Cheap analogues of Russian and foreign-made ACCs, instructions and comparison. ACC - instructions for use, cheap analogues

ACC is a popular drug that is prescribed for coughs accompanied by difficult to clear sputum. On pharmacy counters, the product can be found in the form of powder, syrup, and effervescent tablets. The cost of the medication depends on the form of release, and is quite high. There are cheaper analogs of ACC that are not inferior to it in their ability to facilitate the passage of mucus.

Indications for use and cost

ACC is an effective medicine containing the substance acetylcysteine, which has the following properties:

  • promotes expectoration of viscous sputum;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • stimulates the thinning of mucus;
  • helps remove secretions from the respiratory system;
  • eliminates toxicity;
  • relieves cough;
  • restores damaged mucous membranes.

The therapeutic effect can be felt already on the second day of administration. Many patients note the appearance of a wet cough, a decrease in swelling and an improvement in their general condition.

The medication is prescribed for all infectious diseases characterized by difficult-to-clear mucus in the bronchi.

Indications for use are:

  • various types of bronchitis;
  • pulmonary obstruction;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • sinusitis;
  • otitis;
  • laryngotracheitis and other diseases.

The drug can be taken by babies from the third week of life. That is why various forms of release are provided.

  • The medicine in the form of granules is sold at a price of 122-185 rubles. depending on the number of sachets in the package.
  • Effervescent tablets Long-600 No. 20 can be purchased at a price of 517 rubles.
  • The average cost of syrup is 346 rubles.

Which is better, ACC or similar drugs? It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously, since a certain remedy is suitable for each patient, depending on the severity of symptoms and health status.

What to replace

Most often, patients look for a replacement product after finding out its price or when negative effects appear after taking it. In this case, the doctor may recommend an inexpensive analogue of ACC with the same active substance or a product with a different active ingredient.

You can replace effervescent tablets with other medications with a similar expectorant effect. These drugs have the same release form and dosage of 600 mg, but their cost is slightly lower:

  • Acetylcysteine, 24 pieces is sold at a price of 233 rubles;
  • Fluimucil effervescent tablets, 10 pieces - 138 rubles each;
  • Vicks asset Expectomed can be found in online stores from 113 rubles.

Cheap analogues of ACC Long-600 can be purchased at any pharmacy, having previously notified the attending physician.


One of the popular analogues is the Swiss-made medicine Fluimucil, which has the same active ingredient and approximately the same cost. Effervescent tablets, solution and powder can be purchased in the range of 164-446 rubles, depending on the form of release.

The drug promotes the secretion of purulent mucus and increases the volume of sputum. Can be used by children from 6 years of age.

Which medication to choose, Fluimucil or ACC? After using both substances, relief occurs already on the second day. The difference between the drugs is that Fluimucil is additionally produced in the form of a solution for inhalation, ACC - in the form of syrup. Many people prefer the second medicine, since the syrup is more suitable for use in childhood.

The product with the active ingredient of the same name is sold in the form of powder and effervescent tablets. Used for all diseases accompanied by mucopurulent secretion in the respiratory tract.

Granules and soluble tablets can be purchased at a price of 117-233 rubles.

Other analogues containing the active component acetylcysteine ​​are:

  • Mukobene;
  • Tussicom;
  • Mucomist;
  • Exomyuk;
  • Atsestad;
  • Acestine.

All medications have similar therapeutic effects. Their differences may lie in auxiliary ingredients and dosages of the active substance.

Cough analogues

On the advice of a doctor, the prescribed medicine can be replaced with another analogue of ACC for cough, which will have a similar effect, but may contain a different active ingredient.

Medicines containing ambroxol

Such medicines are not structural analogues of ACC, and are produced in different countries. These drugs have a mucolytic effect, thinning mucus, but the mechanism of drug action may differ.

  • Lazolvan helps eliminate bacteria and removes toxins. Can be used from early childhood. Sold in the form of a solution for inhalation, syrup, tablets and capsules. Price – 170-394 rubles.
  • Ambrohexal in the form of solution, tablets and syrup also belongs to expectorants. It is used for bronchitis, viral infections and other pathologies of the respiratory system. Side effects include allergic reactions. Significantly cheaper than its analogue: from 98 to 220 rubles, depending on the form of release.
  • Salbroxol is a mucolytic substance used for bronchitis. Has anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties. The cost is very small - 50-80 rubles.
  • Ambrobene is an effective mucolytic that helps eliminate inflammation and swelling in the throat. Can be used in very young patients, including infants. All forms of release have a fairly high cost.

When choosing a cough remedy, it is important to understand its difference from other drugs. The medications have either mucolytic or antitussive properties and cannot be taken together.

Medicines containing bromhexine

Products containing the active ingredient bromhexine will help ease coughing and extract bronchial secretions. These include:

  • Solvin. Indications are various lung pathologies accompanied by viscous sputum. The tablets promote expectoration, have a mucolytic effect, and reduce swelling of the mucous membranes. Acceptable for children over 12 years of age.
  • Ascoril contains 3 active ingredients - salbutamol, guaifenesin, and bromhexine. It is used for cough reflexes provoked by acute and chronic bronchopulmonary pathologies with viscous sputum. Relaxes the smooth muscles of the bronchi, prevents spasms, improves the passage of sputum.
  • Bromhexine Akrikhin. Increases the volume of mucus and promotes the removal of phlegm. The therapeutic effect is felt after 2-5 days from the start of treatment. Indications are tracheobronchitis, tuberculosis, pneumonia and other diseases of the pulmonary tract.
  • Bromhexine Berlin-Chemie. An excellent analogue of ACC for children. Can be prescribed to children from the age of two. Intended for the treatment of various bronchopulmonary diseases accompanied by viscous secretions. It is not recommended in the first trimester of pregnancy, as well as for ulcerative pathologies in the acute stage.

Like acetylcysteine, bromhexine helps remove purulent mucus and thins thick sputum, but the list of restrictions on the use of drugs based on it is much longer. It is worth noting that some dosage forms with bromhexine are cheaper than ACC.

Plant-based analogues

Some patients are confident that the pills prescribed by the doctor can be replaced with other herbal remedies, and also believe that such medications have a better effect on the body and have fewer contraindications. However, only the attending physician should make this decision.

There are many medications with herbal extracts that stimulate sputum production and help remove mucus from the respiratory system. The most common are:

  • Gedelix syrup contains ivy leaf extract. Despite the high cost, it is very popular among adults and children. Successfully removes phlegm and has an antispasmodic effect.
  • Another effective remedy is Prospan syrup. It is used as an additional remedy for exacerbation of inflammatory processes and sore throat. Contains dried ivy raw materials. The cost of this medicine is quite high.
  • Gerbion syrup is an effective drug for any type of cough. It thins mucus, eliminates coughing attacks, helps reduce shortness of breath, and has antispasmodic properties.

ACC and its analogues are taken in the stage of transition of cough to wet and productive. Only a specialist should prescribe the necessary medication, based on the examination, diagnosis and complaints of the patient.

The cheapest analogues

On pharmacy counters you can find a huge number of drugs, the action of which is aimed at eliminating cough and relieving inflammatory processes. However, drug prices vary significantly.

  • The cheapest substitute for ACC is the Russian-made drug Mucaltin. You can buy it for 29 rubles. The active component is marshmallow, which promotes the removal of mucus and relieves inflammation. Prescribed for wet cough.
  • Another inexpensive medicine that thins sputum and removes it from the respiratory system is Pectusin. The composition includes plant extracts - thyme, thyme, as well as sugar syrup and ethanol. Due to this, it is not used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Bromhexine successfully separates viscous sputum. Prescribed for bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia. Cost – from 35 rubles.
  • A mucolytic medication that successfully relieves severe cough during pneumonia and tuberculosis is Ambroxol. Ukrainian-made tablets can be purchased at the same price as Mukaltin.
  • Pertussin is produced in the form of a sweet syrup. The active ingredient is thyme. Can be prescribed during pregnancy and for young children. You can buy it at a fairly low cost.

You should not change your prescribed cough medicine on your own. To do this, you need to carefully read the instructions for the drug, and also get advice from a specialist. The doctor will help you choose the necessary remedy, based on the individual characteristics of the patient and the clinical picture of the disease.

Most diseases are always accompanied by a cough, so it is understandable that there is a desire to get rid of it faster. The range of anti-influenza and expectorant drugs is wide. How to make the right choice? Not every medication is suitable for treating dry or wet cough. Likewise, ACC cannot always be used.

ACC - indications for use

The medicine ass is a mucolytic, expectorant and detoxifying agent prescribed for severe coughs in children and adults. This drug is capable of not only thinning mucus, but also effectively removing it from the lungs and bronchi, relieving inflammation, and improving the functioning of the body’s secretomotor functions. The ACC instructions state that it can be used if you have the following health conditions:

  • acute or chronic bronchiolitis and bronchitis;
  • asthma;
  • pulmonary eczema;
  • tuberculosis;
  • otitis media;

Even this is not all the possibilities of the ACC. Due to its medicinal properties, the drug is often used for cystic fibrosis, a hereditary disease caused by a gene mutation. In addition, it is often prescribed for the treatment of mild or prolonged inflammatory processes of the nasopharynx: tracheitis, acute rhinitis, nasopharyngitis, sinusitis, which are accompanied by the accumulation of large amounts of purulent mucus.

For what cough is ACC prescribed?

If you already have a package of the product in your house, then before going to the pharmacy, you can independently study for which cough you drink ACC. However, complex medical terms and phrases will not be understandable to everyone. Doctors recommend taking the medicine for a wet, productive cough - when excess viscous or too thick sputum accumulates in the bronchi.

ACC – at what age can it be given to children?

Many young mothers ask: is it possible to give ACC to children and at what age? To which experienced pediatricians answer with confidence: not only is it possible, but it is necessary. The main thing is to do it correctly:

  • A child from 2 years to 6 years old can only be given ACC 100 mg, which is available as a powder.
  • Starting from 7 years of age, treatment with ACC 200 mg is allowed. This medicine can be found in granules.
  • ACC 600 is available for children 14 years of age and older. Unlike other medications, this type of medication is effective for 24 hours.
  • As a syrup, the medicine can be given to infants, but only under the supervision of a pediatrician.

Method of using ACC

For convenience, many pharmaceutical companies began to produce medicine in several forms: granules, for example, with orange flavor, instant tablets, syrup. Each form has its own doses and limits on how to take ACC:

  • It is extremely rare that the solution is prescribed for inhalation. If the nebulizer used for the procedure is equipped with a distribution valve, then you need to use 6 ml of a 10% powder solution. If there is no such supplement, doctors recommend taking a 20% solution at the rate of 2-5 ml per 1 liter of water.
  • For bronchoscopy, severe rhinitis, and sinusitis, the use of ACC intratracheally is allowed. To clean the bronchi and sinuses, use a 5-10% solution. The diluted liquid must be dripped into the nose and ears in a volume of up to 300 mg per day.
  • When using the parenteral method, ACC is administered intramuscularly or intravenously. In the latter case, the ampoule must be diluted with sodium chloride or dextrose in proportions of 1 to 1.

ACC-long - instructions for use

The ACC product marked long differs from ordinary tablets or powder in that its effect lasts not 5-7 hours, but the whole day. The medicine is produced in the form of large effervescent tablets and is intended for oral administration, 1 tablet 1 time/day, unless otherwise recommended by a doctor. Additionally, along with the medicine, you need to drink up to one and a half liters of liquid, which enhances the mucolytic effect.

How to breed ACC Long:

  1. Pour clean, chilled boiled water into a glass and place a tablet at the bottom.
  2. Wait until the effervescent effect wears off and the capsule dissolves completely.
  3. Once dissolved, drink the solution immediately.
  4. Sometimes before drinking ACC, the diluted drink can be left for several hours.

ACC powder - instructions for use

ACC powder (see photo below) is used in the following doses:

  • adolescents over 14 years of age and adults are prescribed up to 600 mg of acetylcysteine, the dose is divided into 1-3 approaches;
  • it is recommended to give a child under 14 years of age the same dose of the drug, but divided into several doses per day;
  • Children under 6 years old can be given 200-400 mg of powder per day.

Both adults and children should drink ACC powder after meals, and the composition from the bag itself must be properly prepared. What water to dissolve ACC in depends on your preferences, but remember: the best result will be achieved if you dilute the medicine with half a glass of hot water. However, baby granules with orange flavor can be dissolved in lukewarm, boiled water.

ACC effervescent tablets - instructions for use

Acetylcysteine ​​effervescent tablets are diluted with water using the same system as regular powder. The dose of the drug, in the absence of other doctor’s recommendations, is:

  • for cold infectious diseases that occur in a mild form, adults - 1 tablet ACC 200 2-3 times a day, duration of administration - 5-7 days;
  • for chronic cough, bronchitis or cystic fibrosis, the medicine is taken for a longer period, and its dose for adults is 2 capsules of ACC 100 three times a day.

ACC syrup for children - instructions

Sweet ACC syrup is prescribed to children aged two years and older when diagnosing mild colds or chronic bronchitis. The medicine is taken orally for 5 days, immediately after meals. The dosage of syrup is chosen by the attending physician. If no recommendations have been received from the pediatrician, then the guide will be ACC - the official instructions for use from the manufacturer, which states that you can take the medicine:

  • adolescents: 10 ml 3 times/day;
  • if the child is from 6 to 14 years old, then 5 ml 3 times a day;
  • for children 5 years old, the dose of the medicine is 5 ml 2 times a day.

Remove the baby syrup from the bottle using a measuring syringe. The device comes complete with the medicine. Instructions for using the syringe are as follows:

  1. Press the bottle cap and turn it clockwise until it clicks.
  2. Remove the cap from the syringe, insert the hole into the neck and press the syringe down until it stops.
  3. Turn the bottle upside down, pull the handle of the syringe towards you, measuring the required dose of syrup.
  4. If bubbles appear inside the syringe, lower the plunger slightly.
  5. Slowly pour the syrup into the child's mouth and allow the child to swallow the medicine. Children should stand or sit while taking the drug.
  6. After use, the syringe should be washed without soap.

Analog of ACC

If you are looking for a cheap analogue of ACC cough medicine, pay attention to the following medicines:

  • , country of origin – Russia. It contains the same active ingredient and belongs to the category of mucolytic expectorants. Its price is about 40-50 rubles.
  • Fluimucil, country of origin – Italy. Designed to eliminate the first signs of a cold and cough, but can be used to ease the discharge of viscous secretions from the nose. Its composition consists of 600 mg of acetylcysteine, citric acid, sorbitol and flavorings. The price of the drug is about 300 rubles.
  • , country of origin – Germany. It is produced as a syrup based on another active substance – ambroxol hydrochloride. The medicine helps to cope with a protracted, poorly expectorated cough, removes mucus from the bronchi, and softens the respiratory tract. Its price ranges from 200 to 300 rubles.

Price of ACC for cough

The form of release not only contributed to the freedom of choice of the buyer, but also significantly influenced how much ACC costs in pharmacies. More often, its price is very reasonable, which makes the medicine accessible to every social class of the population. However, in different cities and pharmacies, prices for medicine may vary slightly. The average cost of the drug is:

  • baby syrup – price up to 350 rubles;
  • granular ACC - up to 200 rubles;
  • powder – 130-250 rubles;
  • orange and honey flavored powder – price from 250 rub.

ACC - contraindications

Contraindications to the use of ACC are as follows:

  • individual intolerance to the active substance;
  • hypersensitivity to additional components of the drug;
  • illness during pregnancy, during lactation, excluding artificial feeding;
  • ulcer of the duodenum and stomach;
  • liver failure;
  • history of pulmonary hemorrhage.

In addition, the medicine should not be combined with other cough syrups, bronchodilators and antibiotics that contain codeine and inhibit expectorant reflexes. Those who have previously been diagnosed with venous enlargement of the veins, diseases of the adrenal glands or abnormalities in the functioning of the endocrine system should take the medicine with caution. It is not advisable to take the drug together with alcohol.

Side effects of ACC

Overdose symptoms and side effects of ACC appear as:

  • allergic reactions: skin itching, urticaria, dermatitis, laryngeal edema, anaphylactic shock;
  • deterioration of health: muscle weakness, drowsiness, ringing in the ears, rapid heartbeat, migraine;
  • bowel dysfunction: severe diarrhea;
  • indigestion: nausea, heartburn, gag reflex after taking pills.

Video: ACC annotation

ACC - reviews

Anton, 54 years old

I suffered from cough for a long time. I can’t say that he was dry, but the phlegm still didn’t come out. I decided to go to the hospital and the doctor advised me to try ACC Long in effervescent tablets. I took the course as stated in the instructions for the medicine - 5 days. The cough has not gone away at all, but breathing has become much easier, and phlegm is already coming out of the bronchi.

Anastasia, 32 years old

At the beginning of treatment for a wet, persistent cough, a friend advised me to try ACC powder. When I came to the pharmacy, at first I was confused because of the price of the medicine. It cost somewhere around 130 rubles, which is very strange and inexpensive compared to its analogues. I decided to try it anyway and was not mistaken, the cold went away in 3 days, and my breathing returned to normal.

The variety of dosage forms in the pharmacy chain leads the buyer into difficulty. Can you believe in the effectiveness of the proposed remedies? Pharmacists are known to have a penchant for expanding sales and their dependence on revenue. Doctors now have the opportunity to test any drug at the level of evidence-based medicine. But lack of time and interest leads to standard appointments. Let's try to compare the two popular drugs ourselves. After this, we will decide how to treat the cough.

How did Fluimucil and ACC appear?

Fluimucil is produced by the Italian company Zambon Group. The company has been operating successfully for over 100 years. About half of the products are devoted to the treatment of respiratory diseases. In the mid-50s of the last century, the company's scientific adviser, Professor Vittorio Ferrari, drew attention to the ability of the chemical substance, acetylcysteine, to break the bonds of mucopolysaccharides in mucus. It turned out that in this way it is possible to liquefy the secretions produced by the body. You can take medicine orally to remove mucous contents. This is how Fluimucil was created. Now it would be called an innovative drug. This was not just the discovery of a new drug, but the beginning of a whole class of drugs - mucolytics.

According to the law, the company that holds the patent alone enjoys all rights to produce products for 20 years. After this, any pharmaceutical companies have the right to produce the same medicine under their own name, but labeled “generic”. On the packaging at the top right after the name there is an R in a circle. Thus, many dosage forms appeared on the pharmaceutical market under the names ACC, ACC-100, ACC-200, ACC-long Acetylcysteine, Acetylcysteine ​​Sediko effervescent instant, Acetylcysteine ​​Stada, Acetylcysteine ​​Stada International, Acetylcysteine-Hemofarm, Muco Sanigen, Mukobene, Mucomist, Mukonex, N-AC-Ratiopharm, Tussicom, Exomyuk. They are produced by Germany, Slovenia, and India. Previously, in the USSR they actively used the ampoule form of Acetylcysteine ​​for intramuscular administration and inhalation.

As a rule, generics differ in some way from the main drug. Each company makes its own changes. Even the modern Fluimucil from Zambon Group differs from the original version and is itself a generic. This does not mean that the new drugs are worse. But the patent holder company always has the opportunity to keep its little secrets.


We have the opportunity to compare two drugs: Fluimucil and ACC only based on the information contained in the instructions and available to consumers.

They do not differ in their mechanism of action, since both contain the same active substance - acetylcysteine. The dosage in modern forms is also no different: you can choose 100 mg for children, 200 mg and 600 mg for adults.

ACC has a prolonged form, ACC-long, which is taken once a day.

The composition includes various additives. On the one hand, they improve taste and make it easier to ingest, on the other hand, they add sugars, calories and allergenic potential. This is alarming for people with diabetes and various allergic manifestations.

Fluimucil effervescent tablets contain baking soda, and ACC contains soda ash.

Fluimucil uses aspartame from sugars, and ACC uses saccharin. Therefore, taking Fluimucil does not require counting carbohydrate units, and ACC requires a review of the insulin dosage for a patient with diabetes.

Fluimucil tablets and granules do not contain additional substances like ACC (ascorbic acid, sodium cyclamate and citrate, lactose, mannitol).

There are no symptoms of overdose during treatment with Fluimucil even when taking 0.5 g per kg of body weight per day (30 g for a weight of 60 kg). ACC is characterized by nausea, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.

According to the release form: tablets and sachets of Fluimucil are each designed for single use, packaged in isolation, protected from exposure to air. The ACC tube contains 6, 10 and 20 tablets at once. After opening, air partially inactivates the drug.

The antioxidant effect of Fluimucil is considered very important. The destruction of free radicals allows you to relieve intoxication in various inflammatory diseases of the lungs and bronchi, and cleanse the liver. This property has been tested in clinical trials and is used in therapy. ACC has no research on this issue.

Even for a consumer who is not experienced in chemistry, it is clear that Fluimucil has significant advantages. Both mucolytics are approved for over-the-counter sale in pharmacies. The following are considered indications:

  • acute and chronic bronchitis,
  • bronchial asthma,
  • laryngotracheitis,
  • sinusitis of the paranasal sinuses,
  • middle ear diseases,
  • cystic fibrosis,
  • pneumonia.

When choosing a medicine for ourselves and our loved ones, we prefer the best and safest remedy.

Everyone knows that coughing and mucus production is a protective reaction of the body. It is also well known that the treatment of these conditions must begin with establishing the cause. But not everyone knows the advisability of using mucolytics Fluimucil or ACC - agents that dilute sputum to facilitate its separation, although in the complex treatment of the respiratory tract these drugs have a significant impact on the success of the enterprise.

Firstly, they enhance the effectiveness of mechanical removal, along with mucus and phlegm, of foreign agents and toxins, in fact, what the body coughs and “sniffles” for (by the way, they are also used with great success to treat ENT diseases). Secondly, the mucus and sputum itself, produced in the upper and lower respiratory tracts, contains immunoglobulins, lysozyme, opsonins, which lose their bactericidal and barrier properties if the secretion is excessively viscosity. So, in order to increase the productivity of natural protective mechanisms, mucolytic agents are prescribed, the most popular representatives of which in our country are ACC or Fluimucil with a good safety profile and proven effectiveness. Let's look at their similarities and differences.

Fluimucil and ACC - what is the difference?

Release forms and their diversity are where Fluimucil clearly differs from ACC. Both drugs are presented in various variations, allowing their use depending on age and method of delivery to the body. To make it easier to navigate, let’s imagine the difference between their rulers in the form of a table.

The difference is in the release forms of Fluimucil and ACC. The amount of acetylcysteine ​​is indicated in milligrams.
Fluimucil ACC
Effervescent tablets:
600 mg - 10 or 20 pcs. 100 mg - 20 pcs (for children),
200 mg each - 20 pcs.,
600 mg each (ACC Long) - 10 or 20 pcs.
Granules for preparing the solution:
200 mg each - 20 sachets 100 mg each - 20 sachets (orange flavor for children),
200 mg each - 20 sachets (orange flavor),
200 mg each - 20 sachets (for preparing a hot drink, orange flavor),
200 mg each - 20 sachets (for preparing a hot drink, honey and lemon flavor)
Syrup for children:
- 100 ml bottles (20 mg per 1 ml)
Oral solution:
200 ml bottles (40 mg per 1 ml) -
Solution for inhalation and injection:
5 ampoules of 3 ml (100 mg in 1 ml) -

The table shows that ACC has a larger range of release forms and flavors than Fluimucil. All forms of ACC except syrup are available in different doses of acetylcysteine, tastes and even temperatures of the finished drink. This allows you to calculate the dosage more flexibly, which is especially important in childhood (you can give not only syrup, but also effervescent tablets or granules of 100 mg). It is more convenient for adults to control the number of doses per day, for example, you can take 200 mg tablets 3 times a day, or you can take ACC Long, which contains the daily norm of acetylcysteine, just once a day. On the contrary, Fluimucil effervescent tablets are available only in a high dose, designed for one dose.

However, Fluimucil has a very important advantage - it is produced in ampoules, the solution from which is also used for inhalation. Naturally, the shorter and more natural method of delivery to the respiratory tract has a positive effect on its speed of action and effectiveness compared to oral forms. This is especially true in acute conditions.

What is better for children - ACC and Fluimucil?

Both drugs are contraindicated in children under two years of age. The correct selection of the amount in each specific case should be carried out by a pediatrician; the recommended dosages of acetylcysteine, which should not be exceeded regardless of the release form of Fluimucil or ACC, are as follows:

  • from 2 to 6 years - 2-3 times a day, 100 mg (total 200-300 mg per day);
  • from 6 to 14 years - 3 times a day 100 mg or 2 times 200 mg (total 300-400 mg per day);
  • over 14 years old - 2-3 times a day, 200 mg (total 400-600 mg per day).

In general, although ACC and Fluimucil are the same thing, the former offers a greater variety of medicine types and flavors for young children, including cherry syrup, which comes with a measuring device (syringe or measuring cap) in the package, allowing dose the medicine correctly.

Drinking plenty of fluids is one of the keys to the success of treatment with acetylcysteine-based mucolytics. Alkaline mineral waters help them best with this. Also, to increase the effectiveness of therapy, it is desirable to maintain optimal air humidity in the room.

What is the difference in contraindications and price between Fluimucil and ACC?

Both mucolytics are contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to acetylcysteine ​​or auxiliary components; up to two years of age (up to 14 years in 600 mg tablets), pregnant and lactating women (in special cases, strictly under the supervision of a doctor); for certain forms of ACC: fructose intolerance, glucose-galactose deficiency.

As for the question of choosing Fluimucil or ACC - which is better to buy, the situation here is ambiguous. In almost all similar forms of release, Fluimucil will be only slightly cheaper than its opponent. But for a package of 10 effervescent tablets of 600 mg - Fluimucil or ACC Long, the former will cost almost half the price. Most likely, such a significant difference is associated with the country of production, because in the same dosage (600 mg), but in packages of 20 tablets, these drugs cost almost the same. Thus, if you need long-acting effervescent tablets for adults, it is more profitable to take Fluimucil in 10 pieces; in other cases, the price difference is insignificant.

And we also have

Cough accompanies a large number of diseases. This is a reflex act aimed at eliminating any irritant located in the bronchi. Sometimes it is rare, but in some pathologies it is painful, causing a lot of discomfort to the patient. To improve the condition, it is important not to suppress the cough, but to alleviate it, while simultaneously thinning the mucus, which affects its elimination. For this purpose, ACC and its analogues are often used.

ACC is an effective cough treatment

Description of the product

The ACC drug is available in tablets, granules and syrup, which is convenient for use in children. It is often used in the treatment of diseases that provoke cough. The main active ingredient is acetylcysteine. It affects the qualitative composition of mucus that accumulates in the bronchi and on mucous surfaces, making it less viscous. As a result, the cough turns from dry to productive and all the mucus accumulated in the bronchi is eliminated.

Important: when using the drug, mucus dilutes throughout the body, and accordingly, the sinuses and nasal passages are cleansed.

But not only the described effect is observed when using the product. The components of the drug affect the immune system, activating it. The drug is absorbed very quickly and reaches its maximum effectiveness within a couple of hours.

ACC relieves cough symptoms and is good for various diseases

The main indications for use are all pathologies accompanied by cough. Thus, the remedy will be appropriate for bronchitis, bronchiectasis, asthma, tracheitis, and so on. In addition, due to its effect on the sinuses, it can be used as an additional therapy in the treatment of sinusitis and otitis media. It is noteworthy that the drug has shown high effectiveness in the treatment of such a serious disease as cystic fibrosis.

The drug is always taken after meals. The product is poured into a glass of water and mixed. Children under five years of age are allowed to take up to 200 milligrams per day. A child under 13 years of age can take up to 400 milligrams of the drug per day. Adults are allowed up to 600 milligrams per day.

The dosage of the tablets is different, so before diluting the drink, you should carefully study the instructions.

ACC is contraindicated for use in cases of ulcers.

When using the drug, it is important to consider possible side effects. These may include headaches, heartburn and nausea. In addition, there are contraindications:

  • allergic reaction to components;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • pulmonary hemorrhage;
  • renal failure.

You should not use the drug during pregnancy, but in some cases such a drug can be prescribed by a doctor.

Analogues of the drug

The drug ACC is quite popular, but besides it there are many other drugs that have a similar effect. At the same time, a considerable number of substitutes have a more affordable price, but at the same time have a pronounced therapeutic effect. Here are the most common analogues of ACC prescribed for cough.

Ambrol is an analogue of ACC, which also has excellent expectorant properties.


The active component of the drug affects serous cells, stimulating the production of sputum, which is less viscous in consistency. The drug has an expectorant effect, which allows it to be considered as a substitute for ACC.

Ambrol is available in tablets, which are indicated for use in adults and children over 12 years of age. In most cases, a tablet is prescribed up to three times a day. Results appear within 3-4 days, and the course lasts no more than 14 days. In addition, a syrup is produced that can be used in children from one year onwards. The drug is well tolerated and rarely causes allergies. The only limitation is the pregnancy period.


Lazolvan is presented as a dark-colored solution used for inhalation or internal administration. The active ingredient is the same as that of the product described above. It also thins mucus and enhances its secretion. Do not use the solution during pregnancy or if you are intolerant to the components.

Lazolvan is another excellent cough remedy, which can be called an analogue of ACC

Lazolvan may be approved for use in pregnant women under medical supervision, since there is no evidence of its effect on the fetus.

The medicine does not cause any side effects. In addition, the drug does not interact with other drugs, which makes it especially beneficial when carrying out complex therapy. It is also important to note that Lazolvan improves the penetration of the active components of antibiotics into the tissues of the lungs and bronchi.


In this case, the active ingredient is acetylcysteine. Unlike the forms described above, this medicine is available in tablets and injections. The latter can be injected into the muscle or intravenously. Due to this, the percentage of absorption increases and, moreover, the effect of treatment occurs much faster.

Fluimucil is a fairly strong drug with a long-lasting effect

Unlike previously presented drugs, this drug can be prescribed for pneumonia and pulmonary fibrosis. In addition, it can be used in very long courses. Due to parenteral administration, negative effects on the stomach are eliminated. It should also be noted that the tablets used to obtain the drink contain aspartame. For this reason, patients with phenylketonuria should not use the drug.

The drug is much cheaper than all of the above, but no less effective. But the main difference is that it has a natural composition. The main component of the product is marshmallow extract. This component has an effect on the bronchial epithelium, which leads to increased secretion production and easier sputum production.

Mucaltin - an effective herbal cough remedy

Due to its 100% natural composition, the product does not have any irritating effect and has no contraindications. At the same time, it should be used with caution by people with peptic ulcers, as well as those with allergies to herbs. It should also be remembered that the drug contains sugar, so patients with diabetes should use it with extreme caution.

In this case, the active ingredient is carbocisteine. The mechanism of action is based on stimulation of transferase, which ultimately leads to stimulation of sputum production. The presence of glycopeptides reduces the viscosity of mucus.

It is important to emphasize that the drug does not irritate the gastric mucosa even with long-term use.

This drug perfectly thins mucus, making coughing easier.

The drug in the form of syrup is used for any disease of the respiratory system accompanied by cough. Restrictions include pregnancy, allergic reactions, and phenylketonuria. Granules are also produced that are used in the treatment of patients over 13 years of age.

The drug also helps to thin sputum. But besides this, it also causes increased production of surfactate, which has a positive effect on the condition of alveolar cells. As a result, the functioning of the entire pulmonary system is normalized.

The drug is used not only for coughs caused by infection. It is also indicated for asthma, bronchiectasis, tuberculosis and emphysema. Possible contraindications are pregnancy and ulcers. The medicine should be used with caution in case of bleeding, as well as in case of kidney pathologies. Sometimes the drug causes nausea and stool disorders. Rhinitis and swelling of soft tissues are extremely rare.

Good mucolytic, thins mucus, facilitates expectoration

A competent choice of antitussive drugs helps to get rid of the accumulation of phlegm in the lungs in just three days. At the same time, if the doctor prescribed ACC, it should be replaced with analogues only with the permission of a specialist. In this case, the dosage and frequency of use must be adjusted. In addition to the medications listed above, there are others that have similar effects. Each of them has its own characteristics and advantages, which allows you to choose the product that is most suitable in each specific case.

You will learn a little more about the features and analogues of this drug from the video:



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