Allergic rashes on the cheeks of a child. What different skin rashes look like in children

Allergies on the cheeks in young children are a fairly common disease. Almost every baby suffers from allergic manifestations. The development of this disease is explained by the weakened immunity of the newborn child, when any substance that enters the body causes allergic irritation.

Most often, rashes on the cheeks appear due to food allergens. In medicine, cheek allergies in children are classified as diathesis. This condition causes discomfort to the child. The baby shows anxiety, is capricious and refuses to eat.

Allergic rashes on a baby’s cheeks most often appear at a very early age (3-6 months), manifesting themselves in the form of bright red spots, which require mandatory treatment if they occur.

Causes of redness on the cheeks of a child

The main cause of an allergic reaction on the cheeks is the peculiarity of the digestive system in newborns.

This promotes rapid absorption of unsplit molecules and especially proteins into the blood plasma. Due to its antigenic properties, an acute allergic reaction of the body occurs.

  • The early introduction of complementary foods into the diet of infants provokes the appearance of allergies, since the digestive system is not able to absorb and digest them. In addition, very often there are cases of allergic rejection to force-feeding of children, when the child’s body does not absorb excess foods.

  • An allergic reaction can occur to the presence of highly allergenic foods in a child’s diet (citrus fruits, strawberries, chocolate), as well as out-of-season fruits and vegetables that contain nitrates and chemicals added for faster ripening and preservation during long-term transportation.
  • Allergies often occur as a result of contact with too bright toys and low-quality dyes on children's clothes. The body of a newborn child is not able to cope with incoming allergens.
  • Rashes on the cheeks of a baby can occur as a result of contact with house dust, animals, household chemicals, such as soap, shampoos, air fresheners and laundry detergent for an adult. There are cases of allergies even to the water that flows from the tap, since chlorine is added to it for disinfection.

To prevent the occurrence of allergies, first of all, it is necessary to balance the baby’s diet, getting rid of all foods and things that provoke the appearance of rashes on the cheeks. As a rule, after measures have been taken, allergic symptoms in infants occur quite rarely.

Allergy symptoms on the cheeks

With the development of the disease in the cheek area, the clinical picture is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • hyperemia in the affected area of ​​the skin;
  • inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth, eyes and nose;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • a sharp increase in body temperature;
  • restless behavior of the child.

Small rashes on the cheeks with watery contents. Sometimes the blisters open and an inflammatory focus may form. Quite often, allergic symptoms develop into eczema, atopic dermatitis, etc.


An allergic disease must be diagnosed by a qualified specialist in this field, who is able to determine the best way to treat the disease. As a rule, in each case, individual treatment tactics for children are selected, primarily involving the exclusion of contact with allergens.

  • In almost every case, it is recommended to prescribe antihistamines. Unlike the treatment of an adult patient, it is preferable to use liquid solutions (drops, syrup) for a child. They are most convenient to use for a child and do not cause negative side effects. The required dosage depends on the age of the baby, the general condition of the body and the severity of severe symptoms.
  • Some of the most common medications for relieving allergies in infants are Polysorb (enterosorbent) and Fenistil (drops, ointment). Pediatricians often advise combined treatment with simultaneous lubrication of the rash-affected cheeks and ingestion of antihistamine drops. Polysorb is prescribed to quickly remove various allergens from the body. In addition, its advantage is its inability to be absorbed into the blood. Therefore, this enterosorbent is considered to be the safest, which is approved for use for children from the first days of life.

Traditional medicine

Some parents prefer to cope with allergies in their newborn child using traditional medicine. However, it should be remembered that even the most harmless drugs, including herbs, have their contraindications, so before treating allergic manifestations in a baby, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is required so as not to harm the baby’s body. It is important to remember that such treatment is carried out with caution in young children.

We should not forget that herbal treatment of infants cannot completely replace drug therapy. Allergies need to be treated comprehensively, using all means. Only in this case will the treatment be successful.

Despite the fact that a rash on the face of a child in the first years of life is a fairly common condition, it cannot be ignored. Regardless of the form in which the rash appears, whether or not it causes discomfort to the baby, or whether it is accompanied by additional symptoms, it is necessary to show the baby to the pediatrician.

Only a doctor can make a final diagnosis and recommend the best treatment option for the condition. Even if it is obvious that small numerous pimples covering not only the face, but also other parts of the baby’s body are the most common heat rash, you should not risk it by self-medicating. At the same time, you need to know what red, transparent or white rashes may indicate, and what actions to take if they are detected.

Often, numerous or single formations on the cheeks, behind the ears, and sometimes on the forehead are one of the symptoms of an infectious disease. In this case, the baby’s condition will be complicated by fever, pain in the lymph nodes, disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract, vomiting and nausea, and intoxication. In some cases, pimples or other formations act as a warning signal; sometimes a rash indicates the entry of the disease into the final stage.

The most common diseases accompanied by a rash on the face and characteristic of childhood:

  • Erythema of infectious nature. Large spots appear, light, sometimes almost white inside. The condition is accompanied by a cough and a slight increase in temperature.
  • Chicken pox. Rashes in the form of very small bubbles that are filled with transparent contents.
  • Measles. In this case, the rash is represented by pinkish spots, which over time are complemented by papules. After some time, the spots turn red and can merge.
  • Rubella. Despite the name, the spots in this case are pink, not red. But they are not prone to merging and usually disappear on the fifth day after appearance.
  • Meningococcal infection. The rash is represented by irregularly shaped spots of different sizes. It is usually located on the cheeks and elbows, but can occur on other parts of the body. Often bright red or purple dots appear around the spots.
  • Vesiculopustulosis. With this disease, white and yellowish pustules, similar to pimples, rarely affect the skin of the face, but can spread to it from the neck area.
  • . The pink rash usually occurs in children under two years of age and rarely lasts longer than five days.
  • Scarlet fever. Rarely occurs in children under 3 years of age. These are bright red dots on the cheeks, forehead and neck (can be localized throughout the body), which can merge into spots. The phenomenon is accompanied by intoxication, general malaise and sore throat.

Even if a rash as such has not yet formed, but the skin on the child’s cheeks, behind the ears or on the forehead begins to change, for example, redness appears, it is better not to waste time and consult a doctor. Especially if there are changes in the general condition of the baby.

Other common causes of rash

In addition to the above situations, there are many more reasons for the appearance of formations in the form of bubbles or pimples. It is not so rare that red, burgundy or white dots form on the cheeks of infants and slightly older children.

Most often, this manifestation indicates:

  • Allergies. In this case, the type of rash can be very different, but the specificity is that the spots or pimples are usually very itchy. At the same time, a runny nose or sneezing may appear. If rashes on the cheeks are accompanied by swelling of the tissues around the eyes, this may indicate the development of Quincke's edema, which is life-threatening, because may cause suffocation.
  • Prickly heat. Small red dots are familiar to almost every mother. Contrary to popular belief, they can appear not only in natural folds, but also on the neck and face. Especially if the baby is hot and he is not washed as he sweats.
  • Malfunctions of the circulatory system. Very small red or maroon dots may be the result of subcutaneous or intradermal hemorrhage. This does not necessarily indicate injury; the permeability of the vascular walls may have been impaired or the number of platelets in the blood has decreased.

Advice: If a rash appears on the face of an infant, first of all you should put anti-scratch mittens on his hands. Otherwise, there is a risk of violating the integrity of the vesicle cover, the risk of infection and the development of purulent inflammation.

  • Violation of skin care rules. Rash as a result of diaper rash is also not uncommon. Pimples appear behind the ears or in the folds of the neck and rise to the face, localizing mainly on the cheeks.
  • Internal diseases. The development of a number of pathologies of a non-infectious nature may also be accompanied by the appearance of characteristic or ordinary-looking rashes. The pancreas, nervous system, liver, intestines or kidneys can act as provocateurs.
  • Hormonal imbalances. The hormonal background in newborns is not yet fully formed, so the appearance of small pimples, which generally do not cause discomfort to the child, may be due to this.
  • Sign of adaptation. One of the consequences and signals of the ongoing adaptation of the child’s body to new environmental conditions is the development of toxic erythema. Despite the scary name, the condition is not dangerous for the baby and in the vast majority of cases goes away on its own within 2-3 days.

No matter what form the rash appears, parents should always adhere to the same course of action. It will reduce possible risks to a minimum and help the baby as quickly as possible.

Parents' actions when rashes are detected

Pimples, blisters, dots and spots located on the face of a small child require the following measures:

  1. We visit the pediatrician as soon as possible. If the rash causes obvious discomfort to the child, and an immediate visit is not possible, we call an ambulance. The use of any medications, even to alleviate the condition of children, is strictly prohibited.
  2. We do not touch the affected areas, we do not try to remove crusts or contents from the blisters. This threatens tissue infection and even the appearance of small scars.
  3. You cannot even use such “proven” home remedies as brilliant green, potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide and iodine. Do not use cream or oil. Such an effect can blur the clinical picture and complicate the diagnosis process.
  4. We try not to bathe the child, even if the rash is only on the cheeks. Only if these are the next manifestations of miliaria can you organize a bath for the baby with a decoction of string or chamomile.
  5. It is necessary to ensure that a sick child receives a sufficient amount of fluid. It doesn’t matter whether his skin is covered with small pimples or large spots, it is necessary to prevent the formation of constipation. If the baby’s intestines are cleaned efficiently, the immune system will begin to take an active part in eliminating the rash.
  6. We monitor the general condition of the toddler and note any changes in him. The doctor will need this to make a diagnosis.

After the doctor examines the child, conducts the necessary tests and makes a final diagnosis, we begin treatment according to his recommendations.

Treatment options for baby facial rash

Even in cases where the rash is one of the symptoms of a disease, doctors recommend symptomatic treatment, consisting of local manipulations. It will reduce the severity of discomfort or pain and speed up the restoration of the skin.

Most often, the following approaches are used as therapy:

  • Cauterization of formations using solutions of brilliant green or potassium permanganate.
  • Bathing in a bath with a decoction of chamomile, yarrow or string. In some cases, wiping the affected areas or applying compresses is sufficient.
  • It happens that you have to use medicinal ointments, lotions, creams. In some cases, protective sterile dressings are applied to problem areas, which need to be changed regularly.

The specialist must not only prescribe treatment, but also monitor its results. Only in this case the rash will go away as soon as possible and will not return.

A rash on the face of a child is a fairly common occurrence. Sometimes this is simply a consequence of the adaptation of a still fragile organism to new circumstances for it, but sometimes the rashes are also infectious in nature. The rash can be different: in the form of spots, papules, vesicles, pustules, nodules, etc. In addition to the face, rashes can appear on the head, neck, back and other parts of the body - each disease has its own characteristics.


What to do if a rash suddenly appears on your baby’s face? First of all, you need to determine what the reason is, because in some cases the rash goes away on its own, while in others, on the contrary, drug treatment is required.

Associated symptoms are fever, sore throat, cough, runny nose. From the gastrointestinal tract - abdominal pain, weak appetite. Nausea and vomiting may occur. The rash may appear at the beginning of the disease, but it happens that it appears, on the contrary, at its last stage. The most common childhood diseases, one of the symptoms of which are rashes:

  • infectious erythrema (accompanied by a slight increase in temperature and cough, large spots with a lighter center);
  • chicken pox (rashes are blisters filled with clear liquid, in medical terminology they are called vesicles);
  • measles (the rash first appears on the face and behind the ears, then spreads throughout the body);
  • rubella (multiple rashes that spread throughout the body and last a maximum of 5 days);
  • meningococcal infection (the rash has a star-like shape and is localized on the face and elbows);
  • vesiculopustulosis (pustules ranging in color from white to yellow usually appear on the back, arms and legs, chest, neck, rarely on the face and head);
  • roseola (children under 2 years of age are susceptible to this disease. The rash is pink and lasts about 5 days);
  • scarlet fever (children over 3 years of age are most susceptible to it; associated symptoms are malaise and severe sore throat).


Associated symptoms are lacrimation, sneezing, itching. If an allergic rash is accompanied by swelling of the skin around the eyes and mouth, this may indicate the development of Quincke's edema, which is very dangerous. This disease can lead to suffocation, so call a doctor immediately when the first signs appear.

Allergens can be not only plant pollen, animal hair and food, but also components of formula for artificial feeding, as well as some medications and vaccinations, and even lactose contained in breast milk.

In case of allergies, it is necessary to exclude contact with the allergen and give the child a sorbent drug: Smecta, Filtrum, Zosterin-Ultra or activated carbon

Disturbances in the functioning of the circulatory system

The rash may be the result of subcutaneous hemorrhage. This may occur due to impaired vascular permeability or an insufficient number of platelets - cells that are responsible for normal blood clotting (this is often a congenital feature). The pathology can be expressed as a small red rash in the form of dots or large bruises of various shades. The spots are localized throughout the body: on the face and neck, on the arms and legs, on the back.

Failure to comply with hygiene rules

If a baby is over-wrapped, left in a dirty diaper or in wet diapers, spots may appear due to diaper rash. Most often they occur in the groin and armpits, but can also be localized in the folds of the neck. To prevent this from happening, regularly bathe and wash your child, give him air baths, giving the skin a chance to dry, and use special baby powder.

Pathologies of internal organs

Often, a rash reflects disturbances in the functioning of any body system. This may be a symptom of a disease of the pancreas, kidneys, intestines, liver, or nervous system. In this case, only a pediatrician can understand what’s going on.

Hormonal instability

The hormonal background of babies is still developing, so rashes caused by this very reason are not uncommon. They look like small pimples and are localized on the cheeks, neck and back.

Reactions of the newborn's body of an adaptive nature

Immediately after birth, the baby may develop a rash as a reaction to a change in surrounding reality. This could be toxic erythema (multiple red pimples, dense to the touch) or so-called newborn acne (small bright red rashes with pustules in the center, only on the face). The latter disease is extremely common and occurs in 1/5 of all babies. Both of these phenomena are harmless and go away on their own. Eritrema - after 2-4 days, acne - after a few weeks.

An infant may experience what is called toxic erythema of the newborn. It does not pose any danger and is a normal reaction of the body to a new environment.

First steps when a rash is detected

  1. See your doctor. If your baby has a rash, it can be a symptom of a variety of diseases. Under no circumstances should you make a diagnosis or prescribe medication on your own. This is dangerous for the child's life.
  2. Try not to touch the affected areas of the skin, make sure that the child does not scratch them to prevent infection from entering the wound. And of course, you cannot open the blisters and tear off the scabs.
  3. Before seeing a doctor, do not treat the rash with anything, especially with dyes such as brilliant green. This will prevent the doctor from making a correct diagnosis. You should not use not only alcohol-containing preparations, but also fatty creams.
  4. Don't bathe your baby. In water, the infection will spread to healthy areas of the body. The exception is heat rash; in this case, bathing the baby, on the contrary, is recommended. It is advisable to use chamomile or chamomile infusions for this. They are great for soothing delicate skin.
  5. Provide the patient with plenty of fluids and ensure that the child is not constipated. It is not recommended to feed him generously, as in this case the body will spend energy on digesting food rather than fighting infection.
  6. Monitor the general condition of the child: is he active or, conversely, looks weak, is there tearing, is he crying or is he sleeping soundly. This information will be useful to the doctor when making a diagnosis and prescribing treatment.

Multiple bites from fleas, bedbugs, and mosquitoes are often mistaken for a rash.


Treatment of any kind of rash should be prescribed by a pediatrician, since what is recommended for one disease is strictly prohibited for another. It is better to call a doctor at home so as not to infect people on public transport and in the clinic, because Most infectious diseases are easily transmitted by airborne droplets.

After analyzing the clinical picture, the pediatrician will prescribe treatment, which will include medication and home care. If the doctor recommends cauterizing the pustules, this can be done with a cotton swab dipped in a solution of potassium permanganate or brilliant green. In other cases, for example, if it is miliaria, on the contrary, cauterization with alcohol-containing solutions is prohibited. The main principles of care are regular bathing in a bath with the addition of a decoction of string, chamomile or yarrow and air baths. If you have allergies, you need to protect your baby from potential allergens as much as possible. You may need to change the type of powder or fabric softener you use. Your doctor will help you find out what the body’s reaction might be. Clues will be the appearance of the spots and where they spread.

Any parent, seeing that a newborn or even a month-old baby suddenly has something on their face, will worry. But a rash is not always a reason to worry. In some cases, this is a natural reaction of the child’s body to external factors, which goes away on its own over time. However, in any case, you should consult your doctor. He will tell you what exactly caused the rashes and how to get rid of them, and will also give the mother useful recommendations for caring for the baby.

A rash on the face appears with enviable regularity in children of all ages. Its types are different, as are the reasons why the rash appeared. To understand what to do in a given situation, you should first try to understand what led to the skin rashes. We will talk about the most common causes of facial rash in this article.

Age-related skin features

Children's skin is more susceptible to negative external influences than adults, and rashes are much more likely to form on it. At birth, a baby’s skin is several times thinner than the skin of adults, it is more intensively supplied with blood, vessels and capillaries are located close to the surface, which is why the baby’s skin looks redder.

Additional protection for the baby’s skin is provided by the “lipid mantle” - a fatty layer that covers the skin with a thin invisible film. However, this “mantle” is not given by nature forever, and within a few days or weeks after birth it becomes thinner and practically disappears. The baby becomes practically defenseless against external threats, after all, his local immunity is still very weak.

The sebaceous glands of the baby and newborn work poorly, their ducts are narrow, the sweat glands produce sweat, but its discharge is also difficult due to the narrow ducts. All this creates suitable conditions for the occurrence of a rash of one type or another.

Only by the age of 5-6 years does the child’s skin become quite dense, similar to an adult in the proportions of layers and subcutaneous fat. Usually by this age the number of sudden and difficult to explain pimples, blisters and redness decreases significantly.

Rashes most often appear on the face and head at an early age. Indeed, babies whose thermoregulation center has not yet been adjusted intensively give off excess heat through the scalp. That is why prickly heat often begins on the face and scalp. Babies may react to the introduction of complementary foods with a rash on their face if the new food causes an allergic reaction. The baby also develops a rash during an infectious disease.

Can cause rashes any external or internal factor. External factors include dryness or high humidity, heat or hypothermia, pollution, rough, unpleasant underwear that the baby comes into contact with. Internal factors are an allergic reaction, a childhood infectious disease, dermatological diseases.

The rash itself can also be different, and understanding exactly what kind of rash appeared on the child’s face is important. will help parents guess the true causes of the symptom:

  • Erythema. By and large, this is not a rash, just redness of the skin over a certain area. Characteristic of allergic reactions, burns, toxic lesions.
  • tubercles. Such a rash is not superficial, it is only a slight elevation of the skin in a certain place, and may be accompanied by erythema (redness).



  • Blister. This is a rash similar to a nettle burn. It represents an elevation, swelling. It does not exist for long, and, as a rule, disappears as suddenly as it appeared. Characteristic of some types of burns and contact allergies.
  • Papules. This is a nodular rash, each element of which resembles a small nodule, different in color from the rest of healthy skin. It can be a symptom of allergies, infections, as well as hormonal changes.



  • Vesicles. These are blisters on the skin that can merge with each other. Inside the vesicles there is serous fluid or serous-hemorrhagic contents. They burst easily, leaving eczema on the skin. Such a rash can appear with infectious diseases, with atopic dermatitis, with some allergic reactions.
  • Pustules. These are pustules that can be both superficial and deep. They can also appear during infections, mainly of bacterial origin, they can be a complication of an allergic or other rash, and they often “signal” about a violation of hygiene rules.



  • Stains. This type of skin change (petechial rash) may be a sign of allergies or existing metabolic problems.
  • Hemorrhagic points. This is usually a pinpoint rash that consists of broken small capillaries within the layers of the skin. Often accompanies childhood infectious diseases.


Hemorrhagic points

Reasons for appearance

Let's look at the main reasons that cause a rash on the face in children.


The microclimate in which the child lives or spends a long time can affect the condition of the skin. If the air is dry and the room is hot, then the skin becomes dehydrated very quickly, the skin becomes dry, and microcracks quickly form on it, through which infection occurs. Such skin is more susceptible to local effects, and an allergic reaction occurs on it more quickly.

A child who eats few foods containing vitamins E and A is also at risk, because these two vitamins are responsible for the elasticity of the skin. A small amount of fluid you drink is also a factor that makes the skin drier and more vulnerable.

Violation of the temperature regime often leads to the formation of prickly heat and diaper rash. Hormonal levels can also affect the functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands, which can lead to the formation of rashes on the child's face.

Atopic dermatitis

This rash appears in children who have certain genetic prerequisites for an allergic reaction. Usually there are several factors that lead to sensitization of the body. This is the simultaneous exposure to heat and allergens, which are included in, for example, washing powder, which is used by parents to wash children's clothes and bed linen.

The rash can have a varied appearance, type and geographic location. If it appears on the face, then you should carefully examine the rest of the skin, since such dermatitis tends to spread to other parts of the body - the folds of the arms and legs, the groin area.


The allergic rash itches and causes discomfort to the child.

Prickly heat

Rarely does a rash from prickly heat affect only the face. Typically, red rashes are found on the scalp, on the neck, in the folds of the arms and legs, as well as in the diaper area. Unlike allergies, prickly heat does not tend to expand the affected areas; it goes away quickly when exposed to fresh air. Like an allergic rash, this rash not accompanied by additional symptoms, however, sometimes with the formation of severe diaper rash and weeping eczema, the child may experience pain and begin to worry.

Neonatal pustulosis

This phenomenon occurs only in newborns and children in the first two months of life. Whitish or yellowish pimples - pustules appear on the cheeks, forehead, nose, chin, on the ears, behind the ears under the influence of hormones. After birth, a fairly impressive amount of the mother’s sex hormones – estrogens – remain in the baby’s body, which are actively produced in the last weeks of pregnancy to ensure normal labor.

This is how acne appears. By the way, the mechanism of development of pimples in adolescents is similar to the neonatal one, only in the puberty period the sebaceous glands are no longer influenced by maternal hormones, but by the boy or girl’s own sex hormones.


There are a lot of diseases that are accompanied by rashes on the face. In childhood, it can be scarlet fever, chicken pox, roseola infantum, rubella, measles, and mononucleosis. The hallmark of an infectious rash is presence of other symptoms. A rash during infections usually does not appear immediately, but a day or more after the onset of the disease.

If a child gets sick, his temperature rises, signs of intoxication appear, and the next day or a couple of days later a rash appears on his face, then there is no doubt about the infectious origin of these rashes. The infectious rash itself has fairly clear outlines, is not prone to merging, is widespread throughout the body, and sometimes covers the child entirely.

Meningococcal infection

Against the background of high fever and other symptoms of meningococcal damage, the skin becomes pale, almost sallow. The rash never “starts” from the face. It begins on the buttocks, legs, moves to the torso and only after that can appear on the face and even affect the eyeballs. The hemorrhagic rash looks like red spider veins.

When the disease is not dangerous, dots rarely appear on the face. When it comes to this, it is considered an unfavorable symptom, indicating a severe course of the disease and possible complications.


A rash on the face is one of the first symptoms of rubella. Viral rashes begin from this part of the body. After which the rash covers the entire body, bypassing only the palms and soles. Rubella is characterized by pinkish rashes that do not protrude above the skin level and almost never merge into a single spot. Typically, such a rash, during the normal course of the disease, disappears after four days and does not leave any marks on the skin.

Chicken pox

With this common childhood disease of an infectious viral nature, the rash simultaneously covers not only the skin of the face, but also the head, neck, arms, chest, abdomen, and legs. The rashes themselves are heterogeneous. Some elements may be vesicles (bubbles with liquid), others are already moving to another stage - crusts. The disease occurs against a background of elevated temperature; slight itching may be observed, especially at the stage following the bursting of the vesicles.

Under no circumstances should scabs be removed or combed., this can leave marks and cosmetic defects on the face for the rest of your life. The type of chickenpox rash changes daily.

Roseola nursery

Sudden childhood exanthema usually begins after three days of high fever. The disease is caused by a herpesvirus, which is similar to chickenpox, but has a different type. With roseola, the child’s skin throughout the body, including the face, eyebrow area, and scalp, almost simultaneously suddenly becomes covered with pink spots, without purulent heads, without blisters.

The rash disappears as suddenly as it appeared, usually 5-6 days after its onset.


What to do if detected?

When a rash is detected on a child’s face, it is important to correctly assess the situation. To do this, parents must understand whether the baby’s rash is infectious or non-infectious in order to choose a course of action. If you have an infection, you should call a doctor from the clinic. If it is accompanied by a temperature above 39.0 degrees, then you should call an ambulance. If the rash appears to be non-infectious, you can see your doctor yourself.

To assess the situation, it is important to know:

  • What the child ate or drank. You need to remember all the new foods that the baby tried, all the drinks. If the baby is breastfed, it is important to remember everything that the nursing mother ate. This is important to understand what allergen the body may have responded to inappropriately.
  • What the child played with and what he had contact with. If the baby got a new toy, clothes, the mother used a new brand of washing powder or detergent, and a few days later a rash appeared on the face, it is quite possible that the reason lies in this “new”.

  • In what conditions does the child live? You should find out what the air temperature is in the apartment where the baby is growing up, and what the relative humidity is. The optimal values ​​are: temperature - 18-21 degrees Celsius, humidity - 50-70%. The hotter the room, the drier the air.
  • How the child is dressed. If the baby is wrapped up, if he is hot, then sweating increases and the risk of developing prickly heat, atopic dermatitis, and an allergic reaction increases. You can check the back of your baby's head while he sleeps - if he doesn't sweat, it means the baby is dressed correctly.

  • Is your child's skin being properly cared for? Washing rarely is harmful. But washing often is no less dangerous, especially if parents use soap to wash their faces every time. Detergents dry out the skin, so excessive hygiene also leads to skin rashes.
  • Is the baby sick? Having discovered a rash on the face, you need to examine the rest of the body, measure the child’s body temperature, examine his throat, and see if his nose is breathing. If the temperature is elevated and there are other symptoms of the disease, then there is a possibility that the rash is associated with an infection.


Despite the fairly large list of possible causes of a rash on the face, treatment in cases not associated with infection may turn out to be a much easier task than parents think. First you need to eliminate the cause that caused the rash.

If it is an allergy, then the child should be protected from contact with the allergen. All his clothes and bedding should be washed only with special children's hypoallergenic products, and after washing, be sure to additionally rinse with clean water. Particular attention should be paid to the child's diet, it should not contain anything potentially dangerous.

If the child is taking any medications at this moment, you should definitely inform the doctor about this and, if it is impossible, stop the medications and choose analogues.

Humidifying the air and maintaining the correct temperature will help save the child not only from prickly heat, but also from most types of rashes, because an allergic reaction develops faster and is more severe if the simple rules of maintaining the correct microclimate in the room are not followed.

You should not bathe or wash a child with a rash on his face with hot water; it is better to do this with warm water without soap. You can wash your child with a decoction of chamomile.

In 80% of cases, these measures are more than enough for the non-infectious rash to first begin to fade, and then completely disappear without a trace.

However, sometimes treatment is unavoidable. Allergic rash may require treatment antihistamines(“Suprastin”, “Tavegil”, “Loratadine”, “Cetrin” and others), as well as hormonal ointments(“Advantan”, “Triderm”). Such treatment is not always prescribed and not for everyone; the decision on the use of such drugs must be made by a doctor.

Any rash is the body’s response to any disease or external irritant. It makes no sense to treat rashes without first understanding the cause of its appearance. The smaller the child, the more worried parents are when they discover a rash of unknown origin on their baby’s face. Children's skin rashes can be caused by about 100 different diseases. How to understand the causes of rashes in order to cure a child? Does it happen that it disappears on its own without the use of medications? One thing is clear: no matter what the rash is, it cannot be treated without consulting a pediatrician.

A rash on a child's face appears for a number of reasons.

These include:

The most harmless rash on a child's face is neonatal acne. Hormonal rash affects about a third of infants. During the first month of life, small red bumps with a white center appear on the skin of the face.

If the pediatrician confirms the diagnosis, then such a rash does not require treatment.

Doctors explain the appearance of acne by an excess of maternal hormones in the body. Usually by the end of the third month the rashes disappear without a trace.

Another common cause of facial rash is. Pink pimples occur as a result of overheating and poor hygiene of the child. In addition to the face, raised inflammations appear on the head and in the folds of the skin. With good care of the baby, the air temperature in the room is not higher than 21 degrees and sufficient air humidification, the rash goes away on its own.

To determine the cause of the rash, it is advisable to consult a pediatrician.

Infectious diseases

In older children, a rash on the face most often means the presence of a bacterial or viral infection.

The most common diseases:

  • . It is observed in children over 5 years of age. This is a viral infection that is characterized by a pale pink rash on the face. Usually the rash goes away within three days, and the child feels normal. A distinctive feature of rubella: enlarged and painful cervical lymph nodes.
  • . In appearance, the rash looks like red bubbles with liquid, which later burst and become crusty. They appear on the face and head. The rash is very itchy, the temperature is low-grade.
  • Measles. Red, confluent spots appear on the face and spread throughout the body. Within two days, gray-white dots are found on the mucous membrane of the cheek, and the temperature rises to 40.
  • . Accompanied by a sore throat, rashes in the form of small dots appear all over the body, with the exception of the pale nasolabial triangle.
  • Erythema infectiosum. The disease begins with the appearance of a red rash in the form of a slap on the cheeks, then spreads over the body, the spots acquire a bluish tint and a “lace” rim.

The most common cause of facial rashes is food or contact allergies.

Learn about rashes in children from the video below.

How to get rid of baby rash on face?

Treatment of allergic rashes

If you suspect an allergic rash, it is recommended first of all to review the diet of the baby or his mother if the child is breastfed.

It is necessary to remove allergenic foods from the diet:

  • chocolate, cocoa, exotic fruits;
  • eggs, citrus fruits;
  • whole cow's milk, store-bought yoghurts with fruit additives;
  • confectionery;
  • pickled vegetables;
  • red fish, shrimp, seafood;
  • fast food, semi-finished products, products with flavor enhancers and dyes.

It is advisable to switch to vegetable soups, fermented milk products and cereals until the cause of the allergy is determined.

To relieve skin irritation, according to doctor's indications, you can take antihistamines: Zyrtec, Eden, Erius, Zodak. Probiotics are recommended to restore intestinal microflora.

If the suspicion falls on a contact allergen, you should change household chemicals and children's cosmetics to hypoallergenic analogues.

In case of contact dermatitis, it is necessary to review the baby’s wardrobe, remove synthetic clothing and bedding.

Sometimes in infants, a rash on the face is caused by toys made of low-quality material, pacifiers or pacifiers. Children who are fed formula milk are likely to be allergic to one of the components of the baby formula.

At home, for minor rashes on the face, I use sulfur, tar or resorcinol soap.

To dry weeping rashes, use medical talc, starch powder or white clay.

During infectious diseases, the skin can only be helped by stimulation by taking echinacea tincture.

In the summer, you need to remember about the danger of insect bites, so before going for a walk you need to use children's protective equipment - repellents. They create an invisible barrier on the skin that will repel insects.

The main measure for preventing skin rashes is attention to the health of children on the part of parents.

If parents suspect an infectious disease, they should call a pediatrician at home so as not to infect others. Moreover, if the child is not feeling well.

Whatever the cause of the rash on the face, you should not self-medicate. Skin rashes accompany a huge number of childhood illnesses. Applying hormonal cream or alcohol-containing products without consulting a doctor can seriously aggravate the skin condition.



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