Horoscope for August Virgo from Paul. Attention! your relationship is in danger! Love horoscope according to zodiac signs

In August 2016, Virgos are expecting changes - they will need to make a number of serious decisions that could affect their future life. Sometimes Virgos will resort to advice from loved ones in order to avoid getting into trouble. It is important to remember that you should deal with key issues yourself, since responsibility for them will fall on Virgo. The month cannot be called unsuccessful, since perseverance and a serious attitude to business will bring good results. Relatives will demand a lot of attention, which will have to be provided regardless of employment and personal problems. Perhaps there will be offers that can completely change your life: from changing jobs to moving to another city. To make the right decision, you need to weigh the pros and cons - haste can be costly.

In the first ten days of August 2016, Venus will be in Virgo, which will have a beneficial effect on the career growth of people born under this zodiac sign. You may receive an unexpected offer for promotion, although this will require significant investment. Already at the end of the month you can see a positive trend from the new current situation. We must not forget about the careful preparation of projects and reports - even minor nuances can ruin your reputation. It is necessary to pay attention to the signs that the world around us gives, while forgetting about the feeling of pride in behavior. Everything will settle down, and further affairs will go like clockwork. Success in material affairs will help Virgos, and in August it will be possible to make large and useful purchases.

The second ten days of August 2016, under the auspices of Neptune, promises good luck in the personal life of Virgos. Those born under your zodiac sign will perceive this month as the best month of the whole year. Expectations about your soulmate will be met, and it doesn’t matter how long you’ve been together - a month or several decades. Feelings will come to life and bloom with renewed vigor. A loved one will support and encourage you in all your endeavors. It is worth remembering that when you receive love, you need to give it, so care and mutual understanding are companions for the next few weeks. If the relationship is just beginning now, then it will be long-term and strong, Virgos will be romantic. Now it is possible to achieve complete balance and spiritual harmony.

Mars in Sagittarius in the third ten days of August 2016 will force Virgo to pay attention to their health. Problems that have arisen and the solution of everyday issues can affect the general condition. You need to find time to relax, at least in the evening, to allow yourself to cool down and reset your thinking processes. Light book novels or detective stories, as well as film comedies, will be relevant. It’s worth at least sometimes turning off your brain and not thinking about problems. For the hardworking Virgo, it’s time to indulge in your favorite pastime: now everything will work out and the results can be boasted about. In order to start the next month vigorously, you need to find the desire within yourself and go on vacation - you can combine a business trip and entertainment.

The personal life of Virgos in August 2019 can cause strong feelings among representatives of this zodiac sign. Will new acquaintances bring happiness to Virgos or will they not evoke the desired emotions? The possibility of long-awaited events happening will determine all of Virgo’s actions in August.

Love horoscope for Virgos for August 2019

Many single representatives of the Virgo sign in August will be determined to exchange their freedom for a relationship full of feelings, tenderness and care. In order for the plans of those born under this zodiac sign to come true, they will have to make sufficient efforts. In the last hot days, Virgos should not refuse meetings in large companies, dating on social networks and even on the street. The love horoscope predicts a very high probability for Virgos in August to finally meet the right person and begin working together on personal happiness.

Hot August will bring married Virgos some worries because of their significant other. Many representatives of this sign during this period may suddenly feel jealous and follow their own suspicions. Such actions can cause conflicts and quarrels in the family. They can most of all hurt the feelings of the Virgos themselves, therefore, before reproaching the other half for infidelity or cooling of feelings, they should carefully evaluate the further consequences of their actions. In August, the stars advise Virgos not to become hostages of their own emotions, but to try to evaluate what is happening with a cool head.

Love horoscope for Virgo women for August 2019

Most single girls born under the sign of Virgo will actively show their interest in the opposite sex in August 2019. At this time, their desire to find their other half may outweigh the arguments of reason, so lonely Virgo girls may commit actions that they will regret in the future. Despite their complete readiness for new feelings, representatives of this zodiac sign will not become less picky and will be able to choose a reliable man.

The events that will take place in the last weeks of the hot summer can greatly disturb the calm and prudence of married Virgo women. Many of the girls will feel the close interest of their other half, which can cause an unexpected increase in love feelings in a couple. The pleasant emotions of Virgos in August will be enhanced by the manifestation of care, tenderness and attention from their spouse. The newly flared passion will evoke memories of the beginning of the relationship and the honeymoon, which Virgos will be happy to repeat in August.

Love horoscope for Virgo men for August 2019

Events developing in the last month of summer can be a little confusing for single Virgo men. Their plans for this time threaten to remain unfulfilled, but this will not bring obvious bad consequences. August prepares them unexpected acquaintances and meetings with interesting girls, large number flirting and dizzying development of relationships. An accurate love horoscope for August 2019 recommends that Virgo men do not cling to their plans, but allow themselves spontaneous decisions and actions.

The family life of men born under the sign of Virgo will turn out to be somewhat different from preconceived notions. August for married representatives of this zodiac sign can bring new experiences associated with changes in the behavior and appearance of the other halves of Virgo. These changes can awaken new love emotions and increase sexual attraction between spouses. An accurate love horoscope for August recommends that Virgo men show more imagination in their relationships with the woman they love, pamper her with small gifts and surround her with the maximum amount of attention and care.

Love horoscope for Virgos for other months of 2019

August 2016 is a special month for Virgo, because many planets will be in the sign of Virgo at once, which will make her a leader in everything. It is worth noting that Virgo in August is also capable of demanding attention to her person, and can sometimes behave defiantly and in an extraordinary way.

General horoscope for August 2016 Virgo

It is very favorable if in August 2016 Virgo decides on her plans, values, and sees real prospects for herself. This month, representatives of the Virgo sign need to think positively as much as possible, imagine themselves as successful people, because the energies of the planets at this time can influence in such a miraculous way that even dreams will begin to come true.

Due to the fact that the planet of love and beauty, Venus, will move into the sign of Virgo on August 6, where it will remain until August 29, representatives of the sign will be very attractive, they will be paid attention to and admired. It is likely that Virgo will become a style icon during this period. In addition, thanks to her attractiveness, Virgo will be able to easily resolve many personal and work issues at this time.

Another feature of August for Virgo is the search for answers to questions regarding career growth, home and everyday life, and personal relationships. The main task for Virgo this month will be to find a balance between these areas and the harmonious development of oneself as an individual.

The horoscope for August 2016 for Virgo also sees the most important dates suitable for resolving issues related to the upbringing or leisure of children. So, on August 11 and 15, it is best for Virgo to go to an amusement park or other specialized establishment with their children; they will be delighted with the time spent together.

Virgo in August 2016 should also be aware of the possible emergence of a source of conflict towards the end of the month. Thus, due to the action of the aggressive planet Mars, especially in the days from August 21 to 25, a child or close relative of Virgo may behave unconventionally, show negative emotions and aggression. In order to avoid conflict and controversial situations, Virgo at the end of August 2016 needs to avoid quarrels in any way and smooth out all the rough edges.

On days from 1 to 3, 12, 13, as well as August 16, Virgo may have to resolve important issues related to real estate and home, and at this time it may be necessary to apply for a loan. In this case, Virgo is only required to take a constructive approach to resolving the issue, behave calmly, and not give free rein to her emotions.

Career and money horoscope for August 2016 Virgo

Due to the fact that the planet Mercury will be in the sign of Virgo throughout the month, representatives of the sign will be able to easily conclude promising contracts and quickly resolve serious issues. Due to the fact that Virgo will become the central person this month, some close people and colleagues will turn to Virgo for help.

In general, August 2016 is a very promising month for Virgo. To achieve the greatest success, representatives of the sign need to be in society as often as possible and meet new people.

Fortunately, Virgo will be able to independently regulate career issues in August 2016. For representatives of the sign, whose activities may in some way be connected with foreign languages ​​and companies, art and beauty, August 24 and 28 may be important days: on these dates there is a chance of meeting an influential person who can contribute to the successful career growth of Virgo.

Favorable days for career and financial affairs in August 2016 for Virgo: August 1-3, 12-13, 16, 24, 28.

Love horoscope for August 2016 Virgo

The horoscope for August 2016 for Virgo draws attention to the fact that on the days of August 5, 7 and 14, representatives of the sign may have the opinion that they and their partner are on different planes and do not have common points of contact. This may be due, first of all, to the fact that the planets this month are located in opposition, opposite each other. This can also be expressed in the fact that Virgo in August 2016 will be so busy with work that there will be almost no time to communicate with her partner, and this distance is precisely connected with this.

However, Virgo in August 2016, in the period from August 19 to 21, should disconnect from problems, try to spend time with her partner in a romantic, sincere atmosphere, not paying attention to external stimuli.

During August 2016, Virgo may meet new interesting people, as well as old acquaintances. Therefore, representatives of the sign may have to decide whether to make their choice in favor of the new or the old.

Favorable days for love relationships in August 2016 for Virgo: August 19-21.

Health horoscope for August 2016 Virgo

The August 2016 horoscope for Virgo speaks of possible health expenses, especially at the end of the month. Such expenses are most likely due to overexertion and stress at work. In this regard, Virgo in August 2016 needs to take care of itself, not to succumb to nervous overstrain, and to rest more.

August 2016 for Virgo is also suitable for vacations in distant countries.

The love horoscope for the Virgo woman for August 2016 strongly recommends taking a closer look into your soul and thoroughly checking whether the costs invested or invested in a certain person are worth that person. It often happens that relationships gradually become obsolete - then it is worth answering honestly the question of whether this is a temporary crisis, or long-term (or even without the prefix “long”) stagnation. The same is with love, which, like a myth, has become obsolete, but still occupies a place of honor both in the thoughts and in the soul of the Virgo woman. It is clear that your earthly nature is accustomed to treating with extraordinary care absolutely all details, even not so significant, but sometimes annoying little things only drag you down or persistently return you back to your starting points. At a certain point, you need to allow yourself to be free or at least rethink what is in order to make room for something new and move on - this is the main advice of our accurate horoscope.

Financial horoscope for Virgo woman for August 2016

Oddly enough, in August 2016, your earthly nature may simultaneously feel a certain loss of strength and a reluctance to accept any kind of help, which is clearly contrary to all instincts of self-preservation. Independence is, of course, good, but only when you are “on the horse” and are really able to make important decisions. A psychological trick can work negatively: the feeling of fatigue and depression risks resulting in a feeling of one’s own inferiority, and the desire of others to take over part of the work, even with good intentions, will be met with hostility because of the imaginary fixation of this depressive state of yours. First of all, accept who you are. The main thing in life is not finances, but you yourself and your priceless life. The right to be anything - tired, lazy, unproductive - is an integral part of every nature. Now, believe me, you can take a time out and gratefully accept outside help,” the horoscope for the Virgo woman for August 2016 convinces.

Horoscope for August 2016 Virgo indicates that you may repeat your old mistakes and create problems. To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to use not only logic, but also accumulated experience to solve problems. If you do not have enough experience, you should seek advice from a more experienced person or look for the necessary information yourself. Otherwise, a high wall of your problems will be piled up in front of you, and you will have to spend energy on eliminating it. As a result, you will not have time and energy left to implement new ideas and goals. However, your reaction to this situation may not be predictable. Horoscope for August 2016 Virgo indicates that you can show either excessive activity or complete passivity and detachment from the world. Both of these conditions are dangerous for you, since due to excessive activity, decisions will be made hastily without proper analysis. And detachment from the world will negatively affect relationships and indicate a depressive state. Therefore, in August it is advisable to resolve issues in a timely manner, eliminate obstacles and problems. When starting new plans, maintain good relationships with colleagues and partners. Your attempt to separate from the team and partners will not be successful. If you refuse to cooperate and participate in a collective cause, then troubles and bad luck will begin to haunt you. Although some of your colleagues and partners will create trouble for you, you should not break ties with them.

Marriage horoscope

Difficulties will gradually increase this month. As always, you will clearly see the shortcomings of others, but not notice your own. This will affect your relationship with your loved one. You will lose the ability to admire and love others. This will cool your relationship. Some will break up and divorce.



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