Purple basil. Useful properties and contraindications of royal herb

Description of the use of basil, the composition and calorie content of fresh and dried basil, the benefits of its seeds and leaves, the use of basil for weight loss, as well as its other beneficial properties.

The benefits of basil are simply enormous. The spicy plant is used in different areas life – in cooking, cosmetology, folk medicine for the treatment of various diseases.

Of course, that's not all, it can be used almost everywhere, and the grass has a huge amount of positive impacts on the body.

Using basil medicinal properties and the contraindications of this plant should be studied fully.

For this reason, it is worth carefully reading full description this plant.

Description and use of basil

Basil is an aromatic plant that belongs to the flowering department, dicotyledonous class, order Lamiaceae, family Lamiaceae, genus Basilica. From ancient Greek, “basil” is translated as “royal herb.”

The spice was originally grown in Asia. However, due to the fact that it has a pleasant and bright aroma, over time it quickly spread throughout the world and captured European countries. At the same time, people are attracted not only by the aroma, but by the high benefits of the herb.

To the main external characteristics spices should include:

  • Basil has tetrahedral stems. Their height can be from 30 to 80 cm;
  • leaves can be green or purple in color. They are oblong and ovoid in shape;
  • the stems have inflorescences at the ends. They contain several flowers;
  • the flower can be white, pink, white-violet;
  • all parts of the plant have a rough structure. They contain glands with essential oil. Due to this, the herb has a spicy and pleasant aroma.

Studying basil, it beneficial properties and contraindications, it is worth considering the areas in which this spicy herb is used. Its application is quite wide, this is due to the high level useful qualities seasonings

The table below includes areas where basil is used.



In medicine

Due to the fact that basil has many beneficial qualities, the herb is used in various fields medicine for the treatment of many diseases - migraines, headaches, gastritis with chronic, bronchitis, colitis, acute respiratory diseases. The oil obtained from basil improves local circulation, it is used to treat arthritis, rheumatism, eliminate muscle pain, helps with colds, neurosis, nausea, depressive states. Spicy herb can have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, for this reason it can be added to various ointments, which are used in the composition therapeutic therapy for neuritis, myositis, arthritis.

In cooking

Fresh and dried basil leaves are actively used in cooking. They are used to make seasonings, add them to various sauces, soups and other dishes, to preparations, and pickles. Basil is widely known throughout the world. Pounded leaves and flowers are used as a spice, either fresh or dried. They give various dishes nice, sweetish smell, makes the taste more delicate.

In cosmetology

Basil oil is wonderful cosmetic product, which can quickly eliminate wrinkles and other unpleasant lesions skin. Active substances, which are contained in it, normalize protein metabolism and water-fat balance. In perfumery, the oil is added to perfumes; it is also included in various toothpastes and toilet soaps. It gives these products a pleasant aroma.

The spice is used to prepare various disinfectants, as well as for aromatizing rooms.

The benefits and harms of basil are determined by its unique composition. This wonderful herb contains a huge amount useful elements, which are necessary for normal life body.

Pay attention! Especially a lot of useful elements are observed in the composition of the above-ground part of basil. It contains various vitamins, essential oils, tannins, phytoncides, sugars, carotene.

The calorie content of basil is 232 kcal per 100 grams, of which the following are distinguished:

  • proteins;
  • fats;
  • carbohydrates;
  • dietary fiber;
  • water;
  • ash.

Basil has high medicinal properties, which are provided due to the rich composition. It has everything important components that every person needs:

  • various important macro- and microelements - iron, potassium, calcium, manganese, selenium, copper, zinc, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium;
  • large number vitamins – Vitamin A, RE, alpha and beta carotene, beta cryptoxanthin, lycopene, B vitamins (from 1 to 9), C, E, K, PP, NE and others;
  • The composition contains essential amino acids - arginine, valine, lysine, leucine, methionine, threonine, tryptophan, phenylalanine, histidine.

The high benefits of basil are ensured by huge amount chemical elements and compounds contained in the leaves and seeds of the plant. Thanks to them, regular consumption of spices can prevent many diseases; it has a positive effect on health, strengthens immune system. Also, bactericidal properties protect against various infections.

The healing properties of basil are simply fascinating in their diversity. This herb has the following beneficial qualities:

  • The spicy plant has an antipyretic and diaphoretic effect. Due to these properties, basil is used to treat colds and problems. respiratory tract. A special infusion of basil flowers and sesame seeds helps reduce fever, and can also be taken to prevent various colds;
  • the grass has high bactericidal properties. This quality allows the use of basil in dentistry. It helps eliminate tartar, pathogenic plaque on the surface of the teeth, and removes pleasant smell and bacteria from the oral cavity, which can provoke carious lesion teeth;
  • astringent and bactericidal properties help strengthen the gums and relieve the inflammatory process;
  • has a healing effect. Due to this, the plant is often used for various wounds, scratches, abrasions, various diseases skin. The constituent components of basil promote rapid scarring of wounds and eliminate many skin lesions;
  • Basil has immunostimulating properties. It is this effect that makes it possible to restrain the growth and development of HIV cells, and also prevents the formation of cancerous tumors;
  • has a diuretic effect. This has beneficial influence for activities genitourinary system. The plant protects against the formation of stones and sand in the kidneys;
  • has a calming effect. Infusions with basil are recommended for use for stress, depression, and neuroses. They have a calming effect on nervous system;
  • has antispasmodic properties. Basil helps eliminate signs of flatulence, it relieves stomach cramps, normalizes gas exchange in the stomach;
  • provides positive influence on the functioning of the reproductive system. Due to the fact that the herb contains manganese and vitamin E, it has a positive effect on the condition reproductive system men and women. Also, the constituent components have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and endocrine system;
  • regulates blood pressure. The spice contains high level potassium, which has a positive effect on blood pressure. It also ensures water, acid and electrolyte balance;
  • improves condition muscle tissue, strengthens bones, has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair, teeth, and nails. All these properties are ensured due to the fact that the seasoning contains calcium and phosphorus;
  • regulates blood sugar levels, normalizes heart rate. All this is observed due to the content of copper and magnesium in the composition.

Can pregnant women eat basil?

During pregnancy, basil is not contraindicated; on the contrary, it should even be consumed. It helps strengthen the immune system expectant mother, and also have a positive effect on the development of the child. All this is provided by a large number useful substances, which are part of the spicy plant.

Important! Before consuming basil during pregnancy, you should consult a specialist. Its application must be correct. Many doctors recommend eating it in moderation and not every day.

The benefits of the plant during pregnancy are simply enormous, and this is confirmed by the following features:

  • due to the content of phytoncides, vitamin C, essential oils When consumed, the immune system is strengthened. The herb protects a pregnant woman’s body from many colds, which can negatively affect the development of the unborn baby;
  • is excellent prophylactic with vitamin deficiency;
  • Dried basil tea allows you to quickly eliminate headaches that often bother you. early stages bearing a child;
  • the plant protects against the development of signs of anemia in pregnant women. This property is ensured due to the content of iron and folic acid in the plant;
  • the herb contains potassium, which protects a woman when carrying a baby from frequent muscle cramps;
  • decoctions, teas and herbal infusions have a calming effect on the nervous system, they relieve symptoms of insomnia, nervous overstrain, eliminate some pain, have a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • with low blood pressure, basil helps improve general condition;
  • Basil-based teas and decoctions help eliminate frequent unpleasant problem, which worries women during pregnancy - they quickly relieve symptoms of bloating.

Worth noting! Basil is recommended to be used in limited quantities in early pregnancy because it can cause some health problems. It can also be used not only internally, but also in the form of inhalations and decoctions for rinsing the mouth and throat for sore throat, periodontal disease, and stomatitis.

Use of purple basil during breastfeeding

Many doctors advise women to use basil after childbirth. The herb will quickly bring the body back to normal, it will restore everything internal organs, will increase immunity. Of course, you need to eat it in moderation, otherwise it will cause harm to health instead of benefit.

Due to the fact that basil contains a high level of iron and other trace elements, it should be used to restore the blood count of a nursing woman. It is required to be used to eliminate the symptoms of anemia that often occur after the birth of a baby.

Pay attention! If a nursing woman has a lot of purple basil in her diet, this can not only have a negative impact on her health, but will also affect the amount produced. breast milk. It will simply decrease, and for some it may even disappear altogether.

But still, the benefits of basil for nursing women are high:

  • the herb relieves stress and cramps;
  • normalizes sleep, eliminates symptoms of insomnia;
  • reduces the manifestations of colic and completely eliminates them;
  • boosts the immune system;
  • eliminates pain in the throat;
  • improves mood;
  • increases appetite.

Using basil for weight loss properties

Basil is useful for weight loss; its constituent substances promote the active burning of fat deposits, and they also normalize metabolism. To lose weight, you should use seeds, which can be bought at almost any pharmacy. The main thing is that the packaging does not say “For planting.” A special drink is made from the seeds, which is useful for weight loss.

Preparing the drink is quite simple, the main thing is to follow all the important recommendations:

  1. Pour 1 teaspoon of basil seeds into the container;
  2. seeds need to be poured with half a glass of warm water;
  3. Next, the seeds must be stirred and set aside for 5 minutes. They should swell during this period;
  4. then after the seeds have swelled, you can pour a little into them fresh juice or natural yogurt;
  5. You should drink the prepared drink in the morning while eating food.

In addition, basil seeds can be added to oatmeal, various salads from vegetables or fruits. You can also put 1 teaspoon in your favorite yogurt.

Important! If you want to achieve the desired effect and lose weight, then consuming plant seeds alone will not be enough. Must be performed regularly physical exercise. At the right approach You can lose up to 5 kilograms in a month.

Basil is widely used in cooking. Various treats are prepared from the spicy herb, it is added to sauces, and tonic drinks are often prepared from it. It makes an excellent basil tea or aromatic drink with the addition of lemon juice.

Simple basil tea

You can make a tonic tea from lemon basil. simple recipe. Then, after preparation, the drink can be supplemented with other ingredients that will add additional aroma and bright taste.

  1. for cooking you will need a bunch of greens weighing 40-50 grams;
  2. The greens need to be washed well. The leaves should all be torn off, the stems will not be needed;
  3. leave the leaves to dry, and in the meantime heat 1 liter of water, bring it to a boil;
  4. Place basil leaves in a teapot or saucepan;
  5. pour boiling water over the greens and leave to steep;
  6. infuse tea under the lid for 15-20 minutes;
  7. the result should be an aromatic drink with a beautiful greenish-purple hue.

Worth noting! To make the taste of tea brighter and give it aroma, you can additionally add mint leaves, lemon balm, currants, and raspberries. You can drink the drink with honey or jam.

Basil drink with lemon

The recipe calls for the use of basil and lemon leaves. It turns out unusual, the additional sourness makes its taste original, and also saturates it with vitamin C.

How to make delicious tea? Let's consider the scheme for its preparation:

  1. for cooking you will need 3-4 sprigs of basil, wash them and remove all the leaves;
  2. Place a small container of water (350 ml) on the fire and heat it up;
  3. Next, prepare the lemon. Squeeze the juice out of several slices, you should get 1 tablespoon;
  4. Peel the peels of the lemon slices from the films and set them aside;
  5. after the water starts to boil, put basil leaves in it and boil for 1.5-2 minutes, so that the drink turns out more saturated;
  6. remove the container with the drink from the heat, put lemon peels in it, cover with a lid and leave to stand for a while;
  7. After about 15 minutes, pour lemon juice into the drink, add 1 teaspoon of honey and mix.

Purple basil is good for female body. He provides beneficial effect for everything internal systems and organs, eliminates various disorders and illness.

To understand why it is useful purple basil for women, it is worth considering its main properties:

  • leaves and seeds of the plant have low rate calorie content, so they are often used for weight loss. Many women cook with them various decoctions and infusions that accelerate fat burning processes;
  • a decoction of basil leaves can reduce pain during menstruation and also restore the cycle;
  • moderate consumption of basil during breastfeeding causes increased milk production;
  • Due to the fact that essential oils have a tonic effect, basil is actively used in cosmetology for the production of various anti-aging creams. They help normalize the skin;
  • Basil strengthens hair and nails and prevents their fragility.

The use of basil in cosmetology

Basil is actively used in cosmetology. Due to the fact that the plant has a rich composition, it can quickly tidy up the skin, hair, and nails. For this reason, its essential oils are added to various creams, lotions, and gels.

What is basil used for in cosmetology:

  • the plant can tidy up appearance skin. It eliminates wrinkles, acne, pimples, promotes fast healing scars;
  • you can make it from basil various masks for facial skin. They cause skin whitening and also eliminate various lesions;
  • special lotions, masks, basil decoctions have a positive effect on the hair structure, they strengthen it and prevent fragility;
  • Decoctions can be used for nails; it is enough to soak your fingers in them for 5-10 minutes a day. Regular use allows you to quickly bring your nail plates back to normal.

Basil contraindications

Just like other herbs, basil has contraindications for which it should not be consumed or used. The main ones include:

  • pregnancy period. Essentially this is not strictly contraindicated. During this period, especially in the initial stages, the herb should be consumed in small quantities. Due to the fact that basil has a tonic effect, it can cause uterine tone and premature birth;
  • It is not recommended to eat basil for people who have had a heart attack or stroke, as well as for epileptics;
  • It is not recommended for diabetics to consume the herb, because the spice contains a high level of sugar;
  • due to the fact that basil increases blood circulation, it is not recommended for hypertensive patients to abuse it;
  • should not be consumed in large quantities if observed increased sensitivity for herbal essential oils. This may lead to eating disorders and poisoning.

Basil is a beneficial herb that can be used in different areas. You can use it to make various drinks, decoctions, and teas that can improve your health and boost your immunity. The grass also makes excellent sauces and seasonings, which give various dishes a bright and rich taste. The main thing is not to forget about correct usage and contraindications.

In our family sweet pepper they love it, that’s why we plant it every year. Most of the varieties that I grow have been tested by me for more than one season; I cultivate them constantly. I also try to try something new every year. Pepper is a heat-loving plant and quite whimsical. Varietal and hybrid varieties of tasty and productive sweet peppers, which grow well for me, will be discussed further. I live in middle lane Russia.

Lush cheesecakes in a frying pan with banana-apple confiture - another recipe for everyone’s favorite dish. To prevent cheesecakes from falling off after cooking, remember a few simple rules. Firstly, only fresh and dry cottage cheese, secondly, no baking powder or soda, thirdly, the thickness of the dough - you can sculpt from it, it is not tight, but pliable. Good dough with a small amount of flour you will only get good cottage cheese, but here again see the “firstly” point.

It is no secret that many drugs from pharmacies have migrated to summer cottages. Their use, at first glance, seems so exotic that some summer residents are perceived with hostility. At the same time, potassium permanganate is a long-known antiseptic that is used in both medicine and veterinary medicine. In plant growing, a solution of potassium permanganate is used both as an antiseptic and as a fertilizer. In this article we will tell you how to properly use potassium permanganate in the garden.

Meat salad pork with mushrooms - a rural dish that can often be found on festive table in the village. This recipe is with champignons, but if you have the opportunity to use wild mushrooms, be sure to cook it this way, it will be even tastier. You don’t need to spend a lot of time preparing this salad - put the meat in a pan for 5 minutes and another 5 minutes for slicing. Everything else happens practically without the participation of the cook - the meat and mushrooms are boiled, cooled, and marinated.

Cucumbers grow well not only in a greenhouse or conservatory, but also in open ground. Typically, cucumbers are sown from mid-April to mid-May. Harvesting in this case is possible from mid-July to the end of summer. Cucumbers cannot tolerate frost. That's why we don't sow them too early. However, there is a way to bring their harvest closer and taste the juicy beauties from your garden at the beginning of summer or even in May. It is only necessary to take into account some of the features of this plant.

Poliscias – great alternative classic variegated shrubs and trees. The elegant round or feathery leaves of this plant create a strikingly festive curly crown, and its elegant silhouettes and rather modest character make it an excellent candidate for the role of the most large plant in the house. Larger leaves do not prevent it from successfully replacing Benjamin and Co. ficus. Moreover, polyscias offers much more variety.

Pumpkin cinnamon casserole is juicy and incredibly tasty, a little like pumpkin pie, but unlike pie, it is more tender and just melts in your mouth! This perfect recipe sweet pastries for a family with children. As a rule, kids don’t really like pumpkin, but they never mind eating something sweet. Sweet pumpkin casserole - delicious and healthy dessert, which, moreover, is prepared very simply and quickly. Try it! You'll love it!

A hedge is not only one of essential elements landscape design. It also performs various protective functions. If, for example, the garden borders a road, or there is a highway nearby, then a hedge is simply necessary. “Green walls” will protect the garden from dust, noise, wind and create a special comfort and microclimate. In this article, we will look at the optimal plants for creating a hedge that can reliably protect the area from dust.

Many crops require picking (and more than one) in the first weeks of development, while for others transplantation is “contraindicated.” To “please” both of them, you can use non-standard containers for seedlings. Another good reason to try them is saving money. In this article we will tell you how to do without the usual boxes, pots, cassettes and tablets. And let’s pay attention to non-traditional, but very effective and interesting containers for seedlings.

Healthy vegetable soup made from red cabbage with celery, red onion and beets - recipe vegetarian soup, which can also be cooked in fast days. For those who decide to lose a few extra pounds, I would advise not to add potatoes, and slightly reduce the amount olive oil(1 tablespoon is enough). The soup turns out to be very aromatic and thick, and during Lent you can serve a portion of the soup with lean bread - then it will be satisfying and healthy.

Surely everyone has already heard about the popular term “hygge”, which came to us from Denmark. This word cannot be translated into other languages ​​of the world. Because it means a lot of things at once: comfort, happiness, harmony, spiritual atmosphere... In this northern country, by the way, most of the time of the year there is cloudy weather and little sun. Summer is also short. And the level of happiness is one of the highest (the country regularly ranks first in the UN global rankings).

Meat balls in sauce with mashed potatoes - a simple second course prepared based on Italian cuisine. The more common name for this dish is meatballs or meatballs, but the Italians (and not only them) call such small round cutlets meat balls. The cutlets are first fried until golden brown, and then stewed in a thick vegetable sauce - it turns out very tasty, simply delicious! Any minced meat is suitable for this recipe - chicken, beef, pork.

The chrysanthemum is called the queen of autumn, because it is at this time that its bright inflorescences decorate the garden. But chrysanthemums can be grown throughout the season - from February to December, and in heated greenhouses - even during the winter months. If you organize the process correctly, you can sell planting material and chrysanthemum flowers all year round. This article will help you understand how much effort it takes to grow chrysanthemums in large quantities.

Basil is a popular culinary spice that adds a piquant taste and unique aroma to dishes seasoned with it. Purple basil is considered especially fragrant, which, unlike green, is widely used in Caucasian cuisine, since it is considered an excellent seasoning for meat and vegetable salads. It is eaten both fresh and dried. This herbaceous plant is also valued for its medicinal properties.

  • 2 Useful properties
  • 3 Contraindications
  • 4 Rules for storing basil

1 What is purple basil?

Purple basil in times Ancient Rus' It was customary to call it royal grass. And this is not surprising, because it was widely used traditional healers to cure patients from various ailments. This garden plant received its medicinal properties thanks to its unique composition, which includes all the vitamins and other vitamins our body needs useful microelements. Regular consumption helps effective cleansing removes toxins from the body, improves memory, stimulates brain activity and perfectly strengthens the immune system. In addition, basil has a powerful tonic effect.

Basil is a popular garden plant these days. This spice, as well as watercress and other greens, is grown in the garden beds of cottages and garden plots. It has a spicy clove aroma, which perfectly sets off and complements the taste of the main dish when used as a seasoning. Moreover, the taste and smell different varieties this garden plant will be different. Its most common varieties are:

  • Yerevan, which has a light aroma of fresh tea mixed with allspice;
  • Baku, its smell is a mixture of clove and mint aromas.

There are also varieties that have the smell of almond, lemongrass and nutmeg. But all varieties of basil will have the same taste - minty and at the same time bittersweet.

2 Useful properties

As mentioned above, this spice, when consumed regularly, remarkably cleanses the body of toxins, and also participates in effective treatment diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and in relieving inflammation bladder and urinary tract.

Purple basil has the following healing properties:

  • the ability to restore vascular elasticity;
  • the ability to improve skin color;
  • strengthening nails.

No less useful is the essential oil of this herbaceous plant mint family. It contains a large amount of camphor and has the ability to treat flatulence.

In addition, it is believed that basil can protect our body from the harmful effects of radiation. Just like other garden herbs, for example, cilantro, it has a disinfectant and antimicrobial effect. Its regular use alleviates the patient's condition with arthritis, gout and rheumatism. It is also capable of relieving migraine-like headache. Particularly effective are relaxing baths in which basil oil, mixed with honey and cream, has been added to the warm water.

Basil is also useful because it is an aphrodisiac. This means that this aromatic garden herb enhances libido, increases potency and helps to tune in to a romantic mood.

Its tart aroma enhances the senses of both loving people and the return of former passion in their relationship. These properties are ensured by its tart, bittersweet aroma.

Basil juice is also incredibly beneficial. It has a potent tonic property. It contains:

  • Ascorbic acid;
  • Vitamin B2;
  • Rare vitamin PP;
  • Carotene;
  • Rutin;
  • Phytoncides.

It is used to get rid of fungal infections and generally improve the tone of the whole body. Juice is extracted from the leaves and stems of this herbaceous plant, collected before the flowering period begins. When taking it orally, you should be careful, as it is very irritating to the gastrointestinal mucosa. That is why basil juice should be diluted with water and under no circumstances drink it on an empty stomach.

Video about beneficial and healing properties

The oil of this plant is no less effective. It is used for therapeutic inhalations which are done for colds and viral infections upper respiratory tract. It has strong bactericidal properties, making it active ingredients successfully fight viruses and bacteria, which contributes to speedy recovery. Basil oil is also a natural antispasmodic; it is successfully used for bloating.

As for decoctions prepared from the dry harvest of this garden plant, they will be indispensable for food poisoning, intestinal colic, increased gas formation, ulcers and gastritis.

Basil is effective and effective means against many ailments that overtake the human body.

3 Contraindications

Just like anyone else medicinal plant, basil also has its own contraindications, which include:

  • poor blood clotting;
  • previous heart attack;
  • thrombosis of the veins of the lower extremities;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • hypertension;
  • any diseases of the cardiovascular system.

In pregnant women, this plant can cause tachycardia and increased blood pressure.

But even in the absence of contraindications, purple basil should be consumed within reasonable limits. Excessive consumption will lead to intoxication, to which the body will react with symptoms typical of food poisoning.

4 Rules for storing basil

Since the use of basil should be reasonable, it is necessary to take care of the storage of this medicinal plant in advance.

  • drying;
  • freezing;
  • cooling.

All of the above methods will allow you to preserve basil for a long time and not lose the vitamins and beneficial properties it contains, so that it will support your body throughout the winter and help resist illnesses.

Basil - most useful herb, beloved by everyone for her miraculous properties and breadth of application. It is a bush about 70 cm in height. This crop is native to Asia, where it was grown as a spice and ornamental plant. There are several varieties of this wonderful herb: with pink, green, white petals, as well as with purple or green stems. The most common is purple basil.

Useful properties and contraindications of the plant

It’s not for nothing that the word “basil” is translated from Latin as “royal” and is distinguished not only by its beauty, but also by the special value of all its parts: seeds, stems, petals. Yes, yes, especially the petals. The unusually pleasant smell is due to the presence of essential oils (a substance) in them meylchavinol, camphor, eugenol, etc.) In addition, the leaves and stems contain vitamins PP, C, B2, as well as carotene, phytoncides, potassium. How is purple basil beneficial? rarely suffer from colds and flu. To rid water of germs, just place a couple of purple leaves in it. It perfectly strengthens the nerves, fights rheumatism, improves memory, and has anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties. And that’s not all that purple basil can do. and its contraindications are known in Indian medicine, where the plant was used as an excellent antiseptic. In addition, any rituals and ceremonies (in some countries, funerals and baptisms) were rarely performed without it.

In modern folk medicine, basil is used:

1) In treatment respiratory diseases and lung diseases. This is where the substances of essential oils come to the rescue - camphene and evegol, which will help cope with hyperemia, tuberculosis and others. viral diseases, such as acute or chronic bronchitis. Purple basil can combat asthma and eliminate the causes of its occurrence. The beneficial properties and contraindications of the plant have been studied in more detail these days, and traditional medicine offers treatment for lungs damaged by smoking. It will make breathing easier and serve as an excellent cancer prevention.

2) Basil has a beneficial effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Thanks to its ability to bind free radicals it will help reduce nervousness and anxiety, and thanks to the presence of potassium, it will be able to lower blood pressure. Basil essential oil significantly reduces blood cholesterol levels.

3) The herb has an excellent effect on urolithiasis. Basil is able to soften small stones, as well as rid the body of excess uric acid, while providing general positive effect on the genitourinary system.

4) In India, treatment with basil baths for various skin diseases. This method is also used to relieve tension and deep cleansing skin.

Purple basil. Application

Basil is not only an excellent seasoning that gives a dish an exquisite taste. The herb can be chewed to relieve ulcers and for disinfection. The plant will strengthen the gums, prevent caries, tooth loss and relieve basil tincture is good for eye diseases, such as conjunctivitis, barley, abscess, and also serves as prevention against glaucoma and cataracts. Basil is valuable for its ability to treat migraines and normalize blood pressure. According to Ayurveda, it prolongs life and prevents aging of the body. It has been proven that basil prevents the development of HIV and treats measles and rheumatism. And that’s not all this royal plant, purple basil, can do.

Useful properties and contraindications

At diabetes mellitus, during pregnancy and lactation, the grass will need to be abandoned. Otherwise, there is no reason not to purchase this plant in a pot. You can add seasoning to food and treat yourself!

Basil is a very common culinary herb. However, its beneficial properties have been learned to be used in folk medicine and cosmetology. This amazing spicy plant with branched stems can be part of a meal or decorate a flower bed around the house.

Depending on the variety, basil can be annual or perennial. This is a plant with thin leaves and a spicy aroma. The leaves of different varieties have different colors- purple and green.

Basil with green leaves:

  • garden fragrant or camphor - easy to grow at home and on balconies;
  • lemon – has a pronounced lemon aroma.

Purple basil, due to its high decorative value, is often planted in alpine hills and in the central places of flower beds.

Basil leaves and flowers contain essential oil (0.3% in the stem, up to 6% in the leaves and 20% in the seeds), the components of which are:

  • methylchavicol (up to 60%);
  • camphor;
  • chavicol;
  • pinene;
  • cineole;
  • l-linalool;
  • eugenol;
  • ocimene;
  • phytoncides;
  • glycosides;
  • rutin (150 mg%);
  • β-carotene (3-8.7 mg%);
  • riboflavin (0.092 mg%);
  • nicotinic acid (0.315 mg%);
  • vitamin E.

This plant also contains sugars, tannins, proteins, fats and starch, fiber and ascorbic acid.
The seeds contain 12-20% fatty oil.

Calorie content

How to use basil

This plant has found application in cooking, folk medicine and home cosmetology and even in landscape design.

To use basil in cooking, it is dried, frozen and used in fresh. Often growing it on eco-farms, garden plots and even on loggias and balconies.

Basil is frozen in crushed form. To do this, place the slurry in ice trays and freeze. And then they are transferred for long-term storage into special bags that can withstand the low temperatures of freezers.

Green oil is prepared using basil. Grind the selected leaves into a pulp using a blender and mix with softened butter. In this form, spread the butter into small molds and freeze. As needed, take one such cube and place it on, for example, a portion fried fish. The butter will melt on the hot dish and gradually impart a creamy taste and spicy aroma to the fish.

Dried basil is part of a popular spice blend with rosemary, mint, coriander, marjoram and tarragon. It is used mainly for meat and fish dishes, pasta, sauces, soups and dressing for warm and cold salads.

Fresh basil leaves are added to hot dishes a few minutes before the end of cooking. They prepare salad dressings for fresh seasonal vegetables and autumn period pickling and preservation. They are also suitable for flavoring vegetable oils and liqueurs.

This spice is added to dishes a few minutes before the end of the cooking process, otherwise the leaves may darken. To avoid such a reaction, you can add a little fresh lemon juice along with the herbs.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the champignons and tomatoes and cut into slices;
  2. Also cut the ham;
  3. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and add ham and mushrooms;
  4. Fry until the food is lightly crisped;
  5. Add tomatoes and stir;
  6. Fry for a few more minutes;
  7. Wash and dry the basil leaves, tear them into small pieces with your hands;
  8. Pour eggs into the pan. Do not interfere;
  9. Immediately sprinkle with salt and ground pepper. Sprinkle with basil;
  10. Close the lid and reduce the heat on the stove;
  11. In 5-7 minutes the omelette will be ready to eat.

Cooking time – 20 minutes.

Calories per 100 g: proteins – 6.5 g; fats – 16.3 g; carbohydrates – 0.9 g; 178.6 kcal.

Basil essential oils have analgesic and antiseptic property. In this regard, it is added to the decoction for medicinal baths for diseases of the blood circulation, joints and blood vessels. It also helps with chronic fatigue. Ointments with basil essential oil are rubbed into arthritic joints.

Healing ointment recipe

  1. An ordinary one will be suitable as the main component. baby cream or any other cream without additives;
  2. In a small enamel or plastic cup you need to mix the cream and essential oil in a ratio of 10 ml of cream to 5 drops of oil;
  3. Rub into the painful area;
  4. Stay at rest for 1-2 hours, covering the smeared area with heat.

Fresh basil combined with honey, peeled walnuts and dried fruits can increase the body’s resistance to diseases, in to a large extent reducing the risk of respiratory diseases.

Basil, thanks to its medical properties, great for preparing homemade masks for the face, neck, décolleté and hands.

Crushed basil pulp together with a portion of kefir can smooth out wrinkles. This occurs due to the normalization of skin cell activity and water-fat balance. However, this mixture should be used carefully. First, try applying the mask to a small part of your hand. If after a few minutes it does not occur discomfort, you can continue applying the mask.

Medicinal oil recipe

This medicinal oil very easy to prepare at home.

Manufacturing sequence:

  1. Select fresh and undamaged leaves. Collect them in dry and slightly windy weather.
  2. Rinse the leaves cold water and place on a towel to dry.
  3. Grind the leaves in a blender. The smaller they are, the more essential oils will come out of them.
  4. Take any vegetable oil and mix it with basil pulp.
  5. Seal tightly and leave in a cool, dark place for 3-4 days.
  6. Then strain the mixture through thick cheesecloth.
  7. Use as directed.

Very important! This oil can only be used for 3 weeks. Then it synthesizes harmful substances, causing acute poisoning of the body.

In landscape design

Basil bushes are planted close to each other, forming a small hedge, dividing the area into sectors.

Also, expressive basil leaves look great in a spice bed along with mint, lemon balm, parsley, cilantro and watercress.

When designing a flower bed, you must remember that basil, mint and lemon balm can grow tall (up to 70 cm), preventing desired effect for design. Therefore, it is recommended to cut these plants in time, provoking the appearance of additional lateral buds and branches. This way they will be more magnificent and decorative.

Basil contains a large amount of essential oils rich in camphor. With this composition it helps our body in many diseases. Including poor blood circulation, toothache, nervous shock and disorders. Basil also acts as antimicrobial drug, the effect of which can be enhanced by adding lavender oil. Has a strong diuretic effect.

Basil essential oil in combination with honey treats sore throat, flu, itchy skin and nausea.

When used externally, basil helps with toothache, cough and otitis media.

What are the health risks?

Basil is completely contraindicated in cases of poor blood clotting, a tendency to thrombosis, or recent acute diseases heart, strokes and heart attacks.

It is strongly not recommended to use basil for preparing dishes and medicinal mixtures for children under seven years of age and pregnant women (large amounts of basil eaten can cause fetal rejection - miscarriage), as well as during lactation.

People suffering from epilepsy, diabetes and hypertension are strictly prohibited from consuming basil.

Allergic and dental diseases are incompatible with this plant.

If you plan to use basil leaves in medicinal purposes, it is better to consult a therapist before this.

The ancient Slavs gave basil magical properties protection of family happiness and a prosperous and long life.

The peoples of India believe that this plant gives a person a feeling of love, compassion and faith. Helps to reveal clairvoyant talents.



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