Greenish discharge after cesarean section 2 months later. Yellow discharge after childbirth

After childbirth, every woman has to recover for some time. After all, it is during this period that the genitourinary system is completely cleansed. Therefore, it is so important to observe the rules of hygiene, as well as adhere to all the recommendations and instructions of the gynecologist. Normally, after childbirth, a woman first experiences bright red discharge, after which it becomes lighter, but sometimes it can be brownish-brown in color. At the end of the recovery period, the discharge stops completely - it turns yellow, and then white. There should be no green discharge - this is a symptom of a serious pathological process in the female genital organs.

Causes of green discharge after childbirth

Natural green discharge will have no odor, it is not accompanied by painful sensations in the abdominal area, as well as itching and high temperature.

A week after giving birth and after a cesarean section, a woman may experience a pale yellow discharge. When green discharge with an unpleasant odor occurs, a serious inflammatory process of the uterine mucosa – endometritis – can be suspected.

For any gynecological disease, the discharge is green. There may be pus in them, and they also have an unpleasant odor. In addition, endometritis is difficult after childbirth - the woman has severe pain in the lower abdomen, and the temperature rises sharply. Endometritis begins to develop if a woman’s uterus was damaged during childbirth. Green discharge may appear due to the fact that the uterus contracts poorly and the lochia does not come out. When a large amount of lochia accumulates in the uterus, they begin to fester and, as a result, an inflammatory process occurs.

Some women experience green discharge a month after a cesarean section. In this case, this indicates that endometritis proceeds slowly. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate. Endometritis is a serious disease; it is possible that during complications the patient may be hospitalized. When green discharge is noticed in the maternity hospital, immediately after labor, the attending doctor carries out all the necessary manipulations.

Green discharge after childbirth with an unpleasant odor

Please note that if you have postpartum discharge that is also green and has an unpleasant odor, then this is very dangerous. In such a situation, the help of a gynecologist is required.

Such discharge is a deviation from the norm, and it occurs if a woman has an inflammatory process in the genitals. The smell and green color of vaginal discharge is characteristic of a disease such as endometritis. If the disease is not treated in time, it can even end in death.

A green color with an unpleasant odor can be a sign of dangerous diseases such as gardnerellosis and chlamydia. Only a comprehensive examination will help clarify the diagnosis.

It is dangerous when green discharge is caused by infectious processes such as gonorrhea, bacterial vaginosis, thrush, and trichomoniasis. Green discharge appears due to the vaginal bacterium Trichomonas. Such diseases can only be transmitted sexually, and they are initially aimed at affecting the genitourinary organs. In this clinical situation, the green discharge may have a foamy consistency.

With bacterial vaginosis, a woman notices white-gray marks on herself that have an unpleasant odor. In addition, the woman begins to experience severe itching. Afterwards, the secretion of discharge increases, and it becomes green, thick and completely affects the vagina. The infectious disease is accompanied by redness of the genitals.

With chlamydia, the amount of green discharge does not increase. The disease is characterized by painful urination and severe pain in the lower abdomen. The same symptoms are characteristic of gonorrhea.

With colpitis, the amount of green discharge increases, it becomes thick, and you can see pus and blood in it. There is severe itching in the genitals, and sometimes an unpleasant burning sensation appears.

Green postpartum discharge, which occurs as a result of the inflammatory process in the cervix, vagina, and fallopian tubes, is dangerous. Such secretions contain a large number of leukocytes. When an acute bacterial inflammatory process is observed, the amount of discharge may be small. In this case, unbearable pain occurs in the lower abdomen, and the woman’s body temperature rises sharply.

Treatment methods for green discharge after childbirth

You can relieve inflammation from the uterine mucosa with the help of antibiotics, multivitamins, and local procedures. In advanced cases, curettage will be required, during which the mucous membrane is cleaned of damaged epithelium. This way, the top layer of the shell can recover over time.

Many postpartum and cesarean section women cannot take medications because they are breastfeeding. In this situation there are two options:

  • Postpone treatment for a while.
  • Stop breastfeeding.

It is important to consider that green discharge always accompanies the pathological process. Treatment is urgently needed! Use Polygynax vaginal capsules effectively - they help with bacterial and fungal vaginitis. Polygynax is a combination drug; it contains antibiotics such as Polymyxin B, Neomycin.

First, it is necessary to destroy the opportunistic microflora, and only then restore the natural microflora of the vagina. For this purpose, gynecologists prescribe vaginal suppositories and douching.

In order to protect yourself from green discharge after childbirth, you need to carefully follow the rules of hygiene:

  • After each trip to the toilet, wash yourself, preferably with a decoction of chamomile and calendula.
  • Change gaskets as often as possible.
  • Avoid intimate hygiene products that contain fragrances and dyes. Give preference to baby soap.

Thus, green discharge after childbirth and after cesarean section is a serious reason to consult a doctor. The symptom can accompany various infectious and bacterial diseases. If you do not promptly treat the underlying pathology that caused the green discharge, then everything can end in a serious complication. It is necessary to be promptly examined and complete a full course of therapy.

After childbirth, every woman has to recover for some time. After all, it is during this period that the genitourinary system is completely cleansed. Therefore, it is so important to observe the rules of hygiene, as well as adhere to all the recommendations and instructions of the gynecologist. Normally, after childbirth, a woman first experiences bright red discharge, after which it becomes lighter, but sometimes it can be brownish-brown in color. At the end of the recovery period, the discharge stops completely - it turns yellow, and then white. There should be no green discharge - this is a symptom of a serious pathological process in the female genital organs.

Causes of green discharge after childbirth

Natural green discharge will have no odor, it is not accompanied by painful sensations in the abdominal area, as well as itching and high temperature.

A week after giving birth and after a cesarean section, a woman may experience a pale yellow discharge. When green discharge with an unpleasant odor occurs, a serious inflammatory process of the uterine mucosa can be suspected -.

For any gynecological disease, the discharge is green. There may be pus in them, and they also have an unpleasant odor. In addition, endometritis is difficult after childbirth - the woman has severe pain in the lower abdomen, and the temperature rises sharply. Endometritis begins to develop if a woman’s uterus was damaged during childbirth. Green discharge may appear due to the fact that the uterus contracts poorly and the lochia does not come out. When a large amount of lochia accumulates in the uterus, they begin to fester and, as a result, an inflammatory process occurs.

Some women experience green discharge a month after a cesarean section. In this case, this indicates that endometritis proceeds slowly. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate. Endometritis is a serious disease; it is possible that during complications the patient may be hospitalized. When green discharge is noticed in the maternity hospital, immediately after labor, the attending doctor carries out all the necessary manipulations.

Green discharge after childbirth with an unpleasant odor

Please note that if yours is also green and has an unpleasant odor, then this is very dangerous. In such a situation, the help of a gynecologist is required.

Such discharge is a deviation from the norm, and it occurs if a woman has an inflammatory process in the genitals. The smell and green color of vaginal discharge is characteristic of a disease such as endometritis. If the disease is not treated in time, it can even end in death.

A green color with an unpleasant odor can be a sign of dangerous diseases such as chlamydia. Only a comprehensive examination will help clarify the diagnosis.

It is dangerous when green discharge is caused by infectious processes such as gonorrhea, bacterial vaginosis, thrush, and trichomoniasis. Green discharge appears due to the vaginal bacterium Trichomonas. Such diseases can only be transmitted sexually, and they are initially aimed at affecting the genitourinary organs. In this clinical situation, the green discharge may have a foamy consistency.

When a woman notices white-gray marks on herself, which have an unpleasant odor. In addition, the woman begins to experience severe itching. Afterwards, the secretion of discharge increases, and it becomes green, thick and completely affects the vagina. The infectious disease is accompanied by redness of the genitals.

With chlamydia, the amount of green discharge does not increase. The disease is characterized by painful urination and severe pain in the lower abdomen. The same symptoms are characteristic of gonorrhea.

With colpitis, the quantity increases, they become thick, and pus and blood can be seen in them. There is severe itching in the genitals, and sometimes an unpleasant burning sensation appears.

Green postpartum discharge, which occurs as a result of the inflammatory process in the cervix, vagina, and fallopian tubes, is dangerous. Such secretions contain a large number of leukocytes. When an acute bacterial inflammatory process is observed, the amount of discharge may be small. In this case, unbearable pain occurs in the lower abdomen, and the woman’s body temperature rises sharply.

Treatment methods for green discharge after childbirth

You can relieve inflammation from the uterine mucosa with the help of antibiotics, multivitamins, and local procedures. In advanced cases, curettage will be required, during which the mucous membrane is cleaned of damaged epithelium. This way, the top layer of the shell can recover over time.

Many postpartum and cesarean section women cannot take medications because they are breastfeeding. In this situation there are two options:

  • Postpone treatment for a while.
  • Stop breastfeeding.

It is important to consider that green discharge always accompanies the pathological process. Treatment is urgently needed! It is effective to use Polygynax vaginal capsules - they help with bacterial and fungal vaginitis. Polygynax is a combination drug; it contains antibiotics such as Polymyxin B, Neomycin.

First, it is necessary to destroy the opportunistic microflora, and only then restore the natural microflora of the vagina. For this purpose, gynecologists prescribe vaginal suppositories and douching.

In order to protect yourself from green discharge after childbirth, you need to carefully follow the rules of hygiene:

  • After each trip to the toilet, wash yourself, preferably with a decoction of chamomile and calendula.
  • Change gaskets as often as possible.
  • Avoid intimate hygiene products that contain fragrances and dyes. Give preference to baby soap.

Thus, green discharge after childbirth and after cesarean section is a serious reason to consult a doctor. The symptom can accompany various infectious and bacterial diseases. If you do not promptly treat the underlying pathology that caused the green discharge, then everything can end in a serious complication. It is necessary to be promptly examined and complete a full course of therapy.

Recovery after childbirth is an integral period of motherhood. The uterus needs to return to its previous state in order to continue reproductive function. Normally, a woman stops feeling discomfort from discharge, itching, and pain after 4-6 weeks. Hygiene must be observed, stitches are treated (if any), and physical activity is limited. Lochia gradually changes color from red-brown to pale pink, then turns white, and disappears by the end of the second month. If a woman observes green discharge after childbirth, pathologists of the reproductive system are clear.

Provoking factors are always dangerous to health. Ignoring the symptom of green discharge in women leads to serious complications, including removal of the uterus. Therefore, gynecologists recommend using sterile pads to determine the color of the secreted secretion. Green or yellow mucus is a sign of pathogenic organisms entering the reproductive system.

Provoking factors:

  1. inflammation of the fallopian tubes and ovaries;
  2. endometritis;
  3. bacterial and fungal infections;
  4. erosion.

Adnexitis and Salpingitis are a common cause of green discharge after childbirth. Inflammation of the appendages and fallopian tubes develops due to the penetration of pathogenic flora deep into the vagina. Signs appear late, 7-10 days after infection. The woman feels pain in the lower abdomen, intensifying with palpation, the temperature rises above 38 C, chills, and fever.

It is necessary to start treatment on the first day of symptoms, as complications develop quickly. The advanced form leads to purulent abscesses, obstruction of the fallopian tubes, and infertility.

With green discharge, endometritis is diagnosed a month after birth. The inner layer of the uterus becomes inflamed due to infection. A weakened body is not able to fight pathogenic microorganisms that rapidly spread throughout the genitals.

Green, odorless discharge after childbirth will appear if a fungus, virus, or bacteria lives in the vagina. The mucous membrane is corroded (colpitis); in advanced forms, pathechial rashes, itching, burning, and pain when urinating are observed. Often inflammation of the lower genital tract is caused by an allergic reaction to synthetic underwear and hygiene products.

Every second woman, 8-10 weeks after birth, is diagnosed with cervical erosion. It is more common in patients with a history of slow opening of the cervical canal. With erosion, green discharge appears 2 months after childbirth, tingling, and aching pain. Signs of the disease are mild, the discharge is scanty, the grassy tint is barely noticeable. Late diagnosis is the cause of dysplasia and cancer.

The brightness and severity of green in the discharge depends on the state of the hormonal background. Depending on the predominant hormone, the color, consistency, and volume of the secretion changes.


Treatment tactics for pathological discharge are tailored individually, depending on the nature of the disease and the condition of the body. For example, when breastfeeding, antibiotics are prescribed carefully, only if the threat of complications exceeds the risk to the baby.

  • antibacterial drugs;
  • vaginal suppositories;
  • compresses;
  • antihistamines.

If you have green discharge, you cannot do without antibiotics. Depending on the type of pathogenic organism, complex therapy is prescribed.

For vaginitis, metronidazole is prescribed, an antiprotozoal drug similar in action to an antibiotic. If copious greenish discharge has already appeared, treatment consists of 2 stages. First, the vagina is sanitized with antibacterial solutions, then therapy is carried out to restore the flora (Bifidumbacterin, Vaginorm-S, Lactoberin).

When complicated candidiasis develops into trichomoniasis, greenish, odorless discharge appears after childbirth. Vaginal antibacterial capsules (Neomycin, Terzhinan, Tinidazole) and creams (Clotrimazole) are recommended. Additionally, oral tablets are prescribed (Fluconazole, Diflazon, Mikomax).

To relieve symptoms of burning, itching, and irritation in the genital tract, local treatment is used. The following are used against odor and inflammation: antiseptic suppositories (Fluomizin, Movalis, Mikozhinax); bacteriostatic drugs (Clindamycin, Zerkalin); antimicrobial (Fluomesin, Terzhinan).

It is useful to apply compresses and insert tampons soaked in medicinal herbs. A decoction of chamomile, calendula, string, oak bark, marsh grass, etc. is suitable. Every 4 hours, it is recommended to douche with antiseptic solutions - chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide.

If the allergic nature of the pathology is established, antihistamines are prescribed in the form of suspensions and tablets (Fenistil, Suprastinex, Supradin). Taking antiallergic drugs is justified for no more than 3 days.

Any treatment is carried out under the supervision of a gynecologist, drugs are prescribed according to a prescription. An independent combination of therapy is fraught with advanced forms of pathologies, with irreversible consequences.

After caesarean section and ruptures

Complications during surgical intervention during childbirth are diagnosed in every fourth woman in labor. Due to constant suture pain and copious discharge, pathological disorders are noticed late, when the problematic sutures are already oozing pus, fever and green discharge appear after childbirth.

Normally, fresh sutured tissue is treated with an antiseptic 5-6 times a day (it is recommended to douche the internal uterine scar). In the hospital, before discharge, after a cesarean section, antibacterial therapy is prescribed to eliminate the risk of wound infection. Recommendations are given for processing seams at home.

The main causes of greenish discharge in women after childbirth by cesarean section is the penetration of infection into the wound. Since the mucous membrane is inflamed, the pathogenic microorganism spreads at double speed, covering large areas of tissue. Erosion and endometritis develop. A woman is recommended to take antibiotics and antiseptic drugs.

If greenish discharge appears a month after birth or later, when the symptoms of an inflamed uterus have subsided, there is a risk of developing a ligature fistula. These are formations that arise due to the body’s rejection of suture material. The sutures swell, become inflamed, and fester.

Treatment takes place in a hospital setting, under the supervision of surgeons. With properly selected therapy (antiseptics, antibiotics, bactericidal drugs), the fistula hole heals in 10-14 days. The patient returns to a full life.

Difficulties in treatment for complications of sexually transmitted infections are often associated with the prohibition of the use of antibiotics during lactation. Therapy is selected individually; high concentrations of components in milk are unacceptable. For example, when taking Metronidazole, Tetracycline, breastfeeding is stopped. Therefore, treatment should be prescribed and supervised only by a doctor.

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Questions and answers on: green discharge after childbirth

2014-10-25 03:15:40

Natalya asks:

Good afternoon I’ve had erosion for 12 years now, after giving birth they say I have to wait six months, but I wasted time and thought I’d have time... in the end yellow-green discharge started - I ran a bunch of tests - at first they said it was thrush, I treated it - nothing helped... During this time I changed 5 gynecologists, everyone just takes money for tests and then just prescribes all sorts of nonsense!! 8 months have passed, the discharge is heavy - I took a test - streptokokk S viridans 10-5... erosion began to actively grow - it has already become huge. But They don’t cauterize me, I can’t cure streptococcus - I’m already desperate! Yesterday I was prescribed activated charcoal in the morning, OXYLIK for 20 days, Lavomax 10 tablets, Femilex for 5 I read about these pills and understand that it’s all bullshit - again they prescribed dietary supplements and an antibiotic...probably won’t help, I’ll just plant the liver ((tell me what to do?


Hello! It would be better if you provided the exact results of the latest studies and indicated your age and previous gynecological diseases - in this case we would be able to give you practical advice. Considering the scraps of information that your message contains, it is necessary not to treat streptococcus, but to restore the normal microflora of the vagina. Additional studies (which, alas, cannot be avoided) may require testing for human papillomavirus infection, colposcopy and cytological examination of smears. That is, the main advice is to look for a good doctor who will understand the causes of your condition, and not try to treat the problem indiscriminately with antibiotics and dietary supplements. You will get a general idea about the treatment of cervical erosion from the article on our medical portal. Take care of your health!

2014-01-17 23:09:51

Victoria asks:

Hello. I am breastfeeding a 3 month old baby. I have erosion and a small inflammatory process after childbirth. There is a yellow-green, unpleasant-smelling discharge. The gynecologist prescribed douching for 12 days (1 tablespoon of chlorophyllipt alcohol per 1 liter of water once before bedtime) and Polygynax also for 12 days once in the vagina before bedtime. Will such treatment harm the baby?

2013-06-11 13:43:32

Natalya asks:

I am 33 years old. For almost 2 years now, dark green discharge has been appearing from my breasts when pressed. I contacted 4 mammologists. 2 out of 4 felt something in the left breast, suggesting surgery, and 2 claim that this is a feature of my breast. They did an ultrasound, which found nothing.
Now I'm pregnant 2nd, 33 weeks. Will I be able to breastfeed after giving birth?

2012-10-30 14:45:59

Anastasia asks:

Hello. I had tests done at the beginning of my pregnancy, but nothing was found. Before this, my husband and I were treated for chlamydia. During pregnancy, my husband and I periodically had sex, everything was normal. A month after giving birth, we had sex. He developed a terrible itch, and after a couple of days I did the same, only with green discharge. I was tested for infections. He discovered chlamydia. My husband says he hasn't cheated on me. Could chlamydia reappear on its own? My doctor did not answer this question. Please answer. I assume that he could not appear on his own due to weak immunity, as my husband claims. I am breastfeeding my baby for 2 months.

Answers Serpeninova Irina Viktorovna:

Unlikely, because chlamydia is extremely aggressive in relation to pregnancy (causes miscarriage, premature rupture of amniotic fluid, etc.) and the fetus (causes intrauterine pneumonia, conjunctivitis, etc.)

2011-11-17 07:38:06

Natalya asks:

Good afternoon I am 36 years old, two children (10 and 8 years old). all 8 years after giving birth, there was colostrum from the breast before the cycle.
The chest is large. and basically I don’t detect anything by touch., but I began to notice
that green discharge is coming from one breast and for some reason this breast has become approximately one size smaller than the right one. Pain in the chest occurs only before menstruation. Please tell me if this is a pathology or if there is nothing special about this nt, because in principle there is nothing to worry about, well, maybe just the size. Thank you.

Answers Medical consultant of the website portal:

Hello, Natalya! A change in the size of one breast and the appearance of green discharge from the nipple are serious symptoms that cannot but worry. You should urgently make an in-person appointment with a mammologist, undergo an examination, have an ultrasound of the mammary glands or mammography. The situation may be much more serious than you imagine. Take care of your health!

2010-06-15 20:24:31

Anna asks:

Hello. Please answer my question: after giving birth (the birth was 1.5 years ago), I periodically have yellow-green discharge with an unpleasant odor, but there is no itching or pain when urinating. But there is some kind of sweetish smell after sexual intercourse. Please tell me what it is?

Answers Medical consultant of the website portal:

Hello Anna! Normal vaginal discharge is clear or whitish in color. The yellow-green color of the discharge indicates the presence of a pathological process in the organs of the reproductive system. Most often, the cause of such discharge is an inflammatory process in the vagina (vaginitis) or cervical canal, as well as bacterial vaginosis (a disruption of the normal composition of the vaginal flora). You will learn more about how bacterial vaginosis and vaginitis are diagnosed and treated from the articles Vaginitis and Bacterial vaginosis on our portal. Take care of your health!

2009-11-10 10:00:06

Asks Olga Kuznetsova 22 years old:

Good afternoon! I was 22 years old and I gave birth. After giving birth, two months later I went to the doctor, they told me that I had erosion of the uterus of the cervix. They said come when the child is 1.5 years old, we will cauterize. A year later I went to the doctor and passed all the tests (blood, machus, smears), the tests were good. With these tests they were sent to be burned (at the hospital or frozen). Now there is strong green discharge, pain when having sex. Please tell me if erosion can be cured with folk remedies, because I want a second child.

Answers Zheleznaya Anna Alexandrovna:

Olga, immediately get examined for urogenital infections (chlamydia, ureaplasma, mycoplasma, gardnerella, viruses), because green discharge is a sign of infection and inflammatory process. Did you take a uterine biopsy before treating erosion and what was the answer?

2008-02-14 09:47:59

Ekaterina asks:

Hello. The child is 5 years old, I am 24 years old. In 1989, the left ovary and tube were removed due to a cyst. I have been overweight since I was 8 years old. After giving birth, I gained 30 kg. Progesterone is very low; I take utorzhestan from the 14th to the 26th day of my pregnancy. For about 5 months, black-green discharge from the breast when pressed. The gynecologist says there is no need to press, everything is fine, there is no pain. Thank you

Answers Babik Andrey Ivanovich:

You have cystic mastopathy. I don't consider this "orderly". You need to donate blood for prolactin (5th or 21st day of breastfeeding) and undergo an ultrasound of the mammary glands. Xytotic mastopathy requires serious consideration, especially considering the nature of the discharge (infected contents of the cyst).

2014-05-11 20:03:13

Elena asks:

Hello. My story: 2 weeks after the first sex with my partner, my vagina and labia suddenly became swollen, there was pain when urinating, it was frequent, itching and naturally pain during sex and in general... I went to the doctor, I was prescribed treatment for cystitis, so I treated everything I could, including inflammation and cystitis, the result was zero... after that I tested for STDs, everything was clear, but herpes ELISA IgG showed positive, everything else was also negative... I had difficulty getting pregnant after an ectopic pregnancy , I had a cesarean section and the obstetrician said that my entire uterus was covered in blisters and ulcers, while I had herpes on my lip, it came out right before giving birth... but there are no rashes on the genitals... I am still tormented by such relapses and symptoms It’s getting worse every year, now the labia are completely swollen, wild itching, redness, pain when urinating, pain, discharge that is clear like snot, sometimes yellow-green, sometimes white and sometimes foamy... I don’t know what to do anymore, all other infections show negative analysis. and when the swelling goes away and the itching too, there remains very heavy discharge and pain during sex and urination... give me advice on what I should do...??? thank you.

Answers Wild Nadezhda Ivanovna:

Normally, there should be no foamy discharge, itching, swelling, pain..... The inflammatory process occurs only as a result of an infectious agent. If herpes is positive, then why do you claim that there is no infection. Herpes is a viral infection that cannot be determined with a regular smear, only by PCR or ELISA. You are simply under-examined. You need to be examined and examined. Herpes infection is very insidious, so observation by a doctor and treatment of both sexual partners is necessary. In addition, another infection may be present, but as a result of a chronic process, bacterial culture of secretions for microflora and sensitivity to antibiotics and smears for ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, bacterial vaginosis are needed. Get further examined and do not self-medicate. Before taking tests, follow all the necessary rules and conditions. In addition, a full examination of the man is necessary. A urologist-andrologist deals with men. Herpes infection can lead to cancer, so get examined!!! this infection must be fought.

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Popular articles on the topic: green discharge after childbirth

Vaginal discharge - which are considered normal, and which are a symptom of the disease and require immediate treatment. In order to preserve your youth and women's health for many years, we will thoroughly understand the problem of vaginal discharge.

The nature of discharge from the penis indicates the health of the reproductive system. Mucous, purulent discharge, or discharge mixed with blood can be a symptom of a serious disease, which only a competent urologist can diagnose and treat.

Among the many gynecological diagnoses, one of the most common is inflammation of the vagina (colpitis). This disease is not severe and, as a rule, not dangerous, but it almost always annoys the woman and causes discomfort.

Discharge in women after childbirth is a normal process of healing and restoration of the endometrium of the uterus after the separation and delivery of the placenta. The birth of a child leads to the formation of a bleeding wound in the uterine cavity, which provokes a long period of vaginal discharge. Dying epithelium, mucus and plasma come out with the blood, and all together this is called lochia.

Gradually, the woman’s body is cleansed and the nature of the discharge after childbirth changes, as the wound heals and the mucous membrane is restored. It is very important to be attentive to your health during the postpartum period, since any sudden change in the process of cleansing the uterus can mean complications in the form of inflammation, infection, etc. It is very important to know how the type and composition of discharge after childbirth changes over time in order to control this process.

Discharge a week after birth

7 days after giving birth, the woman is already at home, so the doctor must explain to her how to care for the intimate area and in what cases you should worry about your health. The first days after the baby is born, the discharge should be red and profuse. They may be accompanied by cramps as the uterus actively contracts to return to its prenatal size.

To discharge after childbirth intensified, the gynecologist palpates the abdomen, massaging the female organs, and also encourages active breastfeeding. Thanks to this, within a week the uterus is actively cleansing and healing. If a cesarean section was performed, then recovery takes longer and the first weeks may be accompanied by heavy bleeding after childbirth.

It is important to do an ultrasound while still in the maternity hospital to exclude the possibility of placenta residues in the uterine cavity, which can lead to stagnation of the exfoliated endometrium and inflammation. Often this is what causes heavy bleeding, severe pain and fever in a new mother some time after returning home.

During the first month, a woman should use diapers instead of pads to detect clotted discharge after childbirth. This is normal, but it is important to monitor changes in color and consistency of anything found on the diaper being changed. During the postpartum period, it is very important to observe the strictest intimate hygiene and maximize the release of the uterus from lochia. To do this you should:

  • Breastfeed your baby. During this process, hormones are produced that stimulate contractions of the uterus, which leads to increased and accelerated release of secretions;
  • Periodically lie on your stomach. When you lie on your back, the uterus falls back and lochia cannot flow freely, so it is very useful to set aside time every day to lie on your stomach. It is also better to do this without underwear, putting a diaper underneath;
  • Refuse sex. For the first 2 months after childbirth, you should refrain from intimate relations with your husband in order to avoid infection, because the uterus is open, and the escaping blood will only contribute to the proliferation of bacteria;
  • Regular intimate hygiene. This should also be done in order to avoid infectious complications. Every 2-3 hours it is necessary to change the diaper and thoroughly wash the genitals. Even if you have normal discharge after childbirth, douching is strictly contraindicated - the uterus will cleanse itself. Tampons are also contraindicated, even when the lochia becomes scanty. A hygiene product must be chosen carefully, preferably on the advice of an obstetrician-gynecologist, since even a simply scented intimate gel can lead to irritation of the genital organs. In the first 2 months after giving birth, you cannot take a bath, only shower.

Discharge after childbirth lasts at least 1 month, after which it becomes very scanty and mucous, which means complete healing of the uterus and reproduction of the mucous membrane.

Discharge after childbirth one month

A month after the birth of your baby, the red discharge after childbirth is already replaced by spotting brown ones. This means that the uterus has almost recovered - no new blood comes out, but only old blood comes out. Also, dark brown discharge after childbirth can be complemented by white-yellow discharge, which is similar in consistency to mucus. This is further evidence that the endometrium in the uterine cavity is completing its recovery.

In terms of quantity, these discharges are insignificant and no longer cause the discomfort that was in the first days of the postpartum period. Before the release of lochia is completed, the uterus must reach its normal size, and its inner layer must be completely covered with mucous membrane. It is quite normal if, a month after giving birth, the discharge still contains blood, the main thing is that there is not much of it and this is not accompanied by any symptoms of ill health.

Discharge after childbirth 2 months

If there is discharge for a long time after childbirth, this may mean that the uterus contracts weakly and healing occurs rather slowly. In any case, the blood impurities should have disappeared by now. White-yellow discharge means the final stage of healing of the uterus, so there is no need to worry. If lochia has replaced clear mucous discharge, then this is a normal phenomenon 2 months after birth.

In any case, the obstetrician-gynecologist strongly recommends that you contact the maternity hospital with any questions within 8 weeks of the postpartum period, since it is he who is responsible for how the separation of the placenta and cleansing of the uterus went. If during this period nothing bothered you, then a routine examination by a gynecologist should be done after 2 months and already in the clinic.

After 8 weeks of uterine recovery, the color of the discharge after childbirth should become transparent and the quantity should be minimal. They should not cause any discomfort. This means that the uterus has recovered, returned to its normal size, and the cervix has closed. The young mother can again visit public bathing places, take a bath and enjoy her intimate life.

Discharge 3 months after birth

The duration of discharge after childbirth should not exceed 8 weeks. If, 3 months after the birth of the baby, vaginal discharge occurs, then this can be either menstruation or a manifestation of the inflammatory process. It is important to pay attention to the nature of the discharge and the accompanying symptoms.

White mucous discharge after childbirth may be due to thrush. If they are insignificant and transparent, then there is nothing to worry about - a natural liquid, like saliva or sweat. Stretchy discharge after childbirth that is colorless and odorless is also normal and often accompanies ovulation.

If a woman does not breastfeed, it is quite possible that her menstrual cycle will resume 3 months after giving birth. This will lead to the arrival of menstruation with all the accompanying symptoms, such as pain in the lower back and lower abdomen, and increased breast sensitivity. If it is heavy bleeding after childbirth, accompanied by high body temperature and general malaise, then you need to call an ambulance, since in this case only a doctor can make a diagnosis.

3 months after birth, only colorless, odorless, and non-discomfortable discharge is considered normal. In all other cases, it is better to get tested, do an ultrasound and be aware of the condition of your body.

When does the discharge end after childbirth?

With normal recovery of the female body, discharge after childbirth lasts no more than 8 weeks. This period is quite enough for the uterine cavity to shrink and for the placenta to become covered with healthy endometrium. Afterwards, the menstrual cycle begins to recover, which resumes depending on the regularity of breastfeeding.

If a woman breastfeeds, this leads to increased contractions of the uterus, which speeds up the process of lochia release. Also, the production of prolactin delays the functioning of the ovaries, which stops the resumption of menstruation. So the cycle can be restored six months after birth or more. However, this process is individual for all women.

If the discharge suddenly stops after childbirth, you should immediately consult a doctor, as this can have very adverse consequences. The accumulation of lochia in the uterine cavity occurs for various reasons:

  • Overstretching of the uterine cavity, which leads to its bending back. To prevent this, you need to lie on your stomach more often and massage it. It is also important to maintain water balance in the body and breastfeeding;
  • Untimely emptying of the intestines and bladder, which begins to put pressure on the uterus. At the first urge you need to go to the toilet to prevent complications.

If you do not react in time to stop the release of lochia during the postpartum period, then you will have to treat endometritis - inflammation of the uterine mucosa. Blood is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria, so it must be drained in a timely manner to avoid infection.

If you know how long the discharge lasts after childbirth, and it suddenly stops, then call your doctor. Treatment consists of eliminating cervical spasm by taking No-shpa, after which Oxytocin is prescribed, which promotes uterine contractions.

Bloody discharge after childbirth

Bloody and pink discharge after childbirth is normal, as the uterus is intensively cleansed at first. However, you should be wary if the number of lochia has increased sharply. It is possible that parts of the placenta remained in the uterus, which led to severe bleeding. Disturbances in the blood clotting system may also be the cause.

If parts of the placenta remain in the uterine cavity, this can be diagnosed by ultrasound or during a gynecological examination. They are removed under general anesthesia, after which intravenous antibiotic therapy is administered to eliminate the risk of infectious complications. If you do not clean the uterine cavity in a timely manner, this will certainly lead to severe inflammation and life-threatening consequences.

If sudden heavy discharge after childbirth provokes blood clotting disorders, then appropriate treatment is carried out. A woman, while pregnant, should tell her doctor about such health problems so that postpartum hemorrhage can be prevented.

Often, an increase in discharge is due to the fact that the uterus is not contracting enough. Such bleeding is called hypotonic. They are quite abundant, but nothing hurts and there are no other symptoms of danger. However, it is worth considering that any bleeding, if not stopped in a timely manner, can lead to critical consequences.

Heavy discharge after childbirth is normal only if it occurs in the first week and the doctor is notified about it. Otherwise, you need to call an ambulance. To stop bleeding, reducing medications will be administered and infusion therapy will be performed to replenish blood loss. In some cases, surgical intervention is not possible, so it is very important to seek help in a timely manner.

Brown discharge after childbirth

2-3 weeks after birth, the discharge becomes darker than initially, as the wound in the uterus heals and hardly bleeds. However, old blood is still in its cavity, it gradually becomes brown and also comes out as part of the lochia. Dark discharge after childbirth is nothing more than old blood that did not empty the uterus in a timely manner.

The appearance of dark lochia begins in the middle of the first caruncle after childbirth and can last 4-6 weeks. It is important that the discharge is not abundant and does not increase sharply. If this happens, you should definitely consult a doctor, since timely and complete cleansing of the uterus is the key to your women’s health.

Yellow discharge after childbirth

Such discharge is normal at the final stage of lochia release. They can also signal the resumption of the menstrual cycle. If, 4 months after birth, the discharge changes from colorless to yellow, without a distinct odor, then this indicates ovulation.

It is worth considering the situations in which you will definitely need to see a doctor:

  • Yellow discharge after childbirth is accompanied by an unpleasant odor. Particularly dangerous is a sharp putrid odor, which indicates the spread of infection;
  • In addition to the discharge, itching and burning of the genitals are disturbing. This is also a sign of infection, which can enter the uterus and cause inflammation;
  • Thick discharge after childbirth, accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. It is especially dangerous if they radiate to the lower parts of the spine;
  • Bright yellow or greenish lochia is a sign of infection of the genital tract or even the uterus. To avoid serious consequences, it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner;
  • Purulent discharge after childbirth is especially dangerous, since it is a sign not only of infection, but also of the presence of a source of inflammation, which must be immediately eliminated in order to prevent a threat to the woman’s life;
  • An increase in body temperature along with copious bright yellow discharge indicates an active process of inflammation in the uterus, the causes of which must be determined by a doctor

Most of these situations occur with endometritis - inflammation of the uterine lining. It is provoked by weak cleansing of its cavity, which leads to the accumulation of lochia. If you smell discharge after childbirth, you should definitely see an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Mucous discharge after childbirth

Transparent discharge after childbirth appears after the lochia has completely exited the uterine cavity. In most cases, this is nothing more than the secret of the functioning of the pelvic organs. They can also precede and accompany ovulation or be released after sex. This is also how the hormonal changes in the body that occur after childbirth manifest themselves.

If you are concerned about discharge after childbirth that looks like clots of clear mucus, then get tested to make sure that they are normal. You should be alerted if any other symptoms appear, such as fever, itching, or smell. Such discharge may be a manifestation of cervical erosion, so it may be worth undergoing a colposcopy.

Green discharge after childbirth

Green lochia is a clear sign of inflammation in the uterine cavity. As a rule, they are accompanied by fever and pain in the lower abdomen. Bleeding may also suddenly begin, as green discharge may be caused by parts of the placenta remaining in the uterus. Another reason may be delayed lochia or poorly healing tears and cracks in the birth canal.

In addition, green discharge with an odor after childbirth is often caused by infections, so it is necessary to follow special rules of intimate hygiene during this period and abstain from sex. Also, to prevent such complications after childbirth, you need to avoid abortions, STDs and strengthen your immune system.

If you have green discharge, then you need to see a doctor, take a smear for flora and undergo an ultrasound. In such cases, they are treated with antibiotics and physiotherapeutic procedures. Sometimes it is necessary to scrape out the scarred endometrium. It is also very important to strengthen your body in general.

White discharge after childbirth

White discharge is not always thrush, as many women think. Thrush can be easily diagnosed by the cheesy consistency of the discharge, sour odor, dryness and itching in the vagina. Also, a regular smear will help make a diagnosis, and curing colpitis is not difficult.

However, white discharge may be a natural secretion of your reproductive system. If some have a uniform consistency and there are no other unpleasant symptoms, then there is no need to worry. However, it is worth knowing that white discharge can signal:

  • Inflammation of the fallopian tubes;
  • Pathologies of the uterus;
  • Inflammation of the vaginal mucosa;
  • Violation of the secretion of the cervical glands.

To prevent these problems, you need to undergo a timely examination by a gynecologist and take tests. It is also important to avoid douching, chemical contraceptives, poor intimate hygiene and a sedentary lifestyle. This is especially important in the postpartum period.

After childbirth, a woman must be very attentive to her health and fully control the process of cleansing the uterus. She also needs to be able to distinguish dangerous situations from normal ones, for which she should discuss all this with her doctor in advance. Normal discharge after childbirth last about 2 months, gradually decreasing and not accompanied by pain.



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