Distance learning in secondary school. Online school or school distance education

Increasingly, parents are thinking about the imperfections of the modern education system. The reasons for dissatisfaction can be different: you are not satisfied with the school curriculum, specific teachers, the psychological situation, the school is too far away. It also happens that a child, due to health problems or psychological characteristics, cannot attend a regular school. An excellent alternative in such a situation can be a distance learning school for your child.

What is distance learning at school?

This is communication between teacher and student through Internet technologies. The student gets access to video lessons, teaching materials, and possibly online communication with the teacher. After completing the lesson, the student completes his homework. At the end of the training period, the student takes certification online. Some educational institutions require the student to be physically present during certification.

Advantages of distance education for children

  1. The first and obvious advantage is that parents themselves set their child’s daily routine. You no longer need to wake up your sleepy child at 7 am every day. They study in a mode that is comfortable for themselves and for as long as their child needs to master the material.
  2. Parents have the opportunity to control the child’s social circle. At school, children are often subjected to psychological pressure from teachers and peers. This traumatizes the child and reduces his ability to learn.
  3. Less time is spent on mastering the material than at school. After all, the child is provided with an individual approach.
  4. Freedom of movement. The child has the opportunity to study from anywhere in the world. The main thing is to have a computer and the Internet.
  5. Parents themselves choose extracurricular activities for their child. Instead of physical education, the school has the opportunity to go to the swimming pool or dance.
  6. There is no need for tutors. Older students can independently improve their knowledge in some subjects. There is the possibility of distance preparation for the Unified State Exam. This will give your child confidence and help reduce stress when taking exams.

Disadvantages of distance education

Of course, there are also disadvantages in distance learning:

  1. requires maximum parental involvement. If parents work full time all week, they simply will not have the opportunity to supervise learning and help the child master new knowledge.
  2. The authority of the teacher is absent. There are many examples when teachers put their hearts into it and pass on their love for the subject to children. We remember such teachers, and we carry these memories throughout our lives.
  3. Material aspect. In some parts of our country, not everyone has access to the Internet, and a computer is a luxury, not a learning tool.
  4. Children in distance learning are deprived of communication with peers. But this problem can be easily solved by frequent walks, visits to clubs and sections.
  5. Another disadvantage is the time the child spends at the computer.

Having examined the principles of distance learning in school, as well as weighed all the pros and cons of this form of education, let’s move on to specific examples of schools and resources that help bring this idea to life.

Official distance schools

Today there are distance learning schools with state accreditation. They provide complete general secondary education in a distance form and, based on the results of certification and the results of the Unified State Examination, issue documents on secondary education of the state standard. As a rule, intermediate certifications in such schools of alternative education take place online, and for certification of older schoolchildren and passing the Unified State Exam, the child’s personal presence is required.

It has the status of a secondary official educational institution. Provides basic and additional education to children from grades 1 to 10. Has the right to issue documents on secondary general education of the state standard.

Interim certifications can be carried out both in person and remotely. Upon successful completion of certification, students gain access to participate in the Unified State Exam. The Unified State Examination takes place only in full-time mode.

The school is located in St. Petersburg. For students located in other cities and outside Russia, the school provides a form of distance education from grades 1 to 11. Paperwork, tuition fees, and annual certification are completed directly at the school. For students in grades 9-11, attendance at school is required at least 2 times a year.

The school is located in Moscow. Provides distance education to schoolchildren according to the Russian and American international program. Distance learning takes place only in combination with training in the form of self-education or family education. For certification, students in grades 9-11 must be present at school.

Informal distance schools

Also, adherents of family education have the opportunity to study in online schools and undergo certification in the schools to which their children are assigned.

The school offers complete secondary education remotely. The school is currently undergoing the procedure for obtaining a license, and from the 2016/2017 academic year it will officially enroll students. The educational program at the school meets state standards.

The school provides distance education for children from grades 1 to 5, as well as preparatory classes for preschoolers.

Distance online school for students in grades 5-11. Classes are taught by teachers from Moscow State University, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Higher School of Economics and other leading universities in the country. At school, children can improve and deepen their knowledge of the subjects of the school curriculum. Prepare for the Olympiad, passing the Unified State Exam and State Examination.

Alternative education groups on social networks

Many parents like the idea of ​​family-based and distance education. But the lack of experience and support from friends and relatives is frightening. There are a large number of communities on social networks where parents share methods, recommend distance schools, organize meetings, events, and support each other in this difficult matter.

This is a group for parents who decide to teach their children at home on their own. Parents share their experiences, information about educational institutions where they can undergo certification, and find like-minded people.

The group contains information about alternative and family education in Russia. Parents share their experiences and look for like-minded people.

"Freedom in Education" is a community of Russian-speaking families who educate their children at home. The main emphasis is on free education, which takes into account the interests and characteristics of the child.

Educational sites on school subjects

If a child is not yet ready to switch completely to distance learning at school, but has problems in some subjects, websites that present school curriculum material in an accessible and interesting way will help.
uchi.ru - resource for online learning


  • math4school.ru – Mathematics for school
  • math.ru - This is a resource for schoolchildren, students and teachers

The development of information technology has a direct impact on the field of education in general and on distance learning at school in particular. It is generally accepted that “live” student-teacher interaction is very important and much better, but it is impossible to do without distance learning in the modern world. There are several reasons for this:

  • In some regions of our country, access to school may be limited, for example, by floods or extremely low temperatures. In the Far North, children may miss up to one or two months of school due to frost each year;
  • some schoolchildren would like to receive education at a school or lyceum, which is physically difficult to attend;
  • Not all children with disabilities benefit from inclusive education, and even those who attend school may miss a large number of classes due to their health.

All this hints at the fact that, in a good way, to one degree or another, distance learning should be present in every school, because with the introduction of widespread inclusion, children with disabilities are studying everywhere. At any school, students can get sick and spend a long time at home, and no one has canceled the closure of the school for quarantine. You will learn more about working with children with disabilities at the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Prospects for the development of modern kindergartens and schools in conditions of constant change”, which will be held on November 20-23, 2018.

Advantages of distance learning at school

  1. Individual approach and personalization of the educational process. The distance learning schedule can be tailored to each student and changed depending on the circumstances. At the same time, the training program can also be adaptive and take into account such characteristics of the student as the speed of perception of information, the level of initial training, motivation to learn, and predisposition to one or another form of perception of the material.
  2. Improving the quality of training. This point can be called controversial because there are many dissenters who are ardent supporters of traditional forms of teaching. At the same time, hardly anyone will deny that the development of the Internet has simplified access to a huge amount of educational material for anyone. And this is also one of the manifestations of technological progress.
  3. Expanding the boundaries and reducing the cost of components of the educational process. This is what was discussed above. Some schoolchildren will be able to save more than an hour of time every day, which they would otherwise spend on travel, and some will even be able to study at a school that is located in another part of the country. And just replacing printed educational materials with electronic ones already saves a lot of money.
  4. Preservation of teaching experience. Unique proprietary courses, for example, when working with gifted children, will not disappear anywhere if they are recorded and saved.
  5. Reducing the workload on teachers. According to RANEPA monitoring information, the number of teachers who work double-time from 2014 to 1017 almost doubled - from 7.3% to 13.8%. Add 37.5% of teachers who work half-time, and we come to the conclusion that that the load needs to be taken off them somehow. One solution is distance learning.

How to organize distance learning at school

The issue of introducing distance learning must be considered from three sides.

  • Social. Everything is simple here, schoolchildren today actively use social networks, forums and chats, so the method of presenting information in DL will be familiar and comfortable for them.
  • Technical. In terms of technical equipment, everything is fine in schools, there are enough computers and access to the Internet. But not every child has a computer at home. Another problem is that teachers cannot always organize, for example, a video conference on their own. In the regions of the Far North there are problems with the quality of the Internet; it is impossible to ensure the stability of distance learning there.
  • Methodical. The main contradiction is that the use of distance learning makes sense only if it improves the quality of education as a whole, but this is difficult to do due to the lack of the necessary experience and any developments among the majority.

That is, any program for introducing distance learning must take into account all these aspects. The process itself can be divided into five steps.

  1. Creation of a creative group of teachers who will be responsible for distance education at school.
  2. Training of this group in special advanced training courses.
  3. Preparation of a base of educational material that schoolchildren will use in the learning process and to independently consolidate what they have learned.
  4. A comprehensive study of a distance learning system, for example, Moodle.
  5. Developing distance courses on your own or attracting specialists and teachers from other educational institutions for this purpose.

We can also highlight five requirements that must be taken into account in the process of creating training courses.

  • The student must be motivated to learn; for this it is important that the goals and objectives of the learning are clearly formulated. At the same time, what is required from the student must correspond to his level of knowledge.
  • Preparing a child for preschool. This is realized with the help of supporting materials, for example, special manuals.
  • The presentation of the material should be easy to understand. To do this, you need to use readability principles.
  • There should be an opportunity for feedback, including individual feedback.
  • It is important to have a system of intermediate assessment of learning so that the student has an idea of ​​whether he is doing well or not.

When organizing distance learning at school, there are typical problems that are typical for all educational institutions. Many teachers, especially those in the humanities, have difficulty structuring and adapting educational material. Many teachers are characterized by conservatism, and they will resist in every possible way such an innovation as DL. They fiercely defend their point of view and defend traditional teaching methods.

There are also difficulties in selecting technical personnel who must deploy the distance education system and accompany it at all stages. It is important to select competent people for this role.

There are also certain requirements that schoolchildren must comply with during distance learning. They are required to be polite and correct in communicating with the teacher and with each other. They must learn not only to speak, but also to write in good language, without errors, and to formulate their thoughts clearly and concisely. It is very important that schoolchildren do everything on time and do not abuse the time of the teacher and other children. Finally, it is necessary to develop their respect for copyright.

Moodle distance learning environment

The most common environment for a distance learning system in a school is Moodle (a modular object-oriented dynamic learning environment). Its distinctive features are open source code, rich functionality, flexibility, reliability and ease of use.

An international team of developers led by the Moodle Foundation in Australia has been working on it for more than 10 years. It is known all over the world; today there are more than 60 thousand installations in almost all countries. This environment has been translated into more than 10 languages, including Russian.


  • stores all course materials, allows you to organize them using hyperlinks, tags and shortcuts;
  • allows you to use not only text as educational material, but also any interactive resources, be it an article on Wikipedia or a video on YouTube;
  • supports the exchange of files of any format between students and between student and teacher;
  • Great opportunities for communication through forums, personal messages, comments, mailings, etc.;
  • saves and maintains portfolios for all students, grades, teacher comments, forum messages;
  • controls "attendance".

All this helps the teacher use his time most effectively, and this is one of the tasks that distance learning at school must solve.

Some parents have to think about transferring their child to distance learning. The reasons may be different: the student’s poor health, relocation, sports career, and so on. Read in the material “RIAMO in Podolsk” how to switch to distance learning, what its pros and cons are, and how to properly organize the educational process at home.

Types of training

Website: giphy.com

It is impossible to imagine the modern world without a general education system. In many ways, it is the school that determines how a child will grow up, who he will become, and also how prepared he will be for adult life.

Unfortunately, not all schools can boast of decent and high-quality education, and not all schoolchildren can boast of the opportunity to regularly attend classes. What about those who for some reason cannot attend school? What should parents do who decide to independently engage in the diversified development of their child?

First of all, you need to decide on the type of training. Indeed, in addition to traditional full-time schooling, there are the following options:

- partial homeschooling with free attendance at school lessons;

- externship- study at home with the obligation to undergo intermediate and final certification at school;

- distance learning.

The latter option is especially popular if the family is forced to frequently move from place to place, in case of moving to another area, city or even abroad. It is also relevant if the child has poor health. Some talented young athletes and musicians also choose distance learning in order to simultaneously pursue a favorite and promising activity.

In fact, all you need for distance learning is a computer and the Internet, as well as self-discipline.

Pros of distance learning

One of the main advantages of distance learning is the opportunity for parents to independently organize the educational process. The student gains knowledge through online communication with his teacher, but for classes he can choose the most convenient time period, and also be in his usual home environment.

The training program can be discussed in advance with the school and the most suitable option for mastering a particular subject can be selected. Also, the child will not need to attend additional electives and preparatory classes.

Also, during training, parents can be calm: the child will not be distracted by his classmates, he will not fall into bad company or under bad influence. In addition, he will not become infected with various infectious diseases from other students.

Finally, distance learning allows children who, for some reason, cannot attend classes, to receive a quality education.

Disadvantages of distance learning

Parents need to understand that nothing can completely and fully replace a child’s traditional full-time education at school.

There will be a lot within the walls of his home that will distract him from his studies. Therefore, with such training, parents need to take on the roles of a class teacher, director, and psychologist. You will have to constantly ensure that the child actually studies and masters the program.

Parents will also have to spend some effort to create a proper daily routine and take into account time for activities and rest. Raising a thirst for knowledge, willpower and self-discipline in a child, and especially in a teenager, is also not easy.

In addition, you need to provide the student with the opportunity to communicate with peers: regularly attend various clubs and sections, children's events and holidays, and friends' parties. All this needs to be carefully thought through, and the responsibility for this again lies with the parents.

Is there a reason for transfer?

To transfer a child to home schooling, during which he is visited by school teachers, there must be a good reason. This system was developed specifically for teaching disabled children. The entire educational process is undertaken by the school in which the student is enrolled.

Other types of distance learning for the child are chosen and organized by the child’s parents. Accordingly, they do not need to ask permission from teachers or any authority. Also, there is not necessarily a specific reason for transferring to such homeschooling.

How to switch to distance learning

Before transferring a child to a new type of education, parents should tell him about the pros and cons and ask his opinion. Of course, he won't have to get up early, go to school and do his homework at a specific time. However, he will have to get used to the new routine and the fact that he will have less interaction with his peers. In addition, he will have to develop self-discipline, and this is not easy.

When transferring a child to distance learning, parents are required to inform the school about the decision. To do this, it is enough to write an application to the director about switching to another form of education and take away the student’s personal file.

You also need to call the municipality’s education committee and report your intention to transfer your child to distance learning.

Education Committee of the Podolsk Administration

Address: Podolsk, st. Vellinga, 3

Telephone: 8 (496) 763‑74-44

Opening hours: Monday - Thursday from 9:00 to 18:00, Friday from 9:00 to 17:00, break from 13:00 to 14:00

After this, you need to choose a school that has the ability to teach via the Internet. About ten years ago, it was not easy to find such an educational institution, but today a large number of different distance schools have appeared, the education in which is in no way inferior to the traditional form. As a rule, you can get a certificate from them, since many have the appropriate license and provide state-issued education documents.

How does distance learning work?

Distance learning is communication between teacher and student via the Internet. The student gets access to the necessary video lessons and teaching materials, and the lessons are taught by teachers via Skype. As in a regular school, after school the child must do homework and, at the end of a certain period of study, take an assessment online.

How to organize homeschooling

Website: giphy.com

First you need to carefully consider your new daily routine. For full development, a student needs a strict schedule and a clear routine. Moreover, everything should be taken into account: communication with the teacher, lessons, clubs, rest, good sleep. Parents need to monitor compliance with the regime.

You also need to control the educational process - despite the free schedule, lessons should always be done on time. However, a balance is needed here: you should not put too much pressure on the child and force him to do “everything right now.” The main advantage of distance learning is the ability to rationally allocate time and teach this to a child.

In addition to compulsory school subjects, it is necessary to introduce extracurricular activities, attendance at clubs and sections. Here it is important not only to understand what the student really wants to do, but also not to overdo it - too many activities will not lead to anything good.

Don't forget about the cultural program. For example, a child can be periodically taken to museums and theaters. Moreover, it is best to use this to consolidate the material studied.

Finally, the child should have time for rest and personal matters. You cannot deprive him of the opportunity to communicate with his peers - this will have a detrimental effect on his psyche. It would be nice to sometimes organize children's events and have parties in honor of holidays and birthdays.

Today we’ll talk about school distance education: its differences from external education, its pros, cons, problems and prospects.

A trivial situation: your child or you have decided that your child has nothing to do at school, you need to start learning on your own. There can be many reasons: illness, problems with peers, lack of “strong” teachers, the child’s heavy workload, extreme distance from home, living in another country, etc.

There was only one way out: transfer the child to family education (or external education), attach to a nearby school and go and take subjects. The advantages of such a system: independent planning of your time, individual self-study or with tutors. There are more disadvantages: the child’s unpreparedness for such training, the teachers’ unpreparedness to work with such a child, the school administration’s unpreparedness for this form of education, the imposition of their own standards, textbooks, etc. In the end, instead of the school paying you money for such a child, you will also have to pay teachers for devoting time to your child for his certification. In large cities there is one or at most two schools that work only with external students, but, of course, for a fee. And there’s no need to talk about the periphery...

The situation in ordinary schools is also not encouraging. Strong teachers have all fled from there, some to paid gymnasiums, some to private schools. It remains to state a fact: secondary school is a complete semblance of learning with a complete lack of motivation in both children and teachers. Children seem to learn, and teachers seem to teach. But there is no longer any solid knowledge, even basic knowledge. Not to mention the fact that the school must bear an ideological and educational load, i.e. to shape the worldview of schoolchildren. They spend about 6-7 hours a day in it! Today this time is a continuous aimless, non-binding party.

Parents begin to look for a way out. On the one hand, I want my son or daughter to receive a good education, which would help in later life and become highly moral people (hmm, although, everyone decides for themselves). On the other hand, they didn’t focus on their studies and did various interesting things: sports, music, drawing, etc. On the third hand, the Internet is advancing by leaps and bounds across the country, and even in remote villages, children are actively using ICQ and posting videos on Youtube . From the fourth, and if in a city or village there is no decent school, which, as it seems, could give parents decent knowledge sufficient to enter a university, but in the neighboring one there is, but again you won’t run into...

There is only one way out - study at a school that implements a distance education system, i.e. able to teach from a distance. And then it doesn’t matter where it is - in Kamchatka or Moscow. Any student has the right to choose a school and start studying. Moreover, the level of development of modern technology allows you to successfully study there.

Paid schools and gymnasiums were the first to offer distance education services. It’s beautiful - the children are enrolled in their school, they study at home, they don’t even need to come often - once a year is enough. Communication - via email or Skype . Fees for such training vary greatly. “Give a school curriculum on a computer” - this is the most relevant slogan today. In addition, a law on distance learning was recently passed. In general, laws have been proactive lately. There used to be a problem - in about a few years they will pass a law that regulates it. Look, everyone is shouting with joy - “Hurray! Finally, we got it." Tears of joy, relief. We waited so long! And now - the problem has not yet been clearly identified, but already, bam! And there is a law regulating it. How to live? People have not yet understood why this is, what for? There is no special joy! Well, this is a lyrical digression.

For example, distance education has already firmly occupied its niche in higher education. There are many completely distance learning universities, where education in many respects is not only inferior, but superior to the system of traditional universities. But now let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of school distance learning.

So, distance education is a combination of family (externship) and computer education using the Internet. Recently, a resolution was developed and adopted according to which pilot schools were selected, which were supposed to implement the distance education (DL) system. I honestly tried to call there and find out if I could arrange for my child to attend preschool. The answers turned out to be a little shocking: “This is only for sick people.” “We only send homework by email.” And one director even told me: “It was decided, but they didn’t give me a server!” And more similar babble.

But, fortunately, there are already gymnasiums and schools that understand and have successfully begun to implement such a system. Let's figure out which school can really be considered a panacea for our computerized children? What is distance school learning today?

In my opinion, a full-type distance school (all inclusive) should:

  1. Officially enroll your child in distance learning in any class (with all documents). Create and maintain a child’s personal file, issue the necessary documents accepted by law upon transfer to a regular school.

For example, your child studied at this school for three years. Then circumstances developed such that you are forced to send your child to a regular school. So, they should give him a personal file, a certificate stating that he studied in the established format. And most importantly, with these documents he must be accepted into any regular school or gymnasium, of course, if there are free places.

  1. A distance school must have its own CONTENT, i.e. multimedia and library digital resources for effective teaching of schoolchildren. As a rule, a modular system is used for convenience. The child began to study fractions - an entrance test, new material in the form of cartoon slides, test tasks, a couple more tasks to gain and consolidate solving skills, and an exit test. Either he has this information on disk and is updated every quarter, or he goes online, to a website under his name and password, and studies. School textbooks are determined by the school and digital content is developed for them accordingly. Although only an approved program and a paperless option are possible.

I would especially like to say that the classes are about Skype . My opinion is pure bullshit. For example, test yourself. What will you remember more if you watch a film, for example, about a tropical downpour in Africa, how animals and aborigines are saved, how nature blooms after the rain, how birds sing, etc. Or what if a person tells you the same thing on TV? The only one you can listen to is M. Zadorny. And even then, I often switch and watch some series or movie. Same with Skype -ohm. It is not clear what kind of person will say something to your child, but he must serve him and do it? Boring! What about the prices? From 2000 rubles! Yes, in the outback you can pay a tutor for a month with that amount. He will also push something in individually. And the level is approximately the same. May be, Skype and can be used to develop Russian and foreign speaking skills, but no more. After all, psychologists have long proven that we receive 80% of information visually, and only 15% remains for auditory perception. The computer not only makes it possible to diversify the system of acquiring knowledge as much as possible, but also intensifies the child’s intellectual work.

  1. Payment for distance learning should not be exorbitant. The tasks of the project coordinator or whoever is responsible for your child include only the initial paperwork, tracking your timely payment and passing all intermediate control measures for certification. Maybe also help in creating your individual lesson schedule, although this is also done automatically today.

The difference from the university distance learning system is the methods of presenting the material and the help of parents in mastering the material (at least at the first stage). The child should be gradually introduced to self-planning and self-education.

Experience:It is necessary to admit that the modern schoolchild’s system of perception of material, values, and life guidelines has changed. To educate an intellectual and moral personality, you need to use all today's technological achievements. Otherwise, the child will completely stop perceiving what is happening around him and will stop being active and inquisitive. Learning is work, but work with interest and motivation.

The nearest school by registration or the favorite school where the child studied before is always a lottery. A lot depends on the personal attitude of the director and teachers. At the registration school we were immediately very reassured: “We had family members, but everyone failed the winter session and went back to school.” I didn’t specify where the unfortunate kids had gone, and we continued studying at our favorite school with remote tests. If you are like family to everyone at school, you can try. And for those who want to have less contact with the school or help their child establish independent studies via the Internet, there are other options.

The convenience of such distance schools and portals is not only that you can study even in the middle of the jungle, as long as you have access to the Internet, but also that a significant part of mastering the material can gradually be delegated to the child, giving him the invaluable ability to work independently.

External office of Alexander Bitner

Cost from 23,000 rub. per year - depending on the class.

The system is close to the principle of studying at a university. Certifications take place in the form of online exams; you can take the material in blocks, step by step. You study and pass one subject per year, drawing up a schedule taking into account your plans and capabilities. The simulators will help you practice the necessary material. To prepare for the exam, you have all the options for questions and tasks, which eliminates unpleasant surprises and gaps in knowledge. There is an option of attachment in Novosibirsk and Moscow through the Our Penates school. The option with Novosibirsk is more convenient, since you don’t have to travel to write your work in person. You can also purchase access to the database without passing exams. There is a free trial mode in which you can familiarize yourself with the database and decide whether this option is right for you.

International School of Tomorrow

Without registration the cost starts from 4000 rubles. per month.

In which grades are visible, there is an electronic library, as well as the ability to communicate with the curator. You can use remote online lessons. Once a month you send test papers in the main subjects to the database. The school works according to the Donald Howard system, so it is possible to obtain an American certificate by studying according to the American program. Olga Soboleva’s distance Russian language school also operates.

If you are registered in Moscow, training is free, a one-time fee for the entire duration of training, plus training for parents (10,000 rubles per year). Friendly attitude, reasonable level of difficulty of tests.

Private school "Our Penates"

With registration - free, paid training costs 7,000 rubles. per month.

A very pleasant option for students with Moscow registration. For them, training is free, with the exception of the fee for document processing - 2,500 rubles. per year. Three times a year you will need to write remote tests, and once bring them to school in person. If necessary, you can attend consultations once a month; you will need to come in person for final work in the 4th and 7th grades at the end of the year.


The cost of training is from 6500 rubles. per year, depending on class

Located in St. Petersburg, it provides students with access to the Virtual School educational portal. Anyone can go there, regardless of where they live. You can pay extra for teacher consultations. Interim certification takes place online on the portal and consists of passing a test in each subject once a year. There is also a training base for preparing for certification and educational resources in all subjects.

Home School portal "Internet Lesson"

This is one in which there are different modes and capabilities. If you take assessments at your school, you can pay for the “Independent” format or the “With a teacher” format, and your child will master the material with minimal participation from you. He watches a video lesson on the school curriculum, takes tests and practices his acquired knowledge on simulators. And in the “With a teacher” mode, a consultation with a curator is added to these options. This is a good option for working parents or a family with several children who require attention. You can attach to one of the partner schools to pass certifications, and also enroll in a Home School for 3,300 rubles. along with documentation.

Homeschooling center "School4you"

Good for those who are not ready to go on a serious voyage and want to follow the program exactly. It is quite possible to leave the child with a nanny or grandmother, ensuring the presence of a computer with the Internet. Online lessons, individual and group in all subjects, from one to three times a month you can come for face-to-face group lessons and a meeting with the curator to understand if there are any gaps in knowledge. The student has access to a remote database with tests and additional materials. For a fee, they will help you to join one of the Moscow schools.

Intensive training center "Moscow Externships"

Homeschooled children from 1st to 8th grade. The child uses an online school, the package of which includes online lessons, testing, access to electronic resources and a curator. Twice a year you need to pass certification at school. Distance learning – from 5,000 to 15,000 rubles. per month. The cost of programs with face-to-face consultations once a month in all subjects is from 10,000 to 17,000 rubles.

Igor Chapkovsky Center

Cost – from 10,000 rubles.

Igor Moiseevich Chapkovsky, one of the leading specialists in family education, has been teaching children in families since the 80s of the 20th century. While studying at it, the child comes once or twice a week for an in-person lesson, where he interacts with the curator.

Lyceum "Ark-XXI"

Part-time and part-time under the wing of Rustam Kurbatov. Attachment to the Lyceum, passing certifications there and “One Day School” on Saturdays costs 7,750 rubles. per month. At the One Day School, mathematics, Russian and English are studied every week, and other subjects every other week. Creative activities are also held.

Educational center "Rainbow of Knowledge"

Offers distance learning and family learning. Admission to external studies is from grades 1 to 11.

Cost – 4400 rub. per month for certification in mathematics and Russian language, 5000 rubles. – one-time entrance fee. Once a month, the child takes tests in the Russian language and mathematics, and at the end of the year he takes free assessments in other subjects.

“Teleschool”, or Internet school “Enlightenment”

The first in Russia with accreditation. Access to an educational resource, which includes lectures, tests, simulators, and teacher consultations. Cost – from 55,000 rubles. per year.

There is also the opportunity to enroll in distance learning at the Waldorf school “The Path of Grain” http://www.putzerna.ru/, they cooperate with school No. 1816.

You may also find the homeschooling tips that we shared with you in the previous article useful.

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