on the fairy tale “Teremok” in our children's birthday scenarios .



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