Interesting facts about the history of massage. Massage treatments

Archeology provides us with a lot of evidence regarding the use of massage procedures in many ancient civilizations, including Egypt and China, Korea and Hellas, India and Assyria, Rome and the Babylonian kingdom. Below are some unusual facts regarding massage in ancient times.

  1. The earliest references to the use of reflexology and massage techniques in Ancient Egypt are on the wall frescoes of the tomb of a high-ranking official of the Old Kingdom - Ptahhotep. The drawings depict Ptahhotep and slaves massaging his limbs.
  2. The so-called “Smith Medical Papyrus” is a scroll containing a collection of articles describing the structure of the human body and surgical techniques of that time. The tape, almost 5 meters long, describes in detail 48 types of injuries to the skull, cervical vertebrae, brain, chest and spine, as well as methods of their treatment. There are also links to massage. It was carried out using a special type of clay as a lubricant.
  3. Another mention is made in the description of the epic Battle of Kadesh, which took place between the Egyptians and the Hittites in 1274 BC. Giant bas-reliefs on the walls of several ancient Egyptian temples detail the course of the battle. There is also an image of one of the warriors of Pharaoh Ramses II undergoing a full massage procedure to relieve fatigue after a long march and fierce battle.
  4. In the most ancient Chinese medical treatise, Huangdi Neijing, written between 722 and 481 BC, massage is mentioned in three dozen paragraphs describing its techniques and indications for various diseases and injuries.
  5. Many inscriptions made in the ancient Indian literary language - Sanskrit, prove that massage procedures were practiced in India long before the development of modern scientific medicine.
  6. The famous ancient Chinese physician Bian Q used massage techniques in his practice. And the massage department in the Imperial Medical Administration was created back in 581 BC.
  7. It is generally accepted that the Hellenes used massage methods back in the 9th-8th centuries. BC. The development of such procedures was facilitated by the popularity of various sports in Ancient Greece. Typically, massage was used for the rehabilitation of participants in the Olympic Games, so valued by the Greeks.
  8. The ancient Romans began to widely use massage around the 2nd century BC. Private massage practice was common, with wealthy queers paying for massage therapists to visit their homes. They also performed massages in the public baths (baths) that were so popular in Rome at that time.
  9. It is known that the great Gaius Julius Caesar, who suffered from frequent epileptic seizures, ordered massage sessions as a means of preventing this disease.
  10. Today it has been found out that massage techniques were brought to Europe by French missionaries from China, approximately this happened in 1776. They created an accurate translation of the already mentioned Chinese medical treatise “Huang Di Neijing”, including the list of medicinal herbs, gymnastic exercises and complex massage techniques contained therein.

Humanity has long discovered the benefits of massage. With its help, various diseases have been treated and health restored for many centuries. Massage techniques are also widely used in modern medicine. Below are interesting facts about this treatment and prophylactic method.

- It has been proven that the touch of another person can have a beneficial effect on a person’s mental and physical state. Simple stroking can lower blood pressure, slow down a rapid heartbeat, calm the nervous system, and relieve stress. This phenomenon is the basis of a relaxing massage.

- The humpback whale weighs on average 30 tons, and its length can reach 20 meters. But even such a giant loves affection. He can look out of the water for hours waiting for petting. Other animals are also not indifferent to affectionate touches.

Proof that the healing effects of massage were known to our ancestors is a Chinese book that describes methods of treating muscle spasms and dislocations using rubbing and pressure. It was in China in the third millennium BC. The art of massage was born. For a long time it was owned only by clergy.

Nowadays, there are several types of massage - one of the most interesting and effective is massage with the starvac vacuum-roller massage - starvac
takes care of the beauty of the skin and provides a double effect - systemic lymphatic drainage and deep kneading of subcutaneous fat.

Those who play sports or experience heavy physical activity are familiar with sore throat - muscle pain caused by lactic acid accumulated in the muscles. Massage helps reduce or even completely eliminate pain.

Massage has a beneficial effect on the growth and development of young children. Pediatricians recommend doing it from birth. Correct and regular massage contributes to the rapid recovery of children with delayed physical development and premature babies. It is beneficial not only for their body, but also for their psyche.

The benefits of massage are known not only to those who treat people, but also to veterinarians. Scientists from Australia have proven that regularly stroking and massaging piglets speeds up their growth by about three times.

Massage is used to treat many diseases, including somatic ones: rheumatism, hypertension, asthma, etc. It is also used in cosmetology.

The effectiveness of the massage is evidenced by thirst and increased urination and sweating after the session.

The rash that appears after massage sessions is not a side effect, but an indicator of the effectiveness of the procedure. It occurs as a result of cleansing and restoration of the skin and the body as a whole.

Head massage helps relieve tension after a hard day and reduce headaches. It also promotes better hair growth.

A gentle touch to the wrist reduces blood pressure and slows down the heart rate. With this interaction, the person will feel calm.

Fact number 2

Not only people love massage; for example, the huge mammal the Humpback whale can be immobilized for several hours when massaged.

Such a giant grows about 19 m with a mass of 53 tons. As long as he feels the stroking, he will keep his head out of the water for long hours.

Fact number 3

Approximately 3000 BC, massage could only be performed by clergy; this was special knowledge.

Already at that time, the kung fu book described massage techniques and exercises that saved people from muscle spasms, rheumatism, various dislocations and sprains.

Fact number 4

Massage is especially useful after heavy physical activity. In this way, it will release more than 15 percent of nitrogenous substances and quickly remove lactic acid from the muscles, because of this acid we feel tired and sore.

Fact number 5

Massage provides growth and stimulation in infant development, especially for premature babies. Children with this disease experience a 50% increase in weight gain.

Fact number 6

Australian scientists have found that massage for pigs on a pig farm accelerates the growth of animals by 30 percent. Therefore, they often receive massages according to a given schedule.

Fact number 7

Massage has long been used not as a means of relaxation, but also in the treatment of asthma, headaches and stress.

Fact number 8

The massage stimulates urination in the body; after the session, the effect can last for about a day.

Fact number 9

Massage is also useful before starting strenuous exercise, which will help increase gas exchange rates by 10-20 percent. And after training it will generally increase several times.

Fact number 10

If you want to stimulate hair growth, then a scalp massage will help a lot.

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Massage is a unique healing procedure that was already discovered many centuries ago. But not everyone knows about the 5 most interesting moments of massage.

  1. The whales have fun too!

Do you know that even the largest animals on Earth - whales - enjoy this action. Their length is more than 19 meters, their weight is about 50 tons, and they stick their heads out, allowing massage and stroking.

  1. The pioneers of massage.

Imagine that around 3000 BC, a book of kung fu was created, which contains data on massage techniques. The main discoverers are the Chinese and Indians.

  1. After training, the massage effect is greater!

After finishing your workout, it is recommended to attend a massage session. Indeed, at this time, nitrogenous components are released by 15%. Thanks to this, the rate of metabolism and removal of lactic acid, which causes pain, increases.

  1. Massage stimulates growth in babies!

Imagine that a study was conducted, the end of which was the fact that babies grow faster! Massage is especially good for children who were born prematurely.

  1. Massage stimulates growth in animals!

Just a few months ago, a massage method was developed for pigs, as a result of which they grow 30% faster.

As you can see, massage is a versatile procedure that we don’t know everything about. Get a massage, get treatment and have fun!

Massage has been used for many centuries as an effective method of treating and restoring the health of the patient. In modern medicine, a lot of attention is paid to this area. So, 10 interesting facts that every person will be interested to know.

1.A simple light touch on the palm of your hand can work wonders, namely slowing down your heart rate and lowering your blood pressure. The principle of stroking during massage is based on this effect. The body calms down, stress is relieved, stroking with hands primarily affects the nervous system.
2. Humpback whales weigh more than 50 tons and reach 20 meters in length, and even they cannot ignore the effect of stroking. These large creatures hold their heads above water for hours for affection. The principle of stroking is calming and appealing to many animals.
3.The history of massage begins before our era. One of the ancient sources is the Chinese book of kong fu, which contains not only wrestling techniques, but also methods of treating dislocations and muscle spasms with massage. For many millennia, the knowledge and skills of massage techniques were stored and passed on exclusively by clergy.
4.After heavy physical activity or sports, it is recommended to get a massage. Lactic acid is not only released from the muscles during exercise, but is easily removed by massage. By following this recommendation, the next morning will be painless and cheerful.
5. Recent medical studies have confirmed that massage improves the growth and development of newborns. Pediatricians prescribe massage for all premature babies and those with physical development delays. It has been proven that the recovery process for children has better results with proper regular massage.
6.Veterinarians also took massage into circulation. Australian scientists conducted a farm experiment with piglets. Regularly massaging the backs of small pigs speeds up the animals' growth by 35%.
7.Massage is rich in beneficial effects for human health. For therapeutic purposes, massage is also used for somatic diseases (asthma, rheumatism, hypertension, etc.).
8.If after a massage session the thirst for water and urination increase, this indicates a favorable outcome of treatment and rapid recovery of the body.
9. A rash after several massage sessions should in no way be considered a negative effect. The body and skin are cleansed and restored.
10.Scalp massage not only relieves stress and tension, but also reduces headaches and also stimulates hair growth. True, a method against baldness has not yet been developed.

Massage is not only useful and pleasant, many Eastern sages saw in it the secret of health and longevity!



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