Conclusions from factor analysis of profitability. Factor analysis of production profitability

The efficiency of an enterprise's economic activities and the economic feasibility of its operation are directly related to its profitability, which can be judged by the profitability or return on capital, resources or products of a business firm. Profitability is a relative indicator of the level of profitability of an enterprise; it characterizes the efficiency of the enterprise as a whole.

Profitability, in contrast to profit, more fully reflects the final results of business, as it shows the ratio of the effect to cash or consumed resources.

Only the ratio of profit and volume of work performed, characterized by the level of profitability, allows one to evaluate the production and economic activities of the enterprise in the reporting year, compare it with the results of the reporting periods, and also determine the place of the analyzed enterprise among others in the industry.

Profitability indicators

Profitability indicators are used to evaluate the activities of an enterprise and as a tool in investment policy and pricing. The profitability of an enterprise can be assessed using the following indicators.

1. Product profitability (Ppr) - is calculated as the ratio of profit from sales of products to the total cost of these products:

Rpr = Pp/Sp*100%,

where Pp is profit from sales of products, goods, works, services;

Cn is the total cost of products sold.

Considering that profit is related to both the cost of the product and the price at which it is sold, product profitability can be calculated as the ratio of profit to the cost of products sold at free or regulated prices, i.e. to sales revenue.

Therefore, the next profitability indicator is called return on sales.

2. Profitability of sales (turnover) - Рп:

Рп = Пп/В*100%,

accounting financial profit

where B is revenue from the sale of products, works, services.

This ratio shows how much profit accrues per unit of products sold.

An increase in the indicator is evidence of either an increase in product prices at constant production costs of sold products, or a decrease in production costs at constant prices.

Indicators of product profitability and profitability of sales are interrelated and characterize changes in the current costs of production and sales of both all products and their individual types.

In this regard, when planning the range of products, it is taken into account how the profitability of individual types will affect the profitability of all products.

  • 3. Return on capital indicators:
    • a) return on equity (Rsk):

Rsk = Pch/Ks*100%,

where Pch is net profit;

Ks is the average amount of equity capital.

This indicator characterizes the efficiency of using equity capital and shows how much profit accrues per unit of equity capital of the enterprise.

b) return on investment (permanent) capital (Pi):

Ri = Pch/Kik*100%,

where Kik is the average amount of investment capital, which is equal to the sum of the average value of equity capital for the period and the average value of long-term loans and borrowings for the period.

The indicator characterizes the efficiency of using capital invested for a long time. The amount of investment capital is determined according to the balance sheet as the sum of equity and long-term liabilities.

c) return on total capital of the enterprise (Rock):

Rock = Pp/Bsr*100%,

where Bsr is the average net balance sheet total for the period.

This ratio shows the efficiency of using the entire capital of the enterprise, i.e. An increase in the value of the coefficient indicates an increase in the efficiency of use of the enterprise’s property and vice versa.

A decrease in the profitability of the enterprise's total capital may also be a consequence of a drop in demand for the enterprise's products or an overaccumulation of assets.

4. Return on current assets (Rob):

Rob = Pp/AOsr*100%,

where AOsr is the average value of current assets.

The average amount of capital and assets is determined according to the balance sheet as the arithmetic average of the results at the beginning and end of the periods.

5. Profitability of fixed assets and other non-current assets (Рв):

Rv = Pp/AVsr*100%,

where АВср is the average value of fixed assets and other non-current assets for the period.

The profitability of fixed assets and other non-current assets reflects the efficiency of use of non-current assets, measured by the amount of profit per unit cost of funds. This ratio is interrelated with the return on total capital ratio. Thus, with a decrease in the profitability ratio of total capital, an increase in the profitability of fixed assets and other non-current assets indicates an excessive increase in mobile assets, which may be a consequence of the formation of excess inventories, overstocking of finished products in warehouses due to a drop in demand for them, an excessive increase in accounts receivable or cash funds.

However, it should be noted that of the listed profitability indicators, not all are more often used in practice, but only the main ones: return on sales, return on the entire capital of the enterprise, return on fixed assets and other non-current assets, return on equity, return on investment capital.

These indicators are studied in dynamics, and the trend of their changes is used to judge the effectiveness of the enterprise’s business activities.

Let's analyze the profitability indicators for Nadezhda LLC, for which, using Appendices 2, 4, we will compile the following table.

Table 15 Profitability indicators of Nadezhda LLC for 2007 - 2008

Let's calculate profitability indicators for Nadezhda LLC:

1. Product profitability:

Rpr = Pp/Sp*100%

  • 2007: Rpr = 125/7732*100% = 1.62%;
  • 2008: Rpr = 116/7576*100% = 1.53%.
  • 2. Sales profitability:

Рп = Пп/В*100%

  • 2007: Рп = 125/7857*100% = 1.59%;
  • 2008: Рп = 116/7692*100% = 1.51%.
  • 3. Return on equity:

Rsk = Pch/Sk*100%

  • 2007: Rsk = 404/8976*100% = 4.50%;
  • 2008: Rsk = 487/7421*100% = 6.56%.

From the calculations made it follows that a decrease in profit by 9 thousand rubles. led to a decrease in product profitability by 0.09%. Return on sales in 2008 also decreased by 0.08% compared to 2007, which indicates an increase in production costs at constant product prices. The return on equity in 2008 increased by 2.06% compared to 2007, which indicates the efficiency of the use of equity by the enterprise.

To increase profitability indicators, the management of Nadezhda LLC needs to concentrate its work on resource conservation, which will lead to increased profits.

In conclusion, it should be added that when analyzing profitability indicators, the following must be taken into account: profitability directly depends on the organization’s strategy, or more precisely, on the level of risk in business activity, which “requires” a certain level of profit. The higher the risk, the greater the profit a business organization should receive.

Factor analysis of product profitability

Factor analysis of profitability indicators in the process of financial analysis is carried out on the basis of the profit and loss statement (form No. 2).

Factor analysis of product profitability is carried out based on the following model:

rs = Pp/Srp = (RP - Srp)/Srp,

where Pp is profit from product sales, rub;

RP - sales volume at selling prices (excluding VAT and other indirect taxes), rubles;

CRP - total cost of products sold, rub.

For factor analysis, the chain substitution method is used. In this case, the volume of products sold will be a quantitative indicator, and its cost will be a qualitative indicator. Then the increase in profitability in the reporting period compared to the base period will be determined as follows:

Рс = П№п/С№рп - Пєп/Сєрп = (РП№ - Сєрп)/ С№рп - (РПє - Сєрп)/ Сєрп = РП№/С№рп - РПє/Сєрп = (РПє/ S№рп - РП№/Сєрп) + (РП№/Сєрп - РПє/Сєрп) = ДрсС - ?рсРП.

The ?рСС component characterizes the impact of changes in the cost of goods sold on the dynamics of product profitability, and the ?рсРП component characterizes the impact of changes in sales volume. They are defined respectively as

  • ?рсС = РП№/С№рп - РП№/Сєрп;
  • ?рсРП = РП№/Сєрп - РПє/Сєрп.
  • 1. Full cost of sales of products sold by Nadezhda LLC:

С№рп = 7576;

Sickle = 7732.

  • 2. The impact of changes in cost on the dynamics of product profitability:
    • ?рсС = 7692/7576 - 7692/7732 = 1.015 - 0.995 = 0.02.
  • 3. The impact of changes in the volume of products sold on the dynamics of product profitability:
    • ?rsRP = 7692/7732 - 7857/7732 = 0.995 - 1.016 = -0.021.
  • 4. General change in product profitability:
    • ?рс = 0.02+ (-0.021) = -0.001.

Conclusion: according to the calculations, product profitability compared to 2007 decreased by 0.01 (1.015 - 1.016) under the influence of the following factors:

  • 1) due to changes in the cost of goods sold increased by 0.02;
  • 2) due to the change in the volume of products sold, selling prices decreased by 0.021.

The reason for the deterioration in product profitability is the decrease in sales revenue. To solve this problem, the management of Nadezhda LLC needs to identify reserves for increasing the volume of product sales and the amount of profit.

In order to ensure stable profit growth, it is necessary to constantly look for reserves to increase it. They are identified both at the planning stage and during the implementation of plans. Determining reserves for profit growth is based on a well-founded methodology for their calculation, mobilization and implementation. There are three stages of this work: analytical, organizational and functional. At the first stage, reserves for increasing profits and profitability are identified and quantified; at the second, a set of organizational, economic and social measures are assessed to ensure the use of the identified reserves. At the third stage, activities are practically implemented and their implementation is monitored.

In addition, the development of reserves for profit growth without increasing production capacity (without additional capital investments) increases not only the profitability of the operation, but also its reserves of financial strength. The margin of financial strength or safety zone (Zf.u) is determined by the formula:

Zf.y = (Vv - Vb)/Vv;

Vv = Vf + identified growth reserve,

where Вв is the possible sales volume (sales) taking into account reserves for its growth;

Vb - break-even sales volume;

Vf - revenue after the fact (sales volume).

The third component of the concept of “performance” is indicators of profitability and profitability.

According to the “Profit and Loss Statement” (form No. 2), it is possible to analyze the dynamics of profitability of sales, net profitability of the reporting period, as well as the influence of factors on changes in these indicators.

Return on sales (RP) is the ratio of the amount of profit from sales to the volume of products sold:

R P = (P P / V) * 100% (24)

From this factor model it follows that the profitability of sales is influenced by the same factors that influence the profit from sales. To determine how each factor affected the profitability of sales, it is necessary to carry out the following calculations.

1. Impact of changes in sales revenue on Рп:

DR P (B) = (((B1 - C0 - KP0 - UR0) / B1) -

((B0 - C0 - KP0 - UR0) / B0))) * 100% (25)

where B1 and B0 are reporting and basic revenue;

C1 and C2 - reporting and basic cost;

KR1 and KR0 - reporting and basic business expenses;

UR1 and UR0 - administrative expenses in the reporting and base periods.

DR P (V) = (((9595 - 8587 - 1226 - 0) / 9595) - ((9736 - 8587 - 1226 - 0) / 9736))) * 100% = - 2.27% - (- 0, 79%) = - 1.48%

2. Impact of changes in cost of sales on Рп:

DR P (S) = (((B1 - C1 - KP0 - UR0) / B1) -

((B1 - C0 - KP0 - UR0) / B1))) * 100% (26)

DR P (C) = (((9595 - 8210 - 1226 - 0) / 9595) - ((9595 - 8587 - 1226 - 0) / 9595))) * 100% = 1.66% - (-2.27 %) = + 3.93%

3. Impact of changes in business expenses on Рп:

DR P (KR) = (((B1 - C1 - KR1 - UR0) / B1) -

((B1 - C1 - KR0 - UR0) / B1))) * 100% (27)

DR P (KR) = (((9595 - 8210 - 1348 - 0) / 9595) - ((9595 - 8210 - 1226 - 0) / 9595))) * 100% = 0.39% - 1.66% = - 1.27%

The total influence of factors is:

DR P = ± DR B ± DR S ± DR KR ± DR UR (28)

DR P = - 1.48 +3.93 - 1.27 = 1.18%

The profitability of sales for the reporting period increased compared to the profitability of the previous period by 1.18%.

The organization's net profitability is calculated as the ratio of the amount of net profit to sales revenue:

RH = (RH / V) * 100% (29)

P1 H = (-138/9595) * 100% = - 1.44%

P0 H = (-217/9736) * 100% = - 2.23%

In addition to the analyzed profitability ratios, a distinction is made between the profitability of total capital, equity, production assets, and financial investments.

In order to assess the performance of the organization as a whole and analyze its strengths and weaknesses, it is necessary to synthesize indicators, and in such a way as to identify cause-and-effect relationships affecting the financial position and its components. Let's consider the following indicators characterizing the profitability of the enterprise:

1. Return on sales - shows how much profit is per unit of products sold:

Р1 = (sales profit / sales revenue) * 100% (30)

P1 = (p.050 (form No. 2) / p.010 (form No. 2)) * 100% (31)

Р1 = (37/9595) * 100% = 0.39% (for the reporting period)

P1 = (-77/9736) * 100% = - 0.79% (for the base period)

2. Accounting profitability from ordinary activities - shows the level of profit after tax:

P2 = (profit from ordinary activities / sales revenue) * 100% (32)

P2 = (p.160 (form No. 2) / p.010 (form No. 2)) * 100% (33)

P2 = (-138/9595) * 100% = - 1.4% (for the reporting period)

P2 = (-217/9736) * 100% = - 2.23% (for the base period)

3. Net profitability - shows how much net profit is per unit of revenue:

P3 = (net profit / sales revenue) * 100% (34)

P3 = (p. 190 (form No. 2) / p. 010 (form No. 2)) * 100% (35)

Р3 = (-138/9595) * 100% = - 1.4% (for the reporting period)

Р3 = (-217/9736) * 100% = - 2.23% (for the base period)

4. Economic profitability - shows the efficiency of using all the organization’s property:

P4 = (net profit / average asset value) * 100% (36)

P4 = (p. 190 (form No. 2) / p. 300 (form No. 1)) * 100% (37)

Р4 = (-138/2827) * 100% = - 4.88% (for the reporting period)

Р4 = (-217/3770.5) * 100% = - 5.76% (for the base period)

5. Return on equity - shows the efficiency of using equity capital. The dynamics of P5 affects the quote level.

P5 = (net profit / average cost of equity capital) * 100% (38)

P5 = (p. 190 (form No. 2) / p. 490 (form No. 1)) * 100% (39)

P5 = (-138/1749) * 100% = - 7.89% (for the reporting period)

Р5 = (-217/1902) * 100% = - 11.41% (for the base period)

6. Gross profitability - shows how much gross profit is per unit of revenue:

P6 = (gross profit / sales revenue) * 100% (40)

P6 = (p.029 (form No. 2) / p.010 (form No. 2)) * 100% (41)

P6 = (1385/9595) * 100% = 14.43% (for the reporting period)

P6 = (1149/9736) * 100% = 11.8% (for the base period)

7. Cost-effectiveness - shows how much profit from the sale is per 1 thousand rubles. costs

P7 = (profit from sales / costs of production and sales of products) * 100% (42)

Р7 = (p.050 (form No. 2) / (p.020 + p.030 + p.040)) * 100% (43)

Р7 = (37/ (8210 + 1348)) * 100% = 0.39% (for the reporting period)

Р7 = (-77/ (8587 + 1226)) * 100% = - 0.78% (for the base period)

Gross profitability (P6) reflects the amount of gross profit in each ruble of products sold. This figure for the reporting year increased by 2.63%, therefore, the gross profit per unit of revenue of the organization increased.

Of particular interest for external assessment of the effectiveness of the financial and economic activities of an organization is the analysis of non-traditional profitability indicators such as cost-return (P7), which shows how much profit from sales falls on 1 ruble of costs. More informative is the analysis of return on assets (P4) and return on equity (P5).

One of the synthetic indicators of the economic activity of an organization as a whole is economic profitability (P4), which is also commonly called return on assets.

According to the calculations, it is clear that the organization received a 1.4% loss per ruble from this type of activity during the reporting period. of its property, for the period last year the loss was 2.23% for this indicator. Formula P4 clearly shows possible ways to increase economic profitability - ways to increase the profitability of capital.

The return on equity indicator (P5) allows us to establish the relationship between the amount of invested own resources and the amount of profit received from their use.

Sales profitability can be increased by raising prices or reducing costs. The organization's policy should be to increase the production and sale of those products (works, services), the need for which is determined by improving market conditions.

  • 2.3. Analysis of the use of labor resources
  • Calculation of the degree of influence of factors
  • 2.4. Test questions and tasks for independent work
  • 2.5. Analysis of the efficiency of use of fixed production assets
  • 2.6. Test questions and tasks for independent work
  • 2.7. Analysis of the use of material resources
  • 2.8. Test questions and tasks for independent work
  • 2.9. Analysis of the cost of products (works)
  • Analysis of the composition and structure of the cost of work performed by cost elements
  • 2.10. Test questions and tasks for independent work
  • 2.11. Analysis of the relationship between the costs of production and sales of products (work), sales volume and profit. Break-even point calculation
  • 2.12. Production leverage (leverage)
  • 2.13. Test questions and tasks for independent work
  • Chapter 3. Analysis and diagnostics of the financial condition of the enterprise
  • 3.1. Contents and main components of financial analysis
  • 3.2. Balance sheet asset analysis
  • 3.3. Analysis of balance sheet liabilities
  • 3.4. Balance sheet liquidity analysis
  • 3.5. Solvency analysis
  • 3.6. Analysis of financial independence and sustainability
  • 3.7. Profit Analysis
  • 1.1. Calculation of the influence of the factor “Product price”
  • 1.2. Calculation of the influence of the factor “Quantity of products sold”
  • 2. Calculation of the influence of the factor “Cost of products sold”
  • 3. Calculation of the influence of the factor “Business expenses”
  • 4. Calculation of the influence of the factor “Administrative expenses”
  • 5. Calculation of the influence of factors: “Operating income”, “Operating expenses”, “Non-operating income”, “Non-operating expenses”
  • 3.8. Cost-benefit analysis
  • 3.9. Business activity analysis
  • 3.10. Test questions and tasks for independent work
  • Chapter 4. Analysis of the investment activity of the enterprise
  • 4.1. Analysis and economic assessment of the effectiveness of the investment project
  • Stage II
  • 2. Net present value (NPV)
  • 3. Payback period taking into account discounting
  • 4. Investment return index (go)
  • 5. Cost profitability index (IZ)
  • 6. Internal rate of return (IRR)
  • 7. Modified internal rate of return of the project (mind)
  • The effectiveness of the enterprise’s participation (equity capital) in the project is assessed based on the following indicators:
  • The return on equity capital index () shows the income that an enterprise receives per 1 ruble of equity capital expended. Calculated using the formula
  • The internal rate of return on equity capital () is found by the method set out in the methodology for calculating commercial efficiency. The calculation is made based on solving the equation
  • 4.2. An example of assessing the effectiveness of an investment project
  • Calculation of the commercial efficiency of the project
  • Calculation of cash flow from investment activities
  • Calculation of commercial efficiency indicators
  • Assessment of the financial feasibility of the project
  • Calculation of project financial feasibility indicators
  • Assessing the effectiveness of the enterprise’s participation (the enterprise’s own capital) in the project
  • 4. 3. Analysis and risk assessment of an investment project
  • 4.3.1. Sensitivity Analysis
  • 4.3.2. Calculation of break-even point and safety margin
  • 4.3.3. Project sustainability check
  • 4.4. Taking into account inflation in the assessment of investment projects
  • Determining the discount rate taking into account inflation
  • 4.5. Analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise participating in the project
  • 4.6. Economic analysis and assessment of leasing
  • 4.6.1. Calculation of leasing payments
  • 4.6.2. Assessing the effectiveness of leasing for the lessee
  • 4.7. Test questions and tasks for independent work
  • 1. Capital-forming investments include:
  • 4. Leasing participants are:
  • Appendix 1
  • Appendix 2
  • Appendix 3
  • Tasks)
  • Appendix 4
  • Table of contents
  • Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of the analysis of financial and economic
  • Chapter 2. Analysis of the production and economic activities of a construction enterprise………………………………………………………………...38
  • Chapter 3. Analysis and diagnostics of the financial condition of the enterprise…………… 173
  • Chapter 4. Analysis of the investment activity of the enterprise………………….. 265
  • 3.8. Cost-benefit analysis

    Profitability characterizes the level of profitability of the enterprise. Profitability is calculated based on profit indicators. If an enterprise operates at a loss, then it should be said that the activity is unprofitable.

    Main directions of profitability analysis:

    1. Analysis of the dynamics of profitability indicators.

    2. Factor analysis of profitability.

    To analyze profitability, the following indicators are calculated:

    1. Product profitability.

    2. Profitability of sales.

    3. Return on capital.

    4. Return on working capital.

    5. Return on equity.

    6. Profitability of resources.

    Profitability of products (works)() is the ratio of profit from sales to the costs of production and sales of products (work). Calculated using the formula


    – lines of form No. 2 are indicated here.

    The profitability of products (works) shows how much profit from sales falls on one ruble of costs for the production and sale of products (works).

    Return on sales (
    ) is the ratio of sales profit to revenue. Calculated using the formula


    Return on sales shows how much profit from sales falls on one ruble of revenue.

    Return on Equity (
    ) is the ratio of profit before tax (or net profit) to the average annual value of the enterprise’s property (balance sheet asset). If return on capital is calculated for a quarterly period, then the average quarterly value of the enterprise’s property is taken into account in the calculations. Calculated using the formula


    Where – average annual value of the enterprise’s property (balance sheet asset); – balance lines are indicated here.

    Return on capital shows how much pre-tax profit (or net profit) falls on one ruble of capital or property of the enterprise. In some cases, it is also possible to calculate return on capital based on the use of profit from sales (when it constitutes the bulk of profit before tax).

    Return on working capital
    - this is the ratio of profit before tax (or net profit) to the average annual cost of working capital of the enterprise. Calculated using the formula



    – average annual cost of working capital of the enterprise.

    Return on working capital shows how much profit before tax (or net profit) falls on one ruble of capital invested in current assets (or in current activities).

    Return on equity
    is the ratio of profit before tax (or net profit) to the average annual value of the enterprise's equity capital. Calculated using the formula


    Return on equity shows how much pre-tax profit (or net profit) a company earns per ruble of equity.

    Profitability of resources
    is the ratio of profit before tax (or net profit, profit from sales) to the average annual cost of fixed assets (
    ) and material working capital (
    ). Calculated using the formula




    The average annual cost of fixed production assets is taken according to Form No. 5 “Appendix to the Balance Sheet”.

    – balance lines are indicated here.

    Return on resources shows how much profit before tax (or net profit, profit from sales) an enterprise receives per ruble of resources employed in production.

    Let's calculate profitability indicators (Table 3.17) based on the data in Table. 3.1 and 3.14.

    Table 3.17

    Profitability indicators

    * – data is not available, since the calculations use reporting for only one reporting year (balance sheet and form 2). To determine the average annual cost of capital for the previous year, the balance sheet for the previous year must be used.

    According to the table. 3.17, fig. 3.28 shows that in the reporting year there was an increase in the profitability of products and sales. The growth in profitability indicators was caused by faster growth rates of sales profits (145.08%), revenue growth rates (117.0%), cost of goods sold (115.%), selling expenses (104.49%) and administrative expenses (103.08%). 41%). The main factor in increasing profitability is increasing profits, which in turn depends on the volume of production and sales of products and reducing costs.

    Factor analysis of profitability allows you to determine the degree of influence of individual indicator factors on changes in profitability. To carry out factor analysis, it is necessary to compare the data of the reporting year with the data of the base period (for example, the previous year). Since we use reporting for only one year to analyze the financial condition, we will consider conditional examples.

    Rice. 3.28. Dynamics of profitability indicators

    Example 1.

    Based on the data in table. 3.18 determine the degree of influence of production cost factors on changes in the profitability of resources, as well as the efficiency of use of enterprise resources (fixed production assets and working capital).

    Table 3.18

    Initial data for factor analysis

    End of table 3.18


    0 deviation


    3. Material costs (

    4. Salary with deductions (

    5. Depreciation ( )

    6. Other costs (

    7. Profit from sales (
    ), thousand rubles

    8. Cost of OPF ( ), thousand rubles,

    9. Cost of working capital (
    ), thousand rubles,

    10. Profitability of resources (
    ), %,

    We will conduct a factor analysis of the profitability of resources using the method of chain substitutions. The profitability of resources is determined by the formula


    Let's carry out some transformations and get a model for factor analysis

    Thus, the transformed factor model of resource profitability will take the form


    – material consumption;
    – salary intensity;
    – depreciation capacity;
    – share of other costs in revenue;
    – capital productivity of fixed production assets;
    – turnover ratio of working capital (current assets).

    To carry out factor analysis, we will calculate the calculated indicators (Table 3.19).

    Using the method of chain substitutions, we will perform intermediate calculations using the transformed factor model of resource profitability. There are 7 calculations in total. In the first calculation, all indicators are from 2004, and in the last calculation – from 2005. We are gradually replacing the values ​​of the 2004 indicators with the values ​​of the 2005 indicators. We summarize the results of intermediate calculations in table. 3.20.

    Table 3.19

    Estimated indicators

    Table 3.20

    Results of intermediate calculations of factor analysis

    1. Profitability of resources (ratio)

    2.Second calculation

    3. Third calculation

    4. Fourth calculation

    5. Fifth calculation

    6.Sixth calculation

    7. Seventh calculation

    The calculation of the influence of factors is determined by sequential subtraction: from the second calculation we subtract the first; from the third - the second; from the fourth – the third, etc., that is, the previous one is subtracted from each subsequent one (Table 3.21).

    Table 2.21

    Degree of influence of factors

    Influence of factors

    1. Change in profitability of resources due to

    reducing material consumption of products

    2. Change in the profitability of resources due to an increase in salary intensity

    3. Change in the profitability of resources due to an increase in depreciation capacity

    4. Change in the profitability of resources due to a decrease in the share of other expenses in revenue

    5. Change in the profitability of resources due to a decrease in capital productivity

    6. Change in the profitability of resources due to a decrease in the working capital turnover ratio

    TOTAL total influence of factors

    Thus, the calculation results showed that the profitability of resources decreased by 9.17%. The main influence was exerted by the following factors (Table 3.22, Fig. 3.29):

    – decrease in capital productivity. As a result of a decrease in the efficiency of use of fixed production assets by 0.47 rubles/rub. resource profitability decreased by 3.976%;

    – increase in wage intensity. As a result of an increase in salary intensity by 0.049 rubles/rub. resource profitability decreased by 4.385%;

    – increase in depreciation capacity. As a result of an increase in depreciation capacity by 0.036 rub./rub. profitability of resources decreased by 3.257%;

    – reduction in the working capital turnover ratio. As a result of a decrease in the working capital turnover ratio by 0.335, the profitability of resources decreased by 0.206%;

    – a decrease in material consumption by 0.027 rubles/rub had a positive impact on the profitability of resources. As a result, resource profitability increased by 2.413%.

    Table 3.22

    Factor analysis of resource profitability



    1. Profitability of resources, %

    2. Material consumption, rub./rub.

    3. Salary intensity, rub./rub.

    4. Depreciation capacity, rub./rub.

    5. Share of other costs in revenue, rub./rub.

    6. Capital productivity, rub./rub.

    7. Working capital turnover ratio

    TOTAL total influence of factors

    Rice. 3.29. Influence of factors on changes in resource profitability

    Example 2.

    Based on the initial data, identify the degree of influence of the factors return on sales and capital turnover ratio on changes in return on capital.

    Return on capital in this case is calculated as the ratio of profit from sales to the average annual cost of capital (Table 3.23).

    Table 3.23

    Initial and calculated indicators for factor analysis


    Previous year




    Initial indicators

    1. Profit from sales (
    ), thousand rubles

    2. Revenue from sales of products
    , thousand rubles,

    3. Average annual cost of capital ( ), thousand rubles,

    Estimated indicators

    4. Return on equity (
    ), %

    5. Sales profitability (
    ), %

    6. Capital turnover ratio (

    Capital turnover ratio (
    ) is calculated as the ratio of revenue to the average annual cost of capital.

    Return on equity increased by 5.395%. It is necessary to determine to what extent its increase was influenced by the return on sales and the capital turnover ratio. For the calculation we will use the following formula and subsequent transformations


    We use the absolute difference method.

    1. Change in return on equity due to increased return on sales

    Due to an increase in return on sales by 1.24%, return on equity increased by 1.57%.

    2. Change in return on capital due to an increase in the capital turnover ratio

    Due to an increase in the turnover ratio by 0.188, return on equity increased by 3.833%. The total change was (1.57% + 3.83%) = 5.4%. The greatest impact on the change in return on capital was exerted by an increase in the capital turnover ratio, that is, the business activity of the enterprise (factor share - 71%, Fig. 3.30). The results of factor analysis are presented in table. 3.24.

    Table 3.24

    Factor analysis of return on equity

    Factor indicators

    Previous year

    Reporting year




    1. Return on equity (
    ), %

    2. Return on sales (
    ), %

    3. Capital turnover ratio (


    Rice. 3.30. Structure of changes in return on equity as a result

    influence of factors

    One of the main indicators characterizing the profitability of production is the production profitability ratio.

    R ex. = R bal. / Ref.f. * 100%,


    R pr. - production profitability, %,

    R ball. - balance sheet profit,

    With pr. f.- average cost of production assets.

    Factors influencing changes in production profitability include:

    1. change in the amount of balance sheet profit;

    2. change in the value of fixed assets;

    3. change in balances of material current assets (inventories and costs).

    However, more detailed information for analysis can be obtained using relative indicators characterizing product profitability, efficiency of use of fixed assets and tangible current assets.

    To do this, we use the coefficients:

    1. profitability ratio of products sold(Kr):

    K r = Balance sheet profit: Sales volume

    2. product capital intensity ratio(Kf e):

    Kf e = Cost of fixed assets (average): Sales volume

    3. working capital consolidation ratio(K z.):

    K h. = Material working capital: Sales volume

    Methodology for formalized factor analysis of production profitability

    1. Calculation of the total change in production profitability:

    R pr. = R pr. 1 - R pr. 0,

    R ave. 1 and R ave. 0 - profitability of production for the reporting and base periods.

    2. Calculation of the impact on production profitability of changes in product profitability:

    Rr = (Rr 1 / (R feo + R z.o) * 100%) - R pr, o,

    Rr - impact on production profitabilitychanges in product profitability;

    Rr 1 - profitability of products of the reporting period;

    Rfeo - capital intensity of products of the base period;

    R z. o- coefficient of fixation of working capital of the base period.

    3. Calculation of the impact on production profitability of changes in the capital intensity of products:

    Rfe = -

    Rfe - the impact on the profitability of production of changes in the capital intensity of products,

    Rfe 1 - capital intensity of products of the reporting period

    4. Calculation of the impact on production profitability of changes in the turnover of material working capital:

    R z = -

    The sum of particular deviations must correspond to the overall change in production profitability:

    R pr = Rr + Rfe + R z

    Initial data for factor analysis of production profitability.

    Table 3.5.

    Production profitability analysis


    Base period

    Reporting period

    1. Balance sheet profit, thousand rubles.



    2. Sales of products at basic prices, thousand rubles.



    3. Average annual cost of fixed assets, thousand rubles.



    4. Average annual cost of working capital, thousand rubles.



    5. Average annual cost of production assets (item 3 + item 4), thousand rubles.



    6. Product capital intensity ratio (item 3/item 2 * 100%), kopecks. ( Kf e)



    7. Working capital consolidation coefficient (item 4/item 2*100%), kopecks. ( K h)



    8. Profit per ruble of products sold (item 1 / item 2* 100%), kopecks. (Kr)



    9. Profitability of production (item 1/item 5 * 100%), % ( R ex.)



    Production profitability for the reporting year increased by 0.33% (11.98 - 11.65). Let us determine the influence of factors on the change in the performance indicator:

    1. Impact of changes in product profitability:

    11,65% = 9,86 - 11,65 = -1,79 %,

    Due to a decrease in product profitability, production profitability decreased by 1.79%.

    2. Impact of changes in the capital intensity of products:

    9,86 = 11,77 - 9,86 = +1,91%

    As a result of a decrease in the capital intensity of products and, as a consequence, an increase in capital productivity, production profitability increased by 1.91%.

    3. Impact of changes in the fixed assets ratio:

    11,77 % = 11,98 - 11,77 = +0,21%,

    due to reductionR z.,i.e., accelerating the turnover of material working capital, production profitability increased by 0.21%.

    Check: 11.98 - 11.65 = -1.79 + 1.91 + 0.21

    or 0.33 = 0.33

    Thus, the main reserve for increasing production profitability is product profitability, which decreased by 1.81 (9.92 - 11.73).

    The decrease in this ratio was a consequence of a relative decrease in the amount of book profit.

    Factor analysis- this is one of the ways to reduce dimensionality, that is, to highlight in the entire set of features those that really influence the change in the dependent variable. Or groupings of characteristics that similarly influence changes in the dependent variable. Or groupings of simply similar changing characteristics. It is assumed that the observed variables are only a linear combination of some unobservable factors.

    Some of these factors are common to several variables, while others are specific to only one. Those that manifest themselves in only one are obviously orthogonal to each other and do not contribute to the covariation of the variables, while the common ones do precisely contribute to this covariation. The task of factor analysis is precisely to restore the original factor structure based on the observed structure of covariation of variables, despite random covariation errors that inevitably arise in the process of making observations.

    The main goal of any company is to find optimal management decisions aimed at maximizing profits, the relative expression of which is profitability indicators.

    Key indicators:

    1. Balance Sheet Margin:

    RB = balance sheet profit / the sum of the average annual cost of open pension fund and the normalized part of working capital.

    2.Return on sales:

    R = profit from sales / revenue from sales.

    3.Return on assets (Ra):

    Ra = Pch / A.,

    de A. - average value of assets (balance sheet currency); Pch - profit remaining at the disposal of the enterprise (net profit)

    4. Product profitability:

    R = profit from sales / total cost 100%

    Profitability indicators can be grouped into four groups:

    Indicators calculated on the basis of profit;

    Indicators calculated on the basis of production assets;

    Indicators calculated on the basis of cash flows;

    Indicators calculated based on the profitability of individual types of products.

    The advantages of using these indicators in the analysis are the ability to compare performance not only within one company, but also to use multivariate comparative analysis of several companies over a number of years. In addition, profitability indicators, like any relative indicators, represent important characteristics of the factor environment for the formation of profit and income of companies.

    The problem with using analytical procedures in this area is that the authors propose various approaches to the formation of not only a basic system of indicators, but also methods for analyzing profitability indicators.

    To analyze profitability, use the following factor model:

    R = (N - S)/N * 100

    where P is profit; N - revenue; S - cost.

    In this case, the influence of the factor of price changes on products is determined by the formula:

    RN = (N1 - S0)/N1 - (N0 - S0)/N0

    Accordingly, the influence of the cost change factor will be:

    RS = (N1 - S1)/N1 - (N1 - S0)/N1

    The sum of factor deviations will give the total change in profitability for the period:

    Profitability is the result of the production process; it is formed under the influence of factors related to increasing the efficiency of working capital, reducing costs and increasing the profitability of products and individual products. The overall profitability of an enterprise must be considered as a function of a number of quantitative indicators - factors: structure and capital productivity of fixed production assets, turnover of standardized working capital, profitability of products sold.

    Three-factor cost-benefit analysis model.

    1. Study of the influence of changes in the product profitability factor.

    The calculation of conditional profitability is carried out based on product profitability, provided that only product profitability has changed, and the values ​​of all other factors remain at the basic level.

    2. Study of the impact of changes in capital intensity.

    The calculation of conditional profitability by capital intensity is carried out, provided that two factors have changed - product profitability and capital intensity, and the values ​​of all other factors remained at the basic level.

    3. Study of the influence of working capital turnover.

    The profitability for the reporting period is calculated. It can be considered as conditional profitability, provided that the values ​​of all three factors of product profitability, capital intensity and working capital turnover have changed.

    Five-factor cost-benefit analysis model.

    1. Study of the influence of changes in the material intensity factor of products.

    The conditional profitability is calculated based on the material intensity of the product, provided that only the material intensity of the product has changed, and the values ​​of all other factors remained at the basic level.

    2. Study of the influence of changes in the labor intensity factor of products.

    The calculation of conditional profitability based on the labor intensity of products is carried out, provided that both material intensity and labor intensity of products have changed, and the values ​​of all other factors remained at the basic level.

    3. Study of the influence of changes in the factor of depreciation capacity of products.

    The calculation of conditional profitability based on the depreciation intensity of products is carried out, provided that the material intensity, labor intensity and depreciation intensity of the product have changed, and the values ​​of all other factors have remained at the basic level.

    4. Study of the influence of changes in the fixed capital turnover rate factor.

    The calculation of conditional profitability is carried out based on the turnover rate of fixed capital, provided that the material intensity, labor intensity, depreciation intensity of products and the turnover rate of fixed capital have changed, and the value of the turnover rate of working capital has remained at the base level.

    5. Study of the influence of changes in the working capital turnover rate factor.



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