If there is heavy sweating. Symptoms and signs

Sweat is a liquid, secreting which the body carries out thermoregulation and gets rid of toxic substances. Frequent sweating is a common and necessary phenomenon in some cases, dermatocosmetologists note. But the amount of sweat produced varies. This parameter is influenced by many factors.

Increased sweating should not be left to chance, as it can be a sign of serious illness.


There are many reasons why armpits and other parts of the body often sweat. Doctors remind that an uncontrolled process may be associated with serious health problems:

  • cardiovascular diseases, such as heart failure, blood pressure problems;
  • disruption of the body’s hormonal levels during changes during puberty;
  • menopause - frequent sweating in women during a period when ovarian fertility decreases;
  • hyperthyroidism (thyrotoxicosis) - thyroid hormones are increased, which causes an acceleration of all processes in the body, sweating is no exception;
  • diabetes mellitus;
Frequent sweating can be hereditary or acquired.
  • hypoglycemia - low blood sugar;
  • very heavy weight;
  • carcinoid syndrome;
  • pheochromocytoma;
  • oncology, for example, brain cancer;
  • genetic abnormalities in the functioning of the sweat glands;
  • infectious diseases in which body temperature constantly changes, for example, malaria, septicemia, tuberculosis;
  • intoxication of the body due to poisoning with chemicals, drugs, alcoholic beverages or food poisoning;
  • acromegaly;
  • psychosomatic disorder or mental disorders;
  • problems with peripheral blood vessels or nerves;
  • diseases of the bile excretory organs.

Studies have shown that taking certain pharmaceuticals, such as acetylsalicylic acid, causes increased sweating.

Sometimes increased sweating occurs due to stress or extreme anxiety. This is not a sign of a disease, but the body’s reaction to a stressful situation, resulting in the release of adrenaline.

Only a doctor can determine why a person sweats very often. But this cannot always be done; sometimes identifying what leads to frequent sweating is difficult and impossible in a regular local hospital.

If we are talking about local hyperhidrosis, it is still difficult to say exactly what causes it. Some scientists believe that the cause is an increased number of sweat glands, others talk about excessively emotional reactions of a person, which is why the nervous system produces inappropriate reactions. It is inherited, about half of patients are born into a family where parents live with such a problem.

Causes of excessive sweating in children

In addition to the above reasons, increased sweating in a child may be due to the fact that thermoregulation in children is not established. The autonomic system and sweat glands continue to develop after birth until age 5. Pediatricians include the following reasons why a child may experience excessive sweating:

  • too hot ambient temperature;
  • incomparably warm baby clothes;
  • a consequence of an infectious disease;
  • excessive worries and worries.

In the first year of life, excessive sweating may be a sign of rickets.

Reasons for constant sweating in men

Everyone has noticed that a man, under the same load or in hot weather, sweats more than a woman. Scientists believe that this is due to the fact that it has evolved that representatives of the stronger sex are more adapted to effective physical labor. They have more fluid in the body, so the body dehydrates more slowly than women, which reduces sweating during intense exercise, protecting the body from excessive fluid loss.

Studies have shown that strong sweating in men is due to testosterone, which promotes more profuse sweating.

Why do women often sweat?

In addition to all the general reasons, sweating in women can increase during menopause, when hormonal changes occur. Pregnant women and those who have recently become mothers suffer from excess sweat. This is due to hormonal levels. More often, periods of sweating do not bother women for long.

What to do?

If a person suffers from excessive sweating, he needs to see a doctor. Constant sweating can be treated by a dermatologist, but if there is reason to suspect that the problem is caused by a serious illness, you will need to be examined by several doctors to rule out serious problems with the body.

If people sweat from being in a hot environment for a long time, especially with high humidity, or profuse sweat is caused by active physical activity, there is no reason to worry. Most likely, there are no health problems.

What to do if sweating is accompanied by some other symptoms, for example, cough, pain in the abdominal cavity, elevated body temperature? Almost always, the doctor will discover some kind of disease, so you should definitely consult a specialist. The dermatologist may refer the patient for consultation to a general practitioner or to a specialized doctor, for example, a nephrologist.


To reduce discomfort from frequent sweating, you need to adhere to personal hygiene. You need to shower at least 2 times a day. You need to wash your body with antibacterial or deodorizing agents. It is recommended to scrub sweaty areas with special products, but there should be no injury to the skin. It is useful to wash with tar soap to remove sweat. If excessive sweating bothers you at night, you need to take a contrast shower.

After showering, apply antiperspirant or deodorant to your armpits. These products block the excretion of sweat, prevent bacteria from growing and provide a pleasant smell. Clothes and bedding should be chosen only natural ones. Synthetic, tight clothing is contraindicated for such people, as air circulation deteriorates, which provokes the development of infections in sweat.

If you are concerned about the question: “Why do I sweat often and what should I do?”, then this article was written just for you. This problem occurs for most people on the planet. Hyperhidrosis (the so-called excessive sweating) often comes for a while, but sometimes it can torment a person for years, especially if you do not understand the reasons and do not take measures to eliminate them.

Causes of hyperhidrosis

If there are no deviations, they should work in moderate mode. Excessive sweating can be caused by:

  • Stressful situations (excitement, fear, etc.).
  • Hot air temperature.
  • Synthetic materials close to the body.
  • Too warm clothes.
  • Often the cause of sweating lies precisely in this and is temporary. Eliminate these factors from your daily life and perhaps frequent sweating will disappear on its own. If this does not happen, then the cause of sweating may be a pathology developing in the body. Then you should worry and pay attention to your health. Let's consider the causes of sweating in relation to different genders and ages.

    Why does a child sweat often?

    Sweating is common in young children. An infant is a fighter for whom any movement is difficult. He sweats while feeding, sleeping, and being awake. This is completely normal. Often the back of the head sweats in babies, as they lie motionless and the back of the head experiences overheating. Turn the child's head first to one side, then to the other. Babies have a lot of folds on their skin, which also often sweat, especially if the baby is chubby. Places of folds: armpits, neck, groin area, inner elbows, arms, legs. They need to be treated with cream or vegetable oil. Baby powder helps a lot.

    Children of preschool and primary school age often sweat, as they are very active. You should not wrap your child up if you know that he will run and jump. A child dressed in warm clothes will sweat, get wet and get sick. In their sleep, children may sweat from nervous tension experienced during the day. Often, hands.

    Teenagers often sweat in almost all cases. This is due to the restructuring of the reproductive system from an uncertain “childish” state to work “like an adult.” The most common occurrence at this age is local hyperhidrosis, that is, sweat does not appear on the entire body, but in some places: armpits, arms, feet. What to do and how to help a teenager? Hands, armpits, feet, palms should be washed regularly with soap and baths with herbal decoctions.

    Why do men sweat a lot?

    Sweating above normal in healthy men is associated with:

    • with increased physical activity;
    • eating large amounts of spicy, salty, hot food;
    • alcohol abuse;
    • nervous situations.

    Men often sweat from their backs, arms (palms, areas). The smell of sweat in representatives of the stronger sex is quite pungent, much stronger than in women. It is often observed in men at night, during sleep. If these factors are excluded, then the man needs to be examined for the following pathologies:

    • Prostatitis and other diseases of the genitourinary system.
    • Oncology.
    • Colds.
    • Infectious and fungal diseases.
    • Diseases of the respiratory system.
    • Problems with the circulatory and cardiovascular systems.
    • Improper functioning of the digestive tract.

    Causes of excessive sweating in women

    In this situation, women and men are united by a tendency to frequent sweating due to external factors, as well as the presence of pathological abnormalities in the body. However, women have periods in their lives when frequent heavy sweating is completely foreseen by nature itself and the arms and legs are quite natural:

    • The period when a girl’s reproductive system is reconstructed into an adult one and matures for the possibility of childbearing. This can occur between the ages of 10 and 18, especially during sleep.
    • During menstruation, a woman is also exposed to frequent flushes of sweat in the legs, armpits, palms, arms, intimate area, and head. There is no need to worry about this, but it is worth increasing the number of water procedures. Taking a shower is much safer than immersing yourself in a bathtub of water.
    • Women at the end of their reproductive years, on the eve of menopause, begin to sweat frequently. Sweating increases in the armpits, face of the head, soles of the feet, and palms. The reason lies again in the reproductive system. Conventional medications that are prescribed during menopause, as well as cosmetics and folk remedies, will help reduce frequent hyperhidrosis.

    Women often sweat due to improper metabolism in the body. This problem has become global in recent decades. If a person often has severe headaches, arms, head, plus weight problems, then this is a consequence of this particular illness.

    What to do if you sweat frequently

    If your hands, armpits, feet, or palms sweat very often and profusely, a person should treat the disease associated with this. People struggle with this phenomenon in different ways:

    • In cases of hereditary or chronic diseases, surgical treatment methods can be used. In other cases, a person will be helped by various procedures and medication. Surgical techniques reduce the number or affect the nerve impulses that activate them.
    • The procedures are aimed at narrowing the tubules responsible for sweating.
    • Drug treatment is aimed primarily at eliminating the disease that caused it.
    • Traditional medicine helps get rid of odor and high moisture content in problem areas.

    Fungal diseases

    Separately, I would like to mention diseases caused by fungi, since they have a completely different nature and, accordingly, a treatment regimen. If a person, regardless of whether it is a man or a woman, suffers, then this situation can be provoked by a fungus. Such diseases respond well to treatment with special ointments and gels that can be bought at the pharmacy. They must indicate the presence of an antifungal effect in the treatment of armpits, palms, and arms.

    The modern pharmaceutical industry offers remedies for local (local hyperhidrosis) in which, legs, palms, armpits. Such remedies are more effective than those intended for the general treatment of hyperhidrosis.

    How to treat sweating head

    Head sweating is more common during sleep. Men and women suffer from this to the same extent. Treating sweating on the head by reducing blood flow or atrophying nerve receptors is quite dangerous, because this causes damage to the hair. What to do if a person’s head sweating during sleep is too strong? To reduce this problem, you can use masks or rinses with the following ingredients:

    • Henna.
    • Basma.
    • Clay.
    • Sea salt.
    • Strong brewing of tea leaves.

    Do the treatment at night so that maximum absorption of medicinal substances occurs during sleep. People can make not only masks. Decoctions of chamomile and celandine are good to use as a rinse after washing your hair. They are easy to make: pour 3 tablespoons of dry plants into 0.5 liters. hot water, leave for 1 hour. A person may sweat during sleep due to synthetic bedding. Many men like to wrap their heads up while sleeping. Hence and.

    The human body has certain health constants. For example, blood pressure, body temperature, amount of urine. These are vital signs. If you take body temperature and its changes in one direction or the other indicate disturbances in the body. A decrease in body temperature indicates problems with the immune system or the presence of cancer. An increase is a malfunction of the central nervous system or a harbinger of an inflammatory process within the body.

    The human body is a complex mechanism. It has one more function - it produces sweat. Why does a person sweat? It turns out that this is a natural reaction of the body to overheating. But there are different reasons for overheating.

    Sweat while sleeping

    The cause of profuse sweating at night may be hyperhidrosis. There are other reasons for this phenomenon that do not relate to disease. For example, if you ate a lot before going to bed. In this case, you are also at risk of nightmares. To solve this problem, you need to wean yourself from the habit of eating before bed and do it no later than 2 hours before.

    People who are covered with a very warm blanket may also sweat. Change it and you will feel comfortable.

    Are your feet sweating?

    The feet have a large number of nerve fibers and sweat glands. That is why the reaction very often appears on the feet, as a natural way to cool the body. This may also be due to the wrong choice of shoes. If the shoes are not leather, but synthetic, then the feet begin to sweat and may appear. Or the presence of fungus leads to profuse sweating and a bad odor.

    Palms are sweating

    The hands also have many sweat glands, just like the feet. They react to stress and in this case, people's palms begin to sweat a lot. The subconscious also reacts with increased sweating of the palms when people tell lies.

    Sweat in the armpits and groin area

    These places are the warmest on the human body. They are used to determine the increase in body temperature. The main lymph nodes in the body are also located there, so along with sweat, the body is also cleansed of toxins and waste.

    Obese people sweat much more often and more

    The first reason is that the larger the volume of the body, the more energy needs to be expended to heat it. But the volume does not allow it to cool very quickly and overheating occurs. At the same time, people who are overweight suffer from slagging in the body. The smell is most often very intense and unpleasant.

    Cold sweat

    A manifestation such as cold sweat can indicate various diseases. This could be a viral infection or a transitional period during adolescence. Sometimes this occurs due to toxicity during drug or alcohol use. In this case, the doctor must eliminate not only the symptoms, but also identify the cause.

    So, the reasons that lead to the release of cold sweat:

    • Infectious in nature.
    • Pregnancy, especially in the first and last trimester.
    • Age-related disorders.
    • Diabetes mellitus.
    • Thyroid gland dysfunction.
    • Slow or accelerated metabolic processes in the body.
    • Cardiovascular diseases.
    • Migraine attacks.
    • Poisoning.
    • Neuroses.
    • Constant stress.
    • Alcohol intoxication.
    • Allergic reaction.
    • Drug intoxication.
    • Solar overheating.

    Cold sweat as a symptom of serious illness

    This may be an indicator of chronic diseases such as diabetes or cardiovascular disorders. If we are talking about a viral infection, it could be: tuberculosis or hepatitis. In cases where the manifestations of cold sweat are not temporary, but permanent, this may be one of the harbingers of the presence of cancer.


    When an adult sweats, there seems to be no particular cause for concern. But if such a symptom is detected in a child, adults become scared. Because this can be a signal of serious diseases, such as: vegetative-vascular dystonia, rickets, a sharp change in intracranial pressure or colds, even pneumonia. It is necessary to urgently consult a doctor. Only he can correctly determine the diagnosis and prescribe a course of treatment.

    Solving the problem of severe sweating

    The first thing to do is to eliminate the causes of excessive sweating. And then you need to remove the investigation. Sometimes finding the cause and solving the problem can take a long time. Doctors offer different options to solve the problem of sudden sweating - this may include taking medications, deodorants, or surgical intervention in the armpit area. You can also use folk remedies to solve the problem: special herbs, baths, essential oils.


    • Botuloxin. Used for injection. It affects the nervous system to “turn off” the receptors that are responsible for sweat production. The only disadvantage of this treatment is its price. This type of treatment must be repeated every six months.
    • Iontophoresis. People who have tried this method of restoring the body talk about its productivity. Especially to solve the problem of increased sweating of the feet and palms.
    • Medicines. There are two categories of medications to solve this problem. The first type of drugs contains substances that act at the cellular level and directly affect the glands responsible for sweat. For example, malavit.

    The second type of drugs has a sedative effect on the central nervous system.

    • Surgical intervention. Even in the first time after the operation, there is a noticeable improvement in the condition.
    • The most important rule is to carefully monitor your hygiene. Swim every day in winter and twice a day in summer. You will need a special antibacterial soap. Use powders and deodorants. Never use deodorant on a dirty body.
    • Use contrasting rain. It is necessary to normalize the functioning of the central nervous system.
    • When choosing clothes, give preference to natural fabrics. Synthetics combined with the smell then gives a very unpleasant odor. Choose only leather shoes.
    • Eat right. To avoid the unpleasant odor of sweat, doctors recommend not eating spicy foods or those with a lot of seasonings. The smell of sweat also increases after drinking coffee, chocolate, fish, garlic, cola, cumin or black tea.

    Treatment with folk remedies

    To treat excessive sweating with folk remedies, you will need various herbs and essential oils. It can be willow, oak or birch bark; walnut leaves, and apple cider vinegar will also help.

    Recipe 1

    You will need:

    • White willow – 1 teaspoon.
    • Water – 0.5 liters.


    Combine these ingredients and leave to infuse overnight. Strain. Use for bath.

    Recipe 2

    You will need:

    • Walnut peel (green) – 3 fruits.
    • Valerian root – 1 teaspoon with a mountain.
    • Horsetail - 1 tablespoon.

    Cooking method

    Take half a liter of water and add all the ingredients. Drink a glass in the morning after waking up.

    Recipe 3


    • Millennial herb – 1 teaspoon.
    • Sage leaves – 1 teaspoon.


    The grass must be crushed using a mortar. When it turns into powder, pour cool boiled water over it. Leave to infuse for several hours. It is best to do this at night, and then drink at least one glass after waking up.

    What to do with your feet?

    • Make such a mask for your feet by choosing effective ones. First, they must be washed well in warm water. Then combine talc with starch in a ratio of 9:1. Apply to your legs and leave overnight.
    • In the morning, before putting on socks or tights, constantly treat your feet with starch. Thus, you will reduce excessive foot sweating several times.
    • Take 2 teaspoons of sea salt and pour hot boiled water over them. Rinse your feet with this solution after an evening swim. It is also suitable for washing hands.
    • Oak bark will help with excessive sweating of the feet. Take the bark from young trees, dry it and turn it into powder. Pour it into your socks, wear them overnight, and rinse them with cold water in the morning.
    • Rinse your feet well with warm water. Place two birch leaves between your fingers. Change the leaves twice a day - morning and evening.

    Increased sweating is a reflex reaction of the body to environmental temperature indicators.

    The work of the sweat glands helps protect a person from overheating.

    Increased sweating is also observed during intense sports activities.

    However, the reasons are not always hidden precisely in these factors. Why else does heavy sweating occur?

    The reasons are often hidden not in the hot season, but in disruptions in the functioning of the internal systems of the body.

    1. Hormonal imbalance. It is observed in hyperthyroidism, obesity and diabetes mellitus, during menopause or puberty.

    2. Psychosomatic disorders, disorders of the nervous system.

    3. Infectious diseases that provoke an increase in body temperature.

    4. Pathologies of the heart or problems with blood pressure.

    5. Oncological diseases.

    6. Disturbances in the urinary system.

    7. The result of food or alcohol poisoning.

    8. Sometimes excessive sweating is a reaction to a person’s emotions. For example, severe stress or anxiety.

    These are not all the factors that provoke excessive sweating. The reasons are individual. It is recommended to undergo examination by a doctor to identify the true one.

    Increased sweating in the armpits

    For some people, excessive sweating in the armpits becomes a real problem, especially in the summer. On the one hand, there is nothing to be surprised about - this is a normal reaction of orgasm to hot weather. However, if too much sweat is produced, this may indicate a hormonal imbalance or a metabolic disorder. If a person feels discomfort, be sure to consult a doctor to identify the cause of the disease.

    Sometimes the problem turns out to be not so serious and to solve it it is enough to reconsider your daily diet. Especially in the summer, it is not recommended to consume large quantities of alcoholic beverages, too salty or spicy foods.

    Severe sweating of the feet

    Sweaty feet are a common problem. It would not be so serious if it were not accompanied by an unpleasant odor, which gives a person moral discomfort, because this “aroma” is also felt by those around him.

    The bottom line is that there are a large number of sweat glands on the feet. If they feel an “unfavorable environment”, they begin to work hard. This could be, for example, wearing too tight shoes or thick socks, or walking for a long time. In the absence of oxygen, bacteria begin to multiply, resulting in an unpleasant odor.

    Sometimes cracks and blisters begin to form between the fingers. In such a situation, the best solution would be to visit a dermatologist. The doctor will prescribe treatment and help you get rid of the unpleasant problem. Of course, we must not forget about the rules of hygiene. It is also recommended to give preference to shoes made from natural materials that will allow your feet to “breathe.”

    Heavy sweating: causes of increased work of glands throughout the body

    It happens that a person simply cannot explain the reasons for the total sweating of his body. His clothes become wet, soaked in sweat, and give off an unpleasant, persistent smell. This condition is evidence of a violation of the internal systems of the body; it is necessary to contact a specialist to solve the problem.

    Heavy sweating: causes

    1. A congenital feature of an organism of a hereditary nature.

    2. Disorders of the nervous system.

    3. Disorders of the endocrine system.

    4. Infectious diseases.

    If a person has a high body temperature, which is accompanied by fever and severe headache, it is most likely an infectious disease. However, if no temperature changes were noted, the cause may be more serious. To diagnose it, you need to visit a doctor and get tested.

    Sweating in the head area

    Among all types of sweating, the scalp area is the most noticeable. For example, this happens during exercise or when lifting weights. Why does heavy sweating still occur? The reasons may be due to other factors that can be explained by human physiology.

    1. Stress and emotional distress. This happens especially often with shy and modest people. When a person is worried, the nervous system is irritated and its reaction is to sweat.

    2. Disruption of the body’s thermoregulation system. This can happen in overweight people due to metabolic imbalance.

    Heavy sweating at night

    Very often, patients turn to doctors with complaints that they sweat a lot at night. In this situation, the cause is not a disruption of the autonomic system, everything is much more serious.

    1. Tuberculosis. Characterized by sudden weight loss and night sweats.

    2. Cancer associated with the lymphatic system. In addition to increased sweating, patients experience enlarged lymph nodes.

    3. Sometimes heavy sweating during sleep can be caused by a disease such as AIDS.

    4. Hormonal disorders and thyroid dysfunction.

    5. Obesity, diabetes and metabolic problems.

    If you experience discomfort due to heavy sweating during sleep and at night, it is recommended to consult a doctor and get tested to rule out serious problems within the body.

    Increased sweating in women

    The reasons why women experience heavy sweating can be due to various factors.

    Most often it is a hormonal imbalance. It could be:

    Pregnancy and breastfeeding period;

    Menstrual cycle;


    Puberty period.

    Sweat comes out all over the body - on the hands, face, and armpits. Sometimes accompanied by redness.

    If a woman notices that she is sweating in large quantities, which was not the case before, it is necessary to undergo a full examination of the endocrine system and check the normal level of hormones. Sometimes, it is enough to take additional hormonal medications to solve the problem.

    Excessive sweating in the stronger sex

    Men are sometimes not at all surprised that wet marks form on their clothes. Representatives of the stronger sex often face stress and physical work - which causes sweat.

    However, if profuse sweating occurs not only during emotional and physical activity, this is a reason for panic, so you need to visit a doctor and undergo a medical examination.

    How to deal with excessive sweating

    Heavy sweating, the causes of which a person has found out, remains a problem until one begins to fight it. In addition to antiperspirant, there are other common methods that give excellent results.

    1. In constant stressful situations and emotional stress, you should consider taking sedatives. It is advisable to first consult with your doctor so that he can prescribe a suitable complex.

    2. Iontophoresis. An innovative method to cleanse the pores of the skin. As a result, the work of the sweat and sebaceous glands is stimulated.

    3. If necessary, women are prescribed hormonal medications to normalize the level of nutrients in the body.

    4. Aspiration curettage. This method allows you to completely destroy the sweat glands. As a result, a person will forever be able to forget about what excessive sweating is.

    5. Regulating your diet. You need to eliminate too salty and spicy foods from your diet, switch to vegetable fats, and eat as many fresh vegetables and fruits as possible.

    6. If a person is overweight, he needs to think about losing a few kilograms. This will help cope with the problem of “wet T-shirts”.

    Preventive measures

    By following simple preventive measures, a person can rid himself of the problem of sweating.

    1. The room must be ventilated 15 minutes before bedtime. Fresh air has a positive effect on human health.

    4. Shoes are also chosen from natural materials. In summer it is desirable that it be open.

    5. It is important to ensure compliance with the correct diet and drinking regime to avoid excess weight.

    6. You should try to avoid stressful situations. A disturbance in the emotional background provokes not only heavy sweating, but also other health problems.

    7. Antiperspirants should be chosen without odor and with a minimum set of chemical compounds in their composition. Before going to bed, be sure to take a shower to wash off any remaining makeup.

    Unable to cope with heavy sweating on your own? A doctor will help identify the causes of the disease. Having passed the tests, a person will be able to find out about the condition of his body and prevent serious diseases, the symptom of which may be sweating.



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