Veterinary guide for dog owners. Innovative Apoquel tablets for dogs: rules for using an antipruritic veterinary drug with a complex effect. Is it possible to constantly feed a dog only dry food?

Before using the drug, be sure to consult your veterinarian. The dose can be either increased or decreased depending on the condition of the animal. Don't risk the health of animals!!!

1. Enter the name of the drug (in Russian).

If, after entering the first three letters of the drug, you are not prompted to select a name or the drug you are looking for does not appear in the proposed list, then it does not exist.

You can use the online assistant (on the right of the screen) or in any way convenient for you (at the bottom of the site) to inform us about the missing drug, and we will fill the gap as soon as possible.

2. After selecting the drug, you are asked to select the type of animal:

If the required type of animal is missing, but you are confident in the use of the selected drug for this type of animal, please let us know and we will add a calculation.

3. Select the type of dose (therapeutic or prophylactic):

The overwhelming majority represents a therapeutic dose

4. Enter the required value. Pay attention to the inscription in the window, this can be either a calculation per 1 kg of weight of an animal (group of animals) or per volume of feed/water!!!

5. Click “Calculate” and get the result.
If you want to learn more about the drug, clarify the price, or place an order, you must click on the “More information about the drug” button.

Information about the drug will open in a separate window.


Use Amoxicillin in dogs to treat diseases caused by antibiotic-sensitive microorganisms: gastrointestinal diseases (enterocolitis, enteritis, gastroenteritis), respiratory diseases (bronchitis, rhinitis, bronchopneumonia), surgical diseases (joint inflammation, abscesses), diseases of the genitourinary organs (endometritis , urethritis, metritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis).

Determine the weight of a small dog using a steelyard. To do this, place it in your bag and weigh it. To get an accurate result, then weigh the empty bag and subtract its weight from the previous weighing.

Find out the weight of a medium-sized dog using a bathroom scale. Pick up your pet and step on the scale. Remember the result and weigh yourself without the dog. Calculate the difference between the first and second weighing - this will be the weight of the animal. Large breed dogs (weighing 25 kg or more) are weighed on floor scales, which are available in almost every veterinary clinic.

Be sure to wash your hands before injecting the drug. Shake the ampoule, wipe the broken area with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. After opening the ampoule, draw the medicine into the syringe. To remove any remaining air, lift the syringe with the needle up and press the plunger until droplets of medicine appear on the needle.

Inject Amoxicillin intramuscularly into the femoral muscle of the dog's hind leg. Be sure to treat the selected area with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. Carry out the injection strictly perpendicular to the skin, insert the needle slowly and carefully.

Perform a subcutaneous injection at the dog's withers. To do this, take the syringe in your right hand, and with your left, pull the skin at the base of the withers until a fold forms. Then give the injection. The needle should enter the skin at an angle. Amoxicillin should be administered slowly.

Administer the drug subcutaneously or intramuscularly once a day for 5 days. Animals may experience allergic reactions that disappear after the end of use of the product. If severe allergies occur, give your pet antihistamines and corticosteroids. After completing the antibiotic course, treat your dog with probiotics.

Home veterinary first aid kit

Treatment of animals requires special training and practical skills not only when choosing a treatment method, but also when choosing drugs and the method of introducing them into the body of a sick pet. Each drug is used in certain quantities. A dose is the amount of a medicinal substance prescribed to a sick animal at one time. A dose of a drug that improves the condition of a sick animal and does not have a harmful effect on the body is called a therapeutic, or curative, dose; and a dose that causes temporary or permanent disorders in the body is called toxic. Due to the fact that different dog breeds differ from each other in weight and other characteristics, many medicinal substances are dosed per 1 kg of live weight (Table 13). This must be taken into account when giving medications to your pet. Medicinal substances according to their type are divided into crystalline, or solid, soft and liquid.

Medicines are used in various forms:

  • powders (ground solid medicinal substances);
  • tablets (compressed forms);
  • ointments (mixtures of medicinal substances with fats and alkalis);
  • infusions or infusions (forms containing herbal medicinal substances, doused with boiling water and infused for 10 minutes);
  • decoctions (liquids obtained by boiling medicinal plants in water for 30 minutes);
  • solutions (forms obtained by diluting a medicinal substance in a solvent (distilled, boiled water, novocaine);
  • tinctures (solutions with alcohol or ether).

There are other dosage forms. The first aid kit should include:

  • instruments: thermometer, pipette, syringe, scissors, tweezers, syringes (for example, 1 and 5 ml);
  • dressing material: individual dressing package, bandages - wide and narrow, absorbent cotton wool, compress paper or cellophane, adhesive plaster; as well as a protective, or Elizabethan, collar;
  • medicines.

You can purchase all instruments and dressings at a regular pharmacy, but a protective collar can only be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy. It is intended to prevent the dog from gnawing on injured areas (for example, after ear cropping, after surgery on a limb). This collar is made of special plastic, which has the shape of a semicircle. A collar is needed to secure it to the dog's neck. You need to choose the correct collar size based on the circumference of the neck, as well as by measuring the length of the muzzle from the tip of the nose to the back of the head. Another 5 cm is added to this length, that is, the end of the collar should extend beyond the end of the muzzle by at least 5 cm, which will not allow the dog to reach the healing area of ​​the body. You can make such a collar yourself or from cardboard, which will not last long, or cut the bottom from an ordinary plastic bucket. In this case, you need to cover the sharp edges with cotton wool or any thick fabric to avoid cuts on the neck. Plus, you need to make 4 holes in both the cardboard version and the bucket, where you can insert the ribbons to secure the collar to the collar.

Today it is much simpler, more practical and cheaper to buy ready-made collars, which are produced by both domestic and imported manufacturers. Your home veterinary medicine cabinet should not contain poisonous or potent medications. Each substance must be tightly closed in a bottle or jar or in any other industrial packaging, equipped with a label (sticker) indicating the name of the substance, by whom it was manufactured and the date of manufacture and/or expiration date. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the conditions of each drug (storage temperature, storage location).

All medications, instruments, and dressings in a home veterinary first aid kit should be stored separately from the regular home first aid kit, preferably in a specially designated box. Different drugs have different effects, depending on many factors. Let us take a closer look at some of the drugs most widely used in veterinary practice.

Medical alcohol is a clear liquid with a specific odor. Used to wipe the injection site and for compresses. Hydrogen peroxide solution is a colorless, odorless liquid. Store it in a dark, dry place. It is used to disinfect and cleanse contaminated wounds. In this case, abundant foam is formed, which contributes to the mechanical removal of particles of pus, blood clots and mucus. In addition to its disinfectant effect, hydrogen peroxide also has some hemostatic properties.

Iodine tincture or 5–10% alcohol solution of iodine is a dark red brown liquid with a characteristic odor that evaporates at room temperature. It should be stored in well-sealed dark glass bottles. In veterinary practice it is used to lubricate the edges of wounds, ulcers and other skin lesions. Iodine with glycerin (a mixture of equal volumes of iodine tincture with glycerin) is used to lubricate inflammation of the mucous membranes (oral cavity, larynx, vaginal mucosa).

Brilliant green, or brilliant green,- This is a dark green solution. Store in a well-sealed bottle in a dark place. Has a strong effect against staphylococci and streptococci. Used externally in the form of 0.5-2% solutions for the treatment of wounds, ulcers, burns, bedsores.

Potassium permanganate, or potassium permanganate, or potassium permanganate,- These are dark purple crystals, soluble in water, preferably in boiling water. In veterinary practice it is used as a bactericidal, oxidizing and deodorizing (that is, removing bad odor) agent. The bactericidal properties of potassium permanganate are based on the ability of its solutions to release active oxygen in the presence of organic substances. Strong dark brown solutions of potassium permanganate (5%) are used to lubricate limited burns on the skin and as a hemostatic agent. Weaker solutions, from reddish to slightly pink (0.25-0.1%), are used for douching, washing the eyes and stomach when a dog is poisoned with phosphorus, cyanide, or strychnine. If a dog has been bitten by a poisonous snake, a 1% solution of potassium permanganate is injected under the skin at the site of the bite, 0.2-0.5 ml 3-4 times a day.

Boric acid solution is an aqueous solution of boric acid. Boric acid has a weak antimicrobial effect and almost does not irritate tissues and skin. It is included in 5-10% ointments for dermatitis. In veterinary practice, boric alcohol is used for washing wounds, for douching, and as eye drops. 3% boric alcohol is instilled into dogs' ears.

Vaseline oil. This is liquid paraffin, a mixture of carbohydrates obtained from the purified fraction of oil after distillation of kerosene. Mixes with vegetable oils. It is used externally to lubricate the tip of a thermometer, syringe, paw pads, and internally as a laxative.

Castor oil. Thick, viscous, transparent liquid, colorless or slightly yellowish. Used as a laxative. Sold in gelatin capsules, the dosage of which is calculated based on the weight of your pet.

Activated carbon. Charcoal is a good adsorbent. It actively absorbs heavy metals, various plant and bacterial poisons, and gases. Sold in tablets. It is used for poisoning, flatulence, diarrhea and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (1 tablet 3-5 times a day).

Streptocide. White crystalline powder, odorless. It has an effect on streptococci, E. coli and other bacteria. Available in the form of powder, ointment or liniment. Used for superficial skin diseases, burns, ulcers.

Furacilin. This is an antimicrobial agent from the group of nitrofuran drugs. Available in the form of yellow tablets. Used for the treatment of infected wounds and long-term non-healing ulcers, burns, boils, bedsores, purulent conjunctivitis, purulent inflammatory processes in the vagina and uterus, in the ears, for cystitis, mastitis, for treating the surgical field. To prepare an aqueous solution, one tablet is dissolved in 250 ml of water. For faster and more complete dissolution of furatsilin, it is better to use boiled or hot water.

Furazolidone. It is a yellow powder, odorless, slightly bitter taste, almost insoluble in water, available in tablet form. Has a wide spectrum of antimicrobial action. It is used for the prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases of various etiologies, as well as for diseases of the urinary tract. Use 1 tablet every four hours for a dog weighing 40 kg.

Sulfamide ointment or any other ointment that has a bacteriostatic effect. Used to treat cuts and heal wounds.

Antibiotics. These are specific waste products of microorganisms that have an antimicrobial effect. They are used for the treatment and prevention of many infectious and non-infectious diseases. Many of them have a wide spectrum of action on both gram-positive and gram-negative microbes. The course of taking antibiotics is 5-7 days. Available in powder form in ampoules for intramuscular administration, and in tablet form for oral administration. The frequency of administration and dosage of the drug are given in the instructions for use of a particular drug. One of the representatives of this group of drugs, most often used in veterinary practice, is tetracycline. It has a wide spectrum of action, and therefore it is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system, genitourinary tract, and eyes. However, this drug is contraindicated for liver and kidney diseases, and it should not be given to animals sensitive to it. For subcutaneous injections, the recommended dose is 20 mg/kg every 8 hours, for intramuscular and intravenous administration - 7 mg/kg every 12 hours.

Sulfonamide drugs. These are synthetic chemotherapeutic agents that have a predominantly bacteriostatic effect. All drugs from this group are similar in spectrum and mechanism of action against streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci, meningococci, as well as E. coli, salmonella, pasteurella and other bacteria. One of the representatives of this group of drugs is sulfadimezine. This is a low-toxic drug that is effective in the treatment of respiratory and digestive diseases, inflammation of the mammary glands and uterus. The drug is prescribed at the rate of 0.05 g per 1 kg of body weight (per dose). Take 1-2 times a day for 5-7 days. For local treatment of wounds and burns, sulfadimezin is used externally in powder form.

Analgin. It is a white crystalline powder of white color with a slightly yellowish tint, easily soluble in water. During long-term storage, the analgin solution turns yellow, but does not lose its activity. Available in the form of tablets, powders and solutions in ampoules. This drug acts on the dog’s body as an analgesic, antirheumatic and antipyretic. The analgesic effect of analgin depends on the route of administration. When given to a dog through the mouth, its effect appears after 30-40 minutes, when administered subcutaneously - after 10-20 minutes. Pain decreases by one to 2 hours.

Diphenhydramine. It is a white crystalline powder, readily soluble in water. Available in the form of dragees, solution in ampoules. It works well for allergies, smooth muscle spasms, vomiting, agitation and other indications. Regidron. This is a powder, highly soluble in water, which is a mixture of various salts and sugar. It is diluted in water. Available in bags of 10 g. Used for dehydration of the body: excessive vomiting, diarrhea.

You select the necessary insect and worm repellents yourself, depending on ease of use, as well as other medications, and create your own veterinary first aid kit.

Table 13
Doses of essential medicinal substances

Preparation Indications Dose Method of administration
Ampicillin Antimicrobial agent 10.0-20.0 mg/kg after 8 hours Inside
Bromhexine Decreased bronchosecretion 2.0-8.0 mg 2 times a day Inside
Vikasol 1% Blood clotting disorders 1.0-3.0 ml daily i/m
Glucose 40% Detoxification therapy 1.0-5.0 ml/kg in/in
Sodium bicarbonate 4.2% Acidosis, intoxication 2.0-4.0 ml/kg IV drip
Calcium gluconate 10% Calcium metabolism disorder 1.0-5.0 ml i/m, i/v
Diphenhydramine Antihistamine 0.02-0.04 g i.v., i.m., s.c.
Insulin Enhancing the absorption of sugar by tissues, its conversion into glycogen 3.0-20.0 IU 3 times a day i/m, i/v
Caffeine 25% Stimulation of breathing and cardiac activity 0.5-3.0 ml s/c, i/m
Oxytocin Contraceptive effect: increased uterine motility 1.0-5.0 IE i/m
Penicillin Antimicrobial agent 20.0-40.0 thousand units/kg after 4 hours i.v., i.m.
Prednisolone Anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, detoxification treatment 2.0-8.0 mg/kg i/m, i/v
Progesterone Regulation of sexual cycles 5.0-25.0 mg PC
Sulfadimethoxine Antimicrobial agent 25.0 mg/kg after 24 hours Inside,
i.v., i.m.
Tetracycline Antimicrobial agent 20.0 m g/kg after 8 hours Inside
Estrogens Activation of estrus, contraceptive effect 0.5-1.0 mg s/c, i/m
Furasemide Stimulation of diuresis 5.0-40.0 mg every other day Inside
Cephalexin Antimicrobial agent 30.0 mg/kg after 12 hours Inside

Note: i/v - intravenously, i/m - intramuscularly, s/c - subcutaneously.

Distribution of medicines

Depending on the dosage form of the drug, one or another method of administration is selected.


This method is suitable for products used externally, namely ointments, powders, compresses. The ointment is applied as follows: take a gauze pad (tampon) and, dipping it in the ointment, rub the drug into the affected area. The powder is simply sprinkled on top in a small amount onto the injured area. Cold compresses cause vasoconstriction and reduce pain. They are used only at the beginning of inflammation (bruises, closed injuries), in the first 1 - 2 days. For a cold compress, fold gauze or a wide bandage in four, moisten the fabric with cold water and apply to the sore spot. The warmed material is changed every 3-5 minutes. A warming compress is placed on a sore spot in order to retain heat transfer and enhance metabolism in it. They are used to speed up the formation of abscesses, resolve swelling (for example, after injection of a drug) and improve blood supply to the area. To do this, gauze or a wide bandage is moistened in alcohol and applied to the sore spot. Cellophane is placed on top of the wet fabric so that it covers the fabric. Place cotton wool on the cellophane to retain heat and wrap the compress with a bandage. Leave this bandage on for several hours.


Eye drops are usually stored at room temperature in a dry place. They are administered to the dog with a pipette, which must be stored in a cardboard case or in a glass with cotton wool at the bottom. Before each use of the pipette, you must first rinse it with warm water and check that the tip is not broken. Eye drops can be administered to your dog in any position. After washing your hands, pipette the medicine. Using the fingers of your left hand, pull down the dog’s lower eyelid, and with the fingers of your right hand, which contains the pipette, press the rubber cap. After placing two drops behind the eyelid closer to the inner corner of the eye, release the eyelid. Remove excess medication that has leaked from the eye with a cotton swab. Vata for each eyelid should be separate.

The eye ointment is placed with a special glass spatula, which must be washed before use and checked to see if it is broken. After washing your hands, proceed to the procedure. Use your left hand to pull down your dog's lower eyelid. Using the wide, flat end of a glass spatula containing a small amount of ointment, gently touch the eyelid at the inner corner of the eye, spreading the ointment from the spatula onto the inner surface of the eyelid. After applying the ointment, you need to bring your pet’s upper and lower eyelids together with two fingers and lightly massage them so that the ointment is evenly distributed over the eyeball. If the ointment is in special tubes, then you can do without a glass spatula: the ointment is squeezed out of the tube onto the inner surface of the lower eyelid. A light eyelid massage is required.


Intranasal administration is the administration of drugs through the nose. Drops are instilled into the nose using either a pipette or a tube with a special nozzle. This will depend on the bottle the medicine comes in. A couple of drops of the drug are instilled into each nostril. The best way to do this is to lift the dog's muzzle up.


Medicines, namely powders, tablets, dragees, capsules, solutions, are often given to the dog through the mouth (orally). If the animal is able to take water or food, then the medicinal substances are given with the food. If this method does not work (for example, the dog eats all the food and leaves the food with the drug), then in this case the medicine is given by force. The dog's mouth is opened wide, the tablet is placed on the root of the tongue, holding it. The jaws are closed, then 100 ml of water is poured into the cheek with a syringe to activate swallowing movements and better passage of the medicine through the esophagus, that is, the animal makes a reflex swallowing movement and swallows the drug. If tablets and capsules are given without water, they can stick to the wall of the esophagus and cause necrosis in this place. You can dissolve the drug (this applies to tablets and powders) in a small amount of boiled water (if it dissolves) and use a syringe without a needle to inject the contents into the dog’s mouth. To do this, it is best, without opening the dog’s mouth, to pull the edge of the lip closer to the molars in the form of a small pocket and pour the medicine into the cheek in small portions. Liquid medications are also administered in the same way.


The most convenient place for subcutaneous injection of medicinal substances or serums is the skin near the withers or the outer surface of the thigh. It is better to hold the dog with your legs in the hip area, standing forward with your head towards its head. For injection, disposable syringes and needles are used. First, the drug is taken from the ampoule. Before the injection itself, you need to lift the syringe with the needle up and, moving the piston a little, remove air bubbles from the syringe and needle. After treating the injection site with alcohol or iodine, use the thumb and index fingers of your left hand to gather the skin into a fold with your fingers and inject a needle attached to a syringe at an angle of 45° at a distance of 3-4 cm under the base of the skin fold (Fig. 25). The cut of the needle should be facing up. Having overcome the resistance of the skin, the needle ends up in the subcutaneous tissue, where the liquid is injected.

If the syringe has to be filled with the drug two or more times, then the needle should not be removed; the syringe must be refilled using another needle and the syringe itself must be put back on the needle. After removing the needle, lightly massage the skin with a sterile cotton swab. At the same place, the injection can be repeated only after a few days.


Typically, this administration of drugs is carried out in the posterior muscle group of the thigh or shoulder. The needle should be thin, small in diameter and long (4-5 cm). After treating the skin, grasping the needle with the thumb and index fingers, quickly inject it perpendicularly into the skin to a depth of 3 to 5 cm, depending on the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer (Fig. 26). It is better to first inject without a syringe in order to make sure that you do not get into the vessel.

Rice. 25.

Rice. 26.

The injection is performed with the dog lying or standing. The rate of administration of the drug depends on the drug (see instructions for use of the drug). After the injection, the needle is removed and the injection site is lightly massaged with a sterile cotton swab. If it is necessary to simultaneously administer two or three incompatible drugs, after removing the syringe, the needle is pierced into an adjacent area of ​​the muscle without removing it from the skin, and then the syringe is connected.


This manipulation is performed on the dog in a standing or lying position. Medicines are injected into the superficial vein of the forearm and the saphenous vein of the leg. Apply a rubber tourniquet above the vein puncture site, respectively, on the shoulder or thigh in the area of ​​the elbow or knee joints. This is necessary to obstruct the outflow of venous blood. After this, the veins swell and become better visible, and they can be easily felt through the skin near the elbow or knee fossa (Fig. 27). After filling the vein and disinfecting the skin with a needle with a bevel upward, they pierce the skin next to the vein, along it, and then the vein itself. When drops of blood appear in the cannula, the needle is advanced further along the vein and a syringe is attached, the syringe is removed and an infusion is made. The syringe plunger is first pulled back to remove air bubbles from the lumen of the needle, and then the drug is slowly injected. At the moment of infusion, the hand holding the syringe simultaneously clasps the operated limb, so that an accidental jerk of the dog does not lead to the needle slipping out of the vein. When the drug is administered, quickly remove the needle and press the injection site with a swab soaked in a disinfectant.

Rice. 27.


The rectal route of administration is the introduction of the drug into the rectum. In this way, medications are administered in the form of special suppositories (candles) or enemas. The suppository is removed from the package, placed against the anus and pushed inside with the index finger as deep as possible. To prevent the drug from being pushed back out, the tail is briefly pressed against the anus. Typically, suppositories are administered after an evening walk at night to prolong the effect of the drug.

In case of poisoning or constipation, as well as to administer a liquid drug through the rectum, an enema is used. There are different types of enemas: cleansing, enveloping, oily and enemas for regulating body temperature (Table 14). It is most advisable to introduce liquid into the body at a temperature of 30°C, except for enemas intended to reduce body temperature. Cleansing enemas are used for constipation in order to mechanically soften stool, as well as for various intestinal disorders. For severe irritation of the rectum and prolonged urge to defecate, enveloping enemas are used, first with slightly diluted potassium permanganate, then with starch or rice broth.

Infusion of vegetable oil heated to room temperature, in addition to the enveloping and soothing effect, also produces the separation and removal of a foreign body from the intestine. Oil, penetrating into hard lumps of feces, softens them better than water. Depending on the temperature of the injected liquid, you can reduce the dog’s body temperature by 0.5-0.8 ° C. Giving an enema to a calm dog does not present any particular problems. Take a syringe, pre-lubricate the tip with Vaseline or fat. Hold the tail with your left hand, and carefully insert the tip with your right. Introduce the liquid gradually so as not to provoke its premature release. For rapid absorption of the drug, the volume of the enema together with the diluent (water) should not exceed 200-300 ml.

Table 14
Approximate amount of liquid administered to a dog during an enema


Douching is a method of administering a drug through the genitals. This procedure can be both therapeutic and sanitary. Vaginal douching of bitches is used for inflammatory processes in the vagina and chronic inflammatory processes in the uterus. Douching of males is used for inflammatory processes in the preputial sac or in the penis itself. For douching dogs, various medicinal substances are used depending on the purpose: potassium permanganate (pink solution), baking soda (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water) and others. The douching procedure itself involves injecting a stream of liquid from a rubber bulb, the capacity of which depends on the size of the dog.

The water for douching is heated (depending on the indications), but it should not be lower than the dog’s body temperature. It is recommended to boil the rubber bulb before each use. Douching of males is carried out as follows: the tip of the bulb is lubricated with boiled petroleum jelly and inserted 0.5 cm into the opening of the preputial sac. Using two fingers of the left hand, the skin fold of the hole is pressed against the tip, after which the liquid is injected. The liquid, as it accumulates in the preputial sac, begins to flow back, first cloudy, purulent, and then cleaner, without any admixture of pus. Douching is usually carried out once a day with a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate for 2-3 days. Douching of bitches is carried out in any position of the dog, and the tip should be inserted 1 cm into the vagina.

The owner of a bitch must remember that douching is not recommended during estrus, pregnancy, or while feeding puppies. It is not recommended to douching if you are not completely sure of its necessity, since, firstly, you can introduce an additional infection and, secondly, frequent douching reduces the natural resistance of the genital mucosa as a result of disruption of its chemical environment and bacterial flora.

Veterinary guide for dog owners
M. V. Dorosh



1 ml of caninsulin contains 40 units of highly purified porcine insulin (30% in the form of amorphous zinc insulin and 70% in the form of crystalline zinc insulin). It is an aqueous suspension for injection. Packaged in glass bottles of 2.5 ml, which are packed in 10 bottles in cardboard boxes.


Caninsulin compensates for the lack of endogenous (produced in the body) insulin in diabetes mellitus and lowers blood glucose levels. Caninsulin is a medium-acting insulin. Caninsulin contains pork insulin, which is structurally identical to dog insulin. The use of pork insulin allows one to significantly avoid the development of insulin resistance, which makes it possible to do without increasing the selected dose of the drug for a long time, unlike drugs based on human insulin. Insulin in the drug is presented in the form of a mixture of short-acting (amorphous fraction) and long-acting (crystalline fraction) insulins. Short-acting insulin allows you to achieve a rapid therapeutic effect, which is especially important with elevated blood glucose levels observed in the morning. By the time the activity of short-acting insulin decreases, long-acting insulin reaches its peak activity, which helps to prolong the therapeutic effect of caninsulin. Adding a small amount of zinc solution to caninsulin slows down the absorption of the drug from the injection site and prolongs the action of insulin. In dogs, the amorphous fraction of insulin begins to act 1 to 2 hours after subcutaneous administration. The peak activity of the amorphous fraction of insulin is observed approximately 3 hours after administration. The duration of action of the amorphous fraction is about 8 hours. The crystalline fraction of insulin has a slower onset of action, with peak activity observed between 7 and 12 hours after drug administration. The duration of action of the crystalline fraction ranges from 16 to 20 hours. In cats, the full duration of action of caninsulin is approximately 12 hours.


Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in dogs and cats.


Caninsulin is administered subcutaneously to dogs and cats. Intramuscular administration is also possible. The dose of caninsulin and the intervals between injections are determined individually for each animal. When dosing insulin, the animal's weight should be rounded down to the nearest whole kilogram, and the estimated insulin dose should be rounded down to the nearest whole unit. Before use, the contents of the bottle should be shaken very carefully. Caninsulin is administered to dogs 1-2 times a day. Starting daily dose of caninsulin for dogs includes an initial dose equal to 1 IU of insulin per 1 kg of animal weight and an additional dose depending on the weight of the dog (for an animal weighing up to 10 kg, an additional 1 IU of insulin per animal is added, from 10 to 12 kg - 2 IU per animal, from 12 up to 20 kg - 3 units per animal, over 20 kg - 4 units per animal). If caninsulin is administered to a dog once a day, it is recommended to feed the animal before the morning insulin injection in the amount of 1/3 - 1/4 of the daily portion. The remainder of the daily portion is given 6-8 hours after administration of the drug. If caninsulin is administered to a dog 2 times a day, then the first feeding is carried out before the morning injection of insulin in the amount of 1/2 of the daily portion. The rest of the food is given 12 hours after the injection of the drug (before the evening dose of insulin is administered). Starting daily dose of caninsulin for cats is 0.25-0.5 units per 1 kg of animal weight. Cats with diabetes need to administer caninsulin 2 times a day, i.e., the starting daily dose of insulin should be divided into 2 injections (morning and evening). Moreover, for cats, the maximum daily dose of insulin in the first 2-3 weeks of treatment should not exceed 2 units per animal. The first feeding of the cat is carried out before the morning injection of caninsulin in the amount of 1/2 of the daily portion. The rest of the food is given 12 hours after the injection of the drug (before the evening dose of insulin is administered). To determine the correct maintenance dose of insulin for an animal, blood glucose levels should be measured regularly. It is not recommended to change the dose of the drug more than once every 3-4 days. In this case, the dose of insulin must be selected so that it does not differ from the previous dose by more than 10%, either in the direction of decreasing or increasing the dose. It is necessary to ensure that an animal with diabetes always has clean drinking water in its drinking bowl.


Allergic reactions are possible in hypersensitive animals. Hypoglycemia (with large doses of insulin, missed or late feeding, heavy physical activity, against the background of infections or diseases, especially with diarrhea or vomiting), which is accompanied by increased sweating, palpitations, muscle tremors, hunger, agitation, and anxiety. Hyperglycemia and diabetic acidosis (with low doses of insulin, skipping an injection, non-compliance with the diet, due to infections), accompanied by drowsiness, thirst and loss of appetite. With long-term use of insulin, lipodystrophy develops (atrophy or hypertrophy of subcutaneous fat tissue).


Increased individual sensitivity to caninsulin. The drug should not be administered intravenously. Do not use in animals with hypoglycemia (low blood glucose levels).


During treatment, animals must be on a strict diet. Caninsulin should be administered with caution to obese animals. It is not recommended to use insulin simultaneously with tetracycline antibiotics (especially oxytetracycline), sulfonamide drugs, glucocorticosteroids and progestogens. It is necessary to adjust the insulin dose when changing the nature of feeding and diet of the animal, as well as in case of infectious diseases, surgical operations, liver and kidney diseases, and during pregnancy. With long-term use of insulin, it is recommended to change the injection site.


In a dry place, protected from light and inaccessible to children and animals, at a temperature of 2 to 8 ºС. Store bottles in an upright position. Do not allow caninsulin to freeze. Shelf life: 2 years. After opening the bottle, the drug can be used for 28 days.


Intervet Schering-Plough Animal Health, Netherlands.

In order to increase the effectiveness of Pirantel, veterinarians often advise combining it with other drugs of similar action. For example, when infected with tapeworms, it can be combined with praziquantel, and to combat whipworm - with febantel. Manufacturers combine Pyrantel with oxantel pamoate as part of new-fangled medications for animals that can fight intestinal nematodes.

The medicine is used for dogs of different age groups and genders. It does not harm older individuals. Depending on the dosage, it is even prescribed for the treatment of puppies. The only condition is that the animal must reach a weight of one kilogram.

Instructions for use

The drug is administered to the animal in the morning or during the first feeding. The dose is calculated according to the weight of the animal. It is strictly forbidden to use Pirantel on animals, including puppies, that have not reached a weight of one kilogram.

This is interesting! In case of preventing infection of puppies from the mother, the choice should be made in favor of using Pyrantel in the form of a suspension.

The medicine in the form of a suspension is administered through a special applicator under the tongue; tablets are best added to the animal’s favorite treat. Pyrantel does not affect the eggs and larvae of the worm, so the operation should be repeated after 3 weeks in order to remove the remaining mature individuals. In especially severe cases, a second third appointment is prescribed.

How to calculate the dose for a dog

Each individual tablet contains 0.25 mg of active ingredient. Average data show that dogs are prescribed 5 ml of Pirantel per 1 kilogram of weight. It is also worth considering the size of the breed. For example, for large breeds, a total of less than the specified amount per kilogram of the drug is allowed. If the dog is of small breeds, on the contrary, the volume of medicine per kilogram increases slightly.

So, most often, puppies weighing from one to two kilograms are prescribed 1 ml of liquid suspension. For those who weigh more than two kilograms - 2.5 ml. For adult dogs weighing from five to seven kilograms, 1 tablet of Pirantel is prescribed, containing 250 mg of the active substance. In the case of a different quantitative content of the active substance, the dose should be calculated according to proportion. For dogs weighing over seven kilograms, one and a half tablets are prescribed. And so on, according to the scheme.

It is best to give the drug during morning feeding. Before starting treatment for your pet, you should definitely study the instructions for the drug. In some cases, dosage data differs. If the recommended dose is doubled or tripled, it is important to adhere to it. In this way, the manufacturer often plays it safe if the final version of the drug contains a different amount of the active substance, reduced on purpose in order to save production. As a preventative measure, Pirantel is given once a year, preferably in the spring.


Pyrantel is a targeted drug with minimal toxic effect. Consequently, it has a minimal number of contraindications, but they do exist. As stated above, it should not be given to animals less than 1 kilogram.

It should be used with extreme caution if there is insufficient function or disease of the kidneys and liver. Also, you cannot combine it with taking laxatives to “improve the effect.”

Pyrantel interacts with other drugs in different ways, so if it is necessary to combine drugs for one reason or another, it is extremely important to consult an experienced veterinarian. The drug is not contraindicated during pregnancy or nursing puppies.


Important! To take Pirantel, the animal must not have any other concomitant ailments that weaken the body at the time of treatment. You should not mix the drug with medications containing piperazine, as it reduces the effectiveness of Pyrantel.

During treatment with Pirantel, it is important for puppies to have constant access to water, since there are frequent cases of symptoms of dehydration after taking the drug, which are especially detrimental for animals with low weight.



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