Vitamins in goat milk. Goat milk

In our time of craze for ideas of a healthy lifestyle great value given to the nutritional value of food. In this regard, there has been a surge of interest in goat milk, accompanied by rumors and speculation. Sometimes the healing qualities of goat's milk are clearly exaggerated, and sometimes its benefits are questioned. You can understand what the properties of this product are, who it is useful for and who it is not, by studying the composition of goat milk, which is what this article is devoted to.

Speaking about the composition of goat milk, it is necessary to clarify that depending on the breed of goats, their age, diet, living conditions, as well as the lactation period, chemical composition goat's milk can vary markedly. For example, the Nubian breed produces the highest fat content, and the Saanen breed produces the minimum. Therefore, we will consider average indicators.

Since a simple listing of the components of goat milk is not very informative for ordinary readers, we will consider the substances it contains from the point of view of their usefulness. In general, any milk is a nutritious, ideally balanced food for feeding the offspring of the corresponding species of mammals; it contains all the substances necessary for a growing body in the right proportions. But this baby food is also good for adults. First of all, this is important source animal protein, especially for vegetarians who do not eat meat and fish. Milk is also rich in calcium, which is vital for maintaining a healthy skeletal system. In addition, other minerals, as well as microelements and vitamins contained in milk, have undoubted benefits - potassium, magnesium, vitamin A, B vitamins and much more. Let's see how things stand with the content of these benefits in goat's milk.


The percentage of protein in whole goat milk is approximately the same as in cow milk - about 3%. However, goat protein proteins are much easier to digest and are much less likely to cause allergic reactions than cow proteins. This is explained by the fact that beta-casein predominates in goat milk protein, which is hypoallergenic, and compared to cow’s alpha-casein, it is much less likely to cause allergic reactions. In addition, goat milk contains more whey protein albumin, due to which it coagulates into very small and delicate flakes, which facilitates the process of digestion and absorption. Goat milk proteins are most similar in structure to human milk proteins, so milk formulas based on it are the best replacement breastfeeding. It should also be noted that goat milk contains less lactose (milk sugar) compared to cow milk, so people with lactase deficiency can try it. In this case, goat milk must be introduced into the diet carefully, gradually increasing portions, and in the absence of symptoms of lactase deficiency, use it without restrictions.

Calcium and other minerals

Compared to cow's milk, goat's milk contains more calcium and phosphorus, on the basis of which it can be argued that it is more useful for strengthening the skeletal system. This quality is especially important when the body requires increased doses of calcium - for children, for women during pregnancy, lactation and menopause, for those with bone fractures. Unlike receiving medical supplies calcium, consuming goat milk products saturates the body with calcium without side effects. However, it should be noted that both cow's and goat's milk contain significantly more phosphorus than breast milk, which can adversely affect kidney function and calcium metabolism infant body. Therefore, it is recommended that infants be given these products mainly in the form of milk formulas, the composition of which is adjusted according to the needs of the child.

No less valuable high content Goat milk contains vital minerals such as potassium and magnesium. Without regular receipt required doses these elements are impossible normal development and the functioning of the cardiovascular system, so goat milk is extremely useful for people with heart and vascular problems, as well as for everyone who wants to avoid these problems.

Vitamins and microelements

In terms of the percentage of most vitamins, goat's milk is significantly ahead of cow's milk. It contains one and a half to two times more vitamins A, PP and B vitamins, and approximately the same amount of vitamins C, E, H and D. However, some vitamins important for the development of a child are missing in goat and cow milk, for example, folic acid, the deficiency of which can cause anemia, which once again confirms the importance of breastfeeding or, if this is not possible, the use of special milk formulas. In addition to vitamins, goat milk is rich in microelements: iodine, manganese, molybdenum, copper, aluminum, although present in its composition in microdoses, make a significant contribution to the normal development and functioning of the body.


The benefits of milk fat cannot be ignored. Firstly, it contains fat-soluble vitamins, the usefulness of which is beyond doubt. Secondly, milk fat is useful for emaciated, weakened children, it is also indispensable in dietary nutrition patients with stomach and pulmonary diseases. However, most people should still limit their intake of dairy fats to prevent cardiovascular disease.

In terms of fat content, goat's milk is, on average, ahead of cow's milk. Moreover, as in the case of proteins, the quality of its fat is higher than that of cow fat. This applies to both the structure of milk fat and its composition. Due to the smaller diameter of the fat globules, the fat of the goat product is much better absorbed, the percentage of its absorption almost reaches 100%. In addition, goat milk fat has a higher percentage of unsaturated fatty acids, and they are known to prevent the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of the arteries, thereby preventing the development of atherosclerosis. Therefore, moderate consumption of goat milk not only does not increase the risk of developing atherosclerosis, but also serves as a means of preventing it.

Speaking about the composition of goat's milk, one cannot fail to mention the dangers it can pose. It must be remembered that when consuming a product that has not been tested heat treatment, there is a risk of contracting brucellosis. Also, do not forget that the quality of the product largely depends on the diet of the animal, and if a goat, for example, grazes along a highway, then its milk may contain more harmful substances than useful.

Thus, after analyzing the composition of goat milk, we can conclude that this product is useful for almost everyone. The only exception is people with it individual intolerance, as well as infants, for whom it is better to use breastfeeding or special milk formulas. And although goat’s milk cannot claim the laurels of a life-giving elixir, its regular use will only have a positive effect on health.

Goat milk is a very healthy drink, which is suitable for a person of any age to improve health and obtain vital protein. Adults and children drink the product in raw or processed form. The drink contains vitamins and microelements and is more preferable for the diet because it is easily digestible than cow's drink.

Composition of goat milk

The rich composition of milk favors the inclusion of the product in diet menu. Its calorie content is only 68 calories per 100 grams. The value of the drink lies in its BJU content: proteins 3%, fats – 4.2%, carbohydrates – 4.5%. It is rich in minerals: potassium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium. It contains a lot of iron, copper, manganese and antioxidants, vitamins B, C and A. However, if used incorrectly (in excessive quantities), the product can cause harm.

Is there lactose

This drink differs from cow's milk in that goat's milk contains lactose, but it is 13% less. This means that the product is suitable for people intolerant to milk sugar, but in a processed form. To do this, it is better to choose food that has undergone lactic acid fermentation - cheeses, kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt. Due to the work of bacteria, lactose is processed into lactic acid and its content is reduced by half compared to whole product.

Fat content

Before consumption, it is important to find out what the fat content of goat milk is. It is no different from a cow's. If the goat is cared for properly, they give balanced diet, the animal does not live in cramped conditions and walks regularly, then the fat content will be 4-9%. To consume the product with maximum benefit, it is recommended to choose a drink with a fat content of 4.4% - it has been proven that the body ensures the absorption of nutrients by 100%.

How is it different from cow

The biggest difference between goat's milk and cow's milk is the structure. The drink obtained from a goat does not contain alpha-casein, which is the main cow allergen, so it is easier to digest. Other product differences are:

Comparison factor

Goat milk

Cow's milk

10 g per glass, rarely found fat-free, does not contain agglutinins, fat globules do not stick together, they are quickly broken down in the stomach.

8-9 g per glass, can be low-fat, has less linoleic and arachidonic acids, is more difficult to digest by intestinal enzymes.

Stomach acid processes them into a soft curd clot, increasing the degree of absorption.

Allergen protein alpha-casein


More calcium, potassium

Less copper, selenium, antioxidants


More vitamin B6, A, niacin

More than B12, folic acid

How to drink goat milk correctly

To get the maximum benefit from the product, it is important to learn how to drink it correctly. Experienced goat breeders recommend consuming the drink without diluting it with water. You should start with a small portion, gradually increasing the volume to a glass. There is no need to be afraid of the bitterish specific taste of the product - it can even appear in cow’s taste. For sweetness, mix a glass of the drink with a teaspoon of honey, it will be healthier and tastier.

Whole milk is not always digestible well, so try switching to fermented milk products: yogurt, kefir, cheeses, butter. Raw milk is digested better than pasteurized milk. The drink cannot be cheap in price - it is 20-30 rubles per liter more expensive than cow's. It is better to buy it in an online store from a catalog or order it from farmers at a lower cost.

Boil or not

Inexperienced housewives are at a loss, not knowing whether to boil goat milk or not. The answer is simple: if the goat is not sick with anything, then the product does not require boiling. It is enough to store it in thoroughly washed containers, because the drink has antibacterial properties. If the milk causes a suspicious reaction or the buyer does not know how the animal was kept, then it is better to warm it to 65-70 degrees to eliminate unwanted bacteria.

How long does it last in the refrigerator?

Freshly milked milk can be stored in the refrigerator for over a week. Such a long shelf life is ensured by a successful composition with antibacterial properties. Milk will not turn sour after three days if you put it on the table at room temperature. Doctors advise drinking the drink right away to get the maximum amount of vitamins; long-term storage will destroy them.

Benefits of goat milk

Those people who have health problems will be able to evaluate how great the benefits of the product are. A unique drink is useful for diseases of the stomach, eyes, diathesis, restores bone tissue during demineralization. There are many advantages, here are just a few of them:

  • regulates the normal activity of the heart and blood vessels, due to cobalt improves hematopoiesis;
  • a diet that includes the drink stimulates weight loss;
  • beta-casein treats rickets, sialic acid increases the body's resistance to infections and diseases;
  • enhances hair growth, cleanses the skin, eliminates exhaustion;
  • albumin excludes gastrointestinal disorders;
  • phospholipids, calcium, phosphorus help with tuberculosis;
  • contains cystine, which removes heavy metals, radionuclides, protects the liver and brain from damage caused by alcohol and nicotine.

During pregnancy

It is important to include goat's milk in your diet during pregnancy and lactation, because the drink eliminates the risk of allergies in infants. In addition, the drink provides the mother with calcium and vitamin B12, without which the growth and proper formation of fetal organs and tissues is impossible. The product satisfies the pregnant woman's need for phosphorus and minerals. If lactation in a nursing woman is not established, then its inclusion in the feeding formula becomes an invaluable alternative to maternal feeding, because its benefits are limitless.

For children

Already while in the mother’s womb, the benefits of goat’s milk for children are fully manifested and contribute to their proper growth and development. If an infant or small child is allergic to the milk protein of a cow's drink, goat's drink replaces it, saturating the body with additional beneficial substances. Including the drink in your diet eliminates colds, ear infections, eczema, strengthens the immune system.

Children who drink goat milk are less likely to get colds and flu and do not have gastrointestinal disorders. intestinal tract, recover faster. Schoolchildren are advised to take milk when increased load– mental and physical. The drink increases endurance and helps athletes during intense exercise and training due to the content of valine, leucine and isoleucine, which restore muscles.

For men

Restoring the muscles of athletes and not only – this is where the benefits for men lie. Young people should drink it during physical activity to increase stamina and improve metabolism. According to traditional medicine recipes, taking milk with walnuts and turnips relieves problems with potency, and with butter and honey - from coughs, allergies and alcohol addiction.

For the elderly

The benefits and harms of the product for the elderly are discussed separately. In order not to cause damage to the body, people over 45 years of age are recommended to drink only a low-fat drink. The optimal amount is half a glass in the morning, twice or thrice a week, to prevent excess calcium. The product can bring next benefit:

  • restores the weakened human body after operations, returns to normal state and work of all processes;
  • phospholipids prevent the deposition of cholesterol, eliminate atherosclerosis and heart disease;
  • potassium normalizes heart rhythm, blood pressure, mineral salts relieve swelling in renal failure;
  • the absence of glucose and galactose has a positive effect on patients with diabetes, prevents the development of obesity, and improves metabolism;
  • methionine, lecithin and phosphorus treat cholelithiasis, hepatitis, inhibit the deposition of fat in the liver;
  • the absence of extractive substances reduces the acidity of gastric juice, inhibits the development of gastritis, peptic ulcer, treats the biliary tract and duodenum;
  • the product has an excellent effect on the intestinal microflora;
  • phosphorus and eliminate demineralization of bone tissue, prevent osteoporosis.


However, the dangers of goat milk cannot be underestimated. No need to abuse the drink. Here are the possible risks of overuse:

  • if you feed a child up to one year only with goat's milk, there is a risk of him acquiring iron deficiency anemia;
  • Contraindications for use include pancreatic diseases, obesity, increased viscosity blood;
  • It is not advisable to take the product before or immediately after meals, so as not to weaken the effect of gastric juice - it is better to wait a couple of hours.

Treatment with goat milk

IN daily intake a glass of the product is to treat diseases, but this rule is valid only up to 40 years. After reaching this age, it is better to reduce the amount of drink to half a glass and take it every other day. The healing properties can be described as follows:

For oncology

Constant use drink has a preventive effect against the threat of cancer development. The product helps with oncology because it has antibiotic properties, is able to resolve a benign tumor with regular use, and prevent it from degenerating into a malignant one. The drink is well absorbed, improves immunity, and has a general strengthening effect.


Goat milk has both supporters and opponents. Both provide convincing arguments that they are right. Let's try to figure out why this unique drink is dangerous and why it is useful.

Humans consume or use for other purposes the milk of only a few species of animals. Goat milk comes first in popularity. Yes, strange as it may seem for the Slavic inhabitants, but the cow's milk produced in percentage completely loses to goat milk, because the main consumers of goat milk are numerous peoples of Asia.

Goat milk- leader in consumption

History of goat milk

The goat was domesticated by humans before other animals. This happened around the 9th century BC. people living in the territory of modern Afghanistan and Iran. By the 7th century BC. The goat population has already moved west, the remains of goat herds have been found in Turkey and even parts of Africa. The technology for making cheese products was first described by the ancient Greeks and Romans; dairy products were also popular among the ancient Egyptians. Some pharaohs even ordered that goats' milk cheese be placed in their tombs next to other valuables. And according to legend, the main god of Olympus, Zeus, was fed with goat’s milk. Later, goat milk appeared in Europe. There were periods in the history of goat milk when it was considered dangerous to health, although such persecution was short-lived. And, starting from the end of the 19th century, many doctors have been talking about the exceptional benefits of goat’s milk. It is placed in contrast to the more popular cow's milk, given the huge number of goats around the world. Goat milk makes up almost 72 percent of the total milk.

General information about goat milk

There are about 440 million goats in the whole world. This livestock produces approximately five million tons of milk annually. The goat is a rather unpretentious animal. Its cultivation does not require large areas or pastures. She only needs a very small area of ​​greenery to fully produce milk. Goat milk is made from the blood and plasma of the animal. As stated above, goat milk is popular in Asian countries, that is, in the places of its historical homeland. In addition, goat milk is widely consumed in the North Caucasus and Crimea. Many goat milk dishes and cheeses can be found in Mediterranean cuisine, especially in Italy, Greece, and also in the Middle East.

It is generally accepted that before reaching the age of 6-7 years, a child has enzymes that break down milk, but after that their activity physiologically decreases. This cannot be called a completely true statement, because much depends on genetic predisposition, that is, in regions where traditionally goat milk was consumed for many centuries before old age, such enzymatic reduction is not observed. But if a person still feels uncomfortable after a glass of goat milk, you can switch to fermented milk products made from goat milk (tan, ayran) without losing their beneficial properties.

Sometimes goat milk can be replaced with fermented milk products

Composition of goat milk

The general chemical composition of goat milk cannot be called constant, it completely depends on the location of the animal, therefore, the milk of a goat in Italy will be significantly different from the milk of a goat raised in Afghanistan. However, there are some consistent composite traits that are common to all goats. Goat's milk, like cow's milk, belongs to the group of casein species. Casein is a slowly digestible protein. Casein is even used to make glue. However, in contrast to cow's milk, goat's milk contains practically no alpha-1 s-casein (casein from the Latin caseus - cheese). But this is precisely the type of milk protein that often causes allergic reactions and is perceived by the human body as foreign, which is why allergic reactions appear. Thus, the body signals that eating a certain product is unacceptable. But there is much more beta-casein in goat milk, which brings it closer to breast milk. Beta-casein is a special protein with high immunostimulating activity. The total protein content in goat's milk is twice that of cow's milk.

Goat's milk is rich in minerals, including: calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, copper and manganese. Vitamins are also present in goat's milk - these are B vitamins, vitamins A, D and a small amount of vitamin C. Goat's milk is low in carbohydrates, and in terms of calorie content it is quite dietary, because 100 grams contains only 68 calories.

The form of fats that are presented in goat milk is very successful. The fat in such milk is finely dispersed, that is, it is in an easier to digest form. After all, the molecules of goat fat are very small, and therefore their penetration into the cells of the body is very high. Don't be afraid excess weight when consuming goat milk. The percentage of fat components is very small, but the benefits they bring are invaluable. After all, essential vitamins A and D are fat-soluble, which means they are simply absorbed only in the presence of fat.

Vitamin D is one of the most important vitamins, especially for child's body and for people who live in northern latitudes, where there is little sunlight. After all, it is sunlight, or rather, ultraviolet rays type B are a catalyst for the production of vitamin D in the human body. In the absence sun rays You should take additional vitamin D or simply introduce vitamin D-rich foods into your diet, such as goat's milk.

Vitamin D is responsible for the distribution of calcium and phosphorus in the body. Normally, calcium and phosphorus consumed in food regularly replenish bone tissue, but in practice, even a high intake of calcium and phosphorus does not guarantee a normal process. You can think of it as a railroad with a stationary train on it. Vitamin D starts the driving process and is the locomotive for the normal absorption of calcium and phosphorus.

Many people are aware of the benefits of another fat-soluble vitamin in goat milk, vitamin A. This vitamin is especially popular among women, because vitamin A is responsible for the elasticity and turgor of the skin. Vitamin A is a natural antioxidant, that is, a substance that can bind free radicals in our body, which can in unfavorable cases cause mutations and cell damage. Vitamin A, or retinol, also increases the body's resistance infectious diseases, and also takes an important part in visual perception. In addition, vitamin A has a positive effect on the human endocrine system, helps the production of hormones, and is also necessary for the formation of sperm and eggs.

The phosphates contained in goat's milk make this a wonderful natural product. antacid, that is, having the ability to reduce stomach acidity. It's not only good prevention and treatment of stomach or duodenal ulcers. The antacid property of goat's milk is popular among pregnant women, because it is they who very often face a similar problem in the last stages of pregnancy, and many medications cannot be taken in this situation.

Goat milk is a valuable product for pregnant women

B vitamins, in particular vitamin B1 (thiamine), B2 (ribiflabin) and B12 (cyanocobalamin), have a positive effect on the human nervous system. These vitamins, unlike fat-soluble vitamins, do not accumulate in the body; their excess is completely excreted in the urine. Vitamin B1 is involved in the oxidation of breakdown products, accelerating the process, and also takes active participation in the exchange of the simplest protein components - amino acids. Vitamin B1 is involved in the renewal of all cells, especially nerve cells. Vitamin B2 is involved in the formation of certain hormones and also synthesizes ATP (adenosine triphosphoric acid), which is the basis of human energy. Riboflabin is necessary for the growth and good condition of all body tissues. Despite the fact that this vitamin is one of the few that can be synthesized by humans in the intestines, cases of its deficiency are often observed. Typically, the first symptoms are dry skin, itchy skin or eyes, photophobia and poor healing wounds and scratches. Increased consumption may be caused by severe mental and physical activity, stressful situations, diseases endocrine system and cancerous conditions. Vitamin B12 is also partially synthesized by intestinal microflora. This vitamin is needed for hematopoiesis. It also has a beneficial effect on the human nervous system as a whole and helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. One of the most important qualities vitamin B12 – its participation in DNA synthesis, so it is very important for women during pregnancy. After all, a lack of this vitamin leads to genetic irreversible pathologies fetus, therefore this vitamin is included in the list of drugs given to pregnant women free of charge. A component of vitamin B12 is cobalt, and goat milk contains it in sufficient quantities.

Goat milk is rich in various minerals. The main mineral is calcium. A little higher it was already said about vitamin D. Vitamin D, calcium and phosphorus, of which there is also a lot in goat milk - this trinity helps make bones strong. In addition, calcium has a positive effect on the normal course of all nervous processes. Many drinks consumed modern man, for example, coffee, tea or alcohol, flush calcium from the body. Therefore, drinking at least two glasses of goat milk a day is simply necessary for such people.

Goat's milk - source huge amount useful substances

Another important one compound element goat milk - magnesium. It can be called a heart mineral. After all, it is responsible for the proper contraction of the heart muscle. With a lack of magnesium, a person may experience arrhythmia, very dangerous condition. Many medications for people with cardiac problems contain magnesium. Magnesium in goat milk is contained in an easy to digest form, therefore it is an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Silicon is one of the little-known elements. However, it is he who is involved in the fact that goats do not get tuberculosis. It would seem why then cow’s milk does not contain sufficient quantity silicon? This is explained very simply. Cows eat grass and rarely shrubs. But goats prefer rougher food, bushes, tree bark, as well as branches and leaves. It is the bark of trees that contains silicon. Silicon-rich goat milk throughout its history rich history cured many people from tuberculosis. Sanatorium establishments in Switzerland, France and a number of other countries specialize in “breast patients”. In such sanatoriums, one of the mandatory products in the diet is goat’s milk. It's in the general complex medical procedures Excellent treatment of diseases such as asthma, tuberculosis and other diseases of the pulmonary system.

In addition to the bark and branches of trees, goats do not disdain various herbs, which are often officially medicinal, for example, celandine, yarrow, wormwood, horsetail, and chicory. This is what explains such a rich set of microelements in goat milk.

The healing properties of goat milk

To begin with, it is worth noting that goat’s milk tastes slightly different from cow’s milk if you drink it in pure form. When heated, goat milk does not lose most of its beneficial properties. It is believed that a goat is much cleaner than a cow, so it is not susceptible to many of the diseases that a cow has, such as tuberculosis, mastitis and brucellosis, and this allows the product to be used unboiled.

Even the ancient Persian scientist Avicenna wrote that goat milk should certainly be in the diet of those who want to get rid of senile insanity. The peoples inhabiting the territory of modern Switzerland consumed goat's milk to treat consumption, anemia and rickets. Many healers and shamans used healing properties goat milk for the treatment of entire villages. Special beneficial properties goat milk due to its composition. Yes and in folk medicine Our people have long had recipes for the treatment of many diseases using goat milk:

  • for insomnia, a bandage with clay soaked in goat's milk is applied to the forehead;
  • for allergies, milk is first infused with birch charcoal;
  • Goat's milk whey is a great remedy for hangovers;
  • cough is treated with a decoction of oats and goat milk, and in severe cases and for bronchitis, use a mixture of goat fat, milk, goat butter and a little cocoa;
  • if bronchitis turns into chronic form, you need to take a glass of milk with a tablespoon of honey three times a day;
  • for symptoms of hemorrhoids, drink goat serum in the morning on an empty stomach;
  • baths of slightly burnt whey will perfectly heal cracked heels.

The introduction of goat's milk into the diet is a preventative measure for rickets. Also, people who regularly consume goat milk have less problems with the gastrointestinal tract and musculoskeletal system, joints and skin.

Goat milk has a low glycemic index, which indicates its ability to raise sugar levels gradually, without leading to large jumps and a sharp release of insulin. However, this does not mean refusing the medications prescribed by the doctor, even if the symptoms of diabetes are no longer felt.

It is believed that goat milk prevents the formation of cancerous tumors. However, no research has yet been conducted on this topic. True, there is evidence that when conducting chemotherapy courses in cancer centers consuming goat milk significantly reduces negative impacts chemicals on the body, and in addition, stimulates the immune system.

Scientists recently conducted special studies, and the results simply stunned them. It turned out that goat milk has an extremely beneficial effect on mental state person. It reduces anxiety, calms depression and irritation. It is worth noting here that the beneficial effect was observed not only in diseases of the nervous system, but also in advanced cases - severe psychosomatic diseases.

Goat's milk is rich in potassium, which is essential for people with cardiovascular problems. Potassium removes excess fluid from the body and lowers blood pressure.

Goat milk contains albumin, which interferes with the rapid absorption of proteins, forming flakes in the stomach. Therefore, the drink is very satisfying and allows you not to feel hungry for a long time.

It has been noticed that when goat milk is included in a child’s daily diet, the duration of illness is reduced. Don't be afraid to drink goat's milk during pregnancy.

It has been proven that goat milk has antibacterial properties, that is, it can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 7 days, and at room temperature it does not sour for 3 days. The bactericidal properties of milk are also used in the treatment skin diseases, eczema and fistulas, in this case goat's milk is used externally.

It is believed that yogurt owes its origin to goat's milk. After all, a famous Russian professor and researcher extracted lactobacilli, often called Bulgarian bacillus, from goat milk.

Goat milk whey

A few words should be said about goat milk whey. Even the great Hippocrates spoke about the benefits of such a product. In 1761, the doctor of the King of Prussia wrote that there are few drinks in the world that would be as healthy and have the same beneficial effect on the entire body as goat's milk whey. It can not only prevent many diseases, but also successfully treat them.

Goat's milk whey has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole.

Goat milk whey is high in sodium. However, you should not be afraid of this, because sodium can not only cause harm, but also benefit. Sodium levels below a certain limit are fraught with complex unpleasant symptoms such as edema, nausea, hypotension, decreased appetite, apathy, decreased general reflexes And muscle weakness, up to loss of consciousness.

How they drink goat milk in different countries

Mongolians add fat to goat milk for satiety. British people add goat's milk to their tea. In the Balkans and Caucasus they prefer not to drink whole milk, but to produce shelf-stable products, for example, cheese, cottage cheese, kefir. In our country the population of these animals is very small. Goat milk is drunk in its pure form. Very rarely, owners process milk for the purpose of further storage.

Goat milk in the Russian Federation

In our country, the doctor V.N. Zhuk tried to make goat’s milk popular. He wrote several works on the hygiene of raising children. infancy, he is also the author of the famous book “Mother and Child”. It was at his instigation that an exemplary small farm of goats, which were brought specially from Switzerland, was built near St. Petersburg. After only 4 years, the farm could not fully meet the need for goat milk. Therefore, it was decided to dispense portions of milk according to prescriptions only to children and patients with severe exhaustion, for example, with tuberculosis or consumption. Russian doctors of that time recognized the advantage of goat's milk over cow's milk, established its energy and nutritional value, and assessed its ability to resist many diseases.

However full recognition Goat milk, despite a number of proven works, was not received. Goat milk and goat cheese are still considered something exotic. This is due to centuries-old traditions that are very difficult to break. Residents of our country consider the smell of goat milk to be somewhat pungent. Although this is a matter of taste.

Products made from goat milk

The main products made from goat milk are cottage cheese, cheese and butter. Due to the fact that the goat produces little milk, there is usually simply no left for butter. But what wonderful cottage cheese and cheeses can be made from it. These by-products are often produced in hot regions where long-term storage of milk is not possible. There are a wide variety of goat cheeses. They are sold at different stages ripening, this is what distinguishes the taste, consistency and character of the product. Cheeses with a short period of time are very tender and creamy, later they become more and more viscous, elastic and acquire a special bitterish nutty taste. Of course, who else but the French should be the first in gastronomic delicacies, including goat cheeses. French goat cheeses are considered the most popular. However, they are almost as good as Greek, British, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.

It is better to purchase cheeses made from spring goat milk. At this time, a variety of fragrant and fragrant herbs gives a special piquancy to the aroma of goat cheese. There is also a legend according to which one goat owner, who fell in love with pear fruits, made cheese. This cheese had an incredible subtle pear aroma. In addition, spring cheeses are more nutritious.

Cheeses produced in Mediterranean countries are very aromatic. They are often made with aromatic herbs such as rosemary or basil. This adds piquancy to the cheeses, and they are very popular when tasting by tourists, including those from our country.

Aromatic herbs are often added to goat milk cheeses.

Manufacturers can often mix cow's milk into goat's milk. You should carefully examine the label. The inscription “pur chevres” indicates that this cheese is entirely goat cheese. These cheeses are stored packaged. Soft varieties can be stored in plastic wrapping, while mature hard varieties are wrapped in parchment or foil.

Goat cheeses are used to make salads. The most mature varieties can simply be grated and sprinkled on any dish, from soup to pasta.

Goat's milk in the cosmetics industry

Goat milk is used by people not only as a food product. It is also a wonderful cosmetic product that can be used both independently and in combination with other components. French women used goat's milk to restore their natural complexion. And the recognized beauty of Egypt, Cleopatra, loved to take baths with goat milk. Already at that time they were known cosmetic properties goat milk. Thanks to the milk fat it contains, skin renewal occurs, proteins protect the upper layers of the skin from dryness, and the whole complex vitamins promote skin renewal.

As mentioned above, goat milk molecules are very small, so they can penetrate even into the deep layers of the epidermis. This is a unique beauty product. The range of uses of goat's milk in cosmetology is very extensive.

The simplest update recipe skin- This is ice made from goat's milk. Every day in the morning, wipe not only your face, but also your neck and décolleté with an ice cube. This perfectly starts the process of epidermis regeneration. In addition, low temperature exposure tones the blood vessels of the skin.

To improve complexion and light peeling, you can make a face mask by mixing one cup of goat's milk, a teaspoon of cognac and a teaspoon of lemon juice. The heated mixture must be applied to the face for 10 minutes.

And if you pour oatmeal with goat milk and after 10 minutes apply the swollen mass to the skin of the face, neck and décolleté for 10-15 minutes, you can get an effect at the level of salon procedures.

Here is a small recipe for a hair mask. Mix two teaspoons of lemon with one banana, mash until a paste is obtained. Wet your hair with goat's milk and apply a banana-lemon mixture on top. After half an hour, wash off the mask and wash your hair with shampoo. And if you make a mask from goat milk with lemon juice, this will help fair-haired girls lighten their hair by one tone, and without the appearance of a red tint.

One of the most popular cosmetic products is a goat milk bath. Of course, you shouldn't completely fill the bathtub with goat's milk. It is enough to add just 0.5 liters of milk to a warm bath. You should take this bath for about half an hour. It will help relax muscles, body and soul, and significantly improve skin condition.

A goat milk bath will help you relax and rejuvenate your skin.

Goat's milk for babies. Myths and reality.

The composition of goat milk is so similar to the composition mother's milk that it is often used during breastfeeding. The lactose content in goat milk is even less than in breast milk. Namely lactose, or milk sugar, is common cause allergic reactions. This is due to the fact that not all people, from birth or throughout their lives, have enough enzymes to process milk sugar. And even mother's milk, rich and nutritious, is not always the best food for a baby. This condition is called lactose intolerance. With this diagnosis, goat's milk should not cause allergies, although there are undoubtedly individual reactions on different products. In general, a number of children's doctors believe that goat's milk has many advantages over cow's milk, and it can be successfully used in the diet of children with intolerance to cow's milk. Now on sale you can find special adapted infant formulas based on goat's milk proteins, which can be successfully used if breastfeeding is impossible for some reason, and finding goat's milk is a big problem.

You can’t completely switch a child to goat’s milk, because, despite large number vitamins and microelements, it does not contain enough folic acid and iron, which can lead to anemia in the child.

However, before giving goat milk to your child, you should choose it correctly. If possible, smell the milk. The smell should not be unpleasant, because the goat is very clean. Therefore, any olfactory deviations should be alarming. Most likely, a secret got into the milk sebaceous glands, which indicates a violation of milking technology. The color should be white, without the yellowish tint that is characteristic of cow's milk. The consistency of goat milk is homogeneous. While layers of cream often separate from cow's milk, this is not the case in goat's milk due to the special structure of fatty molecules. Goat milk has the consistency of an emulsion or suspension.

If you buy milk from a specific goat, having previously agreed with its owner, you can get rid of the specific taste of the milk. Ask the owner to add a few apples and carrots to the goat's diet every day. In general, try not to buy goat milk from strangers, especially for an infant.

After you bring the milk home, be sure to boil it. No matter how clean an animal a goat is considered, it is impossible to accurately guarantee, for example, the cleanliness of the dishes in which the milk was milked or where it was later poured.

In general, milk should be introduced into a child’s diet no earlier than 9-12 months to avoid allergic reactions. However, goat milk can be treated less strictly. It should be administered gradually, initially a teaspoon at a time, gradually increasing the portions. Since goat milk varies from goat to goat, when changing goat animals, you should start introducing milk again with small doses.

If you notice a change in the baby's stool, it has become frequent and liquid, then perhaps the fat content of goat's milk is too high for the child. Goat's milk typically contains about 4.5 percent fat, which is significantly higher than standard cow's milk. Try diluting goat milk a little with water.

You can start drinking goat milk from infancy.

The main thing to remember when using goat's milk as a substitute for mother's milk is to consult with your pediatrician and introduce a new product under his supervision. Speaking about the benefits of goat's milk, one cannot help but notice that it in no way replaces all the beneficial properties of mother's breast milk. And you can’t change a child’s diet just like that, at the mother’s request, for example, if you don’t want to spoil the shape of your breasts. Breastfeeding is also beneficial for the special psychological component of the process. In addition, if a woman gets a cold, her body automatically produces antibodies to the infection, which are transmitted to the baby through milk. This is not the case with goat milk. In addition, breastfeeding is beneficial for the health of the woman herself. This is by far the best prevention of breast cancer.

And only when insufficient lactation mother, as well as established diagnosis lactose deficiency in a child, goat's milk can correct the situation and help the baby.

Contraindications to the use of goat milk

Individual intolerance. In addition, full-fat goat milk is not recommended for people with intestinal disorders, since the product itself has a laxative effect. Due to its high protein content, people suffering from kidney failure should drink goat milk carefully. After all, their diet is low in protein. In other cases, there is no obstacle to consuming this wonderful product. Drink to your health!

Research confirms that drinking goat milk helps normalize intestinal function, increases hemoglobin levels and significantly improves the condition of other diseases. Let's learn more about the benefits and harms of this product.

Goat milk is a product containing casein, a protein rich in amino acids. It is quite difficult to digest and is slowly eliminated from the body. The difference with goat milk is that it contains almost no α-1s-casein, which is a major cause of allergies, and this allows even those who suffer from dairy intolerance to drink it. But the concentration of β-casein, which is responsible for the formation and maintenance of immunity, is much higher in it. This explains the well-known restorative properties drink

This may seem strange, but it is goat, not cow's milk is the most common in the world. Its share of the total amount of this product is 72%.

Chemical composition

The composition of goat milk also has a number of advantages. It contains significantly more minerals than cow's milk. 100 g of product contains the following amount of minerals and trace elements:

    calcium - 143 mg;

    potassium - 145 mg;

    iodine - 2 mcg;

    phosphorus - 89 mg;

    sodium - 47 mg;

    iron - 0.01 mcg;

    molybdenum - 7 mcg;

    magnesium - 14 mg;

    sulfur - 30 mg.

Table: Vitamins in goat milk

Calorie and fat content

As for the calorie content, goat's milk is slightly higher than cow's milk. 100 g of product contains 66.7 kcal, which includes:

    proteins - 3 g (6.5% of the daily value);

    fats - 4.2 g (7.5%);

    carbohydrates - 4.5 g (1.8%).

Goat's milk fats contain 40% more amino acids needed for humans than cow's milk, which in composition brings it closer to breast milk . In addition, it has a more homogeneous structure. The globules of fat dissolved in it are almost 10 times smaller than in cow's milk. In addition, unsaturated fatty acids, which have a positive effect on fat metabolism, account for 69%, while in cow's milk there are only 51%. Under the influence of the active substances of gastric juice, the protein fractions of goat's milk break down into light, curdled flakes, which allows you to quickly digest the product and completely absorb it, even despite its 4% fat content.

Goat's milk contains 60% less lactose, an element that causes intolerance in many and provokes excessive formation of gases in the intestines and diarrhea.

Video: The benefits of goat milk

Medicinal properties

Today, the popularity of goat milk, undeservedly lost in the last century, is returning, and it is perceived not only as a perfectly balanced and easily digestible food product, but also as a remedy that helps with many diseases.

For dysbacteriosis

Fermented milk products made from goat's milk will help correct dysbiosis. Cottage cheese, cheeses, kefir or yogurt will allow you to very quickly restore normal microflora. How to follow a fermented milk diet?

  • Include at least 100 g of food per 10 kg of weight daily in your diet;
  • Follow a fermented milk diet within three days;
  • Then take a two-day break;
  • After this, the diet continues for five days with a break on the sixth;
  • The final stage lasts 7 days without a break.

After this, you can rest for two weeks and repeat if necessary. However, in most cases the condition improves within 2–3 days.

For gastritis

Goat's milk is successfully used for gastritis with both increased and decreased secretion.

If secretion is increased

Goat's milk is an excellent remedy for gastritis with increased secretion. This is due to the high content of lysozyme in it - an enzyme that not only neutralizes high acidity, but also has a detrimental effect on bacteria of the genus Helicobacter pylori. Due to its high fat content, milk creates a protective film that protects the stomach walls from irritating effect sulfuric acid. Gastroenterologists advise drinking milk on an empty stomach in the morning and then drinking it throughout the day - a total of at least two mugs for a course of at least two weeks. It would be optimal to add a teaspoon of honey to it (if there are no contraindications). It is better to start with a small amount and drink milk in small sips.

If reduced

Cheeses, kefir or cottage cheese made from goat's milk will help normalize the functioning of the stomach and increase its ability to process food. Despite the fact that goat's milk is well absorbed, if you have gastritis with reduced secretion, it is better to avoid high-fat dairy products. For example, before consuming fatty sour cream or kefir, it is better to consult a doctor.

Goat milk will be especially useful for people suffering from atrophic gastritis, in which some of the cells that produce gastric juice die.

For stomach and duodenal ulcers

Goat's milk will be no less useful for these serious illnesses. The lysozyme contained in it has wound healing properties and will help reduce the time it takes for the ulcer to heal. For optimal results, drink a glass of milk in small sips on an empty stomach in the morning and two more during the day. This should be done no less three weeks. Thanks to its composition, it will be easily absorbed and will not cause flatulence and other disorders.

For pancreatitis

In the case of pancreatitis, doctors' opinions about the benefits of goat's milk are divided. Some believe that there is no tangible benefit from its use, while others, on the contrary, recommend this product. However, in acute period It is better to refrain from using it. In case of exacerbation of pancreatitis, only pasteurized milk diluted in half with water can be included in the diet. In this form, it is used as a basis for preparing porridges and soups, and only the doctor determines when they can be included in the diet.

With chronic pancreatitis, the situation changes slightly. Although during periods of exacerbation it is also worth abstaining from consuming goat milk, but at the stage of remission, if exacerbations occur no more than once a year, consuming it is completely justified. It is better to start taking it with a small amount of milk diluted with water 1:1, 50 ml once. If milk is well digested and does not cause any unpleasant reactions (discomfort, bloating, pain, diarrhea), then you can switch to whole milk, gradually increasing its amount to 200 ml. It is not recommended to combine drinking milk with other meals. It is better to do this separately, for example, instead of an afternoon snack. With a glass of milk you can eat a cracker or a piece of dried bread.

For diabetes

Before you start introducing goat milk and products made from it into your diet, it is better for diabetic patients to consult with their doctor. The dose that the patient will drink should also be selected individually. It must be remembered that goat milk is enough high-calorie product, one glass of it already contains 1 grain unit Therefore, for diabetes, skim milk is recommended (no more than 2 glasses per day).

Milk fasting days are especially useful for people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases, obesity, and circulatory disorders. In this case, porridges cooked with goat's milk, puddings, and casseroles will bring tangible benefits.

Not only fermented milk products are allowed for diabetes, but also sour cream or cream if their fat content is less than 30%.

For women with genital diseases

Goat's milk significantly speeds up the healing process. It has already been proven that if you drink a glass of goat milk mixed with a spoonful of honey a day, drug therapy becomes much more effective. This is due to the ability of goat milk to increase the body's immune response.

For osteoporosis

Goat's milk can effectively solve the problem of calcium deficiency, and its combination with fluoride helps to absorb these elements most effectively. By drinking just two cups daily, you can significantly reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis. This is especially important for older women, who constitute the main risk group.

For bronchitis

You can add a teaspoon of honey or melted milk to a glass of milk. visceral fat. Drink two glasses a day in small sips, after heating it. After just a week of taking this remedy, the condition improves significantly.

Is it useful during pregnancy?

To keep your teeth, nails and hair healthy during pregnancy, you need to carefully plan your diet. Goat's milk during pregnancy is an essential product that is easily digestible. If you drink at least a liter during the day, you can stop taking it. additional drugs with microelements and vitamin complexes. The amount of nutrients contained in a liter of goat milk more than covers the daily requirement.

Goat milk is no less useful during breastfeeding: two glasses a day will help restore the mineral and vitamin balance in the body. Please note that the most useful is considered fresh milk. If you don't like the taste or smell, you can add a little honey or sugar to it or buy milk from another manufacturer.

For children's diet

You should not introduce goat's milk into the diet of a baby who is not yet 8 months old, since the high concentration of minerals can create unnecessary stress on the fragile urinary system. Optimal age for introduction into the diet - from 9 months to a year. You need to start getting acquainted with it gradually, giving a teaspoon a day and gradually increasing its amount. The same precaution will be useful if you change the source of milk, because the product from different animals may differ from each other. When starting to give your child goat milk, carefully monitor his condition. If there are changes in the nature of your baby's stool (it becomes loose or more frequent), this may mean that the fat content of the product is too high for the baby's intestines. In this case, you should try diluting the milk with water.

Goat milk in cosmetology

You can make excellent cosmetics from goat milk at home

Goat milk is not only the most valuable food product, but also beautiful cosmetic product. Its ability to relieve inflammation, improve the structure of the skin, and rejuvenate it has been known since ancient times (remember, for example, the milk baths that Cleopatra took). Modern research has confirmed that it has the following properties:

    antioxidant - promotes the restoration of natural collagen, makes the skin firm and elastic;

    antibacterial - soothes and eliminates irritation, heals microcracks, reduces the activity of pathogenic microorganisms;

    nutritious - the temperature at which goat milk fats begin to melt is approximately equal to our body temperature and, decomposing into small particles, these fats are able to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin.

That is why many manufacturers willingly include goat milk in various cosmetic lines.

To experience the magical effect of this product for yourself, it is not at all necessary to purchase branded cosmetics; excellent products can be made at home.

For face

  • The most simple recipe there will, of course, be washing with goat's milk, and if you don't have time to regularly visit markets in search of fresh milk, you can freeze it and wipe your face, neck and décolleté with a milk ice cube in the morning.
  • A mask made from 50 ml of milk with the addition of a teaspoon of lemon juice and the same amount of cognac will help improve your complexion and provide light peeling. The ingredients are mixed, heated to 40–50° and applied to cleansed skin for 10 minutes. After that they wash themselves warm water. It is enough to make such a mask once a week.
  • A nourishing mask can be prepared from half a glass of milk and 3 spoons oatmeal. After mixing them, you need to wait 30 minutes, and when the flakes swell, apply them to the skin for 10-15 minutes. After this, wash off the mask with warm water. By carrying out this procedure every 3-4 days, you can see how the skin becomes smooth and well-groomed.

By regularly consuming goat milk, you can significantly reduce your weight, while avoiding such unpleasant consequences diets, such as intestinal imbalance and vitamin deficiency. Despite the fact that this product has a fairly high fat content, its elements are completely absorbed without being “deposited” on the sides. Another advantage of goat milk is that it is very filling, which makes you feel quite comfortable during the diet.

For hair

Goat milk perfectly nourishes not only the skin, but also the hair. Even if you just wet your head with it, leave it for half an hour and rinse with shampoo, then after 5-6 such procedures the effect will be obvious. Well, if you are fascinated by the process of cooking with your own hands, then you can make more complex remedy. You will need:

  • goat milk - 500 ml
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp.
  • banana - 1 pc.

Mash the banana and add a tablespoon of lemon juice to it. Moisten your hair with milk and apply the resulting paste on top. Wrap your head, keep the mask on for 40 minutes, then rinse and wash your hair with shampoo. By making this mask once a week, you will provide your hair with shine and silkiness.


The effectiveness of baths with goat milk is not at all exaggerated, and do not be alarmed - for this procedure you will only need a liter of the product. You need to heat the milk without bringing it to a boil, dissolve the vanillin packet in it and pour it in a thin stream into the filled bath. Take a bath for 20 minutes, it will tone the skin and relieve irritation.

Which milk should you choose?

The easiest way out is to purchase goat milk in retail chains, but many sources write that only fresh milk has the maximum beneficial properties. What to do? If you are not satisfied with pasteurized packaged milk, welcome to the market. But here it is worth being careful. To prevent you from being offered regular cow's milk instead of goat's, you need to know a few rules:

    Goat's milk, like the products made from it, is pure white in color with no cream, blue or yellowish tint.

    Cream never collects on its surface - it is evenly distributed throughout the entire volume, regardless of how much the milk costs (due to this property, the milk may seem sour).

    Goat's milk has an aftertaste that gets worse after the milk sits for three days. But that doesn't mean it should have bad smell, which is already a consequence poor quality care for the goat.

If you are determined to purchase milk on the market, you should make sure that the seller has all the documents confirming that the animal has passed veterinary control. But it is best to find “your” manufacturer, whose product you will be confident in the quality of.

Storage conditions and use

Even without heat treatment, goat's milk can be stored much longer than cow's milk. In the refrigerator at a temperature of 5-7° it will retain its properties for at least a week, and at room temperature it will not sour for 3 days. This becomes especially important if you believe the statement that only fresh milk is healthy.

However, you can only drink fresh milk if you are completely confident in the supplier. If the animal is healthy, kept clean, and when milking sanitary standards- milk can be safely drunk without boiling the product. But if the seller is not familiar to you or the milk is intended for a child who is not yet 2 years old, then boiling is necessary.

Due to its fat content, goat milk is a very filling product, so it is better not to combine it with other meals or drink it immediately before meals (this will slow down digestion and create additional load on the digestive tract). It is also not recommended to consume the product straight from the refrigerator - it is better to warm it up a little. You need to drink slowly, in small sips.

But you don’t need to think that this milk can only be drunk. It is an excellent basis for preparing porridges - thanks to its fat content, you don’t even need to add oil to them, and you can also make kefir, yogurt, and cottage cheese yourself. All the beneficial properties of this product are preserved in its serum.


The only contraindication to consuming goat's milk is individual intolerance.

Consultation with a doctor and use with caution is necessary if you suffer from:

  • High blood density;
  • Diseases of the pancreas.

Goat milk is an incredibly healthy drink and helps cope with many diseases. If you regularly use it in your diet, you can avoid such unpleasant things as vitamin deficiency, intestinal upset, and low immunity.

Since ancient times, people have used goat milk to treat various diseases. And this is not surprising, because the chemical composition of the product is striking in its diversity. Potassium, cobalt, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, iron, vitamins of groups A, B, C - these are far from full list the most important beneficial substances contained in goat milk. What effect does this product have on the human body, and in what cases can its use be harmful? Let's figure it out.

Who benefits from goat milk?

Goat's milk will help support immune system organism, resist development various kinds infections, and therefore it is especially useful for all people without exception in the autumn-winter period, when there are surges of colds.

The absence of glucose and galactose, as well as the high silicon content, makes the presence of goat's milk mandatory in the diet of people suffering from diabetes. Thanks to high concentration sodium, goat milk will help significantly improve the condition of patients diagnosed with arthritis or arthrosis.

Goat's milk, having a high nutritional value and easy to digest, indicated for stomach ulcers. In addition, the product has wound-healing properties and is biologically noted in its composition. active ingredient lysozyme, which is useful for treating gastric ulcers.

By normalizing the natural intestinal microflora, goat milk is an excellent remedy treatment of ailments such as gastroduodenitis, colitis, increased acidity stomach. This product is also used to fight tuberculosis, increasing the body's resistance to this disease. Alternative medicine recommends drinking goat milk for pneumonia and bronchitis.

Goat milk must be present in the diet of a pregnant woman, as it supplies the fetus with essential nutrients for its growth and development. During lactation, this product increases the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of breast milk.

Harm of goat milk

Despite such extensive beneficial properties, drinking goat milk in some cases can harm the body. So, people suffering from obesity or pancreatic diseases should avoid this product. Rarely, but still there are cases of intolerance to the components that make up goat milk.

Drinking cold goat's milk will also not be beneficial. In this case, you can get a sore throat or even cause constipation, since such milk is quite difficult for the body to digest. It is harmful to drink milk before eating and immediately after it, since in this case the process of digesting food will be delayed, which will create problems for you. digestive system additional load.

Goat's milk is very useful product, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body. In order not to harm your health, it is important to make sure that there are no contraindications and to know the specifics of using this product.

Chemical composition of goat milk

Essential amino acids

Arginine 0.12 g
Valin 0.24 g
Histidine 0.09 g
Isoleucine 0.21 g
Leucine 0.31 g
Lysine 0.29 g
Methionine 0.09 g
Methionine+Cysteine 0.13 g
Threonine 0.16 g
Tryptophan 0.04 g
Phenylalanine 0.16 g
Phenylalanine+Tyrosine 0.33 g

Nonessential amino acids


Vitamin A 57 mcg
Vitamin D 1.3 mcg
Vitamin E 0.07 mg
Vitamin B1 0.05 mg
Vitamin B2 0.14 mg
Vitamin B4 16.0 mg
Vitamin B5 0.31 mg
Vitamin B6 0.05 mg
Vitamin B9 1 mcg
Vitamin K 0.3 mcg
Vitamin C 1.30 mg



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