Glycine effect on the stomach. What are the dangers of an overdose of Glycine for health - harm and side effects

Glycine is one of the simplest and at the same time the most important amino acids in the human body. It is required for many functions - the production of growth hormone, the synthesis of nucleic and other acids, and others.

A person experiences a special need for glycine during intensive growth. According to some researchers, it enhances endurance and physical strength- that’s why it’s so popular among athletes. Before you buy medicine"Glycine", the use of which is contraindicated in the same way as for taking medications, should be consulted with a doctor.

"Glycine"- indications for use

As a rule, this drug used for mental and mental decline physical activity. It can improve the condition of people who are exposed to stress (exams, working with very important projects, divorce proceedings and others). For insomnia, Glycine should be taken 20 minutes before bedtime.

"Glycine" - contraindications for use

It is not advisable to use the drug "Glycine" by pregnant women or nursing children, since its benefits or harm in such cases have not yet been established. In addition, hypotensive patients using this drug should have their blood pressure checked from time to time. If it turns out that “Glycine” is harmful, it is necessary to either adjust the dosage or completely stop using this drug. In addition, drivers should use the product with caution, as this drug may slow down the reaction.

In general, we can say that “Glycine,” the contraindications to which are not so unusual, can be used by both adults and children.

"Glycine" - excess drug

If in normal dosage The drug can increase the body’s performance, but in excess it causes a feeling of fatigue. According to doctors, glycine increases endurance because it is one of those acids that can normalize the utilization of sugar in the body.

In addition, this substance, which has a sweetish taste, is often sweetened in products that slow down the destruction of muscle tissue. Due to this, the substance potentially has significant benefits in the treatment of diseases associated with muscular dystrophy.

In addition, the drug "Glycine" has a calming effect on the brain. This drug is indispensable for normal operation central nervous system, it is often used in the fight against bipolar disorders, epilepsy and hyperactivity. However, when taking Glycine, the contraindications mentioned above should always be taken into account.


This substance is in large quantities contained in connective tissues and skin, making it simply indispensable for wound healing. In addition, the drug "Glycine" is used for stomach discomfort, many digestive disorders, as well as for removing toxins from the body. This drug is very useful in the treatment prostate gland. Doctors have long proven that combining it with alanine can significantly reduce inflammation and swelling in the prostate.

Today, the drug "Glycine" is available in the form of powders, capsules and solutions. Nutritional supplements, which contain the substance, are well absorbed by the body - however, stomach upset is sometimes observed. People suffering from liver and kidney disease are not advised to take this drug without first consulting a specialist.

Side effects of the drug include the possibility of an allergic reaction, but this is extremely rare. In case of overdose, dizziness and nausea are observed. Therefore, when thinking about whether Glycine is harmful, you should also remember about its possible side effects.

Glycine is a medicine that people have been using for decades. It has shown its effectiveness in combating stress and alcohol poisoning. Initially, the drug got its name from the amino acid that is its active basis. It is found in the human body, synthesized in the body from food, and can also be supplied in the form of tablets. However, when incorrect reception Side effects and overdose of Glycine may occur.

Why does the body need glycine?

This amino acid is not essential, but taking glycine helps solve many problems. This is because this amino acid is present in all tissues of the body and has wide range actions:

  1. Metabolic regulator – helps get rid of toxins, fights free radicals(a consequence of radiation exposure), accelerates the production of DNA by cells.
  2. Neurotransmitter. Many nerve endings are sensitive to glycine. This means that due to this amino acid, signals are transmitted along the fibers of the nervous system. Accordingly, a larger amount of neurotransmitter increases the speed of impulse transmission: mental activity increases, reaction speeds up.
  3. Blocker. The peculiarity of the action of glycine is that it blocks the production of stress hormones: adrenaline and norepinephrine. This reduces blood pressure, relieves overstimulation and ensures restful sleep.

How to Avoid Addiction

Considering all the benefits for the body, it is quite natural to want to take the medicine constantly. At the same time, people do not think about whether glycine is addictive - they continue to use the medicine without a doctor’s prescription, which ends in an overdose and, in some cases, death.

In order not to die from glycine, you just need to control yourself and not take the pills longer than the instructions suggest in various situations:

  1. To get out of binge drinking. In this case, taking the drug is limited to one day. It is enough to take a tablet in the morning, 2 more after half an hour and another one an hour later. Then during the day you can take no more than 3 more tablets, so as not to provoke an overdose.
  2. To remove hangover syndrome. In this case, more than long-term treatment using a lower dosage of the drug. It is enough to take 2 tablets per day for a week.
  3. During the period acute poisoning Alcohol glycine is taken once in the amount of one tablet. After an hour, you can drink another one, but no more and not before that time.
  4. You can get rid of stress and anxiety in just 3 days. To do this, it is enough to drink 3 tablets a day. In severe cases, the dose can be increased to 4 tablets per day.
  5. Relief from insomnia will occur with just one use of glycine half an hour before going to bed. If the problem returns the next day, you can repeat the drug, but if sleep does not return to normal, longer than a week You cannot continue the course of treatment.

Glycine overdose

If you do not follow the rules of administration, excessive accumulation of glycine in the body may occur - an overdose. This is dangerous not only due to side effects, but also fatal.

The main problem with using amino acids for treatment is individual characteristics body.

For example, according to data, death from a glycine overdose in adults can occur with a single dose of 13 milligrams of the drug. But on average, a person needs 20-25 g for normal night sleep turned into a coma and gradually passed into death. There are also those who require almost 40 g in order for a similar scenario to develop.

Also, in about 1 case in a thousand, an allergy to glycine may occur. In this case, the amino acid has the opposite effect, severely inhibiting the central nervous system, which can be extremely dangerous, for example, if a person is driving at the time. A possible allergic reaction does not require any special measures counteraction. This effect The effect on the body will gradually go away in a couple of weeks on its own.

Glycine is a harmless drug that does not interact with other substances and has virtually no contraindications for use, but its action can be blocked by the use of drugs with the opposite mechanism of action. However, in case of an overdose, the consequences of thoughtless intake of glycine will manifest themselves immediately. This is especially dangerous for those who consume the amino acid in large doses like a drug.

Doctors are still arguing whether glycine is harmful to children. Usually it's perfect safe drug, but in the event of an allergic reaction, even in a small dose, it can lead to disorders of the central nervous system, which provokes convulsions and paresthesia. In the worst case, the use of the drug may result in the development of epilepsy, so its use must be agreed with and monitored by a doctor in order to avoid negative side effects from glycine.

For adults, the consequences of addiction can be more varied. In case of glycine poisoning, the side effects have the following manifestations:

  1. Problems with concentration are the least possible harm in case of poisoning.
  2. With more high dose taking the drug there are more serious consequences: cluster headaches, dizziness, nausea.
  3. In people old age, whose nervous system is weakened, like children, may develop epilepsy. Night cramps may also occur.
  4. Digestive disorders: nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
  5. Coma and death.

It is worth considering that all of the above is a consequence of a severe overdose - this is how glycine acts if you get used to using it for weeks in large quantities.

Usually the level simply decreases mental activity and sensitivity to alcohol is lost. It is also possible to increase the load on the kidneys and chronic decrease blood pressure.

First aid for Glycine poisoning

Considering that when taking glycine side effects usually do not harm the body, then nothing is usually required to treat the consequences of poisoning. If problems arise, you must act in the same way as with ordinary food poisoning:

  1. Stop taking the drug.
  2. Rinse the stomach a large number water. To induce vomiting, simply press the root of the tongue with your fingers.
  3. If an allergic reaction occurs, you can take antihistamines.
  4. If problems occur digestive system symptomatic treatment is prescribed.
  5. If your blood pressure drops, just drink coffee or a couple of tablets of medication that will help return everything to normal.
  6. If the patient develops a coma, an ambulance should be called immediately.

Glycine is certainly a very useful amino acid for the body, and if the rules of administration are followed, it will not cause any harm to a person and will protect against negative consequences overdose.

From the point of view pharmaceutical science, “Glycine” is a drug based on one of the amino acids - aminoacetic, which is also called aminoethane. Similar acids are produced by the human body with the help of the liver, however, if their quantity is insufficient, the situation can be corrected by taking the required substance.

Action of "Glycine"

The pharmaceutical effect is based on the fact that the amino acid it contains affects the functioning of one of the most important parts - the pituitary gland. As a result. Metabolic processes in the brain improve, which, in turn, leads to a general antidepressant effect on the body.

A doctor can prescribe Glycine in a variety of cases. For example, the group of common indications for its use includes a variety of stressful situations which lead to negative consequences such as insomnia, depressive state, irritability, decreased performance and others. Moreover, this drug can be prescribed both to children, for example, when they display aggressiveness or symptoms of antisocial behavior.

However, in addition to eliminating common symptoms, which to one degree or another are characteristic of almost everyone to modern man, "Glycine" can also be used as a medicine in the composition complex therapy when treating more serious illnesses. So, it is used in the treatment of neuroses various etiologies, as well as the consequences of neuroinfections, traumatic brain injuries and even strokes.

Side effects of Glycine

As is the case with any medicine, taking "Glycine" may lead to the occurrence of some unpleasant consequences, commonly called side effects. However, due to the fact that the action of “Glycine” is based on the content of an amino acid in it, identical to that which is independently produced human body, the nature and intensity of these side effects can be called minimal.

Thus, the drug contains mention of only one probable side effect from its reception - occurrence allergic reactions, which may result individual intolerance main or auxiliary components, included in its composition. Besides, additional effect when taking "Glycine" is that it reduces the intensity of the unpleasant side effects of other drugs that affect the nervous system.

In Russia, the drug Glycine is very often prescribed for arterial hypertension. Patients also love this harmless and inexpensive remedy. Whether this drug actually lowers blood pressure or increases it is of concern to many. Let's try to understand its mechanism of action and answer this question.

About the drug Glycine

Glycine is small white tablets of 50 pieces in a blister. It is absolutely available in pharmacies and is sold without a prescription. The tablets have a sweetish, pleasant taste.

Glycine is a microencapsulated amino acid, chemical name– aminoacetic acid. It belongs to the group of metabolic agents. The substance is well absorbed into oral cavity, circulates throughout the body, but does not accumulate in tissues. The medicine should be taken 1 tablet under the tongue or per cheek until completely dissolved, without dissolving, 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment usually ranges from 15 days to 1 month.

Glycine is prescribed for many diseases and conditions, but in the instructions for use it is a direct indication hypertension not specified. But there are mentions vegetative-vascular dystonia, ischemic stroke, which may be the cause or consequence of a rise in blood pressure.

Doctors also prescribe this drug for essential (causeless) hypertension. For some it helps normalize blood pressure levels, but for others it does not.

The instructions do not say anything at all about the fact that this drug lowers or increases blood pressure.

In order to understand whether the drug has any effect on this indicator at all, you need to understand the mechanism of its action.

Glycine for high blood pressure

Glycine - metabolic agent, this means that it affects metabolism. Metabolism concerns important neurotransmitters such as GABA, norepinephrine, adrenaline and other biologically active substances. Its main action is aimed at the nervous system. Under the influence of this medicine, it better adapts to stress and stress, prevents brain overload, and improves performance. The product has a beneficial effect on sleep and mood, and helps in stressful situations.

For encephalopathy of various origins, neuroinfections, it is able to have a detoxifying effect. At ischemic stroke, vegetative-vascular dystonia, traumatic brain injury - reduce symptoms.

One of the mechanisms of action of Glycine is inhibition of the production of adrenaline and other biological active substances stimulating the nervous system. And adrenaline, as we know, increases blood pressure. Therefore, glycine, albeit slightly, is capable of affecting hypertension.

Undoubtedly, stabilizing the nervous system and unloading it will also have a beneficial effect on hypertension, because in many cases with this disease the cause of increased blood pressure is stressful situations. A slight decrease in pressure may be observed.

However, there is no direct, proven effect on cardiovascular system This drug does not provide relief from high blood pressure. Therefore, Glycine cannot be used as the main drug for the treatment of hypertension.

Glycine at low pressure

Hypertension is understandable. But what about low pressure? Can Glycine affect hypotension? This action medicinal substance raises doubts. On the contrary, since the drug affects the production of adrenaline, reducing its amount, it means it can only reduce blood pressure numbers. Hypotonic patients, on the contrary, should take it carefully, as prescribed by a doctor and under blood pressure control.

The only way this amino acid can increase blood pressure is hypotension caused by vegetative-vascular dystonia or brain fatigue. Then, by eliminating the cause, he can increase the pressure.

So, let's summarize. Glycine can be used as a blood pressure lowering drug only in combination therapy. Isolated use will not affect the treatment of hypertension. He can best case scenario cause only a short-term effect without having a systematic effect.

As a drug for the treatment of low blood pressure, Glycine can only be used on the recommendation and under the supervision of a physician. However, any medicine should be taken only after visiting a doctor.



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