We choose inexpensive and effective vitamins for nails and hair. Is your hair falling out on your head? Effective vitamins and minerals for hair and nail growth will help you

Often only superficial hair care products are used. cosmetics, but the health and beauty of curls depends on what kind of nutrition they receive from the inside. Vitamins for hair restoration can be obtained by eating certain foods, as well as by taking additional vitamin complexes.

Effect of use

There are many factors that cause alopecia or baldness. Very often the loss is seasonal and caused by a lack of useful substances. The main reason for the violation of the structure of the strands is vitamin deficiency.

Vitamins (especially groups A and B) have a very great influence on the scalp and roots. They are responsible for thickness and shine hairline. Vitamin complexes are designed to compensate for their deficiency and solve the problem of restoring hair.

Important! For long, luxurious locks it is very important to maintain balance. necessary for the body elements. They can often be obtained by eating certain products, or use pharmacy vitamin complexes.


Hair loss - normal natural process when no more than 100 hairs fall out. If the amount becomes more and more noticeable, then this indicates that the body is malfunctioning or there is simply a lack of necessary microelements. As you know, with age, hair becomes less and less common. In women, the amount of estrogen decreases, which affects the hair, which becomes thin and lifeless.

With a lack of nutrients, hair loses its attractiveness. The strands become not as strong, elastic and smooth as before. As a rule, they begin to become very split, or even fall out in bunches.

With a deficiency of vitamins in the body, metabolism decreases, and in the hair cells, starvation occurs, and the hair begins to literally “suffocate.” The passage of full-fledged biochemical reactions is hampered, as a result of which the work is disrupted sebaceous glands, and the strands become dirty faster.

List of vitamins

The health of your scalp and curls starts from the inside. It is useful to know what vitamins are needed to restore “exhausted” curls.

Group B

Vitamins of this group are the most important in the fight for attractive hair. Each active substance responsible for its specific function.

To prevent your hair from becoming dry and oily, you need to compensate for the deficiency. element B2 or riboflavin. His greatest content noted in the following products:

  • liver;
  • pork kidneys;
  • baker's yeast;
  • instant coffee;
  • almond;
  • cereals;
  • figs

Responsible for the formation of gray hair and hair growth Vitamin B3, another name for it is niacin. The deficiency of this element can be compensated for by eating:

  • mushrooms;
  • sorrel, broccoli and other vegetables;
  • coffee;
  • beans;
  • nuts;
  • beef liver and chicken meat;
  • red fish.

Also affects the growth of the mop useful component B9. It is especially abundant in peanuts, sunflower seeds and porcini mushrooms.

Vitamin A (retinol)

Every hair desperately needs retinol. With its deficiency, the scalp becomes dry, dandruff, brittleness appears, and ultimately hair loss occurs.

In addition, vitamin A is a real antioxidant, a cell growth regulator and a controller of the sebaceous glands. You can get your dose of retinol by eating more citrus fruits, pumpkin, carrots, tomatoes and spinach.

Advice. For better absorption of the vitamin, you can consume it with vegetables. healthy fats, which are abundant in cream and sour cream. In addition to products, you can use special pharmacy complexes that cope well with the problem of hair loss.

Vitamin H (biotin)

Due to its beneficial effects on skin, nails and hair, this component is called the “beauty vitamin”. Its deficiency manifests itself in the hair severe dandruff, seborrhea.

Biotin promotes the production of red blood cells, which deliver the necessary amounts of oxygen to the right points to maintain the health of the bulbs. The vitamin is also involved in the formation of keratin, which is responsible for the elasticity of hair and its protection from adverse factors.

Sufficient amounts of biotin are found in egg yolk, brewer's yeast, beef liver, brown rice, honey

Vitamins C and E

Water Soluble Vitamin C helps the “hat” on the head to be protected from various diseases scalp, nourishing it and saturating the hair roots with useful substances. Useful component a lot in citrus fruits, sauerkraut, rose hips, kiwi, cauliflower, strawberries.

Vitamin E or tocopherol is also very important for hair growth and health. With its deficiency, hair loss is immediately observed. The useful element is involved in the transport of oxygen, is responsible for the nutrition of the bulbs, and helps in the fight against seborrhea.

The daily dose of the vitamin is contained in one spoon of vegetable oil and a bag of peanuts. Tocopherol also enhances the activity of vitamin A.

Pharmacy complexes

In many cases, vitamin complexes that have a balanced composition of microelements and vitamins are the most effective.

Inneov Hair Density

The product from Vishy fully copes with the problems of hair loss and hair diseases. Contains the main active substance- tannins. The average price of the drug is 1000 rubles. This expensive product can be replaced green tea three times a day and rubbing the infusion into the scalp. But the drug itself, of course, is more effective and convenient for obtaining tannins.

The medicine contains a high concentration of minerals. The course of taking Inneov is quite long - 6 months.


Perfectly treats hair loss, fills the roots with nutritional components. Contains a standard set of vitamins. It is better to use Nutricap for at least 6 months. The vitamin complex is replaceable, i.e. the same set useful elements can be obtained if you follow a proper balanced diet.

Siberian health

To solve hair problems, you can use vitamin complexes from the company Siberian health.“Beauty vitamins” contain the main substances of groups A, B, C, D, E. The capsules also contain: folic acid, Coenzyme Q10 and biotin. On average, “Siberian Health” can be purchased for 210 rubles.

Doppelherz Beauty

Biological active additive Doppelgerz "Beauty and Health of Hair" directly and quickly affects the scalp and hair. The drug performs the following functions:

  • improves hair growth;
  • fights hair loss;
  • supports normal condition scalp;
  • normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • restores hair structure.

The drug is enriched with zinc, copper, biotin, vitamins B, C, P, as well as amino acids.

It is enough to take a dietary supplement capsule once a day during meals. The duration of treatment is 1 month. If the necessary results in hair restoration were not obtained, you can repeat the course of treatment, but only after a month's break. The price of a package of vitamins starts from 450 rubles, depending on the region of sale.

Vitrum Prenatal Forte

After childbirth, a woman’s body experiences dramatic changes. If during pregnancy the hair was beautiful and well-groomed, then after breastfeeding there is no trace of the hair’s former attractiveness. They become thin, dull, dandruff and hair loss are observed. Pharmacy vitamin complexes will help fill the deficiency nutrients and restore hair on the head.

This complex was specially designed for young mothers. It can effectively restore hair even after very long hair loss. After use, the follicles are strengthened and nourished, the growth of healthy strands is activated, and the structure along the entire length is restored. In pharmacies, prices for the drug start at 600 rubles. The tablet is taken once a day after breakfast. The course of treatment depends on the doctor’s recommendation.

Additional measures

Taking vitamins, of course, will play a significant role in restoring hair. You should remember proper nutrition, because it is from foods that the bulk of useful microelements should come.

An active lifestyle will tone the body, which will have a positive effect on the beauty of your hair. Even simple regular walks will strengthen your health. protective functions and the cells will be better saturated with oxygen.

Tightening your hair with various hairpins and elastic bands damages the structure of the hairline. Strongly constricting accessories and complicated hairstyles should be avoided.

You need to be very careful when choosing a shampoo. Give preference better means with maximum natural composition. Also, in order to avoid destruction of the bulbs, it is necessary to stick to one product and not change it constantly.

You need to comb your hair carefully, without “tearing” the strands. It is better to use a wooden comb. It is also advisable to reduce or stop the use of hot irons and other styling devices. On the street, it is advisable to use hats according to the season to protect the “mock” on the head from adverse environmental factors.

After each wash, you should additionally nourish your scalp and strands. Masks that do not contain aggressive chemicals are suitable for this.

Useful videos

Budget vitamins for hair growth and restoration.

Hair vitamins B6 and B12.

We started talking to you about the structure of hair, its growth and development. Why did I start this conversation? Then, so that you can recommend a complex of vitamins for hair not because the medical representative recently talked about it, not because “everyone praises it,” and not because “I took it myself and it helped.”

But because this particular complex will be the most suitable in this particular case.

To begin with, I will list the most common reasons hair loss. We already talked about some last time, others we didn’t touch on at all.

What reasons lead to hair loss?

  1. Stress, especially if it is chronic. As you know, every stress is accompanied by a release of adrenaline into the blood. This leads to a narrowing of blood vessels, including those that approach the hair papilla. The nutrition of the hair and the delivery of oxygen to it are disrupted, and it begins to fall out rapidly. Are vitamins needed here? Yes, but in combination with sedatives. Make a note to yourself right away: if it turns out that hair loss is related to stress, it makes sense to also recommend sedative. By the way, do you want to laugh? Trichologists note that very often your hair begins to fall out if you lend money. Apparently, the body also perceives this as stress. 🙂
  2. Endocrine diseases: diseases of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, gonads and associated hormonal imbalance.
  3. Childbirth, after which estrogen levels decrease. Usually everything is restored within six months. If this does not happen, you need to check your hormone levels.
  4. Infections with temperature “candles”. At the peak high temperature The proliferation of hair papilla cells stops, and after 2-3 weeks the hair begins to fall out.
  5. Cancel oral contraceptive. When a woman starts taking OK, she thereby sends her ovaries “to Hawaii.” After stopping its use, the estrogen content in the body decreases, since the ovaries have not yet recovered from their “vacation” and are not fully involved in work.
  6. Iron deficiency anemia. Iron ensures the transport of oxygen to cells, including the cells of the hair papilla. Not enough iron - not enough oxygen - hair grows.
  7. Puberty, when the amount of androgens increases, production increases sebum. Excess of it clogs the hair follicle, compresses the papilla, and cells cannot reproduce.
  8. Menopause, which reduces speed metabolic processes inside the cell, the rate of cell division inside the hair papilla also decreases.
  9. Lack of dietary intake of biotin, iron, cystine.
  10. Reception medicines, for example, cytostatics that suppress division not only cancer cells, but also all others. A person is rapidly losing hair. But the hair follicles do not disappear, so after a while the hair grows back.
  11. Cruel, long lasting chronic diseases, in which the body does not receive enough vitamins and microelements necessary for hair growth.
  12. Exclusively vegetarian food.
  13. Diseases in which the absorption of vitamins and microelements in the intestines is impaired.
  14. scalp.

Now look at this list again and think:

  1. When do you really need a hair vitamin complex?
  2. Where is it enough to wait, and everything will return to normal by itself?
  3. In what case should the underlying disease be treated first?

Preparing for this conversation, I looked at a lot of reviews about various vitamin complexes. And for almost everyone: it helped some, but others did not see the effect. Because in each case the reason for the loss is OWN.

Let me give you an example. A woman takes Pantovigar and asks: “why did her hair loss on her head not stop, but her body hair began to grow more?” She, of course, blames it on the complex. But the problem is not this, but an excess of androgens, which caused diffuse alopecia, that is, hair loss. Therefore, she first needs to go to an endocrinologist.

If you are asked something about hair loss, ask at least three questions to find out the reason for it:

  1. When did you notice that your hair began to fall out?
  2. What preceded this? (stress, childbirth, flu, diet, etc.)
  3. Do you have any chronic diseases (endocrine diseases, intestinal diseases, fibroids, which can cause severe bleeding)?

Ask the buyer to do the test I told you about last time. Maybe what the buyer calls hair loss is not hair loss at all? And here it is enough to offer a regular vitamin-mineral complex - more to calm him down?

And don’t forget to check if he is currently taking any vitamins so that an overdose does not occur.

If you receive answers, but you don’t have any theories about the causes of hair loss, ask: “What shampoo do you wash your hair with? For what hair? Improper care is another reason for hair loss and unimportant appearance hair.

Well, now let’s move directly to vitamins.

I looked at the composition of nine popular vitamin complexes for hair:

  • Perfect.
  • Special dragee Merz.
  • Revalid.
  • Pantovigar.
  • Vitasharm.
  • Vitrum Beauty.
  • Complements the Radiance.
  • Lady's formula. For hair, skin, nails.

And you know what I’ll tell you... When I analyzed the usual ones, I didn’t find such a discrepancy in dosages and composition as here.

What manufacturers haven’t put into these complexes! There is burdock extract, coenzyme Q10, green tea extract, and wheat germ extract.

I really want to see at least one eye and hear with one ear how the composition of such products is developed.

Apparently it happens like this:

5-6 guys (product managers, marketers) gather around a round table, and the marketing director says:

“Dear colleagues! We now have to develop a unique poly vitamin complex for hair, which will allow us to overtake our main competitors: complexes X, Y and Z.

Our task is to make sure that visitors to pharmacies buy only OUR complex and no other.

Your suggestions, gentlemen!

— We need to increase the dosage of B vitamins by two, no, better, three, no, better by 10 times! We will say that high dosages of this group improve all types of metabolism, moisturize the skin, participate in the production of collagen, and soothe. In this age of stress, this should work.

— I suggest adding burdock extract there! There is such a folk recipe for hair loss. Therefore, when they see a familiar name, people will buy our product.

- Let's also introduce coenzyme Q10 there. It's extremely fashionable now! We will say that it will revitalize your hair, give it energy, shine, and increase hair thickness!

— I suggest including the yeast. Since ancient times, people have treated hair loss with yeast.
- Exactly! But we will call them “medical”. It will sound more solid.

— It’s okay that we already have increased dosages of vitamins. Q, do we also add yeast?

- What's the difference! They are non-toxic and water soluble. But this will be an additional enticement for a potential buyer.

And then it’s a matter of technology. Come up with beautiful phrases in the annotation, launch troops into pharmacies in the form of medical representatives, having previously forced them to memorize these phrases and woo-a-la! Damn the vitamin, whatever it was, FUCK!!!

Do you doubt that this is exactly what happens?

But let's take a closer look at the composition of these complexes: the daily dosages of vitamins differ from each other several times!!! You can download this table by clicking on the image:

This suggests that there is no scientific justification there is no such composition.

Well, how else can you explain that in one complex the daily dose of vitamin B1 is 2.4 mg, and in the other – as much as 180 mg?

One vitamin A complex contains 3000 IU, and the other contains 16,500 IU?

Cystine in one is 10 mg, and in the other 150? Moreover, the testimony, as you understand, is similar! I can understand the difference in dosages between dietary supplements and drugs. But between drugs???

Maybe YOU can explain this to me?

In short, let's think about how we will sell all this.

I suggest choosing criteria for analyzing vitamins, keeping this in mind:

  • Hair is a protein called keratin. For its formation, the main amino acid is cysteine ​​(=cystine).
  • If hair loss occurs due to iron deficiency, it must be obtained from the outside.
  • Vitamin B7, or biotin, regulates hair growth and fat content.
  • For hair loss due to stress high doses magnesium in the complex will be very useful.
  • If the loss is associated with hypothyroidism, iodine is needed.
  • And if you have increased thyroid function, then it is contraindicated.

From these considerations we will analyze.

Vitamin complexes for hair


Full complex of vitamins and microelements for skin, hair, nails.

  • The composition contains biotin in an adequate dosage of 45 mcg at daily requirement 50 mcg.
  • High iron content.
  • Instead of vitamin A, beta-carotene is a safe form of it.
  • There is cystine, although in a small dosage.
  • The dosages of vitamins B1 and B6 are several times higher than the daily requirement.
  • Iodine 200 mcg.
  • The manufacturer recommends taking it for a month.


  1. May cause allergic reactions to vitamins. IN
  2. Suitable if hair loss is associated with iron deficiency or impaired absorption in the intestines.
  3. When recommending it, you should find out if there are any problems with thyroid gland. If “there is something, but I don’t know what,” recommend another complex without iodine and advise you to contact an endocrinologist.
  4. When selling, be sure to warn the buyer that it should be taken only during or immediately after a meal, since it very often causes nausea and stomach pain. Possibly due to the increased dosage of vitamin B6.
  5. Taking it for a month is illogical from the point of view of the stages of hair development.

Why do you think the manufacturer writes such a condition? Maybe because negative influence on the stomach?

Merz special dragee

Complex for skin, hair, nails.

In my opinion, a reasonable composition:

  • Vitamin C - 150 mg, and it is involved in the synthesis of collagen - the main protein of beauty and youth of the skin.
  • There is biotin, iron, cystine. By the way, daily dosage the latter is high (60 mg), and it goes towards building the hair protein keratin.
  • Iron is also in high dosage, which means this complex can be used for hair loss caused by iron deficiency.

But why isn’t the duration of the appointment specified? I think there is no need to take it for a long time. 3 months. No more!

For people over 35 years of age, the manufacturer recommends the Merz Anti-Age Special Dragee complex. Why exactly 35? Why is this age so remarkable? You walk and walk on the Earth, and then “bang”, and you turn 35. It turns out that old age has come. We urgently need to change our vitamins! 🙂 But I didn’t find anything special in the complex “for the elderly”.


This is a complex for hair and nails.

  • It is interesting because it contains wheat germ extract – natural spring many vitamins.
  • It contains the highest dosage of cystine - 150 mg - the main building material of hair protein. Therefore, I believe that Revalid can improve the condition of damaged hair.
  • In addition, it contains methionine, another important amino acid necessary for the synthesis of proteins and lipids. And lipids are needed for gluing the horny scales of the hair cuticle. Remember we talked about this last time?

Confusing in terms of allergies is the high content of vitamin B6. But since pyridoxine strengthens nervous system, it can be assumed that Revalid is suitable for hair loss caused by stress.


The complex is designed for hair and nails.

It contains not only cysteine, from which the main protein of hair is formed, but also keratin itself. This is its uniqueness. It is not found in any of the complexes under consideration.

But for some reason it contains just a crazy dosage of vitamin B1 - 60 mg, multiplied by three doses - 180 mg per day, when the norm is about two. For what? While diving into the topic of hair loss, I couldn’t find any mention of the fact that thiamine is a super important vitamin for hair growth.

Typically, such high dosages are used in the treatment of polyneuropathy. Remember, there are 100 mg of vitamin B1 in a milligram? But what does hair have to do with it?

Side effects include nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. And no wonder.

In short, I wouldn't buy it for myself.


Complex for skin, hair, nails.

I was shocked by the vitamin A content in it: 16500 IU at daily norm 5000 IU.

Remember this fat-soluble vitamin, so you need to be very careful with it? Vitamin A has teratogenic effect, so those planning a pregnancy should not take it either. Well, I would advise smokers to stay away from it, since taking vitamin A increases the incidence of cancer in smokers.

Traditionally high dosages vitamin A treats conditions associated with disruption of the process of keratinization of the skin: keratosis, ichthyosis, etc. This is also indicated in the indications for this complex.

Vitrum Beauty

Complex for skin, hair, nails.

Like all Vitrums, it has a lot of different things.

I didn’t see anything criminal in it.

In contrast, vitamin A is replaced by betacarotene.

There is more biotin here than anywhere else.

There is also more magnesium here than anywhere else.

This means that for stress-induced hair loss, this complex can be safely offered.

But it contains iodine, which is not always needed. So ask the buyer about thyroid disease.

Complivit Radiance

Complex for skin, hair, nails.

Like all Complivits, be careful in dosages. Everything is within reason, as befits dietary supplements.

The complex is purely preventive. Therefore, in my opinion, it is better to recommend it in cases where, from a conversation with the buyer, you understand that the problem is most likely temporary (childbirth, stress, previous infection).

The same applies to the complex. But it contains iodine!

Lady's formula. For hair, skin, nails

He's interesting high content biotin, the presence of cysteine.

There is also a lot of magnesium. For times of stress, that's it.

Iodine is present.

By the way, the last 4 complexes contain calcium, so when customers complain about brittle nails, recommend them first. Vitrum Beauty contains the most calcium.

Comprehensive offer for hair loss

In combination with vitamins we offer:

1. Shampoo according to hair type.

By the way, anti-hair loss shampoo is a marketing fairy tale. This does not happen, since the hair is located in the skin at a depth of 4-5 mm. We keep the shampoo on the head for 1-2 minutes, so it does not penetrate into the thickness of the skin.

The job of shampoo is to cleanse! And nothing more.

Shampoo for oily hair cleanses the scalp of impurities and excess sebum, which compresses the papilla and promotes hair loss.

Attention! Burdock oil Not recommended for oily hair! It will clog the hair follicles even more with fat, and will only make it worse.

Shampoo for dry hair moisturizes hair. Dryness - possible reason hair fragility.

Shampoo for normal hair maintains normal water-fat balance of the skin and hair health.

2. Hair balm. He smoothes the swollen ones as a result water procedures scales of the stratum corneum of the hair, so that the hair is smooth, shiny and easier to comb.

3. Hair mask. Moisturizes and nourishes the scalp.

4. Various hair lotions, for example, aminexil in ampoules from VICHY. It's already medicinal products. They improve nutrition of hair follicles and increase the number of hairs in the growth stage.

5. And when androgenic For baldness, minoxidil-based products are used.

Minoxidil inhibits the enzyme 5-alpha reductase, which promotes the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone, to which hair follicles are sensitive, has a vasodilating effect, improves hair nutrition, and “awakens” dormant follicles. Once again, I draw your attention to the fact that minoxidil is used for androgenic alopecia. It is included, for example, in Aleran anti-hair loss sprays.

That's all.

In general, as you can see, there are many reasons for hair loss. The main thing is to communicate with the buyer! And if you understand that the problem here is serious, be sure to advise you to consult a doctor. If you don’t know which one, refer to a trichologist - a specialist in the treatment of scalp problems. He'll figure it out!

Yes! And one more thing. I would be grateful if you write when it is preferable to recommend which Perfectil and, most importantly, why. After all, there are now four of them. And the manufacturer again let in some fog on this issue. Just don’t copy what he writes on his website. Important for the leaders short phrases containing main feature, a “trick” of each type.

See you next time on the blog ""!

With love to you, Marina Kuznetsova

How do you know which vitamin complex is needed? Which is best? For this you need to diagnose the problem first, and this:

  1. Slow growth.
  2. Loss.
  3. Fragility and dryness or, conversely, their excessive fat content.
  4. Early gray hair.
  5. Dandruff ().

If these problems are not caused by serious illnesses or genetic factors, That pharmacy vitamins Will definitely help for hair growth cope with proper course intake. Below is a list of vitamins for hair growth and strengthening.

Consequences of vitamin deficiency

  • Vitamin B2- hair oily at the roots and dry at the ends,
  • Vitamin B3 (RR)- slow growth, early gray hair,
  • Vitamin B5- hair loss, fragility,
  • Vitamin - the appearance of dandruff and itching of the scalp, dullness,
  • Vitamin B9- early graying,
  • Vitamin N- hair loss,
  • Vitamin WITH- nutritional deficiency and moderate loss,
  • Vitamin - thinning, fragility and dryness,
  • Vitamin E- loss,
  • Vitamin F- weakness.

You can use single-component preparations, which include, for example, various solutions for vitamin injections, Aevita capsules.

This will be the cheapest solution, but also the most labor-intensive, because when taken orally, you need to take into account the compatibility of vitamins with each other and maintain a pause between doses.

Vitamin complexes sold in pharmacies, free from these shortcomings, because the manufacturers took into account all these important points.

The best vitamin complexes

On pharmacy shelves presented huge amount a variety of complexes. What vitamins are best to take for hair growth? Your doctor will help you choose the complex that’s right for you, but you can make your own choice, focusing on their main purpose.

What vitamins to take for scalp hair growth in women and men? Consider the best vitamins for hair growth from the rating of popular complexes:

Complivit Radiance
A special complex in the Complivita line. Vitamins for hair growth Complivit, reduce hair loss, makes them softer and shinier. Experts note a low number of side effects (mostly due to individual intolerance components of the drug).

Pregnancy is a contraindication for reception. Release form: tablets. Belongs to group inexpensive drugs. You only need to take them once a day. For hair growth, you need to take vitamins for 1 month.


According to trichologists excellent complex to stop hair loss. Vitamins for hair growth Pantovigar do not allow the hair follicle to die due to negative external influences (from the use of various dyes, the use of various “chemicals” for care, etc.).

These vitamins for hair growth and strengthening are contraindicated if: pregnancy and lactation, childhood. Famous and unpleasant side effects- growth of body hair and weight gain. They appear infrequently, but effect of use according to numerous reviews - great.


Another complex specialized for stopping hair loss. It is much cheaper than Pantovigar, is available in capsules for three times daily use.


This drug with average cost, but according to experts result its application not inferior expensive analogues . Effective in the treatment of alopecia (a disease characterized by thinning hair or even baldness).

After use, a change in the structure of the scalp for the better is noticed. Take the complex 1 capsule per day. The following side effects are sometimes observed: stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, headaches.


Special dragees Merz help stop hair loss, accelerate their growth. In addition, they help awaken the “sleeping” hair follicles. Admission course pills are long-lasting - at least 2-3 months(1 tablet 2 times a day). Doctors consider it safe because there are no side effects when taking it. Refers to average price categories.

Vitrum beauty

In 75% of cases, according to trichologists, hair loss stops. The drug is not cheap, for hair growth, you need to take vitamins in a course of 2 tablets a day.

Inneov (Inneov) Hair density

Suitable for weakened hair (from improper care), with excessive loss. The course of admission is long: within 3 months you need take with food 2-3 times a day. There are contraindications: pregnancy and childhood.


The package contains tablets different colors. They are specially separated by color to be taken three times a day for optimal vitamin compatibility. Thanks to the vitamins B5 and H included in the composition, it is successfully used for hair loss and baldness in men. The complex is accessible and inexpensive. Cannot be used by children under 1 year of age.


Capsules to activate and improve hair growth. Contains biotin and silicon significantly accelerate hair growth. If they fall out, it should be taken in a 2-3 week course of 2 tablets per day, to accelerate growth, 1 tablet per day for 3 months. Included in the middle price category.


It contains silicon and B vitamins. The capsules are quite expensive, you need to take one 2 times a day. Trichologists and dermatologists have noticed an excellent effect for rapid growth hair.

It regulates scalp oiliness, helps with dandruff. These vitamins, for strengthening and growing hair, have a number of contraindications for use: pregnancy, lactation, fungal diseases nails or skin.


Available in tablets that prevent the appearance of gray hair. Contraindications: stones in gallbladder, pancreatitis. For hair growth, you need to take vitamins - 1 tablet per day for 1 month. Absolutely inexpensive complex vitamins for hair growth.


The complex gives strength and shine to hair. When they split and fade, or begin to fall out as a result of stress, it is prescribed for once a day for 1 month.


Lady's formula

Works great against hair loss. The complex is expensive, take it 1 tablet 3 times a day for 1 month.

Rules of application

What are the best vitamins for hair growth? The variety of pharmacy vitamin complexes is great. Each, focusing on their price category and the main purpose, makes his choice. But for absolutely all hair complexes some general rules applications:

  • All vitamins must be accepted during or after meals. Not on an empty stomach!
  • If necessary, the courses of treatment are repeated.
  • In spring, our hair (even healthier and more beautiful) needs increased nutrition with vitamins and microelements.
  • If side effects occur, take need to stop.
  • Pregnant women can Not all complexes can be taken, you need to read the instructions in the “Contraindications” section for each complex.
  • are more likely to suffer from baldness (alopecia) than women. They need to pay attention to taking medications with maximum content vitamins H, A, E and B1: Alphabet, Lady's formula, Pantovigar, Perfectil.

Useful information about vitamins for hair growth:

Thick and healthy hair– isn’t this the ultimate dream of women? And men are increasingly trying to hide their baldness and hide their considerably thinning hair. The causes of hair loss vary greatly: from hormonal pathologies in both women and men, to stressful experiences. Sometimes reception medicines may provoke loss of hair thickness, but more often the situation arises due to banal vitamin deficiency.

You can cope with the problem from the inside: normalize your diet and take vitamins against hair loss from natural products. But in our world of fast food and processed foods, it takes remarkable selectivity and self-discipline to eat healthy food. There are also “simpler” methods:

  • Get the necessary vitamins for fast hair growth from pharmaceutical drugs, so-called dietary supplements and vitamin-mineral complexes;
  • Replenish the deficiency by applying vitamins to the scalp in the form of masks and nourishing shampoos. There are 2 options here: use ready-made professional cosmetics or use pharmacy concentrates (mix them yourself, depending on what vitamins are missing or what effect is expected).

What vitamins are missing when hair falls out? The list has long been known.

Essential vitamins

Our hairstyle is most attracted to B vitamins, but it cannot do without vitamins C, E, A, F, H and D. If one component is missing, then an excess of another will not improve the appearance of the hair. Let's look at how they affect the problem of hair thickness.

Vitamin B1

Helps eliminate stress and nervousness, which negatively affects the thickness of hair. There is a lot of it in brewer's yeast, whole grain products and wheat germ.

Vitamin B2

Stimulates and maintains nutrition of hair follicles at the required level. Sufficient blood flow to the scalp ensures oxygen, microelements and other vitamins reach the hair follicles, and also stimulates their growth. When the bulb is saturated necessary substances– hair becomes strong, shiny and healthy. Riboflavin (another name for vitamin B2) is also responsible for the distribution of sebum. In conditions of its deficiency, both roots and tips suffer from excessive fat content. Dandruff is a sign of vitamin B2 deficiency. Riboflavin can be obtained from organ meats, brewer's yeast, milk and eggs.

Vitamin B3, vitamin PP

Nicotinic acid and niacin also ensure microcirculation of blood in the scalp. Additionally nicotinic acid normalizes metabolic processes, tissue regeneration at the cellular level and is responsible for color saturation. With a lack of vitamin PP, the hairstyle becomes dull, gray hairs appear, curls dry out, and grow slowly. You can make up for the deficiency from the following food products: pork, potatoes, cheese, sorrel or fish. Decoctions based on chamomile, nettle leaves, raspberries, burdock or dandelion are used as rinses to strengthen hair. Such rinses stimulate the growth rate of curls, restore color and increase their volume.

Vitamin B5

Regulates internal metabolic processes both in the bulb and throughout the entire length of the hair. Pantothenic acid (second name) strengthens each hair in the bulb, fixes it and prevents hair loss. Improving metabolism increases the intensity of growth processes and improves the overall appearance of curls: shine and color appear. Early pregnancy may also indicate a lack of pantothenic acid. The missing amount can be replenished with the yolk of chicken eggs, champignons, whole grains, offal and brewer's yeast.

Vitamin B6

Or pyridoxine is also involved in metabolic processes, it acts as a stimulator. With a deficiency of vitamin B6, the strands noticeably fade, fall out intensively and appear, and a sufficient amount of it eliminates these unpleasant conditions and itching of the scalp. Main supplier products: red meat, avocados, bananas, liver.

Vitamin B8

Inositol takes comprehensive care of the skin condition. Improved skin nutrition has a beneficial effect on hair and hair follicles. They are less susceptible to hair loss if the scalp is not deficient in inositol. An even greater effect from vitamin B8 occurs in tandem with vitamin E.

Vitamin B9

It is a catalyst for cellular renewal of the structural elements of hair. Thanks to folic acid(synonymous name) old cells are replaced by new, healthy and mature ones, and curls grow quickly. With a lack of vitamin B9, the first gray hairs appear early in people and the rate of graying quickly increases.

Vitamin B12

Helps restore hair structure. With a sufficient amount of cobalamin (the second name for the vitamin), the curls become elastic, shiny and smooth, and the ends do not split. Deficiency leads to hair thinning, depletion, increased fragility and dandruff. IN large quantities found in red meats, fish, eggs.

Vitamin H

At the same time regulates both fat balance and metabolism. Biotin (second name) normalizes sweating and sebum production, thereby preventing the development of seborrhea. A sufficient amount of vitamin H is an excellent prevention of anemia and hair loss. Peanuts, beef or pork liver, cabbage (mostly white) and tomatoes.

Vitamin C

Affects blood vessels. The smallest of them, capillaries, deliver blood to the hair follicles. Thanks to ascorbic acid, their tone is normalized, and the bulbs receive required quantity nutrients, including vitamins. In the bulb, which receives intensive nutrition, the hair holds much stronger. In case of shortage ascorbic acid The curls lose their shine, their fragility increases and the ends begin to split. You can make up for the deficiency by following products: citrus fruits, fermented milk products, fresh vegetables(especially bell peppers), fruits, etc.

Vitamin A

Regulates metabolic mechanisms inside hairs and bulbs. With a deficiency of the element, hair becomes dull, brittle, and grows slowly. In sufficient quantities, beta-carotene ensures elasticity of curls and prevention of dandruff and. There is a lot of vitamin in carrots, butter, beef liver.

Vitamin E

For hair, it acts as an activator of intracellular processes. It optimizes the supply of nutrients and their further transformation. In addition, tocopherol protects hairs from the adverse effects of external aggressors (ultraviolet radiation, low and high temperatures), while providing a sufficient supply of oxygen. With sufficient supply, the hair becomes thick and shiny. The skin also suffers from deficiency: dandruff, burning sensation, irritation and dryness appear. You can restore the balance of tocopherol by including in your diet egg yolk, nuts, vegetable oils, milk, green leafy vegetables.

Vitamin D

It has a beneficial effect on the growth rate of curls by stimulating blood circulation in the bulbs. It does not enter the body with food, but is synthesized in the process of ingestion. sunbathing, duration 20-30 minutes.

For minor hair loss, it is enough to include it in your diet. natural vitamins. But if more than 150 hairs are lost every day, more radical measures are needed.

Ready-made complexes in tablets

What vitamins to take for hair loss is an individual question. The list depends on the cause of the pathology and the deficiency of specific elements. To do this, you need to carefully analyze your diet and take an extensive blood test. If this is not possible, then you can purchase pharmacy vitamins for hair. Their choice is currently extensive, but it is better to choose those that do not contain fragrances and dyes (they often develop allergic reaction). Below are the most common, affordable and most effective.


On average, the course of taking the complex is 3 months - six months. The vitamin complex protects hair from external adverse effects, including chemical and coloring compounds, and solar ultraviolet radiation. The complex was specially developed for the health and beauty of hair; it restores its structure from the inside. It contains brewer's yeast (it contains vitamin B1, B2, B3 and other B vitamins), keratins and individual vitamins. Adults take 3 tablets per day with food.


Special vitamins for hair loss contain not only brewer's yeast, individual B vitamins, but also chelated (readily available) microelements: zinc, iron and copper, as well as plant extracts. The course of therapy is 2-3 months, the drug is taken with food or before meals three times a day, 1 (in severe cases, 2) capsules. It affects both the hair structure and the nutrition of the bulb.


This is a complex of hair vitamins and microelements. It contains almost all the items from the list of essential vitamins, plus microelements: iron, zinc, magnesium, manganese, iodine, copper, selenium, silicon, chromium and others. The drug was produced for people with severe (hair loss) and: psoriasis, dryness, eczema, mechanical injuries and burns. Take one capsule per day with food or immediately after a meal.

Merz special dragee

Merz special dragee – complex drug for hair, skin and nails. It contains almost all the vitamins on the list, plus iron, zinc, soy protein and L-cysteine. Recommended for eliminating vitamin deficiency in a weakened body. You need to take the drug twice a day, one tablet at a time. Application period is 2-3 months.


These hair vitamins in tablets are divided into 2 types: for night restoration of curls and for day restoration. In combination, the drug provides skin and hair with all essential vitamins and microelements. You need to take one “day” tablet and one “night” tablet per day. The course is a month, it must be repeated every 4-6 months. There are also local remedies for hair thickness: sprays, shampoos, balms and masks. The complex achieves maximum effect.

Vitrum Beauty

The tablets were developed as a vitamin-mineral restorative complex containing components for restoring hair, skin and nails. Therefore, Vitrum Beauty contains vitamins from the list and the following additional ingredients: boron, manganese, iron, zinc, magnesium, selenium, phosphorus, iodine, calcium. Tablets can be taken 2-3 per day for 2-3 months.


Aevit capsules contain only vitamins A and E. They will be effective in case of deficiency of these particular vitamins. The composition has a beneficial effect on the skin and improves hair health, provided there is a sufficient supply of other beneficial substances from the diet or other complex preparations. Aevit capsules are taken 1-2 per day.

Complivit Radiance

The complex restores hair, nails and skin thanks to its vitamin and mineral composition, lipoic acid and green tea extract. It is recommended to take the product for 30 days without a break, one tablet at a time.

The use of concentrates in ampoules for hair restoration

Vitamin complexes can be used not only internally, but also externally - directly to problem areas: hair roots and scalp. However, you should not purchase concentrates and apply them undiluted. How to use hair vitamins in ampoules? They are mixed with the base: shampoo, mask, lemon juice, vegetable oils or other ingredients. There is a rule: for the best effect, formulations are prepared for single use - under the influence of external environment the effect of the procedure may weaken.

Revitalizing shampoos

Specialized shampoos are quite expensive, so women were forced to come up with a way to prepare analogues from cheaper, but no less effective ingredients. This is done simply:

  1. The composition of the desired expensive product is carefully studied, and the available ingredients are highlighted.
  2. The mentioned vitamins are purchased at the pharmacy (it must be said that they cost pennies).
  3. At the same time, choose the simplest possible shampoo (dyes and perfume compositions may react and weaken the effect).
  4. There is only one small thing left to do: add 1 ampoule of the selected concentrated vitamin preparation (or combination thereof) to the shampoo and wash your curls.

Prepare a portion of shampoo for one hair wash. The hair is washed twice: the first portion is quickly washed off, and the second portion is kept for 5-15 minutes.

Vitamin combinations

For dullness: ascorbic acid is mixed with cobalamin and folic acid.

“Standard” set: thiamine, cobalamin and pyridoxine.

To enhance nutrition of hair follicles: mix vitamin E, thiamine, cobalamin and pyridoxine.

Masks with vitamin concentrates

After applying the mask to the hair, carefully distribute it over the surface of the head. massage movements(the longer the massage, the more intense the impact will be).

Vitamins for hair restoration can be added to previously purchased masks. The mixture is also prepared for single use. The second option is to prepare the mask yourself.

For soft and shiny curls

Riboflavin is mixed with cobalamin, pyridoxine and added to a heated base of vegetable oil (burdock, sea buckthorn, almond, etc.). Cover your head with a warm cap for 30-60 minutes.


Add eight-ounce lemon juice and an ampoule of vitamin E, B6 and A to the vegetable oil. Some recipes also contain dimexide. Soak for 120 minutes under the hood.


Mix aloe leaf juice, egg yolk and honey in equal proportions. Add an ampoule of ascorbic acid, thiamine and pyridoxine to the base. Keep for about 60 minutes.


Combine an ampoule of vitamin D concentrate with warm castor oil, stir and apply to the roots. After 30 minutes, wash off chicken yolks(an excellent soap substitute).

For enhanced growth

The mixture is prepared on the basis alcohol tincture eleutherococcus and flax seed oil. Vitamin concentrates used: nicotinic acid, tocopherol and retinol. Leave under the hood for about 60 minutes.

The compositions of masks can be alternated, but best effect is achieved through their course application. For this purpose, the selected recipe is used 1-2 times a week, for a total of 10-15 applications.

Professional hair products

If you don’t want to tinker with ingredients and understand the numerous names of different vitamin concentrates and their recommended combinations, then you can use by specialized means for hair restoration from professional care series. Such drugs are more expensive, but contain a more balanced composition and additional active ingredients, which are quite difficult to find in the pharmacy. Here are the most common professional tools:

  • Structur fort in the form of ampoules. The product contains keranite, camphor, collagen and silk proteins. The contents of the ampoule are applied to washed hair (still damp), foamed, and washed off with water after 10-20 minutes. One procedure is required per week. The drug is intended for weakened and lifeless hair with split ends.
  • Dikson Polipant Complex in the form of ampoules. Restores curls damaged by heat styling, chemical dyes and curling. Contains keratins, lactic acid, cetrimonium chloride. Apply to damp hair 1-2 times every 7-10 days. After 10-90 minutes (depending on the degree of damage) you can wash it off.
  • Restoring ampoules Olio Minneralizante Selective. The drug was developed for damaged, dry, colored and brittle hair. Contains natural oils plants, panthenol and vitamin combinations. The product is distributed over damp, cleansed hair (excluding the root area).
  • Timulactine 21 contains silanols, phospholipids and bittersweet nightshade extract as active ingredients– powerful stimulators of metabolic processes in the hair and scalp, regeneration mechanisms, cellular nutrition, restoration and regulation of sebum formation. Leave-in product, used 1-2 to 7 times a week.
  • Dercos for men contains aminexil, which acts on the hair follicle. DERCOS for women additionally includes pyridoxine, nicotine and pantothenic acid. The leave-in product is applied to wet or dry roots and skin and rubbed in a little.
  • System 4 Climbazone Therapeutic oil Cure contains vitamins for hair restoration (PP, B6, B5, E), salicylic and undecic acid, menthol and rosemary. This is a complex preparation, it is rubbed into the scalp 1-2 times a week and left under an insulating cap for 45-150 minutes.
  • CH5 plus is prepared on the basis of plant extracts (ginseng, sesame, hot pepper, angelica, mint, etc.), turpentine and riboflavin, therefore it has a complex effect on curls, hair follicles and skin. The product does not wash off and is used every day.

If emergency measures hair nutrition is not required, you can use shampoos and conditioners to reduce hair loss. They are in contact with the skin for less time, but are used daily, so the desired effect will not be long in coming. You can use the following cosmetic lines:

  • Estel Otium Unique.
  • NISIM.
  • Alerana.
  • Molto Gloss, etc.

If you do everything according to the instructions (be it drugs for oral use, homemade masks and shampoos, or products from professional lines), but after a couple of months there is no noticeable result, perhaps the problem of deterioration in the appearance of hair and hair loss does not lie in vitamin deficiency. Then you should visit a trichologist and conduct a comprehensive examination.

The appearance of your hair has not inspired you for a long time? The strands began to fall out, but they have almost no growth? The best hair vitamins can solve the problem in just a month.

How to choose the right vitamin?

When choosing vitamins to improve your hair, consider a few points:

  • They should include important microelements– calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron;
  • You can select vitamins only under the supervision of a doctor;
  • The price is not the best important factor. You can always find budget analogue expensive drugs;
  • Stay away from products with dyes and fragrances - they cause allergies;
  • Differences between domestic and foreign drugs practically none. Their composition is the same;
  • Vitamins can be in any form - liquid, capsules, tablets.

How to take hair vitamins correctly?

When taking vitamins, keep these useful tips in mind:

  • Don’t be afraid to take vitamin complexes for a long time - they are not addictive and retain their effect;
  • Take most vitamins with meals in the morning. Group B drugs should be taken with dinner, because they have a sedative effect;
  • Capsules or tablets must be washed down a large number clean water. This is also very useful if you are overly enthusiastic about the drug - clean water removes all excess substances;
  • Hair vitamins must be combined with strengthening masks and shampoos.

Rating of the best vitamins

After studying reviews online, we have written a list of the best vitamins for hair.


This is one of the best means for nails and hair. Accelerates hair growth, restores nails, treats areas of baldness. This drug contains a lot of vitamins – B6, D, B9, E, B12. The course of treatment is one month. As a rule, "Pantovigar" is prescribed to patients whose hair has been damaged by chemical influences or sun rays. Contraindications include only lactation and pregnancy, but the complex can be taken already in the third trimester.


It perfectly helps against hair loss and restores metabolism. Available in tablets. Contains B vitamins – B1, B12 and B6. Take Pentovit 3 tablets three times a day. Admission period is 1 month. For reuse you need to contact a good specialist.

Attention! Follow the instructions carefully, because an overdose of the drug can cause severe itching, hives, fever and cramps. Problems with the heart (heart failure), liver and kidneys may also occur. Pentovit is contraindicated for pregnant women, breastfeeding women and children.


What are the most effective vitamins for hair? Experts say that the list of these drugs also includes “Perfectil”. Its main composition is B vitamins (B9, B12 and B6).

This vitamin complex:

  • improves blood flow, thereby accelerating the growth of the weakest hair;
  • strengthens nail plates;
  • protects hair from hot sun rays and other harmful influences;
  • stops hair loss;
  • removes toxins;
  • participates in the synthesis of active biological substances.

Use "Perfectil" for hair loss, split nails, poor condition skin, cuts and burns. It has no contraindications - it is allowed even during pregnancy. Course of administration: 1 month, 1 capsule per day.


A popular Hungarian preparation that contains yeast, plant extracts, healthy vitamins(E, A, D and group B) and microelements. "Revalid" strengthens strands and promotes their growth. Take this remedy 1 capsule three times a day. At increased loss– 2 capsules three times a day. Duration of administration - 8-12 weeks during meals. At the end of the course we get the following result:

  • hair – shiny, strong, elastic;
  • absence or significant reduction of dandruff.

Revalid is contraindicated for pregnant, nursing mothers and children under 11 years of age.


This vitamin complex contains brewer's yeast and mineral sulfur. It accelerates hair growth and strengthens hair. You need to take Evisent only according to the instructions, then the course will be effective. Doesn't call side effects and addiction. But it is worth keeping in mind that this complex causes strong feeling appetite and leads to weight gain. Not suitable for use by children under 12 years of age.

Tips to help you choose the best vitamins for hair, nails and skin:


For damaged hair, it is better to drink these vitamins. Fitoval restores the structure of strands, improves their growth and promotes the appearance of new hair follicles. Contains vitamins A, B9, B6, B5, B12. Take Fitoval twice a day. It is not advisable to use for pregnant women and children.


Developed by a French company to strengthen hair, enhance its growth and improve its condition. Reviews about “Inneov” are truly unique! Its only drawback is its too high price.

Special dragee "Merz"

The drug is universal - intended for complex treatment nails, skin and hair. Stops hair loss, improves their condition, accelerates growth, stimulates the appearance of new hairs, and “awakens” dormant hair follicles. For a lasting clinical effect, the pills must be taken for 2-3 months. During this time, the hair will become much stronger and thicker. Side effects No. Experts say that Merz is one of the safest beauty vitamins.


The best vitamins for hair growth cannot do without Alerana products. They are aimed at stopping hair loss as a result of an imbalance of sex hormones, in which androgen predominates. But if the cause of hair loss is stress, vitamin deficiency or pregnancy, Alerana will not help. Apply this remedy you need it not on the advice of friends or online reviews, but on the basis laboratory research and doctor's recommendations.


Several different complexes are produced under this famous brand. For baldness, the Vitrum Prenatal, Vitrum Classic and Vitrum Beauty complexes are suitable. Each of them helps in 2/3 cases of baldness.


A popular vitamin for hair loss. It is taken orally or added to masks - in any of these options, Aevit is very effective (it stops hair loss in about 2-5 weeks). The advantages of the drug also include its affordable price.


Reviews from most doctors indicate that this complex of vitamins is intended to improve the condition of nails, skin and hair. He is capable of short term stop hair loss caused by stress, chemotherapy, seasonal hypovitaminosis or long-term illnesses. "Shine" has almost no side effects, so the vitamins are suitable for people with high sensitivity and a tendency to allergies. It also has a strong antioxidant effect and protects the hair from drying out and thinning. This complex includes almost two dozen vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain beauty. It is also enriched with plant extracts and lipoic acid.


This one is one of the best vitamins for hair loss. Combined remedy aimed at slowing down the aging process of cells and hair. Prevents the appearance of gray hair, normalizes the structure, strengthens the hair.

Indications for use are partial alopecia, diffuse hair loss, deficiency of B vitamins and hypovitaminosis.



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