Quick lung cleansing at home. How long does it take for the lungs to clear after quitting smoking? Cleansing the lungs with breathing

If you have finally been able to get rid of such a bad habit as smoking, then this article is just for you; below we will tell you how to cleanse your lungs of tar, toxins and other contaminants in a short time and without much effort.

Many people, having said goodbye to the nicotine monster, decide to start a new life in which the cigarette will no longer be present, but, unfortunately, the symptoms of an ex-smoker constantly accompany a person, bringing him a lot of discomfort. Therefore, in order for you to be able to breathe deeply again without coughing up mucus, we have compiled several points below that will help you answer the question “how to quickly clear your lungs?”

How to understand that the lungs are being cleansed

The first step to recovery, and accordingly, a sign of cleansing of your lungs, is coughing up phlegm. This reaction of your body first of all indicates that the process of getting rid of garbage has begun and it is irreversible; now you need to put in a little more effort.

The first step is inhalation

Inhalations are the most effective remedy that should be used first when cleansing. We advise you to contact the nearest clinic to undergo one course of inhalations (it is advisable to visit the inhalation room at least 10-15 times).

Second step - sport

If you still doubt whether it is possible to cleanse your lungs, it means that the first procedure did not alleviate your physical condition, and you still want to get rid of lung contaminants as quickly as possible. In this case, you must begin to actively engage in sports exercises. It is best to use areas for sports in clean air and preferably closer to water bodies and plants, at least thanks to this your blood will circulate better and your body will become younger, more beautiful and healthier. In order for our operation called “cleansing the lungs of a smoker” to start working as quickly as possible, we advise you, in addition to jogging in the clean air, to also visit the pool, yoga classes, or just a gym.

The third step on the path to success is proper breathing

We cleanse the lungs of a smoker using breathing exercises. Today, there are many complex ones that can help you cleanse your body. Below are a few of them:

  1. The first exercise must be done as correctly as possible. Initially, you will need to stand on two supporting legs, placing them shoulder-width apart. Next, you need to take a deep breath and begin to sharply exhale the air in jerks (as if cutting it off), while drawing in your stomach. Such exercises should bring you into a state of peace and complete peace.
  2. The second exercise helps a person concentrate on his thoughts. Stand exactly on two supporting legs, look at a point at eye level, fix your gaze. Begin to slowly and deeply inhale air through your mouth and then sharply push it out of your nose. After several repetitions, you need to speed up until the ability to inhale deeply is exhausted. This exercise must be performed more than 20 times.
  3. In addition to the two above exercises, there is one more, which is the most effective. Lie on your back, take a deep breath and blow out your abdominal cavity. Breathing must be fixed for no more than 10 seconds, after which you can exhale slowly and slightly abruptly. This procedure must be repeated about 5 times.

Having become familiar with the main and truly effective exercises, in the future you will be able, without anyone’s prompting, to answer for yourself one of the main questions in our lives: “Is it possible to cleanse the lungs?”

The fourth step is a good bath

In order for the body to cleanse itself of toxins as quickly as possible, we recommend that you visit the bathhouse at least once a week for several months in a row. In addition, do not forget that we are cleaning the lungs of a smoker as quickly and efficiently as possible, so it is necessary to drink real herbal tinctures more often.

Step Five - Teas Made from Real Herbs

Fir, mint, sage, oak leaves, currant leaves, chamomile leaves, etc. can serve as an excellent medicine for cleansing the body. You need to brew one pot of herbs and breathe in a little aromatic vapors that will relax you and immerse you in a world of peace and tranquility. We advise you not to go out into the cold after the fumes and not to talk to others for the next 30 minutes.

Step six - proper nutrition

Since childhood, we all know from the lips of our mother or grandmother that onions and garlic have certain antibacterial properties that help our body fight various harmful substances. The task set before us, called “cleaning the lungs of a smoker,” is no exception. In order for such a product to benefit you, you first need to chop it finely, add water and mix with sugar. Next, you need to consume the previously prepared decoction, three to four tablespoons throughout the day. The duration of the procedure should be at least a week.

In addition to the above, we advise you to pamper your broths, but only in a warm or hot form, and in order for the results not to be long in coming, add onions and garlic to their composition. First of all, chicken broth helps the mucus in the lungs begin to liquefy faster and, as a result, be eliminated from the body. Also, do not forget that the lungs of a smoker.

The seventh step is the use of folk remedies

About resins, slags, etc. With the help of nutrition, sports and breathing exercises, you and I are already aware, but only a few know how you can become healthier with the help of folk remedies, so below you will be presented with several recipes that are accessible to a modern person.

  1. A tincture containing pine buds is the most effective remedy that promotes the rapid removal of phlegm. To prepare this miracle tea, you will need one tablespoon of kidneys and 200 grams of warm boiled water. You can use the prepared medicine only after several hours of infusion for one week.
  2. Lately, on various Internet resources, you can often come across a question from ex-smokers: “Is it possible to cleanse the lungs with violet and oregano?” The answer is simple: “Of course, yes.” Moreover, this decoction is one of the best folk remedies of our century. To prepare it, you will need one spoon of violet and one spoon of oregano, then you need to pour them with several glasses of warm water and leave for at least an hour. You need to drink the decoction three times a day, without using sugar.
  3. Another way to quickly and effectively cleanse your body of impurities is a decoction prepared with milk and oats. To do this, you will need to boil milk (0.5 l) in a saucepan and add a glass of oats. Once the contents begin to boil, reduce the heat and leave on the stove until it has evaporated by half. Then you need to strain the broth through a sieve and drink it half an hour before meals. The procedure must be repeated throughout the week.

Above we have described all the possible ways to cleanse the lungs that you can use at home. In addition to the above, you can also resort to modern medicine, but, unfortunately, as practice shows, these methods are not 100% effective to this day.

Good health and success to you!

The lungs provide the respiratory process. Their normal functioning guarantees quality breathing. But in the modern world, where tobacco smoke, smog, industrial gases, pathogenic microorganisms are becoming commonplace, there is a need to clean the bronchopulmonary system. Alternative medicine specialists recommend the use of pharmaceutical drugs to cleanse the lungs and restore respiratory function.

Secretomotor (expectorant) and secretolytic (sputum thinning) drugs are used for cleansing purposes. They perform two functions: the first is the dilution and removal of stagnant mucus, the second is the fight against inflammatory and infectious processes in the bronchi and lungs.

In order to understand the principle of action of drugs, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the mechanism of respiratory contamination.

Toxic substances from the air settle on the walls of the bronchi and in the parenchyma of the lungs, causing a disorder in their function. The lungs, trying to get rid of foreign particles, trigger the formation of protective mucus - a biological mixture of blood plasma and antibodies. Mucus neutralizes harmful substances, transporting them out. But in conditions of an excess of toxins, it fails to cope with its protective function. As a result, sputum stagnates in the lungs, forming foci of inflammation and infection.

In such conditions, the body requires outside help. It is provided by medications. They stimulate the removal of mucus with all toxic components, while simultaneously exerting an antiviral and bactericidal effect on microorganisms living in the respiratory bronchioles and adjacent areas of the pulmonary parenchyma.

Classification of mucolytic and expectorant drugs

The pharmacy range of secretolytic and secretomotor drugs is huge in our time. Most of them can be used to cleanse the lungs. The Russian Medicines Register classifies medicines according to the active substance:


It dilutes tracheobronchial secretions, improves the function of external respiration, and promotes the effective release of mucus through physiological means. The most well-known drugs with ambroxol: Ambrobene, Ambrolan, Ambrosan, Ambroxol, Bronhoxol, Lazolvan, Lazongin, Mucobron, Neo-Bronchol, Flavamed, etc.


It has a pronounced expectorant effect by stimulating mucus production and reducing its viscosity. Representatives of this class of drugs: Bromhexine, Bromhexine hydrochloride, Bronchostop, Bronchotil, Solvin, Phlegamine, etc.


Reduces the viscosity of sputum, facilitating its separation; activates detoxification processes and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Among the drugs with acetylcysteine: N-acetylcysteine, Acestine, Acetylcysteine, ACC, Mukobene, Mucomist, Fluimucil, Exomyuk 200, etc.


Changes the chemical characteristics of bronchial secretions, dilutes it, increases its volume and removes it out. The list of products with this active ingredient includes Carbocysteine, Bronkatar, Bronchobos, Libexin Muco, Mucodin, Mukosol, Fluditek, etc.


Reduces viscosity and increases the volume of bronchial mucus, facilitating its removal. Among the prominent representatives of this class of drugs are Coldrex Broncho and Tussin.

Ivy, plantain, licorice, marshmallow and other herbal ingredients

The wide list of herbal preparations includes: Mucaltin, Alteyka, Doctor Theiss Anise oil, Bronchicum, Doctor Theiss syrup with plantain, Doctor Mom, Gedelix, Herbion ivy syrup, Herbion plantain syrup, Pectosol, Prospan, Licorice root syrup, Pine buds, Travisil , Dr. Theiss Bronchosept et al.

Characteristics of the most popular drugs for cleansing the lungs

All of the above drugs, to a greater or lesser extent, contribute to the healing of the lungs through their cleansing. Among the most purchased are Lazolvan, Mukaltin, Gedelix and ACC.

Mukaltin. An old, proven and, importantly, cheap herbal preparation. Contains polysaccharides from the marshmallow herb. It copes well with the removal of difficult to separate sputum by stimulating the production of bronchial secretions and the peristaltic activity of the respiratory bronchioles.

For cleansing purposes, Mucaltin is taken 50-100 mg (1-2 tablets) before meals 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is at least 14 days.

Lazolvan. A modern representative of the ambroxol group. Stimulates the secretory and motor function of the respiratory tract, reduces the viscosity of mucus, and facilitates its natural elimination.

To cleanse the lungs, 1 tablet 3 times a day can be used. Cleansing course – 14-20 days.

Gedelix. Representative of the plant group of drugs. Contains ivy extract as an active ingredient. Liquefies and removes mucus, fights infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract.

Gedelix is ​​taken 3 times a day, 30-35 drops. The duration of treatment is at least 14 days.

ACC. Acetylcysteine ​​preparation. Has a wide spectrum of action. It has mucolytic, expectorant, pneumoprotective and antioxidant effects. Can be used to cleanse the lungs of smokers.

Take 2 tablets 3 times a day. The minimum duration of treatment is 14 days, the maximum is 1 month.

What is important to know

When choosing a medicine, it is important not to forget about contraindications. The instructions for use provide detailed information about them. An absolute contraindication to taking any medication is intolerance to one or more of its components.

The need to cleanse the lungs is indicated by a chronic paroxysmal cough, shortness of breath, a feeling of incomplete inspiration, and a high susceptibility to colds. But these same symptoms can be the result of serious diseases (bronchitis, pneumonia, heart failure, bronchial asthma). Therefore, before you start cleaning, visit your doctor and make sure that your bronchopulmonary system is in relative health.

The human lungs are a kind of filter through which many tiny particles pass, ranging from tobacco smoke to ordinary dust. To reduce the risk of developing diseases of this important organ, it is worth taking preventive measures in a timely manner. In this article we will describe all the ways to cleanse your lungs of dust and other contaminants, and find out what advice doctors give.

Lung functions

Until relatively recently, there was an opinion that the main role played by the lungs in the human body is breathing. However, scientists have come to the conclusion that the functionality of this paired organ is much broader. In addition to the fact that they are responsible for gas exchange in the body, they are also a kind of filter that purifies the blood and air from various harmful impurities, participate in almost all types of metabolism, including water, and can directly affect the composition of the blood.

But this is not all that this important body has to do. Thanks to the lungs, the likelihood of damage to the heart during a blow is minimized. If you compare the human body with a car, then the lungs are a shock absorber. Also, without a fully functioning paired organ, a person will not be able to speak, since they are responsible for the air flow, without which it is impossible to make a sound.

Why is lung cleansing important?

Before deciding how to cleanse your lungs of dust and dirt, it is worth understanding how they become contaminated and who is at risk.

Do not think that this organ is polluted only in those who smoke. Yes, nicotine tar and other harmful substances negatively affect the condition of the lungs, but they are not the only factors that can harm the organ. Along with heavy smokers, quite often people whose profession is related to construction ask themselves the question of how to clean their lungs after dust.

In addition to them, miners, people working in chemical plants, as well as those whose activities are related to the woodworking, metallurgical and paper industries are also at risk. Even if production facilities comply with all safety requirements, and employees work in protective suits and masks, some harmful dust and dirt still penetrates the lungs and accumulates there.

Over time, this can lead to diseases and complications that will require a more expensive approach than simple methods with which you can not only learn how to cleanse your lungs of construction dust, but also quickly get rid of all the harmful substances accumulated in this organ .

When to clean

If a person wonders how to clear dust from his lungs, this means that his health is far from ideal, and he begins to be bothered by unpleasant sensations and symptoms. When to think about this procedure:

  • allergic reactions appeared for no apparent reason;
  • cases of acute respiratory infections have become more frequent;
  • constantly stuffy nose;
  • there was discomfort in the throat;
  • suffers from a lingering cough that cannot be cured with conventional medications.

All these signs indicate that you urgently need to inquire about how to cleanse your lungs of dust and other harmful substances and begin procedures immediately. The huge advantage of all methods is that they can be done at home without the help of doctors.


This method is perfect for those who, for example, while doing renovations in their apartment, inhaled dust. How to cleanse the lungs using inhalations and do you need to buy medications? Typically, medications are not necessary. Medicinal herbs and ordinary mineral water will come to the rescue.

If you have a nebulizer, you can use it, but an ordinary enamel pan will do just fine. What herbs and plant materials can be used for procedures:

  • plantain;
  • pine buds;
  • eucalyptus;
  • elder;
  • juniper;
  • chamomile;
  • cedar.

You can take one ingredient, but it is better to use a mix of several plants. The raw materials of coniferous trees are especially effective; with its help you can not only remove dust from the lungs, but also strengthen the immune system.

For the procedure, you need to prepare 1 tablespoon of raw material, pour half a liter of boiling water over it and leave for half an hour. After this, pour the broth into a container, cover with a towel and inhale the warm vapors for 15-20 minutes. It is better to do such procedures before bed, because after them it is not recommended to talk or go outside for at least 30-40 minutes.

Mineral water can be poured into a nebulizer and the inhalation procedure can be carried out. To enhance the effect, doctors recommend that people working in hazardous industries gargle with mineral water daily.

Method of cleansing from Bolotov

A famous scientist gives his recommendations on how to cleanse your lungs of coal dust quickly and effectively. To do this, he recommends going to the steam room; a total of 6 procedures are needed, which are carried out every other day. While in the bathhouse, he advises drinking diaphoretic teas from any medicinal raw material: it could be cranberry, currant, raspberry, linden or coltsfoot.

After the steam room you will need to drink special kvass, which is prepared as follows:

  • celandine leaves crushed into powder - 200 grams;
  • whey - 3 liters;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • mix all ingredients thoroughly;
  • leave for 5 days in a shaded place.

After each trip to the bathhouse you need to drink 130-140 ml of this drink. Within just a few days you will feel easier breathing and improved well-being.

Breathe according to Batulin's method

The lesson is conducted as follows:

  1. Immediately after waking up in the morning, sit on your bed and try to completely relax your whole body.
  2. Raise your head slightly and inhale air through your nose. You need to feel how it penetrates deeply into your lungs. The mouth cannot be opened.
  3. You need to inhale as deeply and as long as possible. There may be some pain in the rib area, but this is normal.
  4. After this, you need to hold your breath as much as possible.
  5. After this, you need to exhale air through your mouth in small portions.
  6. Repeat all steps 3 times.

This exercise helps eliminate harmful substances from the lungs; it can be done several times throughout the day.

Tibetan monks recipe

Quite strange, but people living in ecologically clean places on our planet also know how to clear dust from their lungs. Tibetan monks offer their own method. For this they recommend using aloe.

From a plant that is at least 5 years old, you need to take several leaves, a total of 300 grams should be obtained. They need to be wrapped in a plastic bag and refrigerated for a week. After this time, the medicinal raw material must be taken out, washed under running water and the juice squeezed out of it in any convenient way. Mix the resulting liquid with Cahors in equal proportions and add a glass of liquid honey. You need to take this cleansing mixture up to 5 times a day, one tablespoon at a time. Do this 1 hour before eating.

Drinks with cleansing properties

Natural juices and herbal teas will also help cleanse your lungs of dust. How to prepare and take them? There are several effective recipes recommended by traditional healers:

  • Linden blossom and licorice root. Take an equal amount of each ingredient and mix. Steam 1 tablespoon of the resulting mixture with a glass of boiling water. Wait 15 minutes and you can drink (strain first). You can add honey or sugar to improve the taste.
  • Tricolor violet and oregano. Mix the herbs in equal proportions and separate a tablespoon. Brew the raw material with boiling water (500 ml). Leave with the lid closed for at least one hour. Use three times a day until relief is felt. This drink can also be used for prevention. To do this, they drink it every other day for a month, then take a month-long break and start using it again.
  • Juice therapy. Using beets, carrots and black radishes you can quickly cleanse the pulmonary system. To do this, mix freshly squeezed juice of each vegetable in equal proportions. Drink half a glass twice a day for 10 days.

Treatment with oats

Many workers at wood processing plants and furniture factories begin to feel worse over time and wonder how to cleanse their lungs of wood dust that has accumulated over years of work in production. A simple recipe based on milk and oats will come to the rescue.

How to prepare a healing drink:

  1. Prepare half a liter of homemade milk and a glass of oatmeal (cereals will not work in this case).
  2. Bring milk to a boil and add oats.
  3. Cook until the mixture has reduced in volume by half.
  4. After this, rub the resulting medicine through a sieve and cool until barely warm.
  5. You need to drink this remedy three times a day before meals (half an hour before).

Do not be alarmed if after a few days of such use the cough intensifies and sputum begins to flow intensively. At first it may be gray, and then almost black. This is a normal cleansing process, as all harmful substances are removed from the lungs. You need to drink this drink until the phlegm disappears.

They also advise periodically going on vacation to the sea coast. The healing sea air helps cleanse the bronchopulmonary system not only of dust, but also of toxins.

In addition, you need to spend more time outdoors on weekends. Trips to a pine forest or walks in parks away from busy highways and industrial enterprises are recommended.

A bad habit that affects almost every third person on the planet is smoking. But if a person quits, can we reverse the damage caused to his body by cigarettes? Today we will look at information on how to cleanse your lungs after smoking and how to quickly remove nicotine from the body with the help of medications, folk remedies and breathing exercises. You can choose a diet to cleanse the respiratory system and find out how long it will take for your lungs to recover after smoking.

Removing nicotine from the body

Did you know that the human body needs nicotinic acid (other names: niacin, vitamin PP or B3) for life? Normally, it is independently produced during metabolism. But when a person smokes, this function stops - this is how the body reacts to the effects of nicotine so that the receptors do not confuse this toxic substance with its own similar vitamins. What happens to the body after quitting smoking? Nicotine is gradually eliminated and the production of nicotinic acid resumes within 3-4 weeks.

How long does it take to eliminate nicotine?

8 hours after smoking cigarettes, oxygen in the body returns to normal, and after 4 hours, the level of carbon monoxide in the blood returns to normal. Nicotine is completely eliminated within a day or two after smoking. But do not think that if you quit smoking, your body will recover completely in such a short time. The process of removing toxins, tars and combustion products deposited in the lungs takes months or years - up to 15 years. This line depends on the duration of smoking, the state of the person’s body and whether he makes efforts to cleanse his bronchi and lungs.

How to quickly remove nicotine

How to effectively cleanse your lungs after smoking? The very first recommendation is to establish a drinking regime, drink at least 2-2.5 liters of clean drinking water during the day, which will help dissolve and free the lungs of toxins. Green tea will perform the same function. You need to watch your diet and eat healthy food. A steam room will have a good effect on thinning and removing pulmonary mucus, this will help cough them up and cleanse the body through sweat. It is recommended to do inhalations with essential oils of pine, juniper, and mint every day for 10 minutes for the first two weeks.

How to cleanse the bronchi and lungs of a smoker

It should be noted that regular sports activities – morning jogging, swimming, team sports or fitness – are very helpful for the removal of pulmonary mucus. You need to properly plan your training regimen, do not do a lot of exercises at once, but do a moderate amount, but regularly, preferably daily. Let's take a closer look at what other methods are used to eliminate harmful effects on the lungs after prolonged smoking.

Folk remedies

The effectiveness of the use of medicinal herbs in restoring lung function is confirmed by official medicine. But before using herbs to cleanse the lungs after smoking, you need to consult a doctor, because medicinal plants also have contraindications, and a specialist will help you choose the ingredients for the decoction that are beneficial specifically for you.

The easiest way is to buy a ready-made pulmonary herbal collection at a pharmacy and use it according to the instructions. You can collect a mixture of herbs yourself that will help cough up toxins that have contaminated the lungs as a result of smoking:

  1. You need to mix an equal amount of the following herbs: pine buds, tricolor violet, primrose, sweet clover, fennel, licorice, horsetail, pikulnik, lungwort, plantain, soapwort, thyme, sweet violet, elderberry, elecampane (if some herbs are not available, the collection is simplified) .
  2. 1.5 tbsp. l. pour 2 cups of boiling water over the mixture.
  3. Leave in a thermos for 2 hours, drink before bed.

The following remedies are good for lung health:

  • 1 tbsp. oat grains pour 2 tbsp. hot milk and continue to simmer slowly until the liquid is reduced by half. Drink the decoction at one time, mash the boiled grains, consume one hour before meals 3 times a day;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Wash young pine buds and pour 1 tbsp into a thermos. boiling water, leave for an hour. Divide into 2 times, drink after meals.


The following medications will help a former smoker to liquefy and remove toxins lodged in the lungs:

  • Ambroxol (Lazolvan) is an expectorant medicine that promotes rapid renewal of lung tissue.
  • Acetylcysteine ​​(ACC) is a medicine in the form of an inhalation solution or soluble powder, a detoxifying agent.
  • Gedelix is ​​a plant-based drop or syrup that has antibacterial properties; its components thin mucus, help the bronchi expand and remove pulmonary mucus.
  • Mucaltin - affects the cilia of the epithelium, helps to cough up sputum.

Using breathing exercises

In order for cleansing the body after smoking to form a single effective complex, we must not forget about proper breathing. Even ordinary half-hour walks, which are best done in the fresh morning hours or in the evening in nature, in a park or forest, will have an excellent effect on lung health. At the same time, you need to breathe slowly, deeply. In addition, you need to regularly do special exercises at home.

For deep ventilation of the lungs, take a comfortable position, preferably near an open window, and for a comfortable time do the following breathing complex:

  • Exhale as much air as possible.
  • Inhaling smoothly, fill the lower third of your lungs with air, protruding your stomach.
  • As you inhale further, fill the middle part of your lungs.
  • Then fill your lungs completely with air, straightening your chest and raising your shoulders.
  • Exhale smoothly, slowly lowering your shoulders and drawing in your stomach.

What to eat

To quickly eliminate negative changes in the lungs after smoking, you need to include foods rich in fiber, cereals, legumes, fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet. Restore the level of vitamin C in your body, because nicotine during smoking blocked the absorption of this useful antioxidant. To do this, eat more citrus fruits, kiwi, apples, raspberries, strawberries, currants, and cranberries. The most active assistant in overcoming the effects on the lungs after smoking is garlic; ginger and horseradish are also good to use.

Often, former smokers search for information and wonder whether milk cleanses the lungs or is it a myth. Toxicologists confidently claim that this is a myth and there is no such direct relationship. Milk, curdled under the influence of gastric juice, is able to absorb toxins only directly in the digestive system, which gives a general healing effect for the body.

How long does it take for the body to recover after quitting smoking?

This will directly depend on how long and intensely the person smoked. Changes in the lungs of a former smoker will become noticeable after 3 months - the pulmonary alveoli will begin to clear of tars, which, having accumulated, served as a barrier between the vessels and the inhaled air. The first year without smoking will bring increased immunity and improvements for the cardiovascular system. On average, 10 years of smoking takes about 8 years to become intoxicated. To accelerate positive changes in the body when quitting smoking, you need to give yourself physical activity, so the intensity will increase by 10%.

Find out the effective methods yourself.

Video: how to remove nicotine from the body

Now a very large percentage of people either smoke themselves or involuntarily become passive smokers. Therefore, it would be useful to know information on how to take care of the respiratory system and how to effectively cleanse the lungs after smoking. In the fight against residual effects in the lungs after quitting a bad habit, the tips presented in this video will help you:

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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How to clear your lungs of nicotine

What is the practical meaning of “spring cleaning” in the bronchi and lungs? How to help speedy rehabilitation of the body of a heavy smoker? The use of proven recipes of traditional medicine helps to ensure that a person who constantly suffers from colds and infections gets a second wind - in the literal sense of the word.

Clean breath is the key to health

We live as we breathe. The quality of life and the functioning of the entire body directly depends on the condition of the respiratory organs. And few can boast of their ideal health - poor ecology, low resistance to inflammatory diseases, sometimes harmful working conditions, not the best lifestyle and, of course, smoking do their dirty work, polluting and burdening the bronchi and lungs with dust, mucus, soot...

Smoking should be placed first on this sad list. Heavy smokers often do not even realize what a dangerous swamp they have created in their own lungs, which become the first barrier to poisons entering the human body from a cigarette.

Up to a kilogram of tobacco tar passes through the lungs of a heavy smoker in just one year!

Along with black soot, all conceivable and inconceivable harmful substances are deposited in the respiratory organs of a smoker, tissue elasticity is significantly reduced, and pathogens of various infections find refuge in the mucus that clogs the lungs. Trying to get rid of this dangerous ballast, the body provokes a smoker’s cough, but this does not fundamentally solve the problem; phlegm is not removed.

General cleaning of the lungs and bronchi is becoming a vital procedure for almost every person, and traditional medicine helps to carry it out with a high degree of efficiency.

Methods for cleansing the lungs and bronchi

Oatmeal jelly


  • whole oat grains - 1 cup;
  • natural cow or goat milk - 0.5 liters.


  1. It is important to be sure when choosing oats that the grain has not been pre-seasoned.
  2. There is no need to rinse the oats before preparing the medicine.
  3. Pour hot milk over the grains and place on the lowest heat.
  4. Simmer the oatmeal-milk mixture over low heat until it is reduced by half.
  5. Rub the hot steamed oats through a fine colander.
  6. Drink the resulting jelly slowly, shortly before eating.
  7. You need to prepare such a liquid gruel three times a day and take it only fresh, not yet cooled.
  8. Treatment will be accompanied by a strong cough - this is a natural and normal process.
  9. Within a week of treatment, the airways will be completely cleared of the mucus that burdens them.

Tincture - “casserole”


  • carrot juice - 1 glass;
  • black radish juice - 1 glass;
  • beet juice - 1 glass;
  • vodka - 1 glass.


  1. Mix freshly squeezed root vegetables with vodka.
  2. Pour the mixture into a heat-resistant container that closes tightly.
  3. Warm in the oven over low heat.
  4. Turn off the oven and leave the medicinal mixture in it until it cools completely.
  5. Drink a glass of medicinal product per day, divided into four doses.
  6. Continue treatment for a month.

Pine milk


  • young pine cones - 2–3 pieces;
  • pine tree resin - teaspoon;
  • homemade milk - 0.5 liters.


  1. Crush the resin, chop the green pine cones, pour the components into a thermos.
  2. Boil milk and pour in the ingredients of the infusion.
  3. After five hours, pour the finished mixture into a separate container.
  4. Divide the portion in half - drink the first half on an empty stomach, and the second at night.
  5. Continue treatment for at least a week.

A decoction of pine buds to cleanse the lungs - video

Cone jam


  • green pine cones - 2 kilograms;
  • sugar - 1.5 kilograms;
  • water - 3.5 liters.


  1. Place well-washed pine cones in a large saucepan.
  2. Pour cold water over the cones and bring to a boil.
  3. Reduce the heat to low and simmer the pine decoction for 8 hours at the lowest boil.
  4. Place the cones in a colander and add sugar to the broth.
  5. Cook until thickened, about one hour.
  6. Drink a tablespoon of pine syrup before meals - as a cleansing, antitussive and preventive remedy for colds.

Spruce tincture


  • young shoots of spruce or pine - 20 pieces;
  • medical alcohol - 0.3 liters.


  • Place young pine branches in a glass jar.
  • Pour alcohol and place in a dark place for 10–12 days.
  • Carefully filter the tincture.
  • Use the pine elixir at night, dissolving 30 drops in half a glass of hot tea.

Lovage infusion


  • chopped lovage root - 2 tablespoons;
  • water - 2 glasses.


Boil the lovage root in a water bath for about 40 minutes.

  1. Drink two tablespoons of filtered broth three times a day.
  2. You can eat food half an hour after taking the drug.
  3. Treatment with lovage takes a long time, at least a month, but this folk remedy helps even in the most advanced cases.

Coniferous medicine


  • young, still soft shoots of pine or spruce - 0.5 kilograms;
  • granulated sugar - 200 grams.


Knead the green pine branches thoroughly with your hands.

  1. Pack the young shoots tightly into a glass jar, sprinkling each layer with sugar.
  2. Close the jar and refrigerate for two to three weeks.
  3. When the medicine loses its green color, it is considered ready for use.
  4. The resulting syrup is taken a teaspoon directly from the jar, three times a day.
  5. Admission periods are limited to ten days.

Onion syrup


  • large onion - 1 piece;
  • sugar - 100 grams.


  1. Choose the most juicy onion for preparing the mixture.
  2. Cut the onion into the smallest cubes.
  3. Place in a flat plate, add sugar thickly, stir.
  4. After two hours, pour the released juice into a small jar and close tightly.
  5. Drink a tablespoon at a time, three doses per day.
  6. When the portion of onion syrup runs out, take a break for a week and then prepare a fresh mixture.

Licorice syrup


  • medium-sized licorice root;
  • sugar - 0.5 cups;
  • water - 0.5 liters;
  • vodka - 0.1 liters.


  1. Crush the licorice root into small fractions.
  2. Pour into boiling water and reduce heat to low.
  3. Cook the decoction for half an hour over low heat.
  4. Filter, dissolve sugar in the broth.
  5. Cook without increasing the heat for another 20 minutes.
  6. Cool, add vodka.
  7. Take a tablespoon of syrup once, before bed, for ten days.
  8. Licorice mixture can be washed down with hot tea to enhance the healing effect.

Black radish juice


  • large juicy black radish;
  • honey or sugar - 1 tablespoon.


  1. Wash the root crop and cut off the top, making a deep cone-shaped notch.
  2. Place sugar or honey in the cavity, cover the radish with a “lid” and place in a warm place.
  3. Take the released syrup one tablespoon before meals.

carrot juice


  • fresh carrot juice - 0.5 cups;
  • boiled milk - 0.5 cups;
  • liquid honey - 1 tablespoon.


  1. Prepare carrot juice.
  2. Heat the milk a little and dissolve honey in it.
  3. Mix milk with juice and immediately drink the mixture in small sips.
  4. The folk remedy should be prepared before each dose, twice a day.
  5. The minimum treatment course is a week.
  6. You can limit treatment to taking only fresh carrot juice, slightly warmed before use.

Infusion of pine buds


  • pine buds - 1 tablespoon;
  • honey - 1 tablespoon;
  • water - 1 glass.


  1. Grind the buds in a mortar and pour boiling water over them.
  2. Leave for two hours in a warm place.
  3. You can add honey to the healing infusion.
  4. Divide a glass of pine tea into three doses and drink throughout the day.
  5. Repeat the procedure daily for two weeks.

Infusion of elecampane


  • medium-sized elecampane root;
  • water - 0.5 liters.


  1. Break or cut the spine into small pieces.
  2. Pour in cold water and bring to a boil over low heat.
  3. Let stand until cool, strain.
  4. This is the daily dose, which you need to drink twice.
  5. Prepare a fresh infusion for two weeks in a row.

Fragrant violet tea


  • oregano herb - 1 tablespoon;
  • violet herb - 1 tablespoon;
  • water - 0.5 liters.


  1. Grind medicinal herbs and brew them with boiling water.
  2. Leave to stand for two hours.
  3. Filter and drink during the day in three doses.
  4. The tea can be sweetened if desired.
  5. The duration of the health course is two weeks.

Licorice + linden


  • finely chopped licorice root - 2 tablespoons without top;
  • linden inflorescences - a full tablespoon;
  • water - 1 liter.


  1. Brew crushed licorice root with boiling water and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes.
  2. Turn off the heat and add linden flowers to the licorice decoction.
  3. Infuse the medicine for 30 minutes.
  4. The decoction is taken for a month immediately after quitting smoking.
  5. A folk remedy helps a former smoker quickly restore his respiratory system.

Garlic + apple cider vinegar


  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • natural apple cider vinegar - 1 teaspoon;
  • water - 50–70 grams.


  1. Dilute apple cider vinegar with water, which must be of good quality.
  2. Swallow, without chewing, a clove of garlic, wash it down with diluted vinegar.
  3. Carry out the procedure in the morning, before the first meal and repeat for ten days.

Honey Lemon


  • lemons - 3 pieces;
  • honey - 1 glass.


  1. Grind the lemons in a meat grinder.
  2. Mix with honey.
  3. Take a tablespoon each time before meals.
  4. The dosage can be increased.

Badger fat


  1. Melt and heat the badger fat to a comfortable temperature.
  2. Take a tablespoon of folk remedy three times a day before or during meals.
  3. Treatment lasts about a month.
  4. Along with taking the drug, you can drink hot milk, infusions of St. John's wort, thyme or rosehip decoction


A simple and effective cleansing and healing procedure is inhalation; they are good at removing dust and phlegm from the respiratory tract. They can be carried out using special equipment, but simply inhaling healing vapors over a wide bowl gives quite an effective result. It is recommended to use esters of mint, fir, eucalyptus, cedar, basil, chamomile, and birch bark.

The same and additional medicinal herbs are used for the current solution. The inhalation time is 10 minutes; you need to breathe slowly and deeply during the procedure.

Essential aromatherapy

Take baths with essential oils at least once a week. This is an excellent auxiliary procedure for cleansing the lungs and bronchi. It is enough to drop five to seven drops of juniper, basil, lemon, bergamot, fir, grapefruit or coriander oil onto bath salts, which are then dissolved in water at a comfortable temperature for the body. The time for taking a relaxing bath is no more than half an hour. You can use ethers not only in their pure form, but also in any arbitrary mixtures.

Place a beautiful aroma lamp in the bedroom, at the head of your bed. For it you can use the same set of esters as for the bath. In addition to aesthetic pleasure, you will also receive a significant healing and cleansing effect for the respiratory tract.

Just a glass of water

Drink plenty of liquid: juices, teas, decoctions. But the most effective for cleansing the body is ordinary clean water - ideally spring or filtered. If you drink at least three liters of plain water every day, the cleansing processes will be significantly accelerated: waste, toxins and all sorts of dirt that has accumulated in the bronchi and lungs over many years will be quickly removed from the body.

Cleansing the lungs with horseradish according to the method of Marva Ohanyan - video

Auxiliary procedures

Walking in the fresh air

Fresh air and movement are the best gifts for respiratory health. The ideal area for walking is the forested area, which is not coincidentally called the “lungs” of large cities. The air enriched with healing phytoncides in pine plantings best helps cleanse the respiratory system. If you have such an opportunity, make it a rule to slowly jog and exercise among the pine trees - they are especially useful on a sunny day at any time of the year.

Bath day for smokers

The bathhouse, and primarily the Russian bathhouse, is a proven folk remedy for healing respiratory ailments. But bath procedures will have to be postponed if the disease is in the acute stage and the temperature is significantly elevated. There are several simple rules, the observance of which will significantly enhance the therapeutic effect of visiting the bathhouse:

  1. Drink as much water as possible - both during your visit to the steam room and the day before. The cleansing result will be even more effective for the body if the water is replaced with herbal infusions.
  2. Take your time. Both in sports and in the sauna, the load must be increased gradually. With each subsequent entry into the steam room, the temperature may rise and the stay time may increase. If, of course, your health allows it.
  3. The healing effects of bath procedures can be significantly increased through the use of steam from infusions of medicinal herbs and essential oils. The choice is yours.
  4. Select and prepare bath brooms for self-massage in advance. Brooms made from birch or oak branches are best suited. How to steam them and use them - consult with experts about this in a timely manner.
  5. Don't get too cold. Rest and relax indoors before heading outside. Give your body the opportunity to gradually adapt to its usual conditions. Dress warmly - this wish is especially important for the cold season.

Breathing exercises

Strong physical exercises with gradually increasing loads are very useful for cleansing the airways and normalizing their functions. But breathing exercises are especially important and effective in this sense. To begin with, it is enough to do at least the simplest exercise every day:

  • inhale - deep, strong and slow - through the nose;
  • exhale completely and sharply - through the mouth;
  • the exercise must be repeated at least 30 times.


Special massage techniques performed by a specialist promote the movement of blood and lymph, which activates the work of the lungs and bronchi, facilitating the liquefaction of stagnant mucus in them and its expectoration. The famous honey massage has the strongest effect. The optimal time for the procedure is early in the morning, before breakfast. A massage session will help dissolve and remove phlegm that has stagnated overnight. A prerequisite for obtaining the best effect is to relax and lie down for at least half an hour.


Treatment with acupuncture is interesting primarily because the procedure stimulates the human immune system and triggers effective self-regulation mechanisms. Thus, the introduction of special needles into biologically active points of the body also contributes to the rapid cleansing of the respiratory organs, their rehabilitation and normalization of functioning.


Realizing the need and usefulness of cleansing procedures for the respiratory system, remember the main thing: self-medication in such a serious matter is unacceptable. Only an experienced physician can help you navigate the variety of both pharmacological and traditional approaches in order to determine a set of remedies that will be not only effective, but also safe.

In each specific case, you need to check the components of the healing agent for individual tolerance. Many medicinal herbs, honey, milk, and other components of folk recipes can cause allergic reactions in the patient, including swelling and difficulty breathing, which is unacceptable when treating the lungs and bronchi. And the excessive load on other organs and systems of the human body should not be neglected. Cleansing decoctions and infusions should be taken with caution by those diagnosed with high blood pressure and chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system. Some folk remedies, for example, badger fat, should not be used if there are problems with the liver.

Syrups and other preparations containing sugar and honey are contraindicated for patients with diabetes, and products containing alcohol are contraindicated for children, pregnant and lactating women. We must also remember that the recipes give dosages per adult; Children's intake of traditional medicines should be halved.



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