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As for the zodiac sign Cancer, in September 2016 people born under this thoroughly positive and cheerful sign will experience a slight decrease in overall dynamics and vitality. Although in this case we're talking about about the natural and predictable features of a particular time stage, and this moment does not depend on you personally, even to a minimal extent. Regarding the star combinations that will form “around” your particular sign, we can say the following. Jupiter, the exaltant of Cancer, will maintain its position and continue to supply you vital energy. The Moon, the ruling planet of your sign, will be strengthened. But not enough to cope with the growing negativity of Saturn, which is responsible for the “expulsion” of Cancer. But for Mars, which in its usual position is responsible for the “fall” of this sign, the situation will be exactly the opposite. Firstly, he will change the modality of his energy flows. And secondly, it will easily “overpower” the influence of Saturn. The result is not the easiest situation to understand, but the important thing is that in general we are talking about a clearly positive impact that will result after summing up all the above points. There is no reason to panic or change anything radically, and even if at the beginning of the month you feel that you are losing ground, do not rush to resort to drastic measures. This is a general trend and it must be said that you, Cancers, are in a clearly advantageous position in this regard, because not all signs are so lucky with patrons.

At the same time, in the work area in September 2016, Cancer should be a little careful. However, this is not a rule at all, but rather a recommendation, desirable, but not at all mandatory. It is important to understand the specifics of the moment, positive side which is that you will know exactly your “enemies”, which is called “in person”. They won’t particularly hide, or rather, of course, they will, but nothing will come of it; they are bad conspirators, to say the least! But their actions will turn out to be much more productive - for them, and not for you. This means that you will have to act differently than usual. Cancer in general is a fairly straightforward, “simple” and largely trusting sign. In September, all these qualities, to put it mildly, will not play into your hands, which leads to the conclusion that you will have to quickly accept a fundamentally new experience and temporarily change your line of behavior. You will not be required to undergo a total personality restructuring, and all this, I repeat, will be temporary. Just be more cunning than your opponents, act “one step forward”, but in no case use the dishonest methods that they use. It won't suit you.

Regarding the “love front,” it is worth definitely noting that the zodiac sign Cancer in September 2016 will become a participant in a number of funny situations that will not be erased from the memory of your friends and loved ones for a long time. Just be yourself and don’t try to prove something to anyone, even if they impose a similar line of behavior on you. Do not move in the same direction in which the general flow is carrying you, resist it with all your might, and even if in the end you find yourself in the same place as everyone else, you can rest assured that your efforts were not in vain. In relationships with your “other half,” be gentler. In general, perhaps you lack openness - you and your passion. Think about this, and also about the fact that you are not alone in this sign, and sometimes your selfishness takes on noticeable outlines. However, it’s never too late to fix everything, so, as they say, put your feet up and move forward! Don’t be shy to apologize and show sincere feelings, sometimes it’s worth a thousand words and even a thousand deeds.

Attention! Thanks to the horoscope for September 2016 for the zodiac sign Cancer, we can determine the main directions of our activity during this period. A horoscope is compiled based on data on the position of the Sun, Moon and Planets relative to our zodiac sign, where the Sun star is the main core around which the energy pattern of our destiny is woven. However, such astrological forecast is general in nature and makes sense only when determining general trends for typical representatives zodiac sign Cancer. More accurate horoscope you can find out by drawing up one of your personal horoscopes, which you can get by clicking on the link below.

Other horoscopes for the Cancer sign: Personal horoscopes for the Cancer sign:

September for Cancer a month of movement and change. And what they will be depends only on you.

Love, Cancer family in September 2016

There is no doubt that the topic of moving will become the main one in many Cancer families, but this one is already complex process may be disrupted by a difficult situation that has long been ripening in the circle of closest relatives. A serious quarrel is possible, and only the marriage partner can “settle” it. His decision this time may turn out to be the main one. The same situation is likely for most couples in love.

Cancers who remain in their native lands may decide to change housing to a more comfortable one and within six months will find quite suitable option. The stars recommend that you carefully think through all the events of this month, but do not make final decisions until September 25. Mercury, the planet of connections and contacts, is moving backwards, and everything that has been done will have to be redone and revised.

To look charming in September 2016 horoscope Cancer recommends cutting and coloring hair according to Lunar haircut calendar for September 2016.

Career, finances of Cancer in September 2016

As before, the main thing this month for Cancer is to develop connections with partners from other cities or countries, and perhaps to open their own business in places far from their home. To do this, you will have to travel a lot of roads and revise a lot of papers, as well as overcome many obstacles. One of them may be a difficult situation in the team, difficulties with individual employees. In some cases, they will be so complex that it will be necessary to abandon some of the old personnel and bring in new employees a little later. An employee may give up his old job, and in some cases this may be due to relocation.

Don't be surprised that all the events planned for this month may move slowly, with delays and problems. You will have to redo a lot, and also constantly deal with paperwork. It is to be hoped that towards the end of the month most of Cancer’s problems will be successfully overcome, and that the rest will be dealt with later.

The financial situation of Cancer is calm, but nothing more, this month will not bring either large profits or large losses.

The horoscope for September 2016 for Cancer says that the world order has apparently gone crazy. Representatives of this zodiac sign will suddenly realize with surprise that everything they are used to, everything standard solutions, moves - all this stopped functioning.
The thing is that the gentleman's set of standard reactions is not enough. The stars advise Cancer to look at the situation from a different angle.
The horoscope for September 2016 predicts cardinal changes for Cancers in their lives (change of job, housing, social status). Cancer has no idea what this is about, but half or even a whole month can pass in dreams of a wonderful future.

Representatives of this zodiac sign for September 2016 will need patience and the ability to visualize utopian pictures of their wonderful future. Pinker glasses wouldn't hurt either.
Either thanks to or in spite of this, the energy of Cancer in September 2016 will be downright destructive for any technology.
In his presence, the computer will freeze, the coffee maker will break down, cars will get into accidents. Cancer, of course, will blame this on chance and coincidences.

Horoscope for Cancer men for September 2016

Cancer men in September 2016 will not grab stars from the sky: this is not so for him, and this is not that way. Take a capricious child, multiply it by 10. Get a Cancer man in September 2016. Miracles in the financial sector can only be expected from Cancer collectors (or promising heirs) - yes, yes, a Cancer man will not be able to work again.

Horoscope for Cancer women for September 2016

Cancer women, unlike Cancer men, will take care of business. Let your companion grumble in the evenings - in return, give him the comfort of home. Older relatives and friends are looking for your attention - give them what they want.
Be quieter at turns closer to the middle of the month (September 13-14), especially with your husband’s relatives: critical situations and conflicts are possible. The last 10 days of September will give a bit of bouquet and candy romance not only to single Cancer Women, but also to those who are safely ringed.

Finance horoscope for Cancers for September 2016

The financial horoscope for Cancers for September 2016 says that everything will be quite normal with money. However, the stars say that it would be nice to save a penny or two. By the end of the month, the need for this will dry up, but efforts are needed on the part of Cancer. Otherwise nothing will change.
And by the way: the stars warn Cancers against any borrowed money in September 2016. Under no circumstances, do not borrow, do not apply for a loan, and do not take out a mortgage for anything!
Remember, the stars say, you assess the current financial circumstances too rosy (at least withdraw your money for the sake of money) rose-colored glasses!). All borrowed money will have to be repaid. And it’s not a fact that you will have the strength and capabilities to do this.

Career horoscope for Cancers for September 2016

September 2016 is quite merciful to Cancer. Everything will be fine with your job (they might even get a promotion). Even incomes, unexpectedly, can increase.
A lot of opportunities open up for Cancers in September 2016 (the very ones that were so lacking in recent months).
Representatives of this sign, with surprise, may receive a promotion. If so, you can even expect an increase in your salary.
But don't think that everything is so rosy. September 2016 promises a clash with management and/or colleagues (some unpleasant story will come to light, and Cancer will be involved in it to the very top). Kick them out - they won’t kick you out, but they will spoil your nerves (and Cancer is so impressionable!), and quite a bit.
September 2016, unexpectedly for Cancer, will offer not just a promotion, but a jump in career career ladder. Moreover, several steps up. Motivated (either by a companion or by older relatives), Cancer, unexpectedly for everyone, will become something like a bulldog, tearing everyone’s throats in a fight for the most delicious bone.

Motivated Cancer - terrible force. Fear him, other zodiac signs.
No matter how cool everything is, but keep in mind, dear Cancers, everyone and every action you take is closely watched (otherwise you wouldn’t have decided to promote!)
If Cancer works on a contract basis, then the main thing (in September 2016) is that the client believes in his own, personal, unique vision.
Then, perhaps, he will even pay Cancer what he is due.
The Cancer boss in September 2016 should be very tough. Otherwise, no one will want to work.
Favorable days for career and financial affairs in September 2016 for Cancers: September 23 - 25.

Love horoscope for Cancers for September 2016

The amorous affairs (and personal life) of Cancer in September 2016 will take place away from annoying witnesses. You will be able to move out from (parents/relatives/friends - underline as appropriate).
The stars prophesy wild passion for lonely Cancers (they just advise not to advertise it!).

Health horoscope for Cancers for September 2016

If any of the zodiac signs is ready to be treated by healers and sorcerers, it is Cancer. But that's not funny. It turns out that in September 2016, Cancer will be right!

This month promises to be favorable for the personal life of Cancers, because the patron planet of love, Venus, will be in the family sector of this sign until September 23, 2016. Therefore, family troubles and a lot of worries await you: spend more time with your family. During this period, it is better to retire with your soulmate in a homely atmosphere, leaving noisy events and crowded meetings for a while.

September does not foretell any love turmoil or noticeable changes in a relationship, but Cancers, who do not tolerate everything unknown, will be happy about this. If you decide to do something new, you should think about your actions several times. If you are still ready for adventure, then act more actively and remember that luck favors those who are confident in their abilities and are not afraid of anything.

On September 9, there will be a change of sectors: Jupiter, the planet symbolizing happiness, moves into the family sector, which will remain here until October next year. You will immediately notice what positive influence this transition will have an impact on your family relationships. Serious issues, be it apartment renovations, a change of residence or major purchases, will be resolved. It would be good to specify all plans that relate to real estate. You may even be expecting some help from your family. Moreover, this period is most favorable for discussion important topics or for reconciliation, because the positive waves of Jupiter contribute to the establishment of harmony in the family.

Cancer love horoscope September 2016

Meanwhile, Venus moves into your zodiac sign's love house. This will happen after September 23rd and will bring positive changes to your personal life. Love and romance will literally haunt you! Decide what exactly you want and look around: perhaps you are just a stone's throw away from meeting the future owner of your heart. Don’t ignore invitations, don’t avoid new acquaintances, because one of them may be what you needed all this time.

Career and finance: horoscope for Cancer (September 2016)

In September, it is necessary to focus on resolving all issues related to real estate and land. The stars promise you lucrative deals, especially for those who work in this direction.

This period is characterized by stability, so it is not favorable for new job, changes in areas of activity and other changes. It’s better to move your ideas to the end of the year - that’s when you will feel more confident in matters that relate to your plans for the future.

Two eclipses expected in September will have an impact on your “colleagues” in your sign. September 1st will happen solar eclipse, which will give impetus to the revision of undertakings and projects left in the past. By paying off old debts, you will take a step towards future goals and objectives. Learning, networking, and networking with new faces is essential to advancing your career.

Horoscope for Cancer in September 2016: study and creative activity

September 16 – date Lunar eclipse, which will make you reconsider your views on what is happening. During this period, you may be on a business trip or study related trip. This is a time of inspiration and motivation, however, it is important not to overestimate your strengths: try to look at things objectively and compare your plans with your capabilities.

Gusts to creative activity, openness and the luck that always and everywhere accompanies you, you will feel in the last ten days of the month. Management and colleagues will be delighted with your success (this is especially true for those whose work is related to children or art).

Regarding material goods, then in general everything is stable in this matter. But still, on days that border on eclipses, it is better to refrain from serious purchases and any financial transactions, because the likelihood of being deceived is quite high. Although the innate intuition of Cancers can come to the rescue even during this period.

Cancer horoscope for September 2016: health

In matters related to health, you need to be extremely careful, because Saturn and Mars are in your house, which most often entails negative consequences. You should be careful: serious illnesses may pose a threat to your health, and any careless movement may result in injury.

Overall, there's a rich palette of possibilities waiting for you, but no one forces you to grab every one of them. It is very important to set priorities correctly here.

Cancer in September 2016 will solve many issues related to the home, and these issues will be large-scale. Most likely, they may be related to the renovation of the premises, which may last almost whole year, as well as long-term rental or purchase of housing. This perspective of events is due to the fact that the planet Jupiter moves into the sign of Libra on September 9, 2016.

General horoscope for September 2016 Cancer

September 2016 for Cancer can bring happiness to the home, as well as a solution to most of the accumulated for a long time issues related to real estate.

The horoscope for September 2016 for Cancer suggests turning special attention on the influence of the planet Jupiter on the days 10, 21, 23, 26 and 30 September. Cancer needs to know that what happens on these days can become a model of behavior for the entire next year.

So, for example, if Cancer in September 2016 wants to transform his home according to the rules of Feng Shui, he will have this activity for at least another year.

Or, for example, if Cancer decides to work at home, this can also turn out to be a rather lengthy task. Simply put, any innovation these days may turn out to be the beginning of a huge plan that can be implemented throughout the year.

In September 2016, Cancer should know that situations that begin in September have a good perspective and a happy continuation, since they begin under the guidance of the planet of happiness - Jupiter.

In addition, the planet Venus will influence the household affairs of the representatives of the sign. This will mean that Cancer will devote a lot of time in September to improving and decorating their home.

Career and money horoscope for September 2016 Cancer

The September 2016 horoscope for Cancer warns of the retrograde movement of the planet Mercury in the period from September 1 to September 22. This planetary movement may affect Cancer's career in September. Thus, some of the transactions may be ambiguous, the essence of which is not completely clear to the representatives of the sign. Only on the days of September 20, 22 and 29 will Cancer most likely have a clear view of what he should be doing.

Due to the fact that confusion in business is possible during Mercury retrograde from August 29 to September 22, 2016, it is better to sign important documents after September 22. It is very important during this period to carefully study and double-check all the details of transactions. September 2016 may be a good month for Cancer to start working at home. On September 21, 23 or 30, Cancer should try this type of employment.

In September, Cancer should pay special attention to the full moon days - September 16 and 17, as stress and increased emotionality are possible at this time.

Favorable days for career and financial affairs in September 2016 for Cancer: September 20, 22, 29.

Love horoscope for September 2016 Cancer

Cancer in September 2016 will pay a lot of attention to its partner. It is worth noting that important conversations can occur from September 5 to 7. A little later - September 11, Cancer can successfully discuss all the accumulated issues around the house and easily find a solution to them. The horoscope for September 2016 for Cancer draws the attention of representatives of the sign to the likelihood of discussing a very important topic of relationships on September 20.

Occurring on September 1st, the new moon can be associated with dialogues regarding finances, work, parenting, family and health. The strategy adopted these days may take place for the next six months. That is, planning on this day becomes very promising, so the main thing for Cancer is to correctly understand and plan his joint actions with his partner.

In September 2016, Cancer will be involved in creativity or travel a lot, which will happen thanks to their partner. So, on September 1 and 2, Cancer can discover new types of creativity and get carried away by them. In the period from September 25 to 29, the partner can provoke Cancer into emotional communication, which will be more like love games.

Favorable days for love relationship in September 2016 for Cancer: September 1, 11, 25 - 29.

Health horoscope for September 2016 Cancer

The September 2016 horoscope for Cancer warns of the likelihood of overload at work in the period from September 12 to September 14. These days, Cancer should save his strength, be less emotional, and also leave time for good rest and recuperation.

September 2016 for Cancer may be an excellent time for long-distance travel, which can bring great benefit health and normalization of the mental state of Cancer, gaining inner harmony.



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