Grooming cats and dogs: description, necessary equipment and recommendations. Everything you need to know about dog grooming What is grooming

Grooming - this concept came to us from Great Britain, where for centuries there have been people - groomers who professionally care for animals. Their competence includes cutting, drying, nail care and more. Of course, a lot has changed since those times. The grooming needs of dogs are constantly changing, and groomers follow fashion trends and use new technologies. What does modern dog grooming include? What does it include and who needs such services?

In addition, you can get completely free advice from a professional groomer.

Professional dog washing

Most dogs cannot be bathed frequently; two or three times a year is sufficient. For pets who often participate in exhibitions, this is not enough. Not all owners of four-legged friends, especially show-class dogs, do this on their own, because there are professionals who will do it according to all the rules and using special means.

The groomer will not only wash the dog, but also rid him of clumps of matted hair and select the most suitable shampoo. Before important events, it is possible to use tinting agents to make the dog’s coat brighter and more attractive.

It will prevent water from getting into the ears, and quick drying with a hairdryer will prevent your pet from getting cold. Proper drying will lay the wool properly, which is a prerequisite for participation in the exhibition. Thorough washing with suitable products will help your pet stay clean longer.

In addition, during washing, a specialist may notice health problems (ear mites, tumor formations, etc.) and will immediately inform the owner about this.

Grooming – hair cutting and plucking

If we look in more detail, grooming is a mass of different manipulations that give the pet a beautiful and well-groomed appearance, and most of them have not entirely clear, foreign names.

For example, dog grooming:

  • Hair cutting carried out using a machine or scissors. After the procedure, the animal’s coat becomes uniform and thick. This includes “clipperweak” - processing wool with a machine almost completely. Two types of techniques can be used - in the direction of hair growth and against. Which areas of the body are subjected to such a haircut depends on the requirements of the breed standard. Use hand or power tools. Another type of trimming is “flatvec”, a treatment aimed at maintaining the same length of coat, mostly short, in certain areas. This haircut is performed using scissors or a machine.
  • Blending(leveling) is a procedure that makes the transition from long to short hair invisible. Gives the haircut a finished look. Special scissors are used for thinning.
  • Top notes- these are dog hairstyles with various accessories - elastic bands, hairpins and clips. Grooming is most often used for long-haired decorative breeds. It is mandatory for dogs whose hair length in the head area exceeds 10 cm in length, as well as for pets who wear bangs or have protruding eyeballs.
  • Creative haircut- in this case, the master departs from all standards. The dog's fur is dyed, tinted, weaving techniques are used, as well as tattoos on the hair. Entertainment and effectiveness are the main advantages of such care. They are performed both for special competitions and simply, at the request of the dog owners.

You can cut your dog's hair as early as three months, but short haircuts are not recommended until six months.

Each dog's hair growth period is different, so it's hard to say when your pet will need a haircut. The ideal period between haircuts is 2-3 months, if it is not possible for such frequent events, it is recommended to cut the dog very short at least once every 12 months - with the onset of the warm season.

If the owner of a dog with rich hair decides to do the haircut himself, then groomers recommend purchasing a special dog clipper. It is better to give preference to a cordless tool - you can take it with you to exhibitions, use removable knives, or a rotary tool - the most powerful unit that can cope with the shaggiest four-legged animals. The last option is suitable for large pets.

Other techniques are also used:

  • Trimming(stripping) – removal of dead hairs from dogs with hard coats. This procedure is required for the following breeds - schnauzers, terriers, long-haired collies and others. With the help of stripping, it is possible to care for hair and skin that cannot be trimmed, and it is possible to maintain the ideal hair structure. Plucking is done with a special knife.
  • There is another technique - rolling, this is one of the types of stripping. It is used for show-class animals that often take part in exhibitions. The plucking is carried out gradually, which allows you to leave hairs of different ages on the dog.
  • There is also manual plucking - plaking, during which the master uses his thumb and forefinger, as well as a plate - the slivers are sharp and fast, the very ends of the wool are captured. If you do not remove dead hair, then in addition to an untidy appearance, your pet may experience skin irritation.

Caring for your pet's claws

This is another type of procedure that groomers perform. Of course, the main inspection, washing the paws after walking is what every owner does at home. And specialists are most often contacted with more serious problems:

  • Carefully trimming the hair between the toes is a necessary hygienic procedure that protects the dog from the development of fungal diseases.
  • Trim nails - long nails can interfere with your pet's walking, negatively affect his gait, and even grow into the pad of his paw, thereby causing the dog to suffer from pain and inflammation. The groomer uses special nail clippers - with a guillotine mechanism or with a sickle-shaped blade. It is also possible to file the claws and grind them - manually or automatically. At the request of the owner, the surface of the claws is covered with decorative varnishes and strengthening agents.

You can carry out the procedure at home, however, in pets with black claws it is very difficult to do everything correctly, since the core of the nail plate is not visible.

To do your own “dog” manicure, you should follow the advice of professionals:

  • if you don’t have cutting skills, you can file them once every two to three weeks using a flat file;
  • correct filing involves moving the tool from top to bottom;
  • During the first procedures, you should not be afraid to put pressure on the plate; later it will be much easier.

Groomer care for dog's eyes and ears

The specialist performs a hygienic haircut. Trimming the eyes and ears provides your pets with excellent vision and hearing. This is a rather complex and delicate procedure that is best left to professionals. If necessary, the groomer plucks the hair inside the ear.

The groomer carefully removes the debris and dirt that accumulate in the corners of the dog's eyes, using swabs soaked in special products. There are lotions designed to care for the hair around the eyes, as well as to lighten brownish spots on light breeds.

Particularly difficult is caring for brachycephalic dogs - dogs with bulging eyes - bulldogs, Pekingese, Boston Terriers, griffins, etc. In addition to professional procedures, it is necessary to daily remove accumulated formations from the corners of the eyes with wet wipes.

Dogs need to have their ears cleaned once every seven days. At home, this is done using improvised means - hydrogen peroxide, vegetable oil, etc. An experienced groomer has an arsenal of tools and products suitable for various breeds. Gentle cleaning even for dogs of dwarf breeds with narrow ear canals and those with difficult-to-clean floppy ears.

If a four-legged friend appears in the house, then naturally he needs care. Cleaning fur, ears, trimming nails, haircuts, etc. are mandatory procedures included in grooming, and dog owners have two options - carry out the procedures themselves, or seek professional services.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s a purebred dog or an ordinary mongrel, he deserves to be well-groomed and happy.

According to one version, the word “groomer” came into the Russian language from England, from the country where the profession of a groomer first appeared. This is the name given to a person who looked after horses. The term “grooming” has come to mean comprehensive care for pets, including grooming, treatment of teeth, claws, ears, eyes, anal glands, etc. Accordingly, a specialist who performs animal care services is called a “groomer.”

According to another, scientific version, the word “grooming” implies the behavior of animals in natural conditions, aimed at maintaining the cleanliness of their body and fur: licking, bathing, sorting through the hair of primates.

What are the responsibilities of a groomer?

The list of works performed by a groomer is truly enormous. The scope of his activities includes both hygienic and aesthetic. Hygienic grooming includes skin care procedures necessary for all animals (treating wounds, removing splinters, ticks), hair (combing out old undercoat, removing tangles, cutting), teeth (removing tartar), claws (clipping), eyes and ears ( ear cleaning). List of aesthetic services pets are not much different from the services provided to humans in beauty salons. Now your pet, for example, a Yorkie (regulars of beauty salons), will get a manicure in the grooming salon, teeth whitened, fur dyed in accordance with fashion trends, body painting (body art), tattooed and even decorated with rhinestones. If your dog is about to participate in an exhibition, then the dog beauty salon will help you prepare your pet for this event: they will cut the dog in accordance with accepted standards for each specific breed. There are breeds of dogs (terriers, schnauzers, dachshunds, cocker spaniels, Afghan hounds, etc.) that need trimming (or partial trimming), that is, plucking their hair. The fact is that their molting process is very weakly expressed, and dead fur can only be removed by trimming. Experienced groomers carry out this procedure manually or using special grooming tools (trimming knife).

After you have taken your pet to the grooming salon and picked it up “renewed” - beautiful, well-groomed and fashionable, you really want to continue to keep your pet in such great shape. A groomer will come to the rescue, who will tell you about the features of home care for the animal, and will also help you decide on the necessary grooming tools and cosmetics that are suitable for your pet. Many dog ​​breeders take care of their pets' fur themselves. In this case, they cannot do without special grooming tools, for example, a furminator and a dog clipper. A professional groomer will always show you the tool of interest and explain how often it is best to carry out the procedures.

An important aspect in caring for a dog is properly selected comfortable clothing. In modern urban conditions, dressing a dog for a walk has often become a necessity. There are a lot of clothes for dogs in pet stores, but it is easier to figure out what is right for your dog, armed with the advice of a groomer. You can buy clothes right there in the dog beauty salon.

Do you enjoy caring for animals and would like to improve your skills in order to take your pet home? Grooming courses offered by well-organized pet salons can help you in this endeavor. It happens that a “student” is so captivated by the work of a groomer, and he shows good abilities and is successful in training, that he begins his journey as a professional groomer after completing the course.

Grooming in St. Petersburg

One of the oldest pet salons in St. Petersburg, Chara Pet Salon, offers professional dog grooming. We have extensive experience and attentive professionals; you can make an appointment for a dog grooming using the form on this website or by calling the phone number you provided. We are waiting for you and your pet!

A dog is a loyal friend and family member. And she also wants to be beautiful and well-groomed

Most people understand the concept of “dog grooming” exclusively to cut a pet’s haircut.

However, this process is much broader and includes a whole range of procedures. After all, if we go back to the roots, the word “groom” is translated from English as caring, grooming.

What is grooming and why does your pet need it?

Any owner who loves his pet tries to do minimal care and cleaning.

If earlier you had to take care of this yourself and basically this only concerned those pets who participated in exhibitions, now there is a huge number of dog salons where any dog ​​will be put in order.

Prices for this pleasure vary, but you can save money if you read books on grooming, attend special courses and do grooming yourself at home.

Important! Grooming is a set of special hygiene and cosmetic procedures for cleaning the surface of a dog’s body.

Grooming includes the following procedures:

  • combing (including);
  • bathing;
  • wool cutting;
  • nail trimming;
  • brushing teeth;
  • ear cleaning.

  • combing - daily;
  • trimming claws - once every two weeks;
  • Ear cleaning – once a month.

If a dog gets used to such procedures from a young age, it will be much easier for him to withstand grooming in a salon.

Grooming is carried out for a large number, for example:, and, and and many others.

Grooming and its varieties

Depending on the purpose, there are several types of dog grooming.

Pat. The main function is to shorten the grown fur to make it easier for the pet owner to care for it.

In addition to haircuts, it includes hygiene procedures such as bathing the dog, cleaning ears, genitals, teeth, trimming nails and eye care.

The haircut in this case may not correspond to generally accepted breed standards, but this will make the dog feel no less comfortable.

Professional grooming(exhibition). In this case, the haircut must be done in accordance with breed standards.

In addition, only professional grooming can not only make the dog well-groomed, but also emphasize the positive aspects and hide the negative aspects in the anatomy.

In addition to cutting, the coat must be styled in a special way immediately before entering the ring.

Show grooming can hide some imperfections. With such a haircut, your pet will be provided with new rewards

Creative grooming(art grooming, designer grooming) is a solution for those owners who want their pet to look unforgettable.

The groomer can make a beautiful pattern on the body, dye the fur, apply rhinestones and much more.

Important! Did you know that many dogs have a bow or a hairpin that is not a decoration? In fact, this hairstyle is called ton-not and serves not only a decorative function. A cute bow protects the animal's eyes from getting hair in them.

Types of haircuts

One of the main processes in grooming is cutting. They can also be different and intended for different situations. Highlight:

  • Trimming, which is carried out with scissors or a machine. Depending on the length chosen, there are clippervec (very short haircut) and flatvec (hair is cut in areas defined by the standard).
  • Stripping involves plucking out old fur. It is mainly carried out on those breeds that have hard fur (for example,). This procedure requires a special knife.
  • Rolling is considered a type of stripping. Recommended for those pets who constantly participate in exhibitions.
  • Hygienic grooming is necessary for all breeds. It involves cutting individual areas - the ears, near the eyes.

Each breed has its own standards. If a groomer trims your pet incorrectly, he will not be allowed to take part in a professional show.

Important! Experts recommend taking into account seasonality: in summer, it is best to cut your dog’s hair shorter so that the coat requires minimal care. In addition, with a short haircut it is much easier to notice ticks and other insects that can harm your pet.

Creative grooming

If everything is clear with traditional types of grooming (pet, professional), then creative grooming deserves more attention.

This is a real art, which not every specialist masters, since, in addition to professional qualities, he must have considerable imagination and artistic talent.

Creative grooming, of course, sometimes goes beyond all limits. But here the master clearly tried to make the dog positive

The most popular ideas are cutting patterns and pictures on the pet's body, creating tattoos, pedicures, dyeing wool, piercings and decorative jewelry.

The prices for these services are quite high, but it is definitely worth it.

Important! An interesting fact is that the now popular “a la lion” haircut actually began to be used in the middle of the last century on poodles.

Cutting patterns occurs as follows:

  • First, a pattern or picture is thought out. A true professional can complete almost any idea - from a popular foot to an entire painting.
  • Next, special paints are applied to the skin.
  • Trimming. Large pictures require a lot of time and effort.

Tattoos on the body of an animal look no less creative, although they are much easier to do. Transfers are simply applied to the prepared skin of the pet.

They are worn for about 3-4 weeks and are completely harmless to the dog’s health.

Golden “socks” on the paws, decoration on the neck and patterns in the form of leaves – what’s not to say about the autumn mood?

Important! Initially, shiny and iridescent pictures were popular. Now tattoos that glow in the dark have burst into fashion.

Dog pedicures are far from new in pet salons. For this purpose, special grooming cosmetics are used.

For example, the varnishes used to cover a dog’s claws do not contain solvents and are therefore safe for health.

And what? Bright colors are in fashion now

Piercing is a new procedure, but has questionable reviews.

After all, it would seem that ear piercing is harmless and is suitable for almost all breeds, but the animal can injure itself if the jewelry gets caught in a corner or some object.

The cheapest option is to use various decorations. The most common examples are bows, braids, and hairpins.

In the salon or at home?

The best place for grooming your pet is a dog salon.

You can order both pet and professional grooming here, because this establishment employs certified masters who are up to date with the latest dog fashion trends and breed standards.

Advantages of grooming in a dog salon:

  • Specialized establishments are equipped and supplied with everything necessary: ​​grooming tools (scissors, etc.), special tables for grooming.
  • In addition to tools, the salon will select the right cosmetics for grooming - shampoos and balms for bathing your dog.
  • If the grooming was not carried out properly (for example, if the haircut was not performed in accordance with breed standards), you can complain to the administrator and either correct the situation or refund part of the payment.

Such grooming tables are used in specialized dog salons. The pet is wearing a collar, which is attached to the top bracket. And thanks to the ability to adjust the height, it is much more comfortable for the master to work

If your pet does not attend exhibitions, you can get by with pet grooming, which can be mastered by attending special courses or after reading books on grooming.

But, in this case, in addition to the time and money spent on training, you will also have to spend money on tools and cosmetics for grooming.

Of course, you don’t need to purchase grooming tables, but clippers and scissors are a must.

Grooming at home is also very popular

Another option is to groom dogs at home, but not on your own, but with the involvement of a specialist. Prices for such services are usually cheaper than in salons, but you need to be confident in the specialist.

Dog grooming: Secrets of haircuts and tying bows

Dog grooming is a prerequisite for keeping any breed of dog, regardless of whether it takes part in professional exhibitions or not.

We often hear that dogs look like their owners. But this speaks about character and behavior. Indeed, our smaller brothers are trying to copy their masters, because they dote on the person who tamed them. And man pays for the devotion of four-legged animals by grooming and nurturing them. Grooming- one of the ways to express your love for your pet, and at the same time emphasize all the advantages of its breed.

Some people think that grooming is a non-trivial name for a regular haircut for dogs. But this opinion is wrong, since this procedure involves not only hairdressing treatment of wool. This is a whole complex for caring for the appearance of the animal. Some dogs (we are talking about short-haired breeds) do not require a haircut at all, but this does not mean that they do not need grooming. After all, no one canceled cutting nails, brushing teeth, ears and bathing.

In general, every dog ​​needs a comprehensive grooming procedure. The specialist who is responsible for all this “action” is called. Of course, each of them can supplement the list of manipulations with additional services, as well as offer a wide range of tools for carrying them out.

Not only groomers can arrange salon treatments for dogs, but also the owners themselves at home. To do this, they need to know what types of grooming there are, how they are carried out and what their differences are.

The goals of grooming vary. Some owners prepare their dogs for an exhibition, others want their dog to be known as a “neat guy,” and still others want a creative and extraordinary appearance for their pet. Depending on the intent of the cosmetic procedures, there are several types of grooming:

  • Hygienic.
  • Home.
  • Exhibition.
  • Creative.

Hygienic. Includes a hygienic haircut (cutting hair in the groin and under the tail) once every 2 weeks - 1 month. It is advisable to do it before swimming. After trimming, it will be easier for the owner to care for the animal. In this case, a haircut along the body is not expected. This method of cutting hair is suitable for dogs in several situations:

  1. If the dogs belong to breeds that do not need a full haircut. These include both fluffy varieties: huskies, huskies, shepherds, and smooth-haired animals: Dobermans, Dalmatians, bull terriers.
  2. If the dog is not yet fully grown after the haircut, but needs light hygienic care. Some breeds undergo this procedure between haircuts to always remain well-groomed and look great. Such “dandies” include: poodles, Scotch terriers, Spitz, Pekingese.
  3. If the animal constantly participates in exhibitions. Accordingly, it requires regular hygienic care between haircuts. Most often this applies to breeds with full-length wool - Maltese, Shihtzu, Yorkie.

In addition to the “sanitary” haircut, hygienic grooming includes a set of standard procedures: cleaning the ears and removing excess hair from them, cleansing the eyes, teeth, trimming the nails. Much attention is paid to the paws. Excess hair is trimmed between the toes and pads, and the hair on the limbs is shortened in a circular manner.

Home. It is considered a type of hygienic grooming, therefore it follows the same scheme and rules. Conducted by the dog owners themselves. But there is one “but” - for hygiene procedures you will have to stock up on a set of special tools for combing, cutting and trimming, and nail clippers. You also need to get all kinds of shampoos, conditioners and conditioners for dogs. True, zoological online stores have special grooming kits. They will make it easier to care for your dog at home.

Home grooming has one important feature. Its main goal is to give the dog a neat appearance, make it visually attractive and clean. In this case, it is not necessary to adhere to the breed’s conformation standards. A haircut is done more for the sake of hygiene and convenience, rather than for exhibition “beauty”.

Exhibition. But for this type of grooming, the entire procedure is performed strictly according to established rules. Moreover, when making an exhibition version, the master strives to maximally emphasize the advantages of the exterior, and, of course, tries to make the disadvantages of the four-legged appearance invisible. But all these manipulations are carried out in accordance with the requirements of the breed.

Creative. There are not and cannot be any rules, norms or restrictions. After all, when ordering such a service, the owner wants to give his dog’s exterior the most extravagant look. This is done mainly through original curly haircuts, when intricate patterns are cut on the animal’s fur.

There are other techniques through which groomers manage to turn even an ordinary dog ​​into a work of art: dyeing the fur, adding decorative elements - rhinestones, feathers. Some experts are so keen on the creative option that they create dogs that look like pandas, dragons, dinosaurs and cartoon characters.

Main stages of grooming

Grooming is a multi-component dog care. It includes several stages:

  • Meticulous combing of the animal’s “fur coat”. Using a brush, the coat is cleaned of everything that spoils the dog’s appearance: tangles, dirt, dead hairs.
  • Trimming. The dog's coat is trimmed as required by breed standards. If the “specimen” is not for exhibition, then the haircuts can be anything, even the most imaginative.
  • Hygienic eye treatment. The “paths” made by the dog’s “tears” are carefully washed off and other secretions and traces of them are removed.
  • Ear cleaning. Dirt and wax are removed with cotton swabs and a special means for cleaning dogs' ears.
  • Dental cleaning. Teeth are treated with “dog” brushes, pastes, gels and sprays. It’s so easy to get rid of plaque, freshen the animal’s breath and prevent the build-up of tartar on the enamel.
  • Trimming nails. Using special scissors, the keratinized parts of the claws are carefully cut off.

Then the pet goes for water treatments. A shower with shampoos and conditioners awaits him there. If necessary, detergents with a therapeutic or preventive effect are used.

Grooming is a mandatory condition, without which professional preparation of a dog for an exhibition is impossible. According to rough estimates, about 400 dog breeds have been bred in the world today. And each of them has its own standards. with the help of a haircut he will be able to disguise the animal’s shortcomings. And the advantages, on the contrary, will be in the foreground.

Thus, the competition participant’s appearance is presented in the most favorable light. But cutting the coat correctly is only half the battle. It is also important to style the resulting haircut beautifully and correctly. The styling is done just before the dog enters the exhibition area.

Preparing a purebred pet for an exhibition should begin well in advance - several months before the event. If the dog does not belong to the “show” category, then you can limit yourself to a regular home haircut. But there is one condition - the haircut should not distort the standard appearance of the breed. In other words, after “going to the hairdresser” the breed should remain recognizable.

Haircuts used for grooming:

Trimming. The coat is cut evenly over the entire body. The tool used is scissors or a machine. The result is thick, neatly and evenly trimmed hair.

If we talk about clipper cutting, then there are two subtypes of this type of wool cutting:

  1. Klipwerk. The wool is cut to a minimum length, almost “to zero”. The procedure is carried out using a machine (manual or electric).
  2. Flatwork. Maintaining the same length of pile (usually short) in certain areas of the dog's body. Areas with short hair are clipped according to breed requirements. Flatwork can be done with scissors or an electric machine.

Stripping. It is carried out in dogs of wire-haired breeds. Such pets do not burden the owner with shedding. But they are burdened with another responsibility - “ripe” wool needs periodic plucking. Groomers pluck the old coat of many show breeds with coarse coats - schnauzers, terriers, West Siberian huskies.

Dead hairs are removed using special knives or strippers. Old lint is most often removed from the head, muzzle or back. In this way, the masters manage to emphasize the beauty of the dog’s structure and renew the coat, making its texture more natural and beautiful.

Rolling. This is a type of stripping. Its peculiarity is that mature hairs are not removed immediately, but gradually. Thus, molting occurs in stages, leaving piles of varying maturity on the animal’s body. The manipulation is carried out manually, once every two weeks, to maintain the constant readiness of the purebred pet for the exhibition.

Top note. A hairstyle in the form of a ponytail with a barrette for dogs whose hair in the head area grows more than 10 cm. Such “glamorous” styling is not an extravagant whim of the owners. Firstly, this is required by the breed standard. Secondly, the dog has the opportunity to see normally. After all, the bangs, which created obstructions to visibility, rise to the top and are neatly fixed with a bow or hairpins. “Tailed” bangs are needed for breeds such as the Yorkshire Terrier.

Thinning. Required to create soft transitions between long and short hair in a haircut. This technique is often used for pre-show grooming of cocker spaniels. Their exterior is characterized by a smooth transition from short hair on the body to long hair on the “skirt”. Thinning can be done with various tools: thinning scissors or a machine with a special knife attachment.

Features of the procedure for dogs and cats

Grooming is not just the sole privilege of dogs. Cats also have their own personal stylist and cosmetologist. But the procedures for cats and dogs are different. After all, by their nature these are completely different animals. What should you consider when working with cats?

  1. Disobedience. The first and most important difference is that cats do not obey commands. A trained dog just needs to give a signal with a voice or a gesture, and it will sit relatively still while it is being groomed. This trick will not work with a cat, because she is a famous “fighter” for her freedom and independence. It is also more difficult to restrain than a dog. The only option is a leash with a figure-eight knot, but here you should also be careful, because the structure of a cat is much more fragile than that of a dog.
  2. Unpredictability. A dog is a more manageable animal. You can always determine your mood by it. “Cat language” is almost impossible to count. Therefore, the groomer must always be on guard.
  3. The master must defend himself. The cat's reaction speed is known to be very high. She is armed with claws and sharp teeth. Therefore, the master is forced to use protective equipment in his work. They can also be useful for dogs, but much less frequently.
  4. Increased flexibility. Cats are incredibly flexible. Dogs don't have that flexibility. For example, it is easy to move a cat's front paw up and even behind its head. Therefore, trimming the underarm area of ​​cats is easier.
  5. Thin skin. Cats have thinner skin than dogs. When cutting, you need to take this nuance into account.
  6. Oily hair. Many cat breeds have much oilier fur than dogs. Regular detergents will not work for them. You need special degreasing pastes and shampoos.
  7. In some cases (first visit to the salon, nervous nature), cats are given sedatives before the procedures. Dogs do not need sedatives.
  8. More complex breed standards. Cats have many more exhibition systems than dogs. According to different systems, standards for cats may differ.

Features of cat grooming:

  • Long-haired breeds. Cats with long hair need to trim excess hair between the toes and under the tail. Long-haired pets are brushed every day (in some cases, twice a day).
  • Short-haired breeds. With them, care becomes easier - comb them once or twice a week. They bathe when the need arises (maximum interval – once every three months).
  • Breeds without hair (Sphynx type). Hairless cats should take baths regularly. When bathing, it is important to use shampoo with a pH level of 5.5, no more. They then need a massage with a soft bristle brush.

Regular hygiene for most breeds consists of the most basic procedures. Once a week or even a month, cats have their ears cleaned. The eyes are systematically wiped to remove secretions. Teeth are cleaned of plaque and tartar.

Features of dog grooming:

  • Dogs need to be bathed much more often than representatives of the cat family - once or twice a month, at least.
  • The coat needs to be brushed every day. This reduces the chances of tangles forming.
  • Haircuts are done 1-2 times a month. In summer, it is advisable to shorten the coat more so that the pet can more easily endure the heat.

Salon or home conditions?

In modern conditions, a beauty salon for cats and dogs is no wonder. It is found in almost every city. If there are no such establishments, then there will definitely be a groomer who carries out private orders. He can come to your home and perform all the necessary cosmetic procedures. But often the animal owner faces a dilemma: what or home grooming? The answer to the question depends on the dog itself.

It is easier to perform comprehensive animal care in a salon environment. There are many good craftsmen here who use modern tools and professional cosmetics. But the pet may be frightened by an unfamiliar environment and this will complicate the work of the master, or even make grooming completely impossible.

You can avoid stress if you perform cosmetic procedures first at home. The dog will feel better in its own territory, and at the same time will gradually get used to the same specialist. When the animal is a little accustomed to grooming and accepts the groomer as one of his own, you can start taking her to the same groomer, only in the salon. If the dog is well-trained, obedient and has an easy-going character, there should be no problems with hygiene procedures.



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