Where can a disabled person park if the disabled spaces are occupied? You can complain about Moscow parking lots online

According to traffic rules, there are two signs designed to notify participants traffic about the fact that a person with special health conditions is driving or simply in a car:
  1. “Disabled” is a yellow square with a side of 15 cm and a figure of a wheelchair user inside.
  2. "Deaf Driver" - yellow circle 16 cm in diameter, inside which three black dots form a triangle.

The installation of these signs is voluntary. But strictly defined categories of citizens can use them.

Who can stick a “Disabled” sign on the car window?

The persons transporting them, as well as the parents of disabled children, also have the right to do this.

The driver of a car with a “Disabled Person” sign, in addition to his license, vehicle registration certificate and insurance, is required to carry with him “a document confirming the fact of disability” (Resolution of the Russian Government of January 21, 2016).

What specific document is not established by law. But it must indicate the group and cause of disability. Such documents are a pension certificate and a certificate of completion medical and social examination(the so-called pink form).

When stopped by a traffic police inspector, a disabled driver or a driver transporting a disabled person must present the original of one of these documents. Copies, even notarized ones, are not accepted.

What privileges does the “Disabled” sign on a car give?

Cars with “Disabled” signs installed on the windshield and rear windows are not subject to a number of prohibitory signs (Section 3 of Appendix 1 of the Traffic Regulations):
  • "Movement Prohibition";
  • “The movement of motor vehicles is prohibited”;
  • "No parking";
  • “Parking is prohibited due to even numbers months";
  • “Parking is prohibited on even days of the month.”

But most importantly, the “Disabled” sign gives the right to use specialized parking spaces.

What is disabled parking?

In parking lots near socially significant facilities, at least 10% of the spaces must be reserved for parking for people with disabilities (Article 15 Federal Law"ABOUT social protection disabled people in the Russian Federation"). That is, near any clinic, cultural center or shopping center There must be at least one dedicated parking space.

The parking space for people with disabilities is indicated by sign 6.4 and plate 8.17, as well as special markings

Only cars with a “Disabled” badge are allowed to occupy these seats.

Why are disabled parking lots always occupied by non-disabled people?

There are two reasons:
  1. The most convenient accommodations are provided for drivers and passengers with disabilities. parking spaces.
  2. Parking for disabled people is free.

Previously, parking spaces for the disabled were occupied by all and sundry. A fine of 200 rubles did not frighten anyone. In 2016, the legislation was tightened, and unscrupulous motorists began to carry it in the glove compartment just in case. yellow sign with a wheelchair user. (It is sold absolutely freely and costs mere pennies.) It is unlikely that the inspector will wait for several hours for the driver to check the documents.

But what bigger city And the problem is more acute with parking, the more inventive motorists are. In Moscow, cars with the “Disabled” sign are entered into a separate register, and their owners are issued special parking permits. They give you the right to stand as long as you need, even in paid parking lots. For this reason, car owners buy fake disability certificates.

What threatens those who illegally use the “Disabled” sign and parking lots for people with disabilities?

Violators face fines. In the Code Russian Federation There are three articles about administrative offenses about this:
  1. Article 12.4 on the illegal installation of the “Disabled Person” sign. The fine is 5,000 rubles for individuals, 20,000 rubles for officials and 500,000 rubles for legal entities. Plus the removal of the sign itself.
  2. Article 12.5 on driving a vehicle on which the “Disabled” sign is illegally installed. The fine for the driver is 5,000 rubles. Plus confiscation of the sign.
  3. Part 2 of Article 12.19 on violation of the rules for stopping and parking vehicles in places for disabled people. Fine - 5,000 rubles.

Are disabled people really protected on the road?

Despite large fines, people with disabilities constantly face rudeness from able-bodied motorists, and due to imperfect legislation they find themselves in various unpleasant situations.

Parking fine for disabled people in 2017 - evacuation, in the Moscow region, on the spot, under the sign, amount, in the parking lot, traffic police, how to challenge, how to avoid

Specially designated parking areas are provided to disabled people of groups 1 and 2 and persons transporting them. They are marked with appropriate markings and road signs. Ordinary citizens are prohibited from leaving their cars there - it's rude traffic violation. In case of violation of the Parking for disabled people sign, a fine is provided in the amount of 3 thousand to 5 thousand rubles.

Why are they needed?

As soon as the vehicle enters a parking lot designated for the disabled, the violation is considered to have been committed. Time does not matter - even for a few seconds of parking in a place marked with a “Parking for the Disabled” sign, a fine is imposed on legally. Sanctions are almost impossible to cancel and very difficult to challenge in court.

It is difficult for disabled people to move due to limited physical capabilities. They can park in regular spaces, but the vacant spaces may be located at a distance from a medical or other facility. For a citizen with special needs, walking even half a block can become a serious problem.

The standards of the Federal Law “On Social Protection of Persons with Disabilities” provide for the obligation to organize special parking spaces in all parking lots, municipal and private parking lots, in areas near supermarkets and in similar locations.

10% of all places should be allocated for these needs. Paid parking should also have them

Designating signs

In the traffic rules there are 3 signs that indicate places for the disabled.

Here they are by number:

  • parking sign (parking space) under No.6.4. It is used with the sign indicated in the second paragraph of this list;
  • designation “Disabled” – No. 8.17. It is a well-known schematic drawing of a man in a wheelchair in a rectangular frame;
  • An auxiliary designation outlining the parking area is special marking No. 1.24.3. It looks like a rectangle 1.6 x 0.8 m, inside of which there is a “Disabled” symbol, and the area of ​​the site itself can be delineated by lines.


The provisions regarding responsibility for parking in disabled spaces, including paid parking, are contained in the following regulations:

  • and the Federal Law “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons” - provides for the obligation to allocate places;
  • Art. , Code of Administrative Offenses - sanctions;
  • the sign for the disabled is provided for by the traffic rules, its number is 8.17, markings are No. 1.24.3.

On cars used by citizens with disabilities or in which they are transported, signs or stickers “Disabled” are installed. They look like an image of a wheelchair user in a black frame on a yellow background.

Designating sign

The main parking sign for persons with 1st and 2nd disability groups is traffic sign No. 8.17 - a rectangle with a wheelchair user on a white background. Additional road markings 1.24.3 are made in the same form with lines outlining the area.

Along with these signs, the usual parking sign No. 6.4 (the letter “P” on a blue background) is used in areas provided for these purposes. The “Disabled Person” sign is always located below the “Parking” sign. Sometimes just markup can be used.

Penalties for parking in disabled spaces

Drivers with 1st and 2nd disability groups and persons transporting them can enjoy the privilege of parking vehicles in specially designated spaces. Citizens with group 3 do not have this right.

A fine is imposed in the following cases:

  • the driver does not have documents confirming his disabled status. This rule has been in effect since 2016; before that, only a sign on the car was enough;
  • a healthy driver uses a vehicle for personal purposes with a “Disabled” sign;
  • Colliding with horizontal markings is also considered a violation.

It is also possible to fine people with disabilities if they did not comply with formalities when parking (there is no ID, certificate, etc.). Situations often arise when there is a disabled person in the car, but there is no sign installed on it. For example, when a disabled person asked a friend to take him to the doctor and in similar cases. This is not a violation, but a citizen must have an identification card or medical certificate with him, otherwise he will be fined.


In case of violation of Parking for disabled people signs, a fine is imposed in the amounts indicated below according to the type of offense and the amount of penalties provided for in the articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses:

  • parking or parking not according to the rules - a monetary penalty in the amount of 5 thousand rubles. (v. 12.19);
  • car evacuation. At the same time, financial penalties are also imposed. The driver will also have to pay for impound parking and tow truck services;
  • illegal equipment vehicle sticker or other images with the sign “Disabled” and driving such a vehicle - a fine of 3 to 5 thousand rubles. according to Art. 12.4 and 12.5. In the Moscow region there are increased rates, so you can count on the maximum sanction there;
  • legal entities that fail to provide designated spaces for disabled people in their parking lots or in areas adjacent to their establishments intended for parking (parking) of vehicles are punishable by a fine of 50 thousand rubles. (v. 5.43).

The fine is the same amount for parking spaces and for any other areas marked with the indicated signs. It does not depend on the time of arrival and the location of the car in a place designated for disabled people.


A car illegally parked under a concession sign may be towed and taken to an impound lot and at the same time be subject to monetary penalties. This is often practiced in federal cities, especially in Moscow. The car can be taken away if there is a violation of “Violations of parking rules and obstruction” and “Parking in spaces for the disabled.”

Cars can be seized not only for stopping (parking) in special places, but also for creating obstacles. They mean difficulties for a disabled person that prevent him from freely getting out of a parked car. That is, even if you do not stop at a preferential place, but in such a way that it violates the freedom of movement of a disabled person, the car can be towed.

An important point: it is prohibited to evacuate if the driver came up and corrected the violation, that is, vacated the occupied space (clause 1.1).

Is it possible to reduce the amount

If the driver manages to make payment within 20 days from the date of the decision, the amount of the fine is reduced by 50%.

Often citizens do not even suspect that sanctions have been imposed on them. In order to receive timely information about them, you can periodically visit the traffic police website, where you can check whether there are fines based on your passport data or car details. It is also possible to link your bank cards to the service of this institution. Some banks offer clients mobile programs that notify them via SMS about administrative penalties.

If you find out about a fine in time, you can pay it without penalty or appeal it in a timely manner. If, in violation of the Parking for the Disabled sign, a fine is imposed and a resolution (protocol) is drawn up, then it can be challenged according to the rules, established by law for office work on administrative offenses (). A citizen can do this within 10 days from the date of issue of the resolution.

There is one caveat regarding this period: in fact, it is counted from the day a copy of the decision was delivered to the violator, therefore all envelopes and documents with marks of delivery must be preserved - these are the grounds for a request to extend the time for challenging.

You can write a complaint to the traffic police or go straight to court (no state fee is charged).

Before challenging a parking fine for disabled people, you need to collect the following package of documents:

  • copy of the resolution;
  • statement of claim (complaint);
  • petition to extend the time limit for challenging.

Evidence of innocence (record of the registrar, etc.) must be attached to the documentation. Maximum term consideration of the case by the court - 2 months, traffic police - 10 days.

Parking requirements

Proper design of places for disabled people is relevant for the administration of retail facilities, parking lots and for persons who are required by law to do this.

In the yard

The law provides for the possibility of allocating parking spaces for disabled people in courtyards apartment buildings. To do this, you need a decision from the residents’ meeting (). According to SNiP 30-01, the plot must have an area of ​​11.5 square meters. m and a width of 3.5 m. It is designed in the usual way: signs and markings.

If difficulties arise, you can contact the traffic police or road services.

The increased size of the space is due to the need to ensure unloading of the stroller and access to the car without hitting other vehicles.

Near the supermarket

In the case of sites near apartment buildings, places are allocated based on the decision of the meeting of apartment owners. This is not an obligation - parking may not be allocated if residents so decide, and there are no sanctions for this.

The situation is completely different with parking lots near supermarkets, shopping centers and similar facilities - their owners are required by law to allocate every 10th space for cars of disabled people or vehicles carrying citizens with this status. This is especially true for large cities, for example, in Moscow there are fines legal entities for violation of this rule reaches 50 thousand rubles.

Supermarket staff cannot fine drivers who break parking rules. The maximum they can do themselves is to ask the driver to drive away occupied space. But store employees also have the right to call the traffic police and report a violation or transfer information from security cameras to this agency for response.

Who can use

Only the following categories of citizens can park and leave cars in specially designated places for disabled people, indicated by signs and markings:

  • citizens with 1st or 2nd group disability (those with 3rd group do not have this right);
  • drivers of cars transporting disabled people.

Drivers are often interested in the question of how to challenge a fine for parking for disabled people if a disabled citizen is transported by a taxi or any other vehicle without a “Disabled Person” sign. This is not a violation, but a citizen must have a pension certificate or certificate with him medical institution, confirming its status. If you do not have such documents with you, then the traffic police officer has the right to issue a fine to the citizen, even if he really is disabled.

Difficulties in using the “Disabled” sticker

The law does not oblige drivers to put a “Disabled Person” sign on their car. It is installed at the request of the driver; accordingly, traffic police officers do not have the right to fine for its absence. Often such stickers are purchased by healthy citizens specifically to park in preferential spaces.

It should be taken into account that a traffic police officer can easily and quickly check whether the driver has a disability, and if he does not, then issue a fine, which in the Moscow region is maximum - 5 thousand rubles.

Carrying out an inspection

To check the authenticity of a disabled person’s ID, the inspector can make a request or call the Pension fund. To do this, he only needs the citizen’s passport data or details of the documents presented. If the license is invalid, then the driver who used it faces not only a monetary penalty, but also a criminal case for forgery of documents.

Violators justify themselves by simply being in a hurry. Like, you urgently need to abandon the car and run to the meeting. As if we, disabled people, are never in a hurry, Denis smoothly takes the turn and we find ourselves on the Garden Ring.

Denis Gromnadsky has been disabled since childhood. But problems with his legs did not prevent him from not only becoming a driver, but also recently achieving 1st category in motorsport.

One evening on the street of 1905 I had to stop by the church,” Denis continues. - My grandmother died yesterday. I'm approaching. There are three parking lots there, and all of them are occupied. Moreover, in the places for disabled people there were cars worth 3-4 million rubles. None of them had a “disabled person” badge. I ended up having to park a block away from the church. By the time I got to it, it was closed.


We are driving along Bolshaya Tatarskaya Street. Mazda and Kia show off in preferential seats. Both cars have a piece of cardboard with a “disabled person” sign stuck on the windshield. It happens that drivers hang them up when transporting their loved ones with disabilities. This is allowed. But very often this is a trick for which you can get a fine of 5 thousand rubles. True, only a traffic police officer can check whether he is disabled or not. Who, of course, does not have time to do this. By the way, there is also no single database of disabled motorists.


And there, opposite Gorky Park, a nice new Mercedes right under the sign. And there are two women nearby. Well, I think we got it! Now let's put it to shame. We approach with anticipation.

- We, - I say - from Komsomolskaya Pravda. Do you know you can't park here? More precisely, it is possible, but for disabled people.

The one who is the driver turns to me and proudly shows her belly:

And pregnant women.

We wish the strangers all the best and move on.

- What if the same parking lot takes a photo of her car license plate?- I ask Denis. - She is not disabled according to documents.

Then, he replies, he will have to take her a certificate stating that she is pregnant. Or pay a fine.


Society has not matured! - Denis reasoned along the way. - My wife was once in America...

While we were driving, Denis convinced me that there is no such a mess in America. And in Beijing it’s generally like this - it’s already the 22nd century! Recently his friends were in China...

And here is a picture: two chrome stallions are standing in a disabled parking lot. A black sports Boomer and a white Toyota. The second one reminded me of a German heavy tank from World War II. Just without the gun. We went out and stood there, slightly shivering from the cold. And then she appeared! Moscow Scheherazade in stiletto heels! Proud and unapproachable blonde. With the keys to a white Toyota. She left the beauty salon.

Girl, we are from Komsomolskaya Pravda. Do you know this is a handicapped parking lot?

No,” answered the queen.

Then why are you parked here?

Alas, but no more words, no more looks... Clicking heels, a look to the side, a proud Greek profile... Silently started up her tank and sped off.


Frankly speaking, I was preparing for the worst when going on this editorial assignment - that the photographer and I would be beaten by auto boors who didn’t care about the rights of people with disabilities. Many people, of course, don’t care about rights. But it never came to a fight. Quite the contrary. In 99 percent of cases, we parted with the offenders as almost best friends.

For example, a young couple was sitting on Mantulinskaya. He was smoking while driving, she was fiddling with her smartphone.

Sorry, please, we didn’t see the sign,” the driver fussed. - We'll leave now.

On Litvina-Sedov Street, another violator - an entire minibus stood in a preferential space.

Sorry. “We’re already leaving,” the driver justified himself.

I don’t know, maybe the video camera acted like that. Or maybe motorists understand that they are wrong. And yet they violate it. The crowning excuse: “Oh, we’ll just be a minute.”


Let's be honest, we still managed to park in preferential spaces - one or two were free on almost every street. But we went in the evening, after 19:00, when “ office plankton"has already cleared the central streets. According to Denis, in working hours the situation is completely different and disabled people have nothing to do in the paid parking zone.

Meanwhile, from September the authorities promise to begin a merciless roundup of violators. We will definitely repeat our experiment in a few months.


According to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, for violating the rules of stopping or parking cars in places for the disabled, a fine of 5 thousand rubles is imposed. A driver who has attached a special “disabled person” sign to his car without any reason can be charged the same amount.


What should a disabled person do if everything preferential seats are you busy?

This is stated as clearly as possible in the rules of the Moscow Parking Space Administrator:

“If you have a disability permit or a certificate of disability, free placement of a vehicle is possible only in places marked with sign 8.17 “Places for the disabled.” If all handicapped spaces are occupied, parking will be at general principles with payment."

More details on how to get parking permit for a disabled person, who can be his representative, see the website parking.mos.ru in the “Frequently asked questions” section.

Tested for myself. Places for the disabled and those who are not ashamed. A KP correspondent drove around Moscow with a driver with disabilities and tried to find an unoccupied preferential seat

If you think that only healthy motorists are punished, then you are mistaken; in Moscow now even people with disabilities are fined.

I used to think that everyone except people with disabilities had to pay for parking in the center of Moscow. For them, parking should have remained free. To take advantage of the benefit, you must receive a special disability permit and you can park without spending money. It would seem that everything is fine, but there is one detail (and the devil, as you know, hides there). A disabled person can park his car free of charge only in a specially designated place (marked with a sign or marking “parking for disabled people”).

Everything seems to be good and logical so far. But what should a disabled person do if he comes somewhere on business, and all the special places are occupied? Apparently, you can park nearby in a regular paid space and go about your business. But no. First you need to pay on a general basis for parking: 80 or 50 rubles per hour. After all, if you don’t pay, then the disabled person also receives a fine of 2,500 rubles on a general basis. It also turned out that if ordinary person parks in a parking lot for the disabled, he will receive a fine, even if he pays for parking.

Incredible but true. And there are already such precedents.
The owner of the car received a disabled permit, but left the car on usual place(because everything disabled parking were busy) which resulted in 9 (!) fines totaling 22,500 rubles. So what kind of concern for disabled people is this?

This is what a disabled permit looks like

I specifically asked the AMPP (Parking Space Administrator) if everything was correct, if there was any error? Everything was confirmed. If a disabled person finds that all special spaces are occupied, then he must ride in circles until a space is free, or park on a general basis for money. Well, would it really be a disaster if a disabled person took one “paid” place, if his rightful place was taken by some violator? Really better than a disabled person fine him as if he were a scoundrel, and then collect the last money from him?

This is attention to the disabled, you can’t say anything. By the way, no one warns about this, of course, when a permit is issued. Why? After all, in this way you can earn money not only from ordinary drivers, but also from disabled people. I have heard more than once that even residents who have signed up for a parking pass in their area often receive fines.

Either this is a disregard for citizens, or this is a completely conscious policy of the Parking Space Administrator in order to collect more money. Only you can draw conclusions, but do not forget that it is this organization that, in addition to paid parking, also controls.

This will allow you to do something new mobile application

Citizens will be able to send complaints about drivers occupying spaces for disabled people or leaving their cars in two spaces at once. Motorists will be able to complain about incorrect parking markings and lopsided road signs.

The capital’s authorities are going to develop a mobile application that will allow online transmission of text and photo complaints about parking lots, a source in the mayor’s office told M24.ru. It will appear as part of the creation of 115 new paid flat parking lots by the end of the year, including at the main entrance to the All-Russian Exhibition Center, on Krasnopresnenskaya embankment, Manezhnaya street, Zemlyanoy Val and so on.

It is assumed that the service will extend to the entire Moscow parking space. With its help, citizens will be able to complain about administrative violations of motorists (if they occupy spaces for the disabled or violate the rules for using flat parking). In addition, drivers will be able to file complaints about lopsided road signs and incorrect parking markings. If we're talking about about a technical defect, contractors will be required to eliminate it within 5 days. Special attention will be paid to people with disabilities - they will be consulted online directly in parking lots and, if necessary, emergency services will be promptly called.

Let us remind you that within the Boulevard Ring paid parking was organized on June 1 this year after a pilot experiment that began in November 2012. In total, there will be 4,368 parking spaces with a fee of 50 rubles per hour. In addition, drivers can use existing parking lots at shopping and business centers, as well as hotels. Local residents can apply for a resident permit, which allows them to park for free in their area from 20.00 to 08.00, the rest of the time - for 3 thousand rubles per year.

Parking in courtyards will remain free, and to prevent foreign cars from entering them, it is allowed to install gates and barriers, however, at your own expense. In order to block off their yard, citizens need to hold a general meeting of residents and enlist the support of municipal deputies, while they do not need to obtain approvals from the government and the Moscow Committee for Architecture.

/ Thursday, September 26, 2013 /

topics: VDNH Parking Paid parking

. . . . . This was reported by a source in the mayor's office. In addition, citizens' requests will be recorded by a 24-hour call center consisting of 5 people.
Muscovites will be able to download the application for free - it can be installed on all smartphones and tablet computers, regardless of the manufacturer. . . . . . To let people with limited mobility know where they can go, information boards with free call center numbers will be placed in parking lots. Let us remind you that 10% of the spaces in the city should be allocated for parking spaces for disabled people.
. . . . . Will the service be connected to the existing application? From December 1 this year, all fines related to parking will be transferred from the traffic police to the mayor's office. “Then the Moscow authorities will obviously be able to accept photographs from citizens of any parking violations,” believes the society’s coordinator “Blue buckets” Petr Shkumatov. “The traffic police do not accept photographic evidence.”.
According to the expert, complaints about illegal parking arrangements could also be sent to the authorities through the mobile application. Let us remind you that 70 foot inspectors who took to the streets of the city in September began to identify the squatting of territories for service parking and transmit the data to the prosecutor's office. By the way, in the near future the same inspectors should be given smartphones that will allow them to remove illegally parked cars and send them to the base where “chain letters” are generated.
Activist of the Federation of Car Owners of Russia Vadim Korovin is confident that Muscovites must also be involved in the search for parking violators. "Citizens must participate in improving the city - this applies to both parking and problems in yards, garbage dumping, and so on", - Korovin believes.
Let us remind you that now Muscovites can complain about many problems to the mayor’s office through the website “ Our city". These include potholes on the roads, problems with major repairs of houses, poor quality work management companies.
State Duma deputy Vyacheslav Lysakov is confident that Muscovites can be involved in identifying parking violators. “The main thing is that the system is reliable and excludes fake and disinformation”, - the parliamentarian noted. He emphasized that the traffic police is also gradually establishing a dialogue with motorists and is beginning to initiate administrative cases based on recordings from DVRs.
Regarding violations with places for disabled people, Petr Shkumatov from “Blue buckets” believes that allocating 10% to people with limited mobility is too much high rate. “If a shopping center has a parking lot for 400 cars, 40 spaces for disabled people are usually empty, and the space in my yard is never occupied either.”, - noted the expert.
Meanwhile, according to Korovin, parking spaces for people with limited mobility should be mandatory. “There are a lot of disabled people in Moscow, they are simply locked in their apartments. As soon as the environment becomes friendlier for them, they will begin to go out and use all the infrastructure created for them.”, he said.



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