Obstetric physiological department what. Textbook on physiological obstetrics

Magnesium is a common drug used to treat magnesium deficiency. This microorganism is important for normal functioning and human health. The best effect is achieved by injecting the drug - intravenously or intramuscularly.

This drug is approved for use by both adults and children.

When administered parenterally, magnesia relieves convulsions, signs of arrhythmia, has a hypotensive effect and is very calming. At excessively high doses, the drug has a negative effect on the nervous and respiratory system. Magnesium regulates the metabolic process, helps reduce blood pressure and smoothes muscle tissue.
Indications for use:

  • Magnesium deficiency in the body.
  • Treatment of arrhythmia, as well as to get rid of attacks.
  • Prevention of arrhythmia.
  • Salts of heavy metals in the body.
  • Toxicoses of pregnancy in the third trimester.
  • Inability to bear a child.
  • In order to prevent premature birth.
  • Urinary retention.
  • Cramps.
  • In order to improve the effect of anesthesia.

The drug is contraindicated in a number of cases:

  • Individual intolerance main substance.
  • Disorders of the renal system.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Tumors – benign and malignant.
  • Viral infectious diseases.

Injection for adults

Magnesia in ampoules can be used intravenously and intramuscularly. When administered into a vein, the effect occurs immediately, and when administered into a muscle, the effect occurs after 1 hour. A wide range of applications ensures the demand for this drug; the main range of activities is gynecology.

The method of administration is chosen by the doctor, but intramuscular injections very painful. Therefore, when injecting, special thin and long needles are used, and novocaine is also often used.

Doses of the drug are determined individually, depending on the disease, the amount of magnesium in the body and other indicators.

  1. In case of severe convulsive syndrome, 5-20 ml of 25% magnesia is administered, mixing it with painkillers. Injected into the muscle.
  2. For hypertension or arrhythmia, 5-20 ml of a 25% solution is prescribed; injections can be done intramuscularly or intravenously. The drug is administered very slowly to relieve painful sensations.
  3. In case of severe poisoning with mercury, metal salts or arsenic, prescribe intravenous injections 5-10 ml of 5-10% solution.

Injection for children

Ampoules with magnesium solution are practically not used in pediatrics. Typically, children are prescribed this drug in powder form, as effective remedy fight against constipation. IN in rare cases injections are prescribed for serious pathologies.

  • For children from 6 to 12 years old, the dose of magnesium sulfate will be 6-12 grams per day
  • Children 12-15 years old – 12-15 grams per day
  • Adolescents over 15 years of age are prescribed 15-25 grams of magnesium per day

The drug is taken at a time. The dosage is such that 1 gram of the substance is consumed per 1 year of life. Up to 6 years of age, it is also possible to take magnesium, but it is carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor. The powder is always dissolved in water.

Many children take vitamin and mineral complexes, which contain magnesium. To avoid an overdose of the drug, you must inform your doctor about taking minerals.

During pregnancy and lactation

Magnesium sulfate is actively used during pregnancy. It is prescribed only if the effectiveness exceeds possible risk for a child. Taking magnesium helps prevent premature birth and reduces the risk of miscarriage.

Hypertonicity is excessive tension in the muscles of the uterus, which can lead to miscarriage. If signs of hypertonicity occur, magnesium is prescribed, taking it only under the strict supervision of a doctor, since in the event of an overdose, symptoms will occur in both the mother and the child. Magnesia is prescribed for gestosis and severe swelling and also for constipation.

For pregnant women, magnesium is administered intravenously - 5-20 ml of a 25% solution per 0.7-1 liter of injection solution. Injected very slowly, increased heart rate and breathing may occur, and hot flashes may occur. The drug has a pronounced diuretic effect.

If it is necessary to take magnesium during lactation, breast-feeding stops.

Women use this substance for effective and safe weight loss, as the drug has a pronounced diuretic and laxative effect. In this case, magnesium is used as an oral solution, or as a means for carrying out water procedures– dissolve the powder in water and take a bath.

If you missed an injection

Usually, doctors advise simply increasing the course of treatment by one day so that the patient’s body receives the full dose of the drug. A course of magnesium injections involves its daily use. In such a situation, under no circumstances should you double the dose of the drug during the next injection. The course of treatment should be continued with the same dosage.

Overdose - symptoms and what to do

  1. If the level of magnesium in the blood exceeds, reflexes are impaired, the knee reflex may disappear - this is the first sign that occurs when the amount of magnesium in the plasma reaches 2-3 mmol/liter.
  2. When the level of the substance reaches 3.5-5 mmol/liter, an expansion of the QRS is observed, this can be seen on the cardiogram, and bradycardia occurs. When the amount of the mineral in the body increases to 4-5 mmol/liter, vomiting, nausea, loss of strength, a sharp decrease in blood pressure, and speech impairment may also occur, hyperhidrosis and diplopia may occur.
  3. A level of sulfate in the blood of 5-7 mmol/liter will lead to difficulty breathing and a deterioration in the pumping of blood by the heart. When the level reaches 12 mmol/liter, cardiac arrest is possible, since this substance has an intense effect on the central nervous system.

With a small but long-term overdose, depression and disappearance of reflexes may occur.

In case of overdose, an antidote – calcium salts – will help relieve symptoms. Calcium preparations are administered intravenously, the dose is 100-200 mg of ionized calcium, administered over 10 minutes. This will help with mild intoxication, if symptoms include fever, vomiting, allergic reaction, muscle hypotension.

In more serious cases, the antidote is reintroduced. When magnesium in blood plasma is 10-12 mmol/liter, apply symptomatic treatment, as well as methods such as artificial ventilation lungs, hemodialysis or dialysis.

Side effects

During a course of injections, the following side effects may occur:

  • Bradycardia and depression of heart rate.
  • Sweating and hot flashes.
  • Anxiety and confusion.
  • Headache.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Severe attacks of thirst.
  • Disruption of the nervous system.

Combination with other medications

Injections cannot be combined with the following:

  1. Alcohol, sleeping pills and anticonvulsants, as this enhances their effect. Particularly dangerous is the combination with large doses alcohol.
  2. The combination of a substance with analgesics and antihypertensive drugs– the functioning of the respiratory system is inhibited.
  3. With cardiac glycosides, they increase the possibility of deterioration of cardiac conduction.
  4. It cannot be combined with nifedipine and a muscle relaxant - this causes a blockade of muscle function.
  5. With calcium supplements, it washes magnesium out of the body.

The article is for informational purposes only, before taking magnesia, consult your doctor.

Magnesia is a drug that is used in almost all branches of medicine. It is used as and sedative.

Some time ago, the drug was used by injection into the muscle, but it was found that in such cases it could cause respiratory failure. Moreover, the injection of the drug into the muscle is quite painful for patients and brings a lot of inconvenience. Therefore, intravenous magnesium is most often used. There is also a form of the drug for oral administration(powder form).

Magnesia is used intravenously to achieve a diuretic effect, in addition, it relaxes the muscles vascular wall and, accordingly, reduces blood pressure and normalizes heart rate, relieving the excited state.

When administering magnesia, it should be taken into account that there are frequent cases of drug overdose, leading to drowsiness, apathy and breathing problems. Magnesia is administered intravenously carefully and slowly. In addition to all the above properties, this medicine It has metabolic activity at the cellular level, due to which it has a very profound effect on the body.

Magnesia for pressure is used to relieve a hypertensive crisis or reduce vascular spasm during ischemia mild degree. Due to all its positive properties, magnesium is used intravenously to correct blood pressure and prevent it in older people. Magnesium, which is part of the drug, helps normalize metabolic processes in cardiomyocytes, helps strengthen the cell membranes of cardiac cells, due to which it strengthens and becomes more resistant to stress.

The magnesium drug is quite effective in treating seizures in patients, because magnesium blocks the transmission of impulses along nerve fibers.

Magnesia in gynecology is used mainly as a tocolytic and antispasmodic agent. After administration of the drug, blood flow in the uterus increases, the vessels dilate and the spasm is eliminated. Magnesia is an excellent drug during premenstrual syndrome, because it not only eliminates spasm and pain, but also has an unexpressed sedative effect. Thus, almost all the main symptoms are eliminated.

It must be remembered that it is best not to use magnesium during pregnancy, because it is embryotoxic and During preconception preparation, it is best for women to stop administering magnesia at least a month in advance.

The dose of the drug is prescribed taking into account the severity of the disease, the duration of the process and the age of the patient. It is necessary to individually select the dosage of the drug and monitor its first administrations, because Allergic reactions are possible.

Despite its numerous positive properties, magnesia has a number side effects:

Oppression respiratory center;

Allergic reaction;

Too strong a sedative reaction, even to the point of depression;


Therefore, there is a group of patients for whom magnesia is contraindicated, or its prescription is unfounded. It is also necessary to take into account that magnesium enhances the effect of drugs central action, and therefore patients with neurological pathology they must be taken with caution. In addition, in combination with other antihypertensive drugs, magnesia also enhances the effect, so it is necessary to control the administration of these drugs to avoid hypotension.

Found in sea salt. It is partly thanks to magnesium salt that swimming in sea water has such a beneficial effect on the body, improves health, and gives a surge of energy. Magnesium salt of sulfuric acid also finds wide application in industry, for the production of high-quality, fire-resistant paper, it is added to cement for the construction of durable road and airfield surfaces. Magnesium sulfate is no less important in medicine.

Magnesia: release form - ampoules with solution

It is a magnesium salt of sulfuric acid - magnesium sulfate ( Magnesium sulfate). Latin name Magnesii sulfas. The powder is colorless, prismatic crystals that easily erode in air. This salt is highly soluble in water and completely insoluble in alcohol.

It is also called bitter for its bitter-salty taste. It is contained in sea salt and determines bitter taste sea ​​water. Magnesia is available in the following dosage forms:

  • Powder. In this form it is packaged in paper bags or plastic jars of 5, 10, 25 g.
  • 25% solution, in ampoules. Available for injection.

About the last one dosage form, in ampoules, and will be discussed in this article. Magnesia injections are performed intravenously and intramuscularly. When administered intravenously, the drug begins to act within a few minutes, and the effect lasts for an hour, with intramuscular solution magnesia begins its effect after an hour and the effect lasts for 3-4 hours.

It is not recommended to inject magnesium subcutaneously, since the effectiveness of such injections is low, but the pain can be simply unbearable. The patient experiences a severe painful burning sensation even if the drug accidentally gets under the skin.

Effect of magnesium on the body

Magnesia, when administered orally by injection, affects the body as follows:

  • sedative, relieving irritation, calming and depressing the central nervous system;
  • diuretic (diuretic);
  • vasodilator. Vasodilation occurs due to relaxation of muscle tissue in the walls of blood vessels;
  • anticonvulsant. Action that lowers tone skeletal muscles. This action is based on a decrease in acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that ensures the transmission of impulses from nerve endings to muscle fibers, leading to their mechanical movement;
  • antiarrhythmic, normalizing heart rate. Positive ions magnesium reduce the excitability of cardiomyocytes and restore ionic balance in cells, stabilizing cell membranes;
  • hypotensive, lowering blood pressure. This action is based on vasodilation;
  • based on the removal of spastic, convulsive contractions smooth muscle internal organs;
  • the tocolytic effect is achieved due to inhibition of the contractility of the muscular layer of the uterus, increases blood flow to the uterus due to vasodilation.
    regulates metabolic processes.

After a certain time, magnesium sulfate is excreted from the body by the kidneys.

Application of magnesia

The introduction of magnesium must be very careful

Taking into account all of the above, the instructions for use provide for magnesium injections in the following cases:

  1. Threat of premature birth. Magnesia stops contractions, that is, spastic contractions of the uterine muscles that expel the fetus. Sometimes magnesia is prescribed in the form of a dropper. Indications for the drug are also convulsions during complicated pregnancy, so-called gestosis. In this condition, increased blood pressure and swelling are observed. Preeclampsia is dangerous; it is one of the leading causes of female mortality during childbirth. The most acute form of gestosis is eclampsia, a condition in which the pressure can reach critical levels. high point threatening the life of mother and child.
  2. Deficiency of magnesium in the body, and especially of positively charged Mg ions. Acute magnesium deficiency leads to tetany;
  3. Polymorphic ventricular tachycardia, known as “feasting”;
  4. High blood pressure (hypertension), including those aggravated by a hypertensive crisis with clear signs cerebral edema;
  5. Concussion;
  6. Encephalopathy is a decrease in brain function due to dystrophic changes brain tissue.
  7. Intoxication with salts of heavy metals (mercury, lead);
  8. First aid with barium chloride, arsenic;
  9. At severe attacks bronchial asthma intravenously and by inhalation, in combination with OI2 agonists.

Magnesia has some narcotic effects and can be used to enhance the effects of narcotics and analgesics.

In addition to internal administration, magnesia solution is used in physiotherapy for electrophoresis, which has a calming and vasodilating effect; as medicinal baths, compresses, lotions for wounds. External application of magnesium promotes blood flow in tissues skin, anesthetizes and has a resolving effect.

Carefully! Magnesia

Magnesium sulfate is a salt by nature

Despite such wide range action, magnesia is not a panacea for all ills. In addition, magnesium sulfate can be classified as a potent drug, so it should be used with extreme caution and only as prescribed by a doctor. Overdoses of magnesium are dangerous. They call curare-like action. In other words, the drug can lead to respiratory paralysis.

Presumably, everyone knows what oxygen starvation leads to. It is dangerous to use the drug in case of depression of the respiratory center, which occurs as a result of low oxygen content in the brain, and caused by toxic damage body. There are also contraindications to the use of magnesium sulfate.

An available drug that is used for treatment, weight loss and cleansing of the body is called Magnesium sulfate (magnesium sulfate) or Epsom salt. Magnesia is used intravenously and intramuscularly in the sports industry and medical practice, in particular – in gynecology and obstetrics, for the treatment of organs abdominal cavity, heart and nerve diseases.

Pharmacological properties

Magnesia has vasodilating, antispasmodic, hypotonic, diuretic and anticonvulsant effects. It is a calcium antagonist and affects its current, regulates metabolic processes, muscle and neuronal excitability. Magnesium salt helps restore ionic balance, destroys sodium bonds and normalizes the functions of cell membranes.

Parenteral administration provides relaxation of smooth muscles, has a cardioprotective effect and anticonvulsant effect, relieves agitation and promotes diuresis.

The drug is depressing contractility myometrium, increases blood flow, which leads to relaxation of muscle walls and dilation of blood vessels. The drug is often used as an antidote for salt poisoning. heavy metals.

Indications for use

Official instructions, page 1

With increased hypertensive crisis intravenous administration of magnesium promotes rapid correction of indicators within permissible norm. Achieving the desired effect is explained by platelet aggregation and a decrease in peripheral vascular resistance.

The components included in magnesium regulate metabolic processes and strengthen cell membranes, due to which the heart muscle becomes resistant to stress.

There are also other indications for use:

  • Mental excitability.
  • Mg (magnesium) deficiency.
  • Convulsive status.
  • Encephalopathy.
  • Edema;
  • In case of prescribing maintenance therapy during pregnancy.
  • Predisposition to thrombosis.

Magnesia in gynecology

The drug is used to relieve premenstrual syndrome, and in obstetrics it is used as a sedative and tocolytic agent for eclampsia and accompanying edema, which helps with final stage pregnancy. Increased uterine tone is the cause of miscarriages and premature births, therefore, if pregnancy is threatened, drip administration of the drug is prescribed.

Pregnant women often suffer magnesium deficiency, which increases the sensitivity of the fetus to teratogenic factors and the risk of complications in the expectant mother. With a microelement deficiency during pregnancy, newborns develop increased convulsive readiness.

For this reason, Magnesia during pregnancy is recommended for use as part of complex therapy to replenish microelement resources and improve metabolic processes. The medicine penetrates the placental barrier and, with the correct dose and correct administration, has a beneficial effect on the vital functions of the fetus.

The drug is administered slowly by jet or drip method, this is due to the fact that rapid penetration of the solution into the body can cause an undesirable decrease in blood pressure and oxygen starvation fetus Besides this, intramuscular injections are painful and cause the formation of hematomas. The dosage is prescribed individually and depends on the diagnosis, as well as on the duration of pregnancy.

To summarize, we can highlight the main indications for use for women expecting a child:

  • Preeclampsia in the third semester.
  • Swelling.
  • Magnesium deficiency.
  • Nervous excitability.
  • Threat of placental abruption.
  • Symptoms of delayed fetal development.
  • Stagnation of bile.
  • Constipation.

If it is necessary to administer magnesium sulfate, interactions with other medications are taken into account, so treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis or inpatient conditions under the supervision of medical professionals. Only in a specialized institution is it possible to accurately standardize the required volume of the drug and carry out the manipulation without the risk of complications.


The dosage is prescribed based on the clinical situation, usually 25% is used injection solutions, sold in ampoules. They are diluted with NaCl or dextrose solution (5%).

For pregnant women and newborns, 1–2 g of the active substance is administered slowly, the saturation period is an hour. In other cases, for example, to relieve arrhythmia and hypertension, the recommended duration of manipulation is five minutes. If necessary, the solution is re-introduced. The maximum amount per day is 40 g of magnesium sulfate.


Instructions for use of magnesium contain the following restrictions:

Use with caution in complex therapy for acute inflammatory processes, in old and young age, during pregnancy and breastfeeding. If complications arise during the administration of the composition, then gluconate or calcium chloride is used as an antidote.

Special instructions

It should be understood that injections often cause pain and lead to inflammation of the superficial tissues of the epidermis, therefore, room temperature medicine and thin needles are used for the manipulation. Patients with renal pathologies recommended minimum dose and drip method of administration. To prevent toxic effects, magnesium is injected slowly and carefully.

With rapid administration of the drug, complications are possible: dizziness, nausea, tachycardia. An overdose leads to disruption of the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Course treatment needs careful monitoring of the content of magnesium ions in the blood and blood pressure indicators. During the first manipulations, check the presence of a syringe with an antagonist - a 10% solution of calcium salt (calcii gluconatis). If necessary, the drug is injected into a vein on the other arm.



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