To make your eyes sparkle you need to eat. How to make your eyes bright and radiant

The shine of the eyes, first of all, indicates health, internal energy and good mood their owner.

However, today it is increasingly rare to meet a person with brilliant sparkling eyes. The reasons for this are wrong image life, increased visual load, stress. As a result, we see a tired, dull look of reddened eyes, which certainly does not add attractiveness.

1. Firstly, change your daily routine . No matter how little time you have for sleep, you should try to find at least 7 hours for it. This is the time the body needs to rest and recover.

2. Eat right. For a healthy shine, eyes need vitamins (especially A, B2, C and E). Try to include more “live” vitamins in your diet.

3. Watch your health. Contact your doctor promptly if you notice any problems or ailments. Don't delay treatment.

4. Don't strain your eyes . Proper organization of the workplace is important for this. When working at a computer, be sure to take breaks every hour to exercise your eyes and blink more often. Don't watch TV late or read in bed before going to bed, give your eyes a rest, think about something pleasant.

5. Protect your eyes from the sun, wind, cold, chemicals. If your eyes are red, try to reduce the irritation with our TIPS or go to an ophthalmologist.

6. Don't get upset over trifles , try to avoid stress. Stressful situations harmful not only to the eyes, but also to the entire body.

7. Use quality , suitable for you cosmetics and don't abuse it. Choose the right eye cream.

8. Get rid of dark circles and bags under the eyes , they weigh down the look and give it a tired and painful look.

9. As a preventive measure, do compresses for eyes , wash your eyes with a soothing chamomile infusion (a tablespoon of chamomile in a glass of water) or tea leaves.

10. Conduct "eye baths". Put your face in warm water, open your eyes wide and blink. For best results, we recommend performing it daily.

11. Keep track of your appearance. Self Confidence It will give you inner strength, which means your eyes will sparkle with renewed vigor.

12. Do what you like . Doing something you love adds positive emotions.

13. Support good mood , think about things that inspire you, remember pleasant experiences. Smile. Enjoy the little things. Fall in love .

Be healthy and beautiful!

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The sparkle in the eyes makes the look more attractive and adds beauty and special charm to a woman. But poor ecology, illness, excessive stress and fatigue unfortunately do not affect the sparkle in the eyes. in the best possible way. You can relieve fatigue and restore shine to your eyes, and they will help you with this folk remedies.

Prepare the following remedy for your eyes: pour 6-8 grams. dry chamomile in a glass boiled water and leave for 23-25 ​​minutes. After this, strain the infusion, make compresses from it (leave them for 8-11 minutes) or wipe the skin of the eyelids with this infusion.

How to restore shine to your eyes by using flax seeds, linden blossom and sage

For such cosmetic procedure you need to prepare 2 infusions. The recipe for the first one is this: take 5 grams. composition (linden blossom and flax seeds), pour a glass of boiling water over this composition and leave to steep for 23-25 ​​minutes. You also need to brew sage separately: take 5 grams. sage, pour one cup of boiling water, close the lid and leave for 10-13 minutes. Afterwards, soak cotton pads in the first and second infusions and apply them alternately to your eyes. After similar procedure Apply eye cream to the skin.

How to deal with tired eyes

You can cope with this task using tea bags. First, you need to brew the tea, then cool the bags and place them on your eyelids for 3-5 minutes. Found in tea tannins help narrowing blood vessels, after this your eyes will shine, and there will be nothing left of fatigue.

How to restore shine to your eyes with a milk compress

Soak cotton pads in boiled milk cooled to a comfortable temperature and place them on your eyelids, hold for 7-10 minutes. To enhance the effect, instead of milk, take cream and stir it with chopped parsley. Then apply the resulting paste around the eyes for 13-17 minutes, then wash with warm water.

The sparkle of the eyes is not a gift from generous nature, and not the merit of our parents. Only we ourselves are capable of truly sparkling our eyes. Therefore, there is no way to complain about the fact that nature did not reward you with thick hair or plump lips, and give up or, on the contrary, accept too much drastic measures. Everything is in our hands, and in order to make your eyes sparkle, there is no need at all to resort to the help of doctors, cosmetologists and other magicians. You just need to know simple methods with which you can make your eyes shine.

Let's leave red eyes only in old photo albums

We all remember that photographs from ten years ago were simply full of red eyes. Point-and-shoot cameras and not entirely well-chosen films “gave” red eyes to everyone: both animals and people. Nowadays point-and-shoot cameras have given way to digital cameras, and the problem of red eye seems to be solved. But now many of us see red eyes not in photographs, but in a mirror reflection.

This is due to our many hours of sitting near the monitor screen, fatigue, poor-quality cosmetics, as well as natural factors, such as wind and frost. Tension in the eyes causes small blood vessels to dilate, forming a reddish mesh. The eyes do not look rested, and do not radiate that coveted shine at all. But how to make your eyes sparkle, if you can’t refuse to work at the computer?

Firstly, there are special means fast action, which instantly remove redness of the eyes caused by vasodilatation, and do everything to make your eyes sparkle. This eye drops, such as vizine, systane, okumetil and others.

Secondly, products help relieve redness of the eyes. For example, pre-chilled black tea bags have excellent vasoconstrictor effect thanks to the tannic acid contained in tea. Just apply tea bags to your closed eyes and lie there, relaxing, for 5 minutes. This procedure is not only intended to to make your eyes sparkle. Using tea bags can also help relieve puffiness under the eyes.

More good effect apply compresses from the infusion of cornflower flowers. This flower is known for its beneficial soothing effect on the eyes. Remove the cornflower flowers from the baskets, and then brew 2 teaspoons of these flowers with a glass of boiling water. Wait 1 hour for the mixture to steep, cool it and strain. The infusion for compresses is ready.

And in any free minute, give your eyes the opportunity to rest. Look away from the computer, press lightly with your fingers closed eyes, and do eye exercises, which not only removes the feeling of fatigue, but also prevents vision deterioration.

The best doctor for tired eyes is good sleep. Don’t take away precious minutes of sleep by giving them away in favor of the next TV series or forum on the Internet. You need to sleep at night, and not continue to test the resistance of your own eyes to irritating factors.

How to make your eyes sparkle with makeup

The sparkle of the eyes- this is also proper care behind the skin around the eyes. No matter how beautiful and bewitching your eyes are, small wrinkles, bruises and swelling under the eyes will negate all their attractiveness.

To make your eyes sparkle, and around the eyes was well-groomed, it is necessary to use cosmetics, suitable specifically for this area of ​​skin. You need to start caring for the skin around your eyes with proper cleansing. Not suitable for this usual means for washing (only if they do not indicate that they can be used for the skin around the eyes). Choose the consistency that suits you among special two-phase liquids, micellar solutions, oil mixtures. Makeup remover milk is also perfect for these purposes.

Choose a cream for the skin around the eyes based on the current time of year and your skin type. In summer, light gels for the skin around the eyes do an excellent job of moisturizing, and in colder seasons you need to use nourishing cream dense texture, which is applied in small quantities to the bones located under the eyes.

Sunglasses are more than just an accessory

Many of us perceive sunglasses exclusively as a stylish accessory with which you can complete your look and also give yourself some mystery. But in fact, sunglasses are, first of all, protection. And protection not only for the eyes, but also for the skin around them.

Do you want to make your eyes sparkle and radiated health, then choose sunglasses, taking into account not only the shape that suits you, but also paying attention to the degree of protection they provide. This way you will relieve your eyes from overstrain, and the skin around the eyes from wrinkles that appear when squinting. Moreover, sun rays themselves negatively affect the skin around the eyes, causing it to prematurely age. Therefore, high-quality sunglasses also mean youthful skin around the eyes.

Do you want your eyes to sparkle? Change your attitude towards life!

It is usually said that a person's eyes light up when he is passionate about something. Of course, this phrase is used in a figurative sense, but, nevertheless, an enthusiastic person really has a twinkle in his eyes, which is also called “the sparkle of the eyes.” To make your eyes sparkle It’s not at all necessary to get carried away with something specific. The subject of passion can be anything: a new hobby, an interesting job, a beloved man, and finally, life itself can be exciting if monotony, boredom and pessimism are removed from it. Why do the eyes of an enthusiastic person sparkle? Actually, the answer to this question is not that important. The important thing is that this rule really works, which means it must be followed, to make your eyes sparkle.

Inna Dmitrieva
Women's magazine JustLady

A woman's success largely depends on her correct facial features, toned body and ability to be elegant. And yet, a woman’s special charm does not depend at all on these same components. Magic female beauty and attractiveness, of course, lies in the smoothness of the gait, the thinness of the wrists, the light and alluring aroma of perfume and the radiance of the gaze. The sparkle of the eyes - business card any woman and an obvious way to attract the attention of others. Today we will talk about why eyes shine, how to relieve them from fatigue, and the skin around the eyes from wrinkles, swelling and bruises, and what to do to make your eyes shine. So, what products will give your eyes shine?

Eye shine: inexplicable attraction or a real task?

Experienced temptresses know that it is not expensive clothes, nor a new, fashionable hairstyle that attracts a man. Amazing, elusive and inexplicable brilliance the eye forces a man to make a choice in favor of a specific woman among thousands and even millions of other ladies. But is it really inexplicable, this sparkle in the eyes? And how can you make your eyes sparkle, leaving an elusive shimmering mark in the hearts of your fans? We will lift the veil of secrecy and tell you why your eyes shine, and what you need to do to look in the mirror and in male gaze the shine of your eyes was reflected.

The sparkle of the eyes is not a gift from nature, and not the merit of our parents. Only we ourselves can make our eyes truly sparkle. Therefore, here you won’t be able to complain about the fact that nature did not reward you with thick hair or plump lips, and give up or, conversely, take too drastic measures. Everything is in our hands, and in order for your eyes to shine, you don’t need to resort to the help of doctors, cosmetologists and other magicians. You just need to know the simple methods by which you can get it.

Let's leave red eyes in old photo albums

We all remember that photographs from ten years ago were simply full of red eyes. Point-and-shoot cameras and not entirely well-chosen films “gave” red eyes to everyone: both animals and people. Nowadays point-and-shoot cameras have given way to digital cameras, and the problem of red eye seems to be solved. But now many of us see red eyes not in photographs, but in a mirror reflection.

This is due to our many hours of sitting near the monitor screen, fatigue, poor-quality cosmetics, as well as natural factors such as wind and frost. Tension in the eyes causes small blood vessels to dilate, forming a reddish mesh. The eyes do not look rested, and do not radiate that coveted shine at all. But how can you make your eyes sparkle if you can’t give up working at the computer?

Firstly, there are special quick-acting products that instantly remove redness of the eyes caused by vasodilation and do everything to make the eyes shine. These are eye drops, such as Visine, Systane, Okumetil and others.

Secondly, folk remedies help relieve redness of the eyes. For example, pre-chilled bags of brewed black tea have an excellent vasoconstrictor effect due to the tannic acid contained in the tea. Just apply tea bags to your closed eyes and lie there, relaxing, for 5 minutes. This procedure is not only intended to make your eyes sparkle. Tea bags can also help remove puffiness under the eyes.

Compresses made from infusion of cornflower flowers also have a good effect. This flower is known for its beneficial soothing effect on the eyes. Remove the cornflower flowers from the baskets, and then brew 2 teaspoons of these flowers in a glass of boiling water. Wait 1 hour for the mixture to steep, cool it and strain. The infusion for compresses is ready.

And in any free minute, give your eyes the opportunity to rest. Take your eyes away from the computer, lightly press your fingers on your closed eyes, and do eye exercises, which not only removes the feeling of fatigue, but also prevents vision deterioration.

The best doctor for tired eyes is proper sleep. Don’t take away your precious minutes of sleep by giving them away to another TV series or Internet forum. At night you need to sleep, and not test the resistance of your own eyes to irritating factors.

How to make your eyes sparkle with makeup

Shiny eyes also mean proper care of the skin around the eyes. No matter how beautiful and bewitching your eyes are, small wrinkles, bruises and swelling under the eyes will negate all their attractiveness.

To make your eyes sparkle and the skin around the eyes to be well-groomed, you need to use cosmetics that are suitable specifically for this area of ​​the skin. You need to start caring for the skin around your eyes with proper cleansing. Regular cleansers are not suitable for this (unless they indicate that they can be used for the skin around the eyes). Choose a product that suits your consistency among special two-phase liquids, micellar solutions, and oil mixtures. Makeup remover milk is also perfect for these purposes.

Choose a cream for the skin around the eyes based on the current time of year and your skin type. In the summer, light gels for the skin around the eyes do an excellent job of moisturizing, and in the colder seasons you need to use a nourishing cream with a dense texture, which is applied in a small amount to the bones located under the eyes.

Sunglasses are not just a beautiful accessory

Many of us perceive sunglasses solely as a stylish accessory with which we can complete our look and also add some mystery to ourselves. But in fact, sunglasses are, first of all, protection. And protection not only for the eyes, but also for the skin around them.

If you want your eyes to shine and radiate health, then choose sunglasses, taking into account not only the shape that suits you, but also paying attention to the degree of protection they provide. This way you will relieve your eyes from overstrain, and the skin around the eyes from wrinkles that appear when squinting. Moreover, the sun's rays themselves negatively affect the skin around the eyes, causing it premature aging. Therefore, high-quality sunglasses also mean youthful skin.

Do you want your eyes to sparkle? Change your attitude towards life!

It is usually said that a person's eyes light up when he is passionate about something. Of course, this phrase is used in a figurative sense, but, nevertheless, an enthusiastic person really has a twinkle in his eye, which is also called “ sparkle in eyes" To make your eyes sparkle, you don’t have to get carried away with anything specific. The subject of passion can be anything: a new hobby, an interesting job, a beloved man, and finally, life itself can be exciting if monotony, boredom and pessimism are removed from it. Why do the eyes of an enthusiastic person sparkle? Actually, the answer to this question is not that important. The important thing is that this rule really works, which means it must be followed to make your eyes sparkle.


It all starts with regular care of the skin of the eyelids and around the eyes. Gentle cleansing proper hydration and additional food - here eyes. Cleanse your eye skin by special means For makeup removal, apply eye cream morning and evening.

Choose an eye cream that will combat puffiness and dark circles. Check your health. Very often these signs are associated with illness internal organs. Watch what you eat and drink. To avoid puffiness, don't drink too much water at night and don't take a bath right before bed ( water procedures It’s best to do it an hour before bedtime).

Use special masks and compresses. Apply masks once or twice a week, use compresses as needed. Buy ready-made cooling strips for the skin under eyes and or use homemade infusions. The same compresses from tea leaves have long proven themselves as a remedy.

Try to avoid damaging the skin around your eyes. Don't rub it, don't stretch it. Apply cream and other products only along massage lines, move light massage to support delicate skin the eye is in good shape.

Draw along the inside of the lower eyelid with a light-colored pencil or white. Just make sure it is marked “Khol” or “Kajal”. Kayal contains special antiseptic components that allow it to be used for sensitive skin the inside of the eyelids.

To get rid of your eyes and make them more radiant, clear and bright, buy at the pharmacy ophthalmic agent, which narrows the capillaries. From them protein eyeball becomes lighter.

A woman's eyes light up when she is happy. When there are loved ones around, when life is going well, and the events that happen bring pleasure. But if suddenly the circumstances are not the best, when not everything is perfect, you can also give the opportunity to rejoice.

Surprises for a woman can be divided into those that can be picked up, physical and emotional, but very important. You need to be able to do them as often as possible so that the look is always happy and bright, because a woman herself is capable of giving only when she is filled with positive emotions.

Physical gifts that are important to a woman

Any lady loves when they give her gifts. For example, a bouquet of flowers will definitely make a woman smile. But at the same time, make sure that flower arrangement was beautiful, consisted of those flowers that she loves. And you need to give such a gift not only on March 8 or on your birthday, but simply for no reason.

A woman's eyes light up when she is given jewelry. Diamonds will be a great way to light up your look. But you can choose more modest options: rubies, corals, jewelry. It is important that the bracelet, pendant, or necklace matches the style and emphasizes individuality.

When communicating with a woman, you can clarify what she wants. Some people dream of traveling, others want a new frying pan. And any representative of the fair sex has something that will definitely please. Just find out in dialogue what it is, and then buy it. The more unexpected this acquisition is, the better.

Emotions and sensations for the sparkle of the eyes

When a woman loves or feels loved, she seems to glow from within. This is visible both in behavior and in looks. Give the opportunity to experience these emotions. Talk to her about love, hug her, give her signs of attention. And then the eyes will never go out. Even during a quarrel, do not give her a reason to doubt her feelings. Be attentive, make small surprises and constantly remind them of reciprocity.

A great gift is a child. Almost every girl wants to give birth to her beloved man, and if a man is happy about pregnancy or in every possible way supports the desire to continue the family, the ladies feel in seventh heaven, and their eyes shine brighter than any jewelry. And when the baby is born, when the first cry of the expected child is heard, the woman also changes, she feels completely different. And these feelings are difficult to convey, this is one of the most vivid impressions in life.

Anticipation joyful event also gives a sparkle to the eyes. For example, while waiting for a trip, a woman also rejoices. She gets ready to go on the road, picks out her wardrobe, dreams of how everything will happen. But here, of course, it is important not only to promise, but also to deliver. But waiting is also something important. You can even just hint that there will be a surprise when you come home from work. And after these words, she will enthusiastically wait for several hours to see what awaits her, and her eyes will glow brightly with happiness.



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