Physalis vegetable useful properties and contraindications. Physalis: beneficial properties, varieties, cultivation, use in cooking

Many gardeners and gardeners are wondering: what is physalis - a vegetable or a berry? If you take it into account biological structure, then the physalis will be closer to the berry. But summer residents who grow this plant consider it a vegetable and are often compared to a tomato. Popular names of the plant - “ emerald berry" and "earthen cranberry" (although it has nothing to do with cranberries).

Physalis: description

Physalis is the largest genus in the Solanaceae family. It's grassy perennial(although there are also annuals), which has a woody stem at the base. It is distinguished by a round fruit-berry, enclosed in an orange paper box-case, which is formed by fused sepals. The shell appears swollen; This explains the name of the plant - “physo-” - swollen. The shades of the fruit are orange or yellow. The berries grow slower than the shell, which fades and dries out when the fruit is fully ripened.

The stem of the plant is erect, ornately curved. The arrangement of the leaves is opposite; They are ovoid in shape with jagged edges. Single flowers cream or white; the bell-like calyxes have lanceolate and triangular teeth.

There are more than 100 species of physalis. All of them are heat-loving plants that do not take root in cold climates. But it's easy to create for them necessary conditions, and the plants are unpretentious in care. It blooms from late spring to August. It begins to bear fruit at the beginning of summer and until the end of autumn.

Medicinal properties

Physalis contains beneficial substances in fruits, seeds, leaves and roots.

Physalis fruits contain a large amount of acids: malic, citric, succinic, tartaric, ascorbic. Acids help maintain acid-base balance. The plant is rich in pectin, carotene, physalin, as well as minerals and phytocindes.

The plant is attributed medicinal properties, because its berries have antiseptic, analgesic, choleretic and diuretic effects. Water infusion or a decoction of the fruits is used to treat gout, rheumatism, severe bruises and swelling. Hypertensive patients will benefit from tea with dried casings or leaves. Cough can be cured with a decoction of the roots.

The plant removes toxins and salts from the body heavy metals, helps improve immunity. Has an onco-preventive effect.

Ointment from the fruit is used to treat lichen and chickenpox, as well as for muscle and joint pain.

Proper metabolism is helped by the presence of fiber in physalis. The calorie content of fruits per 100 g is 32 kcal (proteins - 0.96, fats - 1.02, carbohydrates - 5.84). As you can see, physalis is a low-calorie product and can be consumed without fear of gaining excess weight.

It should also be noted that the fruit contains B vitamins who play important role in a vegetarian diet.

People suffering from epilepsy will benefit from taking 8-9 berries of the plant daily, which will alleviate the symptoms of the disease.

Due to its properties , the plant is used:

  • For the treatment of bronchitis as an expectorant;
  • For chronic diseases genitourinary system analgesic effect;
  • For the treatment of anemia and hypertension;
  • For constipation and hemorrhoids.

The berries are recommended for use when gastrointestinal diseases like a stomach ulcer or duodenum, gastritis, chronic cholecystitis, hypoacid gastritis. Ripe fruits are taken half an hour before meals in the amount of 8 large or 15 small berries.


Although physalis has a large number therapeutic effects, you should be careful with it:

  • The plant has poisonous bracts, from which the fruit must be cleaned.
  • Not recommended for people suffering from increased acidity stomach.
  • The use of berries is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

It is also possible individual intolerance product. Anyone who has chronic diseases should first consult a doctor who will tell you whether physalis can be consumed.

What are the benefits of edible physalis?

Physalis varieties are divided into decorative and edible. Berries decorative species They are distinguished by their light weight (no more than 2 g) and the large size of the amniotic cup. Due to the high concentration of physalin, these fruits are not eaten. But shell bells are used to decorate houses and flower arrangements.

Ripe fruits of edible varieties juicy and sweet with a sour aftertaste; They are larger in size than decorative ones and resemble small tomatoes. But we must not forget to peel the berries from the bracts and rinse them from the sticky layer in boiling water before adding them to food. Edible Physalis can be eaten raw, like vegetables and fruits, or made into jam, preserves and marinade.

Popular types of edible plant:

  • Vegetable (or Mexican): the most common type of physalis. Its berries reach a weight of 80 g. They do not contain much sugar, but they contain enough useful substances. This species is easy to care for and weather conditions, therefore it is often grown in our country, obtaining a rich harvest. Physalis vegetable berries are green, yellow or purple. Jam, jam, caviar, and sauce are prepared from vegetable fruits; They are also used for salting and pickling.
  • Peruvian: Has a pineapple smell and grape taste. The fruits are small, only 2 cm in diameter. Peruvian physalis berries are eaten raw, dried or candied. They make jam and preserves. Serve as an addition to baked goods and fruit salads.
  • Berry: contains high level sugar and is used mainly for making sweets. The plant smells like strawberries, which is why this species is sometimes called strawberry. One of the varieties of berry physalis has the same name. In addition to sugar, fruits contain useful microelements And large number vitamins
  • Korolek: The vegetable variety is characterized by yellow or light yellow fruits that are similar to cherry tomatoes. The berries are used for preserves, marmalade, and confiture. They are also used to make marmalade and candied fruits. The fruits are often added to vegetable dishes and salads.
  • Early Moscow: sweet fruits amber color. Used in the preparation of sweet desserts, pickles, marinades, caviar and salads.

Among other vegetable varieties, we should also note Jam, Pineapple, Gribovsky and Confectionery physalis. All of them are eaten fresh or processed.

Those who decide to grow this plant think about when to use the fruits in medicinal or food purposes.

The fruits should grow to the right size and acquire a color characteristic of their variety. Ripe fruits should taste juicy and sweet and sour. It is better to make jam, compote from the autumn harvest, or use the berries as a filling for baked goods. Physalis often replaces sweets, so it will be useful for those who are on a diet.

The berries are stored for several months and then ripe used in dishes. This feature of the plant is a great advantage for gardeners and gardeners. Useful properties physalis with high content necessary substances for the body makes it universal in treatment and cooking.

What is physalis

Physalis belongs to the nightshade family; South America is considered the birthplace of the herbaceous plant. The beneficial properties of physalis are multifaceted and have been studied repeatedly. Before using and using it, you need to study important aspects. The product has a beneficial effect on all organs and systems of the body. However, if used inappropriately, it can cause significant harm to a person.

Composition of Physalis

Rich food composition allows the plant to be used in the treatment and prevention of most ailments. Physalis contains a lot of glucose and fructose, so the fruits are an excellent source of carbohydrates.

In addition, the chemical list suggests the presence of components such as citric acid, saponin, vitamin B1, polyphenolic compounds and, of course, physalin.

The fruits of the plant concentrate retinol, riboflavin, pyridoxine and other valuable substances. For this reason, physalis is often replaced with conventional multivitamin complexes. It contains a lot of vitamin B12; the fruits are recommended for vegetarians, who often suffer from a deficiency of this substance.

The composition contains organic acids. These include apple, lemon, wine, ferulic. Lycopene gives fruit its bright color rich shade. This element is also a natural antioxidant, which is added to medical supplies against cancer.

Despite such an extensive list of substances and their beneficial properties, physalis can be used in dietary nutrition. Its calorie content is 56 Kcal, which is a relatively small value.

The benefits of physalis

  1. For diabetes. Fruits help prevent and treat existing diseases, regardless of the stage of the disease. The incoming substances control blood glucose levels, so that sugar does not “jump.” In addition, physalis in combination with medications increases the effect of the latter. Thanks to this, the course of the disease is alleviated and its symptoms are reduced.
  2. For oncology. As mentioned above, many substances from the chemical list of physalis elements are added to medicines from cancer. Antibacterial, antioxidant properties in combination with flavonoids remove free radicals and relieve the consequences radiation therapy(for an existing illness). The tumor begins to self-destruct due to the fact that physalis blocks the supply of blood and oxygen to it.
  3. For the bones. Physalis contains a lot of calcium, which helps prevent fractures and harden bone tissue. With regular consumption, you will fill voids in the bones, satisfy the body's daily need for vitamin K. This substance prevents the development of chronic ailments associated with the spine and musculoskeletal system generally. Physalis strengthens nails, hair and teeth, relieves unpleasant odor from the mouth.
  4. For the heart and blood. The fruits are high in sodium, magnesium and potassium. These substances are responsible for correct work heart muscle. Also, with the systematic consumption of physalis, blood circulation improves, blood vessels open and cleanse, and red blood cells are produced at double the speed. Fruits regulate blood insulin levels, which is appreciated by diabetics. Physalis displays bad cholesterol and does not allow it to be deposited in the form of plaques. This prevents the formation of blood clots and atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and stroke.
  5. For the eyes. Beta-carotene is responsible for vision, so physalis should be consumed by people with eye diseases. To reduce the likelihood of cataract formation and premature aging of fiber, eat at least a few fruits per day. As a result, you can avoid such unpleasant ailments as lens clouding and macular degeneration.

The benefits of physalis for men

  1. Overseas bright fruits are recommended for consumption by representatives of the stronger half of the population. Physalis accumulates niacin; this substance is necessary for high-quality enzymatic processes.
  2. Physalis accelerates the digestibility of food and helps useful substances penetrate the blood faster. The fruits cleanse the liver; this is useful for men who have a craving for alcohol and tobacco.
  3. Men who regularly exercise should include berries in their diet. She improves the set muscle mass, does not allow fibers to disintegrate during sleep.
  4. Physalis is a truly male fruit. Regular use allows you to prevent diseases of the reproductive system and reduce the likelihood of impotence.
  5. It is recommended to eat exotic fruits married couples who cannot conceive a child. Physalis enhances spermatogenesis and increases the ability to reproduce.

  1. Studies have shown that regular consumption of the product compensates for the deficiency of manganese and iron during the menstrual cycle in women.
  2. Consumption of physalis prevents muscle pain and headaches. Good mood returns, signs of depression disappear.
  3. Taking the product makes life much easier for the fair sex, preventing PMS symptoms.

The benefits of physalis for weight loss

  1. Physalis is an ideal product for people who want to say goodbye to extra pounds. The unique composition helps keep the body in good shape, while the fruits are low in calories.
  2. Dietary fiber stimulates activity gastrointestinal tract. As a result, fiber forces the body to break down old fat layers. Natural and comfortable weight loss occurs.

The benefits of physalis during aging of the body

  1. The benefits of fruits are clearly expressed in the fight against free radicals. The product actively resists the development of oncology of various types.
  2. The high percentage of copper content in physalis improves the structure skin, making the epidermis smooth and velvety.
  3. Eating fruits helps stop premature aging tissues, eliminates age spots. In 100 gr. physalis contains 12% daily norm copper

The benefits of physalis for digestion

  1. Fruits are a storehouse vegetable fiber. Systematic eating of berries significantly improves metabolism and eliminates most existing problems.
  2. Physalis has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, relieving a person of bloating, flatulence, cramps and constipation.
  3. Fruits prevent the development of colon cancer and peptic ulcer stomach. Physalis also normalizes the synthesis of sugars and controls blood glucose levels.

  1. Benefit unique composition berries are difficult to overestimate. The high iron content in physalis is actively involved in hematopoiesis and increased hemoglobin.
  2. Eating fruits provides tissues with oxygen. As a result of this process, regeneration at the cellular level increases. Healing of habitual wounds occurs many times faster.

Harm of Physalis

Undoubtedly, physalis is valuable for the human body, but do not forget that the fruits can cause harm.

  1. Medicinal decoctions and infusions based on berries are prohibited from drinking. long time. The course of treatment should not exceed 10 days. Next, you need to take a break for the same period.
  2. If you have been diagnosed with serious chronic illnesses, consult a healthcare professional before consuming the product in any form.
  3. It is prohibited to take Physalis if you have problems at work. thyroid gland, acute form stomach ulcers and gastritis. Failure to follow the recommendations can significantly harm the body.
  4. Consumption of the product during pregnancy and lactation is not recommended. Before taking it, you should make sure that it is an edible variety. Decorative berries and fruits growing in uncultivated areas carry a potential danger.

Physalis is a peculiar plant. Undoubtedly, with correct technique exotic berries will help significantly improve your health and overcome some diseases. If you are in doubt about whether to consume fruits at all, consult a specialist. It is important to choose or grow only the edible variety of physalis, otherwise you may get severe poisoning.

Video: what are the benefits of physalis

To start getting acquainted with physalis berries, or “golden berries” ( Physalis), it would be useful to find out what kind of product it is and how it is eaten. There are also popular names: emerald berry and earthy cranberry. Another interesting point: physalis belongs to the Solanaceae family, like tomatoes, for example.

The tropics of South America are considered its homeland. According to legends, the Incas were the first to cultivate physalis (the third name is Inca berry), and only in the 19th century was it transported across the Cape Good Hope V South Africa migrants. This is how another name for physalis appeared - Cape gooseberry.

Is it possible to eat physalis? Yes! Comparable to cherry tomatoes, Inca berries have a yellow orange color and a sweet, slightly sour flavor reminiscent of candied lemon wedges and are full of tiny seeds. As a rule, physalis is eaten dried. These dried fruits are slightly larger in size than raisins, but much healthier.

The properties of physalis are due to its unusual chemical composition. It contains various types active substances, including saponins, flavonoids, polyphenols, physalin, tannin, cryptoxanthin, vitamin C, citric acid, as well as natural components of palmitic and stearic acids. The roots of the plant contain alkaloids.

Excellent natural alternative multivitamin preparations: vitamins A, B1, B2, B6 are present. The last vitamin on this list is especially important for vegetarians, who are traditionally deficient in it due to their diet.

Let's talk about the benefits

IN recent years More and more studies are being conducted that are aimed at thoroughly studying physalis. The following medicinal properties have been identified and scientifically proven:

  • antiviral;
  • antibacterial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • anticancer;
  • detoxifying;
  • cough suppressants;
  • antioxidant.

Based on this list, its fruits can and should be included in the diet of patients with epilepsy, jaundice, as well as people with urinary retention.

The leaves of the plant we are considering today also have healing power, they are recommended to be used to treat abdominal pain, heal wounds, ulcers, eliminate swelling, accelerate the healing of sprains and fractures, and strengthen the heart. There is also some information about the treatment of gonorrhea with physalis leaves.

But the roots of physalis can be used to treat fever, but with great caution.

Modern practical medicine reached the “boiling point” at which most natural products acquired a scientifically proven range of beneficial and harmful properties. So, what specific diseases does physalis treat?

Flu, bronchitis, laryngitis, mumps and testicular tumors (orchitis)

IN medicinal purposes Small physalis fruits (3-4 cm in diameter) are dried in air, then an infusion is prepared from them. You need to bring approximately 9-15 g of the product to a boil in 1-1.5 glasses of water, filter through several layers of gauze and cool. It is recommended to drink this water regularly 2-3 times a day.

Lung diseases

People suffering from respiratory tract diseases can be advised to drink an infusion of physalis, the recipe for which is similar to the recipe from point 1, but it is better to reduce the concentration of the product itself (for example, take 3 glasses of water).


For diabetic patients, physalis can also have a life-giving effect. You need to take an infusion of 2 cups of water and several dried physalis fruits starting in the morning. Physalis pulp is used up to 2 times (lunch infusion is brewed from the morning fruits).


Since physalis is not very picky about lighting and soil, South America grows at almost every step and is considered a weed. But Americans love to make festive compositions from “Chinese lanterns” for Thanksgiving and Halloween.

There are many varieties of physalis, but the most popular edible ones are the Mexican one, called the vegetable one, and the strawberry one. The latter is widely used in cooking due to its unique aroma, reminiscent of strawberries, excellent taste and small-sized fruits. More large berries vegetable varieties differ pleasant taste, however, this plant requires certain growing conditions - moderate humidity and bright sun rays. It is worth noting that there is a decorative type of plant that can be seen in almost any summer cottage. It is not picky about environmental conditions and is not suitable for consumption.

Composition and characteristics

Widespread use for medicinal and culinary purposes is due to the balanced composition of the berries. Not great content sugars (no more than 6%) and low calorie content(30 kcal) make them popular among those losing weight. The product is rich in vitamins B and A, which makes it indispensable in vegetarian menu. Contains toxic substances, called glycoalkaloids, but they can only be found in unripe fruits. Ripe berries of edible varieties are safe for human health.

In addition, physalis is rich in the following substances:

  • zinc, iron, calcium, magnesium,
  • essential oils,
  • protein,
  • ascorbic acid,
  • dietary fiber,
  • lycopene and pectin,
  • flavonoids,
  • organic acids (tartaric, malic, citric),
  • phytoncides,
  • carotene.

The seeds of the plant contain many oily elements, the roots contain alkaloids, and the leaves contain lutein and steroids. Tannins in berries have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect on the body, lycopene reduces the risk of developing malignant tumors, and pectin promotes the rapid removal of cholesterol, waste and toxins. The complex of organic acids normalizes acid-base balance, and vitamin C is indispensable for infectious diseases.

Useful properties and applications

Physalis is amazing plant, which is used in the most different areas: from cooking to cosmetology. The berries restore strength well and are used in medicine as a cure for exhaustion, which is especially important in rehabilitation period after the postponed serious illnesses. The pulp of the fruit is rich in water and fiber, so the plant helps normalize the functioning of the digestive system. A decoction of physalis is suitable for preparing compresses that help relieve discomfort due to arthritis, swelling and bruises. The decoction is also used to rinse the mouth to relieve painful toothache.

The use of the fruits of a perennial plant in cosmetology is due to the large amount of antioxidants they contain, which slow down the natural aging processes of the skin. In addition, physalis helps get rid of allergic irritation, relieving inflammation and rashes due to dermatitis.

For men

Regular consumption of fruits helps improve a man's health. Berry – excellent prophylactic against diseases of the reproductive system. Physalis reduces the likelihood of impotence, increases the ability to reproduce, and enhances spermatogenesis.

It is useful to eat bright fruits during difficult times. physical activity, as they help build muscle mass and relieve tension during rest. Due to the property of physalis to cleanse the liver and improve its functioning, the plant is recommended for men who abuse tobacco products and alcoholic drinks.

For women

The benefits of regular use of physalis for women are expressed in the following:

  • safe and comfortable weight loss, which is due to the high content of dietary fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • improvement of well-being during the menstrual cycle due to replenishment of iron and magnesium deficiency;
  • getting rid of age spots, improving the condition of the skin;
  • preventing headaches and muscle pain;
  • relieving tension and signs of depression;
  • fight free radicals.

The plant helps the fair sex to maintain the body in good shape, to be in good mood and get rid of extra pounds.

Medicinal properties

Physalis belongs to the category medicinal plants, helping the body cope with many ailments. Shows antiseptic, hemostatic, diuretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Various parts of the overseas plant are used for the following purposes:

  • to lower blood pressure;
  • for diabetes and anemia;
  • to relieve rheumatic pain;
  • for the purpose of removing stones from the bladder and kidneys;
  • for epilepsy and nervous system disorders;
  • to get rid of the symptoms of gout and jaundice;

With the help of plant juice, you can fight the manifestations of hypertension, dropsy, gonorrhea and lichen. A decoction of physalis roots normalizes menstrual cycle, and berries are a powerful prevention of cancer diseases.

In cooking

Edible varieties can be eaten either raw or processed. The only caveat is that the berries should be doused with boiling water or treated with steam to get rid of the sticky coating. Nutritionists advise consuming the fruits raw, as heat treatment most of it is lost useful elements. Low-calorie berries are added to vinaigrettes, salads and cold appetizers.

Sauces, desserts, hot dishes, baked goods, as well as sweets and drinks are prepared from vegetable, Peruvian and strawberry varieties. In addition, the berries acquire an original taste if they are grilled. The fruits can be dried and candied to make marmalade, marshmallows or candied fruits. Based on physalis we obtain delicious jam and jam. The berries are low in calories, so they are recommended for people trying to lose extra pounds or following a strict diet.


Treatment of plant fruits with boiling water before consumption is mandatory. Otherwise, the product may cause digestive upset. Besides, long-term use certain parts physalis, for example, roots and berries are unacceptable. Medicinal compositions, made from a perennial plant, must be used in strict accordance with the dosage and after consultation with a specialist.

The main contraindications to the use of physalis are the following:

  • allergic reaction,
  • increased stomach acidity,
  • period of pregnancy and lactation,
  • individual intolerance,
  • excessive thyroid function.

Use with caution if you have a stomach ulcer. It is worth noting that ornamental plant varieties that grow on calcareous soils cannot be eaten.

Selection and storage

When buying berries, you should pay attention to their color. Ripe fruits should be elastic, have a rich yellow or orange tint with a dense skin and an intact shell. If you plan to use physalis for making desserts and sweet pastries, it is best to buy the strawberry variety. Appetizers, salads and side dishes will taste better with vegetable physalis.

The optimal conditions for storing berries are cool and moderate humidity. At a temperature of about 14 degrees the fruits will retain their appearance And taste qualities for 2 months. It is recommended to place physalis in boxes with holes or in lattice boxes. During the entire storage period, you need to inspect the berries, selecting fully ripe ones and discarding spoiled ones.

Physalis- a perennial plant that can often be found in vegetable gardens and summer cottages. People call him Bubble Man, Marunka. This plant with large orange flowers, reminiscent of lanterns, reaches a height of 50 to 100 cm. The stems are tall, erect, the leaves are thin and jagged, growing oppositely. Physalis belongs to the Solanaceae family. It is considered one of the largest in this family.

Not only can the plant have orange flowers, the color can vary from light beige to brown. The flowers hang down like bells. Inside the flower a fruit ripens, which has spherical shape, the berry is bright orange, almost red. Outwardly, it may resemble small tomatoes.

Types of physalis

Physalis can be planted in the ground in May. It blooms until August and bears fruit by September. It grows not only in gardens, but can also be found in the wild. Physalis loves the sun and chooses bright, well-lit places to grow.

Physalis fruits are used as food. Currently, many varieties of physalis are known, among which the following have found their use in everyday life, among housewives and in medicine: aromatic varieties strawberry and Peruvian, pineapple, decorative, ordinary, and an irreplaceable vegetable variety.

Not all physalis are edible, so before eating its berries you should find out whether it will harm this type harm to the body.

  • Physalis pineapple – it got its name because of the smell of the fruit, reminiscent of pineapple. They produce small orange berries that taste good. These berries can be eaten raw.
  • strawberry physalis – the plant reaches a length of 70 cm. The berries are orange-amber in color. High-yielding variety strawberry physalis in taste, size and aroma it resembles ordinary strawberries growing in forests. The berries are widely used for making berry mousses, jams, juices and compotes, jelly, and pies. Marmalade is very healthy and tasty, and dried berries can successfully replace raisins. The peculiarity of the strawberry variety Physalis is that it can enhance protective forces body in the fight against acute respiratory diseases.
  • Less sweet Peruvian physalis still has taste aromatic fruit. The berries must be dried, as they are unsuitable for long storage and quickly deteriorate.
  • physalis vegetable – is more common than others; various and unusual salads are prepared from it, decorating any festive table. Some housewives use vegetable physalis to prepare jam, pickles and seasonings for the winter. His distinctive feature are its dimensions. The fruits can reach 150 grams and are yellow-orange in color. You can eat them raw, but they taste rather sour and not very pleasant. But they make very tasty jam and juices.

These are not the only edible species, there are many more. There are also physalis sugar, plum, tomatillo, philanthropist, etc. They are rarely planted in their gardens due to more troublesome care.

  • physalis ornamental – has very characteristic bright orange boxes that form after the flowering period. They can last all winter. These boxes look very impressive. Bright lanterns peek out on the white snow carpet, which will not let you get discouraged in the winter. Due to its original appearance, this plant variety is used for decorative purposes. They can be used to decorate landscapes on the streets or put flowers in a vase at home. Even after drying, decorative physalis retains the brightness of its lanterns.

The excellent composition of vegetable and pineapple physalis makes them truly unique plants. Here are some important acids, like lemon, apple and amber; large number tannins and pectins, which are antioxidants. Vegetable physalis also contains protein and minerals.

Use of Physalis

In Russia, undeservedly little attention is paid to physalis, but in America it is actively used in nutrition. When we hear the word physalis, we associate red berries, this is due to the high content of lycopene. And it is known to be a good antioxidant.

Due to the presence of a whole range of beneficial properties, physalis can be consumed raw. The fruits have a waxy film and must be doused before consumption. hot water, so that this film is washed off. It can be added to different dishes, or eaten just like that.

The berry has a sweet and tart flavor, making it a popular ingredient in a variety of cakes, sweets and baked goods, as well as salads and fruit salads.

Composition of Physalis

What determines the benefits of physalis, of course, is the composition. By chemical composition this type of plant is unique: it contains huge amount vitamins A , B1 , B2, B6, WITH . Physalis also contains microelements important for the body such as calcium, iron, zinc, copper, and sodium potassium.

Physalis can be used as dietary product. There are only 32 calories per 100 grams of product. Of these vegetable fats only 1 gram, everything else is proteins and carbohydrates. It is recommended to be eaten by vegetarians, as it contains a high amount of vitamin B6 helps compensate for its deficiency when giving up meat products.

What to cook from physalis?

You can make jelly, preserves, compotes from the berries, or just eat them in fresh, and they will have a beneficial effect on the body and help it recover.

The fruits of this plant can be preserved. They can be used to stuff pies. Fillings prepared with the addition of these berries acquire a pleasant sweet taste with a slight sourness.

When marinated in physalis juice, meat or fish acquires a pleasant aftertaste. For lovers of these plants, you can mix the juices with kefir and cottage cheese. Physalis can be used as a decoration for dishes. There are a huge number of recipes using physalis. Its fruits can add an unusual taste to any dish.

These berries are widely used both in confectionery, and in ordinary cooking. They can decorate a dish well with their bright colors.

Use of the plant in folk and traditional medicine

This plant has a wide range of effects on the human body. However, the main advantage of physalis fruits is high concentration antioxidants in their composition. Polyphenols and carotenoids are powerful elements for maintaining human health.

Physalis fruits are used as a diuretic, to stop bleeding, an analgesic, and a disinfectant.

Physalis found wide application in medicine. It is worth noting that physalis helps in losing weight, detoxifying the body, managing diabetes, optimizing kidney function, reducing inflammation, preventing some degenerative diseases, improving heart health and immune function body.


As we noted above, the main advantage of physalis is the content of antioxidants in its composition, which makes it an ideal supplement for the prevention of certain chronic diseases, including some types of cancer.

Antioxidants, like carotenoids and polyphenolic compounds found in fruits, are able to neutralize free radicals that can cause mutation healthy cells into cancerous ones. This quality makes physalis very popular around the world.

Anti-inflammatory activity

Another benefit worth mentioning is the reduction of inflammation. If you suffer from arthritis, gout, muscle or chronic pain, or even hemorrhoids, anti-inflammatory compounds can calm these problems and improve your quality of life overall.

Inflammation of the arteries and blood vessels also very dangerous for cardiovascular system, so physalis can also improve heart health by reducing the load on it and preventing the development of atherosclerosis and coronary disease hearts.

It effectively reduces blood pressure, reduce the symptoms of hypertension and allow the heart to work calmly.

Weight loss

Since fruits are a low-calorie food (only 32 calories per 100 grams), they are an interesting option for people trying to lose weight. also despite his small size fruits provide a large percentage of what we need daily nutrients, but do not contain unhealthy fats or calories, which is important for those trying to lose weight or watching their weight.

Fatty acids

Although many people think that all fats are bad, we actually need wide range irreplaceable fatty acids to provide many natural processes in our body. For example, oleic and linoleic acids found in fruits actually reduce the amount of bad cholesterol in our body and re-establish cholesterol balance, improving heart function.


Some of the compounds found in the plant may slow the breakdown and consumption of simple sugars from carbohydrates. This means that blood sugar does not rise and insulin receptors are properly regulated. Rapid fluctuations in blood sugar are the main cause of diabetes and can be very dangerous for people suffering from this condition, which means that the use of Physalis is effective preventive method and for the treatment of diabetes.

Eye health

Because of high content carotenoids, the fruit of the plant is often suggested as a means of promoting eye health. Carotenoids eliminate oxidative stress in the eyes, preventing the development of cataracts and slowing the onset of macular degeneration, which helps preserve vision for many years.


Significant levels of vitamin C (almost 15% of daily norm) in the composition of fruits makes them very important product for the immune system. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) stimulates the production of blood cells and also has some antioxidant properties.

Additionally, vitamin C is a key component in the production of collagen, which the body needs to repair and produce cells, tissues, organs and blood vessels.

For medicinal purposes, in September the roots are collected and dried. Dried roots Can be brewed like tea. A decoction of the roots is used to treat rheumatic and liver problems, and is also used in the treatment of hemorrhoidal bleeding and diseases of the urinary system.

Boiled milk with berry juice is used for the treatment and prevention of sore throat, runny nose and stomatitis in children. To force naughty children to take such a decoction, you can add a little sugar or honey to change the taste and make it more pleasant.

Physalis should take a permanent and worthy place in your family’s diet, and then diseases will bypass your home.

Harmful properties of physalis

However, sometimes physalis berries can cause harm to the human body. Despite good influence plants on the digestive system should be taken with caution by people with high acidity stomach.

It’s also not worth eating a lot of these berries at once. They contain a lot ascorbic acid, which can harm the stomach. There are also known cases of poisoning by physalis fruits. This most often occurs due to people consuming species that are not edible. Physalis leaves and sheaths are poisonous.

They contain a large number of alkoloids, which have a strong toxic effect.

To avoid heart problems vascular system Berries should not be consumed with coffee. Headache and the problems of tachycardia in this case are guaranteed.

Important: Before using infusions or the berries themselves for treatment purposes, you should consult your doctor. The combination of Physalis and medications can cause an unpredictable reaction in the body.

Another important point when eating berries. Physalis may cause allergic reaction. If a rash or itching appears after taking the berry, you should immediately stop taking it so as not to provoke anaphylactic shock or Quincke's edema.

Anaphylactic shock is dangerous due to its rapid activity, as a result of which a person can die in a matter of minutes. Quincke's edema is not so dangerous; the person remains conscious, but his limbs and face swell. Dangerous because they can swell respiratory tract which can cause suffocation.

Video: Physalis decorative



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