What are the benefits of persimmon for a child’s body? Yogurt with persimmon

Hello friends. Today we’ll talk about the age at which persimmons can be given to a child, how persimmons are beneficial for babies, and whether their use can cause any harm to children. The answer to these questions is on our blog. There are also several recipes for delicious dishes for children.

Persimmon fruits have a pleasant aroma and contain large number vitamins, especially vitamin C. Just one small fruit contains about 17 mg of vitamin C! Persimmon is good source iron, especially for children whose bodies are deficient in this microelement.

Vitamin C – 33 mg
Potassium - 155 mg
Iron - 1.25 - mg
Calcium - 14 mg
Phosphorus - 13 mg
Other vitamins in small quantities.

At what age can children eat persimmons?

So, when can a child eat persimmons, at what age? Most experts advise including these delicious fruits in the baby’s diet only after a year, some believe that it is possible a little earlier, but certainly not earlier than 8-10 months. It is very tasty and easy to prepare, but can cause allergies. Therefore, it is advisable to first consult with your pediatrician.

How to store

Persimmons appear in our stores around September - October. The fruits can be quite bitter and tart if they are not yet fully ripe, and of course these should not be given to children. The fact is that the fruits are specially picked unripe so that they can withstand transportation to other countries.

If you bought them unripe, this can be corrected. Just put it in a brown paper bag to ripen and store it at room temperature. When the fruit is ripe, it will become soft, like jelly and very tasty, however, you need to make sure that the persimmon does not overripe and spoil.

In what form should it be given to children?

Mostly persimmon one year old child pureed and given as a puree. It is steamed and added to baked goods and other dishes. The skin of ripe fruits is soft and thin, so there is no need to remove it.

Several recipes with persimmons

Persimmon puree

To prepare baby puree, you need to take 4 ripe fruits and rinse them. Then cut them into pieces and steam until soft (about 5 minutes). Let the pieces cool and puree them.

Oatmeal with persimmons and apples

You will need:

  • Three chopped persimmons
  • One cup of dry oatmeal
  • Two glasses of water
  • One apple, washed and cut into pieces
  • Pinch of cinnamon
  • A little vanilla

Place all of the listed ingredients in a medium-sized saucepan, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for about 15-20 minutes until the liquid evaporates and the porridge thickens.

Yogurt with persimmon

To prepare this delicious dish you need to take one ripe fruit and half a cup of plain yogurt, preferably natural or homemade. Now mix everything very well.

This yogurt can be eaten as a snack on its own or added to other dishes, such as toast, pancakes or cookies. If yogurt is not sweet, it can also be added as a sauce to chicken or vegetables.

In general it will work out good taste if persimmons are mixed with foods such as pears, bananas, apples, yogurt and chicken.


In principle, there are no serious contraindications for children to consume this fruit. The main thing is to know when to stop and remember age restrictions. However, there are several important points, which you need to pay attention to.

Since this is an allergenic product, you need to observe the reaction of the baby’s body after the first acquaintance with the fruit. It is also important to give only ripe fruits, and in no case green ones, since they contain a high content of tannins.

And always, before introducing new foods into your baby’s diet, it wouldn’t hurt to consult with a pediatrician.

Persimmon is a healthy tropical berry. It grows in hot countries, ripens in late autumn and is considered exotic in our country. That is why parents often ask the question: “At how many months can you give your child persimmon?” Pediatricians advise doing this no earlier than 2 years, but age is not the only limitation. But first things first.

The taste of the fruit is quite specific, viscous and tart. Not everyone likes her. At the same time, persimmon has a rich vitamin composition, it contains a large amount useful components. First of all, persimmon is valued for vitamin C, which protects the body from infectious and colds. The berry pulp contains a lot of calcium, magnesium, zinc, iodine, manganese, fructose and glucose, and organic acids.

How are persimmons beneficial for a child’s body? When used in moderation it:

  • improves appetite;
  • improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • normalizes the functioning of the central nervous system. This is very important for hyperactive and excitable children;
  • improves visual acuity;
  • participates in the formation of bones and teeth;
  • holds the chair together.

Such a list useful properties will impress any mother, so she will want to immediately feed her child such a wonderful berry. There is no need to rush, since it brings not only benefits to the child’s body, but also harm.

Why can't children eat persimmons?

Persimmon is a “heavy” food that takes a long time to be digested by a child’s fragile stomach. If you do not follow the measure, persimmon can cause constipation. The yellow fruit is also a strong allergen. Another disadvantage of persimmon is its ability to “glue” the contents of the intestines. Because of this, obstruction occurs. If you do not seek help in time, this can result in tragic consequences.

Are persimmons allergenic for children?

Persimmon has a bright yellow color, so it is a strong allergen. Young children should be given it carefully, in small portions. Each time it is necessary to observe the baby’s reaction.

Allergy to persimmon in children: symptoms:

  • rashes;
  • increase in temperature;
  • change in complexion

If you notice these symptoms, seek immediate medical attention medical care to prevent negative impact fetus for immature children's body. An allergic reaction most often occurs in children with reduced immunity. Symptoms may not appear immediately, so carefully monitor the baby’s condition.
Helps reduce the risk of allergies heat treatment berries You can dry the fruits. Thanks to this, the protein that provokes the allergic reaction is destroyed. Severe allergies Oranges also cause this, so read the information about.

From when can you give persimmons to a child?

Can a one-year-old child eat persimmons: Komarovsky

Dr. Komarovsky does not recommend introducing children to exotic fruits at such early age. Especially if the baby is somatically weakened, he has problems with the stomach and intestines. There is no need to rush, it is better to wait until 3, or even 6 years. The first time you need to give dried or heat-treated persimmon. In this form, it rarely causes an allergic reaction.

How to choose quality fruit?

For baby food choose only well-ripened fruits. Unripe berries provoke problems in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. For a child’s first acquaintance with persimmons, you should choose varieties with a minimum tannin content. The “Korolek” variety is quite suitable. Accustom your baby to the exotic berry little by little - one small slice at a time. If everything goes well, then after a month the amount of persimmon can be increased to a whole fruit. Pay attention to the color and shape of the fruit. Best choice will become a persimmon round shape and bright orange color. The skin must be shiny and smooth, without dark spots. The stalks and leaves must be dark. If you purchased unripe fruits with a strong tart taste, place them in the freezer for a while. It will improve them taste qualities.

The juicy fruits of the food of the gods (and this is exactly how it is translated from Latin language name "persimmon") have a positive effect on human body. Almost everyone loves this fruit, because it is not so often that food is not only healthy, but also tasty. As a rule, persimmons can be bought in supermarkets and markets during the winter months, when the body lacks trace elements and vitamins.

For parents, the issue of nutrition for their baby is always at the top of their list. They want this food to be healthy and tasty. That’s why they ask the question: at what age can a child be given persimmon? Let's try to figure out why this fruit is useful for babies and when you can start introducing it into the diet of toddlers.

The benefits of persimmon for babies

First you need to know that persimmons are considered healthier than apples. It can remove excess from the body, acting as known to everyone activated carbon. What are the benefits of persimmon for children?

These fruits contain a lot of vitamins, one of which is ascorbic acid. It is this that enables toddlers to fight colds and strengthen children’s immune protection. Natural sugar, found here in the form of fructose and glucose, has good stimulation brain activity and improve the children's mood.

Are present in this delicious fruit vitamins A and P, which strengthen blood vessels and normalize blood circulation. And all this is very important for the development of the baby. Iodine regulates the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. Thanks to calcium, bones and teeth are strengthened. Potassium can prevent many children's heart diseases. Plant fibers of persimmon facilitate the work of the gastrointestinal tract, improving the baby's intestinal motility. If you eat it correctly, the child will not have any problems with stool.

Baby food and persimmon

While the little one is at a very young age, his gastrointestinal tract has not yet had time to form, so different impacts may be dangerous for him. Therefore, the answer to the questions about whether it is possible to give persimmon to children under one year old (infants) will be negative.

Everyone knows that the most better food for kids it’s mom’s breast milk. It is recommended to introduce the first complementary foods only after consultation with a pediatrician, who will answer all the questions that concern the mother. If new products are introduced into a child’s diet consistently, competently and correctly, then the reward for parents will be his excellent health.

Delicious allergen

Yes it is delicious berry, but this is also heavy food. Even adults are advised to eat it with caution. Persimmons contain tannin (it strengthens), which can cause constipation. It is this substance that gives persimmon its astringent power.

What else worries parents who want to treat their children to this fruit - does persimmon cause allergies in children? Unfortunately, persimmon is an allergic product, so if you offer it to babies in exorbitant quantities, you can cause a rash to appear on their bodies. And in some babies, allergies may appear even after eating a small piece.

Babies under one year of age: should we eat persimmons or wait?

It was already mentioned above that the body of toddlers is still imperfect, and therefore the gastrointestinal tract is vulnerable. Doctors recommend that mothers breastfeed their babies for as long as possible and very carefully, according to all existing rules, introduce complementary foods to them. To begin with, you should choose those foods that will be easily digestible and will not burden the stomach and intestines of babies. But persimmon is not on the list of such products.

Therefore, you shouldn’t even think about whether persimmons can be given to children under one year old. Definitely no!

But even the fact that this fruit is a powerful allergen is not the worst thing. The danger for the baby is that persimmon fibers can stick together the contents of the child’s intestines and form sticky, dense lumps there. The normal functionality of the intestines is disrupted due to this. If you don’t catch it in time, you’ll need urgent surgery. Otherwise, the outcome could be very sad.

When do we start serving food?

Persimmon is on the list of the most difficult foods for the human body to digest next to mushrooms and eggplants. Komarovsky himself, a pediatrician known to most mothers, recommends avoiding this fruit until adolescence(up to 11-12 years old).

So what should you do, at what age can a child be given persimmon? Some experts prohibit feeding persimmons to children under six years of age, some - only up to three. In any case, you should introduce your baby to a new product with small pieces. Then, over the course of two or three days, parents need to monitor the condition of their little one. If there are no allergic reactions, then you can eat persimmons, giving the little one more pulp.

There are mothers who give their babies persimmon starting at 6 or 9 months. But this absolutely cannot be done! You should not rely on the opinions of friends, because the baby’s body can react completely unpredictably. It’s better to wait until the baby is at least three years old. Because a newborn baby has enough to normal development and the growth of mother's milk.

Choosing persimmons

So, we have already figured out at what age a child can be given persimmon. Now we need to understand how to choose this fruit correctly if the parents decide to include it in the baby’s diet. There are several simple rules in this regard:

  • pay attention to the shape and shade of the fruit;
  • there should be no damage or dark spots on it;
  • the color should be deep orange;
  • if the fruit is ripe, it will have dark leaves.

If you buy persimmons that are not quite ripe, which are also knitting, it is better to put them in the freezer for four hours. This will make it sweeter and juicier.

Are there any contraindications?

When a mother is thinking about the questions at what age can a child be given persimmons and whether it is worth doing this at all, you just need to remember that, despite the benefits of this fruit, we must not forget about its other side.

So, you need to figure out whether persimmon is needed in your baby’s diet. Benefits and harms, contraindications for children when using it - these questions can be answered in detail children's pediatrician. But you need to remember such points as a tendency to constipation, allergies, obesity, diabetes.

Enough common occurrence- baby is allergic to persimmon. This usually applies skin rashes. Unfortunately, it also happens that eating persimmon can cause more severe reactions (Quincke's edema, for example).

What else you need to remember about persimmons: you need to consider how it combines with other products. The combination of this fruit with cold water and milk.

Today we’ll talk about at what age can a child eat persimmons? Let's talk about the benefits of persimmons and some dangerous features this berry. We’ll also talk about how to choose persimmons and improve their taste, if necessary.

Persimmon is the berry (namely a berry) that appears on our shelves in the autumn-winter months, when we are most lacking in vitamins. And I really want to offer children a bright sweet persimmon during the season of hypovitaminosis (vitamin deficiency). By this time collected in summer and in early autumn, fruits and berries, even if they are still in stock, are no longer so tasty and healthy.

Almost everyone knows about the benefits of fresh fruits and berries and, in particular, persimmons. But not all parents know that with persimmons not everything is so simple.

Recommendations from pediatricians: at what age can children eat persimmons?

There are no direct prohibitions on children eating persimmons. But doctors advise children under one year old not to introduce it into their diet. It is better not to introduce this berry to children under three years of age.

The reason is that persimmon is one of the “difficult” foods to digest. In this it can be compared to mushrooms. Immature digestive tract the child may not be able to digest this exotic fruit.

Persimmon is a very sweet and juicy berry. But only ripe fruits do not have an astringent taste. Before reaching full ripeness, persimmons have an astringent taste.

It is worthy of attention not only for its taste. Persimmon is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. It contains iodine, iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, manganese, vitamins A, C, P. Persimmon is also rich in pectin, tannins, glucose, fructose, organic acids and other beneficial substances.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) has anti-inflammatory properties and strengthens immune system, is a natural antioxidant.

Vitamin A (retinol) is essential for correct formation skeletal system and the child's teeth. Retinol affects the growth of new body cells and fat metabolism.

Vitamin P (rutin) is a substance that the human body cannot produce itself. Therefore, it must be supplied with food.

Vitamins C and P help strengthen the walls blood vessels, make them strong, elastic and less permeable. This is an excellent prevention of bleeding gums. At sufficient quantity These vitamins help wounds heal faster.

Vitamins A and P strengthen the eye muscles, which maintains good vision.

Magnesium, potassium – chemical elements, useful for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Copper, which is also significant amount Contained in persimmons, it improves the absorption of iron from the digestive system into the blood. Iron is needed in the body for the synthesis of hemoglobin. A sufficient intake of iron from food ensures the maintenance of normal hemoglobin levels and the prevention of anemia (anemia).

The significant iodine content in persimmons helps normal operation thyroid gland.

Persimmon has a diuretic effect. The magnesium contained in it helps reduce the accumulation of salts in urinary system, which is the prevention of stone formation.

Pectin and tannins improve the digestion process.

Pectin is practically not digestible digestive system body, being, in fact, soluble fiber. Passing along with other products through the intestines, pectin is absorbed harmful substances, which are excreted from the body along with it. It is important that pectin has the ability to bind heavy metal ions.

What is the danger of persimmon for a child’s body?

Eating persimmons can be harmful to health small child. The berry contains a large amount of sugars, astringents, and tannin.

The astringent pulp of persimmons, due to the presence of tannins in it, can cause constipation, especially in young children.

Excessive consumption of persimmons, especially unripe fruits, in which greatest content tannin and dense plant fibers can lead to the formation of phytobezoar in the intestines. This is a dense lump of plant fibers and solid food particles that can cause acute intestinal obstruction. This condition requires urgent surgical care, and delay in such a situation can cost a person his life.

In addition, persimmon is quite allergenic product. In children younger age it often causes allergic reactions and manifestations of intolerance.

Because of high content easily digestible sugars, persimmons are not recommended for children with obesity or diabetes mellitus. Or at least you need to limit its use.

  • If you still decide that it’s time for your baby to try persimmons, then you should start with a small portion. Monitor the reaction of the small organism for two days. And only if everything is still in in perfect order, you can offer your child the next portion of persimmons.
  • Choose only ripe fruits. Preference should be given to less astringent varieties - “Korolek” or “Chocolate”.
  • For children, persimmons need to be peeled and pitted.
  • Persimmons should not be combined with milk and other protein products, especially fish and seafood. Also, you should not drink it with cold water.
  • Children suffering food allergies, constipation and other dysfunctions gastrointestinal tract, it is better to postpone getting acquainted with persimmons until 6-7 years.
  • Freezing unripe fruits for 3-4 hours removes their astringent taste.
  • When frozen, persimmons can be stored for up to six months.

While preparing to write this article, I came across many reviews from mothers who introduced persimmons into their children’s diet back in the early days. infancy and they didn’t see anything wrong with it. I would like to say: thank God.

As with any issue, many people here want to check everything personal experience. Check, but be careful.

Persimmon is a rather insidious fruit. And you just need to know about this when deciding whether to give it to your child. Be careful and act with caution so that you do not inadvertently harm the child with the best of intentions.

Pediatrician and twice-mother Elena Borisova-Tsarenok told you about the timing and features of introducing persimmon into the diet of children.

Few people do not know what persimmon is. Persimmon is juicy, tasty, and most importantly healthy berry.

What are the benefits of persimmon?

IN winter time years, when there is not such a large assortment of fresh fruits on the market, persimmons attract our attention. You already get tired of apples and oranges during the fall and winter, and you want something exotic.

Persimmon- a real storehouse of vitamins, minerals and various nutrients, so necessary for our body in winter. Persimmon is an oriental fruit that takes its rightful place in healthy eating. This fruit contains huge amount microelements: it contains iodine, potassium, magnesium, copper, zinc. It is rich in vitamins C and P, which have a beneficial effect on blood vessels.

Persimmon is considered dietary product and is indicated for children and adults with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, due to its high pectin content. Due to the high iron content in persimmon, it is used in the treatment of anemia. This fruit has a diuretic effect and tonic properties, soothes nervous system, has bactericidal effect. Juice and decoction of this exotic fruit It is used to treat cough, diarrhea, and bleeding gums.
You can also prepare a huge number of dishes for your child: salads, jams, preserves, and even casseroles.

As you can see, persimmons are very healthy, but the main question still remains:

When can you give persimmon to a child?

Answer: Persimmon can be introduced into a child’s diet only after one year.

Despite all my wonderful properties, persimmons can pose a danger to the body of a small child. The fact is that persimmon contains a huge amount of tannins (thanks to them it has a strong viscous taste), which can disrupt peristalsis children's intestines, up to obstruction.

Persimmon can also be considered one of the most powerful allergens, and if your baby suffers from allergies, do not rush to introduce this fruit into his diet.

After your child is 1 year old, you can offer persimmons to your child, but in very small portions, you can start with half a slice, then, if there is no allergy or change in stool, the amount can be increased to several slices per day. Be sure to peel persimmons, as they contain the largest amount of tannins. Two to three slices a day small child will be sufficient, since greater consumption of persimmons can cause



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