Liquid oil solution of vitamin E for the treatment of diseases. Why does a newborn need vitamin E?

Vitamin E is an important substance that has a beneficial effect on metabolism, energy distribution, and physical development of the child. From foods, a person receives from 20 to 40% tocopherol. Therefore, vitamin E for newborns should be taken as a dietary supplement. Vitamin deficiency threatens decreased activity and slower growth of the baby.

This compound is involved in cell renewal and prevents the inflammatory process. This is a powerful antioxidant that accumulates in fat cells, normalizes heart function and promotes muscle development.

Medicinal properties of tocopherol

Many patients are interested in the question of why they need to take it. Tocopherol has the following properties:

  • This substance prevents the inflammatory process and provides protection to the body's cells.
  • Tocopherol is needed for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems.
  • Vitamin E preparations are necessary for redox processes and blood clotting.
  • It is important to control tocopherol levels to maintain immunity.
  • The substance strengthens the walls of blood vessels and protects erythrocytes (red blood cells) from damage.
  • Vitamin E has a beneficial effect on muscle condition, retinol absorption and accelerates the restoration of damaged tissue.

Vitamin E for infants is used only after consultation with a pediatrician.

Daily tocopherol requirement

This compound is vital, as it normalizes blood flow, improves the condition of blood vessels, and normalizes the functionality of muscles and internal organs.

Daily intake of vitamin E for patients of different ages:

  • Vitamin E is prescribed to children under one year of age in a dosage of 3 mg.
  • If the child is 1 year or 2 years old, then the dose is increased to 6 mg.
  • Patients from 3 to 10 years old take 7 mg of tocopherol.
  • Girls over 11 years of age should receive 8 mg of the vitamin daily.
  • The dosage for boys of the same age increases to 10 mg.

A lack of tocopherol can lead to vitamin deficiency, various diseases and a decrease in the body's defenses. Vitamin E is needed by babies born at less than 37 weeks. In premature babies, fat absorption is impaired, and due to tocopherol deficiency, the likelihood of infectious diseases and damage to the retina increases.

In addition, patients with congenital fat absorption disorders and diseases of the digestive organs need preparations based on element E. In such children, the absorption of nutrients deteriorates. It is recommended that children with cystic fibrosis be given a synthetic, water-soluble version of tocopherol.

Description of the dosage form

Tocopherol-based vitamin supplements are divided into preparations that contain only vitamin E and those that include other beneficial substances. The substance in their composition may be of natural or artificial origin. The child is recommended to choose drugs based on natural tocopherol.

Nutritional supplements are presented in capsules, chewable lozenges, oil solution and syrup. For a 1-year-old child, it is recommended to use a liquid tocopherol preparation. Vitamin E capsules and lozenges are intended for patients over 6 years of age who can swallow them. The oil solution is taken orally. The drug contains tocopherol and sunflower oil. The liquid has a neutral aroma and a pale yellow tint.

After consumption, vitamin E is absorbed into the bloodstream through the walls of the duodenum. The process involves fats, salts and bile acids. The absorption of the substance depends on the functioning of the pancreas. The body receives from 50 to 80% of tocopherol. If a baby is often sick, then a drug containing tocopherol, ascorbic acid and retinol is more suitable for him. To prevent vitamin E deficiency, children are prescribed multivitamin complexes: Pikovit, Vitrum, etc.


A tocopherol-based solution is used if children in their first year of life have a deficiency of this substance. Giving drops to a newborn is allowed only for medical reasons.

  • Frequent colds, respiratory diseases of viral origin.
  • Malnutrition.
  • High physical activity.
  • Rehabilitation after serious illnesses in a child.
  • Overwork.

Use of vitamin E for children

Tocopherol improves the absorption of proteins, has a beneficial effect on the condition of bone and muscle tissue, and the immune system. Drops based on vitamin E exhibit an antioxidant effect, protect cells from the effects of toxic substances, normalize metabolism, and regulate the concentration of red blood cells in the body.

Many patients are interested in the question of how to give the drug to a child. According to doctors, only a liquid dosage form is suitable for children aged one year. As mentioned earlier, the average daily amount of tocopherol that an infant can take is 3 to 4 IU per day. Your pediatrician will advise you in more detail about dosages.

According to the instructions for use, 1 mg of the drug is enough for newborns for 4 weeks. You need to take the nutritional supplement orally, after first dissolving the product with cooled boiled water. As a rule, the solution is given to the child before 12 noon. Vitamin E improves the absorption of retinol and reduces its toxicity. However, iron suppresses tocopherol, for this reason the solution is consumed 2 hours after eating.

The drug has a beneficial effect on the physical development of the baby and protects cells from the negative effects of toxic substances. Tocopherol increases the tone of the newborn, helps prevent anemia, has a beneficial effect on vision, strengthens the myocardium and vascular walls. In addition, with regular use, the functioning of the nervous system is normalized, and the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates is improved.


Vitamin E drops for children should not be used for the following diseases and conditions:

  • Individual intolerance to tocopherol.
  • Cardiac muscle infarction.
  • With poor blood clotting.
  • The likelihood of a blood vessel being blocked by a thrombus.
  • With the growth of connective scar tissue in the myocardium.

Under the supervision of a physician, the drug is used to treat a child with hypoprothrombonemia.

If you violate the rules for taking a nutritional supplement, the likelihood of negative phenomena increases:

  • visual disturbances;
  • vertigo (dizzy);
  • nausea;
  • increased fatigue;
  • diarrhea;
  • general weakness.

An overdose of vitamin E can lead to headaches, bleeding, metabolic disorders, and thrombophlebitis. In addition, there is a possibility of impaired functionality of the digestive organs, hypertension, hormonal imbalance, etc. If such signs appear, you should stop taking the drug and consult a pediatrician.

Thus, vitamin E is a very important compound for children of different ages (including patients under 12 months). To avoid side effects after taking the drug, you should strictly follow the pediatrician’s recommendations regarding administration.

Vitamin E (tocopherol) is a unique natural compound, an antioxidant with pronounced anti-aging properties. It can be easily purchased at any pharmacy in the form of capsules, oily solution and ampoule injections. Not only internal use and intramuscular administration of tocopherol is used to improve health.

Today, vitamin E is actively used for facial skin as part of various anti-aging masks to restore the former beauty of fading and mature skin. The product is truly very effective and efficient.

The magical effect of vitamin

The active use of vitamin E at home as a cosmetic product is justified by the complex effect it has on the skin of the face.


  • stops the aging process;
  • promotes cell regeneration;
  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • has a lifting effect, i.e. it tightens the skin, eliminates jowls, saggy folds, double chin;
  • gives the skin firmness, as if in youth, and pleasant elasticity;
  • improves blood circulation, which affects a healthy, beautiful complexion.


  • invigorates;
  • blushes the cheeks;
  • strengthens the walls of cell membranes;
  • relieves fatigue.


  • protects cells from free radicals;
  • removes toxins.

Anti-inflammatory effect:

  • localizes foci of inflammation;
  • eliminates acne;
  • opens and removes blackheads;
  • relieves acne.


  • Lightens, making freckles and others almost invisible.


  • actively moisturizes dry skin;
  • keeps the water balance in cells under control;
  • regulates the production of sebum by the endocrine glands.

Medicinal drug:

  • considered an effective preventive measure against skin cancer;
  • eliminates external symptoms of allergic skin reactions (peeling, rash, itching, redness);
  • treats anemia, protecting red blood cells from destruction and thereby saving the facial skin from paleness.

Such a complex effect on the skin makes this pharmaceutical preparation very popular not only in home care, but also in modern cosmetology. However, given that this is still a drug, it must be handled with extreme caution. First you need to learn how to use vitamin E for the face at home, and then start preparing anti-aging elixirs.

Where to get vitamin E

Before mastering the art of using vitamin E for the face at home, you need to choose one of its pharmaceutical forms, each of which can become the basis for preparing anti-aging masks.

  1. You can buy vitamin E in capsules of a beautiful translucent amber color, inside of which there is an oily liquid. Usually, vitamin E capsules are pierced with a clean needle, the healing oil is squeezed out of them and used directly in homemade cosmetic masks.
  2. Oily 50% solution, medically called “Alpha-tocopherol acetate”. This dosage form is more convenient to use for home preparation of masks than capsules, because there is no need to pierce or squeeze anything.
  3. Tocopherol in liquid form (in ampoules) is also very convenient as a base for anti-aging cosmetics.

All of these preparations assume that vitamin E will be used for cosmetic purposes in its pure form for the face with the addition of various auxiliary ingredients. However, if there are contraindications for external use of this drug (serious diseases of the skin or circulatory system), it will be enough to use masks from products in which the tocopherol content is very high:

  • from fresh vegetables: carrots, radishes, cabbage, potatoes, lettuce, spinach, broccoli, onions;
  • from berries: viburnum, rowan, cherry, sea buckthorn;
  • from products of animal origin: egg yolk, milk;
  • from grains: oatmeal;
  • from unrefined vegetable oils (pumpkin, corn, olive, sunflower);
  • from seeds, nuts (pistachios, hazelnuts, peanuts, almonds);
  • from herbs: alfalfa, raspberry leaves, dandelion, nettle, rose hips, flax seeds.

By including these products in cosmetic face masks, you can fully provide your skin with natural, non-pharmacy vitamin E. Although capsules, oil and ampoules allow you to achieve the desired effect much faster. But at the same time, you need to take into account the medicinal specifics of this drug and handle it at home with extreme caution.

Instructions for use

If you already have vitamin E in your hands, you can quickly and easily prepare a miraculous mask based on it. By following basic recommendations, you can get excellent results.

  1. Lubricate your wrist with the acquired liquid and monitor the skin reaction. The product can be used if there is no itching or redness.
  2. Steam your facial skin over a steam bath with medicinal herbs.
  3. Clean enlarged pores with a scrub
  4. Apply the vitamin mixture onto the skin in a fairly dense layer along massage lines, trying to avoid the area directly around the eyes.
  5. Lie with the mask on your face for 20 minutes.
  6. Wash with warm water, or milk, or a decoction of medicinal herbs.
  7. Apply daily cream.
  8. Frequency: 1 (in some cases, 2) times a week.
  9. After 10 procedures, take a break for 2 months.

Fast, simple, easy, and most importantly - incredibly effective. Wrinkles will begin to smooth out after the first use, and after 5-6 procedures the rejuvenating effect of vitamin E on the skin will be evident. There shouldn’t be any problems with recipes, since there are a lot of them, and you won’t be limited in choice.

Mask recipes

Face mask with vitamin E and glycerin - perfectly moisturizes dry skin

Vitamin E for external use is rarely used in its pure form. Supplement it with various other ingredients to enhance its effectiveness.

  • With glycerin

A homemade face mask with vitamin E and glycerin has pronounced moisturizing properties; cosmetologists recommend using it for those with dry skin. Squeeze the oil from 10 tocopherol capsules into a bottle of glycerin (25–30 ml), mix thoroughly, use for several procedures, store in a dark place.

  • With almond oil

In 3 tbsp. l. 1 tsp of almond oil is added. vitamin E in the form of oil, mix.

  • With herbs

Mix chamomile and nettle in crushed form (2 tablespoons each), pour a glass of boiling water over them, leave for half an hour, strain. Soak the crumb of rye bread (20 g) in the broth, mash it to a paste. Add 1 ampoule of injectable vitamin E.

  • With dimexide

Mix 2 tablespoons (full) of castor oil and burdock oil, dissolve the tocopherol oil solution in them. Add 1 tsp. solution of dimexide and water (in equal proportions).

  • With yolk

Beat almond oil (2 tablespoons) with the yolk, add 1 ampoule of injectable vitamin E.

  • With sea buckthorn oil

Beat 1 tbsp. l. cocoa butter and sea buckthorn oil, add 1 ampoule of tocopherol.

  • With cottage cheese

Beat 2 tbsp. l. cottage cheese with 2 tsp. unrefined olive oil, add 1 ampoule of tocopherol.

If you want to quickly and effectively get rid of wrinkles and stop the aging process of your skin, be sure to use vitamin E to rejuvenate your face. This is an effective pharmaceutical drug with a minimum of contraindications and a lot of useful properties, which will magically transform your skin in a short time.

oily oral solution 5%, 10% and 30%

Registration number: P N001153/01
Trade name:α-Tocopherol acetate.
International nonproprietary name: alpha tocopherol acetate
Dosage form: oral solution [oil]
Transparent oily liquid from light yellow to dark yellow color without rancid odor. A greenish tint is allowed.
Active substance: Vitamin E (α-Tocopherol acetate) – 50 g, 100 g and 300 g;
Excipients– sunflower oil (refined deodorized sunflower oil) – up to 1 liter.
Pharmacotherapeutic group: vitamin

Pharmacological properties

Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant. Protects cell membranes of body tissues from oxidative changes; stimulates the synthesis of heme and heme-containing enzymes - hemoglobin, myoglobin, cytochromes, catalase, peroxidase. Inhibits the oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids and selenium. Inhibits cholesterol synthesis. Prevents hemolysis of red blood cells, increased permeability and fragility of capillaries, dysfunction of the seminiferous tubules and testicles, placenta, normalizes reproductive function; prevents the development of atherosclerosis, degenerative-dystrophic changes in the heart muscle and skeletal muscles.

Indications for use

Hypovitaminosis E; complex therapy of conditions accompanied by an increased need for vitamin E:
for muscular dystrophies, dermatomycosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, asthenic and neurasthenic syndromes, fatigue, paresis, myasthenia gravis, myopathies, menstrual irregularities, threat of miscarriage, menopause, dysfunction of the gonads in men and women;
for dermatoses, psoriasis;
with atrophy of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, periodontal disease;
for rheumatic diseases: fibrositis, tendinopathy, diseases of the joints and spine;
for endocrine diseases: thyrotoxicosis, diabetes mellitus, especially ketoacidosis, diabetic polyneuropathy;
with malabsorption syndrome, chronic liver diseases;
with myocardial dystrophy, spasms of peripheral vessels.
In a state of convalescence after illnesses that occurred with a febrile syndrome.


Increased individual sensitivity to the drug.
With caution: hypoprothrombinemia (due to vitamin K deficiency - may increase with a dose of vitamin E more than 400 IU), severe atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries, myocardial infarction, increased risk of thromboembolism.

Directions for use and doses

For oral administration, the drug is prescribed in the following doses:
For diseases of the neuromuscular system (myodystrophy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, etc.) 50-100 mg per day (50-100 drops of a 5% solution, 25-30 drops of a 10% solution or 7-15 drops of a 30% solution) for 1- 2 months. Repeated courses after 2-3 months.
For men with disorders of spermatogenesis and potency, 100-300 mg per day (100-300 drops of a 5% solution, 50-150 drops of a 10% solution or 15-46 drops of a 30% solution) in combination with hormonal therapy for a month.
For threatened abortion, 100-150 mg per day (100-150 drops of a 5% solution, 50-75 drops of a 10% solution or 15-23 drops of a 30% solution).
In case of habitual abortion and deterioration of intrauterine development of the fetus, 100-150 mg per day (100-150 drops of 5% solution, 50-75 drops of 10% solution or 15-23 drops of 30% solution) in the first 2-3 months of pregnancy daily or every other day.
For peripheral vascular diseases, myocardial dystrophy, atherosclerosis, 100 mg per day (100 drops of a 5% solution, 50 drops of a 10% solution or 15 drops of a 30% solution) in combination with vitamin A. Course duration is 20-40 days, after 3-6 months the course of treatment can be repeated.
For skin diseases, from 15 to 100 mg per day (15-100 drops of a 5% solution, 7-50 drops of a 10% solution or 2-5 drops of a 30% solution) for 20-40 days.
1 drop from an eye pipette contains: α - Tocopherol acetate in a 5% solution – 1 mg, in a 10% solution – 2 mg; in a 30% solution – 6.5 mg.

Side effect

Allergic reactions. The use of large doses of the drug can cause dyspeptic disorders, decreased performance, weakness, thrombophlebitis, pulmonary embolism, thrombosis, increased creatine kinase activity, creatinuria, hypercholesterolemia, white hair growth in areas of alopecia with epidermolysis vesicularis.


Symptoms: when taken for a long period in doses of 400-800 IU / day (1 mg = 1.21 IU) - blurred vision, dizziness, headache, nausea, unusual fatigue, diarrhea, gastralgia, asthenia, when taking more than 800 U/day for a long period - increased risk of bleeding in patients with hypovitaminosis K, impaired metabolism of thyroid hormones, sexual function disorders, thrombophlebitis, thromboembolism, necrotizing colitis, sepsis, hepatomegaly, hyperbilirubinemia, renal failure, hemorrhage in the retina of the eye, hemorrhagic stroke, ascites.
Treatment: symptomatic, drug withdrawal, administration of glucocorticosteroid drugs.

Interaction with other drugs

Enhances the effect of glucocorticosteroid drugs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antioxidants.
Increases the effectiveness and reduces the toxicity of vitamins A, D, cardiac glycosides.
Prescribing vitamin E in high doses can cause vitamin A deficiency in the body.
Increases the effectiveness of antiepileptic drugs in patients with epilepsy (who have increased levels of lipid peroxidation products in the blood).
Simultaneous use of vitamin E in a dose of more than 400 IU/day with anticoagulants (coumarin and indanedione derivatives) increases the risk of developing hypoprothrombinemia and bleeding.
Cholestyramine, colestipol, and mineral oils reduce absorption.
High doses of iron increase oxidative processes in the body, which increases the need for vitamin E.

Special instructions

- α-tocopherol acetate (tocopherol)

Composition and release form of the drug

10 ml - dark glass bottles (1) - cardboard packs.
10 ml - dark glass dropper bottle (1) - cardboard packs.
15 ml - dark glass bottles (1) - cardboard packs.
15 ml - dark glass dropper bottle (1) - cardboard packs.
20 ml - dark glass bottles (1) - cardboard packs.
20 ml - dark glass dropper bottle (1) - cardboard packs.
25 ml - dark glass bottles (1) - cardboard packs.
25 ml - dark glass dropper bottle (1) - cardboard packs.
30 ml - dark glass bottles (1) - cardboard packs.
30 ml - dark glass dropper bottle (1) - cardboard packs.
50 ml - dark glass bottles (1) - cardboard packs.
50 ml - dark glass dropper bottle (1) - cardboard packs.

Pharmacological action

It has an antioxidant effect, participates in the biosynthesis of heme and proteins, cell proliferation, tissue respiration, and other important processes of tissue metabolism, prevents hemolysis of red blood cells, and prevents increased permeability and fragility of capillaries.


When taken orally, absorption is 50%; during absorption, it forms a complex with lipoproteins (intracellular tocopherol carriers). Absorption requires the presence of bile acids. Binds to alpha 1 and beta lipoproteins, partially to serum lipoproteins. When protein metabolism is disrupted, transport becomes difficult. Cmax is reached after 4 hours. Deposited in the adrenal glands, pituitary gland, testes, adipose and muscle tissue, red blood cells, and liver. More than 90% is excreted in the bile, 6% by the kidneys.


Hypovitaminosis, states of convalescence after diseases occurring with febrile syndrome, high physical activity, old age, diseases of the ligamentous apparatus and muscles. Menopausal vegetative disorders. with overwork, asthenic neurasthenic syndrome, primary muscular dystrophy, post-traumatic, post-infectious secondary myopathy. Degenerative and proliferative changes in the joints and ligaments of the spine and large joints.


Hypersensitivity to tocopherol.


Usually prescribed 100-300 mg/day. If necessary, the dose can be increased to 1 g/day.

Side effects

Maybe: allergic reactions; when taken in high doses -

Capsules, chewable lozenges, solution for intramuscular administration [oil], solution for intramuscular administration [oil-olive oil], solution for intramuscular administration [oil-peach oil], solution for oral administration [oil].

A fat-soluble vitamin whose function remains unclear. As an antioxidant, it inhibits the development of free radical reactions, prevents the formation of peroxides that damage cellular and subcellular membranes, which is important for the development of the body, the normal function of the nervous and muscular systems. Together with selenium, it inhibits the oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids (a component of the microsomal electron transfer system) and prevents hemolysis of red blood cells. It is a cofactor of some enzyme systems.

Hypovitaminosis E and the body's increased need for vitamin E (including in newborns, premature or low-birth-weight infants, in young children with insufficient intake of vitamin E from food, in peripheral neuropathy, necrotizing myopathy, abetalipoproteinemia, gastrectomy, chronic cholestasis , liver cirrhosis, biliary atresia, obstructive jaundice, celiac disease, tropical sprue, Crohn's disease, malabsorption, with parenteral nutrition, pregnancy (especially with multiple pregnancies), nicotine addiction, drug addiction, during lactation, when taking cholestyramine, colestipol, mineral oils and iron-containing foods when prescribing a diet high in polyunsaturated fatty acids). Newborns with low body weight: to prevent the development of hemolytic anemia, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, complications of retrolental fibroplasia.

Allergic reactions; with intramuscular injection - pain, infiltration, calcification of soft tissues. Overdose. Symptoms: when taken for a long period in doses of 400-800 IU/day (1 mg = 1.21 IU) - blurred visual perception, dizziness, headache, nausea, unusual fatigue, diarrhea, gastralgia, asthenia; when taking more than 800 IU/day for a long period - an increased risk of bleeding in patients with hypovitaminosis K, impaired metabolism of thyroid hormones, disorders of sexual function, thrombophlebitis, thromboembolism, necrotizing colitis, sepsis, hepatomegaly, hyperbilirubinemia, renal failure, hemorrhage into the retina membrane of the eye, hemorrhagic stroke, ascites. Treatment is symptomatic, drug withdrawal, administration of corticosteroids.

According to the standards of average daily vitamin intake approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in 1991, the need for vitamin E for children 1-6 years old is 5-7 mg, 7-17 years old - 10-15 mg, men and women - 10 mg, for pregnant women and nursing mothers - 10-14 mg. Inside or intramuscularly. Prevention of hypovitaminosis E: adult men - 10 mg/day, women - 8 mg/day, pregnant women - 10 mg/day, nursing mothers - 11-12 mg/day; children under 3 years old - 3-6 mg/day, 4-10 years old - 7 mg/day. The duration of treatment for hypovitaminosis E is individual and depends on the severity of the condition. Parenterally (warmed to 37 degrees C) administered in the same doses as prescribed orally daily or every other day.

1 drop of 5-10-30% solution from an eye pipette contains about 1, 2 and 6.5 mg of tocopherol acetate, respectively. Tocopherols are found in green parts of plants, especially in young sprouts of cereals; large amounts of tocopherols are found in vegetable oils (sunflower, cottonseed, corn, peanut, soybean, sea buckthorn). Some of them are found in meat, fat, eggs, and milk. It should be borne in mind that in newborns with low body weight, hypovitaminosis E may occur due to low permeability of the placenta (fetal blood contains only 20-30% of vitamin E from its concentration in the maternal blood). A diet high in selenium and sulfur-containing amino acids reduces the need for vitamin E. When routinely administering vitamin E to newborns, the benefit should be weighed against the potential risk of necrotizing enterocolitis. Currently, the effectiveness of vitamin E is considered unfounded in the treatment and prevention of the following diseases: beta thalassemia, cancer, fibrocystic dysplasia of the mammary gland, inflammatory skin diseases, hair loss, recurrent miscarriage, heart disease, intermittent claudication, postmenopausal syndrome , infertility, peptic ulcers, sickle cell anemia, burns, porphyria, neuromuscular conduction disorders, thrombophlebitis, impotence, bee stings, senile lentigo, bursitis, diaper dermatitis, pulmonary intoxication due to air pollution, atherosclerosis, aging. The use of vitamin E to increase sexual activity is considered unproven.

Enhances the effect of GCS, NSAIDs, antioxidants. Increases the effectiveness and reduces the toxicity of vitamins A, D, cardiac glycosides. Prescribing vitamin E in high doses can cause vitamin A deficiency in the body. Increases the effectiveness of antiepileptic drugs in patients with epilepsy (who have increased levels of lipid peroxidation products in the blood). Simultaneous use of vitamin E in a dose of more than 400 IU/day with anticoagulants (coumarin and indanedione derivatives) increases the risk of developing hypoprothrombinemia and bleeding. Cholestyramine, colestipol, and mineral oils reduce absorption. High doses of Fe increase oxidative processes in the body, which increases the need for vitamin E.



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