Volnushka mushrooms for the winter. How to prepare volushki for the winter in a cold and hot way

Volnushki, salted mushrooms, are delicious, especially if they are salted correctly. And the fringe on the caps of salted voles is their calling card. On the one hand, there are cold and hot methods of salting tremors. On the other hand, in Europe they are considered poisonous mushrooms, but in our country, in many (not all) smart mushroom encyclopedias, they are considered conditionally poisonous mushrooms. To play it safe and preserve the true taste of the mushroom, we choose the golden mean when it comes to pickling mushrooms. Soak more and boil less (than with the classic hot salting method).

What you need to hot pickle mushrooms:

Fresh pink or white volushki mushrooms - 700 gr.;

Salt - 4 tablespoons per two liters of brine (water);

Cloves - 1-2 pcs.;

Black peppercorns - 8-10 pcs.;

Bay leaf - 3-4 pcs.;

Garlic - 3-4 cloves;

Recipe for hot pickling mushrooms:

We clean the volnushki from forest debris, rinse them under running water, and transfer them to a separate container.

Fill the waves with cold, slightly salted water. Leave for 5-6 hours.

We change the water of the mushrooms a couple of times during this time. If you are afraid of forgetting to change the water (or have a bad experience), add a pinch of citric acid to the water. Citric acid is a good preservative; even in a hot apartment it will not allow the mushrooms to “ferment” and the mushrooms will not darken during the soaking process. As soon as the mushrooms have soaked for the required time, pour out the water where the mushrooms were. The soaking process will rid the volushki of bitterness and all sorts of nastiness. Pour clean water into the pan and put it on fire. As soon as the water boils, pour out the salt, add pepper and half of the available cloves. Boil for a couple of minutes. Add volushki to the brine. Cook them over medium heat for 15 minutes.

After the time has passed, remove the mushrooms.

In this case, we do not pour out the resulting aromatic mushroom brine, but filter it through a fine sieve.

Place bay leaf, cloves and garlic in a sterilized jar (preferably small 0.25-0.4 l).

Place the boiled volushki tightly into a jar. Bring the mushroom brine to a boil and pour the brine to the brim. Close the jar with a lid scalded with boiling water. Turn the jar upside down. Leave it overnight. Then we put it in a cool place. In 1-1.5 months, the salted trumpets will be ready.

Volnushki (volvenka, volzhanka, volnyanki) are mushrooms that are considered inedible in a number of countries and are not eaten in any form. Residents of Russia, on the contrary, highly value this variety for its taste. There are mainly two varieties - pink and white wave. It is practically impossible to eat everything that nature has so generously given to the mushroom picker during the season. The question arises: how to salt volushki so that on cold autumn evenings or frosty winters you can enjoy this aromatic delicacy.

Many people practice freezing vegetables, but mushrooms from a jar are many times superior in taste to such a product. The secret lies in the addition of salt and spices, in which the volushki sit for more than one day. The main priorities of every housewife - to make it tasty and healthy - are fully achieved.

This variety of mushrooms has a characteristic characteristic only for them - when cut, it releases white juice with a bitter aftertaste. But if you cook them correctly, salted trumpets do not have this drawback.

Mushrooms also change color after salting - instead of a beautiful pinkish or white tint, grayness appears. Do not be alarmed - such metamorphoses do not affect the taste. Every housewife who wants to surprise her guests or pamper her household should know how to salt volnushka mushrooms.

Specifics of preparing mushrooms for pickling

Regardless of whether this category is edible or conditionally edible, pre-treatment must be present. It must be taken into account that unfavorable ecology and picking mushrooms near highways have an adverse effect on human health. Cold or hot salting of tremors can be easily done at home by first taking a few simple steps:

  • sorting;
  • cleaning;
  • washing;
  • soaking.

Before cleaning, white and pink waves need to be separated, and further processing should be carried out in different containers. Then carefully use a knife to remove traces of sand or soil affected by worms or other pests from the area, and also trim off 2/3 of the legs. For this purpose, use a brush with stiff bristles - it removes dirt well without the use of liquid. Mushrooms of different colors also need to be salted separately.

Soaking: removing the bitter taste

Many people are interested in how long to soak the trumpets. On this issue, mushroom pickers disagree a little: some say at least 4-5 days, others say 2-3 days is enough.

After thorough cleaning, the waves are filled with cold water (preferably filtered or settled), then placed in a cool place for about two days. This is done to remove excess bitterness.

The mushrooms are placed in a large enamel container with the expectation that the water will completely cover the mushrooms. During soaking, the liquid is changed at least 2-3 times. If it becomes cloudy, then more often. Experienced mushroom pickers add salt at the rate of 5% of the total mass of mushrooms.

You can determine that the soaking has come to an end by the state of the cap: you need to remove it from the brine and put a little pressure on the cap. If it does not break with a characteristic crunch, but bends gently, it is necessary to drain the water. After doing a “control” rinse, drain the mushrooms in a colander and let the excess liquid drain. Now you can get started directly on salting volushkas at home. First you need to select a recipe of interest that fully meets the family’s taste preferences.

Advantages of the cold method

Many people prefer cold salting. Why is it often chosen? One of the significant disadvantages is the excessive softness of mushrooms. This option is not suitable for those who prefer a crunchy snack.

You won’t be able to quickly pickle mushrooms using the cold method, but the effort is worth it. The lion's share of the time is taken by preparing the waves and soaking.

There are restrictions regarding the materials of the dishes in which salted eggs will be stored for the winter. The ideal option is an oak barrel, but not every owner has such a container, and it is difficult to collect the required amount of mushrooms even for a container with a minimum displacement. So don't be afraid to use glass jars or enamelware.

  • clay jugs;
  • polyethylene or plastic barrels/canisters;
  • galvanized buckets.

Cold pickling of mushrooms for the winter is necessary in compliance with the main rule: mold should not appear on the surface of the mushrooms. It is prohibited to eat such mushrooms as this can cause severe poisoning. Salting volushki in jars or other types of containers to keep them fresh and safe should not be accompanied by hermetically sealing the neck. It is covered with gauze folded several times, and a weight is placed on top. The brine should completely cover the mushrooms.

Store salted trumpets in a dark, dry place, the recommended temperature range is from 0 to +3°C. When these indicators increase, the brine becomes cloudy, and there is a risk of mold.

Salt the volushki into jars

A recipe for salting volushki in a cold way can contain not only salt and water, but also other ingredients, the combination of flavors of which is liked by the hostess and her guests. As seasonings you can use:

  • black currant leaves;
  • dried or fresh dill;
  • garlic;
  • allspice and black pepper;
  • cloves;
  • horseradish leaves.

Before soaking the mushrooms, you should pay attention to the size and appearance of the mushrooms. It is better to discard too large, overripe “forest inhabitants”, as well as those with a large area of ​​damage. Experienced housewives prefer small young mushrooms, they are called “curls”. You need to be guided by the cap - its diameter should be no more than 3-4 cm.

Before salting, jars are thoroughly washed, sterilized and dried. When the container is prepared and the mushrooms are soaked, you can choose a step-by-step recipe and follow it. You can make your own variations, but very carefully observe the proportions of water and salt so that the mushrooms last a long time, do not deteriorate and do not lose their taste. The given recipes for pickling volushki do not require large financial expenditures, and the taste will exceed all expectations.

Recipe No. 1

For a small amount of pickles you will need:

  • 1-1.5 kg of young voles;
  • 2-2.5 liters of cold water;
  • 50-60 g table salt;
  • 2-3 g citric acid;
  • any spices.

Salting volushki for the winter in jars according to this recipe does not take much time. Citric acid is added during soaking. This is an effective and harmless natural preservative that can kill harmful microorganisms and bacteria, mold and fungal deposits that may appear if the mushrooms are not cleaned perfectly.

The volnushki are thrown into a colander (some people ask whether they need to be washed - cooks answer that it is optional), allowing the excess liquid to drain. After this, they are placed in layers in a jar, each of them generously sprinkled with a mixture of spices and salt. The load is placed on top. Pickles should be stored in a dark place.

Another variation of this recipe is to first salt the mushrooms in an enamel bowl for several days, then carefully transfer them into jars and close them with a tight lid. They are placed in a dark place for about a month, after which they can be eaten safely.

Recipe No. 2

Ingredients can be taken from the previous recipe. At the bottom of the dish place a bay leaf (you can use ground or whole), currant and horseradish leaves (fresh), allspice and cloves. The waves are placed on this spicy pillow with their caps down. The layers are sprinkled with salt (it is better to use regular table salt, since it is difficult to guess the calculation of fine vacuum salt; you should also not use iodized salt - iodine will quickly turn the pickle sour).

Oppression is placed on top. After a few days, the excess brine is drained, and a layer of fresh waves is added to the vacant space. This must be done until the mushrooms have completely settled, until the container is filled to the top. After this, the delicacy is placed again in a dark, cool place for 5-7 days. The container needs to be shaken periodically - this way the brine will be distributed evenly, and there will be no flaws in the excellent taste of the delicacy. At the end of the period, the mushrooms are transferred to jars and closed with a lid, but not rolled up.

Recipe No. 3

To do this you will need:

  • 10 kg of tremors;
  • 300 g table salt;
  • cherry and currant leaves;
  • allspice.

The preparation of such a dish traditionally begins with preparing the container. The oak barrel is thoroughly washed in warm water without adding chemicals, brushed, then immersed in cold water and soaked for two weeks. The fluid needs to be changed every three days. The final stage is steaming the wood with juniper. The barrel must have a hole for draining water and a lattice bottom.

When the mushrooms are laid in layers and filled with brine, a layer of gauze or cotton cloth and a stone or wooden circle are placed on top so that they do not float, but are salted evenly.

How much salt to add to a barrel is a question of interest to those who first encountered this method of preparation. Nothing non-standard - about 1.5-2 months, just like the traditional method in a bank.

Knowing how to pickle mushrooms for the winter, you will get rid of the need to buy store-bought delicacies. Not only are they expensive, but they are also not as tasty as homemade mushrooms.

Pickling mushrooms- one of the common ways to prolong the taste of microorganisms. With the help of simple steps, mushrooms are tasty, crispy and suitable for any table. And we will talk about how to properly pickle, what needs to be observed and what ways you can achieve success below in the article.

The main thing in the article

How to salt volushki at home: basic methods and principles

Volnushki- conditionally edible mushrooms that must be cooked before consumption. In its raw form, the spore contains toxic substances. In Europe it is considered a poisonous mushroom that should not be eaten. But in Russia, this type of microorganism is very popular among mushroom pickers. It is consumed mainly in pickled and salted form.

There are 4 main ways of salting tremors:

  • Cold;
  • Hot;
  • Combined;
  • In banks.

Basic principles of cooking:

  • It is necessary to place caps down and in layers, first the mushrooms, and then the seasonings.
  • The temperature must be strictly from 0 to + 10°C. Otherwise, they will either freeze or sour.
  • The optimal period of salting is 2 months.
  • Before serving cold-cooked volushki, they need to be soaked in clean water for several hours.
  • Salting in the classic version must be done in a wooden barrel, this is how the mushrooms will retain their original taste.
  • Before hot salting, soaking should be done for two days in cold plain water.
  • In hot salting, it is necessary to use sterilized vessels.
  • Mushrooms cooked hot can be stored at a temperature of +18-16°C, as well as in the refrigerator.
  • The hot cooking method allows you to enjoy the taste of volushki after 3 weeks.
  • Salt is used only coarsely ground and must not contain iodine.
  • Utensils for pickling must be perfectly clean and disinfected.
  • The foam formed during the cooking process must be removed.

How to prepare trumpet mushrooms for pickling?

  • Before work, you need to prepare the products. Namely, it is good to clean the organisms from dirt and grass that has stuck during the germination process. It is worth noting that this must be done carefully, since even with gentle pressure the mushroom begins to fall apart into small pieces. A soft toothbrush can help clean the mushroom.
  • Before serving mushrooms for washing, they must be sorted by color and shape. This will make further work easier and preserve the ideal taste of the dish.
  • Before preparing the volushki, you need to soak them in water for 2 days. This is necessary so that they are not bitter. Periodically you need to change the water in the container, at least every 2 hours. Otherwise, they will sour and spoil.
  • The water must completely cover the microorganisms so that the bitterness comes out everywhere. In addition, if they peek out, they will most likely become covered with mold, and it is very, very difficult to remove. Even if you wash it, the taste and smell may still remain.
  • If the volushki are going to be salted, then it is better to soak them in sour-salt water for 3 days. This will remove bitterness and add a piquant taste. Once every 2 hours you need to drain the water and fill the container with mushrooms with a new one. To do this, add 50 g to 1 liter of water. salt and 2 g citric acid.

How to properly salt raw volushki?



  1. Prepare the microorganisms by first soaking them for 3 days in sour-salt water.
  2. Prepare only the caps, wash the leaves and peel the garlic.
  3. Throw the caps into the container, cover with layers of salt, leaves and garlic.
  4. Cover the container with a lid and place a weight to form juice.
  5. After 7 days, the contents are transferred to vessels and salted for another 2 months in the cellar.

If little juice is released, then you can increase the weight of the load.

How to salt volushki in a cold way: recipe with photo

Need to:

Process progress:

How to salt volnushki using the hot method


  • Volnushki - 5 kg;
  • Horseradish leaves - 10 pcs;
  • Garlic - 3 cloves;
  • Rock salt - 30 g;
  • Water - 1 l.


  1. Prepare the ingredients and soak the mushrooms in advance.
  2. Place water and salt in a container and transfer to the fire.
  3. Sort microorganisms by size.
  4. When the water starts to boil, place the horseradish leaves inside and then the mushrooms for 15 minutes.
  5. Catch the fish, leaving the brine intact, and rinse under running water.
  6. Pour the brine into the container prepared for pickling, add the garlic and mushrooms.
  7. Cover with a smaller lid and a weight to prevent the contents from floating.
  8. Place the pickling in the refrigerator for 3 days.
  9. Then place in disinfected vessels and secure with nylon lids.
  10. After a day you can serve it.

Mushrooms prepared in this way should not be stored for more than 2 months. It is best to consume them after they are fully cooked.

How to salt volushki for the winter in jars



  1. Prepare the ingredients in advance and soak the microorganisms before salting for 2-3 days, periodically changing the water 4-6 times a day.
  2. Sterilize and dry the vessels.
  3. Layer mushrooms with salt.
  4. Place the oil on the fire and bring it to a hot state.
  5. Pour hot vegetable oil into the vessels.
  6. Secure the vessels with lids and place in the refrigerator.
  7. After 2 months they can be served.

How to deliciously pickle white mushrooms?

Before you get to work, you need to know that when salting whitefish:

  • The legs are not used;
  • Only mature species are suitable, and old and unripe ones are not used;
  • Soaking lasts from 2 to 4 hours when cooking hot and from 3 to 4 hours when cooking cold.


Process for cold method:

  1. Prepare all salting ingredients.
  2. Place a mixture of salt, spices and plants at the bottom of the container.
  3. Place mushrooms in layers, sprinkling salt on top.
  4. Cover the contents of the container with gauze and a lid of a smaller diameter, then place a heavy weight.
  5. After 1.5 months, the mushrooms will be ready and can be consumed.

Steps for the hot method:

  1. Combine water with salt, 50 g per 1 liter.
  2. Pour over the whites and transfer to high heat.
  3. When signs of boiling appear, reduce heat to medium burner and continue cooking for 10 minutes.
  4. When foam appears, it must be removed, and the mushrooms must be stirred all the time.
  5. Remove microorganisms and dry.
  6. Place spices and herbs in a separate container, add salt water in a ratio of 200 grams per 1 liter.
  7. Place the brine on the fire and bring to a boil.
  8. Pour the brine over the mushrooms, submerging them completely under the liquid.
  9. Secure with a lid of a smaller diameter and place a weight on top, in a month the whites will be ready.

Is it possible to salt milk mushrooms and trumpets together: recipe



  1. Pre-prepare the ingredients, especially the mushrooms. Sort, soak and drain excess liquid.
  2. Combine water with salt and place an assortment of microorganisms inside.
  3. Place the container on the fire and keep them there for 30 minutes.
  4. Then place the mushrooms in a colander.
  5. Perform the process of pasteurization of assorted vessels.
  6. Place the ingredients in the vessel in this order: mushrooms, brine, spices and herbs.
  7. Should be stored in a cool place for several weeks.

For the cold method you will need:


  1. Mushrooms are soaked, sorted and cut in advance.
  2. Water combines with the components from the list.
  3. Mushrooms are placed inside the liquid.
  4. The container is fixed with a lid of a smaller diameter, and pressure is placed on it.
  5. Cooking of mushrooms is completed after 2 months.

How to pickle volushki and russula together?



  1. Soak the microorganisms 3 days in advance and prepare them and other components for pickling.
  2. Place spices and herbs in a container, fill with water and place assorted mushrooms inside.
  3. Cover the container with a lid and place the load.
  4. After 12 hours you can serve the dish.

For the hot method you will need:


  1. Prepare the main components in advance.
  2. Place the assorted microorganisms in a container and fill with water.
  3. Transfer to the heat until it boils.
  4. Then reduce the heat to low, add spices and herbs.
  5. After 30 minutes, turn off the heat.
  6. Sort the assortment into vessels, fill with brine and secure with lids.
  7. Store in a cool basement or refrigerator.

How to pickle volushki correctly?

There is no particular difference in the methods of salting and marinating volushki. This method is similar to hot salting, but still has a number of differences. Let's look at the main principles of preparing pickled trumpets:

  • Cleaning and sorting of microorganisms must be carried out without fail.
  • Large ones are chopped into quarters or six pieces, medium ones are cut in half, and small ones remain in their original size.
  • The legs are separated from the caps and chopped into several parts, depending on the size.
  • After sorting and cleaning, the mushrooms can be soaked for several days.
  • During soaking, the water is changed every 2-3 hours.
  • After this, the mushrooms are subjected to heat treatment by boiling until fully cooked.
  • Those mushrooms that sank to the bottom during the cooking process are considered ready.

Classic recipe for pickled trumpets with photos

Need to:


Recipe for trumpets marinated with vegetables


Process progress:

  1. Prepare the main marinating component in advance.
  2. Prepare and chop the vegetables into rings.
  3. Place the container with water and spices on the fire, then throw in the vegetables and keep them there for 25 minutes.
  4. Pour mushrooms into the liquid and add vinegar, leave for another 25 minutes.
  5. First sort the microorganisms into vessels, and then pour in the marinade.
  6. Secure with a lid and leave to cool in a cool place.

Volnushki marinated with garlic, vinegar and mustard



  1. Before marinating, do the necessary steps for the mushrooms.
  2. Prepare other ingredients.
  3. Place a container of water, sugar and salt on the fire, add garlic, mustard and dill.
  4. After 5 minutes, add vinegar and turn off the burner.
  5. Place the mushrooms in containers, pour marinade over them and cover with lids.
  6. Place the vessels in a large container, and transfer it to the fire for 20 minutes.
  7. Use special tools to remove the vessels and roll them up.
  8. Turn over, cover with a warm blanket and let cool in a warm room.
  9. After this, they can be placed in the pantry cabinet.

How to salt volnushki at home: video

Pickles and marinating have been loved by many gourmets since ancient times. Mushrooms are beneficial for the human body; they contain vitamins and proteins. Therefore, for a balanced diet, spores should also be on the list of consumed foods. And our recipes will help you prepare them deliciously and preserve them for a long time.

One of the options for processing mushrooms is pickling. This is the simplest method and does not require much effort. However, there are also secrets and rules here. First of all, you need to know which one you are going to cook. Each type has its own nuances that need to be taken into account. Let's talk about what salting of tremors is and how it works.

Particular attention should be paid to their quality. It is better to throw away wormy, rotten and old specimens immediately. This rule applies to any harvesting method. Collected or purchased mushrooms are sorted and the stems are cut off a little. They also need to be cleaned of debris, leaves and sand by rinsing with running water. It is desirable that the mushrooms are approximately the same size.

Salting of volnushki is carried out after their preliminary soaking. These mushrooms are placed in water for a day, but no more, otherwise they will be unsuitable for further use.

If you add a little salt to the water, the bitterness that these mushrooms have will go away.

This is also how milk mushrooms, russula, saffron milk caps and some others are salted. You need to change the water twice a day.

If you don’t have time for long soaking, you can simply pour boiling water over the mushrooms for one hour. Then you need to cool them in cold water.

Salting volushki in a cold way does not require much effort. The mushrooms are placed in layers in a prepared container (preferably a barrel). Each layer must be sprinkled with salt. For one kilogram of volushki you need to take 50 grams of table salt. We also layer cherry and currant leaves, dill sprigs, caraway seeds, horseradish and garlic, cut into pieces. The volnushki should be laid out with their caps down. Each layer should not exceed 6 centimeters.

You need to put a clean cloth and pressure on top. Mushrooms are stored at room temperature for 1-2 days and then taken out into the cold. As they salt, the volnushki will decrease in volume. Then you can put new layers in the barrel. Once the barrel is full, brine should appear within 5-6 days. If this does not happen, then apply a larger bend. Salting of volushki lasts about 1-1.5 months.

This type of mushroom can also be salted hot. To do this, prepare the mushrooms in the same way as in the previous recipe. Then put a pan of water on the fire (0.5 liters of liquid per kilogram of mushrooms). Also add salt. When the water boils, add mushrooms to it. When the liquid boils again, you need to put spices and any seasonings into it. Foam that may appear during the cooking process must be removed. Volnushki are cooked for 15 minutes from the moment of boiling.

If the mushrooms settle to the bottom, they are ready. The brine will become transparent. Then the mushrooms are taken out of the pan and placed in a container intended for pickling. After this, they are filled with brine (two tablespoons per liter of liquid). There shouldn't be too much of it. Place the mushrooms in jars and cover with lids. After 1.5 months they can be eaten.

Salting can be done in either of these two ways. Prepared mushrooms should be stored in a cool and not very humid room.

Can be easily found in a mixed forest. These mushrooms are most often found in hilly areas. It is very difficult to collect volnushki, since they most often hide in the grass or are camouflaged among fallen leaves. These mushrooms grow in whole families. Those suitable for consumption are those that are no larger than a five-kopeck coin, with a pink fringe wrapped under the cap. Of course, finding a clean wave is not easy. After all, these mushrooms were to the taste of the worms. But if you find an edible product, you need to prepare it correctly. There are several ways. In this article we will look at how to properly salt volushki.

Edible or poisonous?

Many mushroom pickers are interested in whether it is worth collecting mushrooms and salting them. According to foreign scientists, you should not eat such products. For example, Gerard Houdou writes in his book that the Volzhanka, or, in other words, the pink trumpet, is poisonous. Eating this mushroom leads to all sorts of digestive system disorders. As for our scientists, they say the opposite. That is why in many areas of our country, salted trumpets are considered quite edible.

Raw mushrooms have a bitter taste. This is explained by the fact that they contain milky juice. Because of this, the product needs pre-treatment before cooking, since there is no point in salting the volushki immediately after collection. They will still retain bitterness.


As already mentioned, before salting the tremors, they need to be processed. This process takes a lot of time, but the result is worth it. The whole procedure boils down to the following:

  1. First of all, separate the white waves from the pink ones. They should be prepared separately. Before cooking, mushrooms must be thoroughly cleaned of any traces of spoilage and soil. In this case, 2/3 of the legs should be removed. If the knife does not allow you to completely clean the hair, you can use a small brush with soft bristles.
  2. Since it is impossible to salt the volnushki immediately after cleaning, they should be soaked. To do this, place the mushrooms in a deep container and fill with cold water. Leave for several days. Of course, the water needs to be changed regularly, preferably every five hours. This will prevent the mushrooms from souring and will draw out all the bitterness from them.
  3. After two days, the mushrooms can be drained in a colander, peeled and rinsed again. Allow the water to drain completely before cooking.

Cold method of salting volushki: preparation

Let's look at how to salt volushki in a cold way. In this case, they should be soaked a little differently. Place the cleaned flakes in a barrel with a lattice double bottom and a special hole through which water is drained. Prepare a wooden circle and a clean canvas in advance. Pour cold water over the mushrooms and cover them with the prepared objects. This will prevent the waves from floating up. You can use washed clean stones as a load. The barrel of mushrooms should be placed in a cool place. It is recommended to change the liquid up to three times a day. Since it is a little more difficult to salt volushki in a cold way, we will pay special attention to this issue. Mushrooms should be soaked for 3 to 5 days. The procedure should be stopped at the moment when the caps bend but do not break. This is the first sign that the mushrooms are ready for salting.

Cooking process. Recipe No. 1

Prepared mushrooms should be placed in a container with their caps facing down. The thickness of the layer should be approximately six centimeters. Each layer must be sprinkled with salt and all the spices indicated in the recipe you have chosen. It is worth remembering that the bottom of the barrel and the top row of mushrooms must be well salted. When the container is full, it needs to be closed with a wooden circle and a weight placed on top. A few days later, another batch of mushrooms is placed in the barrel and everything is sprinkled with salt again. The procedure is repeated until the barrel is full. After this, you should prepare a 6% salt solution and pour it over the waves. After this, the container is sealed.

Cold method of salting volushki: recipe No. 2

In this case, the volushki can be soaked for five hours, and the saffron milk caps only need to be cleaned. From the dishes you need to prepare a glass container or an enamel pan. Mushrooms are placed with their caps down in a container, at the bottom of which salt should be poured in advance and spices should be added: dill stems, horseradish leaves, currants and cherries. Each layer of volushki should be sprinkled with bay leaf, garlic and pepper. Don't forget about salt.

At the end of salting, you should put dill stems, currant and cherry leaves, a clean cloth, a circle of wood and stones as pressure on top of the mushrooms. About 40 to 50 grams of salt are required per kilogram of volushki. After a few days, the mushrooms should give juice. If it is not enough, then it is worth increasing the severity of oppression. If signs of mold appear, it is better to replace the canvas, and wash the circle and weight. The volnushki will be ready in 40 days. They need to be stored in a cool place. Now you know how to pickle mushrooms using the cold method.

Salting with preliminary blanching

Since it is more difficult to salt volushki in hot weather, it is recommended to use the method with preliminary blanching. This prevents them from turning sour when soaked. The mushrooms are placed in a colander and then immersed in boiling water for about five minutes. If desired, you can boil them several times. However, remember that after boiling water, the product must be immediately placed in cold water. After this, the mushrooms are salted as indicated in the previous method. The volnushki will be ready for use in 10 days. This is the fastest way to pickle.

A little about the hot method

Since salting volushki for the winter using the cold method takes a long time, many people choose the hot method. Most often they resort to it if it is not possible to soak the mushrooms, for example, the weather is too hot or the cooking process needs to be accelerated. The volnushki are simply boiled before salting. In principle, any mushroom can be processed this way. However, those that are conditionally edible become much tastier, since when boiled, all the bitterness is drawn out of them, and the caps become elastic. Below we will look at how to salt volushki using the hot method.

Pickling recipe

So, how to salt volushki using the hot method? To begin, peeled mushrooms should be boiled in lightly salted water. If there are a lot of waves, then do not heat treat the entire mass at once. Better split it up. Also, do not boil all the mushrooms in one water: they will taste bitter and darken.

The volushki should be cooked for about 30 minutes, after which they should be rinsed in cold water, discarding them in a colander. After this, the mushrooms are placed in a container, salted and seasoned with various spices to taste, for example, horseradish leaves, currants, tarragon or dill. A load must be placed on top. As for the proportions, there is 50 grams of salt per kilogram of mushrooms. Place the container with the mushrooms in a cool place. You can try it in a week. Now you know how to salt volushki using the hot method.


Before salting volushka mushrooms, they should be prepared. Their taste depends on the soaking process. In addition, this type of mushroom is considered conditionally edible. This means that they should be prepared following all the rules. Otherwise, the volushki snack will have an unpleasant taste.



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