Competent recommendations on how to accustom a dog to a place (team, territory needed, sleeping). Puppy Guide

They wonder why she should have her own corner in the apartment, and when they agree, they don’t know how to arrange it. We declare with full responsibility that there must be a place for a dog in the apartment! We'll give you a couple of tips on what you'll need to set it up.

Cozy place for a dog

Lyrical introduction

So you have decided to buy a dog! And now you are faced with many new questions and concerns. After all, in order for your pet to feel good and cozy in your apartment, you need to arrange his life, so to speak. First of all, you need to take care of the dog. Food, care products, toys - this is an incomplete list of what will need to be purchased in advance.

But there is one thing that will make the dog feel comfortable and safe. This is a bed designed specifically for her. Why is this so important and how to choose the right option?

How to choose a bed

The dog needs a personal corner, because there he can retire and relax. One option is a bed. It is important that it is comfortable and suitable in size.

Bed - the right decision

Lying on it, the dog will feel protected and calm. And also, at the request of the owner, he will “know his place,” as befits a well-mannered animal. And if there is no such place, there is a high probability that the pet will annoy guests with its presence.

At the same time, what matters for the dog is not how much the bed costs and whether it matches the interior, be it even Italian furniture from the exhibition. The right choice depends on the following factors:

  • Quality of material. It is important that it is durable, pleasant to the touch and easy to clean;
  • Case. It can be removed and washed, which means that the place will always be clean and tidy;
  • Safety. Synthetic materials may cause allergies. They also become electrified and irritate the dog. Therefore, choose only natural fabrics!
  • Size. It depends on the age, breed of the animal, and also on the position in which it likes to sleep. Observe his habits and choose the option that is most convenient for the dog.

There are many options for beds in a variety of sizes and shapes. They can be round with sides, oval or elongated. Coloring is also to your taste. Place the bed in a suitable place: away from drafts and electrical appliances, where the pet has a good view of what is happening in the apartment. He will be comfortable, and you will be glad that you took care of his comfort.

And remember - we are responsible for those we have tamed!

DIY dog place

We'll have to take care of the arrangement housing for a puppy. Moving a puppy into a home will be a significant event for him, capable of predetermining his entire subsequent life...

The puppy should feel completely safe in its new home.

Petting, feeding and drinking warm milk, giving the opportunity to freely explore all the nooks and crannies of your apartment - this is the minimum you should start with when bringing a small pet home.

These simple manipulations will allow the puppy to painlessly overcome emotional barriers that arise against the backdrop of a sharp change in the situation.

The puppy will definitely show his activity, trying to get into every crevice or pick apart a “suspicious” pile of laundry that has accumulated somewhere on the shelves...

To avoid regretting spoiled items, it is worth placing them in advance in places inaccessible to the puppy.

Implicit dangers in the apartment

No matter how comfortable the apartment is, there will always be places in it that pose a potential threat to the life and health of the puppy.

Pay attention to the front door. It should close tightly, eliminating the possibility of spontaneous opening.

This will prevent a curious pet from trying to go for a walk on its own.

All hanging structures, shelves, cabinets and other furniture elements must be securely fastened to the walls to prevent them from falling.

Photo 1. The puppy requires care and attention

Electrical wiring in all rooms must be hidden from prying eyes, hidden under baseboards or other camouflage devices, in order to avoid electrocution to the puppy.

The washing machine must be grounded.

Detergents, washing powders and other containers with potentially hazardous substances and liquids should be securely sealed and hidden in special cabinets that prevent access to them by a pet.

The puppy’s “walks” around the kitchen should be under your supervision, especially if there is a gas or electric stove on which food is being prepared.

Household appliances - computers, stereos, televisions, turned on irons - can pose a direct threat to the puppy's health.

The only way to protect an animal from exposure to dangerous factors is to lose sight of it as little as possible.

You will have to work harder in terms of regular cleaning of the apartment and - in order to direct the puppy’s cognitive aspirations in the right direction - daily walks.

This is the price you have to pay for the pleasure of communicating with a devoted friend.

Individual place for a puppy

The puppy should have its own individual place in the apartment.

It must be equipped in advance, taking into account the size to which your puppy can grow.

It is highly undesirable to place a place for a puppy on a balcony, in a bathroom, in rooms deprived of daylight, in storage rooms, next to heating radiators, in drafts, or in narrow rooms.

Photo 2. A puppy should know its place from a very early age

The puppy's sleeping place should not be exposed to direct sunlight.

The ideal option for arranging a sleeping place is a proportionate mattress covered with thick fabric, which can be easily removed/put on if necessary (in particular, for periodic washing).

The mattress can be placed on a wooden stand at a height of 5-15 cm from the floor.

A mattress is essential to prevent calluses from forming on your dog's elbows.

As the puppy grows, the size of the mattress should be increased so that the puppy can freely lie down on it to its full length.

Sofas, armchairs, and beds are not suitable as a sleeping place for a puppy.

The place where the puppy is kept should be cleaned daily, the bedding or rug should be shaken out, cleaned with a vacuum cleaner, and the floor should be washed with warm water and detergents.

First night

On the first night in a new apartment, the puppy is unlikely to fall asleep quickly. A similar picture will be observed over the next few days.

You should be prepared for such a development of events.

Photo 3. Sooner or later, a restless puppy will want to sleep.

Squealing and whining - with or without reason - are the natural reactions of a small puppy to the “hostile” environment in which he suddenly finds himself after carefree romp with his brothers and sisters next to his warm and caring mother...

Everything around causes alertness: strange sounds, unfamiliar objects, frightening surroundings.

Calming a puppy is very easy. A little affection and light stroking, soothing kisses on the head, calm and smooth speech, a piece of something tasty - and your puppy will calm down and stop trembling.

But after this, the puppy should be taken to its sleeping place. Under no circumstances should you put your puppy next to you in bed. This is a bad habit that will be very difficult to wean your puppy from.

At first, you will need a lot of patience to develop the right habits in your puppy. Physical punishment is contraindicated here.

Tired of wandering around the apartment, the puppy will settle down on its own. If he falls asleep in the wrong place, you need to carefully pick him up and clearly say the command “Place!” and transfer it to a bedding specially prepared for it.

Must meet certain requirements. First of all, you need to make sure that the baby is protected from drafts and can sleep peacefully: you should not place him in the corridor or where there is constant foot traffic. Then they check that there is enough light so that the puppy can explore the area. It should be remembered that place for a dog is chosen once and for all, so you need to arrange everything in advance in such a way that the baby has space to play, and the adult dog can move freely in its place.

You should not place your pet near a radiator, otherwise it will grow up too pampered.

For a small breed puppy, a warm, soft basket with faux fur lining that can be washed is suitable. You can put a plastic trough with a mattress for such a puppy. This is very hygienic, and the puppy will gnaw on the edges of the trough, not the furniture, during the period of changing teeth. For a large, fast-growing puppy, it is better to lay out a small rug.

You can use a basket with faux fur bedding as a permanent place for the puppy.

The best option puppy beds there will be a frame made of odorless wood, covered with some kind of dense fabric: denim, tarpaulin, canvas, etc. The size of the frame is selected depending on the size of the dog, and the thickness of the slats is 6–8 cm. Such a bed will be suitable for a puppy not only while he is small, but also when he grows up.

Place for a dog plays an important role in her upbringing. From the first moment your baby is in the apartment, it is recommended to practice the “Place!” command by leading him to the couch, patting it with your hand and repeating several times: “Place, place!” If the puppy falls asleep in the wrong place, take him to his place and repeat the command in a calm, gentle voice. Soon the baby will get used to it.

During this period, you should not move your pet’s bed, as this will only confuse him and make it difficult to accustom him to the command. Only an older dog should be allowed to sleep somewhere other than a bed.

Many owners allow their pets to choose their own place to sleep, but this is not always good in an apartment, especially during the dog’s molting period. Many dogs are distinguished by a certain amount of cunning: having received such permission, they will then violate the ban, slowly moving, for example, to their favorite chair, and in the morning returning to their bed.

The baby will whine in the first nights, and at this time it is very important to show willpower and not take him to bed with you, as he will quickly get used to it. If the owners don't mind the dog constantly sleeping with them when it grows up, you don't have to follow this advice, but you need to remember that the puppy can hurt its paws by jumping off the bed.

From the first days of life in the house, the puppy should be taught to be independent.

In the first days after the dog appears in the house, you must try to limit the number of people who will be near the puppy, and do not show it to guests until it gets used to its new housing. It is better not to raise your voice or make noise, so as not to scare your pet.

In the first days after purchase, the puppy will miss its mother and feel uncomfortable in the new place. You need to show patience and attention, try to make the puppy feel that he is loved and not leave him alone for a long time.

Before bringing a puppy, you should explain to children that it should not be treated as a toy, and that the child should not be allowed to pick it up or pull its tail or ears.

To make it easier for the puppy to bear separation from its mother, you can put an old fur hat or toy in its place, but you need to make sure that the puppy does not chew them, as fur particles can cause intestinal blockage. When purchasing a puppy, you can ask the breeder for a small piece of the bedding on which he slept with his mother and other puppies, or rub the puppy's mother with a cloth, which should then be placed in the puppy's new place. A familiar smell will help your pet quickly get used to the new environment.

When you bring your pet home, you need to put it on the designated place for a puppy. It is recommended to place the basket or lay the rug away from radiators and drafts, in a calm, quiet place, preferably in the owner’s room.

It may happen that the puppy does not want to stay in his designated place and will stubbornly settle down in another. In this case, it is worth moving the rug or basket to where the puppy likes it.

If the puppy whines during the day, you can pick him up, stroke him, and talk to him affectionately.

When you need to feed the puppy, wash it, walk it or change the bedding, you need to call it affectionately, lure it with a treat or a favorite toy. You cannot take a puppy from its place by force.

In the first days, the pet is shown where the bowls with water and food are, and is always fed in one place so that it gets used to it faster.

From the first days of life in the house, the pet should know where the food and water bowls are located.

If there are other dogs or cats in the house, at first you should not leave the puppy alone with them, as they may become aggressive towards the new inhabitant of the house.

It is important that the puppy does not become afraid when picked up. On the contrary, it should give him great pleasure. But it is unacceptable for the puppy to be picked up too often by different people, especially children. The puppy is very active and quite strong, so you need to hold him carefully but firmly so that he does not jump from a height and get hurt.

You should pick up the puppy very carefully. You cannot lift the puppy up while holding it by the front paws - this weakens the ligaments.
You cannot lift the puppy by clasping it with your entire palm under the elbows. If you frequently handle your puppy this way, he will develop dislocated elbows. The puppy must be lifted by clasping both shoulders in front with one hand and supporting it from behind with the other hand.

You should try to be as affectionate as possible with the puppy in the first days, this will not only help him get used to it faster, but will also become the key to a friendly relationship with the dog.
It is necessary to take care of the puppy's safety. Do not drop small objects on the floor. Needles, beads, pins, buttons, fragments, rubber bands, small toys, pieces of foam rubber, cotton wool, spools of thread - all these are very dangerous objects, since the puppy can swallow them and have to undergo surgery.

All dangerous objects should be out of reach of the baby: needles, pins, glass fragments, etc.

Medicines, washing powders and any other chemicals should be kept out of reach. Floor pots with flowers should also be moved higher. If a terrier has settled in the house, he will be happy to dig up the soil, scatter it, and the puppy will also taste it. The latter is fraught with intestinal inflammation. Christmas tree needles, toys, tinsel, and electrical wiring also pose a great danger to the baby.

Your pet should not go out onto an unfenced balcony or stairs.

To prevent a small puppy from experiencing heavy stress on the musculoskeletal system and from deforming its fragile paws, parquet or linoleum is covered with some kind of path or mat that will help the pet maintain a stable position and prevent its paws from moving apart. These simple measures will help prevent the occurrence of various joint diseases, which many breeds suffer from very often. Dysplasia and osteochondrosis are easier to prevent than to treat.

A sleeping place for a dog or puppy must be chosen before the animal arrives in the house. You can speed up the process of your pet getting used to a new place by taking some kind of toy from the breeder; the familiar smell will calm the baby.

Try to choose a quiet corner in your apartment, away from drafts and direct sunlight. Bathtubs and walkways are not acceptable options, tiles and cement floors are too cold for the puppy. Dogs love to be close to their owner, even during sleep, so an excellent option would be a room where you often visit so that the puppy does not feel lonely and abandoned.

A dog’s sleeping place is its fortress, in which it feels like a master. Do not encroach on its territory, do not leave your things there, do not clean in the presence of the dog and, most importantly, never punish the dog if it is in its place. She must know that this is only her space, where nothing threatens her.

Types of "dog beds"

  • mattresses;
  • plastic sunbeds;
  • wicker baskets;
  • soft sunbeds with sides;
  • booths;
  • ottomans;
  • folding beds.

The material can be very different. Cotton, plush, linen, nylon. Sintepon, foam rubber or cotton are most often used as filling for ottomans and mattresses. Many have sides, they feel more comfortable there. Plastic beds are convenient because they are easy to clean. You can add comfort to your dog by adding a pillow or mattress that can be easily washed.

What should you consider when choosing a sleeping place for your dog?

It is important to take into account 3 nuances:

  1. Size. There are two possible options here. Either you will have to replace the beds as your puppy grows, or buy one “for growth.” In the second case, you should imagine the size of the dog when it grows up. The bed should allow the dog to stretch out to its full height, which means the size of the bed is the length of the dog’s body plus the length of the front and hind legs.
  2. Practicality. The dog's mattress will need to be washed regularly. Fortunately, the material from which dog beds are made is machine washable, which makes the process much easier. The choice of color is at your discretion. Can be chosen to match the interior or the color of the dog. Dark colored bedding is, of course, much more practical than light colored ones. In summer, periodically dry the mattress in the sun, and in winter, beat the dust out of the snow.
  3. Form. Depends on your imagination. Starting from a homemade rug and ending with a booth. Although it is worth considering the breed of the dog. The booth will appeal to hunting breeds, reminding the dog of a hole. In addition, a sleeping place with a roof is more psychologically comfortable.

Remember! There should be one place for the dog. Resist the temptation to take your baby to bed or on the sofa. It will not be easy to wean your dog off this habit. Now you can choose the optimal sleeping place for your pet, taking into account your living conditions.

Any dog ​​must certainly have its own place and be accustomed to it from the first days of its stay in the house. Let the puppy - within reason :) - determine it himself. And after that, make this place as comfortable as possible with the help of a comfortable dog bed, bedding, sofa or a special dog “house”.

In a safe haven, your pet will have the opportunity to rest and hide from the importunity of its loving owners) The number of zeros on the price tag of the bed, its exclusivity and compatibility with the interior are factors of little significance for the dog. The location should be chosen primarily taking into account her size, breed and individual preferences. The correct location of the place and the right bed are a prerequisite for the psychological comfort of your pet: a dog that has its own cozy corner will be able to feel confident, protected and will go to its place at the first request of the owner (and this is necessary if you want to have a well-mannered dog). A dog that is not accustomed to its place has every chance of very soon turning into a nervous and sometimes uncontrollable “rod” that will disturb the owners and bother the guests.

How to choose a dog bed

– pay attention to the quality of the materials from which the dog seat is made – it should provide comfort, durability and ease of care.

Dog beds quickly become greasy and dirty, so when choosing, give preference to models from which you can easily remove the covers to wash and dry them.

– choose beds covered with natural materials – it does not cause allergies and eliminates electrification.

The sleeping place must be suitable in size for the dog. Observe what positions the dog takes while sleeping: some sleep in a curl, so oval beds with sides are more suitable for them, others like to stretch out while sleeping - they will like a mattress-bed.

When buying a bed for a dog, you should also take into account that, while laying down more comfortably on it, the dog stomps around for a while, spins around, and sometimes “rakes” the space for itself. And if the material is not of very high quality, then the bed may soon fail.

Where to place a dog bed in an apartment

A dog bed is a place where a dog should feel safe. The dog's place should be located so that, on the one hand, it is a secluded corner of the apartment, away from the paths of frequent movement of household members. At the same time, most dogs feel uncomfortable if they cannot observe what is happening in the apartment, so position the bed so as to provide the pet with the necessary visibility. To ensure that your pet does not suffer from drafts, the dog bed should be located at a height of approximately 8 cm from the floor. Under no circumstances should you place the dog’s “place” near radiators, electrical appliances, at the front door or next to the balcony. To avoid the dog “occupying” sofas and armchairs, it is sometimes necessary to place a dog bed in each room.

How to accustom a dog to a bed

It is best to accustom your pet to a bed from childhood. Every time, as soon as the puppy has eaten, played enough and starts to go to sleep in the corner he likes, take him to the bed and say: “Place.” He will try to run away, but you will repeat your actions again. Pet him when the puppy calms down. Remember that the dog’s place is its “untouchable” zone. Here you can’t punish her, you can’t store things on the dog bed, you can’t sit on it yourself, and you can’t use it as a seat for guests.

It will be easy to accustom an adult dog to a bed if it already knows the “Place” command. You can also throw “surprise treats” onto your dog’s bed. Do not force your pet onto the bed - the dog needs time to get used to the new “place”. If the dog categorically refuses to sit on the bed, think about it: perhaps it is in the wrong place, has an inconvenient design or a material that irritates the dog’s skin.

Which dog bed is best to choose?

Bedding or mat. If the house is warm and free of drafts, this is a good place for large and medium-sized dogs that like to sleep stretched out to their full length. In addition, the pet has the opportunity, within reason, to move its sleeping place. This type of bed is the easiest to care for. You won't need much time to shake the dust out of it, periodically wash it and dry it in the sun.

From left to right: Ferplast Atlas, Ferplast Freddy rugs, Red Dingo premium bed

Companies Ferplast, Fop, Hunter, Triol, Jusi, Trixie offer high-quality bedding at an average price of 270-1100 rubles, depending on the quality and cost of the material. The price may be higher if the bed has additional features (for example, a heated dog mat). Trixie mats with a non-slip base are very comfortable.

Dog beds come in plastic and soft. Of course, soft beds are more comfortable for your pet to rest, but caring for them is more difficult. The plastic base is quite durable, they do not slip and keep their shape. From a sanitation point of view, such beds are preferable, as they are more practical to maintain. You can combine such a plastic lounger with a bedding or cover, which will need to be washed periodically.

Ferplast plastic lounger with and without cover pillow

From left to right: Dezzie fur lounger, Red Dingo lounger with sides, Ferplast sofa

Dog beds are preferable for large breeds because they help ensure that the sleeping dog's spine is in the correct position. But they are also suitable for small dogs. It’s just that for large dogs they make more “spacious” beds, and for smaller dogs they make more compact beds.

The companies Juicy, Ferplast, K&N, Snoozer Pet, Fop, Hunter, offering a wide range, are today the best manufacturers of dog beds. The price range of beds, depending on the materials and design, is 300 – 3500 rubles.

Dog houses- These are semi-closed or closed beds. They can also take the form of a mink, a kennel or a cradle. Dog houses are made of soft fabrics; there are models with insulated walls - such dog houses have good thermal insulation properties.

From left to right: bed house Trixie, Fop, Ferplast

It is preferable to buy home “kennels” for dogs for small breed dogs. Tiny toy terriers, chihuahas, dwarf spitz dogs and yorkies love to hide in them - after all, in such a house the dog is both warm and calm. Of course, dogs of any breed do not mind their place being their personal home at the same time. The desire for security on all sides with the ability to stick out only their muzzle remained with dogs from their distant ancestors. However, a house for large and medium-sized dogs will cost significantly more than their miniature counterparts.

A wide range of dog houses are offered by the companies Trixie, Ferplast, K&N, Snoozer Pet, Jusie. Their price range is very wide and starts from 450 rubles.

If you find it difficult to choose the type of bed for your dog, also pay attention to transformable houses, which can easily be converted into a bed with a side or a comfortable chair if desired.

Dog bed sizes

To ensure that the dog bed is not too small or too big, you need to choose the right size. To do this, you need to measure the "length" of the dog from the tip of the nose to the base of the tail. If you are buying a bed, add another 5-15 or 20-30 cm to the resulting value to calculate the size of the dog bed. Also measure the height from the legs to the rump of a dog who sleeps stretched out on his side. Multiply the resulting value by 2 - this is the optimal width of a dog bed.

Caring for a dog bed

Where to buy a dog bed

You can buy a bed at a pet store, but the choice there is usually limited. Online stores offer a richer assortment. You can also order the item you like on the manufacturer’s website. Those who want to have an exclusive item can buy a custom-made bed. There is another option - to purchase a used item, but keep in mind that such a bed must be thoroughly disinfected and treated for parasites before inviting the dog onto it.



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