How to treat wives' breasts after a blow. Chest bruise: symptoms, possible consequences and treatment methods

A woman has suffered a breast bruise, what should she do in this case? First aid will help avoid serious complications and alleviate the condition of the victim. Bruising of the mammary glands can occur under various conditions, even due to one’s own negligence. And it’s quite easy to damage a woman’s breasts.

Causes and symptoms of bruise

Often the damage is of a domestic nature. Falls, accidental impacts, playing with children and other reasons can lead to severe injury. Under the influence of a traumatic factor, the integrity of blood vessels is disrupted. The result of this process is hemorrhage into the tissue. If the bruise is minor, the bleeding stops on its own. A woman’s mammary gland is able to withstand impacts, but with strong impact, traumatic shock may develop. Especially if the area around the nipple is damaged. Main symptoms of damage:

  • hematoma formation;
  • fat necrosis;
  • swelling;
  • pain at the site of injury;
  • discharge from the nipple.

Hematomas can be subcutaneous and deep. They are accompanied by a large accumulation of blood in the soft tissues of the mammary glands. Over time, hematomas resolve on their own. True, another development of events is possible, with the formation of fat necrosis.

When, when small vessels are damaged, an area of ​​adipose tissue loses its blood supply. If the bruise is accompanied by an open wound, there is a risk of infection. In this case, suppuration and abscess may occur. Injury to the breast can lead to the development of cancer. Therefore, any damage to the breast should be accompanied by a visit to a mammologist. This will eliminate possible consequences.

First aid for bruise

After receiving a chest injury, immediate fixation is required. A compression bandage is perfect for this; it immobilizes the mammary gland. 40 minutes after fixation, cold is applied to the affected area. Even ice cubes will do. This effect can reduce pain and constrict blood vessels. This will alleviate the woman’s condition and stop the bleeding.

In a hospital setting, a retromammary novocaine blockade is performed. You won’t be able to do it yourself; you need a competent person to do it. The blockade is performed in two stages. The first step is to determine three points at which the novocaine solution will be injected. Usually this is the upper, lower and side part of the chest. 50 ml of medicine is injected into these points using a special needle. Novocaine relieves severe irritation in the pathological focus and relieves pain.

The procedure is not pleasant, but it is what allows you to relieve pain and alleviate the patient’s condition.

The blockade should be done with extreme caution. When performing a blockade, you should avoid getting the solution into the area of ​​inflammation.

If the patient's body resists, the procedure must be stopped. If a hematoma appears, a blockade is not required. In this case, they resort to other methods, including drug treatment.

Ways to eliminate the consequences of a bruise

To alleviate the condition, physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed. Ultrasonic heating is widely used. The procedure allows you to activate the body's protective functions. This leads to faster treatment and recovery. The procedure is completely painless and does not cause any discomfort. In addition to physiotherapy, drug treatment is also used. It is based on the use of the drug “Troxevasin”. This medicine perfectly fights bruises and hematomas. The product is applied to the affected area with light massaging movements. The dosage and duration of use are prescribed by the attending physician. One ointment for rubbing is not enough; treatment must be comprehensive. For this, the “Klabaks” product is used. It will reduce pain and restore damaged breast tissue.

In severe cases, antibiotics are used. They are most often used for injuries with an open wound. To avoid the risk of infection, use Bactroban. Antibiotics can destroy intestinal microflora. In this regard, they must be used together with drugs that compensate for the loss of useful components. These include “Linex”, “Bifiform” and “Hilak Forte”. When a purulent abscess develops, the lesion is punctured and drained.

Damage to the mammary gland is often combined with other chest injuries (rib fractures, pneumothorax).

A female breast bruise is a very painful injury, which is due to the peculiarities of innervation.

Chest contusions occur in 10% of all injuries. This is a small percentage of injuries, but such injuries are often accompanied by serious complications and therefore require increased attention. Most blows to the sternum occur as a result of accidents. In such a situation, there are usually other injuries: dislocations, fractures, hemorrhages. If the hands were in motion during the impact, then joint deformations are possible.

The causes of a bruise can be:

  • fights - random attacks or unsuccessful training with a sparring partner;
  • falls from a height - if a person falls from a height, then the injury caused by a bruise is minimal; a blow to the surface of the earth from a great height can cause instant death;
  • sport - with sternum injury Cyclists are more likely to collide when hitting the handlebars.

The danger is posed by compression injury, which can lead to poor circulation and rupture of organs. Chest trauma in children most often occurs due to a fall. If the baby falls off the horizontal bar or falls down the stairs, bone tissue may be damaged as a result of the injury. In children, injuries are usually associated with negligence. Minor bruises do not cause concern, but strong blows to the sternum provoke other health problems, mainly from the lungs and heart.

In women, the mammary glands may be injured as a result of the blow. After consulting a traumatologist, it is necessary to be examined by a mammologist to avoid complications.

Injuries to the mammary gland are mainly of two types: open and closed injuries. Open chest wounds in women are quite varied. This includes cut, stab, gunshot, and bitten wounds to the surface of the mammary gland, as well as burns.

Closed injuries to the female breast are usually represented by bruises and hematomas of the mammary glands. Hematomas are diagnosed by specialists at the location. There are premammary, intramammary and retromammary hematomas. Also, breast injuries can be diagnosed simultaneously with other injuries to the female body, for example, rib fractures. Such mixed injuries account for approximately 35% of all mammary gland injuries.

The causes of such pathology are mainly of a domestic nature. Road accidents, active sports, various external influences and simply a lack of sense of self-preservation can lead to breast problems. In this regard, one should be surprised at the rather low percentage of such pathology, given the location of the organ.

Trauma code according to ICD 10

Superficial cell damage in adults is indicated by the ICD 10 code - S20.2. Frequently encountered injuries are bruises of the anterior chest wall; they are assigned code S20.3. A separate group of injuries according to the international classification includes superficial injuries of the mammary gland - S20.0 and S20.1. In case of contusion of the soft tissues of the chest of an unspecified nature, according to ICD 10, codes S20.7 and S20.8 are assigned.

Clinical picture

The mammary gland is protected from external influences by a thick layer of subcutaneous fat. Trauma often leads to rupture of blood vessels and the formation of a hematoma.

Basic classification of chest bruises

A mammary gland contusion is a closed-type injury in which only the tissues of the cavity are damaged. They occur during a fall at home, a car accident, minor impacts in transport, crush in a crowd, playing active sports, fights and wrestling. The bruise is accompanied by severe pain in the chest area, the presence of lumps in the chest, bruises and hematomas with the formation of bruises.

Breast treatment is carried out conservatively, but if the doctor has determined and confirmed diagnostically that there is a large hematoma, then puncture aspiration or sectoral resection of the breast is performed. All future manipulations depend on the type of injury and the characteristics of the course.

Classification and characteristics

Closed trauma is characterized by damage - contusions, bruises and hematomas. Open injuries include cuts, punctures, gunshot wounds and wounds from insect bites and animals. In medicine, the science of mammology divides bruises into superficial and internal. Superficial injuries are rare, occurring in 3% of all breast injuries.

Some injuries occur indirectly, when damage to the chest, ribs, bone fractures in the cage area, and sternum are detected. There are also pneumothorax and hemothorax. Such injuries can have complications in the form of bleeding, pus, and painful shock to the patient. If an internal organ or bone in the area of ​​the mammary glands is damaged, bleeding occurs, which is reflected in the form of a hematoma, and a bruise is stated as a fact of damage.

Closed and internal injuries can occur when falling on furniture, sharp objects, or impacts in transport. When colliding with an object (impact), the vessels of the mammary gland are injured, their integrity is disrupted, and small capillaries burst. This causes a slight rush of blood into the tissue, causing the area of ​​impact to swell. If the blow or injury is not severe and does not cause pain, then we can talk about a simple bruise.

If the pain does not go away and the chest hurts, then the damage could affect the paraareolar area in the nipple area. Stab and slash wounds are the result of violence, when intentional harm to health is implied. Also, this kind of wounds can be obtained as a result of playing sports, falling on sharp objects, carelessness in the workplace, etc.

With stab wounds, as well as with bites that result in severe bleeding, pain, hematomas, they speak of infection, which can occur if the wounds are not treated in time.

Due to untimely provision of first aid, breast treatment may involve taking antibacterial drugs and microorganisms that destroy anaerobic infection. Each form of the disease has specific symptoms and complications.

Symptoms of chest bruises

To understand that a mammary gland injury is occurring, you need to examine the site of the injury. Typically, a hematoma forms under the skin, which is characterized by an accumulation of blood cells under the dermis. In this case, the color of the mammary gland may change to yellow, purple, or black. After some time, it resolves, but in its place fat necrosis of the breast appears.

If the infection is not eliminated, the pus can develop into a breast abscess. In this case, the woman is bothered by swelling and pain. In some cases, after a bruise, discharge from the nipples may appear in the chest in the form of a clear and white liquid. After healing, the hematoma may go away, but leave a seal, which will be an ideal breeding ground for further tumor development.

After a breast injury, a woman may experience a number of symptoms indicating a bruise:

  • Increased body temperature.
  • Mild weakness and dizziness.
  • Change in color of the breast.
  • Formed hematoma.
  • Severe and aching pain.

In some cases, when a hematoma appears, the woman may not feel the presence of a swelling. Because of this, tissue deformation can lead to tightness in the breasts and the appearance of inverted nipples. An unusual change in shape may indicate disturbances in the functioning of the glands, which will subsequently lead to the formation of a tumor of a benign or malignant type.

Diagnosis of bruises

After a blow or bruise to the breast, a woman should at least examine her breasts. If swelling characteristic of a bruise is found, go to the doctor. Palpation can be painless, which does not give an accurate answer to the absence of complications. The bruise is not accompanied by pain for a week, and the pain may not appear at all.

In some cases, if the hematoma appears after a blow, there is a risk of infection developing inside the blood clots. Infection leads to the formation of lumps such as boils. It needs to be examined using CT or MRM machines to identify the dynamics of cell behavior in the destructive tissue syndrome. Instrumental diagnostics cannot be ruled out. A boil is an accumulation of pus that forms as a result of damage to epidermal cells.

An abscess or boil may not cause changes on the surface of the skin, which gives reason to check the echogenicity of the tissues inside the chest.

A hematoma, like a boil, forms against the background of compaction. When there is an excess of blood in one place, a homogeneous echogenic structure is noted. Locating high echogenicity leads to severe pain and swelling. The pain goes away, and then a “ball” in the form of a compaction is formed according to its shape and boundaries. Adjacent tissues may also become infected from the accumulation of pus cells. Therefore, in such cases, the boil is examined using a puncture.

Treatment of seals

A chest bruise is diagnosed by a traumatologist, who prescribes diagnosis and treatment. If a boil forms on the chest, it must either be removed or treated with medication. A hematoma resulting from a bruise cannot be treated unless there is a risk of complications.

If the breast hurts after treatment, the woman is prescribed antibiotic therapy to prevent the formation of an abscess after injury. As a rule, the pain goes away already on the 3rd day. If suppuration cannot be cured with medication, treatment is prescribed as for purulent mastitis, puncture and drainage of the inflammatory focus are performed. Pain may appear cyclically, depending on your overall health.

Also, pain may indicate the presence of a false type of cyst, that is, changes in scars, hematomas, or nodes in the tumor are noted. For such symptoms, radiation therapy with antibiotics is prescribed until all the tumors go away and the condition reaches a satisfactory level.

Causes of chest injuries in women and types of injuries

A woman has suffered a breast bruise, what should she do in this case? First aid will help avoid serious complications and alleviate the condition of the victim. Bruising of the mammary glands can occur under various conditions, even due to one’s own negligence. And it’s quite easy to damage a woman’s breasts.

Causes and symptoms of bruise

Often the damage is of a domestic nature. Falls, accidental impacts, playing with children and other reasons can lead to severe injury. Under the influence of a traumatic factor, the integrity of blood vessels is disrupted. The result of this process is hemorrhage into the tissue. If the bruise is minor, the bleeding stops on its own.

  • hematoma formation;
  • fat necrosis;
  • swelling;
  • pain at the site of injury;
  • discharge from the nipple.

Hematomas can be subcutaneous and deep. They are accompanied by a large accumulation of blood in the soft tissues of the mammary glands. Over time, hematomas resolve on their own. True, another development of events is possible, with the formation of fat necrosis.

When, when small vessels are damaged, an area of ​​adipose tissue loses its blood supply. If the bruise is accompanied by an open wound, there is a risk of infection. In this case, suppuration and abscess may occur. Injury to the breast can lead to the development of cancer. Therefore, any damage to the breast should be accompanied by a visit to a mammologist. This will eliminate possible consequences.

First aid for bruise

After receiving a chest injury, immediate fixation is required. A compression bandage is perfect for this; it immobilizes the mammary gland. 40 minutes after fixation, cold is applied to the affected area. Even ice cubes will do. This effect can reduce pain and constrict blood vessels. This will alleviate the woman’s condition and stop the bleeding.

In a hospital setting, a retromammary novocaine blockade is performed. You won’t be able to do it yourself; you need a competent person to do it. The blockade is performed in two stages. The first step is to determine three points at which the novocaine solution will be injected. Usually this is the upper, lower and side part of the chest. 50 ml of medicine is injected into these points using a special needle. Novocaine relieves severe irritation in the pathological focus and relieves pain.

The procedure is not pleasant, but it is what allows you to relieve pain and alleviate the patient’s condition.

The blockade should be done with extreme caution. When performing a blockade, you should avoid getting the solution into the area of ​​inflammation.

If the patient's body resists, the procedure must be stopped. If a hematoma appears, a blockade is not required. In this case, they resort to other methods, including drug treatment.

Ways to eliminate the consequences of a bruise

To alleviate the condition, physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed. Ultrasonic heating is widely used. The procedure allows you to activate the body's protective functions. This leads to faster treatment and recovery. The procedure is completely painless and does not cause any discomfort. In addition to physiotherapy, drug treatment is also used.

It is based on the use of the drug “Troxevasin”. This medicine perfectly fights bruises and hematomas. The product is applied to the affected area with light massaging movements. The dosage and duration of use are prescribed by the attending physician. One ointment for rubbing is not enough; treatment must be comprehensive. For this, the “Klabaks” product is used. It will reduce pain and restore damaged breast tissue.

In severe cases, antibiotics are used. They are most often used for injuries with an open wound. To avoid the risk of infection, use Bactroban. Antibiotics can destroy intestinal microflora. In this regard, they must be used together with drugs that compensate for the loss of useful components. These include “Linex”, “Bifiform” and “Hilak Forte”. When a purulent abscess develops, the lesion is punctured and drained.

Hematomas are removed in extreme cases, with significant bleeding in the breast tissue or retromammary fatty tissue.

Blood is removed using a puncture. If a huge hematoma has formed at the site of the injury, sectoral resection is resorted to. This type of surgery is not aimed at removing a sector (part) of the mammary gland. The treatment method depends entirely on the patient’s condition and the severity of the injury.


  1. A visible bruise, the area of ​​which can be quite large, and the color can vary from reddish to bluish.
  2. Swelling and pain in the mammary gland.
  3. Clear discharge from the nipple, often with a slight admixture of blood.
  4. The presence of a compaction that is well felt upon palpation.

The intensity of pain is high. Sometimes the pain is aching in nature, but more often the pain syndrome brings the victim to a semi-fainting state. If the pain is pronounced, pulsating, a violation of the integrity of the blood vessels is suspected. This can cause blood to enter the pleural cavity.

Typical symptoms of a chest contusion are:

  • hematoma - a bruise can be minor or extensive, which is determined by the severity of the blow. A more pronounced bruise is observed at the site of contact with the object;
  • swelling on the skin - appears immediately after a chest injury. Makes breathing difficult, causes voice changes;
  • headache and nausea– are a consequence of traumatization of vital organs.

Minor bruises do not have a serious impact on health conditions. The signs are blurred, the victim only feels pain when moving the body and coughing. Injury to the ribs manifests itself similarly, so it is important to conduct a differential diagnosis to clarify the nature of the damage.

Symptoms of a bruise expand when nearby tissues are involved in the pathological process. Pain in the left side occurs not only with a bruise on the corresponding side, but also with cardiac disorders. In cases of diaphragmatic injury, symptoms include breathing problems. Due to the rupture of damaged tissue, organs can change position, which is life-threatening. In this case, the boundaries of the heart muscle shift, the activity of the chest decreases, and the temperature may rise.

Additional symptoms of chest contusion include signs of cardiopulmonary failure and intestinal obstruction. If you experience pressing pain in the ribs and spasms in the chest, you should consult a doctor. The specialist will select treatment based on symptoms and etiology.

A chest contusion is considered a fairly rare injury. According to statistics, approximately 2% of all injuries with which victims come to the trauma room are caused by a contusion of the mammary gland. Chest trauma can become a serious problem for the patient, as it is quite dangerous due to the development of various complications.

  • 1 Causes of injuries and their types
  • 2 Symptoms
  • 3 Treatment methods for bruises

Damage is divided into 2 main types:

  1. Open injuries. Characterized by a violation of tissue integrity as a result of a puncture wound, gunshot wound, burn, bite, etc.
  2. Closed injury. Involves the formation of hematomas and various compactions in the mammary glands.

Together with chest trauma, other injuries to the body are often diagnosed, which were suffered as a result of a situation that resulted in bodily injury.

Breast hematoma occurs as a result of damage to blood vessels, which leads to subcutaneous hemorrhage. The structure of the chest makes it possible to withstand numerous direct impacts without causing serious damage or pain. But if the affected area is the nipples, then even minor injury to this sensitive area can cause a painful shock.

Open wounds most often appear as a result of non-compliance with safety rules when handling sharp objects. Approximately the same percentage of open injuries is due to violence. Unlike closed ones, this type of damage is dangerous because it is a favorable place for the life of various pathogenic bacteria. It is for this reason that these forms of wounds are always treated with antibiotics.


A breast hematoma is the first sign that a chest injury has occurred and a closed injury has formed. Hemorrhage can be either deep or subcutaneous. In most cases, all the consequences of a bruise go away on their own, without any complications. Diagnosis of necrosis in medical practice with such injury is rarely observed.

If pathogenic microflora penetrates into the site of the formed hematoma, the patient develops complications in the form of suppuration and abscess. If no treatment is taken at this stage, the situation will worsen.

The majority of victims complain of pain and swelling at the site of the injury. According to medical statements, the formation of a malignant tumor in the damaged area is quite small, but such precedents have occurred. The exact connection between trauma to the mammary glands and the occurrence of cancer has not yet been established.

Breast deformation and the formation of a scar, which can replace adipose tissue, is dangerous because it can cause the development of necrosis. Visually, the pathology may look like a retracted area of ​​skin.

To maintain your health for many years, if you receive even a minor chest injury, it is recommended to seek help from a specialist. Diagnosis of the condition of the mammary glands will never be superfluous for a woman.

Based on the patient’s complaints and general examination by palpation, the doctor makes an assumption about the complexity of the bruise. If necessary, additional testing such as an ultrasound may be required. Using this diagnosis, it is possible to detect areas of hemorrhage that can become infected and lead to purulent mastitis. Ultrasound makes it possible to detect places of rupture of blood vessels and ducts of the mammary glands.

Treatment methods for bruises

If a mild bruise has been diagnosed that does not pose any threat to the patient, painkillers can be prescribed as treatment, but it is not recommended to use them unless absolutely necessary. In order for the bruise to disappear as quickly as possible, it should not be made up with cosmetics, but treated with special ointments, such as Rescuer. It not only helps to get rid of the hematoma faster, but also relieves swelling of the affected area.

If the hematoma on the chest is extensive and the bruise is considered severe, the patient is recommended to immobilize the breast with a gauze bandage. The chest is tightly bandaged so that it is in an elevated position. In case of severe pain, a retromammary blockade can be performed.

Troxevasin and Heparin ointments in combination with physiotherapeutic procedures help speed up the healing process. If there are no complications, the duration of such treatment will take approximately a month.

In case of a closed form of bruise, if there is a suspicion of the appearance of a septic area in the mammary gland, the patient is prescribed antibiotics. It should be borne in mind that such preventive treatment of inflammatory and purulent processes does not always give a positive result. If a purulent abscess is diagnosed, which is localized in the injured area, the patient is prescribed surgery.

The complexity of the surgical intervention will depend on the degree of pathology. As a rule, during such treatment, a puncture is performed to remove pus, followed by the introduction of disinfectants and antibiotics into the cavity.

More radical measures, such as sector resection, are used when a large area of ​​the mammary gland is affected. The excised areas are sent for histological examination. This technique is more traumatic, and therefore, after it is performed, the patient needs more time to recover.

You will learn how to treat bruises and injuries from our video.

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It does not present any difficulties, since the hematoma is usually clearly visible even during an external examination, however, additional studies may be required to clarify the diagnosis and choose the best treatment strategy:

It is important for the specialist to know how the blow was struck. Based on the doctor’s notes, emergency medical care is provided to restore cardiac and respiratory activity. For chest contusions, radiography is indicated. All studies are carried out quickly, and treatment begins within a day. It is extremely important not to waste time after an injury, which is explained by the rapid deterioration of the victim’s condition.

If the vessels are damaged, internal bleeding may begin. To identify hidden disorders, MRI is prescribed. Examination of the pleural cavity helps identify internal hematomas. Studies such as CT and ultrasound are indicated. When palpating the solar plexus, it is possible to identify possible changes in the position of the ribs, which indicates displaced fractures.

Treatment of breast contusion

First (pre-medical) aid

Immediately after injury, the breast must be secured with a compression bandage, which immobilizes the mammary gland in an elevated state. After this, you need to apply a cold compress to the site of the bruise for 30–40 minutes (ordinary ice cubes for a cocktail, wrapped in a cloth, will do). This, firstly, will reduce pain, and secondly, it will narrow the blood vessels and stop further hemorrhage.

Retromammary blockade

The procedure is most often done in a hospital setting, but in case of emergency it can be performed by an emergency paramedic. The blockade is performed in two stages:

  • The doctor identifies three points in different areas of the chest (bottom, top and outer side area), after which he injects a solution of novocaine (0.5%) under the skin.
  • Using a long needle, 50 ml of novocaine (0.25%) is injected into the retromammary space of each of the three zones.

The procedure cannot be called pleasant, but most often it allows you to completely block the pain and ensure the delivery of the victim to the hospital.

If a hematoma appears as a result of surgery or medical procedures (puncture, resection, etc.), first aid and blockade are usually not required, but it is recommended to consult a doctor.


  • Ultrasonic heating. The procedure activates the body’s own defenses and promotes a speedy recovery; it is completely painless and non-invasive.

Drug therapy

  • Antibiotics. The last line of defense when there is at least a small chance of avoiding surgical intervention. Most often, for breast hematoma, Bactroban is used (apply to the affected area 3 times a day, course of treatment – ​​10 days). Unfortunately, treatment with antibiotics cannot be called harmless, and even if the body reacts well, it is necessary to additionally compensate for the loss of beneficial microflora (bifiform, lactulose, Linex, Hilak Forte). Contraindications: individual intolerance to the drug, pregnancy, lactation, renal dysfunction.

Traditional methods

They may be effective in mild cases of the disease, but in case of extensive damage they can never replace traditional treatment. Consequently, grandma’s recipes can be perceived solely as auxiliary, and in any case it is worth informing the doctor that you are going to use them.


They try to resort to it only if the area of ​​damage is quite large, and all other methods of therapy have proven ineffective. There are two treatment options:

  • Gentle. The spilled blood is removed by puncture under local anesthesia. The procedure is usually well tolerated, and the patient can go home the next day.
  • Sectoral resection of the mammary gland. The operation is performed under general anesthesia in the presence of a tumor-like node, false cyst or scar-like formations in the tissues. A prerequisite for successful treatment is a histological examination of the resulting drug.

Treatment of a chest contusion involves intensive drug therapy. The patient is offered a complex of anti-inflammatory, adaptogenic and analgesic drugs. Medicines are selected taking into account the age and sensitivity of the victim. Minor chest bruises do not require long-term treatment. Immediately after the impact, cold is applied, and then warming gels are used. However, they are not applied to the heart area.

Treating a chest bruise due to the accumulation of blood clots will have to be done differently. During surgery, blood and air are removed from the tissues. If surgical treatment for a chest contusion was easy, then proceed to conservative therapy.

How long the impact site will hurt is determined by the force of the impact. Fall injuries resolve relatively quickly. Bruised ribs resulting from an accident can last for several weeks or even months. In such cases, treatment continues after discharge from the hospital. Therapeutic measures include the use of ointments and creams for chest contusions, physiotherapy, and mild analgesics.

Ointments for chest bruises can be used even in cases of injury without a bruise on the skin. They will improve blood circulation and speed up recovery. Sick leave for incapacity for work is issued for a week for a minor injury and for 15-20 days for a bruise with complications.

How to treat a bruise

At home, treatment of a chest contusion involves the use of pharmaceutical tinctures. For medicinal purposes, tinctures of violet, wild rosemary, and birch buds are indicated. They are used for compresses, which are made at night for 10-14 days. Compresses and physiotherapy are considered the main methods of treatment after discharge.

Heparin ointment will ease the condition. It normalizes capillary blood circulation, but it is also not used in the heart area. Your therapist will provide more detailed information on how to treat a bruise at home.

After an injury, it is recommended to sleep on a hard surface exclusively on your back. If complications arise, the specialist asks in what position the patient is resting. “Yes, I sleep mostly on my back,” patients say, but by “mostly” they mean “as needed.” Quite often, it is failure to comply with doctor’s instructions that leads to complications of injury.


Bruises of the mammary glands can occur as a result of injuries at home, falls, accidental impacts in transport, during sporting events and games with children, during car accidents. A chest bruise is accompanied by pain, the integrity of tissues and blood vessels is disrupted, and hemorrhage occurs with the formation of hematomas.

After a bruise, women usually experience pain, swelling in the breast area, and skin color changes. Sometimes, if the milk ducts are damaged, discharge from the nipple may appear clear or mixed with blood.

Over time, hematomas resolve, but there is a danger of infection and suppuration at the site of the bruise. In addition, a chest bruise greatly increases the likelihood of cancer. Therefore, in case of damage to the mammary gland, it is better to consult a doctor and undergo an examination. In addition to doctor's prescriptions, home treatment can be used.

Folk remedies for bruises

A bruise is a sustained, closed injury to one’s organs or tissues, but with minimal disruption to their condition (structure). Basically, it is the skin, muscle or fiber itself that is damaged. Folk remedies against bruises will help you get rid of any bruise completely painlessly.

Folk remedies for bruises and hematomas

A hematoma (popularly simply a bruise) is a formation with an accumulation of blood in one place, after various tissue damages, followed by rupture (or damage to blood vessels). In this very place, a cavity of various sizes is formed, which will contain blood in a coagulated form.

Remedy No. 1. This is a proven method of healing by many. It effectively relieves any swelling and eliminates the accumulation of unnecessary fluid. We will need vegetable oil, ordinary vinegar and water that has been boiled. All these ingredients are taken in just 1 tbsp and must be mixed thoroughly with each other.

Onions and salt. Using this recipe, you will eliminate any bruising that may occur. Select 6 garden onions and pass them through a kitchen grater, be sure to have a minimum caliber. Exactly 1 tablespoon of salt (preferably rock salt) is added to the resulting mixture. We place this composition in a cloth and place it on the bruise (hematoma). An effective compress is changed three times in 1 day, over a period of 7 calendar days. This is also a worthy method tested by many people.

Remedy No. 2. Also a guaranteed folk remedy for bruised legs or other parts of the body. We will need spruce resin, pig lard (not salted) and birch tar. All of the listed ingredients are taken in equal (identical) volumes. Everything needs to be placed in a pot made of real clay, closed tightly and completely covered with dough. Previously, our descendants placed this pot in an ordinary Russian oven.

In modern times, use a kitchen oven that is already preheated (but turned off) to the maximum. Do not remove our pot from the oven for approximately 18 hours. The resulting unique ointment is applied to the site of the injury. Before applying the ointment again, first warm it up with the cloth. Even the most severe bruises, as well as hematomas, are treated.

Treatment of foot bruises with folk remedies in adults.

If a severe injury occurs, then complete rest of the leg is required. The first correct action is to apply ice or, if possible, any cold substance to the bruise, followed by a tight bandage.

In case of injury to any limb (arm, leg), it will be effective to bandage it with an elastic bandage, and only then apply ice. Loosen the bandage in a timely manner to prevent disruption of proper blood circulation. Try to use cold packs for about the next 30 hours. Warming up of hematomas and bruises is allowed.

Remedy No. 3. Another most proven recipe. Hop cones (1 tbsp), healing St. John's wort (3 tbsp), natural wormwood (2 tbsp), wild rosemary (1 tbsp) are mixed together. Separate exactly 3 tablespoons of the described medicinal mixture and brew them in a regular thermos with a volume of 0.5 liters. After exactly 3 hours, soak the cotton fabric in the hot mixture and immediately place it on the damaged area. After our compress has cooled, you can remove the fabric.

Remedy No. 4. The prepared ointment will also not be inferior in effectiveness to the treatment of any bruises and hematomas. Peel a small garden onion, place it in a suitable enamel mug, pour in 150 ml of oil, always refined, and bring to the boiling point.

Next, reduce the heat to a minimum and cook our onion until completely blackened. Without allowing the onion to cool completely, squeeze it into the oil. Remove the top layer from the laundry soap and pass the soap through a grater to make 1 tbsp. l. Add soap and 100 grams of wax to the rest of the mixture and mix completely. Store only in the refrigerator itself.

To speed up the process, use massage. Very carefully massage the skin around the bruise itself. The main thing is to fix your damaged joints with your hand. It is recommended to gently rub your skin using gentle circular or spiral movements, or just lightly stroke the area.

On about the 4th day, if the swelling disappears and the redness goes away, then massage is done on the bruise itself. The massage can be done in different directions and it is advisable to alternate it with ordinary stroking.

Folk remedies for bruises and sprains

A sprain is a rupture (or tear) of the tissue fibers themselves, as a result of any stretching. Any torn tissue or fibers always begin to grow together on their own, but it is better to speed up this process and use folk remedies for sprains.

Proven Method #1. If you have a sprain, then take raw garden potatoes, homemade onion pulp with sugar, cabbage (salted or fresh) and mix with medicinal clay, which has been completely soaked in yogurt. This mixture is stirred under tension for 7 hours.

Proven method #2. Dilute 500 ml of ordinary clay and 1 tbsp in a liter of water. l vinegar, no matter apple cider vinegar or table vinegar. Add garden garlic paste (2 cloves) to everything. The main thing is to mix everything well. Wash the sprained area with a wet cloth and immediately apply the mixture very tightly (on a napkin) and tie it with a simple bandage.

When rewinding bandages, try not to allow even a slight mixing of the napkin, and cover the bandage with gauze. After about 2 hours, the clay will dry, remove it and rinse the area with warm water. Next, install a new lotion, with a change of clay. 3 such procedures are recommended per day.

Proven method #3. Peel and cut 2 heads of garden garlic, pour them with apple cider vinegar (500 ml) and real vodka (exactly 100 ml). Leave the composition to infuse for 14 calendar days, in a fairly dark, suitable place. Shake the medicinal solution every day. Strain, add 16 drops of eucalyptus oil and use this wonderful compress.

Proven method #4. This next recipe will help relieve pain after a sprain. Boil the branches, roots and leaves of medicinal barberry in 1 glass of milk. After the necessary straining, drink 1 tbsp 4 times a day.

Treatment of knee bruises with folk remedies.

1). Complete knee rest. Try to avoid any even minimal movements not only with the knee, but also with the leg itself.

2). Apply ice. This will reduce future hematoma, and the procedure should last no more than 10 minutes.

3). Apply a bandage. If a tumor occurs, you will need a bandage made of an elastic bandage (if there is no fabric).

Oil and vinegar. To cure a knee bruise, take sunflower oil, hot water and vinegar (1 tbsp each) and mix well enough. Moisten a suitable cloth and apply to the knee bruise, secure with a suitable bandage and do not remove for up to 4 hours, treat for 3 calendar days, 2 times a day.

Sagebrush. Further away from the city and especially roads, pick the leaves of street wormwood and pass through a regular kitchen meat grinder. This composition is applied to any tissue, placed on the bruise and fixed with a bandage. Change the bandage every 1.5 hours and the pain will certainly subside.

Honey and alcohol. If you have bruised your knee due to a fall, then treatment with folk remedies will definitely help you. The described ingredients are taken in exactly the same compositions and used as an ordinary compress, followed by insulation.

Bay leaf. It provides the necessary elasticity and mobility. You only need 20 grams of bay leaf, which you need to pour boiling water over, boil for 20 minutes and leave for a couple of hours. The decoction is taken orally just before bedtime.

In addition, rub in a special tincture consisting of laurel. Half a pack of healing laurel is filled with unrefined oil and put away in the dark for a whole decade. Rub the tincture into the knee bruise, which will quickly relieve inflammation and swelling.

Breast bruise treatment with folk remedies

After receiving a bruise to the mammary gland, try to fix your breasts in an elevated state using a suitable compressive bandage. And every next 40 minutes, apply a cold compress, which will calm the pain and prevent a hematoma from developing.

If your injury is serious, then immediately seek the help of a doctor; if the injury is mild, then folk remedies can also cope with it.

Cabbage. Soften its leaves and immediately apply to the resulting hematoma on the chest. Try not to remove the sheet for at least 1 hour, but do not use a rigid bandage (fixation) at all. It is allowed to fix it lightly (without squeezing) with a bandage.

Potato starch. Start diluting the starch with water until thick. It is applied in an even layer to the bruise, for up to 60 minutes, three times a day.

Bodyaga. Buy it at any pharmacy. It will also need to be diluted with water until it reaches the state of thick sour cream. Wet any gauze (you can use a bandage), apply it to the sore spot, and put plastic on top. Do not remove the compress for up to 3 hours and any hematoma will disappear.

Salt. Dissolve ordinary salt (1 tsp) in warm (not hot) water. Moisten cotton swabs with the solution and apply to the entire area of ​​the bruise.

Grape seeds and pine extract. Mix together an extract from the grape seeds themselves and an extract, preferably from northern pine, in the same (equal) volumes. Rubbing into the soft tissue of your mammary gland should be done with only light movements.

St. John's wort. It has always been used in the treatment of bruises with folk remedies. It is ideal not only for outdoor use, but also for indoor use. Pour clean boiling water over exactly 8 grams of this healing herb and simmer over reduced heat for no more than 10 minutes. After sufficient cooling, everything is filtered and poured into 3 separate, equal parts. Drink each portion before meals.

First aid

A fracture of the sternum may be hidden under the bruise, so all medical procedures are carried out with caution. A bruise of the chest on the left, where the heart is located, is especially dangerous. To prevent swelling and spread of hemorrhage, apply a pressure bandage. Cold helps relieve pain and swelling. First aid for a chest injury should be provided immediately after the injury. There is no delay in calling a doctor, and before the ambulance arrives, the patient is offered painkillers - analgesics.

If the pleura of the lungs is damaged, breathing problems arise, even stopping. The victim needs to clear his mouth of mucus and foreign elements and pull out his tongue. Damage to the lungs and pleura is the most dangerous, and any delay is fraught with irreversible consequences. If breathing stops, artificial ventilation is performed.

A blow to the sternum can cause penetrating injuries. In the case of a closed injury to the chest organs, a contusion of the heart is possible - this type of injury often becomes fatal.

Less dramatic is the contusion of the chest on the right. But even with such a wound, anesthesia and cooling are immediately carried out and the victim is taken to the hospital.

What to do if you are injured

What to do at home if you have a chest contusion? For severe pain, non-narcotic analgesics are given. Painkillers are offered in a standard dose, usually an analgin tablet is given. What to do if organs are compressed due to a chest bruise? In this case, the patient is not offered food or drink, as vomiting may occur. Unbutton clothes and provide fresh air.

Folk remedies for bruises

CONCLUSION: If any bruise that occurs is expressed by complications, pus, then it is better to resort to the inevitable help of a certified, trusted doctor. Do not aggravate or brush aside this situation, do not be afraid or shy, but immediately contact a mammologist.

Almost any person experienced a bruise with a hematoma, many suffered a sprain of their ligaments and resorted to various methods and methods of treatment. Tell everyone else about it by posting your recipe in the comments.


Complications and consequences

How dangerous is a chest injury? If treatment is delayed or incorrect, pathological conditions that are dangerous to health may develop.

These include:

  1. Purulent abscess. Develops when a bacterial infection occurs. The anatomical structure of the gland contributes to the rapid spread of purulent inflammation. Clinical signs of infection: fever, severe pain, deterioration. Emergency surgical treatment is required.
  2. Cyst. Consequence of tissue destruction. A painful lump forms in the chest. To clarify the diagnosis, additional research methods are needed: puncture biopsy, ultrasound.
  3. Fibrosis. Replacement of the destroyed part of the gland with connective tissue. A scar is formed that deforms the breast. Need help from a plastic surgeon.
  4. Tumor. Trauma can trigger the degeneration of gland cells and the onset of a malignant process. The risk group is patients with nodular mastopathy.

The price of a frivolous attitude to injury is loss of health!

A severe chest contusion implies lung damage. Possible complications of such an injury include hemothorax and pneumothorax. Serious disorders occur due to the formation of air cavities in the subcutaneous tissue. Due to chest trauma, which leads to rupture of intercostal vessels and damage to lung tissue, subcutaneous emphysema develops. In case of such complications, cardiac activity worsens and anemia develops.

It will be possible to prevent negative consequences if the victim is delivered to a medical aid station in a timely manner. Chest trauma remains one of the most dangerous disorders requiring emergency medical intervention.


A chest bruise is not the most common, but still a possible injury. If you have damaged this part of the body, then you should find out the possible consequences in advance and begin effective treatment.

Description of injury

Breast hematoma is an injury that occurs mainly in women and accounts for approximately 2-3% of all breast diseases. This damage is considered closed, since it is not accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the skin, but soft tissues can still be damaged and deformed. Bruises or hematomas on the chest, depending on the location, are divided into intramammary, retromammary and premammary.


The causes of breast hematoma are usually associated with direct mechanical and often gross impacts on this part of the body. Thus, bruises can result from injuries to the chest caused by a fall, accident, blow with a blunt object or fist, as well as careless and excessively intense sports.

How do bruises appear?

Pay attention! User recommendation! For the treatment and prevention of breast diseases, our readers successfully use an effective remedy to combat these ailments. Cedar resin will improve blood circulation, relieve swelling, and bee venom will relieve pain. Get rid of pain..."

Main symptoms of breast injury and consequences:

  • If a bruise appears on the chest, then most likely this indicates a bruise. First, a breast hematoma or so-called bruise is formed due to damage to blood vessels. The blood from them rushes into the surrounding tissues and colors them in a characteristic burgundy shade. Then it begins to gradually dissolve, and the bruise on the chest turns blue. As it heals, it acquires a yellowish tint, and then, under favorable circumstances, disappears without a trace.
  • Since the mammary glands are largely innervated, that is, literally penetrated by nerve fibers, when exposed to them, painful sensations inevitably arise, and quite pronounced ones. Their strength will depend on the degree of damage: if it is significant, then the pain can be severe, usually dull or aching in nature.
  • Swelling and swelling may occur in the damaged area. To the touch, the breasts may feel firmer, enlarged, and appear swollen.
  • Trauma can cause damage to the milk ducts, in which case an abnormal discharge from the nipples will be observed, containing blood and having a pinkish or brown tint.
  • If the injury has led to an inflammatory process, then hyperemia, redness, and a local increase in body temperature will be observed in the area of ​​injury.


To make an accurate diagnosis and differentiate it, that is, to distinguish a bruise from possible neoplasms localized in the mammary glands, as well as to exclude impending consequences, you need to undergo a number of diagnostic procedures, such as ultrasound, x-ray or mammogram.

Treatment of bruises

If a hematoma occurs on the mammary gland, then treatment in most cases is not required: as a rule, small bruises can appear and eventually resolve on their own and without outside intervention. If the bruise is severe and accompanied by severe symptoms, then the following measures will help speed up the healing process:

  1. The damaged breast needs to be immobilized - fixed with a not very tight and preferably elastic bandage in an elevated state. This will avoid further damage to blood vessels and soft tissues.
  2. For bruises, cold compresses are effective, so ice can be applied to the chest for twenty to thirty minutes. This procedure will narrow the blood vessels and thereby prevent further hemorrhage and spread of the bruise.
  3. For hematomas, you can use local agents that accelerate the healing process and resorption of bruises. Thus, the drugs “Troxerutin” or “Troxevasin”, heparin ointment may be recommended.
  4. If there is a large hematoma on the mammary gland, then to accelerate tissue regeneration, physiotherapeutic procedures that improve trophism and accelerate metabolic processes can be prescribed.
  5. Bruising can be treated with folk remedies, for example, applying cabbage leaves, lotions with badyagi, rubbing with badger fat or compresses with gruel made from raw potatoes.

How dangerous bruises can be

A breast bruise and the consequences of such an injury are often not dangerous if the damage is minor and does not lead to significant tissue deformation. And yet, in some cases, threats such as:

  • Significant damage in some cases leads to inflammation. And such a pathological process may involve surrounding tissues.
  • Necrosis. If the tissues are severely damaged and their blood supply is significantly impaired or completely stopped, necrosis may develop - cell death.
  • If the bruise is accompanied by open wounds, or an infection has entered the blood, then with hemorrhage, mastitis may develop - inflammation of the mammary gland. This disease is very dangerous and requires timely assistance, and in its absence can lead to serious or even irreparable consequences.
  • As for injuries and oncological diseases of the mammary glands, there is no direct connection between them, but tissue damage can still be regarded as a negative influence factor.
  • Damaged soft tissues can be replaced by connective tissue, and in this case, the formation of an internal scar is possible, which in some cases can deform the breast, changing its size and shape.

If you are reading these lines, we can conclude that all your attempts to combat chest pain have not been successful... Have you even read anything about medications designed to defeat the infection? And this is not surprising, because mastopathy can be fatal to humans - it can develop very quickly.

  • Frequent chest pain
  • Discomfort
  • Experiences
  • Discharge
  • Skin changes

A bruise on the chest appears after a closed injury to the soft tissue of the breast. Over time, the hematoma resolves, but due to poor circulation, a compaction may form in the injured area or focal death of adipose tissue (fat necrosis) may begin.

Etiology and diagnosis of the phenomenon

A subcutaneous or deep hematoma occurs on the chest due to an incorrectly selected bra, impacts or compression in transport, the gym and living conditions, falls on hard surfaces, and strong massaging. Impairments in the immune system and severe sensitivity of the vascular walls predispose to the development of hematomas.

Small bruises may appear after taking medications that thin the blood, certain painful conditions (vomiting, overeating) or previous diseases of the digestive system (cracks in the esophagus or stomach).

As a result of the bruise, the integrity of the capillaries and blood vessels is disrupted, which leads to an outpouring of blood into the soft tissues. Subsequently, the accumulated blood coagulates and thickens. At the site of damage, the skin becomes bluish-violet or purple. As the blood particles decompose, the bruise gradually turns yellow-green and after a while the skin returns to its natural color.

With minor impacts, bleeding stops spontaneously, and bruises quickly resolve. If the milk ducts and nipple area are damaged, clear liquid or ichor may be released from the nipple. Infection of the accumulated blood causes severe pain and also leads to the formation of pus and the development of a breast abscess.

When the fatty layer of the breast, located just under the skin, is injured, a clot of dying cells can form. Due to injury, cells do not receive enough oxygen and die, which is a symptom of fat necrosis. Other signs of the pathological process include the appearance of lumps, redness of the skin around the breast, and in rare cases, pain.

What to do

For early detection of various pathologies on the chest, bruises and the skin around the blow are examined and the breast is palpated. Self-examination is carried out in front of a mirror, sequentially checking each sector of the breast and armpits.

Treatment is determined depending on the type and size of the bruise. Self-use of medications is acceptable for superficial hematomas. For treatment, dry heat or non-hormonal ointments are used, which normalize blood flow and accelerate the resorption of formations. Troxevasin or heparin ointments are used for rubbing. Antibiotics are prescribed to prevent suppuration.

Bruises and bumps require medical examination if the following symptoms occur:

  • change in skin color in the area of ​​injury;
  • large size of hematoma;
  • sharp pain when pressed;
  • swelling for a long time;
  • change in venous pattern;
  • inflammation of the axillary lymph nodes;
  • deep, hard hematomas;
  • retraction of the skin or nipple;
  • breast deformation;
  • nodules and lumps appeared.

With the development of a post-traumatic abscess of an extensive breast hematoma, treatment procedures are carried out in a hospital. Therapy includes removing pus by puncture and opening the source of infection. Hematomas are removed in case of deep hemorrhages into the layers of connective tissue of the gland or retromammary fat space.

Pathological processes can develop without visible changes around the injured area. The consequences of a strong blow are detected using mammography, ultrasound, radiothermometry, CT, MRI. Instrumental diagnostics makes it possible to establish the presence of an inflammatory process and distinguish post-traumatic changes from the development of tumor neoplasms.

If scar changes have occurred at the site of the bruise, dense hematomas, tumor-like nodes or false cysts have formed, the tumor node is removed with partial excision of the damaged sector of the mammary gland.

A bruise on the chest is no different from similar injuries on other parts of the body. As a rule, a hematoma is an accumulation of blood at the site of a bruise or blow. But, since the female breast is a rather sensitive part of the body, you should not completely forget about the damage. In most cases, a bruise does not pose any danger, but sometimes a hematoma can provoke breast cancer or mastopathy, which can cause a tumor.

Causes of hematoma

When the chest is damaged, veins and other blood vessels are injured. Most often, the blow affects only the capillaries. In this case, the blood will quickly resolve and the bruise will soon disappear. However, it should be remembered that the blood contained in the breast tissue is a very suitable place for the development of microorganisms. If the bruise is large and bright, then you should pay attention to it and begin to treat it. Otherwise, there is a risk of seals and abscesses that form due to infection. Therefore, if your breast is damaged, you should consult a mammologist. The formation of a hematoma can be caused by many different factors:

  • Impact during physical exercise;
  • Any household damage;
  • You can get a bruise even from a slight hit on the steering wheel in a car, or from a jolt on a bus;
  • In some cases, hematoma is caused by taking medications that thin the blood.
  • Coagulopathy (poor blood clotting);
  • Bruising can occur due to the wrong choice of bra.
Moreover, the last option is one of the most common. To get rid of a bruise from uncomfortable underwear, simply stop wearing it, and the bruise will go away on its own.
The worst reason that can cause a bruise on the chest is the formation of a cancerous tumor. Therefore, many women get very scared when they see a small injury. If you suspect a malignant formation of the mammary glands, you should make an appointment with a doctor as soon as possible and conduct a self-examination.

What to do if you suspect a tumor?

First of all, if you suspect a malignant tumor, you need to make an appointment with a doctor, a visit to whom many wait for days or weeks. Therefore, while a person is waiting for an appointment, a self-examination should be performed, which is recommended for every woman to do at least once a week. This simple procedure includes palpation of the breast itself, armpits and various suspicious places - hematomas, lumps, etc. Self-palpation should be carried out before or after the end of menstruation. First, you should examine your breasts in front of a mirror. You need to put your left hand behind your back and feel your left breast with the other. In this case, the fingers should move in a spiral towards the nipple. Then you need to do exactly the same with the other breast. If the examination reveals that the position of the veins has changed, the nipple or skin has retracted, and a lump has appeared, this may indicate that a tumor has begun to form. The same applies to discharge from the nipple - the liquid can be bloody or clear. If at first it was colorless, and then blood spots appeared, this may indicate a malignant formation. When visiting a doctor, microwave mammography (examination of breast temperature in different areas of the skin) or ultrasound is used to examine the mammary glands. There is no need to worry about the quality of diagnosis - even if the tumor is small, it will still be able to be recognized. After the examination, the doctor should review your past medical history and also find out if there have been any previous injuries to the breast. But, nevertheless, not every bruise can lead to or accelerate the formation of a tumor. The most serious and dangerous are large bruises on the chest, which do not go away for a very long time. They appear as a large purple spot that hurts when you touch it. Other injuries in most cases are not dangerous. If the bruise does not go away for a long time and is very painful, then first you should contact a therapist, who will then give a referral to another specialist.

Treatment of hematomas on the chest

If a bruise is discovered, then first you should try to remember how it was received. Moreover, it does not matter whether there is any pain or not. Since the breast is very sensitive, you should try to reduce the hematoma as soon as possible. Otherwise, there is a risk of pus or mastopathy (recurrent breast pain). To remove a bruise, even a small one, you can use creams that help normalize blood circulation and promote rapid resorption of the bruise. For the treatment of hematomas on the chest, the best option would be non-hormonal ointments, but you should pay attention to the indications, since some medications cannot be used by people with blood diseases and pregnant women. If the bruise was discovered immediately after the injury, then you can apply a cool bag or piece of ice (just remember to wrap it in a napkin or cloth). This will help relieve pain and constrict blood vessels, which will reduce the likelihood of bruising. Just don’t need to keep the mammary glands in the cold for a very long time - 15-20 minutes will be enough.

Quite often, doctors prescribe troxevasin or heparin ointment. If the damage is moderate, it will resolve in 3-4 weeks. If the bruise is large, antibiotic treatment is sometimes prescribed to reduce the risk of pus.
For more serious injuries (extensive purple hematoma that hurts a lot), surgical intervention is indicated - the accumulated blood is removed. If a false cyst forms (a hollow formation without an epithelial layer inside), an operation is also necessary, during which part of the mammary gland is removed.

Prevention of hematomas on the chest

To avoid bruising on the chest, you need to select high-quality underwear - it should be both tight, but not too tight. In addition, frostbite of the mammary glands should never be allowed, as this can also cause cancer. It is also necessary to be careful when performing physical exercises, because any blow can provoke the subsequent appearance of a bruise.

Breast hematoma. VIDEO

A bruise on the chest is often a sign of a dangerous pathology. In some cases, a woman may require hospital treatment. However, bruising can also appear due to aggressive mechanical influence: blows, squeezing, kissing.


Breast hematoma most often appears due to mechanical impact: impact, bruise, strong compression of soft tissues. Bruises remain even after rib fractures: the integrity of the walls of blood vessels is disrupted, and blood accumulates under the skin.

Bruising is also possible due to illness.

If the vessels are excessively fragile, even a weak impact, light pressure can lead to damage and bruising.

Symptoms and examination

If the bruising does not go away within a few days, you need to consult a doctor for diagnosis. Damage to large vessels can be dangerous. An infection in the mammary gland can also negatively affect your health.

A hematoma on the breast in women becomes too painful if the nipple or areola has been damaged.

If the mammary gland has been injured, deformation of the structure is sometimes noted. This occurs when blood cells change into tissue structures. There is a compaction in the damaged area. Painful swelling forms.

If the milk ducts and nipples are damaged, transparent discharge is observed.

To clarify the diagnosis, the doctor will not only interview the patient and conduct an external examination, but also an ultrasound examination. In addition, mammography is performed - such an examination helps to determine the location of the damage and its nature with high accuracy.

What to do

If hematomas appear or symptoms of damage to the mammary gland are noted, it is necessary to consult a mammologist as soon as possible. Pathogenic microorganisms can enter the gland tissue, causing a rapid inflammatory process, which, if not treated in a timely manner, can lead to serious life-threatening complications.

First aid

After bruises appear on the chest, aggressive mechanical impact on the damaged area should be avoided. It is necessary to immobilize the affected area. A cold compress applied to the bruise will help reduce swelling. This method will also help in stopping or preventing the flow of blood beyond the damaged vessel.

It is important to call an ambulance. Make sure there are no dangerous damages.

Folk remedies

If the bruise appears due to an aggressive kiss or strong compression, there are no signs of injury, traditional medicine methods can be used for treatment. Their use is also suitable as additional therapy.

Compresses made from white cabbage leaves help speed up recovery. You need to apply a fresh leaf for 20-30 minutes, after which you should replace it with a fresh one.

You can also use a product based on calendula. To do this, 10 g of fresh or dried plant is crushed, mixed with butter and 1 tbsp. St. John's wort flowers. The components are mixed and ground to obtain a homogeneous mixture. Then pour boiling water over it. Leave for an hour. After this, the mass is used for lotions: a gauze bandage folded several times is moistened in it and applied to the bruises.

To speed up the regeneration process, the affected area can be lubricated with honey. A quality product should be used. In order not to stain clothes or underwear, it is recommended to apply a thick bandage on top and secure it.

Treatment in the clinic

In severe cases, treatment of breast hematoma in a hospital setting is required. Sometimes getting rid of old bruises is only possible through surgery.

Physiotherapy methods are used. They can only be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

No-shpu is most often used as an anesthetic. Occasionally, a woman is given an injection of Novocaine, after which the hematoma stops developing.

Ointments for external use help to get rid of bruises. Doctors often prescribe rubbing Troxevasin and Heparin ointment into the affected areas. The use of medication is indicated every 3 hours and after swimming until the bruise is completely healed.



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