Grenade food. History of GRENADE®

Grenade is an English manufacturer of sports nutrition, the key product of which is fat burners. They have a pronounced stimulating effect and also effectively help fight excess weight.

Description of Grenade Thermo Detonator

The Thermo Detonator fat burner works by influencing metabolism. Thanks to this drug, all internal vital processes are accelerated, including fat burning. It contains many ingredients that position themselves as potential fat burners. With their skillful combination, which was achieved in this supplement, the maximum effect is achieved.

In addition, this drug is also used as a stimulant. It improves the body's energy potential, increases motivation and focus on training. The following components are used in it:

Caffeine– the best and most popular fat burner ingredient. It increases the performance of the body, and in addition, has a positive effect on the psyche. With its help, a person awakens the desire to train even harder - it increases endurance, motivation, and gives an influx of energy to the body. With the help of caffeine, the process of burning fatty acids in the body is accelerated, and thus it has an excellent effect on the process of losing weight.

Green tea– is the main component of this drug. Through many studies and laboratory tests, green tea extract has been proven to have a positive effect on weight loss. Primarily because it enhances body heat transfer. This substance forces the body to generate “extra” heat, which in itself is an energy-consuming process. In addition, body temperature directly affects the fat layer and allows you to get rid of it more effectively.

Bitter orange extract– is a source of synephrine. This substance stimulates the body's production of adrenergic receptors, which accelerates the breakdown of fatty acids. In addition, this extract speeds up metabolism.

Cayenne pepper– it contains capsaicin, a substance that stimulates the body to produce heat. In addition, it can enhance the effect of other components of the drug.

In addition to these ingredients, Grenade Thermo Detonator contains many other components in smaller doses. They improve the effect of the main ingredients and have a positive effect on fat burning processes.

Description of Grenade Black OPS

This supplement was developed specifically for men, based on their physiology. It is more suitable for short but intense workouts and has its best effect in the afternoon. It can not only stimulate effective fat burning, but also allows you to train more effectively, acting as a stimulant.

The main components of this supplement are:

Caffeine– affects both adipose tissue and the mental state of a person. This substance can force the body to burn fat more intensely. In addition, it increases endurance and gives a boost of energy, allowing you to carry out longer workouts.

Green tea extract– accelerates the body’s metabolism and also improves the oxidation of fatty acids. As a result, fat cells are broken down faster and subsequently burned, releasing energy for the body.

Cayenne pepper– increases heat exchange and body temperature, which directly affects the destruction of fat.

Seaweed– they contain important components: phenylephrine and fatty acids. Fatty acids, despite their name, help the body fight the deposition of excess fat. Phenylephrine, in turn, increases the secretion of norepinephrine, the main fat-burning hormone.

Cocoa extract– acts as a nitrogen donor. Involved in lipolysis processes and improves fat burning.

Fat burner Pomegranate reviews

And now we will present to your attention real reviews about the Grenade Thermo Detonator fat burner.

“I’ve been taking this fat burner for about a month; I haven’t tried any similar supplements before. From my own feelings I can say that the drug works. It is impossible not to feel the effect of it. I drink about an hour before training, and after I get to the gym, sweat starts flowing in streams. I literally feel with my whole body an irresistible desire to do something active. When I worked out before, I didn’t really like cardio, but after taking this fat burner I can run on the treadmill for at least two hours. As a result, in a month I was able to reduce my weight from 98 to 88, and the changes were really noticeable. The belly disappeared, and the muscles became more prominent. Of course, it’s not very pleasant to constantly be sweating during training, but the result justifies itself.”

“I decided to try the “grenade” on the assurances of a friend. He promised that the fat would begin to melt like butter. At first I didn’t believe it, but I decided to check it out from my own experience; after all, I don’t think my friend would recommend anything bad. I used it for two months, and now I want to briefly describe my feelings about it. Well, let's go.

The first week I was very sick. Apparently my body was just getting used to all the components, but I couldn’t exercise normally at all. I didn’t feel a surge of strength, rather the opposite, as if I had already worked out a little. I chalked it all up to adaptation and continued to use it. From the second week it became much easier. There really was a surge of strength, especially in the gym. I never thought that I would be able to train so long and intensely. I stayed in maximum energy mode for about a month, during the same period I lost the bulk of my weight - about 12 kg. Then the results began to deteriorate. The fat burner no longer gave the same boost of strength, and I began to sweat less, and the fat began to disappear more slowly. Most likely, the body simply got used to the components, and they stopped working. Therefore, I can advise: it works best during the first time, then you should either take a break or use another fat burner. However, it does work, and very well. Therefore, I can personally recommend him to everyone.”

The history of Grenade® is a journey where we roll up our sleeves and walk the hard road to make things simpler, better and more accessible. Having founded the company in 2009, our mission was simple. Tired of sports nutrition distributors selling tons of products and things that look and sound exactly the same. So we set about creating memorable, unique products that people would recognize and actively seek out.

Our first attempt at creating a weight loss formula was so effective that a friend described the results as explosive, “like a grenade.” This product was called Thermo Detonator® and Grenade® was the name we were looking for. In subsequent years, our team grew and our line of explosive products grew along with it. Each supplement featured unrivaled taste and high-quality ingredients.

Today, Grenade® continues to pride itself on making every product and formulation unique. Products that exceed established norms and go beyond stereotypes, products that move ahead of the locomotive. Thanks to this commitment, we have seen Grenade® named one of the UK's fastest growing companies and featured in the Sunday Times Fast Track Top 100 4 times now: 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017.

Now our passion has not faded, and we feel the same surge of strength and enthusiasm as on the first day. Whether it's developing a new product, promoting a brand, global marketing, or overseeing logistics and serving customers in over 80 countries, life is never boring at Grenade®. This initially simple mission has now grown into something more and has defined Grenade® as a lifestyle trendsetter. One that embodies the lives of athletes from all over the world.

When Grenade® is on your side, no matter how far the goal is, you will certainly achieve it!

“At Grenade® we want to inspire people to live more fulfilling lives, whatever their fitness goals” Alan and Juliet Barratt - Founders of Grenade®


When did it get serious?

There are many things in the world, some that inspire you, while others make you forget what is really important to you. Life is about balance. It's not so much about how you look, but how you feel, and what amazing things you can do.

At Grenade® we take seriousness seriously and want to inspire people. Serious in creating the very best products that we want to give to those who take their lives seriously and want to achieve more; those who are not afraid to work for their goals. This type of people does not believe that training should replace life; training is life itself. This way, a more comprehensive picture of the world becomes available to them. This is how athletes build their lives.

Our mission is simple - to inspire everyone, light a fire in them and open the door to the land of opportunities.

When people have sport in their blood, and not just in the gym, they see fitness differently, for them it’s not the end, it’s just the beginning. Such people can be of different builds, large or small, tall or short, but are united by one thing - the desire to make the most of what they have. These people fill their lives with amazing things, gain life-affirming experiences, because this lifestyle allows them to feel healthy both in body and spirit.

The life of an athlete is not about training in the gym or taking selfies. The gym is just the beginning.

Grenade and people's lives

We care about doing the right thing and about the consumers we serve, whatever their goals. That's why we refuse to compromise. We refuse to compromise on the ingredients used in our products. We refuse to compromise on the details that make us stand out from the crowd. We refuse to compromise on what made us who we are.

We will go our own way, regardless of the opinions of others.

Grenade® people know that quality of work goes hand in hand with quality of life. That's why every product we create is designed for every aspect of our lives - not just the part that lives in the gym. We don't dance to the fitness and industry, but we never forget to enjoy what we do.

GRENADE® will always choose its bold, bright path, and we have nothing to apologize for.

GRENADE® - just do it with us!

On our online sports and healthy nutrition store website you can buy Grenade in Kurgan, with free delivery. Shipping throughout Russia is possible, please call for more information. We, at Nutritionbar, have only original products from world-famous brands, leaders in the sports nutrition and nutritional supplements market. We work directly with suppliers, which guarantees excellent quality, and having our own large warehouse guarantees fast, timely delivery.

The main advantage of the manufacturing company is a scrupulous approach to each product produced. Before releasing a product to the market, Grenade specialists carefully research, improve and develop it. Products go on sale only when everything starts working perfectly.

The effectiveness of the product is confirmed by the fact that it is actively used in the British Army to improve training results and maintain the athletic performance of soldiers. The development of any product begins with laboratory design, testing and clinical studies.

Great attention is paid to the quality and composition of raw materials used for the production of sports nutrition.

Today, Grenade sports nutrition is the standard of quality and effectiveness for many athletes. With its help, they solve problems related to building an ideal body much easier.

Sports nutrition Grenade: types of products

The following Grenade sports nutrition lines are presented on our portal:

  • BCAAs;
  • sports energy drinks;
  • L-carnitine;
  • sports bars;
  • minerals and vitamins;
  • protein;
  • gainers;
  • creatine;
  • fat burners;
  • special supplements to improve the health of ligaments and joints;
  • glutamine

Grenade sports nutrition: who are these products for?

Grenade sports nutrition, the price of which is indicated next to the product image, is intended for people who professionally engage in strength sports.

The company's most popular product is the Grenade Thermo Detonator fat burner, which is one of the leaders in its market segment. This fat burner is suitable for both men and women. It is used with pleasure by both amateurs and professional athletes. This product contains the highest quality and most powerful components for burning excess fat in the body.

The Thermo Detonator not only burns fat, but also increases metabolic rate, allowing the body to burn more calories and get more energy needed for hard and intense strength training.

Sports nutrition Grenade: price and sale

You can buy Grenade sports nutrition right now, as these products are widely presented on our website. “Health Hypermarket” works directly with the manufacturer of this sports nutrition, so our customers are guaranteed to be protected from purchasing counterfeits.

And thanks to the absence of intermediaries, you can purchase Grenade products in our online store at a very attractive price, without overpayments.

It's very easy to place an order. You need to click on the image of the desired supplement, go to its page, add the product to the cart, select a convenient delivery option and payment method.

Muscovites can pick up their order themselves, at one of our retail outlets, or order courier delivery to their home. Delivery to other cities of the Russian Federation is carried out by a transport company or by mail.

Consultations on product selection

Grenade sports nutrition, reviews of which on various resources are almost always positive, is intended for people who are actively involved in strength sports.

If you have problems choosing products presented on our portal, you can use the help of consultants who will be happy to answer all your questions. They will help you make your choice and purchase exactly the product that is right for you.

Buy Grenade sports nutrition at the Health Hypermarket. It's simple, pleasant and reliable!

Fat burner with thermogenic properties Thermo Detonator from Grenade was developed by experts in the field of sports nutrition and is ideally combined with a low-calorie diet and moderate physical activity. It is suitable for both men and women and has already proven itself among fitness enthusiasts around the world. The number of people actively using it for weight control and energy replenishment of the body before training is constantly increasing. It contains high quality ingredients that give a strong effect. The component matrix consists of extracts of green tea, orange, green coffee, cayenne pepper, as well as caffeine and phenylalanine.

Grenade Thermo Detonator:

  • Fat burner with thermogenic properties;
  • Based on extracts of green tea, bitter orange, green coffee, cayenne pepper, as well as caffeine and phenylalanine;
  • Helps control weight;
  • Increases the body's energy capabilities;
  • Increases the number of calories burned;
  • Improves concentration and attention;
  • Promotes rapid recovery.

Thermogenic to improve the body's capabilities before training and stimulate fat burning processes

The Thermo Detonator fat burner with a thermogenic effect from Grenade is based on high-quality and truly effective components. They will help you not only increase the body's strength capabilities before training, but will also create suitable conditions for faster fat burning. The component matrix consists of extracts of green tea, orange, green coffee, cayenne pepper, as well as caffeine and phenylalanine.

The increased serving of green tea extract is 500 mg. Green tea extract is a source of catechins. These polyphenols have strong antioxidant properties and are beneficial for the entire body. Green tea extract has fat burning and antioxidant properties. Due to the catechins and caffeine it contains, it accelerates metabolic processes and thereby increases the number of calories burned.

Bitter orange extract provides 420 mg per serving of Thermo Detonator. The active component in it is synephrine, which stimulates the release of hormones necessary to accelerate lipolysis and burn energy resources.

The formula of this complex also includes anhydrous caffeine, which is known to accelerate thermogenesis, increasing the number of calories burned. It also has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system, helping to maintain concentration for a long time.

Green coffee extract contains chlorogenic acid, which forces the body to use fat as an energy source, preventing the rapid absorption of glucose. The effect of the already mentioned components is enhanced by cayenne pepper extract and phenylalanine. Cayenne pepper extract contains capsaicin, which, according to many studies, stimulates fat burning and increases the body's energy expenditure, thus promoting fat oxidation. Phenylalanine, in turn, increases the release of the hormone cholecystokinin, which suppresses appetite and also helps improve concentration and mood.

When and how is the best time to take Thermo Detonator?

The first portion (2 capsules) should be drunk after waking up with a glass of water. Ideally 30 minutes before breakfast. The second serving should be taken 30 minutes before lunch. On training days, if the workout is planned before lunch, this complex must be taken as stated above. If the training session is after lunch, you should drink the second serving 30 minutes before training. When consumed 30 minutes before meals, Thermo Detonator helps suppress appetite. When taken 30-3.5 hours before exercise, it improves performance and promotes the use of fat as fuel.

If you train 5 hours before bedtime, you can also use this complex without fear of disrupting sleep. This complex is only for persons 18 years of age and older.

What diet should I follow to get the best results from consuming Thermo Detonator?

This complex not only helps you burn more fat, but also gives you energy. In addition, it can reduce hunger pangs. To get better results, you need to reduce the amount of simple sugars you consume, as well as starchy foods (potatoes, bread, spaghetti, etc.) and try to consume more vegetables and greens.

Can Thermo Detonator be taken in combination with whey protein?

Yes, this complex can be combined with whey protein intake.

Can it be taken with other sports nutrition?

Reception can be combined with other complexes that do not contain caffeine and other stimulants.

Recommendations for use of Grenade Thermo Detonator:
Take 2 capsules on an empty stomach (with water) immediately after waking up, and 2 capsules 30 minutes before lunch with water. To establish tolerance, take one capsule twice daily for the first seven days. For high performance during training – 2 capsules before training. Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. Do not use more than four capsules per day.

Servings per package: 50.

Meet the company that recently took the markets of the United Kingdom and all of Europe by storm!

When the history of the brand began, it looked like the history of a family business. Spouses Alan and Juliet Barrott They were seriously engaged in selling sports nutrition, and, in the end, as they say, they got tired of it. Tired of a great many similar supplements with the same name. They started with a single product, a fat burner called , which took the UK market by storm, which was surprising in itself.

I would like to thank everyone who has supported the Grenade brand by purchasing our products over the past five years. As well as our customers outside the UK, thanks to you, we are doing what we love and can be proud of the result of our work!

Dear readers, the SporTime chain of stores offers the company’s products at the best prices in the Republic of Belarus. The entire range is on our website website. There is a system of discounts for regular customers!



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