The Three of Wands means prosperity, financial well-being, stability, great opportunities.

A white stripe awaits the questioner. Luck concerns various areas of activity, including business and personal relationships. Certain results have already been achieved in the matter, the card promises new victories.

The Three of Wands is a logical continuation of the Two. If the previous card meant uncertainty and confusion, then the next one signifies determination and initiative.

You still have some way to go. At the same time, follow your destiny, and also be in harmony with yourself and the world. At this stage, minimal effort should be applied.

If you are haunted by failures, you will soon breathe a sigh of relief. A cloudless period of life begins.

Key words:

  • Opportunity through caution.
  • Patience.
  • Receiving good news.
  • Trade.
  • Business.
  • Retail.
  • Delivery and packaging.

When the Three of Wands appears in your reading, it indicates an element of caution. You've done a lot of hard work and now you're expecting a return on your investment. But these ships have not yet docked. The rewards are still uncertain.

The lasso signals the time when you move to another level. You've made the decision to work on something and now you're expecting to see results.

The card indicates a period of clarity and concentration. To wait. Now you need to do meditations on the next steps you need to take. Everything will come, the main thing is to be patient.

Inverted The position of the card indicates excessive arrogance. Perhaps, due to stubbornness, you missed out on a good promising business.

The reverse card has the meaning of delay and failure. You worry because you can't achieve your goals. Lack of finances can prevent you from realizing your potential and dreams.

Arcanum speaks of great disappointments; your feelings may be filled with doubts and worries about your uncertain future.

The Three of Wands can also indicate homesickness, especially if you live far away from your family.

Other interpreters argue that the position of the card does not greatly change its meaning. The fortuneteller will also expect excellent results from his work. Beginnings, new ideas will find their application and will have excellent chances for development. Relationships with the opposite sex and loved ones will develop well.

You may notice changes in your outlook on life. The map predicts personal growth and changes in the inner world.

Three of Wands in relationships.

The card means a long-term union, especially if the fortuneteller has recently met the object of sympathy. But keep in mind that a relationship will only work when both partners understand each other's value and have the same goals in life.

The situation will be different for halves with experience. Now the lovers are going through a crisis. The condition is not necessarily associated with the final breakup of the couple; rather, it is a transition from an obsolete to a new one. The card indicates that two loving people need changes. How exactly they will happen is still unknown. Both wedding and separation are possible.

Other interpreters predict harmony for couples who have been together for a long time. Most likely, the lovers are building a new family nest. Feelings develop steadily and bring happiness to both partners. Feelings develop steadily and bring happiness to both partners.

If the relationship has not satisfied the fortuneteller for a long time, but he does not know how to end it, then soon the couple will have the opportunity to separate. Thus, both will get rid of the burden that weighs them down.

The reversed position indicates difficulties in your personal life. The fortuneteller and his significant other are tired and find it difficult to be together. But in reality, not everything is as bad as it seems.

You can still save feelings. Look at your partner in a new way, remember how it all began. Consider visiting the place where you first met or kissed. Perhaps after this your feelings will flare up again.

Three of Wands at work.

An excellent sign for the business sector. Your bosses will definitely notice your efforts. Now is a favorable time for bold actions and ideas, so dare and do not be afraid of failure. Arkan foreshadows new business partners and the beginning of profitable projects.

For those who are looking for their life's work, everything goes well. Rest assured that you will soon find your dream job.

The reversed position indicates the thoughtless risks you are taking. Be more attentive to details, do not take on a job without thinking it through. Take a realistic look at the prospects of things. It is possible that you are going down the wrong path.


  • Racer.
  • Business owner, possibly abroad.
  • Mediator.
  • Arbitrator.
  • Shipbuilder.
  • Dealer.
  • Wholesale distributor.

Three of Wands in the financial sector.

Things will be stable and good in terms of money. Your work is appreciated, and therefore your savings are gradually growing. The card suggests that new heights are opening up for the fortuneteller, promising financial success. Even if things are going well now, but don’t relax and then you will achieve even greater results.

Important! Arkan does not advise spending money during the planned period; it is better to put aside the money you earn for now.

Three of Wands. Impact on health.

Favorable sign. Your well-being will improve significantly. If you were previously overcome by illness, now the right path of treatment has been outlined, relief is just around the corner. Chronic ailments in a mild form may bother you. To return to normal, you need to rest a little. The planned period will allow you to take a break. In general, the alignment marks good health.

Other interpreters argue that if the disease has just begun, then the lasso speaks of its development. You should undergo an examination in order to maintain good health. The card also speaks of an exacerbation of chronic diseases, increased addictions, and bad habits. Take more care of your health...

Psychological state.

The fortuneteller is emotionally stable, but a shadow of uncertainty in his actions is still present. He is still only guessing how those around him will react to his decisive steps, and therefore he experiences confusion.

There is no need to isolate yourself; look at the situation with optimism. Now he will help you gain inner strength and overcome possible difficulties.

The planned period is well suited for learning and realizing oneself in creative work. Use this time to do what you really enjoy.

The reversed position of the card indicates internal depression. The fortuneteller is more focused on the unstable situation. You are unable to look at the future with optimism and see wonderful prospects. Don't dwell on your past. Now the main thing for you is future events. They can change your life for the better if you put in the effort.

Three of Wands and human characteristics.

The lasso symbolizes a cheerful, cheerful personality. The person is full of enthusiasm and new ideas. At the same time, he does not act at random, but thinks through the steps towards his goal. This is an intellectual and strong-willed person who achieves great heights in work. The person is not prone to deception, intrigue and betrayal. He is truthful, open and incapable of playing foul. The person is friendly, sociable and quickly finds a common language with everyone. A person is ready to listen to advice and give it.

An inverted lasso indicates a depressed personality. The person simply radiates pessimism, disappointment and negativity. The person does not like society and tries to protect himself from communication. A person is afraid of being rejected and humiliated again. He makes big plans, but prefers individual rather than team work. The person is smart and prudent, but due to lack of experience he risks failure in business. A person can act dishonestly, betray, but he does not blame himself for this. The person could achieve success by listening to others, but she does not.

Card of the day.

Success will definitely follow you. Soon you will achieve the stable position in business that you have been striving for for so long. Enthusiasm is simply in full swing. You might even do more than you planned. Arkan advises building prospects for the future, thinking about new projects and ideas.

In personal relationships you will have to work hard. This applies not only today, but throughout the near future, so be patient.

The financial sector will be at its best. But make no mistake, the opportunity to earn more depends solely on you.

In general, the day will be successful and fruitful for any endeavors.

The inverted position of the lasso is not conducive to active work and thinking about projects. Better give yourself a short break. You should not make plans, as they will most likely fail. You may be disappointed in your successes. There is a risk of mistakes and errors, so do not take on responsible, important matters.

Three of staves combined with the major arcana.

  1. Fool. The fortuneteller moves on to the next stage of life. Understand the work issues, otherwise the result will be disastrous.
  2. Mag. Success in business awaits you, but it will not bring satisfaction or joy.
  3. Priestess. Chatting with a smart friend. It is these relationships that can resolve the issues that arise before you.
  4. Empress. Symbolizes a powerful, strict woman. She tries to control the actions of the fortuneteller. But all this comes from good intentions.
  5. Emperor. You have already chosen your path. Now is not the time to doubt, just take action.
  6. Hierophant. The fortuneteller will face a test related to his life experience and maturity.
  7. Lovers. The fortuneteller makes an important decision. Arkan says that you should not be distracted by the opinions of others. It's entirely your choice.
  8. Chariot. Be confident of unconditional victory.
  9. Strength. Success in the business sphere awaits you.
  10. Hermit. Summing up cases. The result will be insignificant and inconspicuous.
  11. Wheel of Fortune. The completion of the work that you began long ago is coming.
  12. Justice. The fortuneteller will resolve all problems related to the law. Legal issues will be in order.
  13. Hanged. The project you started is doomed to fail.
  14. Death. Changes that you have been expecting for a long time will happen to you. This could be either leaving a job you don’t like or breaking up a relationship that was already a burden. In any case, changes will bring you relief and you should not be afraid of them.
  15. Moderation. Heralds a proposal for reconciliation with an acquaintance.
  16. Devil. The enterprise you have in mind will not bring the desired result.
  17. Tower. Talks about troubles. Loss or destruction awaits you.
  18. Star. The fortuneteller should pay attention to astrological predictions.
  19. Moon. Your loved ones are not entirely honest with you. Perhaps they are hiding something.
  20. Sun. Success in creative endeavors awaits the fortuneteller.
  21. Last Judgment. Symbolizes the verdict, the final decision.
  22. World. Soon a person will appear in the fortuneteller’s life with whom joyful events may be associated. According to another interpreter, the combination of cards speaks of a thriving business.

Three of Wands with Minor Arcana.

Suit of Wands.

Two. The lasso indicates that the fortuneteller needs a break. Think about your actions, rest.

Four. You are guaranteed to win, celebrate your success.

Five. The fortuneteller should think through his plans and actions, otherwise they will turn out to be inconsistent.

Six. Unexpected outcome of events.

Seven. Someone will fiercely resist you.

Eight. A fortuneteller should not bend to anyone’s opinion. Act as you intended.

Nine. Someone will misunderstand your intentions and begin to oppose you.

Ten. Be careful, otherwise you risk getting into an unsolvable situation.

Page. New results of the work will bring satisfaction to the fortuneteller.

Knight. Success will come to you. Don't relax because it won't last long.

Queen. The fortuneteller deepens his knowledge in his profession and grows spiritually.

King. The promotion will not be long in coming. Your successes at work will not go unnoticed.

Ace. A new achievement will make you believe in your own strength and inspire you to new feats.

Suit of cups.

Two. Symbolizes a proposal to get married or get married.

Troika. Solemn marriage.

Four. It will be useful for the fortuneteller to reconsider the circumstance and change his point of view.

Five. The combination warns against a failed endeavor. The fortuneteller may suffer losses.

Six. Renewal of relationships or activities.

Seven. The fortuneteller needs to choose another goal. You are going down the wrong path.

Eight. Unjustified expenditure of effort to achieve results.

Nine. A good sign. Wait for your plans to come true.

Ten. Legalized marriage.

Page. The combination marks the beginning of a love relationship.

Knight. The fortuneteller will attract the attention of a person he likes. Success in love affairs awaits.

Queen. The combination symbolizes the beginning of a strong union with the lady.

King. Marks the beginning of a strong union with a man.

Ace. A promising partner on the love front awaits the fortuneteller.

Suit of swords.

Two. It speaks of the beginning of misunderstandings, disputes, and squabbles.

Troika. The alignment marks disappointments.

Four. You should delay doing what you planned.

Five. You are at risk of loss or loss.

Six. Perhaps one of your ideas will work and then bring success.

Seven. The fortuneteller should be more thoughtful and act more cunningly.

Eight. Paperwork and bureaucracy slow down your plans.

Nine. An omen of defeat, failure.

Ten. Failure, collapse in endeavors.

Page. Pay attention to your ill-wishers, most likely they are planning something against you.

Knight. Planned events will not come true.

Queen. The fortuneteller will not receive the intended outcome of events.

King. You will meet with a person representing the law.

Ace. Success in matters of the heart, gaining respect and authority.

Suit of Pentacles.

Two. Decide on your goals, take on only one thing.

Troika. The fortuneteller approaches issues using all his professionalism.

Four. The fortuneteller should act with extreme caution.

Five. Think about whether the goal is worth your sacrifice. Most likely, a lot will be lost.

Six. Ask for help. Borrow money if you need to.

Seven. Now the fortuneteller is forming the basis for the future.

Eight. This is the right time to strengthen your financial position.

Nine. The combination of arcana indicates the achievability of the goal you have in mind.

Ten. Excellent business prospects, long-term success.

Page. Carefully control your finances and eliminate thoughtless spending.

Knight. You will need willpower and inflexibility.

Queen. A new thrifty ally will appear nearby.

King. Don't worry about money, your financial situation is stable.

Ace. New opportunities open up before the questioner, promising enrichment.

The fortuneteller will have a short rest. But don’t stop dreaming and setting goals for yourself. Look into the future with optimism; all difficulties will be temporary. If you need help and someone offers it, accept it.

Important! Be careful and attentive in your affairs. You should not build false illusions about a previously unpromising business that lacked a basis. Be realistic.

Enough effort has been made and a lot has been done, so the results will soon be visible. Believe in your strength, you will definitely succeed.


Mercury in Leo as confidence in the future and breadth of outlook and harmonious aspect with Saturn as a reliable basis.

Straight position:

Three of Staves: the idea takes shape, the plan takes shape. The Three of Staves symbolizes understanding, awareness. This is practical knowledge, success, audacity.

Reverse position:

An inverted card means: dependence in business, betrayal, incorrect attitude towards the assistance offered, reinsurance; end of a streak of difficulties, delay, uncertain social status.

Three of Wands

Card name: Lord of the Established Power (Established (sent down) power)

Correspondences – air of fire; letter Wow; sephira - Reason

Explanation (general meaning): rapid growth, successful development of plans. The idea receives the direction in which it will develop (the plan receives concrete outlines) (settling in new territories, realizing a dream)

Event: trip, communication with foreigners. (new discoveries, new acquaintances; practical use of one’s resources)

1. Development, conquest of new spaces. A mutually beneficial partnership that promotes mutual development. Start of profitable long-term projects (background for the future). (business trips, trade, including shuttle trade. Quick construction of cheap but not very good housing (Khrushchev-era buildings, temporary buildings). Bringing knowledge and documents into the system, applying knowledge in practice)

2. Overall – favorable. But if there is a disease, it speaks of its rapid development. (consistent diagnostics and complex treatment are required)

3. Strong, promising, well developing. Mutual interest. Relationship. Which give energy, encourage something. (based on a common business interest, family business. Strong and promising, but without special feelings)

4. Entrepreneurial and collaborative. (curious, enterprising)

5. Advice: act, develop, occupy new territories, change the situation, go. (take new steps, put things in order)

Warning: The current is so strong that you won't be able to get out of it. (don’t be too eager for something new, make your actions less “businesslike”)

6. The answer is yes. Everything is evolving. Getting what you want.(you will make a small discovery)

Additionally: beginning of development, dynamics. Activation of creativity, self-awareness. In some cases, it may mean that it was destined to be so; it could not have been otherwise.


Explanation (general meaning): Delay in implementation. (opening something already open, lack of dynamics, development)

Event: the resolution of the issue or the trip is postponed. Help for selfish purposes (according to some sources). The situation “We will call you” or “come back tomorrow.” (return to some topic, discovery of new details in an old situation)

1. Plans do not develop as we would like (in the wrong direction, in the wrong way, and with the wrong people). Difficulties in trading, signing contracts. (multiple resales of the same thing, returning the item to the previous owner after a complex chain of events)

2. Sluggish processes turning into chronic ones. The person is not very sick, but he cannot live normally either. (chronic cyclic diseases)

3. Inconsistency in actions. Collaboration in which you are not free. (a situation when they tell a mistress: I will definitely get married, as soon as the children grow up, the wife gets better, etc.) (an attempt to refresh the relationship, look at the partner with new eyes)

4. Inaction, postponing until tomorrow, some kind of dishonesty. (knows how to shine in society with his acquaintances or stories about the past)

5. Advice: wait it out. Release the brakes. (try to find new shades in an old situation)

Warning: all sorts of delays, uncertainty in decisions. (don't be fooled by the appearance of novelty)

6. You don't get what you want. The situation hangs, but if desired, it can be overcome(you weren't told no). (there will be no new things, there is no or little movement).

General value:

The Three of Wands combines two important images. Firstly, this is a person who has made a long and difficult journey and finally reached the top, and secondly, this is someone who has had a wide view of the world around him from above. A solid foundation is our support, and the prospect of a bright future, our goal, are the two meanings of this card.


We have reached a certain turning point, beyond which our land begins, which belongs only to us, where we ourselves can decide what and how to do, and now we can make our own plans for the future. The Three of Wands, as already mentioned, combines two aspects - a solid foundation and a broad perspective.


We have reached the top from which we can see wide horizons. Now that we have accomplished something important in our lives, climbed another peak, we can give ourselves a break - and look into the distance to find out what goal awaits us ahead. The fact that we were able to achieve our goal gives us self-confidence, and we know that we can achieve the next goal.

Personal relationships:

Your union is built on a solid, creative foundation that allows you to boldly plan for the very distant future. Unions subordinate to this card are easy, reliable and rich in creative potential. If you are still alone, this card means that you have already laid the foundation for a strong relationship with another person, and now all that remains is to wait a little for this relationship to be realized.

Three of Wands in combination with other Tarot cards

With the “Jester” card - an unstable result; carelessness in business.

With the “Mage” card it’s a fraud.

With the “High Priestess” card - experience.

With the "Empress" card - an impressive result.

With the "Emperor" card - a stable result.

With the “Hierophant” card - a test of maturity.

With the “Lovers” card - the result of choice.

With the Chariot card - driving lessons.

With the “Strength” card - lower the waiting threshold.

With the Hermit card, the result is unnoticeable.

With the “Wheel of Fortune” card, the process began.

With the “Justice” card - settle legal issues.

With the Hanged Man card - failure.

With the “Death” card it is an irreversible process.

With the “Moderation” card - find a compromise.

With the “Devil” card - a result that did not live up to expectations.

With the “Tower” card - losses; a process out of control.

With the “Star” card - an astrological forecast.

With the “Moon” card there are intricacies.

With the “Sun” card - a creative achievement.

With the “Court” card - making a decision, sentence.

With the “World” card - access to a new market


With the Ace of Wands card - inspiring results.

With the card “Two of Wands” - a pause in business; study of the obtained results.

With the Four of Wands card - results that are not a sin to celebrate.

With the Five of Wands card - inconsistency of actions.

With the Six of Wands card there are stunning results.

With the Seven of Wands card - actions that meet resistance.

With the Eight of Wands card, actions are gaining momentum.

With the Nine of Wands card - efforts are met with hostility.

With the “Ten of Wands” card, you can earn yourself a “headache”.

With the “Page of Wands” card - a small but inspiring result.

With the Knight of Wands card - fleeting success.

With the “Queen of Wands” card - growth of professionalism.

With the “King of Wands” card - promotion.

Brief description

The map shows a man standing with his back to us, looking at ships sailing on the sea. Waite points out that these are his ships, carrying his goods. A man who owns three ships is, by medieval standards, a very rich man. As you know, the difference between a sea merchant and a pirate is very insignificant. And it seems to me that the armor, clearly visible on his right hand, just emphasizes the implicit pirate essence of the character of the card.

However, Waite associates this figure with a partner who is sent to help you by the God of Trade himself.


  • End of stage
  • Choosing a path
  • Temporary pause
  • Decision point
  • The border between past and future
  • Respite

Key Ideas

  • The old has already ended, the new has not yet begun
  • Building on the past to shape the future
  • Correlate your route with the true position of your goals
  • Control events or let them take their course

Basic meaning

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The meaning of the Tarot card of the Three of Wands (Staffs) indicates the completion of a certain stage in development or movement. This is not the final stage, but the completion of one of the segments of the path. The map indicates a forced and necessary pause in the stages of movement. You should give yourself a rest, get your bearings, clarify your route and decide whether there will be enough supplies for the next stage.

This is a map of decision making and choosing a path, a map of summing up intermediate results. It looks equally toward the past and the future. Based on the path traveled, on the past, a person lays out a new route, shaping his future. The card indicates a pause that should be used wisely. Restore your strength, replenish your supplies, evaluate the difficulties that you will have to face at the new stage and prepare for them.

Meaning in relationships

The previous phase of the relationship has already ended, the new one has not yet begun. What it will be depends on the person himself. The card focuses attention not so much on what future relationships will be, but on the fact that the old form of relationships has already exhausted itself. Regardless of whether the relationship was good or bad, it can no longer exist the way it existed before. And even if the person himself does nothing, the relationship will still change. Therefore, it is better to take control of these changes and make the new relationship the way you want it to be.

Open-hole card

The meaning of the Three of Wands (Staves) in relation cannot be characterized as open or closed. There is no certainty about it. Rather, it is a transition point, an opportunity. Something old is closing, something new is beginning to open. The important point is that it has not already opened or closed, but is only in the process of opening or closing. The person has not yet ended the old relationship, but is already trying on new ones. This could be a new form of relationship with an old partner, or it could be a new relationship with a completely different person.

Relationship intensity

The map suggests two possibilities for determining the intensity of relationships. The standard situation is a short pause between two stages, a brief state of weightlessness in a loop. At this moment, the intensity of the relationship is zero. The map can also indicate a state of confusion, misunderstanding, and inability to decide on a further route. This can be a great internal tension associated with the expectation of something, and a person cannot speed up or otherwise influence events.

The card can also indicate internal throwing. A person spends a lot of emotional energy and does not get any results.

Map as a scenario for relationships: love, family, relatives, work

The meaning of the Tarot card Three of Staves (Wands) in love may indicate that a person is about to take some decisive step. Moreover, the card does not say what this step will be - a breakup or a marriage proposal. There is no indication of love or sympathy; the card indicates a crisis point in the relationship, that the previous form of relationship has exhausted itself. Unlike the Eight of Staves, the situation cannot hang for long and will be resolved one way or another.

In family relationships, the card often indicates that the person intends to seek new forms of relationships and interactions. And leaving is one of the simplest solutions. I would like to emphasize that the three of staves itself does not speak of leaving, but warns of its possibility.

It should be taken into account that relationships, like many other processes, develop in accordance with a certain logic. The Three of Staves often indicates the end of one of the stages of a relationship and may not have any tragic overtones.

In work relationships, this is usually a closed situation, indicating a purely formal relationship. The card may indicate a short-term relationship or a relationship lasting the duration of a certain job.

If in fortune-telling the question about relationships is “How does he treat me?”, then the card indicates that at the moment his attitude towards you is being transformed. If we are talking about action - staying or leaving - then this is rather an indication of separation.

Psychological state

The person in the 3 of Staves card is in a state of choice. He has to take a decisive step. And here it is very important not to make a mistake, to make the right decision, to choose the right path.

It is not a fact that he will take his action. The person is not sure what the results will be if he does this act and if he does not. I’m not sure about the reaction of the environment – ​​how it will react to the action taken. And he cannot even rely on the win-win “Do what you must, and be what happens,” because the decisive factor in this situation is not duty, but his desire.

An important detail of the map design is that the person stands with his back to us. Or this is our lookout, lookout, leader, and we feel safe behind his back. Or this is a person who doesn’t care about us, he doesn’t pay attention to our actions, because he is focused on committing some action that is important to him. The map often points to the second option.

In this card, a person is rarely guided by duty. More often than not, the decisive factor is his desire, curiosity, which attracts him beyond the horizon. Therefore, it is more likely that he will prefer not just a new relationship, but also a new partner.

There is a hint of uncertainty in this card. He cannot foresee the reaction of others to his action and is a little afraid of it. But desire and curiosity push him to realize his plans. The card is very unstable. Any little thing, insignificant at first glance, a trifle, can influence the decision-making. It is possible that the character on the card is trying to see the sign sent to him far beyond the horizon.

The man found himself on the border of a new region. It’s as if in a computer game one location suddenly gives way to another, and he, among other things, is trying to navigate the new conditions, understand what awaits him and what he should prepare for.

In combination with the Major Arcana

  • Three of Wands in combination with a card: Having made an important decision, act without hesitation.
  • Three of Wands in combination with a card: When making your choice, choose what you like, not someone else.
  • Three of Wands in combination with the card: The waiting time is ending. You are on the eve of change.

Health status

The meaning of the Tarot card Three of Wands (Staffs) speaks of good health. But it can also indicate chronic, indolent diseases. In any case, the Three of Wands is a respite that should be used wisely. You need to rest, restore your strength, put your body in order and prepare it for new stress.

In combination with the suit of Staves

  • with card: Both cards emphasize the importance of decisions made.
  • with the card: Boldly go towards danger, do not shy away from battles.
  • with map: The chosen route will require special care.

Business and finance, professional activities

The old situation has exhausted itself. We may be forced to work in new ways and seek new income due to new conditions. The map indicates that new opportunities are not closed. You should be prepared for new meetings, new options for doing business, new ideas and partners who will come with these ideas.

At the moment, available resources should be spent very sparingly and limitedly.

Stability, controllability, controllability

The card is not stable. On the one hand, you know that you are approaching the pass, but on the other hand, it opens suddenly. What is more here - surprise or preparedness for the event? When and how.

While you are standing still, you are in a zone of comfort and stability. But as soon as you start moving in any direction, the level of control and manageability decreases sharply.

Theoretically, you can control it, but one or two steps ahead, in a very narrow range. Otherwise, there is a great danger of underestimating or overestimating the scale of changes. The repetition of the plot in the past also matters: hence the psychological readiness for trouble and control over the consequences. The first bankruptcy is a disaster, the fourth is a working moment.

Ways to Increase Income (Key to Increasing Income)

The main principle and meaning of the Tarot card Three of Wands (Staves) in matters of work during this period is not to look back. The old has outlived its usefulness, it’s time to look for something new - either in an already familiar type of activity, or in other areas. And do it calmly, giving yourself time to rest and regroup your forces. It's like a break between rounds in boxing - you need to recover in a short time. A negative change in the situation is unlikely, and without fuss and worry you can weigh the potential opportunities associated with new meetings and companions.

General state of finances and trends of changes

If we talk about the current financial situation, then there are enough funds. Another question is – enough for what? This is a strict daily ration, the supply is not unlimited and is about to run out, the old situation has already exhausted itself. But the prospects are encouraging: the presence of new opportunities, new sources of income ahead is a real fact, and not a blind hope.

Positive and negative impact of the card on income

The positive impact on income in this card is manifested primarily in the fact that a person can be confident in the availability of favorable opportunities. But sometimes many options are no better than no options. The card advises looking for a compromise: there is one! Entrepreneur from the word undertake: move, study the prospects. The main thing is to comply with some conditions. One of them is to avoid hectic actions, do not fuss.

Do not rush into battle without regaining your breath: this time is given to you just for a break. The second danger is getting stuck in my previous obligations: I will die, but I will get there, I will do what I promised. True to your word is, of course, good, but it is already obvious that the wrong road was chosen at the fork. So why waste energy on this?

In combination with the suit of Cups

  • with card: Excellent chances await you at the next stage of life.
  • with card: Sometimes moving forward is associated with tears. But that doesn't mean you should stay put.
  • with a card: Meeting your other half is just around the corner.

Today you should not rush, not fuss, but prepare for tomorrow.

Card of the day Caution

It's better to wait than to take risks.

In combination with the suit of Swords

  • with map: Before going on a trip, you should sharpen your sword.
  • with map: Recovering from a hike will require more effort than you thought.
  • with a map: Get ready to cross to the other side.


The 3 of Wands character is focused on assessing the situation. It is not for nothing that he is depicted with his back to the viewer. He is only interested in his own problems. He is not ready for contact and is closed to relationships. The character of this card is at a very important point of decision-making, choice, and determination of his future path. An error or inaccuracy can be very costly in the future.

In combination with the suit of Pentacles

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Tarot cards are a popular and meaningful way to predict the future. Wands or Staves are one of the four suits of the minor arcana of the deck. The Three of Tarot Wands in combination with other arcana and suits allows you to more deeply and specifically decipher the resulting alignment.

Description of the map

The image on the map is a classic version of a Man standing with his back and peering into the distance of the sea, where three ships are rocking on the waves, and next to him are 3 rods that have taken root in the ground and sprouting shoots. He holds onto one of them with his hand. A person's attire and the fact that he stands on a hill indicates his status.

The meaning of such an image lies in the opportunities that open up, the choice of a new direction of the path and a respite before new achievements and achievements. The problems that arise are insignificant, overcoming them is possible if there is no doubt and faith in one’s own strength.

The meaning of the card in the layout

Having fallen in an upright position in the layout, the card signals to the fortuneteller that the time has come for the implementation of plans. This includes starting a business, implementing social projects, and learning something new, unknown and desired, for which previously there was not enough strength and opportunity.

At the same time, this means the completion of some stage of life and the need to take a time out, take stock, and think about future plans and desires. In love and relationships, he demonstrates confidence and conscious certainty in choosing a partner. In a career, he predicts meeting an influential person, support and strong business connections. Regarding health in general, it is a favorable sign, but it warns of the need not to let ailments and emerging problems take their course and consult a doctor in a timely manner.

In an inverted position, the card symbolizes some confusion and uncertainty. The man froze, waiting for some signal to act. Such delay can lead to difficulties and problems. Lack of self-confidence forces you to refuse to achieve a goal or make mistakes and make rash decisions, aggravating the situation. For professional activities it means unsuccessful cooperation, dependence and unproductivity. For health - hidden chronic diseases that threaten to worsen in the near future.

Combination with other cards

The Three of Wands in combination with other Tarot cards forms combinations, the meaning of which allows you to more accurately understand upcoming changes in life, make the right decision in the current situation and choose the most favorable way to solve the problem.

Combination with the Major Arcana:

  • with the Emperor - manifestation of significant leadership qualities and timely adoption of important decisions;
  • with Lovers - when making a choice, listen to your inner feelings;
  • with the Priestess - an influential and useful acquaintance;
  • with Death - the time of change is coming to an end, the situation will soon stabilize;
  • with the World - obtaining results of the plan that will exceed expectations;
  • with the Hierophant - the fortuneteller adheres to the rule of law in affairs;
  • with the Fool - avoid chaos;
  • with the Moon - fear of future changes;
  • with the Devil - the chosen direction of action is wrong;
  • with Justice - excessive conservatism and uncertainty;
  • with the Empress - receiving valuable information from the patronizing person;
  • with the Wheel of Fortune - a successful start to a planned business;
  • with the Tower - stubbornness will lead to disastrous results.

This combination makes the meaning of the major Arcana predominant, and the meaning of the Three of Wands complements them.

Combination with other suits:

  • with a Two - enhances the importance of the decision made;
  • with a Five - only determination will help you achieve success;
  • with the Seven of Wands - courage will be rewarded with luck;
  • with Nine - follow the chosen path with caution;
  • Page of Wands - news from a friend will help you decide to make changes.

If there are cards of the Pentacle suit nearby in the layout, the 3 of Wands card takes on the following meaning:

  • Five of Pentacles - following the chosen path you will go broke;
  • Ten of Pentacles - patronage and help of an influential relative;
  • Page of Pentacles - the best solution would be a position of inaction;
  • Ace of Pentacles - changes will ensure material success.

Some cards of the Swords suit explain its meaning as follows.

Meaning of tarot cards 3 of wands combination. Three of Staves (3 staves) - minor arcana of tarot cards

The meaning of the Three of Wands in an upright position

Good news is coming. The work will bring a well-deserved reward. Good luck, success of new projects. Fruitful cooperation with the right people.

Love, harmony and devotion. There is peace and a festive atmosphere in the relationship. Wedding, birth of a child.

  • successful cooperation, success, practical knowledge, audacity
  • winning as a result of entrepreneurship, bold initiatives, the idea takes shape, the plan takes shape
  • new beginnings, long-term success, partnership

The Three of Wands of the Tarot in the correct position signifies the beginning of a very productive period, especially when it comes to new career opportunities or new business ventures. Any projects that require creativity, ingenuity and initiative are carried out successfully, but the reward for them does not come immediately, but much later. A partner who offers practical help and knowledge contributes to success.

The Three of Wands tarot card suggests that good behavior in your business or enterprise will lead to financial growth. You can also get help from your consultant or business partner. The Three of Wands indicates that cooperation, like mature decisions, is the key to successful action. In the most general terms: success in business or trade, negotiations. A solid foundation has been laid or can be established.

Interpretation of the Three of Wands in an inverted position

Problems, delays, obstacles. Serious difficulties after initial successes. Perhaps you missed something or misjudged the consequences of your actions.

Serious difficulties in relationships, unwillingness to make concessions, quarrels, misunderstandings. This is a difficult period, you need to re-see all the good things that brought you together.

  • lack of coordination of joint actions leads to collapse
  • problems in commerce, directing efforts along the wrong path

The Three of Wands tarot card reversed signifies a bad start, missed opportunities and wasted talents. New businesses will face difficulties after initial success. Problems may be caused by personal differences, unrealistic ambitions of the Client, stubborn refusal of help or misdirection of efforts.

Inner meaning. Given to understand the straight position of the map

The Three of Wands of the Tarot indicates problems that can be resolved if you act sensibly, if you remain calm, reasonable, and full of dignity. Whatever difficulties may have arisen before, the Questioner is able to overcome them. Don't act impulsively, you know what to do. Use your experience and common sense. The Three of Wands tarot card suggests that if your difficulties were caused by your own mistakes or even feelings of inferiority, healthy and responsible actions will help you overcome them. If your problems are caused by the interference or opposition of others, you can also resolve them by acting firmly and decisively. You can also count on the help and advice of friends.



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