What to do if your stomach hurts in the middle. Abdominal pain in the lower left quadrant

If a person has never experienced pain in the abdomen, below or above, then he can be listed in the Red Book as an endangered specimen. Such pain is present in everyone's life. It can occur even in a completely healthy person. Sometimes it may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and other symptoms.

Causes of pain in the upper and lower abdomen

According to statistics, more than half of patients annually consult a gynecologist with constant complaints of constant or recurrent pain. Their number could be greater, but not every woman considers such pain a serious problem. In most cases, discomfort in the lower abdomen is caused by gynecological diseases or diseases of the urinary system.

It is slightly less common for men to complain of pain in the upper or lower abdomen. In some cases, the cause of pain may be a disease of the intestines, as well as the stomach, liver, pancreas and even kidneys.

Causes of pain in the upper abdomen

Pain in the upper abdomen occurs with common gastrointestinal diseases. intestinal tract, such as gastritis, gallbladder dysfunction, stomach spasms. If your stomach hurts in any area, you should not massage it, as this can cause bleeding.

Pain can sometimes be caused by banal overeating. Our food may contain a lot of fat and increase the process of gas formation. The body may not accept the lactose found in dairy products. All this can also cause temporary pain, which usually goes away after a few hours.

Pain can cause more serious illnesses vital organs located in this area. Determining what exactly hurts is quite difficult, since pain can migrate. Moreover, pain can be radiated to the abdominal area from organs located outside the abdominal cavity, such as with pneumonia.

If the pain is widespread around the navel, it may be associated with an intestinal disorder or inflammation of the appendix. Inflammation of the appendix can occur when stool stagnates in the rectum. If a swollen appendix does not seek medical attention, it can rupture and cause peritonitis, which is a serious infection that develops in the abdominal cavity and can be life-threatening.

If the pain extends slightly above the navel, then it is definitely a stomach pain. The cause may be gastritis or a stomach ulcer. Increased stomach acidity can also cause discomfort at the top of the abdomen.

If the pain is persistent, then you can suspect problems with the duodenum, as well as the pancreas and gall bladder.

If the pain is in the upper abdomen on the left, then it signals changes in the colon and also the stomach and pancreas.

If the pain is in the upper abdomen on the right and it is especially severe, it is most likely an inflammatory process in the gallbladder. She can also give to the back.

Pancreatitis - a disease of the pancreas or disorders of the duodenum also causes pain in the upper abdomen.

If severe, acute and persistent pain appears in the upper abdomen, it is imperative to seek qualified help from official medicine.

Causes of pain in the lower abdomen

Gynecological diseases. Inflammatory processes occurring in the internal genital organs, genital endometriosis, adhesions, uterine fibroids, genital tuberculosis, and other diseases.

Various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Vascular diseases.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Diseases of the urinary system.

Pathologies of peripheral nervous system.

Mental illness of different nature.

These are just the main groups of diseases that cause discomfort and pain in the lower abdomen. It is absolutely clear that it is absolutely impossible to independently diagnose such pain. If you experience pain in the lower abdomen, you must absolutely contact qualified specialist For correct setting diagnosis, and the appointment of an adequate, successful treatment of the emerging problem.

Causes of pain in the lower abdomen in women

Pain in the lower abdomen is divided into 3 groups:

This pelvic pain. Unpleasant sensations, pain or discomfort deep inside the abdomen that haunt a woman either constantly or especially manifest themselves after or during physical activity. They can also occur as a result of hypothermia.

Dysmenorrhea is the usual pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation, which almost every woman experiences.

Dyspareunia is pain that occurs in the lower abdomen during sexual intercourse.

Cause of acute pain in the lower abdomen as a symptom of disease

Doctors, when examining patients with complaints of acute pain in the lower abdomen, need to take into account the patient’s perception of pain, as well as take into account pain perception thresholds on an individual basis.

When pain appears in patients, it is necessary to take into account what the onset was (acute or gradual), where the “center” of pain is, what other symptoms are present (nausea, chills, fever, vomiting, bleeding). It is also important to immediately determine whether the pain is associated with upcoming menstrual syndrome or pregnancy.

A very common cause of acute pain in the lower abdomen is ordinary cystitis. In this case, frequent urination, pain when going to the toilet, and blood in the urine are often observed. If there are no such symptoms, then perhaps the reason is different - it may be inflammation of the appendages, intestinal problems and many other diseases that require a professional approach and specific treatment.

Bleeding from the genitals - most often the problem is diseases of the reproductive system

Chills and fever – inflammation and infections of the pelvic organs

Vomiting and nausea - most often indicate diseases of the intestinal tract

Fainting and shock - most often these symptoms indicate the presence of intra-abdominal bleeding

Painful urination– urinary tract diseases

It should be noted that the symptoms of the disease can be completely different and united only by the location of the pain and its type: girdling, pulling, sharp, cutting, acidic burning, discomfort associated with constipation or diarrhea.

As we noted above, the causes of abdominal pain can be different. These are any disorders, tension digestive tract stress-related, indigestion, heartburn, gallstones, peptic ulcers, lactose intolerance, irritable bowel syndrome, food poisoning. Spasms may also occur that are associated with muscles, including those located in the walls of the digestive tract. And in the last case such painful contractions can easily be confused with abdominal pain.

What to do if you have pain in the upper or lower abdomen?

The stupidest thing would be to sit at home and wonder why the pain arose or to delve into the Internet, imagining yourself an experienced doctor. You need to make an appointment with a gynecologist and surgeon and go through them full examination. If these doctors were unable to identify visible causes of pain, you can consult an osteopathic doctor; perhaps the causes of your pain are emerging muscle spasms or spasms in the ligaments that connect internal organs.

This is the most common pain indicating disease that is encountered in the practice of gynecologists. At the same time, such acute pain in the lower abdomen is very nonspecific, since it can appear in the case of various diseases. For example, as is known, in the pelvic area the concentration nerve endings is small, and therefore those pains that come from the pelvic organs are not very well differentiated in the central nervous system. In this case, the pain often seems to radiate, and some women, even after removing the cause of the pain, often continue to feel it, this phenomenon is called “phantom pain”.

What to do with acute pain in the lower abdomen?

If you have a sharp and acute pain in the lower abdomen, then this state of affairs is most often symptoms of bleeding, ruptures and other acute pathologies and processes occurring in the body. In addition, acute pain can also appear in the case of acute infectious diseases of the reproductive system and colic in the urinary tract.

The pain can be constantly pulling in the groin area, can move from left to right, can intensify and vice versa. It is quite difficult to identify what is causing the pain and what to do about it. An exception may be easily diagnosed inflammation of appendicitis, stomach ulcers, or problems in the pelvic area. Pain in the lower abdomen also appears during acute or exacerbated chronic processes in parts of the digestive tract, such as peptic ulcers, colitis, gastritis.

Doctors' advice is not to self-medicate for pain, as this can make a lot of mistakes and worsen the situation. Under no circumstances should you undergo treatment in sanatoriums or undergo physical procedures until the results of the examination are available.

Independent use antibiotics can lead to complications in other organs, lead to the fact that microbes are resistant to this drug and even its analogues. You also cannot independently reduce the dose of medication or even interrupt the prescribed course of treatment. It is necessary to adhere to the exact treatment regimen and tactics determined by the attending physician.

What should women do if they have pain in the lower or upper abdomen?

As for women, they may experience pain due to inflammation of the pelvic organs. Chronic diseases occur as a result of hypothermia, viral diseases and weakened immunity. Most women suffer similar problems. Basically, inflammatory processes of the ovaries and uterus can be progressive. If you feel pain in the lower abdomen, what should you do when these pains are aching and radiate to the rectum, sometimes to the lower back, then you can immediately rule out appendicitis and consult a gynecologist.

A dangerous symptom may be pain during pregnancy. Hospitalization is required if there is ectopic pregnancy, the uterus has enlarged, the placenta has separated, there is a threat of miscarriage. To avoid future health problems, consult a doctor. Natural pain includes the specific development of the fetus, as a result of pressure on the walls of the intestines or stomach, stretched ligaments in the uterine area. Gymnastics for pregnant women and proper nutrition will help here. In case of acute pain, only contact the ambulance service and a doctor. Diagnosis of chronic pain syndromes is difficult, so it is better to be examined by a good specialist.

When should you go to the doctor if you have abdominal pain?

If you start to have abdominal pain, this does not mean that you need to immediately run to the doctor and start panicking. We will talk about that pain and its symptoms. In which case it is necessary to consult a doctor.

When should you see a doctor?

In case the pain is very severe, you cannot bend over and any movement makes it worse, in cases where the pain may also be accompanied by nausea that lasts for several days.

Abdominal pain is also accompanied by other changes: diarrhea, constipation, spotting, and all this is also accompanied by an increase in temperature

The upper abdomen hurts, the urine becomes dark, the skin and whites of the eyes become yellow

Spasms last more than half an hour and do not stop

The pain is also accompanied by vomiting, sweating, tightness inside, and difficulty breathing. Here you should be able to differentiate, because such pain can easily be confused with myocardial infarction, when the most urgent medical attention is needed.

What to do if stomach pain is caused by pills?

In addition, pain can also be caused by taking medications. If pain appears simultaneously with the start of treatment or shortly after eating, it is best to consult a doctor about the possibility of finding alternative drugs and diagnosis of allergies.

Stomach irritants, causing pain:

stimulant pills

non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which are used in cases of sprains

stimulant tablets (for toothache, headaches, colds) - Aspirin, Naproxen.

Pain in the upper abdomen is a dangerous symptom that is a harbinger of many dangerous diseases. Reasons for occurrence similar condition many. Unpleasant sensations can overtake you suddenly and pass quickly, or they can annoy you for a long time.

Despite the intensity and associated symptoms, any health problems must be addressed. may be an indicator of various conditions, which we will discuss below.

A gastroenterologist will help you return to an active life.

Unpleasant sensations in the upper abdomen can occur for various reasons. This may be eloquent evidence of the presence of pathology internal organs.

Problems with the stomach and intestines can also cause pain. A man suffers from cramping, burning, drawing or pressing pain. Contacting will help you return to an active life.

Unpleasant sensations are possible due to stretching of the organ capsule, which resembles a dense shell, paved connective tissue. A tumor, injury, or inflammation can be a trigger that causes the capsule to stretch. The severity of symptoms can range from moderate to severely painful.

If the capsule ruptures, the patient's condition worsens. Poor circulation can also cause these conditions. Atherosclerotic lesion, blockage of a blood clot is responsible for the deterioration of the condition.

With a gastric ulcer, the state of health worsens 15-45 minutes after a meal. Damage to the duodenum is marked by delayed symptoms, making themselves felt after 1-1.5 hours. In the presence of ulcers, unpleasant symptoms appear on an empty stomach and before bedtime, discomfort is felt in the shoulder blades.

A person develops signs of bloating and bowel movements are disrupted. For problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it improves the patient’s condition, while the symptoms of problems with other parts of the body do not depend on this action. If you suddenly feel sharp sharp pains, it is better to call a specialist, since ulcers are not to be trifled with. The right treatment tactics will help you recover quickly.

Do you feel belching, burning and pain behind the sternum? It is necessary to exclude inflammation of the esophagus. Other symptoms that confirm the presence of GERD include increased symptoms when lying down, bending over, and physical activity.

Liver problems

With cholelithiasis, patients describe the presence of bursting pain.

Muscle pain

To understand whether they are related painful conditions with muscle strain, it is worth lifting lower limbs. If the answer is positive, the pain will intensify. Pain in muscle tissue is a response to hypertonicity; Muscle strains accompanied by internal microtraumas are often diagnosed.

The cause may be physical overload, sports training and physical work. The worst option is a rupture of the abdominal ligaments, which occurs when intense excessive stress is placed on the atrophied muscles.

The video will tell you more about pain in the upper part of the stomach:

Problems in neurology

With osteochondrosis, compression of the roots occurs spinal cord. Pain occurs, concentrated in the spine. Infringement of the nerve roots makes the nervous supply of the spleen and intestines defective.

The person begins to complain of cutting and stabbing sensations. Other neurotic symptoms appear that signal that it is time to take care of yourself. Massage, physiotherapy and special drugs will slow down progression a popular disease today and will significantly improve the condition.

The appearance of a hernia

When organs are compressed, a hernia is formed. The person feels pain around the formation. When pressed, the round formation disappears. Patients with hiatal hernias face all the troubles that arise from problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

The increase entails expansion of the gate and stretching of the structures surrounding the abdominal wall defect. A dangerous phenomenon is considered to be the entry of organs into the abdominal sac, which is also accompanied by pain. Local sensations or pain throughout the abdomen may be diagnosed.

Metabolic disorders

If ketoacidosis occurs and thyrotoxic crisis, the peritoneal receptors are irritated. Sharp pain is accompanied by tension in the peritoneum. To clarify the diagnosis, a patient with the listed symptoms is sent to the hospital.

Rules of conduct for abdominal pain

Only when feeling acute pain does a person begin to pay attention to problems in the body.

Regardless of the intensity and characteristics of the pain, it is necessary to consult a medical institution to prevent serious complications and deterioration of the condition.

It is worth trying not to take pills before the initial consultation so that the doctor can make the most accurate diagnosis.

The heating pad must not be used until the initial verdict has been issued. To somehow alleviate the condition, you can use ice. You should be wary if vomiting or fever appears.

These additional symptoms may indicate the seriousness of the situation. Irregular pain of moderate intensity, appearing from time to time, gives hope for a happy outcome. It is worth contacting a specialist if the pain becomes more frequent and interferes with normal life.

It is important to tell the doctor in detail about the nature, intensity of pain and events preceding the deterioration of the condition. Treatment should be aimed at eliminating the underlying cause that causes similar conditions. Modern man lives in a special rhythm. It is difficult for him to take time and listen to his own body.

Aching pains are often ignored, and malaise is attributed to poor quality food. Only when experiencing acute pain does a person begin to pay attention to problems in his own body. Painkillers are used, although the right step would be to call a doctor and visit a specialist.

The collected analysis, examination and diagnostic procedures help to set an accurate one, since abdominal pain can be the cause of many ailments that require drug treatment or surgery. It is important to pay attention to additional symptoms: the presence of vomiting, stool disorders, pain in the hypochondrium. Accurate writing of symptoms helps to quickly find the root cause and begin the fight against developing disease.

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Pain always takes us by surprise. Unpleasant sensations in the upper abdomen can ruin all plans and lead to real suffering. As you know, the upper abdomen is the area where several vital organs are located, so painful sensations in this place may indicate a number of pathologies - from to.

Please note: if the pain lasts more than half an hour, you should immediately consult a doctor, since taking analgesics will only temporarily relieve the symptoms, but will not eliminate the cause of the disease.

Overeating and stomach pain

Overeating is one of the most common and relatively safe reasons abdominal pain. In particularly difficult cases, it can lead to chronic pain and disruption of the digestive tract. Frequent consumption of other products containing lactose may result in intolerance to lactose-containing products.

Love for fatty foods can also cause heaviness. Such food provokes increased gas formation, which often leads to damage to internal organs and problems with stool. Abdominal pain associated with overeating is acute and can last 3-5 hours, after which it gradually subsides.

Pain in the upper abdomen: what do they indicate?

Most often, pain under the breasts indicates a dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.

Pay attention! The strength and intensity of unpleasant sensations in this area can directly depend on the location of the nerve endings in the damaged organ.

To better understand how pain forms and spreads in this place, you need to get acquainted with different zones abdominal cavity. These include:

  • epigastrium or epigastric zone - covers the area from the sternum to the navel area;
  • left and right hypochondrium– located to the sides of the epigastric zone;
  • mesogastrium - the area around the navel;
  • lateral areas - located on both sides of the mesogastrium;
  • suprapubic zone - covers the lower abdomen to the place where the pubic bones connect;
  • iliac fossa - left and right suprapubic region.

Pain in the epigastric region is not necessarily associated with organs located in the upper abdomen; it can spread here and from other areas. Often it becomes difficult to determine its source.

The nature of pain in the upper abdomen in diseases of the esophagus

If the cause of pain is a dysfunction of the esophagus, then the pathologies most likely affect its peritoneal part. It is 1 to 3 cm long and occupies the area between the stomach and the diaphragm.

Another cause of pain is disruption of the sphincter - the muscle between the esophagus and stomach.

When there is a malfunction of the sphincter, pain is often felt in upper area abdomen 1-2 fingers to the left of center. For other pathologies of the esophagus - in the lower part of the sternum, behind it, at the top of the abdominal cavity. Sometimes it hits you in the back.

The stomach is one of the causes of pain in the upper abdomen

Above and to the right, the stomach is in contact with the liver, and the pancreas is located behind. Some parts of the organ are located near the spleen, intestines and omentum. It is worth noting that the size of the stomach, as well as its relationship with neighboring organs, changes depending on whether it is empty or full.

The stomach is connected on each side by sheets of peritoneum, so even the slightest spasms of this organ are accompanied by severe pain in the upper abdomen.

Pain due to spasm and stenosis of the gastric pylorus (sphincter pathologies) is characterized by:

  • aggravated by overeating, after eating, especially solid foods ( usually after 1.5-2 hours);
  • localization slightly lower and to the right of the epigastrium;
  • average intensity and frequency;
  • with sour contents (usually after a heavy meal);
  • belching and...

Since the surface of the stomach is covered with mucous membrane from the inside, and muscle fibers are located between the outer and inner layers, spasms can be evidence of pathologies of the outer layer of the stomach and inflammation of the mucous membrane itself.

The gastric mucosa contains huge amount cells that are responsible for the normal functioning of the organ. The most important role During the digestion process, cells produce hydrochloric acid, which is necessary for the breakdown of food. During normal functioning of the organ, acid does not damage the walls of the stomach, but disturbances acid balance often leads to inflammation of the gastric walls -. In this case, the patient complains of moderate, prolonged pain in the upper abdomen (under the stomach). It is characterized by hunger pains that subside after a small meal.

During development destructive changes and the appearance of a defect in the mucous membrane - pain occurs either on an empty stomach or half an hour to an hour after eating. At the same time, hunger pains only intensify with eating. The patient may experience heartburn, vomiting of acidic contents, a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen,.

When the ulcer is complicated by bleeding, the typical picture of pain does not change, but the stool becomes black and liquid, and the vomit resembles coffee grounds.

Perforation of the gastric lining leads to severe tension in the abdominal wall and bloating of the upper abdomen. The pain is unbearable, dagger-like.

How does it hurt in the upper abdomen if the large and small intestines are affected?

The small intestine begins after the gastric section, its walls are formed of smooth muscle tissue. The main task of this system is to continue digesting food and subsequently pushing its remains through the digestive tract.

Spasm small intestine can cause abdominal pain, which is called. In this case, cramping pain occurs. Most often - in the middle of the abdomen, sometimes they radiate (give) to the upper parts of the abdominal cavity. In some cases, pain in the upper abdomen is evidence of inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, its ulcerations, and other pathologies of the organ.

As for the large intestine, most of it is located much lower in the abdominal cavity. In this case, pain in the upper abdomen is often associated with pathologies of the transverse colon, located below the stomach. These can be various dysfunctions caused by stretching of the walls and oncological pathologies.

Liver diseases, which may cause pain in the upper abdomen

The liver is located in the upper right part of the peritoneum. She performs a series important functions– removal of toxic substances, formation of bile and proteins, accumulation of glycogen, etc. are developing due to various reasons and can manifest themselves in different ways.

Unpleasant sensations are often associated with an enlarged organ, because it inner surface is devoid of nerve endings, and the destruction of the liver parenchyma is painless. However, the tissue that surrounds the organ is quite sensitive, so with moderate enlargement of the organ, the pain is insignificant - in the form of discomfort in the right hypochondrium. Its intensification is observed during bending, sharp turns, and physical activity.

Severe enlargement of the liver can lead to severe pain. Another reason why the liver hurts is purulent accumulation(abscess) affecting the outer capsule.

Pathologies of the spleen

The spleen is located in the area of ​​the left hypochondrium. This organ is responsible for immune control of the blood - accumulation blood cells, ensuring body protection, etc. Considering that the spleen is covered with sheets of peritoneum on each side, the patient usually feels slight discomfort in the left hypochondrium, caused by an increase in the size of the organ. Acute severe pain is rare.

Palpable pain can be observed with such pathologies as:

Pain in the upper abdomen due to pathologies of the pancreas

The pancreas is located behind the stomach almost completely to the left of the midline of the abdomen. It comes into contact with the peritoneum only with the anterior wall, so painful sensations are felt precisely in this area. Almost all of the gland consists of alveoli, inside which it synthesizes digestive enzyme, which activates bile.

At acute inflammation pancreas () the pain is sudden and intense from the first minutes of its appearance, intensifies with movement and deep breath. The main location is the epigastric and navel areas; pain often radiates to the back and hypochondrium. The pain is often accompanied by repeated pain.

Chronic pancreatitis is characterized by milder pain, often worse after eating and lasting several hours or even days.

If bile gets inside the alveoli, this can cause necrosis of the walls of the gland, which leads to severe unbearable pain in the upper left abdomen.

Other causes leading to upper abdominal pain

If the abdomen hurts in the upper part, this may be the body’s response to any irritants - foreign body entry, cell necrosis, blood outflow disturbances. The nature of the pain and its intensity directly depends on the organ or system where inflammation develops. This can be diagnosed the following pathologies:

  • . Pain under the sternum is an atypical location for such a disease. It is not accompanied by other symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders, but pallor is observed skin, changes in blood pressure, heart rate and rhythm, increased sweating.
  • Mechanical abdominal injuries. The nature and intensity of pain depends on the location of the injury, its intensity, and the degree of damage to the affected organs.
  • Diaphragmatic hernia. Extension hiatus diaphragm can be asymptomatic, sometimes with a slight feeling of discomfort behind the sternum or minor pain after eating in the upper abdomen. When food escapes beyond the diaphragm and such a hernia is strangulated, acute pain occurs, indicating a threat to the patient’s life.
  • . In some cases, the onset of pain is observed not in the iliac fossa on the right, but in the epigastric region. The pain is moderate, and only after 30-60 minutes does it move directly to the location vermiform appendix and becomes intense.

Pain in the upper abdomen in pregnant women: what causes it?

Pregnancy is not only a wonderful time of waiting for a baby, but also long months fears, worries and anxieties. At this time health expectant mother requires special attention, so the appearance of even the slightest pain- this is already a serious reason to see a doctor.

Most often during pregnancy, a woman feels sharp pains that quickly pass. They usually accompany stretching of the uterus, which presses on the peritoneum, causing discomfort. This kind of pain in the upper abdomen in a pregnant woman can intensify with sneezing or a sudden change of position. In this case, you should not immediately take painkillers - just calm down and accept the fact that the body is changing in anticipation of the birth of the baby.

Unfortunately, sometimes it is also threatening. Thus, sharp unpleasant sensations in the early stages may indicate a threat of miscarriage, as well as gynecological problems. In this case, the pregnant woman’s stomach ache, and it seems that contractions are starting.

Important! Pain in various departments abdomen may indicate

Women quite often have to deal with various ailments. The most popular reason for patients to visit a gynecologist is pain in the lower abdomen (in the middle). In women, these sensations may occur periodically or be permanent. You can learn about the reasons for such discomfort from the article below.

Is it normal for women to have pain in the lower abdomen (middle)?

When a patient comes to see a gynecologist, she is first of all interested in whether such sensations are normal or if it is a pathology. The doctor will not be able to answer this question right away. To find out what caused it (in the middle) in women, it is necessary to conduct some examination. It usually includes taking a smear and performing ultrasound diagnostics. Based on the results obtained, the doctor may prescribe additional studies. These include colposcopy, hysteroscopy, magnetic resonance imaging, laparoscopy, and so on.

Depending on what caused the pain in the lower abdomen (in the middle), women are given a diagnosis. It is worth noting that such sensations are not always a symptom of pathology. Sometimes this may be the absolute norm or physiological feature. Let's look at the main causes and symptoms of lower abdominal pain in women.

Intestinal problems

Pain in the lower abdomen (in the middle) in women can occur due to intestinal pathologies. So, most often this is fecal retention or Usually such symptoms appear due to poor nutrition. However, they may be caused by more serious problems, such as inflammation or dysbiosis.

If discomfort arises due to problems in the intestines, then the fairer sex often notices other symptoms. These include increased gas formation, lack of appetite, nausea, and so on. If you have problems with your intestines, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible and get qualified help.

Onset of pregnancy: implantation

Pain in the lower abdomen (in the middle) in women can occur. So, after the fusion of the male and female gamete the cells begin to actively divide and gradually descend into the uterine cavity. Here the implantation of the membranes into the wall of the organ occurs. This process is accompanied by minor damage to small capillaries and pain.

It is worth noting that not all women feel such discomfort. In more than half of the cases, implantation occurs asymptomatically. Everything is explained by the fact that this pain very insignificant. Sometimes implantation of the fetus into the uterus is accompanied by a short one-day bleeding. After just one week, a woman can take a home pregnancy test and get a positive answer.


Pain in the lower abdomen in women before menstruation is a very common phenomenon. Approximately 80 percent of all representatives of the fairer sex feel this discomfort. Sometimes this is explained by a physiological feature and low pain threshold. In other cases, pathology is detected.

Painful sensations may begin several hours before bleeding begins and persist for the first few days. To alleviate your condition, try not to engage in physical activity during this period, but rather rest more. It is also worth visiting a gynecologist and finding out whether this is a normal reaction of the body to monthly bleeding.


During the release of the egg from the ovary, the walls of the follicle are stretched and ruptured. This may cause minor pain. It is worth noting that such discomfort is very short-lived and most often does not repeat every cycle. Pain during ovulation spreads to the middle part of the abdomen and radiates to one side.

Pregnancy and the threat of termination

A dull pain in the lower abdomen in women (in the middle) can occur during pregnancy. In this case, you need to immediately put aside your business and visit a doctor, or better yet, call an ambulance. At the same time, symptoms such as bleeding from the genital tract, a decrease in the strength of toxicosis, and so on may occur.

The normal state of the uterus during pregnancy is maintained by a hormone called progesterone. It ensures that the reproductive organ is in a relaxed state and does not try to push the fetus out. If the amount of this substance decreases, contractions begin, leading to similar pain.

The cause of pain is a neoplasm

A nagging pain in the lower abdomen (in the middle) in women is sometimes a symptom of a tumor. Often this is a benign functional formation that has grown due to a slight hormonal imbalance. Such cysts on the ovaries go through several cycles and do not cause any harm to the woman’s health. However, sometimes a tumor can still have the same benign nature, but be non-functional. In this case, it begins to grow for some reason, affects neighboring organs and causes a feeling of heaviness, pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen in the middle.

Malignant tumors are much less common. They usually appear in older women. Such neoplasms must be treated as soon as possible. To correct the condition, it is carried out surgery and the subsequent course of recovery of the body.

Endometriosis is an insidious enemy

Pain in the lower abdomen (in the middle) in women can have hormonal causes. Often this is the development of endometriosis. It is worth noting that doctors still cannot find out the main reason for the development of pathology. Some say that sex during menstruation leads to endometriosis. Others argue that it is purely a hormonal disease. Be that as it may, with this pathology the patient may feel quite severe pain in the lower part of the peritoneum. They intensify during menstruation and subside somewhat towards the middle of the cycle. Bleeding is more abundant with the presence of chocolate-colored clots.

With endometriosis, the contents of the inner layer of the uterus grow where this should not happen. The most common pathology of the ovaries is fallopian tubes, abdominal cavity and so on. Treatment can be conservative or surgical. After correction, the pain in the middle of the abdomen in women goes away without a trace.

Bladder pathologies

Often pain in the lower abdomen in the middle occurs with cystitis. In this case we are talking about inflammatory process V bladder. Often a woman also complains about frequent urge to urination, during which pain, burning and itching appear.

Cystitis must be treated with antimicrobial and diuretic drugs. However, before this you need to undergo tests that will help identify the sensitivity of microorganisms to certain drugs. After the correction, the pathology disappears, and along with it, the pain and discomfort in the abdomen in the middle is eliminated.

and its appendages

Pain that appears in the lower abdomen in women and is localized in the middle may indicate an inflammatory process. Doctors call it metritis, endometritis, and also use other terms. Inflammation is often the result of an untreated infection that was acquired through sexual contact. At acute form During the course of the disease, women note an increase in body temperature, weakness, headache, and so on. When does inflammation become chronic form, we can talk about adding selections unusual color with an unpleasant odor, a feeling of pain during sexual intercourse, and so on.

Treatment of inflammation takes quite a long time using numerous medications. However, after the correction, the pain disappears and no longer bothers the patient. It is worth noting that women who have had inflammation are at risk. Often the pathology recurs and symptoms reappear.

Summing up

You now know what can cause pain in the lower abdomen in women. Remember that if symptoms appear, you should visit a doctor as soon as possible. Many women save themselves from illness with antispasmodics. However, these drugs do not solve the problem, but only muffle the symptoms. This can lead to disastrous consequences and various complications. Be regularly examined by a gynecologist and always be healthy!

Diana asks:

What does pain in the upper abdomen indicate?

Clinical significance of the symptom of pain in the upper abdomen

When pain appears in the upper abdomen, first of all, you should think about the abdominal organs projecting onto the upper part of the anterior wall of the abdomen, such as: However, it should be remembered that pain in the upper abdomen may also indicate diseases of the thoracic cavity organs located in close proximity to the diaphragm (the movable muscle-tendon septum separating chest cavity from the abdominal). So, for example, pain in the epigastrium (under the stomach) may indicate myocardial infarction, and pain in the right hypochondrium may indicate right-sided pneumonia.

In addition, pain in the upper abdomen also occurs with many quite diverse diseases, such as:

  • illnesses spinal column(gastralgic form of osteochondrosis);

  • pathology of the anterior abdominal wall (hernia of the white line of the abdomen);

  • development of inflammatory processes in the abdominal cavity (subphrenic abscess).
As you can see, making a diagnosis when pain appears in the upper abdomen is a rather difficult task. Therefore, we categorically advise all readers of our site not to self-medicate, but to promptly seek medical care.

To make a correct diagnosis, doctors, first of all, try to establish the exact location of the pain (in the epigastrium, in the right or left hypochondrium).

The so-called detail is of great importance pain syndrome, during which the patient will be asked questions about the severity of the pain, its intensity, nature (stabbing, cutting, cramping pain, etc.), irradiation (where the pain goes), factors that intensify and weaken the pain.

What does suddenly appearing sharp pain in the upper abdomen mean (in which cases is it necessary to seek emergency medical help)

Acute pain in the upper abdomen due to perforation of a stomach or duodenal ulcer

Pain in the upper abdomen when a gastric or duodenal ulcer is perforated is dagger-like in nature. The pain syndrome has an extremely high intensity, so that from the first minutes of the disease, patients often take a forced position with their knees pressed to their stomach.

Such severe pain quite often leads to the development of the clinic painful shock: heart rate increases (up to 100 beats per minute and above), blood pressure decreases ( systolic pressure 100 mmHg and below), patients become covered in cold, sticky sweat and are in prostration.

Pain in the upper abdomen when a gastric or duodenal ulcer is perforated is accompanied by retraction of the anterior abdominal wall in the epigastrium (scaphoid abdomen), and a little later a powerful protective tension of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall (scaphoid abdomen) develops.

This characteristic picture of the disease is due to the fact that when the ulcer perforates through the resulting hole into the free abdominal cavity Gastric contents mixed with hydrochloric acid and the protein-dissolving enzyme pepsin are poured out. As a result, the so-called chemical peritonitis develops - inflammation in the abdominal cavity associated with the aggressive effects of gastric contents.

As a rule, perforation of an ulcer occurs during an exacerbation of the disease, but sometimes it is in this way that the so-called “silent ulcers” first appear. Middle age patients with perforated gastric or duodenal ulcers – 40 years. In men, this severe complication occurs 7-8 times more often than in women.

If a perforated gastric ulcer is suspected, emergency hospitalization is indicated. surgical department hospital. Treatment of this pathology is exclusively surgical.

Acute pain in the upper abdomen during myocardial infarction

Acute pain in the upper abdomen occurs with the so-called gastralgic form of myocardial infarction. Such clinical picture characteristic of necrosis of the posterior wall of the left ventricle and interventricular septum. These parts of the heart are in close proximity to the diaphragm, which causes characteristic localization pain syndrome.

In such cases, pain in the upper abdomen is accompanied by signs of disturbances in the digestive tract, such as nausea and vomiting (usually one-time).

Myocardial infarction in the gastralgic form can be recognized by the presence of symptoms characteristic of heart damage, such as:

Suspicion of myocardial infarction is an indication for emergency hospitalization in the intensive care unit of a hospital. Intensive care is necessary to save the patient's life.

Acute pain in the upper abdomen with acute pancreatitis

Pain in the upper abdomen with acute pancreatitis has a girdling character. A painful attack, as a rule, develops suddenly after a severe diet violation (most often there is excessive consumption of fatty and sweet foods in combination with alcohol).

In acute pancreatitis, pain in the upper abdomen has a wide area of ​​irradiation - it radiates from the front to the right and left supra- and subclavian spaces, and from the back under both shoulder blades, to the spine and to the lower back.

The pain syndrome is accompanied by nausea and repeated vomiting, which does not bring relief to the patient. Often, after the next emptying of the stomach, the pain intensifies.

The pancreatic gland normally secretes proteolytic enzymes into the gastrointestinal tract; when it is inflamed, these enzymes corrode the tissue of the gland (in severe cases, complete necrosis of the organ is possible) and enter the blood, causing general intoxication of the body.

It is the combination of pain in the upper abdomen with signs of pancreatogenic toxemia that makes it possible to accurately diagnose acute pancreatitis even before laboratory tests. Signs of intoxication with glandular enzymes include the following symptoms:

  • cyanosis (blueness) of the face, trunk and (less often) limbs;

  • ecchymoses (hemorrhages in the form of spots irregular shape) on the lateral surfaces of the abdomen;

  • petechiae (pinpoint hemorrhages) around the navel and on the buttocks.
If you suspect acute pancreatitis, you should immediately call an ambulance. Treat this pathology mostly conservative methods in the intensive care unit. Surgery is indicated in case of massive necrosis of the pancreas and/or with the development of purulent complications. The prognosis in such cases is always serious.

Acute pain in the upper abdomen with hepatic colic and acute cholecystitis

Hepatic colic is a specific pain syndrome associated with impaired patency of the biliary tract. The most common cause of hepatic colic is cholelithiasis (blockage of the biliary tract with a stone and/or a reflex spasm of the smooth muscle muscles of the biliary tract in response to irritation by the outgoing stone).

Pain during hepatic colic is localized in the right hypochondrium and has a cramping character. The pain radiates upward, under the right collarbone and back, under the right shoulder blade.

Pain in the upper abdomen with hepatic colic is combined with nausea and vomiting, usually one-time, which does not bring relief to the patient. In typical cases, the attack is easily stopped by taking standard antispasmodics (No-spa, etc.).

In cases where taking antispasmodics brings only short-term relief, the attack lasts several hours and is combined with an increase in body temperature with chills and the appearance of symptoms of intoxication (weakness, lethargy, headache), you should think about acute cholecystitis.

At this time, blood gradually accumulates under the capsule, stretching it. Then the capsule ruptures, clinically manifested acute pain in the upper abdomen, worsening when lying down, and signs of internal bleeding.

The duration of the light interval depends on the intensity of bleeding and can range from several hours to several days (cases have been described when acute internal bleeding developed 2-3 weeks after injury).

Two-stage liver rupture is an extremely dangerous complication, often leading to fatal outcome. Therefore, for any injuries to the abdomen, chest and lower back, accompanied by pain in the upper abdomen, it is best to do a timely ultrasound of the abdominal organs.

Acute pain in the upper abdomen with traumatic and spontaneous ruptures of the spleen

Traumatic ruptures of the intact spleen are much less common than traumatic ruptures of the liver, this is explained by the smaller size of the spleen and its more favorable anatomical location.

The clinical picture of traumatic ruptures of the spleen, with the exception of the localization of pain, is similar to the clinical picture of liver ruptures. Pain in severe damage to the spleen is localized in the upper abdomen on the left and radiates to left collarbone and under the left shoulder blade.

Just as in the case of subcapsular ruptures of the liver, making a diagnosis of subcapsular rupture of the spleen is quite difficult without the use of appropriate equipment.

Of particular danger are spontaneous (spontaneous) ruptures of the spleen, which quite often complicate diseases accompanied by significant enlargement of the organ (tuberculosis, leukemia, malaria, etc.).

In such cases, a rupture of the spleen can provoke a slight push to the left hypochondrium, flip flop patient in bed, coughing, laughing, sneezing, etc.
If pain in the upper left abdomen occurs after an injury, or in patients with a risk of spontaneous rupture of the spleen, then it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor.

In case of spontaneous ruptures, as well as in case of severe traumatic injuries to the spleen, urgent removal of the organ is performed. Small tears are sutured. The prognosis with timely assistance is favorable; a person can live without a spleen for an indefinitely long time.

Acute pain in the upper abdomen with right-sided pneumonia and pleurisy

Acute pain in the upper abdomen may indicate damage to the respiratory system. In particular, such localization of pain often occurs when right-sided pneumonia.

What can mean pain in the upper abdomen from time to time (which doctor should you consult routinely)

Pain in the upper abdomen with chronic diseases stomach and duodenum

Pain in the upper abdomen in chronic diseases of the stomach and duodenum is localized in the epigastrium ("under the stomach"), and is constant or paroxysmal in nature.

As a rule, during exacerbations of diseases, constant dull aching pain, which intensify some time after eating (with inflammatory processes in the stomach 30-60 minutes after eating, with inflammation of the duodenal mucosa after 1-1.5 hours).

Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, on the contrary, causes a tendency to prolonged constipation, which is associated with impaired intestinal motor function.

For inflammatory processes in the gastric mucosa that occur with increased secretion gastric juice, as well as for peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, heartburn and sour belching are specific. Appetite is usually increased.

All diseases of the stomach and duodenum are characterized by nausea and vomiting, which brings significant relief. For gastritis with increased acidity vomiting often occurs early in the morning, on an empty stomach, due to nocturnal hypersecretion of gastric juice. This symptom is especially common in chronic alcoholics.

With gastritis with reduced acidity, nausea appears some time after eating, and peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum are characterized by “hungry” sour vomiting, which occurs at the height of an attack of pain and relieves pain.

Stomach cancer most often develops against the background of gastritis with reduced acidity; malignant degeneration of stomach ulcers (ulcer-cancer) is less common. Sometimes cancer occurs against the background of relative health (as a rule, in such cases we are talking about maglinization (malignancy) of benign gastric polyps).

Pain in the upper abdomen with stomach cancer usually appears in the later stages of the disease. The pain syndrome in such cases is not associated with food intake and is most often permanent. When the tumor grows into the stomach wall, the pain becomes gnawing and bothers the patient most often at night.
What tests and examinations can a doctor prescribe if gastritis or peptic ulcer is suspected?

Pain in the upper abdomen with chronic cholecystitis

Pain in the upper abdomen with chronic cholecystitis is localized on the right. In this case, the epicenter of pain is felt on the border between internal and middle third costal arch (location of the gallbladder projection).

As a rule, pain in chronic cholecystitis is associated with errors in diet (the diseased gallbladder especially does not like fatty fried foods) and is often stabbing or cramping in nature. The pain radiates upward, to the right collarbone and back, under the right shoulder blade.

There are calculous and acalculous chronic cholecystitis. Both types are significantly more common in women. Calculous cholecystitis is a kind of complication of cholelithiasis and accounts for up to 90-95% of cases chronic cholecystitis.

It is calculous cholecystitis that most often occurs with characteristic attacks of hepatic colic. However, it should be noted that it is not always possible to clinically establish the type of cholecystitis, since characteristic attacks of cramping pain can be caused not only by stones (gallstones), but also by spasms of the biliary tract. Therefore, to stage accurate diagnosis carry out a whole series additional research(bile examination, ultrasound, etc.).

During the period between attacks, patients are disturbed by dull aching pain in the right hypochondrium, which intensifies after a diet violation, psycho-emotional stress, physical activity, or bumpy driving.

Pain in the upper abdomen in chronic cholecystitis is combined with dyspeptic symptoms, such as belching of air, unstable chair, heartburn and a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, flatulence.

Often chronic cholecystitis is complicated by obstructive jaundice - characteristic syndrome, which is based on mechanical failure passage of bile through the biliary tract.

In such cases, bile does not enter the duodenum, which leads to discoloration of stool, and is absorbed into the blood, giving a characteristic greenish-yellow tint to the skin and whites of the eyes. Part of the pigment substances that make up the bile is excreted in the urine, which as a result acquires the color of dark beer.

Obstructive jaundice is accompanied by painful skin itching associated with the toxic effect of substances that make up bile and color the skin.

Over time, patients with chronic cholecystitis develop asthenic syndrome, characterized by such features as:

  • weakness;

  • fatigue;

  • decreased memory and attention function;

  • mood lability with a tendency to depression;

  • headaches;

  • sleep disorders.
With a long course of chronic cholecystitis, various complications from nearby organs may develop, such as:
  • acute and chronic cholangitis (inflammation of the intrahepatic bile ducts);

  • spicy and chronic pancreatitis(inflammation of the pancreas);

  • secondary biliary cirrhosis of the liver.
Therefore, if you experience pain in the upper abdomen, suspicious for chronic cholecystitis, you should consult a general practitioner or gastroenterologist. Treatment of acalculous chronic cholecystitis is usually conservative. In the case of calculous cholecystitis, doctors most often recommend surgery (removal of the gallbladder filled with stones).
What tests and examinations can a doctor prescribe if cholecystitis is suspected?

Pain in the upper abdomen with chronic pancreatitis

Pain in the upper abdomen during chronic pancreatitis is localized depending on the affected area of ​​the pancreas. The fact is that this gland is adjacent to back wall abdominal cavity and bends over the spinal column so that its head is in right half abdominal cavity, and the body and tail are in the left.

Therefore, during inflammatory processes localized in the head of the pancreas, pain is felt in the upper abdomen on the right and in the epigastrium, and when the body and tail are affected, pain is felt on the left and in the epigastrium.

With total damage to the gland, the pain takes on a girdling character, strongly reminiscent of an attack of acute pancreatitis.

The intensity of pain in chronic pancreatitis is usually quite high. The pain feels like cutting, tearing, boring or shooting. In this case, the pain radiates to the spine, collarbones and under the shoulder blades on the corresponding sides.

Pain in the upper abdomen increases in horizontal position and is slightly relieved in a sitting position leaning forward, so that with severe pain, patients take a forced position: sit in bed, pressing their legs bent at the knees to the stomach.

Chronic pancreatitis is characterized by a special daily rhythm of pain: as a rule, patients feel best in the morning, pain appears or intensifies in the afternoon and increases in the evening, and subsides during the night. Hunger relieves pain, so patients often try in every possible way to limit themselves in food.

Pain syndrome in chronic pancreatitis is combined with other signs of gastrointestinal dysfunction, such as:

  • increased salivation;

  • belching of air or food eaten;

  • nausea, vomiting;

  • flatulence;

  • aversion to fatty foods;

  • decreased appetite.
Very characteristic feature Chronic pancreatitis is a combination of pain in the upper abdomen with a tendency to diarrhea. The fact is that with a long-term inflammatory process in the pancreas, its secretory insufficiency develops. As a result, it enters the intestines insufficient quantity enzymes necessary for breakdown and normal absorption nutrients.

Clinically, this is manifested by a peculiar change in the character of stool - steatorrhea (literally fatty stool). The feces acquire a grayish color and a mushy consistency; droplets of fat and fibers of undigested food are visible on their surface.

Because of high content fatty feces in chronic pancreatitis stick to the walls of the toilet and are poorly washed off - this is often the first sign that patients pay attention to.

Another specific symptom chronic pancreatitis – significant weight loss (sometimes up to 15-25 kg). Such weight loss is associated both with forced food restrictions during painful attacks and with impaired absorption of nutrients in the intestines.

With a long course of chronic pancreatitis, the following complications are possible:

  • cachexia (exhaustion);

  • impaired patency of the duodenum (compression by the enlarged head of the gland);

  • obstruction of the patency of the common bile duct with the development of complications from the liver.
To restore health and avoid life-threatening complications, if you experience pain in the upper abdomen, suspicious for chronic pancreatitis, you should seek help from a gastroenterologist. Treatment of this disease is complex conservative (diet, replacement therapy with pancreatic enzymes, enhancing recovery processes drugs in the gland, spa treatment, physiotherapy, etc.).
What tests and examinations can a doctor prescribe if chronic pancreatitis is suspected?

Pain in the upper abdomen with pancreatic cancer

Pain in the upper abdomen with pancreatic cancer usually appears already at late stage diseases. The pathology clinic largely depends on the location of the tumor in the pancreas.

Appear relatively early clinical symptoms diseases with malignant degeneration of the head of the pancreas. The fact is that in such cases, even with relatively small tumor sizes, the patency of the common bile duct, into which the ducts of the pancreas, liver and gallbladder flow, flows is often disrupted.

As a result, attacks of hepatic colic develop and long-term obstructive jaundice, which over time gives the patient's skin a shade of black bronze.

When located malignant neoplasm in the body or tail of the gland, pain in the upper abdomen appears much later. Often, the onset of pain is preceded by nonspecific signs of disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, such as a feeling of heaviness in the upper abdomen, nausea, loss of appetite, belching of air, flatulence, etc.

Pain syndrome in pancreatic cancer, as a rule, has a very high intensity, which is associated with tumor growth into the solar plexus. The pain is of a boring or gnawing nature, radiates to the spinal column and lower back, and most often bothers patients at night.

If you suspect a malignant tumor of the pancreas, contact an oncologist. Treatment and prognosis largely depend on the stage of the disease.
What tests and examinations can a doctor prescribe if he suspects pancreatic cancer?

Pain in the upper abdomen due to liver disease

Pain in the upper abdomen is rarely the main symptom of liver damage. The fact is that the liver parenchyma does not have nerve endings, so even significant pathological changes in the organ may not be accompanied by severe pain.

A significant increase in the size of the organ inevitably leads to stretching of the liver capsule, which contains a large number of nerve receptors. Thus, a pain syndrome develops, the severity of which will depend on the rate of increase in liver volume: from intense bursting pain to a feeling of discomfort and heaviness in the right hypochondrium.

Another mechanism for the occurrence of pain in the upper abdomen in liver diseases is associated with a violation of the discharge of bile through the intrahepatic and extrahepatic ducts. In such cases, the pain is localized in the right hypochondrium, reaches high intensity and has a stabbing, cutting or cramping nature, often reminiscent of attacks of hepatic colic. Such pain is specific, for example, to acute alcoholic hepatitis, which, as a rule, occurs against the background of cholestasis (stagnation of bile), for acute and chronic cholangitis, for secondary biliary cirrhosis.

And finally, pain in the upper abdomen with liver diseases can occur due to the development concomitant pathology in neighboring organs with which the liver is connected functionally (pancreas, gall bladder, duodenum) or due to the characteristics of the circulatory system (spleen).

The liver is a multifunctional organ, therefore, with serious damage to it, in addition to pain in the upper abdomen, signs of systemic disorders develop, collectively called “major liver symptoms,” such as:

Of course, in such cases the disease is very difficult to treat. Therefore, if pain or discomfort periodically appears in the upper abdomen on the right, you should never self-medicate. Timely seeking specialized medical care is the best way to maintain and restore health.
What tests and examinations can a doctor prescribe if he suspects liver disease?

Pain in the upper abdomen with lesions of the spleen

Pain in the upper abdomen with damage to the spleen most often develops due to stretching of its richly innervated capsule, which is observed with enlargement of the organ. Much less often, pain occurs when inflammation moves to the peritoneum (perisplenitis), as happens, for example, with abscesses or infarctions of the spleen.

The intensity of pain in the upper abdomen associated with an enlarged spleen is usually not high. Quite often, pain with an enlarged spleen is felt as a feeling of heaviness in the left hypochondrium or discomfort in the left half of the abdomen.

All cases of enlarged spleen can be divided into several large groups. Quite often the cause of an enlarged spleen is working hypertrophy organ. It must be said that the spleen is an important organ immune system kinda gigantic lymph node, filters the blood, so an increase in its tissue occurs in such cases as:

  • acute and chronic infectious diseases (infectious mononucleosis, malaria, sepsis, tuberculosis, etc.);

  • systemic autoimmune aggression in the body (systemic lupus erythematosus, serum sickness).
In addition, the spleen is a “graveyard of red blood cells,” so its size increases in diseases accompanied by massive hemolysis of red blood cells (congenital and acquired hemolytic anemia, chronic hemodialysis).

Another fairly common reason for the appearance dull pain in the upper abdomen on the left - an increase in pressure in the portal vein system, leading to the deposition of blood in the spleen and stagnant increase organ. This development of events is typical for cirrhosis of the liver.

In addition, enlargement of the spleen occurs when malignant proliferation (reproduction) of hematopoietic cells lymphocyte series. So, for example, the spleen increases significantly in lymphomas, and in chronic lymphocytic leukemia it can reach gigantic sizes.

Since the spleen plays a hematopoietic role during embryogenesis, this function can be pathologically revived under certain conditions. malignant tumors blood, such as chronic myeloid leukemia.

Long-term enlargement of the spleen leads to the development of hypersplenism, a syndrome whose main manifestations are a decrease in the number of blood cells (erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets).

Clinically, pancytopenia (decrease in the number of cellular elements of the blood) is manifested by symptoms of anemia (weakness, dizziness, shortness of breath with slight physical exertion, pallor of the skin and visible mucous membranes), leukopenia (susceptibility to infectious diseases), thrombocytopenia (bleeding gums, nosebleeds, subcutaneous hemorrhages ) and as the process progresses, it can lead to dangerous complications (sepsis, internal hemorrhages).

Therefore, if pain or discomfort occurs in the upper left abdomen, you should promptly contact your primary care physician. In the future, depending on the cause of the enlarged spleen, you may need the help of an infectious disease specialist, rheumatologist, immunologist, gastroenterologist, hematologist or oncologist.

Treatment of hypersplenism syndrome is usually radical - removal of the spleen. The prognosis depends on the cause of the development of the pathology.

Pain in the upper abdomen with epigastric hernia of the white line of the abdomen

Pain in the upper abdomen can also occur with epigastric hernias of the white line of the abdomen. The linea alba is a plexus of tendon bundles of three paired vastus abdominal muscles, which stretches from the xiphoid process of the sternum down to the pubic joint.

Between the fibers of the linea alba there are slit-like spaces through which vessels and nerves pass. It is through these “weak spots” that hernias emerge, and it is the epigastric (epigastric) region that is the favorite place for hernias of the white line of the abdomen to emerge.

At the initial stages of hernia formation, a section of preperitoneal fatty tissue penetrates through the defect in the divergence of the fibers of the white line of the abdomen, forming the so-called “preperitoneal lipoma.”

The preperitoneal tissue compressed in the hernial orifice may contain nerve fibers related to solar plexus. Therefore, the clinical picture of a hernial protrusion still invisible to the eye may resemble the symptoms of diseases of the organs of the upper floor of the abdominal cavity, such as gastric ulcers, cholecystitis, etc.

Some help in diagnosis can be provided by the fact that pain in the upper abdomen with an epigastric hernia is not associated with eating, but can intensify after physical exertion on the abdomen, as well as after coughing, laughing, straining, etc.

Since hernias are a steadily progressive disease, the gap in the linea alba will gradually increase, and over time, a piece of peritoneum with hernial contents will penetrate there, and a hernia will form.

Epigastric hernias of the white line of the abdomen extremely rarely reach large sizes, therefore, in obese people they are often detected only with such a fairly common complication for this type of hernia as strangulated hernia.

The hernia is strangulated as follows: with a sharp increase in intra-abdominal pressure (straining, severe cough etc.) through a defect in the white line of the abdomen (hernial orifice), a significant amount of viscera emerges under the skin, then the intra-abdominal pressure drops, and the hernial orifice narrows, and some of the viscera do not have time to slip back into the abdominal cavity and become trapped in the hernial orifice.

Most often, in epigastric hernias, the omentum is strangulated, but sometimes more important internal organs (stomach wall, small or large intestine, gall bladder) can also get caught in such a trap.

Clinically, a strangulated hernia is manifested by increased pain in the upper abdomen and extreme pain on palpation in the hernia area, which in such cases is usually determined visually.

A strangulated hernia is a rather dangerous complication, since blood circulation in the strangulated organs is disrupted and necrosis may develop.

Therefore, if pain appears in the upper part of the abdomen in the middle, suspicious for an epigastric hernia, you should promptly contact a surgeon. The treatment of this disease is exclusively surgical. The prognosis for timely treatment is quite favorable.
What tests and examinations can a doctor prescribe if a hernia of the white line of the abdomen is suspected?

Pain in the upper abdomen with osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine

Pain in the upper abdomen can also occur with osteochondrosis, a disease of the spine characterized by systemic degenerative changes V intervertebral discs, as a result of which the stability of the spinal column is disrupted and complications from the nervous system develop.

Thus, with osteochondrosis of the thoracic vertebrae, the nerves coming from the spinal cord are compressed, which often causes symptoms of damage to the internal organs of the upper floor of the abdominal cavity.

Quite common gastralgic syndrome, which occurs when the spine is damaged in the upper and mid-thoracic region. In such cases there appear chronic pain in the upper abdomen in the middle, reminiscent of pain due to gastritis.

Significant assistance in diagnosis can be provided by the fact that these pains have no connection with food intake, do not depend on the quality of the food consumed, but intensify after physical work. A specific sign of pain in the upper abdomen with osteochondrosis is an increase in pain in the afternoon and subsidence after a night's rest.

In addition, in such cases, as a rule, other signs of osteochondrosis are expressed, such as:

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