Analysis of the karyotype of a married couple. Karyotyping of spouses and fetus: forewarned is forearmed

The karyotype reflects the chromosome composition of a person. Normally, a person has 46 chromosomes or 23 pairs. 23rd pair - sex chromosomes - XX in women, XY in men. Karyotype analysis held for children and adults. The child's karyotype allows us to exclude some genetic diseases. Karyotyping of spouses helps to identify the genetic cause of infertility and miscarriage, as well as the prognosis of healthy offspring.

What is a karyotype?

Karyotype- a complete set of chromosomes in human cells. The normal chromosome content in human somatic (non-embryonic) cells is 46 chromosomes, organized into 23 pairs. Each pair consists of one chromosome received from the mother and one received from the father. To study a person's karyotype, blood is taken from a vein. In the CIR Laboratory, karyotyping is carried out using cytogenetic and molecular genetic methods. There is also FISH karyotype analysis, which allows you to analyze chromosomes using fluorescent dyes.

The CIR laboratory conducts the following karyotyping tests:

The first three analyzes are performed using the cytogenetic method. CMA is a molecular genetic analysis of a karyotype.

Let's talk about the cytogenetic method of performing karyotype analysis.
The appearance of chromosomes changes significantly during the cell cycle: during interphase, chromosomes are localized in the nucleus, as a rule, despiralized and difficult to observe, therefore, to determine the karyotype, cells are used in one of the stages of their division - metaphase of mitosis. Chromosomes in a light microscope at the metaphase stage are DNA molecules packaged with the help of special proteins into dense supercoiled rod-shaped structures. Thus, a large number of chromosomes are packed into a small volume and placed in a relatively small volume of the cell nucleus. The arrangement of chromosomes, visible in a microscope, is photographed and from several photographs a systematic karyotype is collected - a numbered set of chromosomal pairs of homologous chromosomes. In this case, the images of the chromosomes are oriented vertically, with short arms up, and they are numbered in descending order of size. A pair of sex chromosomes (X and Y in a man, X and X in a woman) is placed at the very end of the image of the chromosome set.

When is blood donated for karyotype?

Karyotype examination is a non-routine analysis, for which there are indications.

Reasons why a doctor may suggest an examination may include:

  • the birth of a child with a genetic pathology or the presence of a chromosomal pathology in relatives of one of the spouses;
  • infertility in the family;
  • recurrent miscarriage and/or spontaneous miscarriage in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy;
  • exposure to radiation, hazardous work at work, etc.

Which karyotype test should I take?

Karyotype analysis can be performed in two versions: karyotyping without aberrations and karyotyping with aberrations. The first analysis shows a person's genetic makeup - the number of chromosomes and major changes in all chromosomes received from the parents. Karyotyping with aberrations shows changes that occur in chromosomes during a person’s life under the influence of various harmful environmental factors. Karyotype analysis using the CMA method is performed in rare cases in case of growth retardation in children, autism, or suspected microdeletion syndromes.

Analysis for the karyotype of a married couple (karyotyping of spouses)

To identify the possible cause of infertility in the family, the doctor may prescribe karyotyping for spouses. Spouses can take the test at different times, this does not affect the interpretation. If there is an assumption about the genetic nature of infertility, a karyotype test can be assigned to one of the spouses. .

How to get tested for karyotype? Where can I get a karyotype test?

Karyotype: price of analysis

Find out the price of karyotype analysis in our price list.

Karyotype analysis: how is a human karyotype studied?

Each chromosome consists of specialized structures - a centromere and two telomeres. The centromere (cen) or primary junction divides the chromosome into two parts - the long (q) and short (p) arms and is responsible for the separation of chromosomes during cell division. Before cell division begins, a chromosome consists of one chromatid. After doubling the DNA - from two chromatids, until they are divided into two new cells.

For the karyotype determination procedure cytogenetic method any population of dividing cells can be used. To determine the human karyotype, peripheral blood lymphocytes are usually used. To analyze the karyotype, blood is taken from a vein into a sterile tube. There are no conditions for taking the test; you can have breakfast before visiting the laboratory.

The transition of lymphocytes from the resting stage G0 to proliferation is provoked by the addition of a cell division stimulator - phytohemagglutinin. Bone marrow cells or a primary culture of skin fibroblasts can also be used to determine the karyotype. To increase the number of cells at the metaphase stage, colchicine or nocadazole is added to the cell culture shortly before fixation, which block the formation of microtubules, thereby preventing the divergence of chromatids to the poles of cell division and the completion of mitosis.

After fixation, preparations of metaphase chromosomes are stained and examined under a microscope.

To obtain a classic karyotype, chromosomes are stained with various dyes or their mixtures: due to differences in the binding of the dye to different parts of the chromosomes, staining occurs unevenly and a characteristic banded structure is formed (a complex of transverse marks, English banding), reflecting the linear heterogeneity of the chromosome and specific for homologous pairs chromosomes and their sections (with the exception of polymorphic regions, various allelic variants of genes are localized). The first chromosome staining method to produce such highly detailed images was developed by the Swedish cytologist Kaspersson (Q-staining). \\Other dyes are also used; such techniques are collectively called differential chromosome staining.

Types of differential chromosome staining

G-staining- modified Romanovsky-Giemsa staining. The sensitivity is higher than that of Q-staining, therefore it is used as a standard method for cytogenetic analysis. Used to detect small aberrations and marker chromosomes (segmented differently than normal homologous chromosomes).

Q-staining- Kaspersson staining with quinine mustard with examination under a fluorescent microscope. Most often used to study Y chromosomes (quick determination of genetic sex, detection of translocations between the X and Y chromosomes or between the Y chromosome and autosomes, screening for mosaicism involving Y chromosomes).

R-staining- acridine orange and similar dyes are used, and areas of chromosomes that are insensitive to G-staining are stained. Used to identify details of homologous G- or Q-negative regions of sister chromatids or homologous chromosomes.

C-staining- used to analyze centromeric regions of chromosomes containing constitutive heterochromatin and the variable distal part of the Y chromosome.

T-staining- used to analyze telomeric regions of chromosomes.

Chromosomal microarray analysis (CMA)

More modern technology for karyotype research. Karyotype analysis is performed using the molecular genetic method aCGH (microarray comparative genomic hybridization), which, unlike the classical cytogenetic method, has a high resolution ability to detect smaller structural changes in the karyotype.

Fluorescent in situ hybridization, English. Fluorescence in situ hybridization, FISH

Detection of aneuploidy - a violation of the number of chromosomes. In the image, the green color corresponds to chromosome 13, and the red color corresponds to 21, which indicates the presence of triploidy on chromosome 21 in this sample.

Recently, the so-called spectral karyotyping technique (fluorescence in situ hybridization, FISH) has been used, which consists of staining chromosomes with a set of fluorescent dyes that bind to specific regions of the chromosomes. As a result of such staining, homologous pairs of chromosomes acquire identical spectral characteristics, which not only greatly facilitates the identification of such pairs, but also facilitates the detection of interchromosomal translocations, that is, movements of sections between chromosomes - translocated sections have a spectrum that differs from the spectrum of the rest of the chromosome.

The most cherished desire of both parents is the birth of a healthy, physically and mentally functional child. Unfortunately, there are a number of indicators that significantly increase the risk of developing various fetal pathologies.

Many married couples face problems when deciding to have children. This could be infertility, recurrent miscarriages, missed pregnancies, or the birth of a child with genetic disorders. In these cases, to determine the cause of the pathologies, karyotyping of the spouses is recommended before planning pregnancy.

We are talking about a new cytogenetic study that studies the set of human chromosomes (karyotype). Thanks to him, a geneticist can determine how much the spouses correspond to each other at the genetic level and whether the risk of developmental pathology in their unborn baby is high.

Indications for the procedure

Although this method is gaining popularity every year, many couples have little understanding of what karyotyping is and are wary of the need for it. Basic knowledge of genetics will help clarify things.

Karyotype is a set of chromosomes in the human body that determines its characteristics: height, body structure, level of intelligence, eye and skin color. The normal human karyotype is 46 chromosomes, 2 of which are responsible for gender differences. Certain abnormalities in the karyotype lead to genetic diseases. Thus, the presence of just one extra chromosome causes an incurable disease known as Down syndrome.

It is likely that in the future all married couples will be tested for the match of spouses at the genetic level. So far, doctors prescribe the test only in certain cases. A comparative analysis of chromosomes makes it possible to determine with almost one hundred percent certainty the likelihood of disorders in the unborn baby.

Set of chromosomes of a woman (left) and a man (right)

Main indications for karyotyping:

  • parents' age over 35 years;
  • frequent miscarriages, couple infertility for unknown reasons;
  • the presence of hereditary diseases in the closest relatives of one or both parents;
  • close relationship of the married couple;
  • repeated attempts at artificial insemination that were unsuccessful;
  • hormonal imbalance in women, bad in men;
  • prolonged contact of spouses with harmful chemicals;
  • living in environmentally unfavorable conditions;
  • smoking, uncontrolled use of potent drugs, alcohol abuse, drug addiction of potential parents;
  • the presence of a married couple with a child with congenital malformations.

The cytogenetic karyotyping method only needs to be carried out once. It allows us to identify potential risks of fetal pathologies even in cases where hereditary diseases do not appear for several generations. The study is recommended to be carried out at the pregnancy planning stage.

How the analysis is carried out

To determine the karyotype, blood cells are examined. To eliminate the negative influence of various factors, careful advance preparation for the analysis is necessary.

No later than two weeks before the procedure, you must stop taking medications, especially antibiotics, and avoid alcoholic beverages and smoking. If at least one of the spouses has an acute infectious/viral disease or an exacerbation of a chronic disease, the analysis must be postponed.

For the study, venous blood is taken from both spouses.

The turnaround time for karyotyping is approximately three weeks. During this time, geneticists monitor the condition and division of cells. To more reliably determine the structure of chromosomes, they are stained. Next, the stained material is compared with the norms of the cytogenetic patterns of chromosomes.

The results allow us to determine the presence of an extra third chromosome in a pair, the absence of a chromosome or part of it, duplication or movement of chromosomes. The procedure will help determine how changes in genes affect the formation of blood clots, as well as detect a gene mutation, the elimination of which will help reduce the likelihood of severe cystic fibrosis.

Karyotyping reveals the risk of developing Down, Patau, Edwards, Ternard, and Klinefelter syndromes. In addition, a genetic predisposition to the development of myocardial infarction, diabetes mellitus, and hypertension is determined.

Only an experienced geneticist can decipher the data obtained. It is unacceptable for persons without medical education to draw any conclusions!

After the results show good compatibility between the spouses, you can proceed to planning your pregnancy without fear. No additional procedures or tests are required. If abnormalities are detected, the doctor may prescribe a course of treatment, and in severe cases, recommend using sperm.

When is fetal karyotyping necessary?

If the study of the gene material was not carried out before pregnancy, and the woman is already carrying a child, karyotyping of the fetus can be performed. Most often, the need for such a procedure arises when there is an unplanned pregnancy and there are risk indicators.

Analysis is prescribed in the following cases:

  • mother's age exceeding 35 years;
  • suspicion of fetal pathology during ultrasound;
  • abnormal blood tests;
  • a couple has a child with a disease caused by genetic disorders;
  • mother's history of drug use or alcohol addiction;
  • previous viral disease in the first three months of pregnancy;
  • contact of one of the parents with harmful chemicals, long-term residence or work in an environmentally unfavorable area.

Many women are wary of this test, believing that it may harm the unborn child. Indeed, the question of whether prenatal karyotyping is dangerous remains relevant.


The best period for conducting genetic research is the first three months of pregnancy. Most gene pathologies are successfully detected in the early stages. In modern medicine, there are two methods: invasive and non-invasive.

  • The non-invasive karyotyping method does not pose any danger to the unborn baby. It involves an ultrasound and biochemical blood test. But its results are not always accurate.
  • The invasive method is considered more informative. It shows fairly reliable results, the error rate is minimal. To determine the state of the chromosome set, karyotyping of the chorion, taking a sample of amniotic fluid () and blood from the umbilical cord () will be required. The study of possible gene abnormalities is carried out in a similar way to a blood test of the parents.

A mandatory condition when conducting an invasive research method is to inform parents about possible risks to the fetus. In some cases, bleeding may occur, placental abruption and even miscarriage may occur.

How important is karyotyping with aberrations?

Aberrations are certain chromosome abnormalities that can be either regular or irregular. Simple research will not provide complete information. Its main result, corresponding to the norm, is 46XY (male karyotype) and 46XX (female karyotype).

For women with , after several unsuccessful attempts at artificial insemination, only karyotyping with aberrations is recommended, which will identify abnormalities in the chromosome set.

Detection of deviation: what to do?

Since this study is a very complex and time-consuming process, it can only be entrusted to an experienced geneticist in a medical center with an excellent reputation. After receiving the results, the doctor conducts a special consultation for parents, during which he informs them about the likelihood of having a child with developmental anomalies.

In some cases, prescribed medication and vitamin therapy can significantly reduce the likelihood of developing disorders in the formation of the fetus.

If a child is diagnosed with genetic pathologies, doctors, informing the parents about this, may suggest terminating the pregnancy. This is another reason why karyotyping is best done in the first trimester. However, only the parents have the right to make the final decision about whether to keep the child or not.

How much can you trust this genetic study, and are there possible errors in karyotyping?

Experts say that the probability of error in the results of a procedure performed in a specialized medical clinic is less than 1%, so future parents can be confident in the reliability of the results.

In the generally accepted understanding, a family is loving parents and happy children, so it is very important to create excellent conditions for the birth and upbringing of children.

2. Main reasons for carrying out the analysis
3. Indications
4. What the analysis reveals
5. How to take it? Preparing for analysis
6. What to do if deviations are detected?

Due to various circumstances, many modern young people have problems conceiving children, most often this is due to genetic incompatibility. Thanks to modern technologies and unique equipment, today it is possible to conduct a special analysis that will reveal the percentage of compatibility of parents, as well as possible genetic abnormalities.

This procedure is called karyotyping, once in your life you donate the necessary genetic material, and with the help of special manipulations the chromosome set of the married couple is established.

Using the results of this analysis, you can easily determine the likelihood of having children between spouses, as well as identify the possibility of a child acquiring hereditary genetic diseases. Today, this research method has almost one hundred percent results, which largely makes it possible to simultaneously identify several reasons for a woman’s lack of pregnancy. Such procedures are absolutely painless, but require special preparation under certain circumstances. The desire to have healthy offspring is inherent in every married couple, which is why hundreds of thousands of people undergo karyotyping every year.

Main reasons for conducting analysis

Karyotyping is a fairly well-known procedure in Western and European countries, but in Russia this analysis has been carried out not so long ago, although the number of people interested is increasing every year.

The main objective of this analysis is to identify compatibility between parents, which will allow them to conceive and give birth to offspring without pathologies and various types of abnormalities.

As a rule, such an analysis is carried out in the first stages, although there is the possibility of performing the procedure on a pregnant woman. In such a situation, the necessary material is taken from the fetus to determine the quality of the chromosome set. Of course, karyotyping is not a mandatory procedure for young parents, although it will help identify a lot of abnormalities in an unborn baby.

During the analysis, it is possible to determine the predisposition of the future baby to diabetes and hypertension, heart attacks and various pathologies of the heart and joints. During the collection of tests, a defective pair of chromosomes is detected, which allows one to calculate the risk of having a defective baby.


There are certain categories of citizens who simply need to undergo a similar procedure, today this number includes:

  • Parents over the age of 35, even if this rule applies only to one of the spouses.
  • Infertility, the causes of which have not previously been identified.
  • Unsuccessful options for in vitro fertilization.
  • Hereditary diseases in parents.
  • Problems with hormonal balance among the fair sex.
  • Unidentified causes of impaired ejaculation and qualitative sperm activity.
  • Poor environment and working with chemicals.
  • Lack of a healthy lifestyle, smoking, drugs, alcohol, use of medications.
  • Previously recorded termination of pregnancy, miscarriages, premature births.
  • Marriages with close blood relatives, as well as previously born children with genetic disorders.

What does the analysis reveal?

The procedure uses a unique blood sampling technology, which allows you to separate blood cells and isolate the genetic chain. A geneticist can easily find out the risk percentage of trisomy (Down syndrome), the absence of one chromosome in the chain (monosomy), the loss of a genetic section (deletion, which is a sign of male infertility), as well as duplication, inversion and other genetic abnormalities.

In addition to determining these abnormalities, it is possible to identify various types of anomalies that can lead to serious abnormalities in the development of the fetus, causing a gene mutation responsible for the formation of blood clots and detoxification. Timely detection of these abnormalities will create normal conditions for fetal development and prevent miscarriages and premature births.

How to submit? Preparing for analysis

This analysis is carried out in laboratory conditions and is absolutely safe for men and women; if a woman is pregnant, the analysis is also carried out on the existing fetus. Blood cells are taken from the parents and, through various manipulations, the chromosome set is isolated, then the quality of the existing chromosomes and the number of gene deformations are determined.

If you have made a decision and are ready to undergo the karyotyping procedure, you must stop using tobacco products, alcoholic beverages and medications within two weeks. In case of exacerbation of chronic and viral diseases, it is necessary to postpone the blood sampling procedure to a later period. The entire procedure is carried out over five days; lymphocytes are isolated from the biological fluid during the division period. Within 72 hours, a complete analysis of cell reproduction is carried out, which allows conclusions to be drawn about pathologies and the risks of miscarriage.

Thanks to unique technologies, only 15 lymphocytes and various drugs are required to obtain accurate results, which means that you do not have to donate blood and other biological fluids several times. For one married couple, it is enough to conduct just one test, with the help of which you can plan pregnancy and the birth of healthy babies.

Situations arise when pregnancy has already occurred, but the necessary tests to identify abnormalities have not been carried out, so genetic material is collected from the fetus and both parents.

It is best to carry out the analysis in the first trimester of pregnancy; at this stage of fetal development, diseases such as Down Syndrome, Turner Syndrome and Edwards Syndrome, as well as other complex pathologies, can be easily identified. In order not to harm the unborn baby, tests are carried out as follows:

  • Invasive method
  • Non-invasive method

A non-invasive method is considered a safe way to obtain results, which involves performing an ultrasound, as well as taking blood from the mother to determine various markers.

The most accurate results can be obtained using an invasive method, but it is quite risky. Special equipment is used to perform manipulations in the uterus, which allow obtaining the necessary genetic material.

All procedures are painless for the woman and the fetus, however, after undergoing the test using an invasive method, inpatient observation is required for several hours. This procedure can cause a threat of miscarriage or missed pregnancy, so doctors talk in detail about all the consequences and possible complications.

What to do if deviations are detected?

After receiving the results, the geneticist prescribes a test, during which he talks in detail about the likelihood of having a defective child. If the compatibility of the parents is impeccable and the chromosome set has no abnormalities, young parents are told all the stages of planning a pregnancy.

If various abnormalities are detected, the doctor prescribes a course of treatment with which you can avoid some troubles when planning a pregnancy. However, if abnormalities are identified during pregnancy, parents are advised to eliminate the pregnancy or are given the right to choose.

In this situation, you can easily take a risk and give birth to a full-fledged healthy child, but the doctor is obliged to warn about all possible deviations and their consequences. At the stage of planning a baby, you can use donor genetic material. A geneticist and gynecologist have no legal grounds to force the removal of a pregnancy, so the choice always remains with the parents.

Children are the most important thing a person can have; you should be extremely careful in the planning and conception process. Fortunately, using the karyotyping procedure, you can avoid troubles during fetal development.

Karyotype analysis is a modern laboratory test that allows us to identify possible pathological disorders at the genetic level, establish the cause of infertility, and even determine whether the unborn child will be healthy. The resulting result records changes in the set of chromosomes. The diagnostic procedure is currently in great demand because it makes it possible establish the level of genetic matching between men and women.

Karyotype - chromosome set, distinguished by certain characteristics. The norm is the presence of 46 chromosomes:

  • 44 – responsible for resemblance to parents (eye color, hair, etc.).
  • 2 – indicate gender.

Karyotyping analysis is necessary to determine pathological disorders occurring in the body. Laboratory diagnostics are indispensable for establishing the causes of infertility and the presence of congenital pathologies that can be inherited.

Sequence of karyotyping:

  1. Collection of venous blood and screening of mononuclear leukocytes in the laboratory.
  2. Placement of biological material in a medium with PHA (phytohemagglutinin) and the beginning of cell cultivation (mitotic division).
  3. Termination of mitosis after reaching the metaphase stage, which is carried out with the help of colchicine.
  4. Treatment with a hypotonic solution and production of microslides.
  5. Studying and photographing the resulting cells using a special microscope.

Only after 2 weeks, specialists in a laboratory receive the result of the study. The form contains information on the total number of chromosomes, and any existing violations of the genetic code are recorded.

A genetic study is prescribed to assess the reproductive functions of a couple planning children. To make a diagnosis, a complete picture of genetic characteristics is necessary. Based on the results obtained, you can look for ways to solve the existing problem, if any. Karyotyping is aimed at determining the number, shape and size of chromosomes in a biological sample.

If there are any violations, there are problems with internal systems and organs. In some cases, completely healthy people are carriers of a genetic mutation. It is not possible to determine this visually. The result is problems with conception, developmental defects or the birth of an unhealthy child.

The following medical indications exist for karyotyping:

  • age limit of 35 years and older;
  • termination of pregnancy and infertility;
  • hormonal disorders in the female body;
  • exposure to radiation or chemical poisoning;
  • polluted environment and the presence of bad habits;
  • hereditary predisposition and consanguinity;
  • the presence of chromosome mutations in previous children.

A blood test for karyotype should be performed once, since these characteristics do not change with age. The absolute indication for karyotyping is the problem of conception and the inability to carry a pregnancy to term. In recent years, more and more young couples are taking this test to ensure that their children are born healthy. Laboratory diagnostics makes it possible to assess the likelihood of a baby being born with abnormalities caused by chromosomal abnormalities and to identify the true cause of infertility.

Preparation for karyotyping

Blood cells are used for karyotyping, so before taking the test you need to prepare by eliminating the influence of third-party factors that complicate their growth. Otherwise, the research conducted will be poorly informative.

Preparation must begin 2 weeks in advance:

  1. Eliminate alcohol, smoking and harmful foods.
  2. Discuss stopping drug therapy with your doctor.
  3. 9-11 hours before collecting biological material, avoid eating.
  4. Do not drink liquid 2-3 hours before the laboratory test.

Blood donation for karyotype is carried out in the morning on an empty stomach. In case of deterioration of health, infectious disease or exacerbation of chronic diseases, the study is postponed until the patient recovers.

  • Aneuploidy (change in quantity). If the biological material is of poor quality, difficulties may arise in the diagnostic process.
  • Structural deviations - connected combinations after separation. The study reveals major violations. In order to identify minor deviations, microarray chromosomal analysis is prescribed.

Types of diagnostics

Karyotyping is carried out in several ways, which differ in the approach to research and sources of biological material:

  1. Classical– venous blood (10-20 ml) is taken for examination. In pregnant women, amniotic fluid may need to be collected for diagnosis. In some cases, the cells are taken from the bone marrow. Chromosomes are stained and examined using light microscopy.
  2. SKY (spectral)– a new technique that is considered to be the most effective, since it allows for visual and quick identification of violations. In this case, parts of chromosomes are detected using fluorescent tags without culturing cells. Used when standard karyotyping has failed.
  3. FISH analysis (fluorescence hybridization)– the study is carried out in a special way and involves the specific binding of certain sections of chromosomes and fluorescent labels. For laboratory diagnostics, embryonic cells or ejaculate are collected.

To obtain the most accurate result, a blood test is carried out in conjunction with other, no less informative, genetic tests.

How to decrypt

The diagnosis is made based on the karyotyping result obtained by a geneticist. The specialist conducts a thorough analysis and makes a conclusion indicating the reasons for reproductive disorders or the birth of an unhealthy child.

Decoding the analysis allows us to determine the following genetic disorders:

  • the presence of genetically different cells;
  • movement of sections of genetic code;
  • reversal or doubling of a chromosome;
  • the absence of one fragment or the presence of an extra one.

Using karyotyping, it is possible to establish a predisposition to the development of hypertension, arthritis, myocardial infarction, stroke and diabetes. Thanks to this analysis, thousands of married couples have identified the cause of infertility and successfully recovered from existing disorders in the body.

Deviations are possible on both the male and female sides. Normal indicators:

  • for men - 46XY;
  • for women - 46XX.

In children, the following violations of the genetic code are observed:

  1. 47XX+21 or 47XY+21 – Down syndrome (presence of an extra chromosome).
  2. 47XX+13 or 47XY+13 – Patau syndrome.

There are other deviations from the norm that are less dangerous. Only a geneticist can calculate the risks of having an unhealthy child for each individual case. If karyotyping reveals dangerous abnormalities or mutations, the doctor recommends termination of pregnancy.

Karyotyping provides an assessment not only of the number, but also of the state of genes:

  • Mutations that cause thrombus formation, disrupting the nutrition of small vessels at the time of placenta formation, which causes miscarriages.
  • Pathologies from the cystic fibrosis gene, in order to exclude the likelihood of developing a certain disease in a child.
  • Gene disorders on the Y chromosome.
  • Deviations in genes that are responsible for the ability to disinfect toxic factors.

If a deletion (loss of a section) is detected in the Y chromosome, we are talking about male infertility due to impaired spermatogenesis. This is the cause of hereditary diseases.

What to do if deviations are found

To exclude the possibility of genetic abnormalities in a child, the karyotype of both parents should be checked before conception. If there are genetic disorders, the doctor will explain the possible risks. There is no need to panic when chromosomal mutations are detected. Even in this case, you can carry the pregnancy to term and give birth to a healthy child if a child is found, following the doctor’s recommendations.

Child planning allows you to prepare the body of the mother and father for the birth of healthy offspring and determine the risks of having unhealthy children. Even after a woman becomes pregnant, karyotyping can be done in the first week to assess possible risks, which allows timely measures to be taken to prevent miscarriage. In the presence of serious genetic mutations, the decision to terminate the pregnancy is made by the married couple. The doctor only indicates possible consequences and gives recommendations if interruption is necessary.


Genetics currently represents a highly developed scientific field. With the help of modern diagnostic tests, it is possible to identify occurring deviations in the initial forms of progression and take measures to combat them. Thanks to karyotyping, it is possible to cure infertility, prevent repeated miscarriages and eliminate the likelihood of having children with a genetic mutation. When planning a family, it would not be superfluous to check for genetic compatibility.

To determine the cause of infertility, a diagnostic method is used - a blood karyotype test. Starting a family is a responsible step, but on this path there is often such an obstacle as infertility.

This type of analysis refers to molecular genetic research. The principle of this examination is to study the structure of the genetic material, since the cause of infertility may be hidden in the characteristics of the DNA molecule.

A karyotype test is a kind of test for the compatibility of spouses. The results of the examination provide a small opportunity to change the current situation, create a full-fledged family by conceiving your child.

The biomaterial for research is blood samples. Leukocytes are extracted from plasma. To this element are added other cells that are constantly in a state of division. When two such components are mixed, the fission process stops. It is in this state that the resulting biological mixture is fixed under a microscope, tinted with special dyes and the result obtained is photographed.

This test allows specialists to get a fairly detailed picture of the existing chromosome combinations and their variants, since they are different for each person. Various abnormalities identified in chromosomal structures determine the causes of infertility, as well as options and possibilities for correcting the situation.

In the process of analyzing the collected biomaterial, a comprehensive study takes place, including the detection and determination of the characteristics of all indicators related to such a genetic component as a chromosome. Experts evaluate its shape, quantity, size and other data. Quite often, identified abnormal elements or additional types of chromosomes indicate various disorders. Such deviations may be associated with disruption of the functioning of various internal systems and organs of the subject.

Even a person with normal health can have chromosomal structures with unnatural rearrangements that do not affect the person being examined. But such deviations can affect the possibility of conception, pregnancy and fetal development.

Chromosome analysis allows us to identify possible defects that the unborn child may inherit. These are mainly rare diseases and certain congenital pathologies. This type of examination is necessary for couples suffering from infertility, frequent miscarriages, or seeking to conceive a child after 35 years of age. It is especially important to get tested for couples who already have a baby with certain disabilities.

Types of diagnostics

There are several ways to test biomaterial for karyotype:

  1. Classic method.
  2. Spectral karyotyping method or SKY method.
  3. Fish or fluorescence hybridization method.

Each of these methods differs not only in the method and approach to research, but also in the collected biomaterial on which testing is carried out to obtain certain results.

In classical testing, blood is taken from a vein (10 to 20 ml). This method has more than 5 varieties. If a diagnosis is made of an already pregnant woman, then, in addition to blood, biomaterial is taken from the amniotic fluid and placenta. In rare cases, the mother's bone marrow cells may be taken for additional diagnostics.

The SKY research method is the latest in the field of genetic diagnostics. Its efficiency is quite high, since it very quickly identifies areas with chromosomal abnormalities. This method is an excellent option when it is impossible to determine abnormalities using the usual karyotyping method. This method is based on staining chromosomes in 24 colors, which makes it possible to determine more complex rearrangements and disorders.

Analysis by the Fish method allows you to identify a large number of diverse abnormalities in chromosomal connections and more complex abnormalities in the karyotype. A feature of the study is a specific approach to certain regions of chromosomes, which are determined by fluorescent tags.

This approach to examination, in contrast to the conventional method, allows us to cover a larger area of ​​the cells being studied for a qualitative characterization of genetic abnormalities. In addition, the analysis is carried out using blood samples and does not require special cell cultivation.

For Fish analysis, biomaterial can be taken from sperm, embryonic or fetal cells. Quite often, for a more accurate picture, specialists, in addition to blood tests, do additional tests to identify chromosomal ailments. If the test result is not very good, then, most likely, the rest of the family members will have to undergo similar studies.

How to prepare for the examination?

The analysis can be prescribed by various specialists involved in family planning and monitoring the couple. But in any case, a competent interpretation of the results will depend on the geneticist. It is best to contact him immediately in the first stages of family planning. Such a doctor will help you correctly assess all existing risks, competently undergo diagnostic tests and choose the optimal solution.

You can take a karyotype test in any convenient and affordable laboratory. These can be either private or public institutions. The analysis is a simple and virtually painless procedure, the principle of which is to donate venous blood. But you should immediately be aware that this type of study lasts a long time, so the results will be available in 2-3 weeks.

Preparation for karyotype analysis is quite simple. It is necessary to stop eating 8-12 hours before collecting biomaterial and it is advisable not to drink 2-3 hours before. There are no special diets or dietary restrictions. You should give up alcohol and cigarettes for a few weeks. It is necessary to stop taking any medications, but if this is not possible, then notify your doctor.

Karyotype analysis can be carried out using various methods. In a normal situation, blood will be drawn; in other cases, according to the doctor’s orders, cellular biomaterial will be taken from various sources.

When patients are undergoing therapy for cancer or other diseases with drugs and other methods, it is better not to do a karyotype test. Its results may be distorted due to chromosome damage caused by heavy treatment.

Features of the results

The karyotype of any person has a certain norm. So, men and women must have 46 specific chromosomes. Most often, karyotype studies have a complex meaning. Such a study is especially important after detection of a chromosomal abnormality in the blood. If the examination took place during pregnancy, then additional material will be taken from the placenta to determine possible disorders of intrauterine development of the fetus.

Deviations from the existing norm can be found in one or both representatives of a married couple.

Therefore, when planning a family, you need to be prepared for the fact that tests, especially of a genetic nature, will need to be taken by both spouses.

Nowadays, genetics has made great strides in diagnosis, so with early detection of abnormalities, the situation can almost always be corrected and prevent repeated miscarriages, unsuccessful conception and other problems. Modern medical capabilities make it possible to correct many situations with chromosomal abnormalities.

Thanks to the possibility of studying the karyotype of spouses, it has become quite possible to cure infertility even for those couples who had every reason not to hope for the early appearance of a child in the family.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs