To quickly get a job. How to find a good job - a detailed guide for those who want to get their dream job! Plot before an interview to get a job

Good afternoon friends!

Elena Nikitina is in touch, and today we’ll talk about how to get a job - dreams and reality, basic and additional, schoolchildren and retirees - for every taste.

If you have no experience at all, then you have the main thing - youth, strength and enthusiasm, which helps to move mountains. Believe in yourself and read below.


According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, citizens can work from the age of 14. True, with the consent of parents and guardianship authorities and no more than 2 hours a day in free time from school. But even within these reasonable restrictions there is room for choice.

The easiest way to find a job is through the local employment service: as a rule, information about earnings during the summer holidays is posted there in the spring. Most often this is work on the improvement of urban or other areas. When I worked as a teacher in a boarding school, my children cleaned their own school, painted the walls with safe water-based paint, and for this they received money and the first entries in the work book.

You can also look for vacancies in newspapers and on the Internet. The most popular are the following:

  • promoter,
  • ad sticker,
  • newspaper delivery boy,
  • extras actor (relevant in large cities).

In Nizhny Novgorod, young people I knew found part-time work on the information board of a shopping center. The guys distributed leaflets at a strictly allotted time of 2 hours a day and paid them without deception.

The most important thing is to know about the integrity of the employer. An honest organization enters into an employment contract. If this is not provided, ask your acquaintances and friends: perhaps one of them has already collaborated with the company and can vouch for it.

It is much more difficult to get a job in a small town, and such vacancies simply do not exist. But the following options are possible:

  • look for a summer job at a children's camp. Sometimes the administration is ready to hire a cleaner or kitchen assistant from among minors;
  • find remote work. We have already written about that.

From the age of 16, daily working hours increase to 4 hours on school days and to 7 hours on holidays. Therefore, employers are more willing to hire young people as employees.

Those who want to work hard can knock on fast food chains like McDonald's. Information about vacancies is located directly in the cafe; the application form can be filled out there or on the website.


If you are reading this paragraph, it means that you are already thinking about looking for a job. And they did the right thing! The more experience you have by the time you graduate, the more interesting you will be to an employer. Let's just agree: we'll leave shifts at McDonald's for the first year at best, unless you're planning a career in this company.

The times when future economists and philologists spent the summer on train crews and in the winter cleaning theater stages (this is a description of my and my fellow students’ experience in the early 2000s) are gone. Today, there are fewer and fewer students working in the railways and other low-skilled jobs: young people prefer to build a career from a young age.

Therefore, we set goals, priorities and follow the call of the labor market. This means we are looking for a job that is as consonant with the future as possible, but not to the detriment of the present. We focus on developing the necessary qualities and the ability to combine them with studies. The recommendations are as follows:

  1. If you need skills in communicating with clients, resolving conflict situations, or sales, you can consider the following positions: promoter, waiter, call center operator, manager. You can often choose convenient working hours, and some organizations offer career advancement opportunities.
  2. Experience working with children, acting and organizational skills are being developed in the field of animation, quests, and playgrounds. Work is usually in the evenings or on weekends. In the summer, go as a camp counselor, including to the sea. Do you dream of becoming a teacher? Go to your home school - if they don’t give you a half-time job, they may well allow you to teach lessons free of charge.
  3. Administrative work can be started in the trade union committee, at the department or in the admissions committee. Always make arrangements to attend classes. The salary will be lower than the market one, but you will be aware of all university events and receive good recommendations.
  4. If you dream of working in a promising company, start with an internship. Don’t be lazy to go around and propose your candidacy yourself. The management notices active and conscientious students and attracts them to the staff.
  5. It’s possible for correspondence students to get a job through the TC – they will also pay for the sessions. Until you decide on a job, go to the employment service: they will offer you several reliable vacancies, and if you don’t suit them, they will register you.


Have you received a diploma of education, but the requirements for vacancies in your specialty indicate work experience everywhere? Don't be upset, the situation is not hopeless. Experienced HR specialists advise:

  1. Often in a job description, some items are rather desirable. So feel free to send your resume. Honestly indicate that you have no experience, but be sure to mention about practice or internship on a similar topic. Describe your business qualities - perhaps they will help make a choice in your favor.
  2. Clarify for yourself all possible career options. Which position are you ready to work in and which one will definitely not suit you? Don’t be lazy to check with your friends - perhaps what seems tempting to you is actually not very attractive from the inside, and what scares you is not so scary.
  3. If there is an opportunity to take a position a step lower than the desired one, do not be afraid to choose this option. At the same time, clarify the prospects for career growth at the enterprise.
  4. Research internships in areas that interest you. Typically, announcements about this are published on the Internet on thematic resources (at the end of the article you will find a useful list), but you can also look at company websites.
  5. During the interview, show your willingness to learn and confidence in your abilities. My boss refused to give a job to a serious woman only because during the conversation she kept repeating: “For some reason I’m afraid to work in such a responsible position!”
  6. It is better to start looking for a job immediately after receiving your diploma, without delaying until the fall. Otherwise, while you are relaxing at sea, more agile classmates will take your place.

If the work is needed urgently

Sometimes you need to make money quickly. Options for simple and short-term part-time work:

  • courier (some companies consider “conscripts”);
  • outsourcing company (they accept everyone, pay money after several shifts, schedule to choose from);
  • extras actor (spectator in the audience);
  • Shift work (beware of scams).

For pregnant

It is not easy for a woman in this position to find a job. Not only does it take a while for work to be found, but my belly is also growing – it’s about to give out. It’s good if your health allows you to attend interviews. Otherwise, you will have to wait for a more favorable moment, carefully thinking through your camouflage wardrobe.

The main goal now is to find an organization that will provide for a child up to one and a half years old. This can be either a government or a commercial structure, if they are ready to hire you officially.

Of course, it is better to inform the boss after employment. It is unlikely that he will be happy for you, but family is more important than the opinion of the manager.

As soon as you find out about your pregnancy, immediately order yourself a certificate of no criminal record. It is likely that you won’t find a good job and will have to work as a nanny in a kindergarten or similar institution. This document will come in handy there.

Unfortunately, there are often cases when a woman in this position is forced to resign of her own free will. Therefore, if you are not sure that you have the strength to resist pressure from above, choose your company carefully. It may be worth choosing a less lucrative but more reliable job. Contact your employment service for advice.

Night shifts and other harmful factors are now undesirable. But in extreme cases, you will have to agree to this: perhaps later you will be able to agree on a schedule with the team.

Remember that the convulsive thought “I want a job at any cost” should not give you away. Try to interest the employer with your personal and business qualities. This will help you go on maternity leave easier later.

For a woman after maternity leave

Often, after leaving maternity leave, a woman has to change jobs. Finding a job is much more difficult for her than for a girl without children. Although the opposite is also observed: employers are often afraid of candidates of childbearing age, especially married ones. It is believed that as soon as they get hooked on a place, they will immediately go on maternity leave.

Mom needs stability, she is not inclined to quit, and this is her advantage. And, although the employer is afraid of frequent sick leave, employment is possible.

The most important thing when writing a resume is to indicate that there is someone to look after the child. If you live close to work, do not forget to inform about this - this is a significant plus for the employer.

And, of course, while on maternity leave, continue to improve your professional skills if possible (or acquire new ones if you cannot return to your previous activities). Evidence from courses and trainings is the best evidence of your professional competence and desire to develop.

Polina worked in all sorts of jobs while she had her little daughter! And a salesperson in a mini-market with a strict schedule (the girl was with her grandmother), and a nanny in a kindergarten when it was time to socialize the baby. But Polina’s soul always asked for creativity. One day she went to the Ariel Christmas tree decoration factory, well known far beyond Russia, completed a test task and got a job as an artist. And the flexible schedule made it possible to have time to drop off and pick up the child from kindergarten.

Work for retirees

In modern Russian realities, rarely anyone can afford to leave their workplace on their anniversary. People most often are driven by need to continue working, but there are other reasons:

  • desire to remain useful to society;
  • the need to do what you love (many teachers do not go on a well-deserved vacation without graduating);
  • loneliness, boredom at home.

According to the experience of my friends, pensioners are hired much more willingly than people of pre-retirement age. Older candidates are hired at enterprises where there is no career growth, high wages, frequent business trips, or new technologies. According to statistics, every fourth company in Russia is ready to hire a pensioner.

In most cases, these are pedagogy, housing and communal services, security organizations, culture and art (wardrobe attendants and cashiers in provincial theaters).

The strengths of this age category are:

  • old school - responsibility, diligence;
  • desire to stay in the workplace;
  • rich life experience.

Pensioners successfully realize themselves in creative professions (tutor, circle teacher, tour guide), in areas related to their considerable experience (selling flowers, seeds, handicrafts). You can recommend home-based or remote work, searching for orders via the Internet, and self-employment.

Employment of citizens with a criminal record

There are industries where citizens with a criminal record are not allowed to enter. These are the court and prosecutor's office, military service, pedagogy, banking and some others. A police clearance certificate is required from the applicant here. But other organizations are in no hurry to accept a person “with a past.”

The situation is complicated by the fact that some employers have access to the Ministry of Internal Affairs database. It is not difficult for them to identify a previously convicted candidate, even if the application form states the opposite. According to the law, such a questionnaire discriminates against citizens, so it is unlawful to fire an employee for false data in it. But in practice, everything happens differently. All this significantly limits the human right to free work.

In this situation, experts advise:

  1. Contact your local employment center or social adaptation center for persons released from prison for legal and informational support.
  2. Try to remove your criminal record. This right is established by law. A police certificate and a reference from the place of residence will be required.
  3. Look for any available income with the help of friends.
  4. Open an individual entrepreneur (taxi, making photocopies).
  5. Or consider remote work.

For a second job

If there is a need for a part-time job or you want to spend your free time usefully, a second job can come in handy.

Compared to part-time work at your usual place, it even has a number of advantages:

  • fresh energy of a new activity;
  • additional acquaintances;
  • the opportunity to combine work and hobbies (running a hobby group).

The most important thing when looking for a second job is to combine it not only with the first, but also with free time, otherwise there will be no strength left at all. However, as practice shows, not having time to live is more a fear than a reality. As soon as any additional workload appears, an organized person redistributes time, changes the pace and rhythm of life and, most valuable, finds thousands of activities that can be sacrificed. For example, watching TV and long telephone conversations.

In the recent past, Martha combined a 1/3 schedule in one place with a 2/2 schedule in another. At the same time, she managed (although not always) to go to yoga, take an English class, “dabble” in Italian in her free time, work part-time on quizzes (intellectual team games) once a month, and even occasionally go to the seaside, asking for time off from all her bosses at once.

With a good income

Most people are interested in high-paying jobs. However, a significant part of the population does not go completely in this direction. For various reasons, we are forced to accept compromises.

How do you still find a good job?

  1. First of all, set yourself this goal. Determine your desired income level and don’t lower the bar.
  2. Decide that you will definitely achieve your goal.
  3. Please note that this will take time. Calculate how long you are willing to wait without much damage to your wallet and nerves.
  4. Think about what specialty could provide you with the required salary. What would you like, could, and definitely would not do?
  5. What lengths are you willing to go to for a high salary? Will you be able to spend more time on the road, travel frequently on business trips, or even change your place of residence? It is also useful to evaluate moral aspects: some job responsibilities may run counter to your character and life principles.

High-paying jobs come in different forms. This can be either hard work in the North or office pastime in the capital. If your goal involves not only big money, but also high social status, the tips are as follows:

  1. A decent salary awaits a worthy candidate. Your self-confidence should show through not only between the lines of your resume, but throughout your appearance. So work on yourself. Improve your self-esteem, qualifications, experience and business skills.
  2. Create an attractive resume. Don’t be lazy to seek the help of a professional and don’t skimp on it. And if you want to become a personal assistant to a manager, we have already prepared for you.
  3. Send out a questionnaire to attractive companies. Try to show each of them its usefulness.
  4. At the same time, apply for vacancies from websites - preferably the most interesting ones.
  5. At the same time, improve your skills. Are you firmly confident that you will get a good job? This means that attending courses will not be in vain. Perhaps you will find a place there.

How to find your dream job?

Instead of a thousand words, you can limit yourself to one story.

From her youth, Marya dreamed not just of some profession - she wanted to make all people happy. A jack of all trades, Marya weaves, draws, and makes dolls. She created a school of needlewomen “Bereginya” in Ufa. Education and experience in organizational work helped. This was the first stage of its implementation.

In 2015, one of the school’s partners invited participants to a Thai yoga massage class – since then, Marya’s interest in this type of activity has only been growing. According to her, this way you can make a lot more people happy.

Having adopted the experience of the best masters in Russia, the girl began to practice on friends. Gradually, amateur activities turned into income. She finds clients through word of mouth and, despite the existing public page on VKontakte, she considers this tool the most effective for promoting her services. The girl pays a lot of attention to education and self-education. Without leaving her homeland, Marya received a Thai certificate and now dreams of an internship in Thailand.

Now Marya is not just a masseuse, but the creator of a traveling Thai yoga massage salon. Three other girls with a similar philosophy work under her leadership. They make three whole cities happy: Ufa, Chelyabinsk and Yekaterinburg.

Marya values ​​her work for positive emotions and the opportunity to understand psychotherapeutic practices through massage (massage and psychology are linked together for her).

How to force yourself to get a job?

Dedicated to those who believe that all other points are not for him.

Usually, reluctance to work is associated with self-doubt (including fear of rejection at an interview), disappointment in previous activities, or basic laziness.

If you like the state of inaction, you are unlikely to force yourself to change it. Unless you find something that doesn’t take up too much time, like freelancing. If the thickness of your wallet does not allow you to relax, it means that you will definitely look for a job – it’s a matter of time.

Here's how to boost motivation the right way:

  1. Reboot (leave your comfort zone: go hiking, visit your family, etc.)
  2. Make a list of wishes that would come true with your next paycheck.
  3. Stop being afraid of rejection. If they didn’t pick it up in one place, they’re waiting in another. If you need work at any cost, you can lower the bar of desires.
  4. Consider all possible and impossible options. Who knows what horizons will open before you? A good idea for free people is seasonal work in another region: the level of adrenaline rises and the pace of life increases.
  5. Learn a new craft. Never hurt.
  6. Ask friends for help. Anyone who doesn’t recommend a specific place to work will be able to tell you who they see you as. Sometimes it is prophetically true.

Good luck to everyone who is open to new opportunities!

Interesting resources for job search

Especially for those who want to open up to new things, I’m posting tips on finding an unexpected job:

  • internship base,
  • vacancies and internships for students,

Source: "Trud"

Trud has compiled a list of tips for job seekers with the help of HR specialists and recruiters

1. There is always work

Even during a crisis, you can find decent offers, so don’t let panic scare you. You just need to know where to look. Don’t fuss, think about what exactly you need, and only then send out your resume and call the companies that interest you. Imagine that your place of work is your goal. Make a list of these targets and shoot them one at a time. Don’t let temporary fiascoes stop you: finding a job has always been a long process, and especially in difficult times.

2. Don’t send out hundreds of resumes.

Don’t rush to send information about yourself to dozens of companies and post it on all job sites. This will affect your reputation. Future employers will see that you don’t understand what you want, don’t know how to act, and won’t hire you.

3. Decide what you want

Until you understand what kind of job you want to find, all your searches will be fruitless. In addition, you need to clearly understand what salary you are applying for and what schedule suits you. Only by answering these questions for yourself will you be able to find a decent place.

4. Working for three pennies will ruin your career

Even if you are unemployed, do not accept a low salary offer. It should be the market average or higher, but not lower. Once you agree to a small amount of money, you will no longer be able to claim a substantial salary. If you were paid 15 thousand instead of 30 thousand and you agreed to it, you can’t count on a quick increase.

5. Create multiple resumes

They will be useful for different situations and employers: in some places some facts are important, in others others are important. But remember that the information in them must be truthful, only the emphasis is shifted.

6. Know your worth

Before going for an interview, soberly assess how much you are worth in the labor market. This can be done simply by analyzing your experience, the tasks you solved, and the quality of your work. The main thing is don’t try to deceive yourself. Remember not only successes, but also failures. Do this, and then see how much they offer to specialists like you. Compare one with the other and you will find out how much you are worth. This will make it easier to negotiate your salary.

7. Don't be afraid of challenges

When choosing a new job, it is best to consider those offers where you will have to take on greater responsibility than before, as well as solve more complex problems. You should not move from one position to exactly the same one - the calculation should be long-term. A company and position where everything is calm and every day is routine will not accelerate your career growth, but, on the contrary, will reduce your value in the market and complicate your further job search.

8. Startup is a good option

A new project is a risk, but also a prospect. By joining a company that is starting to develop, you can quickly make an excellent career. But don’t make a mistake with your choice: before agreeing to the offer, look at how serious the team is, what goals it sets for itself.

9. Work where you feel comfortable

If, when you come to your first interview, you see that you don’t like either the management’s style of behavior or the internal rules, don’t try to break yourself. You will only be able to readjust for a short period of time, after which recession and apathy will begin, and then you will start looking for work again.

10. Know your weaknesses

11. Never speak badly about former colleagues

When they ask you about your former job during an interview, don’t start throwing mud at your colleagues and bosses, even if they really annoy you. The new boss will not appreciate such behavior and, most likely, will refuse the position.

12. When talking about success, give facts.

Even if you have a ton of achievements, only talk about those that you can confirm. This way you will prove that you are not an empty talker. Don’t rush to boast - talk about your successes only when appropriate: either when they ask a specific question, or when you talk about the features of your work.

13. Support your experience with examples.

When asked at an interview to tell you what your job was, talk about it with specific examples. Remember how you acted in a particular work situation, what you did, what you said, what it led to. But don't go into too much detail - you might confuse your interlocutor.

14. Don't be too timid

An interview is not torture or even an exam. This is an equal dialogue between two contracting parties. Therefore, there is no need to feel constrained, blush or stammer. Show confidence in yourself, because only someone who knows their own worth can be appreciated.

15. Look at the employment contract

Be sure to read the employment contract and ask to see job descriptions. Read them - it's not a formality! With the help of these documents, your boss will be able to manipulate you. Don’t hesitate to clarify all the details of your employment: how much and when they will pay, how they will do it, what the work schedule is.

16. Don’t lie during interviews.

Be prepared for awkward questions: for example, why you were fired from your last job. But don't lie. The deception will reveal itself and overwhelm your resume. Employers will know not to mess with you. Answer honestly even when you feel uncomfortable - this will prove your strength and self-confidence.

17. Use connections

Even if it seems to you that the circle of your acquaintances is limited and there is no prospect of using it to find a job, still tell as many people as possible that you are looking for a job. You never know? Word of mouth can work in the most unpredictable ways and help you when you don’t expect. And the most unexpected and pleasant offer may come.

18. Don’t agree to anything

Even in times of crisis, continue to look for your dream job. It is clear that the economic situation sometimes dictates its own strict requirements. But having decided to compromise and softening your search criteria, do not deviate from the main thing - it should be a job that you want and know how to do. Otherwise, you will be in constant discomfort, experience anger, stress, and end up with poor work performance.

19. Look the part for an interview.

Despite your sharp mind and excellent skills, the first thing a potential employer sees in you is your appearance. It must correspond to the spirit and status of the company, as well as the position for which you are applying. Where a costume is needed, creativity will be out of place, and vice versa. But even a free style does not mean sloppiness - it will be inappropriate everywhere.

20. Use different social networks

Odnoklassniki, Facebook, VKontakte and other social networks can be not only entertainment - they can be useful in finding a job. Firstly, you can find your potential employer there and learn something about him or even make friends with him. And secondly, look for the company’s employees and find out from them a lot of interesting information about the desired place of work, the management style adopted in the company, and other insider information.

21. Take initiative

After submitting your resume for the vacancy you are interested in, do not wait for the weather by the sea. Call the HR department yourself and find out if your resume has arrived. By expressing yourself once again, you will increase your chances of standing out from the crowd and being noticed. The same goes after the interview: don’t be afraid to call first and find out the result.

22. Change your profession

The search period is a great chance to try yourself in a new field and remember what you wanted to become, but for some reason you didn’t. Perhaps it's time to try something new, start with a clean slate and dramatically change your life for the better. It may turn out that your new profession is your true calling.

23. Don’t be afraid of part-time jobs and temporary work

If your job search is taking a long time, try taking on a part-time job or temporary work. Firstly, it will bring you additional income and prevent you from starving to death. Secondly, it will distract you from routine searches, interviews and calls, which are annoying and sometimes stupefying. Thirdly, it will keep you on your toes and will not let you lag behind life in a professional sense.

24. Start filling knowledge gaps

The temporary lull can and should be used for self-education. If you know your weaknesses, then searching for a job is the time to work on them: read literature, surf the Internet. And then you will become even more informed and prepared for your new position.

25. Never be afraid of closed doors

Even if sometimes it seems like you won’t succeed, don’t despair. If you really want to work for your dream company, you can achieve it. And when the door is really closed, use the window.

  • Career and Self-development


1 -1

Finding your dream job, especially during a crisis, is very difficult.

And if you are a recent student with no experience, then your chances are completely equal to zero.

And yet, you shouldn’t give up prematurely or settle for the first low-paying option that comes your way.

I run this site to help people. For example, you are guaranteed to find out how to get a job.

All you need for this is the right choice of vacancy, competent resume writing and a successful interview.

I would like to start discussing the topic with general recommendations that will definitely be useful to those who want to get a job:

    There is always work.

    Even in the worst crisis, you can get a job.

    Repeat this to yourself like a mantra.

    Decide what exactly you want to do.

    The most common mistake job seekers make is agreeing to something.

  1. Don’t be afraid that you don’t have work experience; you should be much more afraid of bad experience, or rather, what a new employer finds out about it.
  2. Don’t agree to work for pennies just because you’re afraid that no one else will offer it.

    Sitting in a low-paid position for a long time has ruined more than one career.

    You can agree to work for a while for a pittance only if you need experience in this particular company.

  3. Know not only about your strengths, but also your shortcomings, then you can hide them.
  4. Don't be afraid to use your connections: ask friends, relatives and acquaintances if they can help you get a job.
  5. Fill gaps in your professional knowledge.
  6. Don’t be afraid to change your profession if you can’t in your specialty or simply don’t want to work anymore in what you are doing now.

What prevents us from getting a job?

It seems to me that some people simply tend to create problems out of the blue, others pass off their reluctance to do anything as “oh, I’m so unlucky,” and still others seem to be ready to do what is needed, but simply don’t know how finally approach the task.

If you really want to get a job, but for some reason you can’t do it, first understand the reasons: what exactly is stopping you from doing this.

Most often, on the way to realizing any of our dreams becomes:

  • lack of self-confidence and low self-esteem;
  • desires that are not comparable to our capabilities (for example, you cannot get a job in a bank without having a financial or economic education; more precisely, you can get a job, but only as a cleaner or security guard);
  • subconscious reluctance to achieve this particular goal;
  • wrong choice of motivation;
  • lack of perseverance in achieving goals, etc.

How to get a job: weed out unnecessary vacancies

The job search begins with studying available vacancies in recruitment agencies, in the media, on thematic websites, among your social circle.

You shouldn’t immediately make yourself a three-page list of potential jobs, ranging from a janitor to department heads at a supermarket.

Decide what position you want to apply for, which options are most suitable for you, and without regret, weed out all unnecessary vacancies.

To begin with, leave no more than 10 of the most attractive and promising options and start working with them.

This way you won’t waste time and effort on vacancies that don’t interest you too much.

And one more secret: many (especially graduates) are afraid of large companies, but this is a big mistake.

In a small company there is no time, and there is no one to train you; everyone is waiting for an already experienced employee who will quickly get involved in the work.

It is in a large company that you can quietly acquire the knowledge, skills and abilities you need, and the prospects for career growth are much more realistic here.

How to get a job: resume

Competently is half the success.

If you send your future employer a crazy 10-page document that looks more like an essay on a free topic, you are unlikely to be interested in him.

A good resume is a document that:

  • fit on one page;
  • can present you to a future employer in the most favorable light;
  • contains specific information about you: education, work experience, advantages;
  • has a clear structure and is easy to read;
  • decorated with a photograph.

You should not create a universal resume and send it to everyone.

Try to add that zest to each document that will set you apart from other applicants.

How to get a job: the first phone call

If you did everything correctly and future employers liked your resume, then they will definitely call you to invite you for an interview.

But behind such a call lies not so much an invitation to an interview, but rather a desire to test your adequacy in order to understand whether it is worth spending their time on you.

When sending your resume, begin to psychologically prepare yourself for such a phone call, so that when you hear on the phone: “Hello, this is the company’s HR manager..., we have received your resume...”, and you don’t screw everything up out of fright.

Speak calmly and confidently, answer questions clearly and briefly, sing like a nightingale about how wonderful you are at the interview.

If you have been assigned a day and time for an interview, do not start rescheduling it because your hamster is sick; no one needs such irresponsible employees.

How to get a job: preparing for an interview

Any interview must be preceded by a preparatory stage, without which it is quite difficult to get a job:
  1. Gather as much information as possible about the company you are applying for to demonstrate your knowledge and come prepared with ideas.
  2. Prepare answers to the most.
  3. Rehearse how you will enter the office, how you will smile, say hello, what you will say, how you will sit, etc.
  4. Think about your look in advance: suit, hairstyle, manicure, makeup, perfume aroma, etc.

    Make sure that the suit you choose is in order (all buttons are in place, there are no stains), that you have intact (and spare!) tights, clean socks, etc.

  5. Calculate how much time you need to get to the office (you shouldn’t arrive too early, but you shouldn’t be late either) and add 15-20 minutes to it for force majeure.

We offer you a funny video on how not to behave during an interview.

Let's look and smile :)

How to get a job: interview

During an interview you cannot:

  1. Be embarrassed and withdraw into yourself.
  2. Flirtatize with a potential boss.
  3. Say nasty things about your previous boss and colleagues.
  4. Ask questions right from the start: “How much will you pay me?”, “How quickly can I count on a promotion?”, “Can I go home early?”, “Do you pay for sick leave and maternity leave?”
  5. I agree that some of these questions are important (such as salary and benefits package), but before asking them, you need to make a good impression on your boss.
  6. Make stupid jokes, laugh uncontrollably, or act too cheeky.
  7. Lie when talking about your achievements.
  8. Talk incessantly, interrupting your boss, or vice versa - remain silent, answering his questions in monosyllables.

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In order for you to be accrued work experience, you must officially apply for a job, and if you have already found one, you will need to prepare a package of necessary documents for this. Of course, before hiring you, you will need to undergo an interview to prove that you are suitable for the advertised vacancy.

Documents for the interview

When meeting an employer for the first time, he will want to get to know the future employee, find out about his work experience, life position, what additional knowledge, skills and abilities the applicant has, and therefore he should prepare:

  • autobiography
  • copy of work book
  • education documents
  • portfolio, if it is provided for the declared vacancy.

So, you have already passed the interview.

Preparation of documents for employment

To get an official job, you need to provide the employer with:

  • passport
  • work book (if this is not the first place of work)
  • education document
  • military registration document for those liable for military service and those who, due to age, are subject to conscription for military service.
  • pension insurance certificate
  • medical record (if required).

So, let's look at each document separately.

Passport is a proof of your identity, only by it can you identify the applicant, which means that with a passport you cannot get a job using someone else’s documents. If for some reason you do not have a passport at the time of employment, you can present a certificate from the passport office stating that you have handed it in for a replacement, or you can temporarily present a foreign passport; sometimes a military ID or driver’s license is also allowed.

Employment history issued directly by an organization or enterprise if this is your first place of work, but if you already have work experience, then you must present it. The HR department will make an appropriate entry about your hiring, after which the work book will be stored in the HR department until the moment of dismissal. According to Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, every employee who has worked at their main place of work for at least 5 days must have a work book. If you are applying for a part-time job, then a copy of the work book is sufficient.

Education document. For specialties requiring certain qualifications, this must be a diploma or certificate of professional training or retraining. If the job does not require special education, then a certificate of general education is sufficient.

Military registration document. All men between the ages of 16 and 27 are considered conscripts, and therefore must provide either a registration certificate or a military ID. If a woman has a military ID, she must provide that too. Men who have already completed military service and are in the reserve, under the age of 50, provide a military ID or temporary certificate.

TIN. If you are not an individual entrepreneur, then you will not need such a document; your employer will pay taxes for you.
Pension insurance certificate. It must be issued to you by the employer at your first place of work, and when moving to another organization or when registering at the labor exchange, it must be presented.

Medical book is not a mandatory document for all organizations; it is issued to employees of catering, trade, medicine and education. If you need to obtain a medical record, you need to contact the state sanitary and epidemiological inspection center. Without a medical book with permission to work in institutions of the above-mentioned industries, an employee cannot find a job.

It is worth dwelling on such a moment as registration at the place of stay.
The Labor Code states that an employer does not have the right to refuse employment to a citizen if he does not have registration and is a citizen of Russia, but employers are reluctant to hire people without registration.

List of documents for employment of minors

In practice, in our time there are rarely cases when teenagers under 16 years of age get a job, but still such an opportunity exists and is also worth mentioning.

If a teenager gets a job, then the following must be additionally attached to the above list of documents:

  • consent of at least one parent or person replacing him
  • consent from the local guardianship and trusteeship authority
  • persons who have turned 15 years old present a certificate of general education, a certificate of continuation of studies in correspondence, evening or distance learning, or a certificate of expulsion
  • a document that indicates a lesson plan or schedule that will be required to draw up a work schedule without compromising education
  • medical certificate confirming the examination and its positive result.

Package of documents for employment in Russia for CIS citizens

First of all, you must have a work permit issued by the Federal Migration Service of Russia. To obtain a work permit you will need:

  • identity document
  • migration card
  • check for payment of state duty.

Having all these documents in hand, you can already submit an application to the FMS for a work permit.

Either the applicant himself or the enterprise that hires the person can submit documents with an application to the FMS. Also, documents can be submitted by your representative, in accordance with Russian legislation. A CIS citizen must obtain a work permit in Russia 10 working days from the date of arrival.

Additional documents

Sometimes, when concluding an employment contract, the applicant may be required to provide other additional documents, taking into account the specifics of the work, while the employer must be guided by decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation or decrees of the President of Russia.
The list of necessary documents for concluding an employment contract is prescribed in Article 65 of the Labor Code. The employer has no right to demand from you any other documents not included in this list.

Any questions you may have can be asked in the comments to the article.

Today I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will talk about what home conspiracies you need to read when looking for a new job and how to correctly use the power of magic for your own benefit. Magic can help solve social issues. After viewing this material, you will understand that magical help in finding a job can be very simple and at the same time effective. And the first example: a conspiracy that you need to read when going for an interview.

A conspiracy when applying for a job - so that you don’t refuse and take the position

“I’m going to the bar, neither young nor old. I’m going to make a contract and take a look at the owner. My face is sweet, my soul is not hateful. Everyone would be surprised at me, the owners would smile, they would be touched by my words. They would not drive away a baptized soul. Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us at all times. Amen. Amen. Amen".

An effective conspiracy to find a high-paying job is essentially universal. It can be read not only by those who practice witchcraft through, but also by magicians working with Slavic gods and warlocks. In the last two cases, only the last line of the conspiracy is changed, turning not to Christ, but to those Forces with which they are working.

What could be the consequences of a conspiracy to get hired?

And can undesirable and negative moments arise at all? I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, would answer these questions this way: depending on how you perceive change. Sometimes events may look like they are negative, but the end result turns out to be positive for the person. Sometimes events develop unnoticed, like a sprout underground. But, in due time, this sprout will appear on the surface, and this is good.

Could a home spell designed to help solve a work problem not work? Maybe quite so. This usually happens in cases where you have a magical negative, say, a curse on closing paths, or an evil eye on troubles. In this case, there can only be one way out: before doing magical rituals for well-being, read a strong conspiracy to get hired, or to do other positive witchcraft, you need to find out whether there is negativity on the person, and then undergo comprehensive cleansing.

Independent conspiracies to get called to work

Before going to the employer, your potential boss, read the independent plot three times to find a high-paying job:

“I don’t walk, I don’t hurry quietly on a black cat, a gray dog, a red rooster. There was no refusal for me, God’s servant (name), neither on Monday, nor on Tuesday, nor on Wednesday, nor on Thursday, nor on Friday, nor on Saturday. Take it, damn it. So that no one would say a word against me, neither evil nor any, they would not move their tongue against me, they would respect and love me. Cross with a cross, a matter with a good ending. In the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

This conspiracy in finding a good job is very effective, and it works not only when applying for a job, but also in completely different everyday situations. If you need an effective conspiracy to get your son hired, this ritual can give good results. But, in my opinion, the magician Sergei Artgrom, experience and deep conviction, is the only magic spell to find money job is often not enough. Simply because for any action there is always a reaction, various external factors that can become an obstacle to getting what you want. Therefore, do the rituals yourself in a comprehensive manner. In this case: for general well-being, to attract good luck in finding a job, and for money.

And if you intend to change the place where you work, it would not be amiss to read the plot to get another job. A witchcraft spell for respect and love of people may very well come in handy:

“On the sea, on the ocean, on the island of Buyan there is a hut with five walls, there is a wall with twelve knives. These twelve knives have thirteen guards. I will approach those knives, those thirteen guards. I look and look out and see Judas. You, Judas, everyone offended and cursed you, they persecuted you from everywhere, Judas, they spat in your face. Take my sorrows to you so that I may be dear to people. For now, forever, indefinitely. The word is strong. Amen".

What conspiracies to read in search of a good job

To attract an employer, so that they want to hire you for a lucrative position that will make you a more successful person than you were before, try making this white one yourself pre-interview spell for your desired job:

“I, servant of God, (name), will stand in the morning, blessing myself and crossing myself. I will go out into an open field and look at all four sides: on the eastern side stands the holy church. Just as they look at this church and become enamored, so would old ladies, old old men, little guys, pretty maidens, young ladies, good fellows look and rave at me, the servant of God (name). Be, my words are strong and strong, like dungeon keys. Amen".

This is a magical employment spell that works like a magnet for the right people. You become attractive in the eyes of others. You can read it directly during the interview, looking at the person on whose decision your employment depends.

A quick conspiracy to get hired for a good job works in the same way.

“Get ready, people, good people, for the honorable holiday of Christ. Just as they look at crosses and domes, at the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, at various images, so if old men, young men, old women, young women, beautiful maidens, little guys looked and looked at me, the servant of God (name). So if the servant of God (employer's name) looked and looked, so I, the servant of God (name), would seem more beautiful than the red sun, purer than pure silver. Be, my words, forever indestructible. The key is in the water, but the lock is on your hand. Amen".

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

An effective plot to get a profitable job

Sometimes simple words have great magical power. Many conspiracies aimed at solving social issues work on the personal power of the performer. In other words, how much you yourself invest in the magical process, such will be the return.

“Work, work, let me, God’s servant (name), be happy. Ever-Virgin Mary, give me strength for all the stubble. Forever and ever. Amen".

A strong conspiracy to find money work

To find a good job, carry a nickel in each pocket. This should be the change received when purchasing salt, bread and milk. But you cannot ask the seller to give you change in coins. In this case, the magical spell works by analogy with the protective ritual for luck, when a found coin is enchanted. It was found on the street, and did not come to you in any other way.

Before putting the coins in your pocket, for each coin you need to read the words of the spell for luck 7 times: “ Dali didn't ask. I am waiting for help from the Higher Powers. Let it be so" You need to get to an interview with the person on whom your employment depends before noon on odd days, and cross the threshold with your left foot. At the same time, you need to mentally say an independent conspiracy when interviewing for a rich, monetary job: “ All nickels given by the Higher powers are with me».

If before meeting with your employer you go to church and light 3 candles there: in front of the icon of St. Nicholas, the Mother of God, and for health and enemies, this will be a plus and will reinforce the magical effect on the director of the company. An independent plot to find a high-paying job can show results that will surprise you.

Read effective white conspiracies to get the job you want

If your goal is fully formed, and you know exactly which organization you want to get a job in, try your luck with an independent plot to get a job so that you get it after the interview.

The text of the plot for quick employment should be read at dawn:

“Ever-Virgin Mary, for me, the servant of God (name), intercede for me, the servant of God (name), pray that I have the job I want, so that I don’t regret it, don’t grieve. Forever and ever. Amen".

A strong conspiracy during a job interview is read during a conversation with a potential boss, or immediately after it, at the very time when he will make a decision:

“Lord Jesus Christ, who transformed water into wine, transform my, God’s servant (name), empty troubles into golden troubles. Let me find a good job. Amen".

But this very simple conspiracy to get hired for a good job is done at any time of the day. In your left hand, hold a pebble with sharp edges. Cross yourself, and then throw this pebble over your left shoulder into the corner of the room, and say this:

“A pebble - in a corner, a devil in the forehead, and for me, the servant of God (name) - for noble wealth, for a good job. Forever and ever. Amen".

Do not touch the pebble used in a strong spell to get a good job for one month. He should stay where he fell. After this time, it can be carried and thrown at an intersection. But you don’t need to throw it out the window; it won’t take long to throw away your luck.

I will go along a road - not a road, a road - not a road, a country road - not a country road. And I’ll go look for shares in the damp forest, in the pure field. I’ll take one step and I’ll find a ruble, and I’ll take another step and I’ll find a dupe, and I’ll take a third step and I’ll find half a hundred. The cream will drink, and I will get rich. So that I can live and live. Yes, you don’t know grief. Amen".
You can offer the remaining cream to your family, or drink it, adding it, for example, to coffee. When you go to bed, fluff your pillow and say: “ Mother Cow, you gave me some cream, give me a new, profitable and good job." Then cross yourself three times and read “Our Father” 9 times. Make this strong conspiracy to get hired, on the waxing moon. The real result should be within one lunar month.

What is a powerful conspiracy to get your favorite job?

There is power in the magic of nauz. This ancient magic will help you find a new job, and will also help you return to your previous one, if necessary. And here is an example of a strong conspiracy to take back your previous job, or to find a new one. When getting a job, tie a thread with witchcraft words in a knot spells for getting a good job:

“As tightly this knot is tied, so would it be for me, God’s servant (name), that the matter would quickly and firmly develop, and they would hire me.”

Tie 3 knots, repeating the plot for each one. Place the thread on the threshold, step over, close the door, and go find a job in full confidence in your rightness and in the success of the magic you have created.



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