What should a group 3 disabled person do? Benefits for transport services

Hello, dear readers of our legal magazine “site”. Today we will tell you what benefits are available to disabled people of group 3 in 2019. The third group of disabilities is characterized as the most uncomplicated of all existing ones. Many regulatory and legal acts assign groups 3 to disabled people various benefits. This takes into account the reason for receiving disability, the city in which citizens live, and their age.

In general, these benefits are almost no different from those available to the other two groups.

Criteria for recognizing a person as disabled group 3

The criteria by which a person can be recognized as a group 3 disabled person are described in Order of the Ministry of Labor dated December 17, 2015 No. 1024-n.

These are persistent moderate or minor disorders of speech (language), static-dynamic, mental, sensory functions, blood circulation, physical deformities. In percentage terms, these defects are 40-60%, and they are caused by congenital or past diseases, injuries resulting in limitation of life activities.

Disorders due to the disease include deafness, partial loss of vision, paralysis of the hand, and poor spatial orientation. Disabled people who have received defects as a result of injuries suffered are able to freely care for themselves. They don't need outside supervision.

The decision to assign the status of “group 3 disabled” is made by a medical and social examination, to which the patient is referred by the attending physician.

What benefits does a disabled person of group 3 have in 2019?

Benefits for disabled people of group 3 and other categories are federal and regional.

After the indexation of social pensions on April 1, 2019, the monthly allowance for disabled people of the third group will be 4,959.85 rubles. For group 3 this amount, the base rate is 1236 rubles. The pension continues to be paid to a disabled person who gets a job. When a disabled person reaches retirement age, he can choose the category of old-age accruals or keep the previous one. In any case, he is entitled to only 1 type of pension.

Note! In 2019, the basic social rate for group 3 is 1,236 rubles. If you support 1 dependent - 2100 rubles. , and 2 wards - 3000 rubles, 3 dependents - 3850 rubles.

Types of disability benefits

In order to simplify navigation in the issue of assigning disability group 3 and assigning benefits, we can conditionally distinguish 3 principles of definition:

  • causes of disability;
  • form of providing benefits;
  • periodicity.

The first principle of separation takes into account the circumstances of the occurrence of injury/illness that resulted in disability, for example, “disabled from childhood,” “disabled from combat.” Additional benefits and compensation are provided for disabled people in these categories. In other cases, a postscript “according to general illness».

In accordance with the second principle, benefits are distinguished between material (monetary), medical, and in kind (provision of food, hot meals, mobility aids, cars); moral (status), giving the right of priority.

Based on the frequency principle, the following benefits can be distinguished: monthly (receipt of medicines), annual ( spa treatment), one-time or with a long periodicity: free or preferential major repairs, installation of a telephone, radio point. This is the most common category of benefits.

Tax benefits

The state exempts this category of disabled people from paying income taxes.

These are all government payments, benefits, state pension, help from philanthropists, cost health resort vouchers for referral for treatment (except for tourists). Financial assistance from the employer is also not taxed if the employee’s disability was the reason for his retirement. The same applies to compensation for medicines received from the employer, if the amount does not exceed 4,000 rubles.

This category of citizens is allowed to pay half the normal cost utilities, if the house in which they live is not private property. As for transport tax, it does not apply to a passenger car that was purchased by a disabled person as a result of applying to the social security authorities. But the law puts forward certain requirements: vehicle must have an engine power not exceeding 100 horsepower, a special design or be equipped special devices. Most often, such cars are domestically produced.

Entrepreneurs who have had a Group 3 disability since childhood do not need to pay a registration fee.

A disabled person will have to pay taxes on gifts and inheritance in full.

Labor benefits 2019

Group 3 disabled people have the right to work. The future employer must exempt such citizens from undergoing probationary period. If you can’t find a job on your own, you should contact the labor service. Working disabled people must have their own schedule, no more than 35 hours. By his own consent, a disabled person can work outside of normal working hours.

This category of citizens is granted compulsory leave lasting from 30 calendar days. They can also be released from work at their own expense for another 60 days. Persons with disability group 3 can go on vacation at will; they do not need to adhere to the general schedule. Such citizens can be called to work on weekends and holidays only on a voluntary basis. If the disabled person’s health condition deteriorates sharply, he has the right to urgently terminate the employment contract with the employer.

Medical benefits

Group 3 disabled people can receive free medical care in appropriate government institutions. Also, when applying to a state social pharmacy, this category of people, if their pension is not higher than the minimum, has the right to receive free prescription drugs, the list of which is approved by the state. If a disabled person has a medical examination, he has the right to receive technical aids (canes, crutches, dentures and hearing prostheses) free of charge.

Disabled persons should be given vouchers to a sanatorium once a year, including free accommodation, food, treatment, and round-trip travel. To do this, they need to provide a certificate from the medical institution at the place of registration.

Benefits for Moscow disabled people of group 3 in 2019

In Moscow, disabled people of group 3 can enjoy the following benefits.

  1. Children with disabilities have the right not to pay personal income tax;
  2. Persons who received group 3 disability in childhood are exempt from paying the fee when they receive a warrant for an apartment.
  3. There are discounts on telephone communications (up to 50% discount).
  4. A Muscovite's social card allows you to use free transport. Buses for transporting wheelchair users have recently begun operating in the capital. This transport is equipped with lifting platforms. The movement is carried out according to a certain schedule, the bus picks up and drops off passengers at separate stops equipped for this purpose.
  5. Moscow disabled people have received the additional privilege of a social taxi, in which they can ride for half the price, since the state budget covers 50% of the cost. The accompanying person can be 1 person.
  6. A disabled person living alone who has no one to care for should contact the Social Services Center. There he will be provided with a person to help him solve everyday problems, such as cleaning his home or going to the store.

All listed rights are included in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and have legal force.

Additional support

In addition to the above benefits, disabled people of group 3 can also receive some kind of bonuses. For example, applicants who successfully pass the exam can be admitted to a university without competition. At the same time, they must provide the examination commission, along with other documents, with a VTEC certificate to confirm the fact and group of disability. This is the only condition that is put forward when such citizens enter an educational institution. The payment of the scholarship will not depend on their performance in the subjects.

Disabled people of the 3rd group are given the privilege free travel in city transport. To do this, they must present a social travel card.

If such disabled people live in bad conditions, they have the opportunity to receive subsidized housing. The state can also provide them with a plot of land to build a house or ancillary buildings.

Childhood disabilities of the 3rd group are exempt from paying insurance contributions to the Pension Fund. They are provided with benefits when paying personal income tax.

Relatives are obliged to leave a portion of the inheritance to a group 3 disabled person, which must be indicated in the will. If there is no will, then all heirs receive an equal share.

Benefits for pensioners with disabilities of group 3 are guaranteed by Russian legislation. What these benefits are and their size you will learn from this article.

Disability is a human condition that requires certain physical limitations. According to the law, people with disabilities can count on certain benefits and pension payments.

What benefits and monetary compensation can people with disabilities of group 3 receive in 2019?

Assignment of 3rd disability group

Group 3 disability is characterized by the presence of persistent health problems that deprive a person of the opportunity to work and communicate normally.

People with group 3 are characterized by minor speech, mental, sensory disturbances, as well as problems in the circulatory system or physical defects.

A person in such a state especially needs social assistance and support that the state guarantees to him.

There are several criteria and parameters that are regulated by order of the Ministry of Labor.

With their help, you can determine whether a disabled person belongs to this group:

  1. Need for special means to provide orientation in space.
  2. Performing work of less volume and of a lower category than healthy people(in the same specialties).
  3. Necessity aids for work and study. For example, in general educational institutions an individual regime of work with disabled people of group 3 is being developed.
  4. Ability to move independently over short distances.
  5. The ability to self-care (without the help of others) with the presence of special aids.

Procedure for receiving payments

The first step is to obtain a certificate confirming your disability. A citizen can be recognized as disabled only after examination by a medical and social commission.

To do this, he needs to come to see a doctor and begin the examination procedure.

During the entire examination period you must have with you the following documents:

  1. statement;
  2. referral for examination;
  3. a copy of the work book, if available (certified);
  4. an act confirming the presence of industrial injuries or diseases received as a result of professional activities;
  5. character reference from the boss;
  6. income certificate (from place of work);
  7. outpatient card, documents (certificates, extracts) from the hospital;
  8. passport.

After the examination, the person receives a certificate of disability.

To receive a pension and also enjoy benefits, you need to visit the Pension Fund. In this case, it is necessary to take with you your passport, ID card for a disabled person, as well as SNILS.

Payments and benefits

Social assistance measures for these vulnerable segments of the population are regulated by Russian law. All disabled people of any group can qualify for social benefits.

The calculation of the labor pension is carried out taking into account the length of service. The state has established a fixed amount for disabled people of group 3 in 2019 - 2667.10 rubles. per month.

If a disabled person has dependents (persons who are supported financially or financially), compensation may be increased:

  • one dependent - up to 4445.16 rubles;
  • two dependents - up to 6223.22 rubles;
  • three dependents - up to RUB 8,001,286.

Also, every disabled person can count on monthly cash payments (or EDV).

It is paid if the disabled person refuses a set of additional services. In 2019, its size is 2162.67 rubles. every month.

Basic benefits

Group 3 disabled people are provided not only with cash benefits, but also with benefits that significantly simplify the life of a person with disabilities. disabilities.

  1. Housing. Housing and communal services payments are reduced by half. In addition, a disabled person can count on improved living conditions, which is carried out on a first-come, first-served basis.
  2. Transport. In the city public transport disabled people ride for free (but not in taxis). They are also entitled to preferential travel on Russian Railways: a 50% round-trip discount or a free ticket once for two years.
  3. Tax. The tax amount is reduced, but this decision is made through going to court. It can significantly reduce payments or provide a disabled person with an installment plan to pay taxes.
  4. Medical. Opportunity to buy medications prescribed by a doctor at a 50% discount. There is also a discount on the purchase of orthopedic shoes (60%).
  5. Social. Preferential spa treatment (50% discount). Enrollment of students in higher education institutions on a preferential basis (without passing entrance tests if there are budget places for people with disabilities).

Fringe benefits

Disabled people who carry out labor activity, leave may be granted for up to two months (60 days).

It is issued if an employee is sent for treatment to a sanatorium or goes to a hospital for a routine examination.

Also, disabled people of group 3, like people without health problems, have the right to work on weekends and holidays.

In addition, disabled people may request recalculation of their pension in accordance with the legislation of the country.

If a disabled person has an income below the state-defined subsistence level, he has the right to services provided at home.

These include assistance in purchasing food and medicine, keeping the house clean, medical care and consultation with a lawyer.

Paid assistance can also be arranged. social worker, if there is such a need.

Persons who have had limited opportunities since childhood (disabled children) may qualify for additional benefits.

They do not need to pay for registration when opening a business, and they are also exempt from paying a fee when receiving a housing warrant.

In addition to all the above-mentioned benefits and allowances, war invalids are provided with a permanent 50% discount on railway tickets.

Video: Benefits for disabled people: practice of non-compliance with the law in the Russian Federation.

The terms “disabled person” and, as we now say, “person with disabilities” mean individual which, due to a persistent disorder of any body function, has health problems. Required condition to recognize a person as disabled - the presence of a disability, complete or partial. This means that a person is not able to fully move, work, communicate, serve himself or, constantly or periodically, control behavior.

Depending on the extent to which body functions are impaired, a disability group is established.

By what criteria can an individual receive the category “Group 3 Disabled Person?” What benefits are granted to a person who has received this status?

Recognition of the third disability group: criteria

Order of the Ministry of Labor dated December 17, 2015 No. 1024n establishes the criteria by which one can apply for recognition of the third disability group. It is characterized by minor disturbances in speech (language), mental, static-dynamic, sensory functions, functions of the circulatory system, as well as physical deformities.

In accordance with this legislative act, such a basis is considered to be persistent minor or moderate existing impairment of functions. human body, 40-60%, caused by the consequences of injuries, diseases or defects, if they entail restrictions on life activities.

A medical and social examination, upon the direction of the attending physician, has the right to recognize a disability or refuse the status of “Group 3 Disabled Person”. What benefits are granted to a particular category are determined by the following federal laws and local regulations Russian Federation.

Disability pension, EDV

Since the last indexation, 02/01/2016, the amount of social pension paid to a person recognized as a disabled person of the third group is 4053.75 rubles monthly. Also for all categories of disabled people there are For the third disability group they amount to 1236 rubles.

Very often, people with the appropriate status are interested in: can the payment of a disability pension be suspended when the recipient gets a job? IN current laws there are no such restrictions. Pension accruals will in no case stop if the pensioner finds suitable place work and will receive a salary. Another thing is access to a pension. You can only receive one type of pension, but the pensioner has the right to choose a category.

Types and categories of benefits that can be provided to a disabled person

To make it easier to understand in cases where a person has a category 3 disabled person, what benefits are entitled according to Russian legislation, we can conditionally highlight the following types preferential provision:

1. Division by The presence of specific circumstances in the event of an injury (illness) resulting in disability gives the right to additional benefits and compensation, for example, the category “disabled since childhood” or “disabled from combat.” In the absence of such reasons or documents confirming the specific special circumstances of the disease (injury), the person receives the status of “group 3 disabled person for a general disease”, benefits in this case are paid only in accordance with this disability group.

2. Division according to the form of providing benefits to disabled people:

  • material (monetary): these include, for example, fees;
  • medical: right to free medical treatment, etc.;
  • benefits in kind: free or reduced-price provision of food and (or) hot meals, provision of canes, strollers, road transport and so on;
  • moral (status) benefits that give a preferential right to something.

3. Division by frequency:

  • the most common category is monthly benefits, for example, for payment or for obtaining necessary medications;
  • annual (sanatorium treatment, etc.);
  • one-time or long-term benefits: these include major repairs on a free or preferential basis, installation landline phone, radio points and more.

General benefits for people with disabilities

It probably makes sense to start with the general preferential compensation provided for by federal laws for all categories of people with disabilities. Let us clarify: even the benefits prescribed by law for all categories of disabled people may vary in size or specifics of provision depending on the disability group. It is quite logical that group 1 most often involves greater compensation than benefits for disabled people of groups 2 and 3, since the former have significantly more limitations in their life activities.

In addition to the right to receive a cash benefit, which was discussed above, and the right to its regular indexation, there are other general benefits that a group 3 disabled person enjoys. What benefits are available to all people who have a disability or are raising a disabled child?

First of all, this is the possibility of obtaining (purchasing) a land plot as a property - for individual housing construction or subsidiary (dacha, garden) farming.

The right to a preferential (and for some categories, free) purchase of a specially equipped car or stroller. This includes the right to compensation for the disabled person’s expenses for operating such a vehicle.

People with disabilities who have a monthly income of less than statutory living wage, they also have the right to use social protection services (social worker) free of charge.

It is worth noting that the amount of benefits for disabled people of group 3 due to a general illness may differ significantly, for example, from the compensation provided for groups 1 and 2. For this reason full information It makes sense to check with a social services specialist about available federal and regional benefits in each individual case. protection. In addition, regional legislative acts determine what benefits disabled people of group 3 enjoy in each specific region of the Russian Federation.

Housing and communal services benefits for disabled people

Federal legislation provides the following utility benefits disabled people of group 3: a disabled person has the right to receive a refund of 50% of the amount he spends monthly paying for housing and housing and communal services through the Pension Fund. It also provides the same compensation for the purchase of fuel for home heating.

Major renovation. Are there any benefits for the third group?

Let us separately consider such a legislative “innovation” concerning monthly expenses as the relatively recently introduced payment item “for major repairs”. The short validity period for today and some “vagueness” of information on this topic on most resources makes answering the question about benefits for major repairs difficult. According to the current legislation, people with disabilities, regardless of their group, have the right to benefits - payment of only half the amount for major repairs of housing stock.

Tax benefits

The main “tax assistance” from the state for group 3 disabled people is exemption from income taxes. They are not subject to all payments and benefits that a disabled person receives from the state, assistance from philanthropists, state pension, and the cost of vouchers for sanatorium treatment (except for tourists).

The same applies from the employer if the employee retired due to disability, and compensation for receiving medicines from the employer, but in the amount of up to 4,000 rubles.

There is a preferential system for paying transport tax: a car purchased by a disabled person upon application to the social security authorities is not subject to tax. But the law stipulates that it must be a vehicle with an engine of no more than 100 horsepower, equipped with special devices or a special design. Most often, the country of origin of such “special” cars is Russia. Benefits for disabled people of group 3, unfortunately, do not apply to taxes on gifts or inheritance - this tax burden will have to be paid in full.

Social services. Free medicines

People with disabilities can receive considerable support from receiving social benefits. in this area?

Part of the monthly cash payments is provided to the disabled person in the form of a “package” social services:

  1. Providing “preferential” benefits free medicines. Write them out by medical indications a doctor or paramedic of the clinic at the place of registration has the right: based on the diagnosis, but strictly in accordance with the List of Medicines approved by the Ministry of Health and Social Development. There are also benefits for purchasing medications not listed on the list at reduced prices.
  2. Discounts in the area of ​​receiving sanatorium-resort treatment, provided in each individual case either free of charge or at reduced prices - such assistance is provided for medical reasons. Compensation once a year in the amount of half the cost of all intercity transport costs.
  3. Preferential travel in city and suburban passenger transport.
  4. Providing or assisting in the acquisition of medical products.

If desired, a disabled person may refuse to receive all or part of the benefits of the “social package” by submitting the following application to the social protection authorities.

In this case, it will be possible to restore the benefits replaced by monetary compensation only from the beginning of the year following the time when the application for restoration of preferential compensation is submitted.

Home-based social services

As was said, to receive free help Disabled people of the third group whose income is less than the required subsistence level can apply for home-based services.

This may include assistance with the delivery of medications and food, maintaining hygienic conditions in housing, receiving medical care and even necessary assistance lawyer.

There is also the possibility of receiving paid services which can be issued by disabled people of any category. The list of paid social services approximately includes offers from cleaning and washing dishes to assistance in registration in government departments.

Benefits upon admission to an educational institution and upon receipt of training

Group 3 disabled people have the right to non-competitive admission to an educational institution only if positive results on entrance exams and absence medical contraindications to learning. Disabled students are required to receive a scholarship, the amount and receipt of which does not depend on the level and performance of their studies.

Benefits for unemployed people with disabilities

What benefits do disabled people of group 3 who are officially in unemployed status enjoy? Their list is as follows:

  • acquisition necessary medications with a 50% preferential discount;
  • compensation once a year in the amount of half the cost of all intercity transport costs (to the place and back) to the city of sanatorium treatment;
  • preferential discounts when purchasing certain types of orthopedic shoes.

Benefits in the field of labor and employment

Considering preferential compensation For a working person with disabilities, it would be useful to dwell on the following question: do disabled people of group 3 have benefits when applying for a job or in the process of working?

The first thing you need to focus on is that the disability of this group is not a reason for refusal to be employed in a job that is suitable for medical reasons. Moreover, according to the current labor legislation An enterprise employing more than 100 employees is required to have specially equipped workplaces for people with disabilities and to employ disabled employees.

Other important condition, which puts forward to employers the Federal Law “On social protection disabled people in the Russian Federation,” it is unacceptable to conclude an employment contract with a disabled employee during employment, which will in any way infringe on his rights in comparison with employees who do not have disabilities. For example, if we're talking about about a reduction in salary for performing the same work.

If we talk about what benefits a group 3 disabled person employed in production has, then at the beginning of 2016 the following list was in effect:

  • annual leave for an extended period - from 30 calendar days;
  • the right to receive annual leave without pay (retaining wages) - up to 60 calendar days;
  • compensation of 50% of the payment for sanatorium-resort treatment, including travel to the place of treatment;
  • It is prohibited to engage in work on weekends and holidays or overtime work without the written consent of the disabled employee;
  • social benefit for the purchase of medicines at half the cost.

If an employee is a group 3 disabled person due to a general illness, redundancy benefits for him Labor Code are not provided. But there is an exception. In the case when a shortened working day is stipulated in the conclusion medical commission, the employer has an obligation to reduce either the length of the shift, or working week, but without restrictions in anything else.

What does the status of “childhood disabled” mean?

Additional preferential compensation, although not too large, is received by a group 3 disabled person since childhood. The benefits provided to people with this diagnosis mainly relate to tax payments:

  • exemption from property tax (but only on the property of an individual);
  • for a person with disabilities in this category who opens his own business, an exemption from the registration fee is provided;
  • in case of receiving a warrant for an apartment, the mandatory monetary fee is also not charged;
  • land tax: on a plot (or one of the plots) owned by a disabled person from childhood, the tax base should be reduced, and the amount of the “discount” today is 10,000 rubles.
  • tax deduction for personal income tax: in the amount of 500 rubles/every month, which is included in the tax period.

Thus, people with disabilities have many legislative concessions to provide them with normal and comfortable life in society.

In the Russian Federation, disabled people are provided with benefits and preferences at budget expense. The rights of disabled people of group 3 are set out in Federal law No. 181-FZ “On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation”. They are not as wide as those of disabled people 1 and . However, people with disabilities physical capabilities it is necessary to know them and enjoy the support of the state.

Let's see what innovations in this matter appeared in 2019.

Who is assigned disability group 3?

Conducting ITU

Package of documents for appointment of examination

  • housing construction;
  • personal farming;
  • gardening.
The right to benefits is taken into account when a citizen applies to the authorities for a plot of land. If a disabled person of the 3rd group lives in a house of state, municipal or public property (according to social hiring), he is retained living space for six months if he is placed in a hospital facility.

Tax benefits

They are provided as follows:

  • to all disabled people of the 3rd group:
    • tax deduction in the amount of 500 rubles. (the amount of monthly income is reduced when calculating taxes);
    • exempt from paying insurance premiums (from salary);
    • They do not pay transport tax on specialized cars (up to 100 hp);
  • disabled children:
    • are completely exempt from paying tax for individuals;
    • do not pay a registration fee when registering a business.
To receive these preferences, you need to submit documents to the tax authority.

Privileges in medical care

For disabled people of the 3rd group, the state provides conditions for physical rehabilitation.

For this purpose they are provided with:

  • 50% discount on the purchase of medicines (only for people with unemployed status);
  • sanatorium-resort rehabilitation according to an individual program;
  • travel once a year to the location of the dispensary or sanatorium;
  • free provision of prostheses and other technical means of rehabilitation.
For these preferences, you should contact your doctor. The doctor will issue an appropriate referral or prescription.

In the document, the doctor will indicate where to go next:

If the disability was caused by post-vaccination complications, the citizen is required to pay a monthly compensation of 1000 rubles.

Preferences in the field of education

People with group 3 disabilities are admitted to secondary specialized educational institutions on preferential terms. There is only one condition: successfully pass entrance exams. When submitting an application to the competition commission, you must present a preferential certificate (indicate its number).

Employer preferences

. Nevertheless, the employer is obliged to create certain conditions for the holders of this category.

  1. Thus, they are prohibited from providing working conditions that are worse than other workers.
  2. People with disabilities have the right to longer:
    • paid vacation (at least 30 days);
    • unpaid days of rest (up to 60 days per year).
  3. The employer is obliged to obtain the written consent of a disabled person to involve him in work:
    • beyond normal working hours;
    • at night;
    • on weekends and holidays.
If, for medical reasons, a group 3 disabled person cannot work a full week, the administration is obliged to provide him with a shortened one. Payment in this case is calculated in proportion to the time worked.

Procedure for applying for benefits

In order to receive discounts and preferences, you will need to collect documents and contact the relevant department. Namely:

  • local department of social protection of the population (housing and communal services, tickets, etc.);
  • representative office of the Pension Fund;
  • Social Insurance Fund (vouchers);
  • tax authority.

Each organization must prove its right to preferences. This is done by providing documents. Any of the above organizations will require the following:

  • Copies:
    • passports (birth certificates for minors);
    • SNILS;
    • pension document;
    • work book (certified by a notary or by the administration of the enterprise);
    • certificates of disability designation;
    • document on the ownership of housing (for housing and communal services) or a vehicle;
  • originals:
    • bank statement confirming account opening;
    • certificate of family composition;
    • income data (2-personal income tax or 3-personal income tax).

An application for benefits is considered in as soon as possible. The results are reported to the address indicated on the paper.

Important: Group 3 disability is assigned for only a year. The certificate indicates the period for re-examination. It must be initiated one month before the end of the specified period of disability. preferential category set to more long period. The timing of re-examination should also be found in the relevant certificate.

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If a citizen of the Russian Federation has health problems that provoke restrictions in terms of performing certain tasks, conducting normal image life, he may receive a disability group. In this case, it is not the disease itself that is important, but its effect on the condition, on everyday functionality, etc. When the group is received (in our case, in this article we are talking about disability group 3), a person with disabilities receives a pension, various benefits and can take advantage of the preferences provided by law. Next, we will tell you in detail about the list of ailments that allow you to obtain the status of “disabled” and how it all turns out from the point of view of social security.

Disability group 3 - diseases and limitations

The idea was already voiced above that in order to recognize a person as needing state support in the form of pensions, etc., criteria for body dysfunction are important. Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated December 23, 2009 No. 1013n makes it clear that group 3 will be obtained with an average severity of health problems. If we consider a specific list of disorders, it becomes clear that this includes restrictions regarding:
  • ability for self-care, when it is difficult for a person to meet physiological needs, take care of himself, and carry out standard household tasks without someone’s little help or auxiliary means;
  • the ability to navigate in space, time, in an unfamiliar environment independently, that is, in group 3, difficulties may arise with this and cannot be done without outside help;
  • movement, maintaining balance (for this reason, for example, it can be difficult to use transport without someone’s partial support, etc.);
  • spheres of communication, when some people with group 3 find it difficult to establish contact with other people, transmit or receive information (and here help may be needed);
  • control of behavior, lack of objective criticism in terms of perception of what is around, etc., (often similar violations gradually adjusted with proper study).
  • execution of work - in this case, as a rule, you need to create special conditions so that the disabled person can normally perform the assigned tasks, and in general the group in question is considered working;
  • learning process, since many disabled people of group 3 have difficulties with memorizing information, assimilating or reproducing acquired knowledge (the same can be said about practical skills), so often a person with disabilities studies at home or in a special school, using technical means to help him.

As for ailments, there is also a specific list here. For example, the second group may be given if a person has:

  • problems with speech, voice (for example, there is a stutter);
  • mental disorders;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • sensory disorders, when, for example, tactile sensitivity or visual perception are not normal;
  • physical deformities (say, parts of the body or head are deformed, etc.).

Group 3 should be registered if health difficulties limit a person’s life activity or body functions are disrupted due to a defect, injury, serious illness and the person needs rehabilitation, as well as social protection.

Documents for registration of 3rd disability group

Article No. 7 of the Federal Law “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation” No. 181-FZ obliges a potential disabled person to undergo a medical and social examination (MSE), based on the results of which the commission members will give a group, focusing on both the state of health and other significant factors. But to pass the ITU, you need to prepare documents. First of all, you will need a referral from a doctor indicating:
  • health status and compensatory capabilities of the body;
  • degree of dysfunction;
  • a list of rehabilitation measures that were carried out for the purpose of recovery.

You can get a referral at a clinic, social security office or Pension Fund. The last two organizations require medical documents as proof that the applicant’s health is not all right. If for some reason it was not possible to take the referral, you can request a refusal at the place where the corresponding paper was not issued, in order to independently contact the ITU bureau with this refusal. Next, members of the special commission will assess the extent of restrictions.

But in addition to the direction, you will need documents such as a certificate of income, work book, of course, passport (photocopy and original). Can't do without outpatient card and statements (instead of a potential disabled person, by the way, his representative by proxy can handle the paperwork). If the applicant studies or works, a reference from educational institution or from the employer. When it comes to cases of loss of health at work, you will need a certificate of work injury etc.

Passage and results of ITU

If a person is seriously ill, you can conduct an examination at home, or, if your health is not so complicated, at the office at your place of residence. At ITU, commission members examine a potential disabled person, study the social and living conditions in which he lives. Labor capabilities are also taken into account psychological characteristics. During the examination, a protocol is drawn up in the form enshrined in the Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 17, 2012 No. 322n.

The protocol includes:

  • the date on which the application was submitted passing the ITU;
  • day of the expert review;
  • time of examination of the patient;
  • applicant’s data, from full name to marital status;
  • number of family members with their characteristics;
  • information about the housing where the applicant is located;
  • place, purpose and grounds for conducting the examination;
  • terms of relevance of the assigned disability;
  • examination results and conclusion;
  • the reasons why a person acquired the status of a disabled person;
  • signatures of ITU specialists, including the head of the bureau.

Based on the results of the ITU, an act is drawn up and information about the disabled person is also written down in it, and the cause of the disability is indicated with the types and degree of limitations. Don’t forget to set the date for the next commission - for group 3, re-examination takes place once a year. If the assignment of the group was provided, a mark is placed about this.

Appeal against refusal to establish disability group 3

If the disability is not approved, you can appeal the decision within 30 days from the date of issuance of the refusal. The potential disabled person or his representative writes an application and submits it to the bureau that conducted the examination. This document allows you to undergo the examination again, but at the main bureau. If they didn’t give you group 3 there, you need to go higher, that is, to the Federal Bureau. And in any case, a person has the right to appeal refusals in court.

Payments to disabled people of group 3. Pension amount and daily allowance

According to Federal Law 181-FZ “On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation,” every disabled person of group 3 receives payments (EDV) every month from the Pension Fund. To apply for funds, you need to come to the fund branch at your place of residence with documents confirming your disability. From February 1, 2019, the value of the annually indexed EDV for group 3 is 2162.51 rubles. Plus, there is a social pension, which at the beginning of 2019 reached 4,403.24 rubles for category 3 disabled people.

How much does a group 3 disabled person earn in 2019?

The income of a disabled person can be calculated by adding up all the payments that are due to him from the state. In particular, we are talking about disability pension and monthly cash payment(EDV). The result is an amount of 6575 rubles.

Important: If all the income of a citizen with a disability is below the subsistence level of a pensioner in the region, then he is paid extra special compensation. You need to apply for it to the Pension Fund.

When and how can I get a third group for an indefinite period?

If a citizen’s physical or mental condition has not changed over the course of 4 years, he has the right to apply to a medical and social examination with the question of determining his disability indefinitely (for life).

Benefits for disability group 3

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 30, 1994 No. 890 gives the right to an unemployed person with disabilities to purchase medicines at discounts or receive them free of charge with a doctor’s prescription. In addition, an opportunity has been created to travel free of charge on city public transport using a special ID. There are discounts for disabled people when using river, air or railway transport.

If the holder of group 3 enters a university or other educational institution, with good passing scores, he can pass without competition. Also, let’s not forget about the benefits for sanatorium-resort treatment - vouchers are periodically issued through social security free of charge to maintain a stable or good level, as far as possible for a particular disabled person.

Disability since childhood, 3 groups

Despite the fact that they exist special groups disability “since childhood” for the first 2 groups, for group 3 there is no difference. Pension and benefits are no different.

Group 3 disability is now assigned in a new way

ITU Bureau also drew attention to the fact that to establish disability groups, the classifications of the main categories of life activity and criteria remained the same, except Group III. If previously it was possible to obtain disability group III, having only one disability of the first degree, now two or more are required.



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